They dispersed in multiple directions & lost large chunks of their population to famine & war. They were then absorbed culturally & genetically by the nations they originally conquered.
@lowenherzhendrik9708 Yet gothic has nothing to do with the Ghoths. It was a, Italian word, describing the new French architecture movement of the time as "gothic". And not a kind one, as it basically meant "barbarian", because it did not followed the principe of Roman architecture. So early gothic architecture meant French architecture, and it spread all over Europe and elsewhere, proving Italians wrong. One of the most beautifull gothic building outside of France being the Köln cathedral (they should wash it thow) and Milano cathedral that i had the chance to see, one of my favorite gothic church in the world.
@@18Hongo I'm pretty sure all east germanic tribes like the goths, burgundians, vandals came from sweden. They migrated on water GOTland (named after the goths) and then migrated on water to poland. And I think that a long time ago there was a place în south-cenntral sweden called ostrogothia
@leonardo_fratila I'm aware that there are parts of Sweden with "Goth" in the name, but whether that comes from the fact that they used to be inhabited by Goths, or whether the name was applied later, is something I'm less sure of. I think there are other people's from Sweden with similar names (Gutes, Geats, Jutes etc) who may be the origin of those names instead (although I vaguely remember reading that they may have both descended from a community that lived on both sides of the Baltic, so it's entirely possible that they're all basically the same people, some of whom trickled over to mainland Europe from Sweden over a couple of centuries). "Ostrogothia" would not have come from Gothic inhabitants: the terms "Visigoth" and "Ostrogoth" were Latin labels that the Romans applied to describe the Goths in the Western empire and the Eastern empire respectively. The Goths themselves didn't create those labels, and they were only applied well after the Goths were established inside the empire, and their original tribal distinctions (the Thervingi and the Greuthungi) had broken down.
It's super funny because in Germany, East Frisians (around the cities of Aurich, Emden and on German North Sea islands) are thought to be kinda dumb and "simple". Kind of like the rednecks of Germany. But yes, looking at all the fancy buildings and fashion that came out of the Frisian trade empires, we are indeed super fancy.
@@Moesmakendehakker658 The farmers, aka most of the population, definitely weren't decked out. They'd certainly have had their "Sunday best" clothes, but nothing any more fancy than most other peasants at the time.
Saxon comes from the word for seax, a type of long knife they were famous for always carrying. Angle is where we get the word angler from, which means fishermen. Whats more English than always carrying a knife and enjoying fish and chips?
Slavs always get overlooked even though they take up about half of the fucking landmass. I respect the fuck out of their toughness, Norse invaders, Western European invaders, Eurasian Steppe invaders, Ottoman invaders, like seriously, how they not only survived as a distinct ethnic group, but a utterly gigantic one, through all of that, is beyond me. Tough as shit brick houses.
@cheff__the vandals were pretty much only Germanic in the ruling elite. the bulk of their forces and settlers were of various ethnic backgrounds, it is estimated that they carried up to 30% R1a
@@p_oizonz Normans are mostly French. Just the nobility was ethnically Norse, but the people were French, and it didn't took so long for the nobility stop speaking Norse and adopting french, as well as to mix with French blood. If Normans were really Germanic, English would sounds more like Danish and Flemish Dutch than to French now a days.
@@p_oizonz If Normen weren trulig French, we woulden bēn spēkin a overlig mór germanish kind óf the English tongue than the one we haven in these niwdags.
Me: Wow, how lazy to have to walk to the store to buy bread. A random Vandal king in Germany: Ok guys, I woke up today wanting all of us to migrate to North AfRIcA
@@the_kimchi_kommandant2603 Funnily enough that’s exactly what they did since some of the surviving vandal inscriptions we have from North Africa were shown to have mixed Germanic/Berber names, like a mesh of the two to form one.
barbarian tribes were very aggressive among themselves They fought with other tribes, they stole the women of that tribe for themselves or to sell them to the Romans. The barbarians were terrible with their own population. ....
@TheJosman Right, North Africa was just a Roman province of the empire Mc originally the Visigoths were going to migrate their but had to settle in Hispania instead, eventually they did set up shop on some sea ports in North Africa until it was lost to the Moors.
@@CarvedStones By the time the Moors invaded Spain, they really weren't the same ones that had taken North Africa from the Eastern Romans. A mixture of Arabised Romans, Vandal/Roman/Carthaginian/Numidian/Berber creole peoples, and then the Berber, Tuareg, and other Moorish peoples. Plus five or six Arabic guys at the top of the whole thing. How they ever got the whole thing moving is a miracle in and of itself.
@@18Hongo Visigoths were suffering from major political instability that made it ripe to conquer, the moors also dealt with a major war in North Africa against the romanized berbers like Kahina where she tried to push back the uymayyads but got defeated. The Visigoths and Hispano Romans did manage to create a little rump state in northern Asturias where they would form a legitimate kingdom and resistance in the centuries to come kicking off the reconquista of Iberia. I think Spain/Portugal/Sicily/Malta is the only countries to ever get islamized and get out of it.
Iberia was the perfect lane for them to migrate too because of the landscape of it not being too terribly cold over there, it’s a booming agriculture land, and the landscape often provides the best landscape to carve out a kingdom.
@@CarvedStonesit wasn't. Iberia is mostly deserts and mountains. They wanted stay in modern southern France territory but franks kicked out their asses.
@@moony7144 Euric claimed most of Iberia years after they established their kingdom in Toulouse, you’re thinking about his son: Alaric II where they lost most of their land due to Clovis I. The breviary of Alaric, which was a law code revised from the code of Euric, was already making Roman and gothic laws that applied to both Hispano-Romans (those living in Iberia) and the goths themselves. Iberia was a perfect place to conquer due to mountainous terrain and large plains that offered good agricultural, military outposts, and of course the abundance of resources like olive oil, gold, wool, wine, etc. and also to control the western Mediterranean. Why do you think the visigoths initially were planning to sail to North Africa? Why do you think that the Romans prior established hispania as one of its first outside provinces? Know your history before you say Iberia was just deserts and mountains. The only backwater place in Iberia at the time was galacia (due to the suebi kingdom established there) Asturias, cantabria, and the Basque Country because of how underdeveloped it was, there were few Roman roads and the Romans couldn’t easily conquer it, same with the Visigoths until the 7th century where they christianized them instead.
@@moony7144 You don’t know what you’re talking about. Iberia isn’t just deserts and mountains lmao. Hispania was one of the most treasured provinces, a lot more valuable than Gaul which is why the Byzantines didn’t really bother to take it back compared to how they tried to do it with Hispania. Why do you think the Suebi, Vandals, Alans, and finally the Visigoths all immigrated there?
The Ostrogoths maintained many Roman institutions and Theodoric was sent to Italy to depose Odoacer as king by the eastern Roman emperors request. The Senate still met in Rome under Ostrogothic rule and Theodoric had their approval, they even still held games in the colosseum as well. The Ostrogothic Kingdom was a very fascinating blend of two different cultures.
Not only that but Theodoric was suppose to establish a gothic empire once he got ahold of hispania and a part of Gaul, unfortunately his heir to the throne died so this basically crippled that dream of creating a Romano-Gothic empire. The Visigoths of Hispania would also follow into a fusion of Hispano-Roman and gothic culture as well.
By "request", you mean "desperate attempt by Emperor Zeno to get the Ostrogoths out of his heartlands and away from Constantinople." Theodoric "The Great" was okay at first, thanks to the classical education he had received in Constantinople as a hostage prince when he was a boy, but it all went to hell after he got old and paranoid, and his successors were pretty terrible.
fun fact abt the senate, they still met, abliet with little power, up until the later middle ages where we lose track of it but could have still met up until Italy annexed rome, and they tried to overthrow the papal state several times
(On the Rus being Germanic, I'm referring to the early Rus (also called Varangians) like Rurik and St. Vladimir the Great who come from Swedish vikings. Later on, the Rus become a Slavic group as they marry into Slavic groups like the Drevlians. Also, my understanding of medieval eastern Europe and Russia is limited, so I may be getting this wrong.)
@@KVA638 Откуда в Швеции славяне? Небольшие группы часто устанавливали власть над другими группами. С русью еще довольно ассимиляционно вышло. Для сравнения - мадьяры сильно отличались от местного население и их было мало, но они местным привили свой язык.
@@KVA638Древнерусская общность сложилась уже после смерти Рюрика и основания, собственно, Руси. Причём не факт, что единый этнос был, а не союз племён во главе с славянизированными Рюриковичами и их варягами.
@@Markov092 Останки Рюрика нашли? Откуда информация, что он был славянином? Вендом то куда? Венды, спорный этнос. В отличие от тех же Антов и Склавинов. Живший, минимум лет за триста до до Рюрика. Нет точной информации, что венды еще дожили, до появления первых славян. И не говоря уже об их принадлежности к славянам. Есть версии что это могли быть либо Германцы, либо Кельты, у этих теорий больше доказательств. Откуда днк Рюрика? Друг, я тебя разочарую. Через потомков Рюриковицей, его этническую принадлежность не определить. Определяют, до первого, задокументированного представителя династии. Чье днк, введено в базу. Про Y днк я соглашусь. Но стоит учесть во внимание. r1a1 (y днк) есть у разных народов восточной европы и азии. Там от последующего кода зависит.
Normans were great warrior but were always a minority in all of their conquests (in Normandy, in England, in Sicily) . Not Lombards who replaced latin people in a part of north of Italy. (And rename the region Lombardy till today). It just for that bro. Sorry for my bad english. Have a good end of day
@@ryoukwjdbwopqmqpzl73819only the nobles was Norman's most of the population was anglo saxon hence why were still called anglo saxon to day They out lived the Norman's
@@sebe2255 The reasons for the conquest of the visigothic kingdom could not be understated. There were major political strife within the kingdom’s later life span that saw a lot of civil wars over kingship. This is why in the battle of guadelete, half of Roderic’s men betrayed him and his nobility and killed him and most of his nobles in the process. After Roderic’s death this made every village and city fight for its self which were feeble resistance against the Muslim horde. For example Achila II and his men died fighting the Muslims and got their city razed to the ground, others like Theodomir, a viceroy of king Roderic successfully repulsed the Muslims to get a favorable peace treaty of ruling Orihuela as a vassal Christian kingdom, but this was taken over 60 years later. It was the band of the surviving members of Roderic’s nobility of men that fled to cantanbria (since it was a visigothic duchy since Wamba or Wittiza) and made a collation with the Hispano-Romans and celts. The reason why the reconquest took so long was played from both sides of the war with the Hispano-gothic crowns of Asturias, Leon, and Castile doing that classic fiefdom of splitting the land with the king’s heirs (sons) while also on the Muslim side calling out aide from North Africa to help protect Al-Andalus because the northern kingdoms were kicking their asses really bad. In the end though, the Spanish crowns of Castile and Aragon successfully repulsed the Muslims and United (with the exception of Portugal) most of the peninsula in a manner to that of the visigothic kingdom which was considered the Hispanic kingdom.
As a Mexican learning about European cultures there is so much to learn and so little time to do it. I always find myself wanting to learn more about where English comes from and how Germany came together even if there are so many dialects and warring states.
I want to see a story where a Goth from 6th Century Italy flees the reconquering Romans and gets transported to modern times where she meets a modern mall goth.
in Russia, there are a lot of Scandinavian genetics in some regions, especially along the river arteries, where the path from the Varangians to the Greeks passed Moreover, we still some scandinavian names, like Olga, Oleg and Igor. We are mix between baltic, vikings, finno-ugric and slavs. Politicians do dirty things, but all the people in the world are related to each other, we are all brothers and sisters Very nice video, good job, mate
Tolkien actually used gothic for an inspiration for a couple of languages in LOTR. He would also base King Theoden to that of the visigothic king Theodoric I.
@@nenenindonu Gepids always get overlooked even though they were badass. I believe they were the ones largely responsible for ending Hunnic power after Attila's death
@@thiccfucka69xxx Hunnic power didn't actually end but just dissolved as a unified entity with Oghur tribes Utigur, Akatziri, Saragur, Onogur, Barsil, Kutrigur, Bulgar, Sabir, all being successor fractions, at some point the Kutrigurs allied Gepids eventually both got conquered by a late arriving Oghuric tribe, Avars
Lombards chilling while butchering those annoying Byzantines for the 107568th time while being in a civil war because a duke doesn't like the king and trying diplomacy with the Franks:
I very probably descend from Lombards and Visigoths, and probably some Austrians (that I don’t know what Germanic tribe was there), and also very probably sirians and turks…
You forgot the Burgundians in central-east France, and also the Jutes who founded the kingdom of Kent in Britain, originally from the Jutland in the Danish peninsula. Maybe the Flemish, too, though the Flemish are basically a Frankish peoples that didn't adopt the Latin tongue of the Gallo-Romans as did the Franks.
Saying that the Flemish should be included is like saying modern-day English people should be included. The Franks already cover the Dutch-speaking peoples
The Rus were originally a Swedish tribe from Roslagen. The lands they ruled over were named Rus after them and the native Slavs adopted their ethnonym from the land they live in's name.
The Finns (Fenni) can maybe be named as honorary germans looking at the fact that they were named in germania by tacitus and having lots of ancient germanic DNA.
@@PAAP0CHKA I don’t have any Asian DNA, both of the tests I’ve taken have pointed out mostly Northern European and Western African DNA with small traces of Eastern European and Italian DNA.
There are interesting parallels between them. One was called Savages the other Barbarians, and they both made life on the frontier harsh as hell and bitterly resisted the great power houses of their time, their foes just as formidable. People back then were just built different man. I hate the "noble savage" stereotype as it kind of ignores just how crafty both of them were capable of being, like how Apache tricked the Spanish into building a fort on Comanche territory, and how the Germanics obliterated three whole legions at the ambush at Teutoburg.
Russia is a unique nation at the junction of different cultures and language groups, diverse in its genomes, which differ depending on the historical territory of settlement on the lands of Rus'. The people of Rus' is a mixture of Balts, Scandinavians, Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples, and in the southern territory (the current territory of Ukraine is strongly influenced by the Turks)
The thing i love about the Lombards is that i can spot my fellow descendants by their beard, we all have the same beard, those guys had the strongest beard genetics in human history.
Germanic and Celtic Tribes being labelled as barbarians by the Romans is hilarious to me since the Romans themselves used to be Barbarians with their city being populated by criminals, I suppose they just went soft. Can we also have a video on Celts?
Actually the story how Rome was founded by a person who literally killed his brother because of a birdwatching contest and inviting criminals and bandits to settle in his town Rome that he created is intirely a myth
barbarian tribes were very aggressive among themselves They fought with other tribes, they stole the women of that tribe for themselves or to sell them to the Romans. The barbarians were terrible with their own population. ....
@@randomcamus9445 Romans where traitors to their own people and stabbed their own heritage and customs in the back by implementing a swarthy fickle destructive and rotten to the core system known as civilization that ensures the biological degradation of your people (by domesticating them) and mixes them out of existence among all the other chaos it brings with it. They replaced their ethnic traditions and cut their own roots by replacing their nature/ancestral based pagan religion with another kind of Judaism to better have a stronger grip on people. Almost EVERYTHING bad in the world today can in one way or another be traced back to Rome.
As a "Goth" (with all that make up and thing) who's into medieval history I'd say I love both Goths although them being two absolutely different things
@@praetorius. and why is that wrong? People’s ancestors went through hell to give their descendants a better life, not to be replaced by economical migrants. Monocultural countries are better than multicultural ones. Safer and cleaner. You can see this in Iceland and the white majority states in the USA. Europe was like this too until they started flooding their countries with economic migrants. Now crime, rape, violence is rampant. Look at France or Sweden. Funny how many Western Europeans look down on Eastern Europeans while eastern European cities are much safer and much of Western Europe doesnt feel like Western Europe anymore.
@@cmd7930 Idk if you are from eastern Europe but : Forts : except for Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states, most of the eastern countries are absolute shitholes were you cannot walk at night without being stabbed, just look at Bulgarie, the Balkans or Moldova. Second : If the N*zis were the winners during WW2, a third of the Slavic population would have been exterminated and the rest enslaved, this was the « Plan for the East » elaborated by Himmler. Not really a good thing for Europeans.
The Rus are Swedes who came from Roslagen who went on to form the Rus state under the Rurikid dynasty. This would all eventually lead to the formation of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Normans were not germanic tribes. A diaspora came from Scandinavie since 911, and they were assimilated to the medieval french culture (latin) witch was the culture of the peoples in Neustrie. In fact, Rollon was a Viking (so germanic), but his descendant (100 years after) Guillaume (who conquered and colonized England) didn't speak germanic but a latin norman language witch is similare to old medieval french "langue d'oïl" (latin spoken in the North of the french kingdome). This language is the direct anecstor of the actual french language.
Most Russians are a Slavic, Turkic, Mongol mix. The rus was a Germanic tribe who was the ruling elite of a Slavic people living in what is modern day Russia
@@rachelmorton9841 Indeed but the Rus with their leader Rurik are the ones who established Novgorod and created Kievan Rus later down the line. Hence why Russia was created by Germanic vikings who subjugated the Baltic Slavs (who actually invited them back after their wars to govern them because they were that basic and divided and needed a king authority figure). The Turkic people and Mongols come centuries later.
The Vandals always picked my interest after i learned they migrated all the way from central europe to north africa. Like, bro, talking about wanting to get away from the huns
Goths being the most archaic and largest of the Germanic tribes yet not even making to our time...
They dispersed in multiple directions & lost large chunks of their population to famine & war. They were then absorbed culturally & genetically by the nations they originally conquered.
@@AfrologistIronically the last recorded speakers of a Gothic language (Crimean Gothic) weren't even Goths but ethnic Crimean Tatars
Ever heard of Spain?
@lowenherzhendrik9708 Yet gothic has nothing to do with the Ghoths. It was a, Italian word, describing the new French architecture movement of the time as "gothic". And not a kind one, as it basically meant "barbarian", because it did not followed the principe of Roman architecture. So early gothic architecture meant French architecture, and it spread all over Europe and elsewhere, proving Italians wrong. One of the most beautifull gothic building outside of France being the Köln cathedral (they should wash it thow) and Milano cathedral that i had the chance to see, one of my favorite gothic church in the world.
Honestly, Vandals are like the achievement:
*_How did we get here?_*
From sweden to tunisia
@@leonardo_fratila’Sven it’s too hot here let’s go back to Uppsala.’ 🥵🔥☀️
@@leonardo_fratila I'm pretty sure the Vandals came from Poland.
@@18Hongo I'm pretty sure all east germanic tribes like the goths, burgundians, vandals came from sweden. They migrated on water GOTland (named after the goths) and then migrated on water to poland. And I think that a long time ago there was a place în south-cenntral sweden called ostrogothia
@leonardo_fratila I'm aware that there are parts of Sweden with "Goth" in the name, but whether that comes from the fact that they used to be inhabited by Goths, or whether the name was applied later, is something I'm less sure of. I think there are other people's from Sweden with similar names (Gutes, Geats, Jutes etc) who may be the origin of those names instead (although I vaguely remember reading that they may have both descended from a community that lived on both sides of the Baltic, so it's entirely possible that they're all basically the same people, some of whom trickled over to mainland Europe from Sweden over a couple of centuries).
"Ostrogothia" would not have come from Gothic inhabitants: the terms "Visigoth" and "Ostrogoth" were Latin labels that the Romans applied to describe the Goths in the Western empire and the Eastern empire respectively. The Goths themselves didn't create those labels, and they were only applied well after the Goths were established inside the empire, and their original tribal distinctions (the Thervingi and the Greuthungi) had broken down.
As an ancient Frisian, I can confirm that we are indeed that fancy.
They were actually known to be drippy (at least that's what i remember from the museum trip)
It's super funny because in Germany, East Frisians (around the cities of Aurich, Emden and on German North Sea islands) are thought to be kinda dumb and "simple". Kind of like the rednecks of Germany. But yes, looking at all the fancy buildings and fashion that came out of the Frisian trade empires, we are indeed super fancy.
@@kimashitawa8113 Not really.
@@Moesmakendehakker658 The farmers, aka most of the population, definitely weren't decked out. They'd certainly have had their "Sunday best" clothes, but nothing any more fancy than most other peasants at the time.
@@danielthompson6207 ofc i'm talkin' about nobles and royalty. Commoners will always be commoners.
*Give me a TRULY Goth girlfriend!*
With the plague and everything?
Where to buy goth gf?
Visigoth or Ostrogoth?
Saxon comes from the word for seax, a type of long knife they were famous for always carrying.
Angle is where we get the word angler from, which means fishermen.
Whats more English than always carrying a knife and enjoying fish and chips?
Franks may have their name from an axe.
Yep, the francisca I think it's called@@christopherstein2024
You don't know how ecstatic I would be if you made one of these about the Slavs
Slavs always get overlooked even though they take up about half of the fucking landmass. I respect the fuck out of their toughness, Norse invaders, Western European invaders, Eurasian Steppe invaders, Ottoman invaders, like seriously, how they not only survived as a distinct ethnic group, but a utterly gigantic one, through all of that, is beyond me. Tough as shit brick houses.
I mean the vandals and Rus are already very Slavic. Honestly it's a bit of a stretch to call them Germanic.
@@rabbiforrskeincoinblatt3052vandals were going in south of west Europe, italia, Spain, Portugal.
@cheff__the vandals were pretty much only Germanic in the ruling elite. the bulk of their forces and settlers were of various ethnic backgrounds, it is estimated that they carried up to 30% R1a
@@auzawandilaz6971 30% r1a isn't "very Slavic". Modern Swedes have about 20% r1a, are they very Slavic?
The Franks, Normans, Anglo Saxons - Deadly combo
Normans are not Germanic .
@@maxopaladinos yes they are, normans were germanic vikings who settled in normandy.
@@p_oizonz Normans are mostly French. Just the nobility was ethnically Norse, but the people were French, and it didn't took so long for the nobility stop speaking Norse and adopting french, as well as to mix with French blood. If Normans were really Germanic, English would sounds more like Danish and Flemish Dutch than to French now a days.
@@p_oizonz If Normen weren trulig French, we woulden bēn spēkin a overlig mór germanish kind óf the English tongue than the one we haven in these niwdags.
@@maxopaladinosthe Thing is french we're germanic after Migration period 😂😂
Me: Wow, how lazy to have to walk to the store to buy bread.
A random Vandal king in Germany:
Ok guys, I woke up today wanting all of us to migrate to North AfRIcA
And reboot Carthage
"that berberussy got me acting unwise" - some random vandal warlord
@@the_kimchi_kommandant2603 Funnily enough that’s exactly what they did since some of the surviving vandal inscriptions we have from North Africa were shown to have mixed Germanic/Berber names, like a mesh of the two to form one.
barbarian tribes were very aggressive among themselves They fought with other tribes, they stole the women of that tribe for themselves or to sell them to the Romans. The barbarians were terrible with their own population. ....
@@randomcamus9445 they weren't called barbarians for no reason
Vandals in north africa has to be one of the most wtf events in history.
@TheJosman Right, North Africa was just a Roman province of the empire Mc originally the Visigoths were going to migrate their but had to settle in Hispania instead, eventually they did set up shop on some sea ports in North Africa until it was lost to the Moors.
@@CarvedStones By the time the Moors invaded Spain, they really weren't the same ones that had taken North Africa from the Eastern Romans.
A mixture of Arabised Romans, Vandal/Roman/Carthaginian/Numidian/Berber creole peoples, and then the Berber, Tuareg, and other Moorish peoples.
Plus five or six Arabic guys at the top of the whole thing.
How they ever got the whole thing moving is a miracle in and of itself.
@@18Hongo Visigoths were suffering from major political instability that made it ripe to conquer, the moors also dealt with a major war in North Africa against the romanized berbers like Kahina where she tried to push back the uymayyads but got defeated.
The Visigoths and Hispano Romans did manage to create a little rump state in northern Asturias where they would form a legitimate kingdom and resistance in the centuries to come kicking off the reconquista of Iberia. I think Spain/Portugal/Sicily/Malta is the only countries to ever get islamized and get out of it.
Then you realise the Alans were also in North Africa.......
And seek living space east-wards.
@@amadiohastruck4331Not needed. First thing is to get our birth rates to 2.
@@christopherstein2024 I joke lol.
Artificial womb's can help with that though.
Another reich? :D
Its always a joyous occasion when Crusader uploads! Fair play to ya!
Iberians: We are in Peace.
Suebi and Goths: We love your land.
Iberians: 😳
Iberia was the perfect lane for them to migrate too because of the landscape of it not being too terribly cold over there, it’s a booming agriculture land, and the landscape often provides the best landscape to carve out a kingdom.
@@CarvedStonesit wasn't. Iberia is mostly deserts and mountains. They wanted stay in modern southern France territory but franks kicked out their asses.
@@moony7144 Euric claimed most of Iberia years after they established their kingdom in Toulouse, you’re thinking about his son: Alaric II where they lost most of their land due to Clovis I. The breviary of Alaric, which was a law code revised from the code of Euric, was already making Roman and gothic laws that applied to both Hispano-Romans (those living in Iberia) and the goths themselves. Iberia was a perfect place to conquer due to mountainous terrain and large plains that offered good agricultural, military outposts, and of course the abundance of resources like olive oil, gold, wool, wine, etc. and also to control the western Mediterranean. Why do you think the visigoths initially were planning to sail to North Africa? Why do you think that the Romans prior established hispania as one of its first outside provinces?
Know your history before you say Iberia was just deserts and mountains. The only backwater place in Iberia at the time was galacia (due to the suebi kingdom established there) Asturias, cantabria, and the Basque Country because of how underdeveloped it was, there were few Roman roads and the Romans couldn’t easily conquer it, same with the Visigoths until the 7th century where they christianized them instead.
@@CarvedStones Iberia is fruitless desert comparing with southern France. Look terrain map of that regions.
@@moony7144 You don’t know what you’re talking about. Iberia isn’t just deserts and mountains lmao. Hispania was one of the most treasured provinces, a lot more valuable than Gaul which is why the Byzantines didn’t really bother to take it back compared to how they tried to do it with Hispania.
Why do you think the Suebi, Vandals, Alans, and finally the Visigoths all immigrated there?
The Ostrogoths maintained many Roman institutions and Theodoric was sent to Italy to depose Odoacer as king by the eastern Roman emperors request. The Senate still met in Rome under Ostrogothic rule and Theodoric had their approval, they even still held games in the colosseum as well. The Ostrogothic Kingdom was a very fascinating blend of two different cultures.
Not only that but Theodoric was suppose to establish a gothic empire once he got ahold of hispania and a part of Gaul, unfortunately his heir to the throne died so this basically crippled that dream of creating a Romano-Gothic empire. The Visigoths of Hispania would also follow into a fusion of Hispano-Roman and gothic culture as well.
By "request", you mean "desperate attempt by Emperor Zeno to get the Ostrogoths out of his heartlands and away from Constantinople." Theodoric "The Great" was okay at first, thanks to the classical education he had received in Constantinople as a hostage prince when he was a boy, but it all went to hell after he got old and paranoid, and his successors were pretty terrible.
@Nonamearisto Yeah that’s exactly what I mean. But it’s still a fascinating time in history.
fun fact abt the senate, they still met, abliet with little power, up until the later middle ages where we lose track of it but could have still met up until Italy annexed rome, and they tried to overthrow the papal state several times
@@Aristocles22 RIP Boethius
(On the Rus being Germanic, I'm referring to the early Rus (also called Varangians) like Rurik and St. Vladimir the Great who come from Swedish vikings. Later on, the Rus become a Slavic group as they marry into Slavic groups like the Drevlians. Also, my understanding of medieval eastern Europe and Russia is limited, so I may be getting this wrong.)
Rurik was Slavic speaking Baltic Wend with y-DNA, that is common among Slavic speaking people.
@@KVA638рус это вроде бы скандинавское слово, которое означает берег
@@KVA638 Откуда в Швеции славяне? Небольшие группы часто устанавливали власть над другими группами. С русью еще довольно ассимиляционно вышло. Для сравнения - мадьяры сильно отличались от местного население и их было мало, но они местным привили свой язык.
@@KVA638Древнерусская общность сложилась уже после смерти Рюрика и основания, собственно, Руси. Причём не факт, что единый этнос был, а не союз племён во главе с славянизированными Рюриковичами и их варягами.
@@Markov092 Останки Рюрика нашли? Откуда информация, что он был славянином? Вендом то куда? Венды, спорный этнос. В отличие от тех же Антов и Склавинов. Живший, минимум лет за триста до до Рюрика. Нет точной информации, что венды еще дожили, до появления первых славян. И не говоря уже об их принадлежности к славянам. Есть версии что это могли быть либо Германцы, либо Кельты, у этих теорий больше доказательств. Откуда днк Рюрика? Друг, я тебя разочарую. Через потомков Рюриковицей, его этническую принадлежность не определить. Определяют, до первого, задокументированного представителя династии. Чье днк, введено в базу. Про Y днк я соглашусь. Но стоит учесть во внимание. r1a1 (y днк) есть у разных народов восточной европы и азии. Там от последующего кода зависит.
Europe got all the diversity it needs. Change my mind
Good luck getting these redditors to realise that.
Correct. A certain 'tribe' wants to change that.
@@Hero_Of_Oldcuriously, the most ethnically weak of all
We need some spices. And that's it
@@jaggeriscoughmedicineYeah say that to the anglo-saxons lol but luckily i am a magyar we have plenty of spices Paprika anyone?! 😂
I didn't know the Goths were different from the Ostrogoths and Visigoths. I thought the Visigoths and Ostrogoths were subcategories of the Goths.
That is after the migration.... Before that they were both from Eastern Europe
The original Goths split into two new groups, Visigoths and Ostrogoths
@@giuliosteva1629 before that they were from Götaland and/or Götland Sweden.
@@thiccfucka69xxx That's what I thought
@@thiccfucka69xxxThen they melted into the Iberian genepool because of their romanization.
Nice to see the Frisians get a mention! Always been fond of that tribe.
Even thougu they didn’t really do anything. Except for resisting feudalism and just chilling in their swamps. That is pretty based
@@sebe2255Some Frisians participated in the Germanic migration to what became England. So there’s that too.
@@hallu4696 Sure but they didn’t really have their own political entity
@@sebe2255to this day they’re still just chilling in their swamps and farms in the netherlands
@@treeman12815 Not really swamps anymore, but other than that yes hahaha
You forgot the Teutons, Alemanni, and the Thuringians.But overall good video.
Marcomani, Helveti, Suebian etc..
there were simply too many to fit them in one vid
The Saxons are missing, too
The Batavii😢
Vandals, drunk: .... What the hell, how I ended up in North Africa...
From Moroccan native amazigh living at anti Atlas mountains I love german people and the Chad germanic warriors tribes
Vandals want to know your location
Must have a little bit of Vandal blood in your veins.
What do you think about the Franks? Lmao
I love your content, mostly because I love everything medieval myself. Keep it up.
Franks, Lombards and Anglo-saxons were the most succesful.
And Normans for military success
Good to see that you make new video. Take care of you
How can you forget the normans who controlled Anglo Saxon England for 300 years? Remove lombards lol
Normans were great warrior but were always a minority in all of their conquests (in Normandy, in England, in Sicily) . Not Lombards who replaced latin people in a part of north of Italy. (And rename the region Lombardy till today).
It just for that bro. Sorry for my bad english. Have a good end of day
How were the lombards succesful? Sure they got italy but got wrecked by charlemagne and then italy became part of the HRE
@@ryoukwjdbwopqmqpzl73819only the nobles was Norman's most of the population was anglo saxon hence why were still called anglo saxon to day
They out lived the Norman's
@@facoulacand they were completely assimilated by the natives.
Damn, Sometimes I forgot the Germanic people settled literally everywhere in Europe and even Africa
They were literally playing chess with the Roman territories.
Please explain more.
Europeans are so awesome
Look at the comments more and you’ll find reasons to hate us
@justcarterr like? Self-hatred is cringe
@@justcarterr ?
@@justcarterrThose comments are just woke kids spewing what their liberal parents taught them. They're gonna meet their end very soon 🤔
Feels good to be from one or more of these.
Same dude, I come from quite a few too. About a little over half of my DNA is just Germanic, the rest is Celtic with a tiny bit of Italic/Latin.
@@thiccfucka69xxx I think almost all my DNA is Celtic and Germanic
Celts are better
@@micoolkidfilms3270 So why were they conquered by the Germanics then
You had me at anglo saxon as for frisians i was expecting baldr’s draumar to play in the background since they’re greatest hero is Magnus Forteman
Visigoths: (minding their buisness )
Ummayad Caliphate: "so you have chosen death"
Don Pelayo: “I’m about to end Al Andalus whole career.”
@@cmd7930Not really more like
“I am going to avoid total conquest and hide in the mountains”
@@sebe2255 its called guerilla warfare and the Asturias won which lead to the reconquista
@@cmd7930 Yeah they won a small skirmish. And it literally took 6 centuries to kick them out. It took the muslims 6 years to achieve the same lol
@@sebe2255 The reasons for the conquest of the visigothic kingdom could not be understated. There were major political strife within the kingdom’s later life span that saw a lot of civil wars over kingship. This is why in the battle of guadelete, half of Roderic’s men betrayed him and his nobility and killed him and most of his nobles in the process.
After Roderic’s death this made every village and city fight for its self which were feeble resistance against the Muslim horde. For example Achila II and his men died fighting the Muslims and got their city razed to the ground, others like Theodomir, a viceroy of king Roderic successfully repulsed the Muslims to get a favorable peace treaty of ruling Orihuela as a vassal Christian kingdom, but this was taken over 60 years later.
It was the band of the surviving members of Roderic’s nobility of men that fled to cantanbria (since it was a visigothic duchy since Wamba or Wittiza) and made a collation with the Hispano-Romans and celts. The reason why the reconquest took so long was played from both sides of the war with the Hispano-gothic crowns of Asturias, Leon, and Castile doing that classic fiefdom of splitting the land with the king’s heirs (sons) while also on the Muslim side calling out aide from North Africa to help protect Al-Andalus because the northern kingdoms were kicking their asses really bad.
In the end though, the Spanish crowns of Castile and Aragon successfully repulsed the Muslims and United (with the exception of Portugal) most of the peninsula in a manner to that of the visigothic kingdom which was considered the Hispanic kingdom.
As a Mexican learning about European cultures there is so much to learn and so little time to do it. I always find myself wanting to learn more about where English comes from and how Germany came together even if there are so many dialects and warring states.
I want to see a story where a Goth from 6th Century Italy flees the reconquering Romans and gets transported to modern times where she meets a modern mall goth.
"Ancient Goths react to Bladee"
in Russia, there are a lot of Scandinavian genetics in some regions, especially along the river arteries, where the path from the Varangians to the Greeks passed
Moreover, we still some scandinavian names, like Olga, Oleg and Igor.
We are mix between baltic, vikings, finno-ugric and slavs.
Politicians do dirty things, but all the people in the world are related to each other, we are all brothers and sisters
Very nice video, good job, mate
There is no way, i a Greek from the Island of Crete be related to you Barbarians!
@@demetriusstiakkogiannakes1326Stop coping boy 😂
@@adonis744 😂
@@demetriusstiakkogiannakes1326funny how you got conquered by a barbarian horse lover
@@renadex4905 Who? 🤔
Anglo Saxon are my fav germanic tribe
Most barbaric, brutal and stupid.
Same here.
@@MadMatTom7769 the only stupid one is you for that comment.
@@MadMatTom7769wasn't everyone
That Vandal man has seen some things in his day... godamm..
Best people ever
Visigoth as a name will forever go hard. It just sounds like an evil space gang😂
Excuse me…?
Proud to be Germanian! 💪🏻
with that profile i tough you were Greek.
@@Sina.575 Nah he got that as he pilliged Rome with his boys
@@Sina.575 It's an old one, I had a period of love for Spartans when I was younger ^-^
@@EttaKamenatios ✋
Romans be like if they don't speak latin or greek:
Please do celtic tribes (gauls, britons, picts, scots...)
Sad Celtic patriots (
The Picts are not Celts. It's just that their culture was Celticized. They themselves were the aboriginal population of Britannia.
The Gothic Alphabet looks so freaking cool, i wish we'd still use it, it really looks like some noble Lord of the Rings Language, look it up!
Tolkien actually used gothic for an inspiration for a couple of languages in LOTR. He would also base King Theoden to that of the visigothic king Theodoric I.
I love your content! Keep it coming! I've got so many things to research now...
Okay and what about the Alemanni, the germanic tribe who settled in southern Germany and most of Switzerland? Although great video.
Cherusci: *evil smile surrounded by dead Romans*
Missed out the Burgundians
And the Allemani,Macromanni and Suebi
@@constantinopleisGreek+ Gepids, but these tribes aren't really as influential as the Burgundians who definitely deserve a mention
@@nenenindonu Gepids always get overlooked even though they were badass. I believe they were the ones largely responsible for ending Hunnic power after Attila's death
@@thiccfucka69xxx Hunnic power didn't actually end but just dissolved as a unified entity with Oghur tribes Utigur, Akatziri, Saragur, Onogur, Barsil, Kutrigur, Bulgar, Sabir, all being successor fractions, at some point the Kutrigurs allied Gepids eventually both got conquered by a late arriving Oghuric tribe, Avars
We missed the content. Keep going bro.
The Franks were so based.
When you go from Raiders to Based Colonizers
The Rus, Anglo Saxons, Visigoths and Franks are my team if I had to go to war.
Lombards chilling while butchering those annoying Byzantines for the 107568th time while being in a civil war because a duke doesn't like the king and trying diplomacy with the Franks:
Lombard kings while drinking from the skull of the Gepid king:
@@Agafonika-pz6ic Alboin 🗿
To me it’s kinda hilarious how Germany (or what geographically is now Germany) was technically the birthplace of many European peoples.
I very probably descend from Lombards and Visigoths, and probably some Austrians (that I don’t know what Germanic tribe was there), and also very probably sirians and turks…
Average Argentinian/spanish guy :v
You forgot the Burgundians in central-east France, and also the Jutes who founded the kingdom of Kent in Britain, originally from the Jutland in the Danish peninsula. Maybe the Flemish, too, though the Flemish are basically a Frankish peoples that didn't adopt the Latin tongue of the Gallo-Romans as did the Franks.
The modern Flemish identity is very recent. And as you said they are included with the Franks.
Saying that the Flemish should be included is like saying modern-day English people should be included.
The Franks already cover the Dutch-speaking peoples
The Lombards talk with their hands along with their axes.
Crusader hope you're doing better give us another community update soon!
meanwhile bavarians on their way to spawn in year 555 out of nowhere
You just called the Rus Germanic.
Expect to get some very angry comments sometime!
the rus were germanic
Another common term for them is Varangians
The Rus were originally a Swedish tribe from Roslagen. The lands they ruled over were named Rus after them and the native Slavs adopted their ethnonym from the land they live in's name.
@@thiccfucka69xxx Slavs, Finns and Balts from Volga and Dniepr areas.
Well the Rus basically weren’t Germanic. A few rulers generally don’t change a whole culture, especially when they assimilated
Bro realy put frisians with a byzantine emperor painting
Yeah, I mixed up the images :(
0:20 my ancetor
Most accurate yet inaccurate thing I’ve seen
Superior civilization. Rome bow down to Germanic Superior tribes.
can't believe my favourite song is included
my favourite song is the anglo saxon song
The Finns (Fenni) can maybe be named as honorary germans looking at the fact that they were named in germania by tacitus and having lots of ancient germanic DNA.
Proud to be Anglo Saxon 🏴
Are you blonde? If not you aren't germanic.
Did a DNA test and it told me some of my ancestors were Saxons, Vandals and Goths, honestly makes this video even cooler for me.
Cool, mine are Scythians, Ostrogoths, Swedes and Rus
@@PAAP0CHKA Well Half Germanic but yeah all of the ones I listed.
@@PAAP0CHKA I don’t have any Asian DNA, both of the tests I’ve taken have pointed out mostly Northern European and Western African DNA with small traces of Eastern European and Italian DNA.
@@PAAP0CHKA You have made a misread my friend, the other commenter said Sythian, not me.
@@robertclark1669is your dad black
Native American Tribes next please ;)
There are interesting parallels between them. One was called Savages the other Barbarians, and they both made life on the frontier harsh as hell and bitterly resisted the great power houses of their time, their foes just as formidable. People back then were just built different man. I hate the "noble savage" stereotype as it kind of ignores just how crafty both of them were capable of being, like how Apache tricked the Spanish into building a fort on Comanche territory, and how the Germanics obliterated three whole legions at the ambush at Teutoburg.
@@thiccfucka69xxx Comanche after domesticate horses - DOOM music start playing + Apache Doomer face
A lot of people forget that essentially the entirety of Western Europe except for Italia and Spain is descendant if Germanic tribes
North Italy is very germanic
Spaniards have about 5% germanic dna from visigoths.
Have you forgotten about the Celts?
@@neonpirych1566 Celts were forced or bred out by Romans and Germanics
France, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, Belgium-ish and pretty much half of the U.K are of mostly Celtic descent right? At least genetically.
germanic ethnicity is just french.
Well, Rorik was a Danish Viking so The Rus is a mix of different scandinavians mostly danes and swedes
Russia is a unique nation at the junction of different cultures and language groups, diverse in its genomes, which differ depending on the historical territory of settlement on the lands of Rus'. The people of Rus' is a mixture of Balts, Scandinavians, Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples, and in the southern territory (the current territory of Ukraine is strongly influenced by the Turks)
The thing i love about the Lombards is that i can spot my fellow descendants by their beard, we all have the same beard, those guys had the strongest beard genetics in human history.
Strongest beard genetics are definitely Assyrians have you seen those mfs beards
@@antonhinz2557 no, Italy
Goths now: 🖤🕷️🕸️🦇
Goths back then: 🗡️🛡️
Whats up with the painting of byzantine emperor John Palaiologos arriving in ferrara having to do with the frisians?
i was waiting for the diss. got dissepointed
Ostrogoths and Gepids are my favourite barbarians 😊
In the Frisian bit, the eastern roman emperor is being depicted. 0:26
Germanic and Celtic Tribes being labelled as barbarians by the Romans is hilarious to me since the Romans themselves used to be Barbarians with their city being populated by criminals, I suppose they just went soft. Can we also have a video on Celts?
"Barbarian" simply meant foreigner for the greeks. And it retained a similar meaning for the romans.
Germanic cope
Actually the story how Rome was founded by a person who literally killed his brother because of a birdwatching contest and inviting criminals and bandits to settle in his town Rome that he created is intirely a myth
@@rufst Yes but that is boring
@@rufst ok but can you prove it tho. ancient romans said it happened that way im PRETTY sure they knew more about rome than you.
“Germanic Tribes be like...” by The Crusader (Aug 15, 2023)
Cries in Suebian.😭
Germanic tribes:Exist
The world:You guys European?
Mont Saint Michel in Normandie... That's perfect
Bretons seething rn
@@ishgocholde4024 haha si si
Готы, лангобарды, гепиды, остготы оставили след и среди итальянцев и среди славян, мы гордимся своим германским наследием❤
I'm from Lombardy, and I do enjoy the Lombard wines😂😂
Goth is a Roman mistranslation, the correct terms are the Gaets of southern Sweden and Gutes of Gotland (also in Sweden)
No, it was with this proto-germanic(and proto-greek?) ''th''.Gothones, or something similar.
As a German myself, I love all of them and am humbled and proud to be part of their tribes.
barbarian tribes were very aggressive among themselves They fought with other tribes, they stole the women of that tribe for themselves or to sell them to the Romans. The barbarians were terrible with their own population. ....
@@randomcamus9445 Romans where traitors to their own people and stabbed their own heritage and customs in the back by implementing a swarthy fickle destructive and rotten to the core system known as civilization that ensures the biological degradation of your people (by domesticating them) and mixes them out of existence among all the other chaos it brings with it. They replaced their ethnic traditions and cut their own roots by replacing their nature/ancestral based pagan religion with another kind of Judaism to better have a stronger grip on people.
Almost EVERYTHING bad in the world today can in one way or another be traced back to Rome.
Rus looks like: Two orthodox chads
Soundtrack: "When death comes..."
As a "Goth" (with all that make up and thing) who's into medieval history I'd say I love both Goths although them being two absolutely different things
*Lotharingia Stands!*
You forgot the Saxons.
It would be shocking to see a “native” populated Europe instead of the industrial one we are used to.
If Germany won WWII Europe would still be Europe
@@cmd7930But it would be a mono ethnicity arian nation, built for and by the arians.
@@praetorius. and why is that wrong?
People’s ancestors went through hell to give their descendants a better life, not to be replaced by economical migrants.
Monocultural countries are better than multicultural ones. Safer and cleaner. You can see this in Iceland and the white majority states in the USA.
Europe was like this too until they started flooding their countries with economic migrants. Now crime, rape, violence is rampant. Look at France or Sweden.
Funny how many Western Europeans look down on Eastern Europeans while eastern European cities are much safer and much of Western Europe doesnt feel like Western Europe anymore.
@@cmd7930 Idk if you are from eastern Europe but :
Forts : except for Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states, most of the eastern countries are absolute shitholes were you cannot walk at night without being stabbed, just look at Bulgarie, the Balkans or Moldova.
Second : If the N*zis were the winners during WW2, a third of the Slavic population would have been exterminated and the rest enslaved, this was the « Plan for the East » elaborated by Himmler.
Not really a good thing for Europeans.
@@praetorius.sounds good
The Rus are Swedes who came from Roslagen who went on to form the Rus state under the Rurikid dynasty. This would all eventually lead to the formation of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
First song is by the_miracle_aligner. He makes lots of songs in ancient languages like Old English, Old Norse, Old Scots, Old French, Latin, ect.
Thank you for using Gotland for sweden its a beautiful place
Shame he used the flattest image possible for Norway even though theres so many beautiful Fjord images out there.
Normans were not germanic tribes. A diaspora came from Scandinavie since 911, and they were assimilated to the medieval french culture (latin) witch was the culture of the peoples in Neustrie. In fact, Rollon was a Viking (so germanic), but his descendant (100 years after) Guillaume (who conquered and colonized England) didn't speak germanic but a latin norman language witch is similare to old medieval french "langue d'oïl" (latin spoken in the North of the french kingdome). This language is the direct anecstor of the actual french language.
Both the normans and the saxons did existed in England, and in France.Probably the Goths too (Taifali?).
Dude did the Danes dirty
He also did not put a fjord in the background for Norway, he chose the flattest image I've seen.
Not using Gautis Bida for the Goths? Literally one of two Visigothic pieces of music on RUclips!
0:46 okay this one was based.
1:18 why both wojaks looks like Rouboute Guilliman and Lion'el Johnson from Warhammer 40,000?
I think the Franks and Frisians are my favorites. 🤍
you must be Dutch then
Look at them. All having such a good time!
I still find it entertaining when I tell to people, then have to explain ofcourse, how and why are Russians actually vikings/a Germanic tribe.
Most Russians are a Slavic, Turkic, Mongol mix. The rus was a Germanic tribe who was the ruling elite of a Slavic people living in what is modern day Russia
@@rachelmorton9841 They also have heavy Baltic and Finnic admixture
@@rachelmorton9841 Indeed but the Rus with their leader Rurik are the ones who established Novgorod and created Kievan Rus later down the line. Hence why Russia was created by Germanic vikings who subjugated the Baltic Slavs (who actually invited them back after their wars to govern them because they were that basic and divided and needed a king authority figure). The Turkic people and Mongols come centuries later.
They're not, it's just their origin.
They aren’t a Germanic tribe. And they also aren’t Asiatic like people like to claim
Franks ftw, reminds me of the hymns we sing in church
I think the Frankish tribe was the most successful of all. Or am I mistaken?
You're right, they easily defeated ummayads and they never came back to France again
Successful in what exactly, its hard to measure success because all em were successful at some point of time lol
they conquered the most land of them all, but then also got pretty much assimilated so its a maybe 🤷♂
@@fuxihutterer8088vandals totally dissparear after the justinian reconquest, while Franks created a kingdom that still exist
The Vandals always picked my interest after i learned they migrated all the way from central europe to north africa. Like, bro, talking about wanting to get away from the huns
Could you make an "Iberian tribes be like"? 🗣️
Visigoths and celts
Nah, boring. No one cares about iberians.