Balloon Success

  • Опубликовано: 23 янв 2013
  • Two teams of Physics students from Cockermouth School have spent eight months working on a project which today saw them send cameras into the stratosphere.
    Local company, React Engineering, set the teams a brief to capture video footage of the curvature of the earth and the blackness of space. The cameras recorded pictures of the curvature of the earth from a height of 33,000 metres before parachuting back to earth.
    The 12 students who engineered a space device, which they launched from the school playing field at 9am on Wednesday 23 January, say they are ecstatic with the images they have received from one of the weather balloons, which landed just 2 miles from school at 2.30pm the same day -- they are awaiting the return of the second.
    As well as excellent pictures, the students also have maps tracking the direction the balloon travelled, and will now put the footage together to make a short film to tell their story. The students designed and manufactured the video recording device with help from specialist engineers and professionals from west Cumbrian firm REACT.

Комментарии • 379

  • @dillongeoffroy1481
    @dillongeoffroy1481 7 лет назад +8

    is there a video showing how they make the camera turn upright, and how it not only changes resolution but screen format?

    • @fromjesse
      @fromjesse 4 года назад +2

      They obviously had two cameras - one pointing down and one pointing sideways. They cut out a LOT of footage between leaving the ground and being up high. And it's a pity they didn't show us the side-view cam going up through the clouds, that would be splendid.

  • @jessstewartmaize5597
    @jessstewartmaize5597 7 лет назад +5

    What direction do sundials run south of the equator?

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @kimchiman1000
    @kimchiman1000 Год назад

    'Curvature'... where exactly? I place I placed straight edge against the horizon, yet no curvature is detectable. Yet your video description tells me it is apparently your footage.

  • @angelon3969
    @angelon3969 7 лет назад +2

    Hi Dean,
    What camera/s did you use for this video?

    • @teebosaurusyou
      @teebosaurusyou 4 года назад

      Dean had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS BALLOON VIDEO MATERIAL! (except for his cherry picking of images).

  • @katiegentry1705
    @katiegentry1705 8 лет назад +2

    are there really genuinely people who believe the Earth is flat!? Or is it just a nice hobby to say silly things online? Earth is flat believers- explain sunset...

  • @youtuubbguy66
    @youtuubbguy66 9 лет назад +2

    Are we suppose to see the curvature at this height?

  • @EeekiE
    @EeekiE 8 лет назад +4

    The most interesting part of the video is cut out. Unless the thing did nothing but spin violently.

    • @McBukanyr
      @McBukanyr 8 лет назад +4

      lol nope the most interesting part of a video are the comments of mental (ohoh but they know the thruth thou, its the rest of the world that is mental appearantly) flatters trying to convince us of their nonsense

  • @zalphero618
    @zalphero618 8 лет назад +10

    If they were to go higher, then you would see the curve.

    • @zalphero618
      @zalphero618 8 лет назад +9

      Please go read some science books and stop watching flat earth videos. It only brainwashes you with psuedoscience to explain its existence with proof that is unscientific and only those will believe its true that have no understanding of how it really works.

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад

      Until you see the curve, obviously.

    • @zalphero618
      @zalphero618 8 лет назад +6

      +Greg Smyth You can see the curve from ISS live video.

    • @zalphero618
      @zalphero618 8 лет назад +1

      Nope fish eye looks different. If ISS doesn't prove round Earth, you could try other expirements that will.

    • @wheresmygun
      @wheresmygun 8 лет назад

      such as.... the only compelling argument I can think of for the ball is the sun's consistent shape and angular size as it moves thru the sky.. of course in the details, this becomes a bit hard to fit into heliocentric cosmology, but at least this fits with a rotation/sphere narrative.. but strangely ball defenders can't stay on this point, and always go to the weakest arguments like 'boats over a horizon' or fake nasa pics.. the amount of fallacious b.s. put out by normal people and science media alike in support of the globe is 90% of the reason flat earth persists.. if the earth is really exactly as described in mainstream science, then the proofs and arguments offered in defense of the model are a worse fail than aristotle's physics or bach playing the piano with no thumbs (if you believe history, which historical figures and contemporary yale professors alike will advise you against)

  • @WeAreChangeManchester
    @WeAreChangeManchester 9 лет назад +7

    Curvature and stars...good job I didn't hold my breath...

    • @baconbits4123
      @baconbits4123 6 лет назад +1

      If you were actually paying attention, you would have actually noticed the fact that there is in fact visible curvature in the video. But I guess making videos about talking to fairies or whatever is more important than being intellectually honest, eh?

    • @simplelifelearning
      @simplelifelearning 5 лет назад +3

      Bacon Bits people seem to get lost between the hard flat line and the glowing light directly above it. if you stare at it just right i can see how they get the impression that there is curvature. indoctrination is hard to beat

  • @ZokStar1
    @ZokStar1 9 лет назад

    Anyone notice the pinkinsh thing moving in the video just as the camera changes from looking down, to looking at the horizon. 3/4 across the screen just under the horizon line. Weird?

  • @johnlunar
    @johnlunar 11 лет назад +1

    where did it land? where's the rest of the footage? Very cool!

  • @netiveus348
    @netiveus348 11 лет назад

    Interesting Project,great soundtrack

  • @crapbag833
    @crapbag833 9 лет назад +11

    20 miles up? youl have to go higher than that to see a curve

    • @Miguelramirez-ow7ot
      @Miguelramirez-ow7ot 9 лет назад

      More like 15 miles

    • @colinfryett8174
      @colinfryett8174 9 лет назад

      +dan rowles its fake im good at spotting this kind of shit the image as been stretched lol

    • @pieterstougje6175
      @pieterstougje6175 8 лет назад +2

      +amanda fryett "stretched" your ass .....

    • @Miguelramirez-ow7ot
      @Miguelramirez-ow7ot 8 лет назад +1

      Pilots and mariners have to calculate their course based on a rounded earth. How wide do flat earthers think the world is

    • @pieterstougje6175
      @pieterstougje6175 8 лет назад +2

      +Miguel ramirez no, they don't ever calculate any curvature ....

  • @colinfryett8174
    @colinfryett8174 9 лет назад +1

    oh i wonder why we cant see this huge ice wall if thats the edge rofl

  • @tommycox3236
    @tommycox3236 7 лет назад +2

    You people are some thing gezz its a globe where is all the other land why don't you see more it goes black at equal distance from every direction I wonder why um maybe because its round

  • @PHAL__
    @PHAL__ 7 лет назад +2

    Hey guys, to everyone who thinks that there is no curvature on the image, do yourself a favor, just take a prtscn of the video and open it in a picture editor. Now you just need to squeeze the picture horizontaly, and... there you go! If you can't see yet, just place a grade on it, it helps.

    • @larrylawless8760
      @larrylawless8760 6 месяцев назад

      If you do that to any straight line the same thing happens mook

  • @songspire
    @songspire 6 лет назад +1

    why won't it go any higher?

  • @danielsangeo
    @danielsangeo 6 лет назад +3

    Interestingly enough, if you take a frame from the video and squeeze it to the left (or right), you can then see a curve.
    No, squeezing a flat line to the left or right does not introduce a curve. You can try it yourself.
    The curve in the video is slight, but it is there.

  • @00dom00w
    @00dom00w 11 лет назад

    So cool i want to do one now

  • @TheMrKlassy
    @TheMrKlassy 9 лет назад

    looks like it wasn't high enough

    • @assaultbravo14
      @assaultbravo14 9 лет назад +2

      For a person who believes strongly in the round earth, it never will be.

    • @SkyHammackDrones
      @SkyHammackDrones 9 лет назад +2

      assaultbravo14 It must suck not to be able to comprehend how big the Earth is.

    • @TheMrKlassy
      @TheMrKlassy 9 лет назад

      The Illuminati must be controlling NASA to deceive us about how the earth is shaped. Seriously, why would "they", whoever they are, want us to think the earth is round and not flat?

    • @scottmerrow7617
      @scottmerrow7617 9 лет назад

      TheMrKlassy Flat = CREATED, If there is a "god" why would we listen to governments?

    • @TheMrKlassy
      @TheMrKlassy 9 лет назад

      scott merrow - How does it being flat mean it was made by a creator?

  • @PSBore
    @PSBore 8 лет назад +1

    what curvature?

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад

      Look closer.

    • @PSBore
      @PSBore 8 лет назад +1

      +Greg Smyth give it a rest! it isn't what they show us on tv... there is so much more evidence to prove flat earth anyways, the lack of curvature is just one of many proofs so troll on there troll

    • @zalphero618
      @zalphero618 8 лет назад +2

      Go do actual round Earth expirements, flat earth is the illogical and unrealistic scenereo to explain reality. Flat earth was made up just like hollow earth and there is zero proof either of those are true.

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад

      There is zero evidence for a flat earth.

    • @PSBore
      @PSBore 8 лет назад +1

      +Greg Smyth no you're wrong. but that is ok, your ignorant to the truth so maybe one day you'll wake up

  • @stephenwood7123
    @stephenwood7123 8 лет назад +1

    I just took several flights, US to U.K then U.K to Amsterdam, Germany and back via Toronto... Each time we took off my beady eyes were pearing out the window and I didn't see one inch of curvature, I'll admit I never thought to look before.... Amsterdam is a very flat country as are parts of Texas.... You can see for miles & miles yet the horizon stays fixed and straight... I personally gain nothing from flat earth narrative, I don't particularly enjoy carrying the burden of being called crazy by my gf, friends and strangers on the internet.... I admit it sounds ridiculous but it's flat 360° from ground level ascending to 33,000 ft. Like many other people I went into this thinking it was foolish, now I'm kind of excited because it seems to make more and more sense... oh BTW.... I'm not crazy.... despite your callous assertions that I must be ;)

    • @EOTechN9ne
      @EOTechN9ne 8 лет назад +1

      +Stephen Wood You're not high enough to view the curvature of the earth. Do you know how huge the earth is? You would need to go as high as that weather balloon or even higher if you really want to see the curve. Additionally, the weather balloon camera doesn't have a wide enough field of view to notice the curve from its height. If the weather balloon wanted to see the curve with its attached camera, it would need to go even higher. Don't be ignorant, just use common sense.

    • @pneumonoultramicroscopicsi4065
      @pneumonoultramicroscopicsi4065 8 лет назад

      +Beanie no the curvature of the earth should be visible from the plane, and it is proved by using 3d simulation

    • @EOTechN9ne
      @EOTechN9ne 8 лет назад

      +Derghal Moatassam Billah did you not read my whole post? the camera field of view isn't big enough to notice it. the cameras field of view looks smaller than an average humans in this video. regardless, doesn't matter if you don't believe anyway, there's plenty of videos and proofs that show the curve. it's not my fault y'all can't use logic and accept reality.

    • @stephenwood7123
      @stephenwood7123 8 лет назад

      +Derghal Moatassam Billah
      sorry... did you just say it's provable by simulation??? simulations aren't reality

    • @wheresmygun
      @wheresmygun 8 лет назад +1

      beanie... every damn video I look at has ball believers telling me the princess is in another castle.. where is this damn video that definitively shows earth's true, blue spinning ball shape? if we went to space before 1970, why is this not completely 100% open and shut? you realize no one is claiming that oceans, snow, bullet trains, or giant draglines don't exist.. because even if you never saw one you can find hours and hours of obviously real amateur video on these things.. but 45+ years of sending humans, battery cars, 'shuttle's etc up there... and the best we get is screen saver level CGI like the ISS night timelapses..

  • @la-mc4zw
    @la-mc4zw 9 лет назад

    pas d étoile dans le noir de l espace pas de courbe de la terre , nous somme une expérience

  • @emeyah
    @emeyah 9 лет назад +6

    Where are all the stars?

    • @colinfryett8174
      @colinfryett8174 9 лет назад +2

      +Veronica Tavares ya cant see stars lol take a look at the moon at night we can see stars now take a photo and it wont show stars its piss easy to work out

  • @fishie1111
    @fishie1111 4 года назад +2

    @33000 meters up you would only see about .2 degrees of curvature on the earth, which is a pretty similar number to the lvl of iq of flat earthers worldwide.

  • @steviecole100
    @steviecole100 11 лет назад

    This looks brilliant, congrats to the guys involved! I'd love to be part of this next year :)

  • @fultaxi2011
    @fultaxi2011 9 лет назад +4

    WHY DOES IT LOOK SO DAM FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @annnymous604
    @annnymous604 3 года назад +3

    Hmmm... Looks pretty flat to me about the same as when I look out the window of the airplane. I think I will continue to trust my senses and not words from a supposed scientist that I do not know.

    • @pauloalex4899
      @pauloalex4899 3 года назад +2

      If you take a print of the video and compress it horizontally in Microsoft World, for example, you can clearly see the curvature.

  • @xboxhosting2160
    @xboxhosting2160 7 лет назад

    no stars???? or sun

  • @aminch168
    @aminch168 6 дней назад

    earth is flat, not moving ..

  • @Potaville
    @Potaville 8 лет назад +3

    WHAT CURVATURE? The curvature of the earth DOES NOT EXIST!

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад +2

      Don't be stupid.

    • @Potaville
      @Potaville 8 лет назад +1

      Don't be stupid? Where's the curvature? Where?

  • @stougje
    @stougje 9 лет назад +36

    Where is the curvature? Looks flat to me......

    • @colinfryett8174
      @colinfryett8174 9 лет назад +1

      +Stougje Konijn yeh it is lol the picture as bee stretched lmao

    • @pieterstougje6175
      @pieterstougje6175 9 лет назад

      +amanda fryett what are you doing here Amanda?

    • @Followerofchrist2091
      @Followerofchrist2091 8 лет назад +1

      Its cause everyone like NASA and people use GOpros with fish eye lends and other bs

    • @BurialWarlock
      @BurialWarlock 8 лет назад +11

      +Stougje Konijn Pause at 3 minutes. Put a ruler up to the screen. Curvature. You fucking moron.

    • @kitnaylor7267
      @kitnaylor7267 8 лет назад +1

      Something to do with it being a panoramic, perhaps? :P

  • @agent1812
    @agent1812 8 лет назад +1

    is that the ice wall at the edge of the world i see?

    • @wheresmygun
      @wheresmygun 8 лет назад

      +AGENT 181 sure isn't a curved horizon.. must be relativity, and refraction, causing it to remain perfectly straight.

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад +1

      +Turgeon B. Mackafin There is a curve, look harder.

    • @teebosaurusyou
      @teebosaurusyou 4 года назад

      @@wheresmygun The answer:видео.html

  • @supermot34
    @supermot34 8 лет назад +8

    Clearly the Earth is not spinning underneath this balloon

    • @supermot34
      @supermot34 8 лет назад +1

      +DethFiesta Don't patronize me, I know all about conservation of momentum and the rest.
      Let me explain this to you.
      At ground level, the balloon takes off and has the same velocity as the surface. It maintains its momentum as it rises. But as its altitude increases, the balloon has a further distance to travel to keep up with the Earth, because it is higher up and tracing out a curve. If the balloon was in the air for one entire rotation of the Earth (24 hours), in order to keep up with the Earth it would have to go *much faster* than the surface, because the circle the balloon traces is a *wider* circle than the one the ground traces out.
      This same problem exists for air particles. For the entire atmosphere to be moving along with the Earth at the same rate, the air particles higher up would have to be traveling much faster than the surface. Yet the only mechanism for keeping the air moving along with the surface is friction.
      In reality, if the Earth was a globe, the air close to the ground would moved along with it due to friction, but as you increase altitude the air would be moving slower and slower relative to the surface. Planes and hot air balloons would have a whole host of navigation and flight issues. Flying against the direction of spin would be *way* faster than flying with it, at high altitude.
      Super-basic concepts.

    • @ordinaryJeff
      @ordinaryJeff 8 лет назад +1

      +supermot34 And how fast should the clouds be zipping by underneath the balloon based on it's altitude and latitude? What is the difference in circumference between a globular Earth's surface and the circumference at the elevation these High school class projects usually reach?

    • @AlexG-nr4eh
      @AlexG-nr4eh 8 лет назад +3

      +supermot34 The radius of the Earth is so great that even very high altitude balloon flights have a distance from the center of the Earth virtually identical to that on the surface.
      For example, consider a balloon at the Equator (on the surface) versus a balloon at an altitude of 200 km above the equator:
      In rotational motion, V = WR, where V is tangential velocity, W (omega, not the English letter w) is the rotational speed in radians per unit time, and R is the radius.
      The rotational speed of Earth is 2*pi radians per 24 hours, dimensional analysis equates this to 0.0000727 radians per second.
      For the balloon at the surface of the Equator, R is about 6,371 km. Thus, plugging in the numbers, its velocity due to rotation is about 0.46 kilometers per second.
      For the balloon at an altitude of 200 km, plugging in the numbers like we did for the other balloon (adding the 200 km altitude to the radius), the velocity due to rotation is about 0.48 kilometers per second.
      As you can see, the two speeds are very similar. Keep in mind that 200 km is quite a bit higher than I would imagine any of these balloons can reach, so the effect is in reality even smaller.
      Also, the thing that makes objects on the surface continue to rotate with the Earth is the centripetal component of acceleration due to gravity. At a very great altitude, the force of gravity on any of these balloons would still certainly be great enough to keep it in rotation with the Earth. The same goes for the atmosphere.
      It is not true that flying against the direction of spin would be any different from flying with it. Since not only the plane, but everything around it is rotating with the Earth, the plane can move in any direction it wants without the Earth's rotation affecting its motion. This is the concept of relative velocity. The plane and everything around it has the same rotational speed, so the plane's velocity relative to the ground is unaffected by its direction relative to Earth's rotation.
      A flat Earth is impossible for numerous reasons. For one, the stars rotate in opposite directions at opposite poles (north/south pole.) This would not be the case on a flat Earth. Furthermore, the north and south poles can have polar days/nights where the sun is continuously in the sky or not visible for extended periods of time. This, too, could not be the case on a flat Earth. Also, the northern hemisphere experiences winter when the sun is closest, not farthest. Thus, the idea that the sun moves closer to create the seasons cannot be true. The real cause of seasons is the tilt of the Earth. There are a plethora of other facts we observe that contradict a flat Earth, but I think you get the gist.

    • @supermot34
      @supermot34 8 лет назад

      +Alex Glisson Thanks for the post. Yes I am aware that the stars rotate that way, and that it does not fit the Flat Earth model. I am not a flat earther, but I am skeptical of the spinning ball earth model.
      Your maths does show that the difference in speed is very small, and I accept that. In other words going up in a hot air balloon and observing confirms neither model, because it would look the same in both cases.
      What I don't agree with is that gravity would make a high-up object rotate with the Earth. Yes it would have the tangential momentum from the moment it took off, but gravity (in the official conception) is a force which pulls towards the centre. This would not 'keep' you moving sideways with the rotation of the Earth, it would just pull you down.
      Now we get to the KEY point. You say that because of the momentum factor, flying with or against the spin would have no difference. I ask you this: is the atmosphere locked in place with the surface of the Earth all the way up, (i.e. the upper parts of the atmosphere also take 24 hour to complete a spin)? OR, does the rotational velocity gradually drop as altitude increases, as per common sense?
      If it is the former, what keeps the air particles moving faster than the surface (speed increasing with altitude)? What locks in it place and keeps it that way? Gravity does not explain this.
      If it is the latter, then the air particles tangential speed drops as you increase altitude. This means that as you increase your altitude, you would feel resistance from the air particles around you and it would slow you down to reach equilibrium with the air. So you could go up very high in a plane/balloon/whatever to where the air is not spinning as fast and then wait for the Earth to spin underneath you. This could be abused to travel around the Earth much faster. Can we do this or is the atmosphere locked in place all the way up (which makes no sense me)?

    • @AlexG-nr4eh
      @AlexG-nr4eh 8 лет назад +2

      +supermot34 The upper atmosphere isn't pulled down to the surface by gravity because of air pressure. The air is less dense as you go higher up, creating a pressure-gradient force counteracting the force of gravity pulling the atmosphere down, which creates equilibrium.
      The atmosphere, as far as I know, rotates with the same 24 hour per rotation angular speed at all layers. Gravity is able to cause this, because since the weight of the air is counterbalanced by the pressure gradient, only the centripetal component of the force of gravity would act on the atmosphere. Consequently, it will rotate with the Earth, and it will do so at roughly the same speed as the rest of the atmosphere due to the viscosity of air below. I'm sure there are exceptions for the really high layers of the atmosphere, but I'm not well versed in fluid dynamics or much atmospheric science.
      The atmosphere is very complex, but it doesn't seem to me like anything about it invalidates the idea of a globular Earth - especially since neither of us are atmospheric scientists, I'm sure any questions that I can't answer do have reasonable answers that don't necessitate changing the shape of the entire planet. I'm especially skeptical of the idea that there could somehow be a global conspiracy, controlling every public and private space organization on the planet (NASA is only one of many), to create the illusion that Earth is a globe.
      Not to mention the vast amounts of evidence that favor a globular Earth that orbits the sun. It certainly could not be a coincidence that the seasons, the change of the constellations, analemma, etc. all match up with 12 month cycles as predicted and explained by having an Earth shaped as a sphere, in orbit around the sun, both due to gravity. Furthermore, the fact that only Venus and Mercury show phases is very compelling - this makes sense in the heliocentric model because Venus and Mercury orbit closer than the Earth, so it is possible for them to have sides not illuminated from our point of view, while none of the other planets show phases. I for one don't find it very likely that all of this could be true, meaning that our understanding of gravity is correct, yet despite every other planet and moon being spherical due to gravity, our own planet is somehow not. Then there's also the motion of Foucalt's pendulum and gyroscopes, along with the phenomena of stellar aberration - these all are evidence of the Earth's rotation.

  • @Vedantka
    @Vedantka 9 лет назад +26

    wow, another solid proof for our beautiful FLAT earth :)

    • @katiegentry1705
      @katiegentry1705 8 лет назад +1

      +TrickeryStuff there's so many of them! It's genuinely worrying! I'm still not convinced that any of them REALLY believe the nonsense they are posting.... it's must be attention seeking, or too many drugs...

    • @katiegentry1705
      @katiegentry1705 8 лет назад

      There is still part of me that remains convinced they all know it's b*******, and are making a tidy profit on the internet with the views of the 'proof' videos. If I'm wrong and there are genuine flat earth believers... well I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!

    • @eonutz
      @eonutz 8 лет назад

      +katie gentry You should cry becauze you have been and are brainwhased !

    • @agent1812
      @agent1812 8 лет назад +2

      +eonutz Believes every conspiracy cause someone told him so, yet we non believers are sheeple. baaaa baaaa

    • @dandesroches8860
      @dandesroches8860 5 лет назад

      Blind willfully ignorant moron.

  • @moorari
    @moorari 9 лет назад +1

    Run that again with the full song and it'll go viral and name that band and you've got a winner

  • @AShadeOfYou
    @AShadeOfYou 9 лет назад +9

    I saw no curvature in the horizon the earth looks flat

    • @agent1812
      @agent1812 8 лет назад +1

      +Paulette Sopel why would you?

    • @AShadeOfYou
      @AShadeOfYou 8 лет назад +1


    • @agent1812
      @agent1812 8 лет назад +3

      Paulette Sopel you do realize that whilst the balloon is still within the Earths atmosphere the horizon will always remain flat.

    • @chrisjones6336
      @chrisjones6336 8 лет назад +1

      +AGENT 181 Hahaa What are you scared of man? Earth is flat at any altitude, deal with it. When I see people like you commenting so desperately, I can't help but think of a guy fighting to get a strait jacket off! :-)

    • @agent1812
      @agent1812 8 лет назад +3

      Chris Jones
      coming from the insane... golden.

  • @tuttoavrasenso3457
    @tuttoavrasenso3457 8 лет назад +1

    lol best flat earth and close sun evidence video

  • @sphericaltrigonometry9404
    @sphericaltrigonometry9404 8 лет назад

    Says in vid description the balloon's cameras 'captured video footage of the curvature..."
    Well where is it, then? and if this is supposed to be over 100 km above the plane, it will be the first thing to breach the firmament.
    Better than the crappy CGI images that NASA insults us with, anyway.

    • @quintonbailey9861
      @quintonbailey9861 8 лет назад +1

      +Spherical Trigonometry you seriously are denying the curve in the video? get a ruler

    • @sphericaltrigonometry9404
      @sphericaltrigonometry9404 8 лет назад

      Quinton Bailey get some glasses. I will pay for your visit to the eye doc. No damn curvature. Any slight variation in the vid can be attributed to the way the lens operates. Go pro is fish eye fake curvature. The Earth is not a spinning pear. Adios.

    • @teebosaurusyou
      @teebosaurusyou 4 года назадвидео.html
      Dumbass STFU

  • @Castiron-sh3kq
    @Castiron-sh3kq 9 лет назад +2

    Not buying this for a second. 1. the footage has been altered. 2. the camera angle changes after the edit.....BS

    • @Pheonix8877
      @Pheonix8877 9 лет назад +3

      When NASA did the highest parachute jump for Red Bull, they blatantly altered the video with a wide angle lense so you couldn't tell either way.

    • @ctt82
      @ctt82 9 лет назад +3

      Zodiaddict Yep that was very lame and so obvious. Yet, nobody questioned anything, people do not care, they live in their ignorance blissfully.

    • @p-brane8358
      @p-brane8358 9 лет назад +3

      Cast iron1969 , read the description under the video. It says "cameras" plural. Maybe they had two cameras - one pointing down and the other pointing to the horizon. And what we are seeing is the choice of editing between two cameras.

    • @scottmerrow7617
      @scottmerrow7617 9 лет назад

      Cast iron1969 cast iron head...are you accusing the physics students of altering this footage,REALLY?

    • @Castiron-sh3kq
      @Castiron-sh3kq 9 лет назад +2

      scott merrow
      This comment was made before I had completed the needed research into what is actually going on, and after an exhaustive week into this, I am certain that they did not alter the video footage, and I was wrong... You my friend could use some much needed grammar skills...You used a singular adjective to describe a plural noun. I am a plumber, so there is no excuse for your lack of grammar/education. People do make mistakes from time to time, but if not for others such as yourself, how would we ever know, so thank you for your due diligence.... Have a most blessed day:)

  • @leejimerson3400
    @leejimerson3400 8 лет назад +4

    I am just getting into the possibility that the earth may very well be Flat!!! Looking at your video it is clear to me that when you don,t use a fish-eye lense you get a true picture of what the real deal looks like!!! Very good video.

    • @quintonbailey9861
      @quintonbailey9861 8 лет назад +1

      +Lee Jimerson in the video its curved tho

    • @teebosaurusyou
      @teebosaurusyou 4 года назад

      Except this video used a mis-aimed GoPro camera with a fish-eye lens!видео.html

  • @Italia543
    @Italia543 8 лет назад

    No fish eye here

    • @gregsmyth1021
      @gregsmyth1021 8 лет назад

      +Italia543 What's your point?

    • @teebosaurusyou
      @teebosaurusyou 4 года назад

      This video was taken with a fish-eye lens.видео.html

  • @Alf8
    @Alf8 11 лет назад


  • @cxkxr1212
    @cxkxr1212 9 лет назад +7

    Curvature? What curvature? Looks flat as a pancake.

    • @quintonbailey9861
      @quintonbailey9861 8 лет назад

      +Asato you can see the curve tho??? try with a ruler

  • @shanebh007
    @shanebh007 9 лет назад +3

    The earth is FLAT Pass it on

    • @endotopia3102
      @endotopia3102 8 лет назад +1

      If you look in the mirror, you will notice that your brain is flat also.

  • @eonutz
    @eonutz 8 лет назад +3

    The Beautiful Flat Earth !

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @stephenwood7123
    @stephenwood7123 8 лет назад

    I just took several flights, US to U.K then U.K to Amsterdam, Germany and back via Toronto... Each time we took off my beady eyes were pearing out the window and I didn't see one inch of curvature, I'll admit I never thought to look before.... Amsterdam is a very flat country as are parts of Texas.... You can see for miles & miles yet the horizon stays fixed and straight... I personally gain nothing from flat earth narrative, I don't particularly enjoy carrying the burden of being called crazy by my gf, friends and strangers on the internet.... I admit it sounds ridiculous but it's flat 360° from ground level ascending to 33,000 ft. Like many other people I went into this thinking it was foolish, now I'm kind of excited because it seems to make more and more sense... oh BTW.... I'm not crazy.... despite your callous assertions that I must be ;)

    • @marsovac
      @marsovac 8 лет назад +1

      You could have noticed that when rising up you see more of the objects in the horizon (they rise up). That alone disproves flat earth, since on a flat surface objects in the distance don't "sink".

    • @wheresmygun
      @wheresmygun 8 лет назад

      you have failed to communicate anything meaningful with language. you said that when you rise in an airplane, objects 'rise up.' then you said on a flat surface, objects in the distance don't sink. rising up is not sinking so the two statements are non sequitir.

    • @marsovac
      @marsovac 8 лет назад +1

      Turgeon B. Mackafin non sequitUr, like your whole comment, since you did not understand mine.

    • @wheresmygun
      @wheresmygun 8 лет назад

      Marino Šimić
      nothing to understand.. your sentences don't parse

    • @marsovac
      @marsovac 8 лет назад

      Turgeon B. Mackafin learn to parse then :)

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth

  • @SquidlyMcnerd
    @SquidlyMcnerd 2 дня назад

    The video has been edited. This is not from the same video from the school kids camera. The camera should be facing straight down towards Earth