Best Kukri / Khukuri Manufacturers - Exposing Sweetcostarica Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2016
  • The vast majority of those harmed by Sweetcostarica's defamation do not speak english, do not have access to computers and live in one of the poorest nations in the world. The harm he is doing in beyond measure. THIS IS the decisive reason behind doing these videos. I invite lawyers trained in international law to represent the business owners, workers and families whose livelihoods depend upon khukuri manufacturing.
    The high level of dislikes currently are the result of a concentrated campaign to oppose the videos by Hengle's friends, time will tell the truth.
    These three videos share the personal understanding of the authors and industry professionals. Accuracy is based on the observations of those who are being harmed by Sweetcostarica's defaming information.
    I promote KHHI because I love what they do, their attitude, humility and how they quietly support the poorest children in their community. Money is not my motivation. I dearly love the Nepalese people and I am highly motivated to defend attacks on their welfare. There is also plenty of other companies like KHHI who are being slammed by Sweetcostarica's defaming video and I am standing up for them as well.

Комментарии • 115

    @RODRIGAOBARRETO 5 лет назад +5

    I have a 5chirra from Khukuri House. Bought it about 6 years ago. Top quality blade. This thing is a tank. Truly.

  • @MrJohnyysmith
    @MrJohnyysmith 7 лет назад +4

    Saved me from the Tora trap. Many thanks. I thought the letters to supply Brit Army a very useful guide. Might be worth putting a link to this vid on a few RUclips sites that are still pushing us in the wrong direction. I have done a couple

  • @KHHINepal
    @KHHINepal 8 лет назад +12

    There is no personal motive or benefit here. There are many other
    houses that make high quality kukris too and they must be respected. Quality
    and knives should speak for itself rather than the mouth. Simon insults people,
    their opinions and defames who competes with him. This is the reason why so many
    people have already banned him in many forums and blogs. This must stop..

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +3

      Provide the evidence of the insults and defamatory (Slander and libel), which of course you can't, this was obviously an attempt by you (KHHI) and your Australian Agents to try to unethically tarnish a perfectly legitimate and well run business (Tora), because you obviously feel threatened by Tora's products and success, the best way to compete is not through unethical methods but providing goods that speak for themselves through quality, not by slandering and libelling a competitor (Tora)

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад +2

      Well said. Never heard of KHHI before this video and i would never recommend anyone to them if this is the sort of behaviour i can expect from them!

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад +2

      And oh look you have no subscribers after all this time on YT. I hope this isnt your actual business profile or i would be worried KHHI Nepal....

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад +1

      You are coming across as extremely envious and threatened by the reputation Tora kukris have. Before I ever knew who Simon was or any of the makers were, I researched for a long time wanting to get the highest quality Kukri I could. It was extremely clear that Tora's were regarded as higher quality than any of the other makers. If you feel threatened perhaps you should put more effort into making a higher quality product instead of trying to cash in on those who don't know any better. People who know and want a quality Kukri buy Tora's. People who don't know the difference and just want a Kukri for the "cool" factor buy from you. You guys are being very transparent regarding your mindset and it's making you look spiteful and jealous. Quality speaks for it self. Take a look at yourselves before lashing out.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      Success!?? Two part time workers after 10 years of manufacturing? Blades that buckle that I have read about on FB? Poor quality control? Lots of angry business men in Nepal about your conduct? Angry customers in the UK? Banned from numerous social media forums because of your attitude? A reputation that is falling apart only bolstered by your friends - people who are not considering the far reaching harm that is being done to poor people in a struggling nation?
      Man up and apologize - humble yourself and turn over a new leaf and take a fair and reasonable approach to business - this is the only way things will improve for you. I am taking steps to involve Nepal's political leaders concerning the harm you are doing to their nation. Do really want an avalanche of opposition? I am a pitbull against injustice. Take my advice for the sake of your family - I love my enemies and you are not my enemy - but person who needs to change his ways for everybody's good - especially your own. Your denial is not working.

  • @zed4130
    @zed4130 8 лет назад +11

    I've watched Simons videos and sadly he slags off other khukuri houses at every opotunity,this is done purly too build up his own buisness,I've never owned a tora khukuri and due to his behaviour on many forums that he is banned from and his attitude on his videos I never will buy one,plus heard too many folk go on about problems with the finnished product,and his excuses to why there warped etc.

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +6

      Find me a specific statement where I have slagged off other khukuri houses!
      I don't need to build up Tora, Tora on its pre-orders often sells out before all the kukri are made by the various kami working for Tora in Nepal
      You obviously have no idea about Tora's current quality control, which includes edge hardness testing, warpage testing, sharpness testing etc etc

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад +3

      Someone else miffed by forum posts and does not have a clue regarding
      Tora Kukri or indeed Simon himself. I wish people like you Paul and the
      original author would actually post proof and not school yard bs please.
      Facts are no one supporting this tripe has posted any facts whatsover!

    • @dandetande288
      @dandetande288 4 года назад

      F@ck Tora blades

  • @alexandrearamis8022
    @alexandrearamis8022 8 лет назад +2

    many thanks for coming out with this series of videos.At last Simon Hengel and his unethical and defamatory behavior is being exposed for what it is. Thank you very much...I myself have bought from Saroj and his brother Sanjay,who have sold me nothing but top quality khukuri...

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +1

      Provide specific evidence of unethical and defamatory (Slander Libel) behaviour, and not the waffle and defamatory implications that you have just written

  • @braddavis4377
    @braddavis4377 5 лет назад +2

    I'm switching to KHHI from EGHK, EGHK is good but could be better. My knife does not have to be handmade to be authentic, and as an engineer I appreciate quality control. So after looking at KHHI manufacturing techniques, I think their knifes have a better chance of being on spec.

  • @Crusty_Otter
    @Crusty_Otter 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for posting this video series. I just watched SweetCostaRica's video a little while ago and instantly thought, he has a vested interest in khhi's competitors. It looks like I was right. I've looked at khhi's website several times over the years and have decided to buy from them in the near future, I'm just trying to decide which models and mods I want request. Again, thank you for setting the record straight.

  • @perseorey
    @perseorey 8 лет назад +3

    I only know it is that the final product of Tora Blades is far superior in quality and performance than any other company, including Kukhuri house...

  • @vess6934
    @vess6934 5 лет назад +1

    I really feel bad for anyone who unfortunately has to trudge through the muck of various online forums and videos about Khukuris and the companies behind them. After months of my own research I've ordered from KHHI. Why? I wasn't turned off by them like I was from the other two top manufacturers (which also have good reviews on their actual products) and the many other imitators.

  • @styks08
    @styks08 7 лет назад

    I know little about the history or historical accuracy.But, what I can tell you truthfully is from experience alone and although I do say it myself! I have a lot of it, 45 years of using all manner of cutting tools. I taught bushcraft before it was called bushcraft.Anyhow, I bought a Khukuri from Tora blades, I put it through damned hard work and it performed absolutely brilliantly. Not a rattle, was perfect hardness on the belly, held a great edge but sharpened easily. Point was softer as it should be and I was happy about that, like anyone I'm not perfect and needed to repair the point a few times, easily done, great! It's one blade I would not leave at home when I wanted to carry one or two tools only during extended times out with my home on my back. ..... My Son in the forces begged it off me and was happy giving it to him. I felt more comfortable knowing he had the perfect tool to survive or fight if it ever came to that.I missed it almost immediately so thought I'd replace it. Being a bit strapped for cash I decided to give Khukuri House a crack. I fancied something a bit different so bought one with a fancier handle. When it eventually arrived I spotted with dismay that the two fullers were well done on one side but the other side was absolutely terrible, no way matching the decent side. Ok I thought it's cheap enough and being a knife builder (I call myself that as I can't forge steel) I can make that look a bit better with careful grinding.
    My first outing with it I found that it just did not handle well, tiring, nowhere near as nice to use. THEN, after about 40 chops the scales fell off! What! .... I can't believe this. When I inspected the construction there were great voids beneath the scales and the Kami had not even removed the fatty residue from inside the bone scales. The pins were rolled thin brass with aluminium, yes ALUMINIUM, bar running through the middle.Now before someone says, ar non standard construction it was a show piece, the description said it was a formidable user. I took a screen shot of the description I can post if no one believes me.Also as a builder I've bought some very big blades, made knife handles from all manner of material and NEVER had scale fall of or even become lose for that matter.So, after all my waffle, I returned it and also cancelled the decorative wall hanger they called the "stunner" I'd ordered.I was NOT going to trust them again, and ordered another from Simon at Tora blades.I'm confident it will perform as it should, I don't know Simon other than buying from him. If it turns out to be otherwise I'll pull no punches, ( intentional pun if you happen to read this Simon :-) and make it known, no bias from this purely end user.
    That's my experience with Khukuri House, sorry but true! ....... Tora Blades have my support, unless they screw up!After several months out in one stretch, several times, I know why the Ghorkahli need only to carry this blade, just add the skill. ..... Not saying I can match their skill before someone attacks that statement!

  • @richardgp5691
    @richardgp5691 8 лет назад +3

    Well my last post here. After reading many posts and posting myself and seeing not ONE shred of proof whatsoever and just lies, slander, ignorance and more truthfully probably jealousy its apparent the author Philip Salt, KHHI Nepal and all their supporters have no shred of credability!
    Dont waffle post facts. Despicable behaviour from so called honorable men (self proclaimed....).

  • @Me1le
    @Me1le 7 лет назад +2

    Wow, who knew selling kukris was such a cutthroat business.

    • @hk-4738
      @hk-4738 6 лет назад

      *Ba-dum tss*

  • @BTeamHooligan
    @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад +2

    Some thoughts here:
    Sweet espouses his opinions. Would you deny someone the right to their opinion?
    Weight is not the only factor in the performance of a blade. Overall design, blade material, and edge geometry among other factors are what contribute to a good chopper. There is a balance to be found. Weight alone does not make something chop well. Too much weight will cause fatigue and make it difficult to carry on your person for long periods. What good is a blade if you don't carry it all the time? Your heavy blades may be good for a bloke in his backyard making a RUclips video, but the Gurkha who has to carry it all the time may feel different. And chopping is not the sole purpose of a kukri. It must be suited to many different tasks, which is why it is such a versatile tool. And again, Tora's are based on dimensions and weight of historical military kukris, so how can you say they're too light?
    The only thing your videos convey is your jealous envy of the following Tora has

  • @presterjohn71
    @presterjohn71 8 лет назад +3

    These videos are nuts. They remind me of the hit pieces that Scientologists put out when someone has left the group. It is devoid of facts and just come across as bizarre and desperate.

  • @turtlewolfpack6061
    @turtlewolfpack6061 7 лет назад

    It is good to see a rebuttal.

  • @nate11681
    @nate11681 6 лет назад

    I'd like to know where every dime is going to support these craftsman. You two lads seem to have a good ideal considering the endorsements and large inventory in the background. Considering it's 40 cents on me dollar to even buy them a beer if I were there.

  • @bongo50fury
    @bongo50fury 8 лет назад +9

    Having known both Simon and Sweet for the best part of ten years, I can say without doubt that they are both extremely honourable guys. Like Sweet, I've been buying Tora kukri for many years and can say quite honestly that they are the best, most historically accurate Nepalese kukri that I have ever handled. I'm still amazed at the quality control employed by Simon. Every new model of Tora kukri first has to be made as a sample and given the O.K.
    before being made in batches and released to the buying public. The fact that all Tora kukri
    are based on antique and vintage kukri that Simon personally ships out to Nepal so that the
    Kami have an exact idea of what is required is totally unique in the kukri world. Without a
    doubt, Simon supports Nepalese Kami and their families, in past instances, paying out of
    his own pocket medical expenses for sick family members and helping to improve their
    standard of living. In the future I would respectfully suggest that you raise your business
    ethics and the standard of your merchandise if you want to be taken seriously.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +2

      Hengle became an expert by visiting museums - bizare!

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад

      So having your life saved by a Gurkha makes one an expert?

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад

      What is Sweets name - or is this the secret of the honourable?

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад

      How the hell should I know? Even if I did it's not your business. A man is entitled to his opinion. There are no laws broken and you're being petty. Your not being "christian like" your acting like a douche.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад


  • @hermanderaeymaecker4134
    @hermanderaeymaecker4134 2 года назад

    I know this is already old history by now, but: I have both a Tora (2003) and a Khukuri House (2013) piece. I have no relation with either, and tbh don't like mr Hengles online personality much. But I must say the Tora blade is of way higher quality than the Khukuri House one. In all aspects. I've now ordered a Kailash one, as that seems to be good value for money at this moment. I hope I'm right. One tip, don't mention Military orders, those are quite often proof of being cheaper than some other company. Not necessarily of quality.

  • @brianyoung2223
    @brianyoung2223 8 лет назад

    I did extensive rest each prior to purchasing a kukri. That research concluded that Tora Blades made, and makes, the most authentic kukris available. I planned on making a responsive video but have decided that effort would be superfluous as the idiocy of this three part series does more to discredit the foolishness posited here than anything I could create. Simon Hengle had a passion for kukris and the brave Nepalsese people. Any person unable to see that is unlikely to be persuaded by anything I could add.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      Hi Brian, please have a look at the updated video descriptions - this is why it was done. Simon has been slamming his competition unfairly for years and finally some one has done something about it. Sweets video on the best and worst kukri's is very evil in how it paints a false picture of the Nepalese Khukuri industry that relies on the ignorance of his audience. It is extremely unethical and Hengle, the museum trained expert, is Sweets expert of choice. The closer one examines the whole thing, the more dubious it gets.

  • @LegionTacticoolCutlery
    @LegionTacticoolCutlery 6 лет назад

    All I know is Tora is always out of stock. Website never updated. 2 month wait? I call bullshit.

  • @tgillies101
    @tgillies101 7 лет назад +2

    This is an agenda forwarding video, not taking it to seriously.

  • @mattjrich
    @mattjrich 8 лет назад +2

    Very poor series of defamatory videos which seem to be about money & jealousy. Can the products not speak for themselves?
    I dont own a KHHI but do own a Tora. A rejected prototype that did not fit Tora's standards.....because the choil is slightly longer than the original WWI kukri it was based on. Nice kukri, well made with attention to detail in all aspects and its lovely in hand. & I have rather large hands but it fits my grip fine.
    I may try a KHHI sometime though behaviour like this tends to make me think that it is not a reputable company if its sales staff are allowed to produce unpleasant defamatory videos of this nature.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      My conscience is 100% clear Matt, I have done my best to present the facts to the best of my ability relying on industry experts and careful research. Admittedly, I rushed the production side of it with so many time pressures - but was very careful regarding the contents. It gives me no pleasure to expose wrong doing, yet I will not stand by and watch false information harm a third world industry I admire so much. Please be specific about any thing I have said that you disagree with.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      It looks like Hengle and/or Sweet has emailed his mates to attack these
      videos. My armor is the truth, no dents will be made, only the sound of
      failure to counter the truth.

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад

      +Philip Salt the problem is you have presented no facts.

  • @richardgp5691
    @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

    Right im back from work so im going to throw my 2 cents into the pot.
    Firstly ive known Simon 20 years or so and like i said before he gave a much needed helping hand when there was none. I used to train at Tora Martial Arts and ethics and morals are taught very seriously to all students regardless of age. We all have our faults and i know Simon can be hot tempered which i believe comes from the passion of his arts he studies. He probably wrote the sequel to 'How to win friends and influence people' :)
    That said i admire him a great deal as a person and a teacher. I know there are a lot of sacrifices with regards to running the dojo and its not a great money earner. Simon does it because he wants students to be taught correctly, not like the many cash grab clubs that abound. Point is, he isnt all about money.
    The quality of the blades at Tora is also second to none as anyone who is lucky to own one will testify im sure. Waiting 6 months is no issue when the quality is just that good. The saying goes 'Good things come to those that wait'. With regards to cheating Nepalese people and being hated all over Nepal i would like to see proof and i mean actual proof. So far its your word and the words of KHI or Kami that work for KHI etc. Pure slander. Considering the friends Simon has in Nepal of high station and knowing him as i do i really doubt any actual evidence will be forthcoming.
    I cannot speak for Sweet as i said ive only watched one vid and that was him as a consumer. People who really like products will sometimes reach out to the creators. Nothing underhanded going on that i can see.
    And lastly i find it ironic that you say Simon cheats the Nepalese Kami... KHI also employ Kami do they not? if so then they will be paid the same or there abouts. It happens in all walks of business. In the UK our farmers lose out on the price of milk selling to the supermarkets. Sellers ALWAYS get more than the makers. End of.
    Sounds like a case of sour grapes from a company that from what ive seen of their site like to make outrageous looking Kukri and mass produced merchandise for the military. Not very impressive. If you were supplying special forces then i would be. Forces sub gear is notoriously sub standard! Cannot speak for the actual quality of KHI Kukri's as ive never had one.
    Whether or not you have been paid by KHI to slander Mr Hengle or just a pair of forum members who disliked his posts you obviously support that company as shown at the start. If anything this has made KHI look more foolish. Oh and dont start with that armor crap please i think ive read that spam enough!
    P.S Leanne runs the business side of Tora and always has. Again nothing underhand or cowardly. Sheesh
    P.P.S Tora Kukri batches always sell out fast. Business failing? deluded!

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      I am glad he has been a good bloke to you, but what about the many struggling poor families in Nepal that he is harming in his guidance to Sweet who has produced a defaming youtube video of significant industry to that country. Do they get a voice? Does it not matter that they should be given a fair go? How they are being harmed is a very big deal. This is so much bigger than your relationship with Mr Hengle! Tell him to be a good bloke to everybody - not just the select few.

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

      I dont understand, how is he harming families in Nepal with guidance to a consumer, for that is what Sweet is, is he not? Which video is it that is defaming? id like to take a look.

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

      No video or any proof whatsover forthcoming. Surprise me please....

    • @gurkhakukrireviewgroup4280
      @gurkhakukrireviewgroup4280 8 лет назад +1

      He is Simon hengles bumboy lol

  • @ayogorkali3902
    @ayogorkali3902 8 лет назад +5

    Unfortunately, Simon Hengle (and his minions) have been at this game of disparaging other manufacturers for a long time. It all started as a man who has done far more for the khukuri and the kamis that make them was dying of cancer. A man who has done far more for the Kami than Simon Hengle ever conceived of doing. Simon Hengle chose to troll this mans own manufactuer forum with his baseless claims of what makes a proper khukuri to the point where he was banned. Only to return mere months after that mans passing on, to again troll his manfactuer forum with the same drivel, under multiple usernames, to the point where he was banned from the entirety of bladeforums:
    Then we progress to the rise and fall of the Torablades forum where Simon Hengle and his minions routinely disparaged and mocked other manufacturers. He/They chose to call one of the most repected men in the khukuri industry a "liar and a "snake oil salesman" to the delight of Simons "friends" but to the chagrin of many notable collectors/potential customers. Upon being called out for this, Simon eventually deleted the entire thread. This action was to forbode his modus operandi concerning past remarks of his within his grasp to delete...along with any customer complaints about his product on his forum. I surmise the reason for the torablades forum closing was due to the many customer complaints of Warped blades, Rusted blades, Sawdust filled handles, Wet stinky scabbards and Scabbards filled with newspaper...all sold at full retail price. One member in the UK was banned and had his complaint thread deleted for daring to ask for a refund! Only a couple threads survive out of Simons reach on this
    Now we progress to Darris Sweet (sweetcostrica)....
    He decided to declare himself a "khukuri expert" after only a short amount of time doing any type of reasearch and decided to take up right where Simon Hengle left off. Anything that comes out of his mouth is Simon Hengles regurgitation and suspect to the same fallacies, suppositions and innuendo. The moderator there ended banning him for apparently taking up Simons baseless arguments and being as argumentative/disruptive to that forum as his sensei was. As noted
    Honestly, all these companies share customers and have their own market share in the khukuri community. There should be no reason for one company to disparge another, there is room for all. An honest khukuri manufacturer will take the good with the bad in reviews of their product and not be deleting their customers comments including complaints about their product or business. A vendor who does such a thing is committing subterfuge against it's customers. If a business owner cannot be trusted to tell the truth about its own product then his commentary about others product become immediately suspect and invalid. A vendor who must resort to disparaging others product to sell his own (especially with the antics shown here) is also immediately suspect.
    I personally applaud Mr. Salt for his concerned efforts here to call out Darris Sweet and Simon Hengle on their poor attitudes ,tactics and performances. It was about time someone did! They are both without couth and In my own opinion are nothing more than parasites feeding on the khukuri community. Mr. Salt has it right, such things not only hurt the businesses, but the kamis, their families and their livelihoods. Hopefully the kamis will realise this and avoid working for Torablades in the future. I dare Simon Hengle Or Darris Sweet to try to refute anything I've posted here. Many in the tight nit khukuri community already know that what I've posted here is absolute truth and with a bit of research can be shown as such.

  • @paulmurphy1627
    @paulmurphy1627 8 лет назад +2

    Im am so sorry for you two lads. Okay you need to sell your kukris. Hey thats business isnit it lads. But im sorry to say that not only have you slandered one of the finest and most dedecated persons i know. You are trying to blacken the name of Tora kukri. Since 2004 i have collected and used Tora Kukris. I have also used kukris by just about all the other kukri manufacturers. They were sold on after not meeting my standards. I still own all of my Tora kukris. They have never failed or let me down. To stoop to these levels is i am affraid a pathetic attempt. You have managed to create a video that only shows you both as inept fools who i can only assume wish to please your employer.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      I am not motivated by money Paul. The truth interests me and standing up for those being slandered living in difficult third world conditions. Don't be sorry for me and I am not interested in popularity, but proudly getting the truth out to expose the schemes of greedy westerners. You are entitled to your preferences, but supporting outrageous lies that harm honest Nepalese business's is not something any ethical person would want to be associated with.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      It looks like Hengle and/or Sweet has emailed his mates to attack these
      videos. My armor is the truth, no dents will be made, only the sound of
      failure to counter the truth.

  • @starbright1458
    @starbright1458 8 лет назад +8

    I am Nepalese and I know his business for so long and it's all genuine products. I have got khukuri from him and it's the best. Stop talking rubbish

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +2

      Please offer insight to provide specific understanding. You see Simon as genuine, but a whole bunch of your country men don't - this is why he has been banned from various blogs and forums. Simon is hurting the livelihoods many men in your country. What is your thoughts on the statement that companies that have supplied numerous contracts to the British Gurkha's make khukuri's no better than sharpened crow bars. This is stating that the Gurkha's are fools - is this something you agree with? Hengle's mate Sweetcostarica has told the whole world this ridiculous lie. Think past the surface and explore the facts.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +2

      It looks like Hengle and/or Sweet has emailed his mates to attack these
      videos. My armor is the truth, no dents will be made, only the sound of
      failure to counter the truth.

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад

      You really don't know what your talking about, you are making yourself look rather silly with inaccurate, slanderous and libel information

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +2

      Such an ignorant statement Kaskinepal, I pay them 10%, of what I earn? what a ridiculous comment.
      With some kami I pay my manager and he then pays the kami, with other kami I pay them direct for each product a fair price is set between us, so everyone is happy.
      By paying our kami more they are happy and stay with us.
      We have also raised $5000.00 to help families in Nepal, and fed a whole village for a month after the earthquake, and provided kami we employ with money and goods, and equipment after the earthquake.
      We have invested in better tools and equipment for our kami, we have made their conditions better, funded a new workshop for some kami etc etc
      So get your facts right!!!

  • @hk-4738
    @hk-4738 6 лет назад

    This video was hilariously unprofessional and your surname is amusingly fitting.

  • @sharting.zogbot1229
    @sharting.zogbot1229 5 лет назад

    I keep seeing videos about the best kukris that contradict eachothers information, i have no idea who to believe so i will just buy a *g u i l l o t i n e*

    • @dandetande288
      @dandetande288 4 года назад

      I have 5 knifes from the kukri house!! Only The Kukri House makes originals and made in Nepal!!
      Tora , Hymalayan blades and all the rest are a joke

  • @markclark2877
    @markclark2877 7 лет назад +2

    I have dealt with KHHI and purchased few of their products and i always get excellent customer service from Mr.Saroj .Every product was made to highest standards.Also made a purchase from Himalayan imports and was very happy with it ....I dont like about tora blades youtube videos fact that this English company constantly putting down others and insulting genuine Nepalese manufacturers and trying to teach Nepalese how Khukuri shall look like - that is RIDICULOUS ! Khukuries existed for hundreds years and were made in thousands of shapes and sizes from small utility ones up to large ceremonial - while Tora merchandisers deny this fact making ridiculous statements that only their blades are genuine ...these statements are so ridiculously funny that it is clear what is going on ...Also asking nearly double of price for khukuri than is the current standard is ridiculous ....KHHI is great company to order from and there is no question they are the leading manufacturer in Nepal

  • @sirupate
    @sirupate 8 лет назад +2

    Peter Salt you have so far failed to specifically answer my points raised in the video, man up and do so in a ethical way (if that is possible for you), and without waffling

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      I gave you a list of examples that build the case of fraud already, yet you have ignored it. By repeatedly making the above statement you are trying to impress those who skim over these comments to think I have not answered you - just another devious tactic.

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +3

      You have given generalised statements but no specific answers or examples, you are avoiding to try and answer the points raised because you can't, your underhand and dishonourable tactics are there for all to see, you are only interested in promoting your kukri business by trying to defame Tora Kukri, you are what we used call people in England a Cad

  • @sirupate
    @sirupate 8 лет назад +3

    0:41 you accuse Sweetcostrica (Sweet for short) of Fraud, what evidence do you have of him committing fraud? (fraud; wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain)
    Also what evidence do you have of Sweet being prejudice against third world businesses?
    0:50 what evidence do you have of Sweet of defaming? (defame; slander or libel)
    1:03 what evidence do you have that Sweet was trying to steal a market share? (steal; to take another person's property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.)
    1:08 what evidence do you have that Sweet was trying to transfer business?
    1:10 Tora was founded in 1998, please get your facts right
    1:25 The person in the picture with me is General Narayan Malla (a noted Nepalese military historian), who kindly showed my around the Nepalese National Museum (in Kathmandu), explaining about the different kukri and arms in the museum in 2009. The same year Lt. Col. Tamang the curator of the Nepal Army museum along with some officers and men of the Nepal Army took me around their Army museum were we discussed and made notes about kukri.
    The year before (2008) Bhess (the Curator of the National Museum in Kathmandu) took me around the museum, discussing various aspects of Nepalese kukri in the museum. Also Brigadier Basnyet (a renowned Nepalese military historian) took me around the Nepal Army museum in Kathmandu discussing aspects of kukri and Nepalese military history. I was also shown around the Gurkha museum in 2009 in Pokhara by Major Lama, who showed me his personnel kukri, as did Brigadier Basnyet and General Malla, both of whom btw are friends of mine and I was blessed to have dinner with them at their homes in Nepal.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      Easy, the sweeping defamatory statement of sharpened crow bars, the emphasis of Tora having the only 'real' khurkuri's, that light khuks are the only properly balance khuks that should be used, most other khuk manufacturers make tourist khuk's - a concept that is inaccurate and misleading to say the least, and that Tora is easily the best - making khuks to exact traditional specifications - a massive lie of omission by not mentioning that there are many different types of traditional khuks with a wide variety of specs. This is more than sufficient to paint an inaccurate picture that is harming Nepalese manufacturers in general by misleading the world that Tora are exclusively superior to other khukuri designs and manufacturers - who are second rate by Sweets measure. Sweet pretends to create an understanding that is the real picture, but in truth it only serves Tora 's interest - fraud. Does it bother you that you are harming a significant industry in a very poor country? I am in touch with where things are at currently in Nepal, it seems to me that you don't care in real terms. I want these guys to be given a fair go and not be slandered by heartless westerners. While you give some money with one hand for the earthquake, you stab them in the back with the other hand trying to harm their livelihoods through Sweet. Disgusting!

    • @sirupate
      @sirupate 8 лет назад +1

      So far just waffle from an unetheical man trying to promote his kukri business in an incredibly unethical way
      Now please answer the questions with specific evidence, not waffle, but of course you can't because there is nothing to back up your slanderous and libel statements

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад

      So the list of defaming lies above from Sweets video are imaginary? Obvious denial - Hengle's only defense. I don't think you care about the facts or have a heart for the Nepalese people. It's all about your loyalty to Hengle. Your insults are water of a ducks back, it tells me more about you than anything else. Please read the updated video descriptions. I finished school in the top 5% and those who know me well describe me as a pitbull against injustice.

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад

      +Philip Salt being in the top 5% of your special ed class doesn't mean anything. This is capitalism, that's how the game works. Don't cry fowl because the game isn't going your way. The fact that what benefits the poor Nepalese also benefits you has nothing to do with benefitting you does it? The fact is that you are financially vested with KHHI so you can't wax on about looking out for the poor Nepalese! You are a hypocrite.

    • @BTeamHooligan
      @BTeamHooligan 8 лет назад

      +Philip Salt and another thing. How can an opinion be a lie? Please tell me that Mr. Top 5%?

  • @andrew-ripley1747
    @andrew-ripley1747 8 лет назад +6

    This is a very poorly made video. The conclusions were entirely based upon claimed quotes, with no verifiable evidence presented, to say nothing of how ridiculous the conclusions were based upon the claimed evidence (conclusions were vastly disproportionate and illogical). The writing/narration was awkward and strained, and clearly written with a bias towards particular manufacturers, rather than focusing on specifically what (in the video producer's opinion) distinguishes proper kukri from poor-quality kukri. From what I have seen, Simon Hengle is a primary contributor on kukri forums (along with Ben Judkins of It should be obvious to anyone that Tora Blades is integrated with the traditional kukri manufacturing system in Nepal, with a requisite group of kamis; to claim otherwise (especially that Tora Blades uses only a two-person team to produce kukris) is simply absurd. The claims that Tora Blades is a failing business are completely laughable; and if it was failing, why is Tora Blades such a serious opponent and "market-share thief" in the kukri industry, enough to make a video series in a (misguided and incompetent) attempt to steer customers away?

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      Many military contracts since 1992, either these military groups are fools or your are wrong about KHHI. I will go with you being wrong.

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +1

      It looks like Hengle and/or Sweet has emailed his mates to attack these
      videos. My armor is the truth, no dents will be made, only the sound of
      failure to counter the truth.

    • @andrew-ripley1747
      @andrew-ripley1747 8 лет назад +2

      I can't say anything about the business practices of any of the kukri exporters (Tora Blades included), other than that I am sure the kamis do not make as much money as a western bladesmith would for producing the same product; however, this is probably more of a cultural issue, as in the west, bladesmiths are upper working class at the lowest, and often can become quite independently wealthy if their talent and product is marketable. From my understanding, the bladesmithing culture in Nepal revolves around the kami caste, members of which are lower in society and less wealthy than a western bladesmith. The purpose of the kukri exporters is to sell kukri knives outside of Nepal, using a system that produces better quality for the money, and product consistency, than individual custom orders. As for whether Tora kukris are fake/incorrect reproductions, all I can say is that they match original military specifications--as derived from the studies of the Royal Nepalese Arsenal kukris imported into the U.S. by International Military Antiques and Windlass Steelcrafts--far more than do any of the "Kukri House" kukris I've seen. One study of the Royal Nepalese Arsenal kukris was posted by Ben Judkins of

    • @andrew-ripley1747
      @andrew-ripley1747 8 лет назад +1

      Philip Salt
      Do you really think sweetcostarica is at all affiliated with Tora Blades? I've heard nothing of the sort from any reliable sources. Certainly not enough evidence is available to make such personal attacks reasonable. It would make much more sense for Tora Blades to have an illicit affiliation with a larger channel such as Nutnfancy, cutlerylover, scholagladiatoria, or even WeAllJuggleKnives- none of these channels promote Tora Blades, though. If you are trying to attack Simon Hengle, it would make much more sense to claim that Hengle more or less bullied sweetcostarica into promoting Tora, being that sweetcostarica is not particularly outspoken or self-assured (in other words, he doesn't claim to be an omniscient expert). Independent content producers are allowed to state their own opinions, without the threat of personal attack, in western culture. In our society, the burden of proof (especially in serious accusations) is on the accuser- a burden which the video producer has not adequately borne.

    • @andrew-ripley1747
      @andrew-ripley1747 8 лет назад +1

      +Philip Salt
      The "military issue=quality" is an extremely ineffective argument, especially in western militaries when referring to supplementary gear. The fact that something may work acceptably at a particular quality level does not prove that it cannot be further improved to increase performance. Do you have any idea how low the quality of most military-issue knives and bayonets has been (in the U.S. military, at least since 1900)? Terrible heat treatments and consistency, poor sharpening, etc. are often exhibited. Certainly there have been better knives/bayonets among them, but many have been very low quality, at least compared to civilian standards, especially nowadays; and we know that decent steel blades have been around long before modern militaries started issuing them. One particularly egregious example (not military issue, but popular among apparently ignorant troops) is the Gerber Mark II; made (in modern times, at least) with a brittle and thin 420HC stainless steel blade (not necessarily a bad steel in the right hands, but certainly bad when made by Gerber) and a brittle hollow cast aluminum handle. Granted, in western militaries the combative use of the knife is now poorly understood; issued knives are usually meant to be a cheap combination of a short bayonet and a combat utility knife, and many are poor in each use. Then there's SureFire flashlights; they may have been good in the 1990's, but nowadays are made poorly with low-quality components and outdated electronics (SureFire gets around this by simply lying about performance by using loopholes in the ANSI FL1 performance rating system), yet they sell at a much higher price (usually 300-400%) than Chinese lights which utilize modern electronics (giving better performance). SureFire evidently makes their flashlights simple enough to make them fairly unlikely to break in normal use, and thus they succeed in the market, with a combination of dishonest, gimmicky marketing, and word-of-mouth evidence of performance. SureFire holds the main share of the "tactical flashlight" market in both military and law enforcement circles in the U.S. Now, is it possible that the system which supplies modern Gurkhas with kukris is more knowledgeable on practical fighting/utility kukris? Yes, it is possible, but the primary goal of the system will be to save as much money as possible while guaranteeing large supplies of kukris from their source (large, bulk contracts usually provide a lower cost per unit). All I can say is that I have enough experience with kukris to surmise that a 10.5" bladed kukri that weighs over 32 ounces will not serve as effectively in combat as a 12-13" bladed kukri that weighs 28 ounces or less, by a simple matter of speed and agility, as well as reach and cutting surface length. As stated in another comment of mine, analysis of the historic Royal Nepalese Arsenal kukris (military issue) has shown design trends that best match the kukris being produced by Tora Blades, and which are in opposition to the heavier, shorter "Kukri House" kukris. The Cold Steel "Gurkha Kukri" knife model has become particularly famous in the western world (itself more or less an expensive factory-produced non-differentially-tempered--that is, through-tempered monosteel--Mk. II kukri) as a powerful fighting kukri that remains balanced and "lively in the hand", as it may be said. So far I have found no modern "Kukri House" kukris that match the weight and length specifications of this kukri; all are either heavier for the same length and belly depth, or shorter for the same weight. Tora Blades produces kukris which best match the weight-to-length ratio seen in the Cold Steel kukri, and other effective designs. The last thing a soldier in the field wants is weight beyond what is necessary for equipment effectiveness.

  • @davidlarue2492
    @davidlarue2492 6 лет назад

    You guys are ridiculous.

  • @darkestfugue
    @darkestfugue 8 лет назад +1

    the simple facts are, tora blades work hard to make their knives exact replicas of historical kukri from size to shape to weight, , tora was started because Simon realised nobody was making them like historical kukri anymore, their blades are not light like machetes, their blades are the weights of historical kukri, thease are facts and cannot be rebuked, kukri house dont do this, they have their own take on kukri design which sweet costa rica is not a fan of, its as simple as that, are you saying that historical kukri are incorrectly built? because that is what you are saying if you are being critical of tora blades and this is illogical and doesnt make sense, perhaps kukri house should start making their knives to the weights and shape of historical kukri like tora painstakingly do instead of this negative and immature smear campaign

  • @nate11681
    @nate11681 6 лет назад

    From a East Tennessean who just ordered 2 (two) knives from KHHI and talking about third world makers and first world shares...who is Didier Wenger? I assumed my money for these knives would go straight to the Kamis who make this knife, but who is this person in charge of the paypal account? Doesn't sound Nepalese to me lad.

  • @richardgp5691
    @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

    Pathetic character assassinations. I will have to wait till after work to post a proper reply. Tora blades quality speak for themselves and always have had. Jealous much? Oh and dont forget to post the usual "It looks like Hengle and/or sweet BS". So far you havent spoken any truth. It is just your and your friends opinions which as showing the likes/views/dislikes is a huge minority!

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад +2

      I am not interested character assassination - but the truth - to undo the wrong that has been done to a large group of Nepalese business's effecting many livelihoods in a poor country. If cannot understand how unethical Sweets video is on this basis alone, there is no point trying to reason with you. I researched the facts and presented the facts. It grieved me reporting the facts about Simon, but this is the information that was found. I don't operate from an attitude of bitterness, that is conduct that stopped in my late teens, I am now 44.

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

      I will reply proper when i get home Philip. Im 46 by the way and have known Simon since i was 26 where he got me out of a very dark place. Regarding Sweets ive only seen one of his vids - the Cold Steel vs Tora. He seemed unbiased in that vid and showed plenty practical applications. Please link this unethical vid. Cheers

    • @richardgp5691
      @richardgp5691 8 лет назад

      Would still like the link if possible

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад

      Impulsive reacting is all I get from Hengle's friends, presumption and insults but no substance. This situation is a whole lot bigger than all of us - a large number of struggling people are having their livelihoods attacked by Sweets video while we in our affluence debate each other. Please see the big picture!

    • @philipsalt9673
      @philipsalt9673  8 лет назад

      Cool, I am glad Hengle can be very good to others, he just needs to be this way with everyone and things will get a whole lot better for everyone.
      Sweet uses pine wood in his tests, this isn't credible at all as pine is so easy to cut that a fake khuk made of mild steel would do the the task just as easily - its just a case of which blade is sharper in the test. Tests should find the limits of a product to measure its performance and create a genuine comparisons - Sweet never does this. One of my mentors was a test pilot for weaponry in the Australian army and a professional knife maker, Ralph picked up on Sweets failed methods immediately. Sweets comparisons mean nothing because his tests do not find the limitations of the products. I spent hours looking at Sweets videos.