ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “The universality of salvation means that it is granted not only to those who explicitly believe in Christ and have entered the church. Since salvation is offered to all, it must be made concretely available to all. But it is clear that today, as in the past, many people do not have an opportunity to come to know or accept the Gospel revelation or enter the Church. The social and cultural conditions in which they live do not permit this, and frequently they have been brought up in other religious traditions. For such people salvation in Christ is accessible by virtue of a grace, which, while having a mysterious relationship to the Church, does not make them formally part of the Church but enlightens them in a way which is accommodated to their spiritual and material situation. This grace comes from Christ; it is the result of his Sacrifice and is communicated by the Holy Spirit. It enables each person to attain salvation through his or her free cooperation.”
From my point of view, fundamentally nothing, however from their Point of view they are the original, apostolic church that Christ formed here on earth, the physical, universal church, so any physical splintering is unacceptable. Protestants of course argue the opposite that the universal church is positioned in heaven, making the Roman Catholic church a part of the universal church. It makes for awkward company. Things have been weird since Vatican II because there isn't a great consensus among Catholics on how to treat Protestants, I've had some treat me like brethren, others see me as heretical monsters.
It is impossible that the Holy Spirit who came down upon the Church at Pentecost, could in any way be 'in' a sect that was established by man and contain upteen heresies. Impossible.
“4. One body and one Spirit: as you are called in one hope of your calling. 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph 4:4-5, DRC) Jesus gave the keys to one head of his household. If you aren't in that household and baptized in that faith you are outside of the Arc. Good luck with salvation outside of the Arc. I'll pray for your conversion.
@@StanleyPinchak and I will pray that you and others will learn to follow those who have been lead by the Holy Spirit post Vatican II to realize that ecumenism is the only way to restoring a unified church body. I say this as someone who has family who are Catholic, who I revere and respect dearly.
True, but the means has not been revealed to the Church. The Dogma: No salvation outside the Church is objectively true, but the Lord can save a soul who is earnestly seeking him and following the commandments. He has not revealed how that is possible, is all. A protestant may be saved, but NOT BECAUSE of his heretical sect, but in spite of it.
I do have a hard time with no salvation outside the Catholic Church. I converted from the USA-Episcopal Church in 1994. I was 43. I am staying, but my mother was a cradle to grave Episcopalian. She died in 1988 (at 62 years old). I do not understand why she'd be excluded. And it hurts to think that. Still, I am staying. Where else is there to go? Mother, you are lovely to hear. And your exactitude is refreshing. Still, I do want my mother with me in heaven. 😢
Your mother, all Protestants, and people of every other religion are excluded because Jesus is not a liar. He made it absolutely clear that the sacraments of the Catholic Church are necessary for salvation. He said that "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have no life in you" - in other words, unless you are at united to His mystical body in the sacrament of Holy Communion, you will not have eternal life. And only Catholics have all the sacraments and valid sacraments. The Protestants don't even believe in all the sacraments, just two, baptism and marriage. Similarly, Jesus made it absolutely clear that sins need to be forgiven through priests, when He gave Peter the keys, conveyed on the apostles the power to forgive sins, and declared that what the apostles bound on Earth would be bound in heaven and loosed on Earth will be loosed in heaven. So, how do you expect anybody who dies outside the Catholic Church to go to heaven, when they have never received the sacrament of Confession and have mortal sins on their soul? Everybody who dies outside the Catholic Church has mortal sin on their soul, unless they are young children or mentally retarded and therefore incapable of committing mortal sin. Personally, I would not consider you to be a Catholic, because you have no understanding or belief in the necessity of the sacraments of the Church. Because you're a heretic, your salvation is extremely doubtful. You need to learn what the traditional Catholic Church has taught prior to Vatican 2, and embrace it.
@@Sydroo1969 Thank you. I do pray for the souls in purgatory. And I pray the Mother of Perpetual help for her in particular, and also sometimes dedicate my rosary for her. I do know that Revelation promises there will be no more sorrow or tears. So, if I stay true to Our Father and the Church, the All Powerful God will fix my emotions. Or , He will remove them even in this reality. I will keep praying. Not just to ask God for that. But because it is a comfort. As you have just comforted me, thank you so! 🙏💟✝️🛐🕊️🌹❤️
The Catholic Church is indeed the Church which Jesus established. But I do not agree that all other Christians are excluded. Why? Because they call on the name of the Lord with complete sincerity and in the only way thay know how. In my view their condition can be compared to that of children who do not yet fully understand the faith. We do not condemn children for not understanding accurately. Neither does the Lord. But I do not believe that those who are exposed to the truth and then set theor own views up against it can expect te be well received by the Lord.
YES!! The Protestants have *NO* problem believing that Scripture (Bible) is God's infallible word, yet it was written through sinful and fallible men like David, Prophets, and Apostles (don't forget all except 1 ran away, 1 denied 3 times, 1 betrayed). Yet they are still Apostles. The *EXACT* same argument follows for the Catholic Church - the men running it may be fallible and sinful, but the doctrines, the teachings are not. The Holy Spirit protects the Church doctrines in exactly the same way as the Scriptures were protected. That is why Jesus said "whoever hears you (apostles) hears ME... rejects you, rejects ME". And of course "whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, etc". Either Jesus means it, or he's a liar and joker. I dare any protestant to take that line of reasoning.
He was talking to all of the Apostles, not just Peter. It is because of the Pope's arrogance that the Church was split. The Roman Catholic Church is not the sole source of authority. Authority comes from tradition and the Holy Spirit. It does not rest in your magisterium and claims of infallibility. You ruined it when you broke the consensus over a simple dispute that should have been resolved without acrimony. We still listen, but you must be worthy if you expect us to hear you as the "persona Christi." We have no problem to discern when you are merely an inflated ego, and when we can hear the voice of Jesus. Don't claim to be the perfect conduit of grace while you continue to offend the Body of Christ with your perfidious scandals.
My cousin was raped by a Catholic priest when he was 9 year old and suffered from PTSD all his life and died early from this crime! The Catholic church has ALOT of faults, including lying!
ONLY some of the individuals in the Church, or any Protestant Church, etc, can be/have been Evil...AND, they/we will all answer to Almighty God on judgment day, just like JUDAS the Bad Apostle who betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Julie Butler you just commited slander/ blasphemy/ & lying.... Catholic church is Holy & sinless... If what you say is true....the priest commited a mortal sin. Julie you have commited mortal sins also....your no better...Christ died for all sin...he also prayed for & forgave his enemies.
I’m Catholic. I go to daily mass. God is a God of types. He also is a God of division. You say division? Yes. Evil men built the Tower of Babel. God confused their language. Evil men built The Basilica of St Peter. God confused their “language” and created many faiths in the 1500s. The Vatican website itself lists which popes had orgies. How can you not see? The Basilica and the Reformation happened within a few years. We use words to fight Protestants like “interpret” the Bible. How can you not see God created the reformation like He created languages at Babel? We study every day types in daily mass. The Ark stays for 3 months at Ebed Odem and Mary stays with Elizabeth for 3 months. Moses feeds the multitudes in the desert and Jesus does the same. God repeats himself. I’m sorry you are wrong about Protestants. What you measure out saying they won’t go to heaven you sadly may be given the same measure. God decides. The way the truth and the life is not the Catholic Church. The way the truth and the life is Jesus. Remember that. Ask God yourself if the reformation is the typological equivalent of Babel. And really listen. Also make some friends outside the church. Do not the pagans do the same when they greet their own kind? What’s special about someone who doesn’t love people outside Catholicism?
Yes, but this is in need of clarification so as to not fall into feeneyism heresy. A better way to understand is that ALL salvation comes from the Catholic Church. Jesus is still the just judge, and those not actual members of the Catholic Church (protestants, jews, etc) may still cleave to her. Jesus judges our hearts and while it is made more a privilege for us Catholics to achieve salvation, it is not an impossibility or even an improbability for those not actual members. For they too can still be considered inside the Catholic Church. A contrite heart may carry you to heaven. You may have to be purged into purgatory for some time, but this does not mean that all “non-catholics” go to hell. Absurd and totally wrong. The Catholic Church is ever-revelatory and has provided clarification on this dogma.
@@chommie5350rotestants agree with you, we just take Catholic to mean the universal church differently (ie. The universal church is established in heaven and is not bound denominationally)
@@the_abandoned_monastery7218 How many were saved outside of Noah's Arc? Forty days seem like a while to cling to driftwood, but perhaps by God's grace. I acknowledge that God is not bound to His sacraments, but we are. “Jesus said to him: It is written again: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Mat 4:7, DRC)
I was raised in the Catholic Church, but I didn't find the Lord there. I met him in my own bedroom when I was broken by grief over the loss of my son. If only Catholics go to heaven, why does he continue to answer my prayers ? Why does he continue to heal me of things that don't heal spontaneously ? He brought my twin grandchildren into the world, who were not expected to survive. The night before my daughter was to be operated on, we prayed for divine intervention. There were only two doctors in the country who can do this surgery & one had seen her throughout the pregnancy. They were going to remove A to give C a better chance at survival. I felt that it was wrong to separate them at this point. There was only 2 mths to go. She called the next morning & I knew she hadn't been 'under'. She is still a Catholic & better that than a heathen, but it's wrong to pray to Mary & it's wrong to confess your sins to another man. The Pope & the Vatican are very wrong !
NO it isn't wrong to pray, (ASK) Mary, the Angels or Saints to intercede for us! Your Protestant Preachers do it ALL the time by ASKING their congregations to; PRAY for others! They even tell them; RISE from that wheelchair and BE HEALED!... 1Tim.2:1-5 where St.Paul, (1) URGES that ALL petitions, prayers, INTERCESSIONS and Thanksgiving be offerd for ALL men. (2) Especially for Kings and those in authority. (3) Prayer of this kind is good and God our Savior is PLEASED WITH IT! God is pleased with it BUT, Protestants ARE NOT! This way, Our prayers can be delivered to, (5) The One and ONLY Mediator in Heaven, Just like it says in Rev.5:8, 8:3-4 The Sacrament of Confession was instituted by Jesus Christ and given to the Apostles and His one and ONLY Catholic Church! Jn.20:22-23, Acts 19:18, James 5:16, Mt.18:18 AND, The Ministry of Reconcilliation 2Cor.5:18-21 has been given to men.
Dogma of the Catholic Church: There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. If you still believe this dogma is wrong, sucks to be you since you’re outside the Church. Not my problem but yours.
Hi Thom. Have you ever thought about calling or e-mailing Mother Miriam about this? I would like to know, as well as others, what she says about it. Thanks and have a blessed day.
No it isn't ....the orthodox church split from the church Jesus created ....the universal church.....the Catholic comes from the word KATOLIKOS meaning universal people need to learn church history ....the origins of the Apostolic church Christ created . The one true catholic and apostolic church.....Christ didn't create the orthodox church or the Protestant church or the Mormon church etc ....but the Catholic church .....which is still surviving today after many attacks on it ....please learn some church history's on the internet for you to see
And so is the Coptic Church, and the Armenian, and the Nestorian, and many of the Protestant Churches that are not sliding into heresy. Indeed, the Catholic Church also, but none of us have ANY right to claim exclusivity.
One Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church, founded by our Lord.
What a beautiful words from Mother Miriam - Bóg zapłać.
Much love to you Mother Miriam❤
Jesus, Mary & Joseph, I love you. Save souls.
Thank you Mother Miriam. May God bless you.
Thank you Mother Miriam for your insights!
Amen Mother!
catholic means universal which also means all ❤❤❤
ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “The universality of salvation means that it is granted not only to those who explicitly believe in Christ and have entered the church. Since salvation is offered to all, it must be made concretely available to all. But it is clear that today, as in the past, many people do not have an opportunity to come to know or accept the Gospel revelation or enter the Church. The social and cultural conditions in which they live do not permit this, and frequently they have been brought up in other religious traditions. For such people salvation in Christ is accessible by virtue of a grace, which, while having a mysterious relationship to the Church, does not make them formally part of the Church but enlightens them in a way which is accommodated to their spiritual and material situation. This grace comes from Christ; it is the result of his Sacrifice and is communicated by the Holy Spirit. It enables each person to attain salvation through his or her free cooperation.”
What is there in the Catholic Church that is lacking in any other Church that likewise confesses the Apostles, Nicean, and Athanasian Creeds?
From my point of view, fundamentally nothing, however from their Point of view they are the original, apostolic church that Christ formed here on earth, the physical, universal church, so any physical splintering is unacceptable. Protestants of course argue the opposite that the universal church is positioned in heaven, making the Roman Catholic church a part of the universal church. It makes for awkward company.
Things have been weird since Vatican II because there isn't a great consensus among Catholics on how to treat Protestants, I've had some treat me like brethren, others see me as heretical monsters.
The Holy Spirit
It is impossible that the Holy Spirit who came down upon the Church at Pentecost, could in any way be 'in' a sect that was established by man and contain upteen heresies. Impossible.
“4. One body and one Spirit: as you are called in one hope of your calling. 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph 4:4-5, DRC)
Jesus gave the keys to one head of his household. If you aren't in that household and baptized in that faith you are outside of the Arc. Good luck with salvation outside of the Arc. I'll pray for your conversion.
@@StanleyPinchak and I will pray that you and others will learn to follow those who have been lead by the Holy Spirit post Vatican II to realize that ecumenism is the only way to restoring a unified church body.
I say this as someone who has family who are Catholic, who I revere and respect dearly.
Glad I'm a cradle Catholic. I'm too lazy to change.
Im still paying off my bet fromthe 2002 Super Bowl to Vinny from Bath Beach
I wonder that that third thief on the cross next to Lord Jesus will think of this.
St. Dismas who died prior to the resurrection and who waited only a short while in the Bosom of Abraham for Christ to harrow Hades?
What is Mother Miriam’s email to send personal questions? Thank you.
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Mother Miriam, could you honor me with a conversation (interview) on my youtube channel?
That is not the teaching of the church. The church clearly speaks of the possibility of salvation outside of the formal church.
True, but the means has not been revealed to the Church. The Dogma: No salvation outside the Church is objectively true, but the Lord can save a soul who is earnestly seeking him and following the commandments. He has not revealed how that is possible, is all. A protestant may be saved, but NOT BECAUSE of his heretical sect, but in spite of it.
@@soldier8304 Well said! Thank you.
I do have a hard time with no salvation outside the Catholic Church. I converted from the USA-Episcopal Church in 1994. I was 43. I am staying, but my mother was a cradle to grave Episcopalian. She died in 1988 (at 62 years old). I do not understand why she'd be excluded. And it hurts to think that.
Still, I am staying. Where else is there to go?
Mother, you are lovely to hear. And your exactitude is refreshing. Still, I do want my mother with me in heaven. 😢
We don't know what truly happens after death. Perhaps God had mercy on her and she went to Purgatory. Pray for her soul. 🙏 JMJ
Your mother, all Protestants, and people of every other religion are excluded because Jesus is not a liar.
He made it absolutely clear that the sacraments of the Catholic Church are necessary for salvation. He said that "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have no life in you" - in other words, unless you are at united to His mystical body in the sacrament of Holy Communion, you will not have eternal life. And only Catholics have all the sacraments and valid sacraments. The Protestants don't even believe in all the sacraments, just two, baptism and marriage.
Similarly, Jesus made it absolutely clear that sins need to be forgiven through priests, when He gave Peter the keys, conveyed on the apostles the power to forgive sins, and declared that what the apostles bound on Earth would be bound in heaven and loosed on Earth will be loosed in heaven.
So, how do you expect anybody who dies outside the Catholic Church to go to heaven, when they have never received the sacrament of Confession and have mortal sins on their soul? Everybody who dies outside the Catholic Church has mortal sin on their soul, unless they are young children or mentally retarded and therefore incapable of committing mortal sin.
Personally, I would not consider you to be a Catholic, because you have no understanding or belief in the necessity of the sacraments of the Church. Because you're a heretic, your salvation is extremely doubtful. You need to learn what the traditional Catholic Church has taught prior to Vatican 2, and embrace it.
@@Sydroo1969 Thank you. I do pray for the souls in purgatory. And I pray the Mother of Perpetual help for her in particular, and also sometimes dedicate my rosary for her. I do know that Revelation promises there will be no more sorrow or tears. So, if I stay true to Our Father and the Church, the All Powerful God will fix my emotions. Or , He will remove them even in this reality. I will keep praying. Not just to ask God for that. But because it is a comfort. As you have just comforted me, thank you so! 🙏💟✝️🛐🕊️🌹❤️
@@AnneEloiseOfCNY Jesus be with you.
Don't listen to idiots. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. acts 16:31
The Catholic Church is indeed the Church which Jesus established. But I do not agree that all other Christians are excluded. Why? Because they call on the name of the Lord with complete sincerity and in the only way thay know how. In my view their condition can be compared to that of children who do not yet fully understand the faith. We do not condemn children for not understanding accurately. Neither does the Lord. But I do not believe that those who are exposed to the truth and then set theor own views up against it can expect te be well received by the Lord.
What about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t catholic
YES!! The Protestants have *NO* problem believing that Scripture (Bible) is God's infallible word, yet it was written through sinful and fallible men like David, Prophets, and Apostles (don't forget all except 1 ran away, 1 denied 3 times, 1 betrayed). Yet they are still Apostles.
The *EXACT* same argument follows for the Catholic Church - the men running it may be fallible and sinful, but the doctrines, the teachings are not. The Holy Spirit protects the Church doctrines in exactly the same way as the Scriptures were protected. That is why Jesus said "whoever hears you (apostles) hears ME... rejects you, rejects ME". And of course "whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, etc". Either Jesus means it, or he's a liar and joker. I dare any protestant to take that line of reasoning.
He was talking to all of the Apostles, not just Peter. It is because of the Pope's arrogance that the Church was split. The Roman Catholic Church is not the sole source of authority. Authority comes from tradition and the Holy Spirit. It does not rest in your magisterium and claims of infallibility. You ruined it when you broke the consensus over a simple dispute that should have been resolved without acrimony.
We still listen, but you must be worthy if you expect us to hear you as the "persona Christi." We have no problem to discern when you are merely an inflated ego, and when we can hear the voice of Jesus. Don't claim to be the perfect conduit of grace while you continue to offend the Body of Christ with your perfidious scandals.
My cousin was raped by a Catholic priest when he was 9 year old and suffered from PTSD all his life and died early from this crime! The Catholic church has ALOT of faults, including lying!
ONLY some of the individuals in the Church, or any Protestant Church, etc, can be/have been Evil...AND, they/we will all answer to Almighty God on judgment day, just like JUDAS the Bad Apostle who betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Do not conflate the Church with the people in it. The Church has no faults and does not lie. That, however, is not the same for those in it.
It's ONLY some of the people with Evil intentions that do that! Tony Alamo, Warren Jeff's, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, etc, etc, etc, etc.....
Julie Butler you just commited slander/ blasphemy/ & lying....
Catholic church is Holy & sinless...
If what you say is true....the priest commited a mortal sin.
Julie you have commited mortal sins also....your no better...Christ died for all sin...he also prayed for & forgave his enemies.
There is no salvation outside the Church
Correction ...... Catholic church.
I’m Catholic. I go to daily mass. God is a God of types. He also is a God of division. You say division? Yes. Evil men built the Tower of Babel. God confused their language. Evil men built The Basilica of St Peter. God confused their “language” and created many faiths in the 1500s. The Vatican website itself lists which popes had orgies. How can you not see? The Basilica and the Reformation happened within a few years. We use words to fight Protestants like “interpret” the Bible. How can you not see God created the reformation like He created languages at Babel?
We study every day types in daily mass. The Ark stays for 3 months at Ebed Odem and Mary stays with Elizabeth for 3 months. Moses feeds the multitudes in the desert and Jesus does the same. God repeats himself. I’m sorry you are wrong about Protestants. What you measure out saying they won’t go to heaven you sadly may be given the same measure. God decides.
The way the truth and the life is not the Catholic Church. The way the truth and the life is Jesus. Remember that. Ask God yourself if the reformation is the typological equivalent of Babel. And really listen. Also make some friends outside the church. Do not the pagans do the same when they greet their own kind? What’s special about someone who doesn’t love people outside Catholicism?
Yes, but this is in need of clarification so as to not fall into feeneyism heresy. A better way to understand is that ALL salvation comes from the Catholic Church. Jesus is still the just judge, and those not actual members of the Catholic Church (protestants, jews, etc) may still cleave to her. Jesus judges our hearts and while it is made more a privilege for us Catholics to achieve salvation, it is not an impossibility or even an improbability for those not actual members. For they too can still be considered inside the Catholic Church. A contrite heart may carry you to heaven. You may have to be purged into purgatory for some time, but this does not mean that all “non-catholics” go to hell. Absurd and totally wrong. The Catholic Church is ever-revelatory and has provided clarification on this dogma.
@@chommie5350rotestants agree with you, we just take Catholic to mean the universal church differently (ie. The universal church is established in heaven and is not bound denominationally)
@@the_abandoned_monastery7218 How many were saved outside of Noah's Arc? Forty days seem like a while to cling to driftwood, but perhaps by God's grace.
I acknowledge that God is not bound to His sacraments, but we are.
“Jesus said to him: It is written again: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Mat 4:7, DRC)
I was raised in the Catholic Church, but I didn't find the Lord there. I met
him in my own bedroom when I was broken by grief over the loss of my
son. If only Catholics go to heaven, why does he continue to answer my
prayers ? Why does he continue to heal me of things that don't heal
spontaneously ? He brought my twin grandchildren into the world, who
were not expected to survive. The night before my daughter was to be
operated on, we prayed for divine intervention. There were only two
doctors in the country who can do this surgery & one had seen her
throughout the pregnancy. They were going to remove A to give C a
better chance at survival. I felt that it was wrong to separate them at
this point. There was only 2 mths to go. She called the next morning &
I knew she hadn't been 'under'. She is still a Catholic & better that than
a heathen, but it's wrong to pray to Mary & it's wrong to confess your
sins to another man. The Pope & the Vatican are very wrong !
NO it isn't wrong to pray, (ASK) Mary, the Angels or Saints to intercede for us! Your Protestant Preachers do it ALL the time by ASKING their congregations to; PRAY for others! They even tell them; RISE from that wheelchair and BE HEALED!... 1Tim.2:1-5 where St.Paul, (1) URGES that ALL petitions, prayers, INTERCESSIONS and Thanksgiving be offerd for ALL men. (2) Especially for Kings and those in authority. (3) Prayer of this kind is good and God our Savior is PLEASED WITH IT! God is pleased with it BUT, Protestants ARE NOT! This way, Our prayers can be delivered to, (5) The One and ONLY Mediator in Heaven, Just like it says in Rev.5:8, 8:3-4 The Sacrament of Confession was instituted by Jesus Christ and given to the Apostles and His one and ONLY Catholic Church! Jn.20:22-23, Acts 19:18, James 5:16, Mt.18:18 AND, The Ministry of Reconcilliation 2Cor.5:18-21 has been given to men.
😂 was Jesus hiding in your closet or your drawer somewhere 😅😂
Nope. This is 100% wrong.
Dogma of the Catholic Church: There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
If you still believe this dogma is wrong, sucks to be you since you’re outside the Church. Not my problem but yours.
Nowhere in the bible does it say you have to be a Catholic to go to heaven! Stop adding to the words of the bible or suffer the plagues!
The Orthodox Church is the Church that Christ established.
Hi Thom. Have you ever thought about calling or e-mailing Mother Miriam about this? I would like to know, as well as others, what she says about it. Thanks and have a blessed day.
No it isn't ....the orthodox church split from the church Jesus created ....the universal church.....the Catholic comes from the word KATOLIKOS meaning universal people need to learn church history ....the origins of the Apostolic church Christ created .
The one true catholic and apostolic church.....Christ didn't create the orthodox church or the Protestant church or the Mormon church etc ....but the Catholic church .....which is still surviving today after many attacks on it ....please learn some church history's on the internet for you to see
No, it's not. You're both schismatics and heretics.
And so is the Coptic Church, and the Armenian, and the Nestorian, and many of the Protestant Churches that are not sliding into heresy. Indeed, the Catholic Church also, but none of us have ANY right to claim exclusivity.
The orthodox church has become heretical and schismatic. A branch cut from the Tree.