The fish, plants, tanks, lightings, stuff you use for them, rooms and furniture, and their decorations and music! EVERYTHING IS SO NICE! Simple and beautiful!
Just seen you on Instagram the other day didn’t even know you had a RUclips channel next thing I know I get this video in my suggested lool beautiful aquarium with beautiful fish
i feed them frozen food (bloodworms, brine shrimps and white mosquito larvaes), three different kind of granules (spirulina & d-allio) and bug bites from hikari.
Keep it going now you getting lots of likes and fans then the starting, I like to have an planted tank like your's, you're doing great ,keep it doing ..
Aesthetically, I loved the old set up more more. The green from the plants and the tetras as dither fish was very nice. I'm glad you like the black water look.
you‘re right! 😄 after 1.5 month with this setup i‘ve made some smaller changes. added a cryptocoryne aponogetifolia from my other tanks as a test. they did not uproot it so far. also added more rocks and 15 rosy tetras as dither fish. my geos feel MUCH more comfortable with dither fish and it looks nicer. will probably add some more. sometimes a setup need some time before it looks „finished“. im happy how my tank is developping. will sure soon make an update video. 😃
freshwatertanks yes I have a varied collection and although I love my set up it looks a bit busy and I'm really liking the minimalist look you have created whilst also looking very natural.
i think it depends on the products. for example when i use alder cones the water is always cloudy too. indian almonds leaves are less cloudy i think... but i have the same issue too. normally the next day water is clear again.
Very beautiful, i really like black water tanks. I have to so that after all the Betta video's i forgot you also have a Geophagus tank :( heh Very nice of you to keep your Lemons and give them a more relaxed place to live (nice plants).
These are really nice!! Very high quality , I have been breeding Tapajos for years they are always a favorite and I sell more than any of the African cichlids..
@@freshwatertanks no, I breed several species at my house and sell/ trade to people and fish stores . I don't have a business or license, I'm just a hobbyist but Rio tapajos are very popular here in America !!!!
i've made a few new videos after this one. the tank looks much more different now. i did change to sand though. so i'm not using the fine gravel anymore. the gravel was from the company dennerle called crystal quartz (1-2mm).
Vielen Dank! Ja bin sehr zufrieden. Vor allem scheint es den Fischen zu gefallen. Viel mehr Möglichkeiten einzelne Reviere zu bilden. War davor nicht wirklich möglich und vor allem die kleineren waren eher gestresst. Mal schauen wie es in so 1-2 Wochen aussieht, wenn dann mal jeder seinen Platz gefunden hat.
Thank you for the update! The new tanks looks great, but i preferred the old one. Of you're thinking of adding some new tankmates, penguin tetras maybe? Im still planning on getting the tank, gonna be 126l or 316l (sudden change of plans) i want keyholes cichlids and pebguin tetras, would they get anlong and then peppered cory for bottom
i'm sure that i will add some tank mates in the future, but i have not started my research yet. i will just take my time. i would love to keep another cichlid. will see. keyhole cichlids look awesome by the way! and if i were you i would go with the 316 😃
@@freshwatertanks thank you for replying! I have done about 2 moths of research and if im gonna get the bigger tank it will be keyholes penguins and peppered corys I think the smaller one is a bit too small for keyholes, so if i get the smaller one i would get the peppered corys and some apistogramma baenschi. I was thinking of adding some small group fish to the smaller one but cant figure out what would it be?
@@freshwatertanks I.. I do not know. I know that im changing plans quite rapidly but for the 316 it will be keyholes, peppered corys and some tetra. For the 126 it will be peppered cory and some small tetra or barb fish.
thanks! i was using fine gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. but i did change the substrate to sand. also i'm planning to do a bigger tank upgrade soon! :)
Beautiful tank and a very nicely edited video. Sad to see those lemon tetras and pleco say goodbye to the Geos. Why did you rehome them? I am just curious. Would they be eaten by the Geos? I have 7 cardinals in my 120gal. Can I add Geos with them? Will they eat my cardinals?
thanks a lot! 😃 the geos didn‘t really attack the lemon tetras but i would not guarantee if it would be the same with cardinal tetras. i personally would not risk it. i rehomed the pleco cause he was a little bit agressive during feeding time... now i keep them with rosy tetras. works well. also a high bodied tetra.
Oh no.... I love the old setup. I always open the video and I already see this setup once a week. I have screenshots of this as well. One of my simple clean and wonderful setup is no more. Plz just add some other plants in future 😊
i did like the old setup too, but the driftwood was just big and didn‘t offer a lot for the fish. so i‘ve tried to create a tank with more space for the fish and more possible territories. they seem to like it (and me too) 😃
Super schönes Becken😍. Darf ich fragen m, was das für ein Bodengrund ist? Ich suche für meine geophagus tapajos Red head noch passenden Boden. Habe z.z. Nur weißen Sand im 720l Aquarium. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michele
thanks for the feedback! 👍 i know, my tank is rather tall. but i have to work with what i have and what i can find. here in switzerland it is so difficult to find bigger and nice pieces. will see how my tank will develop in the coming months! thanks again!
@@freshwatertanks ah ja züri betta han i gseh, ich warte uf ene superred, s gstell hani zämebastlet, jetz nues i aquarium butze und neu irichte denn kueg für en betta dini sind wunderschön, mache grad en bepflanzigplan, und das mal nim i lavastei und au brune kies
they looked really nice but i always thought they're a little bit stressed in this tank. almost one year ago i had 20, now 14 left. 4 weeks ago i caught two of my geos attacking one, that's when i've decided to take them out. and i'm still thinking of maybe adding another fish to this tank. so i have more options now i think.
@@freshwatertanks I've done a good bit of research and there aren't many attractive tetra species that are native to Rio Tapajos. There is an orange variant of the lemon tetra and the kitty tetra which is very similar to the lemon, but may be a bit thicker and has a black spot on its caudal peduncle. You may want to look into some marble hatchetfish. Since your geo's are bottom dwellers it would be nice to have a fish that sticks to the top. Cheers!
freshwatertanks - Wow, big tank needed then! Went to a couple of the biggest shops near me but didn’t have any, merely to have a look! I’ll keep looking. Thanks for the reply ☺️🌱
They look great bud! 👊🏼 What benefits have you noticed the tannins having on the fish? Just setup a whole new system with a dozen tapajos. A gem in the fish world these guys are.
thanks! well i think they are a little bit more relaxed in stinted water, especially now that the dither fish are out. thinking of adding some again and maybe one or two anubias plants
Was wondering where the lemon tetras went. That’s a thought to do..I actually have all my driftwood with Anubis roots growing all over them and after a year or so their dark green roots look great on any driftwood in my opinion, let alone the plant itself, my tapajos are enjoying their food on a anubius dinner plate as we speak. Lol. Was curious if it made their colors different at all yours seem more pearl/yellowish (tan) skin than most. Makes sense bc of how dark the tannins are. I like it. They sure do love there brine shrimp don’t they ;)
yesterday i called the aquarium store and they didn't have any anubias already attached to driftwood. so i've decided to add cryptocoryne aponogetifolia which i have in two of my tanks. i've surrounded the plant with stones and i hope they won't uproot it. will see. hope it will work out as it looks really nice. so far everything looks fine. if it's not workin i will go with the anubias like you!
they are really great. but i can't really compare as i've always used eheim. they are a bit expensive but i found a really good offer so i bought two of them :)
old set up was better imo...I would've used old pieces and maybe moved them around...maybe center the big piece of driftwood and used the java ferns come out of set up kind of just layed 2 pieces of woood down and called it a day lol
ok! 😃 regarding the old driftwood: i didn't have any other options with the big piece. that was the only position which was possible. my main problem with it was, that it didn't give the fish any hiding places or possible territories, so it had to go. and i guess i'm a fishkeeper and not really an aquascaper! 😄
ha ha no it won't. my bristlenose was the real poop machine! 😆 i normally use a vacuum cleaner once a week, during water change. i just skipped this time, to not spook my fish, as the setup was pretty new. made a water change today, incl. vacuum cleaner. could film that, as it is really funny. geos are curious fish 😃
i will think about it, the next time i make an update video! but if you don't want to wait, just google it. there are lots of videos and pictures online. it's pretty simple.
Nein sie bleiben eher kleiner. Denke so 17-18cm ist das maximum. Meine sind jetzt ca. 3 Jahre alt und glaube werden nicht mehr gross wachsen. Ich denke das Becken passt für meinen Besatz ganz gut. Habe die Einrichtung jedoch geändert...
@@freshwatertanks danke für die schnelle Antwort ! Habe ein 640 Liter Becken (160L x 80T x 50H) und überlege auch einen Besatzwechsel zu machen. Die Geophagus sind der Hammer! Aber wie machst du das mit dem Nitrat ohne Pflanzen im Becken? Filterst du das extra raus oder machst du das nur über WW ?
Und darf ich fragen welche Temperatur du in dem Becken fährst ? :) müssen sie wirklich so hohe Temperaturen haben von 28-30 Grad ? Wie ist da deine Erfahrung?
Tolle Grösse, vor allem die Tiefe! Ich wechsle 2x die Woche Wasser. Immer so 30-40% und hab zwei grössere Eheimfilter (2078) im Einsatz. Schaue dass ich nie mehr als 20 Nitrat habe... Geht ganz gut!
Ja sie mögens doch eher warm. Ich halte sie aktuell bei 27.5 Grad, damit es den Schmucksalmlern nicht zu warm wird. Runter würde ich nicht mehr gehen. Hatte sie am Anfang, wegen Unwissen, bei so 26 Grad gehalten und die Fische hatten mit der Lochkrankheit zu kämpfen. Auch gehe ich mit dem PH nicht mehr über 7.0. Nutze nur noch mit Osmosewasser gemischtes Leitungswasser.
@@freshwatertanks of course. I tried catappa leaves and rooibos tea together. I made some experiments with them, added tons and tons... bu tit seems to disappear in 3 days.
thanks a lot! i feed my geos frozen brine shrimps (artemia) and also frozen bloodworms. also two different kinds of spirulina granules (from tropical and from a discus breeder), than chiclid granules from tetra and d-allio plus from tropical and bug bites from hikari 😃
Hallo! Ja bald kommt ein Update 😃. Ich hatte Ende Jahr Probleme mit der Lochkrankheit (also die Fische). Seit Anfang Jahr benutze ich jetzt Osmosewasser und endlich wieder alles gut. War bisschen frustriert deswegen, aber glücklich den Grund für die Krankheit gefunden zu haben...
@@freshwatertanks 6 Stück :) Aber bißchen kleiner, als wie du deine bekommen hast. Hmm, welche KH und PH hattest du? Und hast jetzt? Ich nutze auch Osmosewasser ca 60 osmose : 40 Leitungswasser. Komme dann auf KH 3 und PH um die 7. Temperatur? Bin jetzt auf 28 Grad und die fühlen sich doch deutlich wohler.
Aktuell habe ich folgende Werte: gh 4, kh 3, ph 6.6 und Temperatur auch um die 28c°. Leitwert 160-170. Ich nutze auch noch Diskus Mineralsalz von Preis. Davor war Ph 7.2 und Kh 8
@@freshwatertanks das hört sich doch gut an. Was ich noch mache seit kurzem sind 1x täglich paar Tropfen Fischvitamine auf das Frostfutter und einweichen lassen. Hatte ich damals schon bei meinen Diskus gemacht. Die Fische waren danach noch aktiver, wie ich empfunden habe.
Love your style of scaping mate. So simple and effective...its a shame nobody could bath for 12 days 😂
sometimes you have to make sacrifices 🤣
The fish, plants, tanks, lightings, stuff you use for them, rooms and furniture, and their decorations and music!
EVERYTHING IS SO NICE! Simple and beautiful!
thank you so much! 😃
Hallo, die Geophagus sehen wirklich richtig klasse aus! Danke dir für das schöne Video👍.
Liebe Grüße
Vielen Dank Martin. Bin mit dem Resultat echt zufrieden. Auf jeden Fall scheint es auch den Fischen gut zu gefallen. Schönen Sonntag dir!
Hey Martin, du hier ? ;P
Wie geht's ?
@@morrisfalker2773 alles klar 👍
Love these fish! Hopefully one day I can have a tank like yours with them in it! Such beauties
they are fun fish to keep! i'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will have some too in the near future! 😃
Just seen you on Instagram the other day didn’t even know you had a RUclips channel next thing I know I get this video in my suggested lool beautiful aquarium with beautiful fish
ha ha coincidence i guess! 😃
Pure inspiration. Thank you. Please upload more
thanks a lot 😃 i try to upload more but it takes time even if my videos are short...
I have bought myself a group of 8 tapajos Red heads today, can't wait to watch them grow.
8? awesome! 😃 you will enjoy keeping them!
@@freshwatertanks what do you feed yours?
i feed them frozen food (bloodworms, brine shrimps and white mosquito larvaes), three different kind of granules (spirulina & d-allio) and bug bites from hikari.
I love your happy fish and your videography too!
thanks for your feedback! 😃
First setup was so much better,video footage was on point I subscribed
thanks a lot for the feedback and subscribing! 😃
Love from sri lanka 😁❤️
Beautiful tank!
thanks! 💪
Keep it going now you getting lots of likes and fans then the starting, I like to have an planted tank like your's, you're doing great ,keep it doing ..
thank you so much for your comment! 😃
Aesthetically, I loved the old set up more more. The green from the plants and the tetras as dither fish was very nice. I'm glad you like the black water look.
you‘re right! 😄 after 1.5 month with this setup i‘ve made some smaller changes. added a cryptocoryne aponogetifolia from my other tanks as a test. they did not uproot it so far. also added more rocks and 15 rosy tetras as dither fish. my geos feel MUCH more comfortable with dither fish and it looks nicer. will probably add some more. sometimes a setup need some time before it looks „finished“. im happy how my tank is developping. will sure soon make an update video. 😃
Can’t wait to see it. I’m getting some albino geophagus heckelii next week for my 200 gallon.
oh nice! you must be excited for next week 😃
Simple but very effective and beautiful. It's given me some inspiration for my 230 litre tank.
yep it is pretty simple. do you already have fish in your tank?
freshwatertanks yes I have a varied collection and although I love my set up it looks a bit busy and I'm really liking the minimalist look you have created whilst also looking very natural.
All of Your video is really good! And enjoy to watch while chilling 😉
i’m glad you enjoy them! 😃 thanks a lot!
Nice job. I have some good. Your fish look happy.
thanks! 😃 yesterday evening a pair started cleaning a stone. if i'm lucky they will lay eggs today.
Beautiful tank
thanks! 😃
I just watched your video again. Simplicity is best.
thanks a lot!!! 😃 made some smaller changes to the setup. added 25 rosy tetras and 3 larger crypts! looks better than before (in my opinion).
When you adding the tannin how come it did not cloud the water when I did it clouded the water
i think it depends on the products. for example when i use alder cones the water is always cloudy too. indian almonds leaves are less cloudy i think... but i have the same issue too. normally the next day water is clear again.
Beautiful set up ❤️
thanks! 😃
@freshwatertanks is that a sand Substrate if so what type please? really like that.
it‘s fine rounded gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle called crystal quartz
@@freshwatertanks thank you for the quick response. Much appreciated.
sure! 😃
Simple and immaculate... awesome work..🖖🤘🤙👍
thanks a lot! 😃 yep pretty simple, makes it also easier to clean! 😄
Looks awesome!!!! Great vid!
thanks! 😃
Very beautiful, i really like black water tanks. I have to so that after all the Betta video's i forgot you also have a Geophagus tank :( heh Very nice of you to keep your Lemons and give them a more relaxed place to live (nice plants).
thanks! 👍 i think they feel so much more relaxed in their own tank. so it was a good decision! yeah i know i’ve uploaded so many betta videos 😄
These are really nice!! Very high quality , I have been breeding Tapajos for years they are always a favorite and I sell more than any of the African cichlids..
really? didn‘t know that they are that popular! are you a professional breeder?
@@freshwatertanks no, I breed several species at my house and sell/ trade to people and fish stores . I don't have a business or license, I'm just a hobbyist but Rio tapajos are very popular here in America !!!!
nice hobby! hope i will also have babies in my tank one day!
Just stunning and inspirational ,,,,, Thank you ....
hi there. thanks a lot for your comment and positive feedback! :)
Cool shooting!
yay thanks a lot! ✨😃
Beautiful scape
thanks 😃
what kind of lighting have you got in there. I can never achieve the lights that only shine to the water an pop the fish colours out. thanks
i used the lights which came with the tank (juwel multilux led)
Awesome setup...and which light are you using.?
those are the lights which came with the tank (it‘s a complete set) 😃
Beautiful video man with some nice edits. Would love to see a video on goldfish and some kois aquarium.
thanks! 😃 goldfish would be nice, but sadly i don‘t have more aquariums to fill
Super aquarium, beautiful...
thanks!!! 😃
I really love balck water aquariums... so much details on it :)
me too. i add lots of tannins to all my tanks. for some it looks dirty, but i think it looks more natural!
simple but very cool
thanks. yes super simple any my fish like it. they are trying to breed since i‘ve changed the setup
Do you have any recent videos of your Geophagus tank you can share? Looking to set one up soon.
i've made a few new videos after this one. the tank looks much more different now. i did change to sand though. so i'm not using the fine gravel anymore. the gravel was from the company dennerle called crystal quartz (1-2mm).
Ist doch gut geworden. Sehr clean das Teil
Vielen Dank! Ja bin sehr zufrieden. Vor allem scheint es den Fischen zu gefallen. Viel mehr Möglichkeiten einzelne Reviere zu bilden. War davor nicht wirklich möglich und vor allem die kleineren waren eher gestresst. Mal schauen wie es in so 1-2 Wochen aussieht, wenn dann mal jeder seinen Platz gefunden hat.
@@freshwatertanks das wird schon. Da es Maulbrüter sind wird sich die Revierverteidigung in Grenzen halten wie bei vielen Geophagus
Really nice video and your tanks look lovely
thanks mate! 😃 appreciate the feedback!
Gorgeous !!@
thanks! 😃 last weekend i did change the setup though!
Thank you for making good movies on RUclips all the time.😉👍
thanks so much! 👍
Sehr schön geschnitten und die Aquarien sehen sehr gepflegt aus.
- Marcus
Vielen Dank Marcus! 👍😃
Aqua One dem schließe ich mich an.. Die Becken sehen sehr sehr gepflegt aus .. weiter so
Great video, love the style and editing!
thanks a lot! ✨
hey man i looked everywhere for that gravel not available in the u.s?
i think they are not available in the US. ☹️
Thank you for the update! The new tanks looks great, but i preferred the old one. Of you're thinking of adding some new tankmates, penguin tetras maybe? Im still planning on getting the tank, gonna be 126l or 316l (sudden change of plans) i want keyholes cichlids and pebguin tetras, would they get anlong and then peppered cory for bottom
i'm sure that i will add some tank mates in the future, but i have not started my research yet. i will just take my time. i would love to keep another cichlid. will see. keyhole cichlids look awesome by the way! and if i were you i would go with the 316 😃
@@freshwatertanks thank you for replying! I have done about 2 moths of research and if im gonna get the bigger tank it will be keyholes penguins and peppered corys
I think the smaller one is a bit too small for keyholes, so if i get the smaller one i would get the peppered corys and some apistogramma baenschi. I was thinking of adding some small group fish to the smaller one but cant figure out what would it be?
when will you know which tank it will be? 😃
@@freshwatertanks I.. I do not know. I know that im changing plans quite rapidly but for the 316 it will be keyholes, peppered corys and some tetra.
For the 126 it will be peppered cory and some small tetra or barb fish.
What substrate did u use..?? I'm digging how it looks.. way better than the usual sand I always see in aquariums. Please let me know ✌️👍
it‘s quartz gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle. color is called roe brown 😃
Nice mate👍
thanks a lot! 😃
I love that fishes
My dream aquarium!!! What kind of substrate do you? Love your set up.
thanks! i was using fine gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. but i did change the substrate to sand. also i'm planning to do a bigger tank upgrade soon! :)
Your design is nice and simple and we see the stars of the show: your fish! What size of tank is it and are the fish at their adult size?
thanks a lot! tank is a 120g/450l tank and i think my geos have now reached more or less adult size :)
Beautiful tank and a very nicely edited video. Sad to see those lemon tetras and pleco say goodbye to the Geos. Why did you rehome them? I am just curious. Would they be eaten by the Geos? I have 7 cardinals in my 120gal. Can I add Geos with them? Will they eat my cardinals?
thanks a lot! 😃 the geos didn‘t really attack the lemon tetras but i would not guarantee if it would be the same with cardinal tetras. i personally would not risk it. i rehomed the pleco cause he was a little bit agressive during feeding time... now i keep them with rosy tetras. works well. also a high bodied tetra.
Music is on point!
thanks! 🎶🎶🎶
Klasse Aquarium, darf ich fragen wie und worüber du filterst? Ich bekomme mein Wasser nicht mal annähernd so klar.....
Virlen Dank! Ich habe zwei Eheim 2078 im Einsatz. Filter sind gefüllt mit Siporax und Eheim Substrate pro, Eheim Mech und Biomech 😃
Oh no.... I love the old setup. I always open the video and I already see this setup once a week. I have screenshots of this as well. One of my simple clean and wonderful setup is no more. Plz just add some other plants in future 😊
i did like the old setup too, but the driftwood was just big and didn‘t offer a lot for the fish. so i‘ve tried to create a tank with more space for the fish and more possible territories. they seem to like it (and me too) 😃
Why did you add tannins to the water bro?
it‘s adds some nice coloration to the water and gives the blackwater effect 😃
Looks very realistic bro
thanks a lot for writing that 😃! i was aiming for a more natural look.
müzik süper çekimler de güzel daha uzunları bekliyoruz. vatoz iade mi oldu sebebi nedir?
çok teşekkürler. evet vatozu geri götürdüm. malesef yem zamanı öteki balıklara saldırmaya başlamıştı...
Thanks a lot!!!
Ganz tolles Video ❤️🤗
Herzlichen Dank! 💚😃
Super schönes Becken😍. Darf ich fragen m, was das für ein Bodengrund ist? Ich suche für meine geophagus tapajos Red head noch passenden Boden. Habe z.z. Nur weißen Sand im 720l Aquarium. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michele
Hallo. Vielen Dank. Ich nutze den Quartzkies (1-2mm) von Dennerle in der Farbe rehbraun.
@@freshwatertanks danke für denn Tipp. Werde es Mal umsetzen. Ihnen noch viel Spaß und Erfolg mit ihrer Gruppe. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michele
Gerne! 720l Becken hört sich wie ein Traum an! Viel Spass damit
sehr schönes becken. welche led röhren benutzt du oder ist das die helia lux?
vielen dank. ich hab die multilux leds „day & nature“ drin. ich habs mal mit helialux probiert und dann wieder verkauft.
freshwatertanks danke für die Info :). Habe auch beide. War am überlegen eine der beiden gegen die rote Color auszutauschen
One word my friend AMAZING 👌
thanks mate! 🙏😃
Which substrat that u used in this tank
it‘s fine gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle called crystal quartz
Hi, was für schwimmpflanzen sind das? Gehen die nicht ein bei so hoher Temperatur? Super Becken.
hallo. es sind salvinia auriculata und wachsen bei mir auch bei 28c° 😃
Beautiful setup, one of my favorite fish. What are your tank dimensions ? Is that a 5’ 120 gallon ?
thanks! yes it‘s 120g and 5‘ long. but only 19.7in deep and the hight is 23.6in 😃
can you keep two species of geophagus together?? with bolivian rams in a 150 gallon tank?
hi there. i don‘t know 🤷♂️! tank size is nice but maybe it‘s better to ask someone who is actually keeping them together.
@@freshwatertanks : (
i just don‘t want to give you advice on something i don‘t know 😃
@@freshwatertanks LOL I know ... But in general would you say geophagus or dwarf. Cichlids aggressive fish that you can only have one in a tank?
they are rather semi agressive (at least the tapajos red heads) and only really agressive when they try to breed.
Hi, pls advise what type of sand you have used
Pls comment, is that jbl red or some other sand, awaiting ur reply bro
it‘s called crystal quartz from the company dennerle. color is roebrown
i wait like a month for this and it beautifull ;D ,nice dude!!
thank you so much! yes it took me a while to change the setup and film it! thanks again for the comment!
Very cool but you need taller hardscape. Let's see some more wood in there. Also, botanicals would look great.
thanks for the feedback! 👍 i know, my tank is rather tall. but i have to work with what i have and what i can find. here in switzerland it is so difficult to find bigger and nice pieces. will see how my tank will develop in the coming months! thanks again!
@@freshwatertanks yeah I understand. It's just something to build on over time. Gluing wood together to form bigger pieces works too.
good idea with the gluing! thanks
It is nice. congratulations .. so what is the tank size?
thanks! its a 487l tank. measurements: 150x50x65cm 😃
ich sehe gerade du wohnst auch in der Schweiz, toll, ich wohne im Tessin, wo kaufst du deine Bettas?
Ja genau, in Züri. Mini Kampffisch kaufi vonere Züchterin da ide nöchi. Sie hät au en RUclips Account (Züri Betta). Cha sie dier nur witerempfehle! 😃
@@freshwatertanks ah ja züri betta han i gseh, ich warte uf ene superred, s gstell hani zämebastlet, jetz nues i aquarium butze und neu irichte denn kueg für en betta
dini sind wunderschön, mache grad en bepflanzigplan, und das mal nim i lavastei und au brune kies
ich han alli mini fish vo ihre! und mini aquariesache bstelli vo „atz shop“. isch am günschtigschte
Great aquarium, what's the size of the substrate?
substrate size is 1-2mm
Thanks you!
What rocks are you using? And do they alter the water parameters at all? Thanks!
i have collected them from a river nearby. and i don‘t think they do. at least i couldn‘t measure anything
Hey mate why did you remove the lemon tetra’s, your geo’s look great! 👍🏻 nice style to you videos
they looked really nice but i always thought they're a little bit stressed in this tank. almost one year ago i had 20, now 14 left. 4 weeks ago i caught two of my geos attacking one, that's when i've decided to take them out. and i'm still thinking of maybe adding another fish to this tank. so i have more options now i think.
freshwatertanks thanks mate I have 3 geo orange heads in mine with some Rasboras and Diamond tetras, I was worried you were going to say that 😬
and are they getting along well?
freshwatertanks so far so good, the geo’s are young, maybe half grown and the Rasboras are mature and seem happy enough so far!
@@freshwatertanks I've done a good bit of research and there aren't many attractive tetra species that are native to Rio Tapajos. There is an orange variant of the lemon tetra and the kitty tetra which is very similar to the lemon, but may be a bit thicker and has a black spot on its caudal peduncle. You may want to look into some marble hatchetfish. Since your geo's are bottom dwellers it would be nice to have a fish that sticks to the top. Cheers!
Tu utilise quel masse de filtration pour les geophagus ? Aussi quel pompe ?
salut. j‘utilse deux filtres éxtérieur de eheim (eheim 2078). dans les filtres j‘ai sera siporax, eheim mech, eheim biomech et eheim substrate pro
freshwatertanks salut. Le résultat et plutôt spectaculaire. L’eau et d’une clarté, ont voudrait la boire !
l'eau est claire mais j'ai jamais pensé de le boire:)
freshwatertanks bin voilà c’est fait maintenant ! A ton service 😁
auf welcher temperatur hälst du die schönen ?
Achso und wachsen die geos schnell oder eher langsam?
hallo. ich halte sie bei so 27.5-28.0c° und sie wachsen doch relativ langsam... sind nicht die schnellsten 😃
Great tank! How big do they eventually get? What do you feed them?🌱
they should get around 6in/15cm. i feed them 3 diffrent types of cichlid granules and lots of frozen food like brine shrimps and bloodworms
freshwatertanks - Wow, big tank needed then! Went to a couple of the biggest shops near me but didn’t have any, merely to have a look! I’ll keep looking. Thanks for the reply ☺️🌱
What was the sand? Its beautifull.
it‘s fine gravel 1-2mm from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. color is roe brown 😃
@@freshwatertanks ahh you're in europe? where did you buy it?
from a local store. but i‘m sure it‘s also available in online stores...
@@freshwatertanks can't find it u_u
maybe dennerle products are not available in your country? 🤷♂️☹️
They look great bud! 👊🏼 What benefits have you noticed the tannins having on the fish? Just setup a whole new system with a dozen tapajos. A gem in the fish world these guys are.
thanks! well i think they are a little bit more relaxed in stinted water, especially now that the dither fish are out. thinking of adding some again and maybe one or two anubias plants
Was wondering where the lemon tetras went. That’s a thought to do..I actually have all my driftwood with Anubis roots growing all over them and after a year or so their dark green roots look great on any driftwood in my opinion, let alone the plant itself, my tapajos are enjoying their food on a anubius dinner plate as we speak. Lol. Was curious if it made their colors different at all yours seem more pearl/yellowish (tan) skin than most. Makes sense bc of how dark the tannins are. I like it. They sure do love there brine shrimp don’t they ;)
Good choice on the eheims. So many people dont know how awesome these eheim filters are compared to the rest!
yesterday i called the aquarium store and they didn't have any anubias already attached to driftwood. so i've decided to add cryptocoryne aponogetifolia which i have in two of my tanks. i've surrounded the plant with stones and i hope they won't uproot it. will see. hope it will work out as it looks really nice. so far everything looks fine. if it's not workin i will go with the anubias like you!
they are really great. but i can't really compare as i've always used eheim. they are a bit expensive but i found a really good offer so i bought two of them :)
Beautiful. Great video. What canister filters are you using? I see the intake it looks like eheim
thanks! i have 2 canister filters running. twice the eheim 2078 😃
@@freshwatertanks love it . I have 3 geophagus heckelii and 1 red top. In a 90 gallon with 4 firemouth cichlids
nice! 😃 do the geos and firemouths get along well?
@@freshwatertanks they're still juveniles lol for now it's all good , will see what happens
let me know! 😃 i asked because i‘m thinking of adding another fish to this tank in the future...
Was going to go with Discus but thinking geos as it's my understanding they are bit more tolerant with water conditions
i think both need similar water conditions but as you wrote they are probably more tolerant than discus fish
Çok güzel bir tank.
çok teşekkürler! 😃
It looks so fresh, what size of tank?
thanks! 😃 size: 150x50x65cm
Great tank! I wonder what substrate do you use? It seems there is no fish waste on substrate.
the gravel is from the company dennerle and called crystal quartz.
@@freshwatertanks what is the grannulation and colour?
it‘s fine gravel 1-2mm from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. color is roe brown 😃
Muito legal, fácil simples e muito bonito. Impressionante 👏👏👍
thanks for your comment! really appreciated! 😃
old set up was better imo...I would've used old pieces and maybe moved them around...maybe center the big piece of driftwood and used the java ferns come out of set up kind of just layed 2 pieces of woood down and called it a day lol
ok! 😃 regarding the old driftwood: i didn't have any other options with the big piece. that was the only position which was possible. my main problem with it was, that it didn't give the fish any hiding places or possible territories, so it had to go. and i guess i'm a fishkeeper and not really an aquascaper! 😄
Can you show how you will vacuum the sand. In few weeks it will be filled with fish poop.
ha ha no it won't. my bristlenose was the real poop machine! 😆 i normally use a vacuum cleaner once a week, during water change. i just skipped this time, to not spook my fish, as the setup was pretty new. made a water change today, incl. vacuum cleaner. could film that, as it is really funny. geos are curious fish 😃
freshwatertanks can you please show how you vacuum clean sand.
i will think about it, the next time i make an update video! but if you don't want to wait, just google it. there are lots of videos and pictures online. it's pretty simple.
thanks a lot!! 🙏
Werden die Red Heat's nicht über 20cm groß? Das Becken ist doch dann viel zu klein und hat viel zu wenig versteckmöglichkeiten oder ?
Nein sie bleiben eher kleiner. Denke so 17-18cm ist das maximum. Meine sind jetzt ca. 3 Jahre alt und glaube werden nicht mehr gross wachsen. Ich denke das Becken passt für meinen Besatz ganz gut. Habe die Einrichtung jedoch geändert...
@@freshwatertanks danke für die schnelle Antwort ! Habe ein 640 Liter Becken (160L x 80T x 50H) und überlege auch einen Besatzwechsel zu machen. Die Geophagus sind der Hammer! Aber wie machst du das mit dem Nitrat ohne Pflanzen im Becken? Filterst du das extra raus oder machst du das nur über WW ?
Und darf ich fragen welche Temperatur du in dem Becken fährst ? :) müssen sie wirklich so hohe Temperaturen haben von 28-30 Grad ? Wie ist da deine Erfahrung?
Tolle Grösse, vor allem die Tiefe! Ich wechsle 2x die Woche Wasser. Immer so 30-40% und hab zwei grössere Eheimfilter (2078) im Einsatz. Schaue dass ich nie mehr als 20 Nitrat habe... Geht ganz gut!
Ja sie mögens doch eher warm. Ich halte sie aktuell bei 27.5 Grad, damit es den Schmucksalmlern nicht zu warm wird. Runter würde ich nicht mehr gehen. Hatte sie am Anfang, wegen Unwissen, bei so 26 Grad gehalten und die Fische hatten mit der Lochkrankheit zu kämpfen. Auch gehe ich mit dem PH nicht mehr über 7.0. Nutze nur noch mit Osmosewasser gemischtes Leitungswasser.
Do they get more colorful
As they get older ?
yes they get more and more colorful as they age. they changed a lot since i got them...
What kind of sand is it? Brand? thanks in advance
it‘s fine gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. color is roe brown
how long does tannin last for you? I do also my catappa leave extract lasting about 2.5 days and then it almost all gone :(
similar situation here. i lasts about 3-4 days. and i also use rooibos tea...
@@freshwatertanks I am using 3 filters, 2 eheim and a DIY filter. This is why it last shorter for me...
did you try rooibos tea?
@@freshwatertanks of course. I tried catappa leaves and rooibos tea together. I made some experiments with them, added tons and tons... bu tit seems to disappear in 3 days.
Your substrate, is it gravel ?
yes it‘s fine gravel (1-2mm). but i‘ve changed the substrate to sand a few weeks ago...
@@freshwatertanks Thank you
Awesome tank! What do you feed your f
i feed 3 different types of granules with spirulina, bug bites and lots of frozen food like artemia, bloodworms and sometimes shrimps.
@@freshwatertanks that's awesome man!
Can you add anubias plants of java fern to the wood with those type fish?
java fern for sure and i guess anubias too!
What kind of sand is that.?
it‘s fine gravel from the company dennerle (crystal quartz)
@@freshwatertanks thanks
Where can I get this substrate?
i don't know in which countries they are selling them. just check on their website!
what substrate do you use?
it's fine gravel from the company dennerle called crystal quartz. color is roebrown
freshwatertanks thanks!
Are these Cichlidae wild?
no they are not wild. they are from a breeder in germany 😃
@@freshwatertanks OK. Ty so much for answer my question!
I saw all the videos of your geo’s it’s very healthy and very active can you please suggest me the best food for geo’s
I have an idea on sera and NLS but in that what food it's good for them, please give an idea
thanks a lot! i feed my geos frozen brine shrimps (artemia) and also frozen bloodworms. also two different kinds of spirulina granules (from tropical and from a discus breeder), than chiclid granules from tetra and d-allio plus from tropical and bug bites from hikari 😃
freshwater tanks thank you for sharing your secrets 😉
Hello. What is the ground?
it‘s a fine gravel (1-2mm) from the company dennerle (crystal quartz)
@@freshwatertanks something like this
thanks a lot . very nice aquarium I also had red head tapajos
yes! but i use the color roe brown and not dark brown 😃
Hey, kommt mal wieder ein Update von den Geos? 😍 Deine Videos waren der Grund warum ich auch Red Heads habe, echt geniale Tiere.
Hallo! Ja bald kommt ein Update 😃. Ich hatte Ende Jahr Probleme mit der Lochkrankheit (also die Fische). Seit Anfang Jahr benutze ich jetzt Osmosewasser und endlich wieder alles gut. War bisschen frustriert deswegen, aber glücklich den Grund für die Krankheit gefunden zu haben...
Wie gross ist denn deine Gruppe?
@@freshwatertanks 6 Stück :) Aber bißchen kleiner, als wie du deine bekommen hast. Hmm, welche KH und PH hattest du? Und hast jetzt? Ich nutze auch Osmosewasser ca 60 osmose : 40 Leitungswasser. Komme dann auf KH 3 und PH um die 7. Temperatur? Bin jetzt auf 28 Grad und die fühlen sich doch deutlich wohler.
Aktuell habe ich folgende Werte: gh 4, kh 3, ph 6.6 und Temperatur auch um die 28c°. Leitwert 160-170. Ich nutze auch noch Diskus Mineralsalz von Preis. Davor war Ph 7.2 und Kh 8
@@freshwatertanks das hört sich doch gut an. Was ich noch mache seit kurzem sind 1x täglich paar Tropfen Fischvitamine auf das Frostfutter und einweichen lassen. Hatte ich damals schon bei meinen Diskus gemacht. Die Fische waren danach noch aktiver, wie ich empfunden habe.