Good to see the Silvermine corn is going well - and yeah, mine is crazy tall, too. But it's also very productive! (I also pulled one cob off too early, but I think the others are ready now! Fresh corn for dinner!) I have also had a really bad year with zucchini - I got one or two early on, but all the recent ones seem to have just given up. My early tomatoes went gangbusters, but the later ones are taking their sweet time to ripen and I'm not sure I'll get them before the fruit fly does. :( I always try to sow thickly, but half the stuff seems to die before it gets in the ground. At least the next two weeks' predicted rain might give a bunch of seeds I threw down a fighting chance? That would be a good way to end the summer! (And I've never ever ever had intentional crops with cucumbers. It's always accidental.)
Good to see the Silvermine corn is going well - and yeah, mine is crazy tall, too. But it's also very productive! (I also pulled one cob off too early, but I think the others are ready now! Fresh corn for dinner!) I have also had a really bad year with zucchini - I got one or two early on, but all the recent ones seem to have just given up. My early tomatoes went gangbusters, but the later ones are taking their sweet time to ripen and I'm not sure I'll get them before the fruit fly does. :( I always try to sow thickly, but half the stuff seems to die before it gets in the ground. At least the next two weeks' predicted rain might give a bunch of seeds I threw down a fighting chance? That would be a good way to end the summer! (And I've never ever ever had intentional crops with cucumbers. It's always accidental.)