All channels of knowledge in one single awareness is the goal of Atma-based Vedic Education

  • Опубликовано: 28 июл 2024
  • All channels of knowledge in one single awareness is the goal of Atma-based Vedic Education
    1. Dr. Hagelin: Maharishi, I appreciate the value of your Vedic Education for expanding the awareness of the student, but does this Vedic Education also include the study of such disciplines as math, computer science, or economics-practical knowledge to prepare a student to earn a living and to function in today's technologically driven world?
    2. Does the tiger remain alive due to the education of mathematics or physics or chemistry? Man's liveliness on the basis of what you teach him in the schools and colleges is a wrong notion.
    3. The other kind of answer is that if a man can earn his living by knowing mathematics or physics, what will be deficient in his earning if he enlivens in his awareness the basis of all mathematics, the basis of all physics, the basis of all chemistry, the basis of all physiology?
    4. Another fundamental level of answer is that Vedic knowledge is the knowledge of Atma, knowledge of the Self.
    5. Second level is swara of Atma. Swara means reverberation. That means Atma, itself, reverberating into sound value. And so it is called shruti. And the Ved reverberating into the meaning of the language: And that meaning is substantiated in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, the five senses and five senses of action.
    6. Vedic education, education of Ved means education of Atma. Education of Atma is called nitya aparusheya. Nobody made Atma. It is eternal reality. Atma, or Self, is not made by someone. Veda is not made by anyone. It is picked up on the level that it exists on its own.
    7. When we say Vedic education, we are opening that reality to the awareness of the student. Education is to unfold. Vedic education, is what contains all mathematics, all physics, all chemistry, all physiology, everything, all trigonometry, all geometry, all astronomy.
    8. When a man has studied mathematics so he can count numbers in the market, but here, in the unfoldment of the total Atma, all mathematics, all fields of action, all fields of knowledge, are lively in one single awareness. Knowledge of that element or that quantity which is sum total of all knowledge. If a man has total knowledge, he'll be by far more efficient in his emotions, in his thinking, in his speaking, in his action, than the one who has only one knowledge.
    9. If a man can earn his living by using his small part of the brain, how much a man who knows how to use the full brain will earn? Very much more.
    10. This total Natural Law works for him whose awareness is awake in Atma. We are emphasizing the knowledge of Atma because if the Atma is awake in one's awareness, then total knowledge is awake in one's thinking, in one's speaking, in one's behavior. Infinite diversity of the galactic universe is governed by that power, which begins to work for any intelligence which is in tune with Atma. This is Vedic education.
    11. If one has grown, even then he has a chance, through regular morning, evening meditation; or has a chance for his children to get into that.
    12. All these poor people in the world, quarter population of the world, they are living life, they're eating, they're growing, but they don't have mathematics or anything. All these fields of knowledge are a mockery.
    13. Vedic education will make a man lord of all he surveys. Modern universities give all knowledge in one campus. Vedic education gives all knowledge in every brain.
    14. Atma. One word contains the total knowledge. And that word is one's own existence: 'a'. The whole Veda flows from 'a'. 'A' is the first word of the Veda. And the whole Veda, all those 40 values of the Veda, hundreds of books, they are all the flow of the syllable 'a'.
    15. That is Vedic education. Everything else is a trash. When you have the ability for all the channels of knowledge in your single awareness, that is education for man. Don't waste your children's time by engaging them in partial, fragmented field of knowledge.
    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is widely regarded as one of the foremost scientists in the field of consciousness.

Комментарии • 21

  • @OneSupreme08
    @OneSupreme08 3 года назад +6

    I use to think how profound was some philosophers but Maharishi understanding, state, knowledge, expression - all this is extraordinary.

  • @frand2289
    @frand2289 4 года назад +6

    the eternal reality is self sustaining--this is total knowledge.

  • @soniyamystical
    @soniyamystical 2 года назад +2

    I am fortunate and blessed to
    hear Maharishi explanation of

  • @DharmaLiving
    @DharmaLiving 2 года назад +1

    Total knowledge is within Atma one single awareness
    Vedic education is reality of life

  • @larryprimeau5885
    @larryprimeau5885 Месяц назад

    eventually everyone will know their true Being. the objective or game is to know it before physical death.

  • @mohankumar1826
    @mohankumar1826 3 года назад +1

    Maharshi Mahesh yogiji ki jay ho..🙏🙏🎉🎉

  • @bhaveshjayaswal9923
    @bhaveshjayaswal9923 4 года назад +2

    Jai Guru Dev.

  • @chjaiveer6394
    @chjaiveer6394 2 года назад

    Love you…Jai guru Dev Jai Maharishi…

  • @rinzingwangdi
    @rinzingwangdi 2 года назад

    Jai Guru Dev, Jai ho...

  • @abilash95
    @abilash95 3 года назад +1

    Amazing!!jai guru dev

  • @drnarayanahegdehalemane6129
    @drnarayanahegdehalemane6129 2 года назад


  • @damwahdatperception1099
    @damwahdatperception1099 8 месяцев назад

    I want to get it

  • @damwahdatperception1099
    @damwahdatperception1099 8 месяцев назад

    Hisholliness Maharishi Maharishi rishi Mahesh yogi is amazing, I would like to get his knowledge but how

    • @susanwatterson9594
      @susanwatterson9594 9 дней назад

      There are Centers around the world in almost every major city that teaches Maharshiji's knowledge and techniques. Anyone can simply google Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharshi Mahesh Yogi and you will find a location nearest you.

  • @randalls153
    @randalls153 5 лет назад +2

    teach love

    • @stevegraham3036
      @stevegraham3036 4 года назад +2

      Teach Love by teaching how to experience the level of unity.

  • @kimballbarrett1961
    @kimballbarrett1961 2 года назад +1

    ved in consciousness..ved knowledge Being atma sound values..meaning ..seeing hearing action of ved self referal in its self in motion on its own level ..sound atma atma self silence and dinamism ..atma unity and.nobody made atma silence and dynamism not made ved picked up it is on its own..tothat level silence and dynamism education knowledge atma all field selfreral all knowledge ..brain develope small then the larger aspect ..unified balance . Shiva being in awake in atma total ..nature functions consciousness total natural law ..infinate manifest vedic education . nature will help them mockery knowledge.. vedic atma A total knowledge veda flows from of A source atma TRASH vecic education..dont waist your time ..developing Kimball Barrett

  • @kimballbarrett1961
    @kimballbarrett1961 3 года назад

    tierd. keep on. Spring so lovely.Veda is conscioness knowledge ,self refer.sound = atma. knowledge .silence and dinamism=atma eternal reality. Not a human creation.unseen.silence and dinamism.Atma is a eternal reality. self referal. United unified balance. Purusa, shiva,=atma .total natural Law.Vedic education infinate.mokery ..lordship.vedic knowledge A A A vedic knowledge

  • @kimballbarrett1961
    @kimballbarrett1961 2 года назад

    alive..mans live wrong .many vedic totality ..unity of diversity ..vedic knowledge ..more knowledge .. ved pure knowledge ved is in consciousness knowledge bing atma..sound value meaning sences of action..knowledge self small sustain in motion on itown level speach of atma one made of atma dynamism two atma unmanifest atma self no o atma no maker..etern self universe unified silence not made by any one. trancendental .. silence and dynamism unfold what ved contain .ever thing atma e all field one awareness..self atma sum total of awareness..brain develope being total ..united unified purusha shiva totaly ..awareness atma total knowldge nature function different wakefull ..infinate universe work for ..vedic ..nature work for him.. mokery . atma atma consciousness.. education ..mockery knowldge inevery brain aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. AA source ..vedic education dont waist your time.. Kimball Barrett