Hey, this was really good^^ Love how you mixed together all of Myotismons evolutions in this video. It seems logic that Lucemon could defeat all of Myotismons forms, But to absorb the dark area? a TYPICAL Myotismon thing to do^^ Since he is a speciell kind of Demon-digimon who gets stronger of darkness and despair, and also Comes back stronger when you think he is done. GREAT WORK!^^
@Maersalo if you think about it, lucemon doesn't hold a candle to Myotismon. Myotismon is like the plague, when you think you wipe him out he comes back angrier and far more deadly than before. so in truth when Lucemon erased Malomyotismon in the video it pretty much sealed its own fate.
Mhh its not my Favorite pairing but amazing, truly amazing cut works, it looks just like it was a Episode (Except for the Subtile, the choosen colors made it realy hard to read). Also ahn Awsome Soundtrack
Dirty barnacles. Lucemon would rape myotismon all day, but this isn't even a fair comparison. Their power levels are too different. Lucemon is a demon lord and one of the only two villains to actually destroy the digital world ( I'm counting Bagramon as the other). Myotismon is creepy and powerful, but let's look at who actually defeats them. For simplicity's sake, we'll credit Imperialdramon with MaloMyotismon's defeat. Imperialdramon is a very powerful mega, yes, but Susanoomon is a registered SuperUltimate. I could argue that he is the most powerful final form in the franchise (he'd be up against X7 superior). If that's not enough, look at the physical strength difference. Myotismon struggles to take over a city in a month while Lucemon destroys at least two moons in about 15 minutes. Really, with only a few punches. I also think his final attack (whose name eludes me) is unsurvivable. I don't want to argue that though because I can't remember exactly how the kids survive it. I think it's through wit, but I'm not sure, so I'm not arguing that. What I will argue is that you ignored his dragon mode. Myotismon came back to life 4 times, but in the same situation as you described, Lucemon comes back in his dragon mode, which is more tougher. Really I believe these two are on levels too far apart to really be compared. They're both great villains for different reasons, but ultimately, Lucemon is more powerful.
Your arguments are well structured, but fail at some points. Number 1 is motivation: Lucemon destroyed the Digital World because he wanted to. Myotismon on the other hand, just wanted to rule it. At the end of season 2 we see that he achieved his purpose (succumbing it into Darkness) and was about to complete his plan of conquering the Real World. Now, I have to make clear: it wasn't Imperialdramon who defeated MaloMyotismon, it was the positive emotions of all the digidestined of the world that took him down. If it hadn't been for that Deus Ex Machina, MaloMyotismon would have won. Another thing you must know is that "Super Ultimate" (Susanoomon, Daemon SU) and "Post-Mega" digimon (MaloMyotismon) have both been taken down to Mega. Official sources no longer consider "Super Ultimate" as canon, meaning that all forms aside from the main Mega are an alternate and more powerful Mega forms. Aside from that, saying Susanoomon is at X7 Superior Mode is giving Susanoomon way too much credit. And here's why: episode 78 of Xros Wars, we see an army of common Myotismon (that is, not the overpowered one from Adventure) taking down or heroes as soon as they evolve. I want to make clear my point: this scene, is when all past leaders join forces. There is a particular scene when Aldamon charges a couple of cloned MaloMyotismon; his attack had absolutely no effect on them. Just then WarGreymon appears and tears them both apart with a single Gaia Force attack. This power comparison can not be more clear: even though Aldamon is one of the legendary warriors in Frontier, a chosen digimon is proven to be stronger. In another scene, we see Susanoomon attacking one of the VenomMyotismon with the same attack he used to cut in half Lucemon and it only makes the villain take a steps back. Overpowered, yes, but not even a scratch is seen on him. In the end it is Imperialdramon who finishes all three VenomMyotismon. And, if we take into consideration that the Myotismon army is no way near as strong as the Adventure Myotismon (considering Adventure's MaloMyotismon crushed Imperialdramon PM and two other jogress), we are left with the Frontier characters falling way behind Adventure's. Besides that, one thing must be made clear: one thing is the destructive potential and another thing is the raw power. Myotismon has the ability to absorb negative emotions and Darkness whatsoever to make himself stronger. Lucemon, being a Dark-Evil digimon would be at disadvantage here. Another comparison would be XW Lucemon vs XW Myotismon, but even I consider that to be out of topic due to both being common versions of the digimon and not the acutal main villains. Death or Alive is Lucemon's attack you mentioned. It has a 50% chance of killing it's target and 50% chance of just wounding it (hence the name). The kids survived by splitting their Susanoomon form, just as Myotismon did here by dissolving and rebuilding himself. About Lucemon's dragon form, granted: Lucemon comes back in the next part of this video in his Satan Mode, but ultimately both MaloMyotismon and Lucemon SM fall due to a surprise attack from two treacherous Royal Knights. They are forced then to join forces and claim what is theirs: revenge.
IEidshI Olivera Asumo que no entiendes el inglés. No obstante, haciendo a un lado tus comentarios sin respaldo, estoy muy abierto a un debate, si es que tienes argumentos. De lo contrario, me temo que no me voy a desgastar.
IEidshI Olivera Cito: "Myotismon es un debilucho lucemon es supremo y el verdadero señor demonio myotismon es mierda". Argumenta tu comentario o se queda simplemente en opinión y como sabrás, las opiniones no tienen cabida en un debate, con la pena.
IEidshI Olivera Toda esa información ya es de mi conocimiento. No obstante, arrojar enlaces no prueba tu punto. Para empezar, los personajes que aparecen en este video son las representaciones del anime, es decir, Myotismon de Adventure y Lucemon de Frontier. Es importante que tomes en cuenta ese dato por lo que escribo a continuación: MaloMyotismon fue capaz de derrotar facilmente (literalmente, sin manos) a Imperialdramon y otros dos jogress mientras utilizaba su energía oscura para cubrir al mundo real de oscuridad. Ahora, en Digimon Xros Wars (en la temporada Hunters) vemos a un grupo de Myotismons comunes (es decir, clones de un Myotismon ordinario y no del hiper-poderoso de Adventure) luchar contra los protagonistas de todas las temporadas. En esta batalla, los poderes de los diferentes niños elegidos/tamers pueden ser comparados fácilmente. Cuando los Myotismon evolucionan (tanto a MaloMyotismon como a VenomMyotismon), Aldamon ataca a un par de MaloMyotismon con su técnica especial sin hacerles un solo rasguño. Entonces aparece WarGreymon y los destruye de un solo golpe con su Terra Force. Esta comparación no podría ser más clara: a pesar de ser uno de los Guerreros Legendarios, Aldamon es débil cuando es puesto junto al WarGreymon de Adventure, un Digimon Elegido. En otra escena, vemos al mismísimo Susanoomon usando la técnica con la que cortó a la mitad a Lucemon (Frontier) en uno de los VenomMyotismon comunes. Este rayo no hace más que empujar al VenomMyotismon. Es de hecho, Imperialdramon quien destruye a los tres VenomMyotismon comunes con la misma técnica que usó para destruir el espíritu malvado de Myotismon (Adventure), y esto, sin la luz de todos los Niños Elegidos del mundo (que fue lo que permitió la derrota del MaloMyotismon de Adventure, sin ella, habrían perdido). Reitero lo establecido anteriormente, MaloMyotismon masacró a ese Imperialdramon y a otros dos jogress sin usar siquiera sus manos al mismo tiempo. Tomando lo anterior en cuenta, te das cuenta que los personajes de Frontier no son tan poderosos como parecían. Además de todo lo anterior, es importante que consideres que la capacidad destructiva no es lo mismo que el poder. En el video vemos a Myotismon utilizando su habilidad sobre la energía oscura para hacerse más fuerte y vencer a Lucemon. Velo de esta forma: una pieza de dinamita puede destruir fácilmente un edificio, pero tú tienes el poder de apagarla y evitar que explote. Al final, la astucia de Myotismon prevalece y divide su cuerpo de su espíritu para sobrevivir el ataque de Vivos o Muertos de Lucemon, reformándose (tal y como lo hizo Susanoomon en Frontier) y absorbiendo el Área Oscura para destruir a su oponente. No obstante, este no es el final de la historia. Lucemon regresa en su modo Satan para vengarse en la continuación de este video. Ambos demonios luchan pero su batalla se ve interrumpida por los Caballeros Reales, en especial por dos, que traicionan a sus camaradas para hacerse con el poder de Myotismon y Lucemon. Antes rivales, ambos digimon se ven forzados a trabajar en equipo para derrotar a sus enemigos en común.
IEidshI Olivera Dicen que el pez por su boca muere: dices que Imperialdramon de 02 es un debilucho. No obstante, dejó en ridículo al resto de los digimon que aparecen al final de Xros Wars. Lucemon estando atrapado ciertamente derrotó a EmperorGreymon y a MagnaGarurumon, pero eso fue antes de que estos se volviesen más fuertes. El encuentro de los héroes en Xros Wars sucede después de la derrota de Lucemon, es decir, cuando estos personajes y Susanoomon se encontraban en su punto más fuerte. A pesar de eso y con "su propio poder", es evidente que su fuerza es mucho menor a la del Imperialdramon que llamaste "debilucho" sin la energía de los niños. Además, decir que Imperialdramon depende de 6 digimon es como decir que Susanoomon depende de la unión de 10 digispirits... aplica también. Aún así, el Imperialdramon que vemos en Xros Wars, también en su punto más fuerte tras derrotar a MaloMyotismon de 02, no depende de sus compañeros. Lo que mencionas de Myotismon y su fuente de poder es irrelevante. Myotismon es un digimon tipo vampiro. Su concepto es ese: absorber el poder oscuro de otros y hacerlo suyo, así como un vampiro se alimenta de sangre para hacerse fuerte y mantenerse con vida. Criticar esa habilidad de Myotismon sería como criticar el hecho de que Lucemon sea capaz de controlar tanto Luz como Oscuridad. Es el concepto básico del personaje y es lo que lo hace único. Por otro lado, Lucemon SÍ usó el poder de los Caballeros Reales para fortalecerse. Como bien dijiste, para digievolucionar. Tal y como Myotismon usó las semillas para volverse MaloMyotismon y la oscuridad en el Digimundo que él mismo había corrompido. Eso me lleva al punto en el que mencionas que Lucemon corrompió a Cherubimon. El corromper a Cherubimon no es algo relevante en esta discusión, ya que si a esas vamos, Myotismon corrompió todo el Digimundo con su oscuridad y por unos minutos, al Mundo Real. Si lo dices por la inteligencia de Lucemon, entonces me temo que el plan de Lucemon era bastante simple: absorber datos usando a sus sirvientes y destruir el Digimundo para crear uno "perfecto". En cambio, Myotismon utilizó no solamente a sus sirvientes sino que además, usó a los protagonistas en varias ocasiones sin que estos lo sospecharan, para lograr sus fines. En cuestiones de intelecto, Myotismon es más astuto y hábil para manipular a otros. Esto sin mencionar, que a través de Oikawa, creó a dos digimon (cosa que nunca vemos hacer a Lucemon: crear vida). En cuanto a los niños, tú mismo lo estás diciendo: para derrotar a Lucemon, se necesitó de su poder. Para derrotar a Myotismon, se necesitó del poder de todos los niños elegidos del mundo y de sus digimon, porque el de Imperialdramon (que es el digimon que hace lo que Susanoomon no puede hacer en Xros Wars) y otros dos jogress no era suficiente para detenerlo.
En teoría todos son híbridos, pero dependiendo de su poder, los híbridos se clasifican por clases: clase campeón, clase perfecto y clase mega. KaiserGreymon es lo que muchos llaman "Mega 2", una evolución sin cambio de nivel, sólo más fuerte (como de VenomMyotismon a MaloMyotismon).
I know this doesn't have anything to do with this, but in season 2, Arukennymon (the spider lady who always ate her hair) and her partner reminded me a lot of Jesse and James from Pokémon, LOL.
Correction: the Lucemon in Xros Wars is a common Lucemon, of course it wasn't as strong as the one from Frontier. The makers said that? I would like to know where did you get that info (besides countless forums which of course, are not a valid source). On the other hand, Myotismon (from Adventure) is known for his endurance. He wasn't killed here, his body was destroyed (twice). Finally, that is the common line, however, alternate evolution lines exist. I highly recommend you check them out.
1 lucemon in any series is just a fraction of him the one in frontier was capble of destroying all of the digital world(a universe) by himself and melo myotismon was just covering a planet with his darkness wich is stated to be much inferior to barbamon darkness(who is weaker then lucamon) And the true lucemon is quite littrly capble of destroying the multiverse 2 "his body was destroyd twice" thets not durebillity thets stamina both times ware speciel cirmcumstences
I would like like to know where you get the info about alternate evolution lines so I can check it out. Lucemon battled the ten ancient legendary warriors whose power was said to stronger than any current megas. They also passied they ablittes and made the Attributes Dragon,Beast,Insect , Bird Man,Fairy,Mammal,Icy,Mutant,Rock-species Ore,Rock-species Mineral,Plant,Aquatic,Mythical Animal and Demon Beast.
There's more info on Lucemon/Celestial Digimon. I currently don't have time to type it all out. However, in comparison, Myotismon himself is basically just a vampire demon. However, the form he takes after Digivolving as well as the name, VenomMyotismon, is derived from the Second Beast of Revelation, as well as the mythological Abaddon. (his form seems based off of Abaddon, his identity; is the Second Beast) Btw, there's really not much on Abaddon that I am aware of. From what I can tell, most
Lo único que has conseguido es probar mi punto. Cada universo tiene un margen de poder, el Myotismon de Adventure es definitivamente el más fuerte de los Myotismon que han aparecido (al menos hasta la fecha). La única contribución de V-Tamer 01 es la aparición de los digimon "Super Ultimate", que en todas las otras fuentes los consideran Megas.
¿Cuál de las dos? La primera es un remix de las canciones "Aenigma - War of the Universe" de Luca Turilli. La segunda es "The Last Element" de Digimon Frontier.
@amralimedicine It's a fanfic. A what-if story that I created. People who liked my story collaborated me to make some episodes: LordLUCEMON in Ultimate Battle 2 and 3. Menslady125 and I created the main plot on "The Halloween ProYect" series. The whole thing is fanmade, but has a complex plot that some followers from The Halloween ProYect get back to the first series to match some things up. Hope you like and enjoy the videos.
Gracias Infinitas a @tiojaviss por este video... Donde vi una pelea excelente que deberia estar en el anime... Y por dejarme oir por primera vez el maravilloso Luca Turilli, y la que seria mi cancion favorita desde hace mas de un año... :D
@inu2dope It took me two or three days. I remember it was hard for me since I did not know how to use Movie Maker at the time as much as I do now. Glad you liked the video. Please, watch the other parts too! This gets more and more exciting! :)
@dinorider13 Actually, is a combination of two songs: 1.-Aenigma 2.-War of the Universe (by Luca Turulli) The third one is Digimon Frontier's theme ;)
@amralimedicine It started like a small fanfic. Now, there are 3 series. This one is the first "episode". Let me explain it to you: 1.- Ultimate Battle: Myotismon vs Lucemon Lucemon counter attacks! Knights vs Demons, Light vs Darkness! 2.- A not so Happy Christmas: This was divided in parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.A, 5.B, 5.C, 5.D, 5.E, 5.F, 5.G 3.- The Halloween ProYect: There will be around 16 episodes. I have uploaded 11. #12 will be uploaded this Saturday
And you still haven't answered my question. In any case, the VenomMyotismons and MaloMyotismons in Xros Wars had the average power for their species (a lot weaker than the Myotismon from Adventure who compared to them was a beast). And yet, they were still stronger than the common Lucemon from Xros Wars.
From the Digital Monsters Almanac. You can find further information in Wikimon (a wikia that deals only with canon information). Myotismon battled all the chosen children in the world and his only weakness is positive thoughts/emotions. His power rises when Darkness and evil/bad feelings and thoughts surround him. Imagine all the power he would gain if he absorbed the Darkness within Lucemon's heart.
Lucemon is an angel digimon whose name and design is derived from the mythological Lucifer, the angelic name of Satan, with "Luce" (Ita: "Light") as a reference to that name. Although it has the appearance of a child, the power and intelligence it possesses surpass even that of an Ultimate Digimon. It is said that Lucemon's abilities have now been inherited and split among the Celestial Digimon.
Umm, yes, yes it is. It is one of the many digievolutions of Myotismon (just as Daemon, Beelzemon, Piedmon... are). You might want to check the official list of Myotismon's possible evolutions.
I can not sell this video or any other of my series as I used material that doesn't belong to me. If I sold this video, I would be violating the copyright laws and both of us would be in great trouble. Besides, why would you want to buy this video? My stories are free and for everyone here in RUclips :)
Susanoomon es considerado por algunos medios como "Super Ultimate" (un nivel más arriba del Mega). Otros lo siguen considerando como nivel Mega (y sí, vendría a ser un Mega 3).
And by the way, you might also want to check out Digimon Xros Wars. Both Lucemon and Myotismon appear in the same series. VenomMyotismon power there surpasses by far that of Lucemon Shadowlord Mode's.
Lo siento, pero vas a tener que argumentar tu comentario. Dejamos bien claro algunos comentarios atrás que las "apariencias" de poder variaban mucho, y por medio de un argumento te demostré que: Lucemon (Frontier)
Lucemon SM(aka dragon mode) is literally universal/multiversal considering he was about to WIPE either/and the digital/real worlds. Hell galaxy buster would be a super low ball
Strenght in Digimon is kind of a "rock, paper and scissors" game. There will always be a stronger digimon. Apocalymon's kamikaze attack destroys the opponent but also ends with Apocalymon's life.
"Lucemon wears a Holy Ring on each of it's arms and legs, and has the symbol of Digital Hazard on it's hands." Celestial Digimon: Seraphimon, Ophanimon, and Cherubimon. (that's a whole different story that I don't feel like typing out.)
Te pediría que regresaras a leer mis argumentos pero entiendo que la cadenita es ya bastante larga... así que copio y pego lo anterior: En Xros Wars, vemos como Imperialdramon FM es quien destruye a los VenomMyotismon clonados de Quartzmon, mientras que el mismísimo Susanoomon (junto con ShineGreymon Burst Mode) sólo se limita a detenerlos usando el ataque que cortó por la mitad a Lucemon CM. Cabe resaltar que se trata del Imperialdramon FM que fue masacrado por MaloMyotismon de Adventure.
Es verdad que puede parecer incongruente, pero es cuestión de lógica. Un ejemplo más: Aldamon (un digimon Híbrido-Mega Legendario) no le hizo ni cosquillas a un MaloMyotismon clonado con su Solar Wind Destroyer, mientras que WarGreymon destruyó tres con un golpe de su Terra Force.
Buen Trabajo. 👍
Hey, this was really good^^
Love how you mixed together all of Myotismons evolutions in this video.
It seems logic that Lucemon could defeat all of Myotismons forms, But to absorb the dark area? a TYPICAL Myotismon thing to do^^
Since he is a speciell kind of Demon-digimon who gets stronger of darkness and despair, and also Comes back stronger when you think he is done.
Wow, you did a great job of blending the two different seasons together for the battle.
Wow, this is epic! Well done!
@Maersalo if you think about it, lucemon doesn't hold a candle to Myotismon. Myotismon is like the plague, when you think you wipe him out he comes back angrier and far more deadly than before. so in truth when Lucemon erased Malomyotismon in the video it pretty much sealed its own fate.
Thanks! Hope you enjoy the rest of the series too! :)
Awesomest thing i've seen all week xD
Awesomepicness!!! great music! and yay Myotismon won!^^ love him!:) a grand job well done!
That's pretty impressive work.
I don't know about the haters but you did a great job putting the clips from the different scenes together to make a digimon fight.
Best digimon montage ever, u should make a montage about Apocalymon winning final adventure battle
Myotimon Vs Lucemon Nice
Although, I have to give you credit: the video is really cool
Mhh its not my Favorite pairing but amazing, truly amazing cut works, it looks just like it was a Episode (Except for the Subtile, the choosen colors made it realy hard to read). Also ahn Awsome Soundtrack
Awesomepicness!!! great music! and yay Myotismon won!^^ love him!:)
Yes, also, If you read the backstory, you'll notice that Myotismon absorbed enough data to give a good fight against Lucemon. ^_^
99999999999 stars
just one more thing:
I read the back story and I noticed that myotismon absorved enhough data to destroy lucemon easily
i have stumbled into some seriously awsome areas of youtubes now
very good man
amazig video :D
but the subtitle is difficult to read /:
Dirty barnacles. Lucemon would rape myotismon all day, but this isn't even a fair comparison. Their power levels are too different. Lucemon is a demon lord and one of the only two villains to actually destroy the digital world ( I'm counting Bagramon as the other). Myotismon is creepy and powerful, but let's look at who actually defeats them. For simplicity's sake, we'll credit Imperialdramon with MaloMyotismon's defeat. Imperialdramon is a very powerful mega, yes, but Susanoomon is a registered SuperUltimate. I could argue that he is the most powerful final form in the franchise (he'd be up against X7 superior). If that's not enough, look at the physical strength difference. Myotismon struggles to take over a city in a month while Lucemon destroys at least two moons in about 15 minutes. Really, with only a few punches. I also think his final attack (whose name eludes me) is unsurvivable. I don't want to argue that though because I can't remember exactly how the kids survive it. I think it's through wit, but I'm not sure, so I'm not arguing that. What I will argue is that you ignored his dragon mode. Myotismon came back to life 4 times, but in the same situation as you described, Lucemon comes back in his dragon mode, which is more tougher. Really I believe these two are on levels too far apart to really be compared. They're both great villains for different reasons, but ultimately, Lucemon is more powerful.
Your arguments are well structured, but fail at some points. Number 1 is motivation: Lucemon destroyed the Digital World because he wanted to. Myotismon on the other hand, just wanted to rule it. At the end of season 2 we see that he achieved his purpose (succumbing it into Darkness) and was about to complete his plan of conquering the Real World.
Now, I have to make clear: it wasn't Imperialdramon who defeated MaloMyotismon, it was the positive emotions of all the digidestined of the world that took him down. If it hadn't been for that Deus Ex Machina, MaloMyotismon would have won.
Another thing you must know is that "Super Ultimate" (Susanoomon, Daemon SU) and "Post-Mega" digimon (MaloMyotismon) have both been taken down to Mega. Official sources no longer consider "Super Ultimate" as canon, meaning that all forms aside from the main Mega are an alternate and more powerful Mega forms.
Aside from that, saying Susanoomon is at X7 Superior Mode is giving Susanoomon way too much credit. And here's why: episode 78 of Xros Wars, we see an army of common Myotismon (that is, not the overpowered one from Adventure) taking down or heroes as soon as they evolve. I want to make clear my point: this scene, is when all past leaders join forces. There is a particular scene when Aldamon charges a couple of cloned MaloMyotismon; his attack had absolutely no effect on them. Just then WarGreymon appears and tears them both apart with a single Gaia Force attack. This power comparison can not be more clear: even though Aldamon is one of the legendary warriors in Frontier, a chosen digimon is proven to be stronger. In another scene, we see Susanoomon attacking one of the VenomMyotismon with the same attack he used to cut in half Lucemon and it only makes the villain take a steps back. Overpowered, yes, but not even a scratch is seen on him. In the end it is Imperialdramon who finishes all three VenomMyotismon. And, if we take into consideration that the Myotismon army is no way near as strong as the Adventure Myotismon (considering Adventure's MaloMyotismon crushed Imperialdramon PM and two other jogress), we are left with the Frontier characters falling way behind Adventure's. Besides that, one thing must be made clear: one thing is the destructive potential and another thing is the raw power. Myotismon has the ability to absorb negative emotions and Darkness whatsoever to make himself stronger. Lucemon, being a Dark-Evil digimon would be at disadvantage here.
Another comparison would be XW Lucemon vs XW Myotismon, but even I consider that to be out of topic due to both being common versions of the digimon and not the acutal main villains.
Death or Alive is Lucemon's attack you mentioned. It has a 50% chance of killing it's target and 50% chance of just wounding it (hence the name). The kids survived by splitting their Susanoomon form, just as Myotismon did here by dissolving and rebuilding himself.
About Lucemon's dragon form, granted: Lucemon comes back in the next part of this video in his Satan Mode, but ultimately both MaloMyotismon and Lucemon SM fall due to a surprise attack from two treacherous Royal Knights. They are forced then to join forces and claim what is theirs: revenge.
IEidshI Olivera Asumo que no entiendes el inglés. No obstante, haciendo a un lado tus comentarios sin respaldo, estoy muy abierto a un debate, si es que tienes argumentos. De lo contrario, me temo que no me voy a desgastar.
IEidshI Olivera Cito: "Myotismon es un debilucho lucemon es supremo y el verdadero señor demonio myotismon es mierda". Argumenta tu comentario o se queda simplemente en opinión y como sabrás, las opiniones no tienen cabida en un debate, con la pena.
IEidshI Olivera Toda esa información ya es de mi conocimiento. No obstante, arrojar enlaces no prueba tu punto. Para empezar, los personajes que aparecen en este video son las representaciones del anime, es decir, Myotismon de Adventure y Lucemon de Frontier. Es importante que tomes en cuenta ese dato por lo que escribo a continuación: MaloMyotismon fue capaz de derrotar facilmente (literalmente, sin manos) a Imperialdramon y otros dos jogress mientras utilizaba su energía oscura para cubrir al mundo real de oscuridad. Ahora, en Digimon Xros Wars (en la temporada Hunters) vemos a un grupo de Myotismons comunes (es decir, clones de un Myotismon ordinario y no del hiper-poderoso de Adventure) luchar contra los protagonistas de todas las temporadas. En esta batalla, los poderes de los diferentes niños elegidos/tamers pueden ser comparados fácilmente. Cuando los Myotismon evolucionan (tanto a MaloMyotismon como a VenomMyotismon), Aldamon ataca a un par de MaloMyotismon con su técnica especial sin hacerles un solo rasguño. Entonces aparece WarGreymon y los destruye de un solo golpe con su Terra Force. Esta comparación no podría ser más clara: a pesar de ser uno de los Guerreros Legendarios, Aldamon es débil cuando es puesto junto al WarGreymon de Adventure, un Digimon Elegido. En otra escena, vemos al mismísimo Susanoomon usando la técnica con la que cortó a la mitad a Lucemon (Frontier) en uno de los VenomMyotismon comunes. Este rayo no hace más que empujar al VenomMyotismon. Es de hecho, Imperialdramon quien destruye a los tres VenomMyotismon comunes con la misma técnica que usó para destruir el espíritu malvado de Myotismon (Adventure), y esto, sin la luz de todos los Niños Elegidos del mundo (que fue lo que permitió la derrota del MaloMyotismon de Adventure, sin ella, habrían perdido). Reitero lo establecido anteriormente, MaloMyotismon masacró a ese Imperialdramon y a otros dos jogress sin usar siquiera sus manos al mismo tiempo. Tomando lo anterior en cuenta, te das cuenta que los personajes de Frontier no son tan poderosos como parecían.
Además de todo lo anterior, es importante que consideres que la capacidad destructiva no es lo mismo que el poder. En el video vemos a Myotismon utilizando su habilidad sobre la energía oscura para hacerse más fuerte y vencer a Lucemon. Velo de esta forma: una pieza de dinamita puede destruir fácilmente un edificio, pero tú tienes el poder de apagarla y evitar que explote.
Al final, la astucia de Myotismon prevalece y divide su cuerpo de su espíritu para sobrevivir el ataque de Vivos o Muertos de Lucemon, reformándose (tal y como lo hizo Susanoomon en Frontier) y absorbiendo el Área Oscura para destruir a su oponente. No obstante, este no es el final de la historia. Lucemon regresa en su modo Satan para vengarse en la continuación de este video. Ambos demonios luchan pero su batalla se ve interrumpida por los Caballeros Reales, en especial por dos, que traicionan a sus camaradas para hacerse con el poder de Myotismon y Lucemon. Antes rivales, ambos digimon se ven forzados a trabajar en equipo para derrotar a sus enemigos en común.
IEidshI Olivera Dicen que el pez por su boca muere: dices que Imperialdramon de 02 es un debilucho. No obstante, dejó en ridículo al resto de los digimon que aparecen al final de Xros Wars. Lucemon estando atrapado ciertamente derrotó a EmperorGreymon y a MagnaGarurumon, pero eso fue antes de que estos se volviesen más fuertes. El encuentro de los héroes en Xros Wars sucede después de la derrota de Lucemon, es decir, cuando estos personajes y Susanoomon se encontraban en su punto más fuerte. A pesar de eso y con "su propio poder", es evidente que su fuerza es mucho menor a la del Imperialdramon que llamaste "debilucho" sin la energía de los niños. Además, decir que Imperialdramon depende de 6 digimon es como decir que Susanoomon depende de la unión de 10 digispirits... aplica también. Aún así, el Imperialdramon que vemos en Xros Wars, también en su punto más fuerte tras derrotar a MaloMyotismon de 02, no depende de sus compañeros.
Lo que mencionas de Myotismon y su fuente de poder es irrelevante. Myotismon es un digimon tipo vampiro. Su concepto es ese: absorber el poder oscuro de otros y hacerlo suyo, así como un vampiro se alimenta de sangre para hacerse fuerte y mantenerse con vida. Criticar esa habilidad de Myotismon sería como criticar el hecho de que Lucemon sea capaz de controlar tanto Luz como Oscuridad. Es el concepto básico del personaje y es lo que lo hace único. Por otro lado, Lucemon SÍ usó el poder de los Caballeros Reales para fortalecerse. Como bien dijiste, para digievolucionar. Tal y como Myotismon usó las semillas para volverse MaloMyotismon y la oscuridad en el Digimundo que él mismo había corrompido.
Eso me lleva al punto en el que mencionas que Lucemon corrompió a Cherubimon. El corromper a Cherubimon no es algo relevante en esta discusión, ya que si a esas vamos, Myotismon corrompió todo el Digimundo con su oscuridad y por unos minutos, al Mundo Real. Si lo dices por la inteligencia de Lucemon, entonces me temo que el plan de Lucemon era bastante simple: absorber datos usando a sus sirvientes y destruir el Digimundo para crear uno "perfecto". En cambio, Myotismon utilizó no solamente a sus sirvientes sino que además, usó a los protagonistas en varias ocasiones sin que estos lo sospecharan, para lograr sus fines. En cuestiones de intelecto, Myotismon es más astuto y hábil para manipular a otros. Esto sin mencionar, que a través de Oikawa, creó a dos digimon (cosa que nunca vemos hacer a Lucemon: crear vida).
En cuanto a los niños, tú mismo lo estás diciendo: para derrotar a Lucemon, se necesitó de su poder. Para derrotar a Myotismon, se necesitó del poder de todos los niños elegidos del mundo y de sus digimon, porque el de Imperialdramon (que es el digimon que hace lo que Susanoomon no puede hacer en Xros Wars) y otros dos jogress no era suficiente para detenerlo.
Myotismon! You made it! *hugs*
En teoría todos son híbridos, pero dependiendo de su poder, los híbridos se clasifican por clases: clase campeón, clase perfecto y clase mega. KaiserGreymon es lo que muchos llaman "Mega 2", una evolución sin cambio de nivel, sólo más fuerte (como de VenomMyotismon a MaloMyotismon).
Epic video
Thank you. I plan to remake this one as soon as the current series is over.
@tiojaviss ,thanx alot for just answering me,but still confused or didnt get it all,is this a movie,or just fake thing done,or other series?
I know this doesn't have anything to do with this, but in season 2, Arukennymon (the spider lady who always ate her hair) and her partner reminded me a lot of Jesse and James from Pokémon, LOL.
Correction: the Lucemon in Xros Wars is a common Lucemon, of course it wasn't as strong as the one from Frontier. The makers said that? I would like to know where did you get that info (besides countless forums which of course, are not a valid source). On the other hand, Myotismon (from Adventure) is known for his endurance. He wasn't killed here, his body was destroyed (twice).
Finally, that is the common line, however, alternate evolution lines exist. I highly recommend you check them out.
1 lucemon in any series is just a fraction of him the one in frontier was capble of destroying all of the digital world(a universe) by himself and melo myotismon was just covering a planet with his darkness wich is stated to be much inferior to barbamon darkness(who is weaker then lucamon)
And the true lucemon is quite littrly capble of destroying the multiverse
2 "his body was destroyd twice" thets not durebillity thets stamina both times ware speciel cirmcumstences
heyyy es muyy bueno el videoooooooooo excelenteee aunq en realidad los 2 son poderososs.
Never question lord myotismon, NEVER
@tiojaviss ,oh u made them
they r good,keep on
Gracias por la aclaración...
@violatormelms Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
@Kiora711 Thanks! Hope you enjoy the other parts too! :D
Thanks! Please, check the other 2 parts too!
@tiojaviss lucymon is a god digimon and youll see a fight against him somewhere at season 4 episode 50-51
Nostalgia dulu lah!!!!
6:31 song ???
I would like like to know where you get the info about alternate evolution lines so I can check it out. Lucemon battled the ten ancient legendary warriors whose power was said to stronger than any current megas. They also passied they ablittes and made the Attributes Dragon,Beast,Insect , Bird Man,Fairy,Mammal,Icy,Mutant,Rock-species Ore,Rock-species Mineral,Plant,Aquatic,Mythical Animal and Demon Beast.
There's more info on Lucemon/Celestial Digimon. I currently don't have time to type it all out. However, in comparison, Myotismon himself is basically just a vampire demon. However, the form he takes after Digivolving as well as the name, VenomMyotismon, is derived from the Second Beast of Revelation, as well as the mythological Abaddon. (his form seems based off of Abaddon, his identity; is the Second Beast) Btw, there's really not much on Abaddon that I am aware of. From what I can tell, most
Lo único que has conseguido es probar mi punto. Cada universo tiene un margen de poder, el Myotismon de Adventure es definitivamente el más fuerte de los Myotismon que han aparecido (al menos hasta la fecha). La única contribución de V-Tamer 01 es la aparición de los digimon "Super Ultimate", que en todas las otras fuentes los consideran Megas.
¿Cuál de las dos? La primera es un remix de las canciones "Aenigma - War of the Universe" de Luca Turilli.
La segunda es "The Last Element" de Digimon Frontier.
that´s the power of darkness LUCY!!! XD
@TheKuke17 Actually, is a combination of two songs:
2.-War of the Universe (by Luca Turulli)
The third one is Digimon Frontier's theme ;)
@amralimedicine It's a fanfic. A what-if story that I created. People who liked my story collaborated me to make some episodes: LordLUCEMON in Ultimate Battle 2 and 3. Menslady125 and I created the main plot on "The Halloween ProYect" series.
The whole thing is fanmade, but has a complex plot that some followers from The Halloween ProYect get back to the first series to match some things up. Hope you like and enjoy the videos.
me puedes decir como se llama el nombre de la musica...??? porfavor
@ACOGTurkey Actually, is a combination of two songs:
2.-War of the Universe (by Luca Turulli)
The third one is Digimon Frontier's theme ;)
i have love this!
great hail lord myotismon
@Jaxionisnum265 Sorry for the delay... just read your comment :( Indeed, Lucemon uses the power of Chaos... but I can't reveal more.
is this a movie?iam eager to see all,i feel lost
¿"Debe tener"? Nuevamente haces una suposición ¿existe algún punto de comparación entre el Seraphimon de Frontier y el MaloMyotismon de Adventure?
@JesseRosas01 He appears on part 2. Check it out! :D
Gracias Infinitas a @tiojaviss por este video... Donde vi una pelea excelente que deberia estar en el anime... Y por dejarme oir por primera vez el maravilloso Luca Turilli, y la que seria mi cancion favorita desde hace mas de un año... :D
@inu2dope It took me two or three days. I remember it was hard for me since I did not know how to use Movie Maker at the time as much as I do now. Glad you liked the video. Please, watch the other parts too! This gets more and more exciting! :)
@dinorider13 Actually, is a combination of two songs:
2.-War of the Universe (by Luca Turulli)
The third one is Digimon Frontier's theme ;)
Where does Malomyotismon and Venommyotismon appear?
What's the name of that epic song playing through this awesome vid?
Best song ever... War of the Universe by Luca Turilli
Lucemon has holy attacks which is super effective against dark type digimons
@amralimedicine It started like a small fanfic. Now, there are 3 series.
This one is the first "episode". Let me explain it to you:
1.- Ultimate Battle:
Myotismon vs Lucemon
Lucemon counter attacks!
Knights vs Demons, Light vs Darkness!
2.- A not so Happy Christmas:
This was divided in parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.A, 5.B, 5.C, 5.D, 5.E, 5.F, 5.G
3.- The Halloween ProYect:
There will be around 16 episodes. I have uploaded 11. #12 will be uploaded this Saturday
what is the name of the song?
great vid
And you still haven't answered my question. In any case, the VenomMyotismons and MaloMyotismons in Xros Wars had the average power for their species (a lot weaker than the Myotismon from Adventure who compared to them was a beast). And yet, they were still stronger than the common Lucemon from Xros Wars.
Where can I find this video without writing on it
Thanks. Would you like me to make that Backstory into a video? Tell me what you think!
en q fuentes has sacado eso?
what's the name of the music I love it
I really like how this is done but shouldn't lucemon transform into his dragon mode?
From the Digital Monsters Almanac. You can find further information in Wikimon (a wikia that deals only with canon information). Myotismon battled all the chosen children in the world and his only weakness is positive thoughts/emotions. His power rises when Darkness and evil/bad feelings and thoughts surround him. Imagine all the power he would gain if he absorbed the Darkness within Lucemon's heart.
hey what's the song throuout the vid?
What's the name of the song?
He appears in "Ultimate Battle 2: Lucemon Counter Attacks!"
lucemon must be a part of the same villain club as freeza XD
Lucemon is an angel digimon whose name and design is derived from the mythological Lucifer, the angelic name of Satan, with "Luce" (Ita: "Light") as a reference to that name. Although it has the appearance of a child, the power and intelligence it possesses surpass even that of an Ultimate Digimon. It is said that Lucemon's abilities have now been inherited and split among the Celestial Digimon.
Umm, yes, yes it is. It is one of the many digievolutions of Myotismon (just as Daemon, Beelzemon, Piedmon... are). You might want to check the official list of Myotismon's possible evolutions.
I can not sell this video or any other of my series as I used material that doesn't belong to me. If I sold this video, I would be violating the copyright laws and both of us would be in great trouble.
Besides, why would you want to buy this video? My stories are free and for everyone here in RUclips :)
lucemon chaos mode is an ultimate level.
but that really doesn't mean a damn thing since he is one of the 7 demon lord digimons, representing pride
Myotismon is the coolest Digimon
@amralimedicine If you want a further explanation feel free to ask. I couldn't be that "specific" on the other comment because I ran out of space. xD
thank evilness for the dark area i love myotismon too much
@MegaDarkness69 Ammm... Myotismon insulted Lucemon... there's no Lucymon...
war of the unverse - luca turilli
thats my favorite song ever!
Susanoomon es considerado por algunos medios como "Super Ultimate" (un nivel más arriba del Mega). Otros lo siguen considerando como nivel Mega (y sí, vendría a ser un Mega 3).
How can I find this vid without writing on it
lord myotismon the best villain ever!
what episode is this????????
How did you guys belive that! He took the scenes from season 1 and 4 so that wasnt even real , its easy to trick you
No frankly he didn't trick anyone 😂 ,it's just made for fun .
Myotismon is ruthless and cruel but no much for the demon lord himself
Lucemon didn't even go Demon Lord! He should've smashed Myotismon to pieces! Though... Darkness Area is a bad place to fight Myotismon...
Did anyone notice that the music is from the orginal Pokemon. Not the shit they have today
Second part cooming! That's why.
You are missing Lucemon Shadow Lord Mode
And by the way, you might also want to check out Digimon Xros Wars. Both Lucemon and Myotismon appear in the same series. VenomMyotismon power there surpasses by far that of Lucemon Shadowlord Mode's.
Lo siento, pero vas a tener que argumentar tu comentario. Dejamos bien claro algunos comentarios atrás que las "apariencias" de poder variaban mucho, y por medio de un argumento te demostré que: Lucemon (Frontier)
Lucemon SM(aka dragon mode) is literally universal/multiversal considering he was about to WIPE either/and the digital/real worlds. Hell galaxy buster would be a super low ball
Strenght in Digimon is kind of a "rock, paper and scissors" game. There will always be a stronger digimon. Apocalymon's kamikaze attack destroys the opponent but also ends with Apocalymon's life.
@GallantChaddymon Please, read the backstory.
"Lucemon wears a Holy Ring on each of it's arms and legs, and has the symbol of Digital Hazard on it's hands." Celestial Digimon: Seraphimon, Ophanimon, and Cherubimon. (that's a whole different story that I don't feel like typing out.)
Te pediría que regresaras a leer mis argumentos pero entiendo que la cadenita es ya bastante larga... así que copio y pego lo anterior:
En Xros Wars, vemos como Imperialdramon FM es quien destruye a los VenomMyotismon clonados de Quartzmon, mientras que el mismísimo Susanoomon (junto con ShineGreymon Burst Mode) sólo se limita a detenerlos usando el ataque que cortó por la mitad a Lucemon CM. Cabe resaltar que se trata del Imperialdramon FM que fue masacrado por MaloMyotismon de Adventure.
Es verdad que puede parecer incongruente, pero es cuestión de lógica. Un ejemplo más: Aldamon (un digimon Híbrido-Mega Legendario) no le hizo ni cosquillas a un MaloMyotismon clonado con su Solar Wind Destroyer, mientras que WarGreymon destruyó tres con un golpe de su Terra Force.