I hate how people are judging these girls. They are putting their faith into something just as Christians, Muslims, or Buddhists would put their faith into their gods. If it helps them be comfortable with life and dealing with the things it throws their way, let them be.
wicca and paganism are pretty interpretive but you can find communities and resources online as well as in pagan shops. just be careful with which shops you go into. some are just touristy places with cheap incense and some have really cool books, tarot, crystals ect. just do whatever feels right to you. I was raised wiccan so I'm not sure which books are good for starters but I'd take the advice from the other commenter and check out scott cunningham
I didn't know that witch was related to a religion....I thought it was a despective name created by catholics/christians in order to exterminate others cultures from Europe and impose theirs as "the only one". The spanish inquisition was all about detecting jewish people who converted to catholicism but were still practicing juddhaism(because the spanish kings only wanted catholic people on their country). Unlike the rest of inquisition, spanish inquisition was motivated by politics (because the spanish inquistion was made by the spanish kings while the other inquisitions were made by the pope).
Eclairz Right lmao, every single comment is just saying that they are disappointed in the people who “disapprove” of their lifestyle. I guess some people like to create problems that aren’t there.
Ønłÿ Ønę I think instead of chronological order, you're seeing the top comments first, which are likely the "positive" ones, or the comments defending witchcraft. I did word it weird but maybe that's why you see so many defensive commentary
AzureAnie I see what you’re saying, and it makes sense. But chances are, I would’ve scrolled to at least 1 negative comment but I didn’t. I scrolled for a while too. But it doesn’t matter. To be honest, I don’t even remember what this video was about.
S R how on earth could I have not known what she meant....? Assuming we all have at least a freshman in high school's knowledge. One would assume to know how chromosomes work. FYI down syndrome have 1 extra chromosome. I don't understand the point you guys are trying to make. This lady in the video clearly has issues with reality.
i’m a non-religious witch and i love it. the way i see my practice is that i’m not putting my faith in a god. my faith resides in myself; i don’t need someone else to forgive me of my “sins” per say, i only need to be able to forgive myself. i feel empowered and connected in myself because of my practice. it has truly been one of the best decisions i ever made
lavender moon magick I find witch craft very interesting. However, i’m young and am not sure if i should get into it. Is it dangerous in terms of spirits, ghost, etc?
@@eriana1147 no not unless that is your intention, it takes a while to learn the ways of being a witch but as long as you have good in your mind and soul and respect the beings such as gods or spirits your completely safe. It's kind of hard for me to explain but you can watch videos on the subject
Chatty Catty That makes complete sense! Thank you! Now i just need to convince my mom that i’m not crazy and that she should let me purchase books in this topic! lol
It’s only dangerous if you choose to contact spirits. I recommend starting with tarot or spell jars, because sigils hold a lot of power and crystals are expensive If you’re going to do something spirit related, RESEARCH PROTECTION SPELLS!! You can choose what kind of witch you want to be. Your craft is your own and you can choose to do whatever you want with it
I love how all these comments are saying ''Don't hate on these people!!1!'' but I see literally no negative comment? ANYWAY, I love this video! I think I wanna be a witch too. I just love the feeling when I think about like the empowerment of this religion and ahhhh
o o There were quite a few rude and inconsiderate comments earlier on, you'll find them if you go far enough. We just drowned them out with the positive so you don't see the hate, blessed be.
Lams Is real - That is just so typical for you guys. Drown them out... You cant drown the truth out. Do you think closing your eyes makes evil less evil? Or less harmful? Teenage hobbyist wannabe witches... If you at least knew what you were dealing with. Or if you could accept it instead of being in denial. Do what thou wilt. And pay the price.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure God wouldn't create cancer, world hunger, global warming, wars, etc., etc. And please don't hit me with that "God has a plan" bullshit
One of the most helpful things we can do, Kat, is to listen openly to someone different than ourselves and, whether we walk away agreeing with their perspective or not, learn to honor that they've applied care and consideration into shaping their worldview. In that regard, it's very nice to see your comment. :-) -- Todd
I found this very interesting, even though I don't believe in witchcraft. And then I saw the comments. Why are you so full of hate towards people who aren't the same as you?
October Country how many people actually claim to be wiccans? Seems that you think every person who identifies as a witch also claims the wiccan religions, which isnt true. The two are not synonymous. It's also disrespectful for you to refer to people as "loons and freaks." You know how many people think WICCANS are freaks? Plenty. So maybe stop playing pot and kettle and grow up.
Jane Dough okay and heres the thing - no one cares. Not everyone is bound to christianity, and not everyone believes the same thing. You know what else is forbidden in the bible? Polyester blends. Shrimp. Associating with women while they're menstruating. So if you think its evil, fine. Don't practice witchcraft. Simple as that.
Everyone is saying "These comments are so ugly just let them experience their spirituality as they please". I'm kind of glad I didn't scroll far enough to actually read the "ugly" ones.
I'm extremely interested in dream magic, I've only ever had lucid dreams and almost every single one has predicted an upcoming situation. I feel extremely attached to them and my mother and I have eerily strong intuition. I'll never forget the time a random woman stopped us and told us we were "gifted" people, but I have yet to discover what that "gift" is.
Aneesa H. This is happenning to me every single day but I would suggest you not get stuck on it.Move on to your life and you'll see in the future what those things you predicted are for.
as an Irish woman I've been brought up to accept witch craft as it plays a strong part in my culture ,it was very strongly practiced in Celtic cultures .
I’m Irish too! (By blood, I live in the US) and I was raised around witchy/Halloween-ish stuff. My uncle gave me one of his crystal pendants. I identify as a witch too
Lux Umbra history incriminates THE PAST i am a white witch. And everyone in my kentucky town knows this....and in kentucky there is a literal church on every corner.....LITERALLY and i have NEVER and i really mean NEVER been treated less by them...and i have never teeated them less by any means...im a waitress as well and many of these christians come to my job after there sunday services.....and guess who they request to wait on there families??? DING DING!!!! THE WITCH!!!! they treat me with love and i give back that love...spirituality is personal and by that i mean its unique to every indavidual person and being....so no sir....i do indeed not hate christians....i hate no one....i love all and that is where my power comes from...:) love is what motivates most faiths. Practicing love and tolerence will see us through...i am the grandaughter of the witches they could not burn sir...and will proudly hold the hands of the hands of the granddaughters and grandsons of those fearmongers through lifes journey who did use fear towards the judgement of innocent women who lost there lives who did and did NOT practice witchcraft....and yours as well BLESSED BE walk on the feathers of truth wherever they lead you :)
Witchcraft isn't for everybody but anyone can get into it. It's a very personal journey and there are MANY different types of witches. It's a very beautiful practice if you go into it with a loving heart. I'm a witch and I fucking love it. Love & Light ✨
i think what a lot of people don't understand is that witchcraft isnt some big scary satanic thing and witches don't usually believe magic (in the way its presented by the media) and the ability to genuinely alter physics exists. magic exists in small ways, like karma or luck or miracles (much like christianity!) like. u ever flip a coin to answer a question? use a magic 8 ball? knock on wood? believe in karma? jinx? witchcraft is just that, except its an entire practice based on what are essentially superstitions or folktales. not all people who practice witchcraft are religious, either, and even if they are, so what? whos to say your god is the only god? when you think abt more mainstream religions and their practices, religious witchcraft practices are really really similar. the only thing that sets it apart is misconceptions of words like "witch" or "magic"
Yeah, it bothers me that people think Witchcraft and Wicca are about Satan. In most pagan religions, there isn’t even a belief of Satan. Personally, I don’t think he exists lol
I am so glad this video is genuine and not “making fun of” witchcraft as it is quite a unique thing to be involved in and I’m happy that it seems to be getting more recognition. I have always been made fun of when people found out I was a witch, they would say I was pretending. Hopefully society will realise that this is a real thing real people do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. ❤️
As a Christian, I don't understand why some other Christians can't accept these people's beliefs. Sure, you believe that witchcraft is bad but that doesn't mean you should hate on them or bash their beliefs. Remember that Jesus taught us not to judge others. Be respectful and LOVE your neighbours (greatest commandment). In the end, does anyone actually know the real truth of who's beliefs are the correct ones? Admit it, no one knows, so you can't just say another person's faith or practice is wrong. As long as it doesn't hurt themselves or others, what's so bad about it? I know a lot of witches aren't Wiccan, but I agree with the summary of the Wiccan Rede: An ye harm none do what you will. There's a big misconception that witches believe or worship Satan. Some do, but most of them don't. Some of you might say that you're just trying to help these people be closer to God and have salvation. That's a valid point, but don't go shoving it down their throats and if they want to stick to what they're doing, leave them to it. The best way is to act like a real Christian and be kind, accepting and respectful like Jesus was. That's what God wants us to do. God Bless 😊💖 P.S. Some witches I know act a LOT more like Jesus than what some so-called Christians do. One's kindness I experienced first-hand.
Jay Cobb But yet again the bible says that you can sell ur daughter, and more stuff. It’s also stated that god provided with free will for people to choose how to live their life lol
@@jaykelley103 I mean, I'd think that defiling our sacred sites and killing us in the name of a God we don't believe in is pretty evil, but go off, I guess.
Not all witches are bad. Not all witches are good. And not all of witches are both. Witches can follow Gods and Goddesses who ever witches wanted to follow or not following anyone. Not all of witches followed Satan you know !
Akyira Carrera White witches and dark witches. It's balance the super natural world like you said. And still some witches in the middle Grey Witches. They can do both good and bad things
Akyira Carrera yeah. It's just I'm upset when people think that witches follow Satan when actually they follow The Mother Nature and all the evil things just from Hollywood
I do as well! I would probably get more into it if I wasn't so hesitant. Though I'm barely religious, I'm still Christian and was baptized as a very young child. I have some religious friends (one of them has a father that works at a church) and sometimes I'm afraid people will leave me and stereotype me as an evil person. I just feel very fascinated and drawn to these kinds of things, but I'm so afraid of the consequences.
“ ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. - Leviticus 19:31 There is no such thing as 'good witchcraft'. It all leads to death.
officialfangirl Oh thanks, I'm still trying to grow, I hope we all are. But I am actually talking about spiritual death here. We are all going to die of course and yes of course God killed people. He's God. I also deserve to be dead but praise be to God he saved me from spiritual death through Jesus. And he's warning us not to practice witchcraft and stuff like that as it is nice at first and it even gives you power but if you look at some former witches' testimonies you will find out that it leads to pure destruction. I'm saying that in love. God bless you.
Caroline McGuire gurl dont do it . 1 Chronicles 10 :13 Leviticus 20:6 The worship and seeking of supernatural powers other than God has been around since the beginning. Satan has used witchcraft to prevent people from finding holy spirituality in God alone. He uses witchcraft such as mediums, horoscopes, and games to entice people away from God and toward a power that gives self enlightenment. The Bible speaks often of the consequences of following false idols and falsehood. Read the Scripture verses below to better understand the importance of seeking God alone.
I am a witch that was taught by my grandmother who is also a witch. My grandma dealt with a lot of bullshit from religious people. She said when she was a nurse this woman was screaming at her because of her pentagram. They had to take the woman out of the room and my grandma saved her sons life.
Hi random fellow witch/pagan/Wiccan. My name is Leyla, I’m 17, an atheist and a witch at heart, and I need help. I always loved the idea of magic and witchcraft and always did little mental things here and there, always was one with nature and animals and crystals etc. but I’ve only been slightly educating myself on the subject for the last 2 years, and by lightly I mean websites and Pinterest, and only recently I’ve been trying to practice something more serious, because I feel like I have at least enough info to get the hang of it, also because I recently finally realized that after all, I’m an atheistic witch. My parents never ever pressured me into anything, let alone religion, but I have though of myself (like many others in Azerbaijan including parents and teacher and everyone around) as Muslim, and as I grew older, as I learned more and more I realized that religions like Islam or Christianity or Judaism were created to brainwash and manipulate people. When I started reading the da Vinci code, I realized that , after all, I was a nature loving, history reading atheist with a love for witchcraft. Ever since I was a kid I loved the moon and the oceans and seas, the forests and mountains etc. and generally I was a kid who read up on what interested her, so educating myself on witchcraft (just a bit) was kinda easy. I even had many moneys where my close friends were calling me a witch because I would always give out natural home remedies, or loving the weather that people don’t always love, or attracting animals on streets, one of my best friend even once send me a link to a video by WitcheryTV called “15 signs you might be a witch” and said “THIS IS YOU” But I still need a lot of help. Around the last new moon, (October 9th 2018) I finally tried my first new moon ritual. Now I don’t live in the US, or UK or some witch related country, I live in Azerbaijan. Even finding sage or natural beeswax candles is hard. So the amount of magical objects that I have is really low. I obviously have glass mason jars, my mom has a lot of herbs in the kitchen, I have a little rose quartz peace (from a necklace) and a moonstone pendant, both of which I got in the mountains of Georgia, I have a set of moonstone earring and a bracelet which I got at Zakinthos, Greece, 3 years ago. I have a necklace with a little dolphin going around an amethyst, gifted by one of my best friends, and vintage looking amethyst earring gifted by a dear family friend (also from Georgia), sun stone(I think) and gold earrings and a necklace of small rose pearls. That’s pretty much how crystals go) I obviously have simple tools and things like parchment, sea shells, normal candles, salt etc. the reason why I am listing all of this in an already long comment is: THE OCTOBER HUNTER’S MOON, or Blood Moon is coming up, and then later, Samhain. Idk what to do and how to make up a ritual. I watched some new moon rituals around the last new moon, and during my ritual I took out my seashells, a pen and paper, made myself some green jasmine tea, meditated and wrote down manifestations, affirmations and gratitude to the sun, the moon, Mother Nature and The Univerce. I put all my crystal objects and pearls and golden object into a glass jar and filled it with drinking water, put it out on to the balcony so they would see the new moon and the sun the next morning (you can’t see the moon from my bedroom window sadly)That’s pretty much it. I kept it simple because I’m barely even a beginner. But I know that hunter moons are special and powerful, and I want to do a full moon ritual obviously, but I don’t know here to start (besides letting your crystals see the moon and meditating and radiating vibes) and I also haven’t found the time to start learning the sabbaths and the wheel of the year, so I don’t know what to do on Samhain, though I really want to celebrate. If you read this far, thank you immensely, and if you can help please do, I’m a witch at heart and I always was, but I do need guidance, “how-to”’s on beginner practices, how celebrate all sabbats and esbats, the wheel of the year etc. I don’t know how to find real, reliable info, and how to tell fakes from actual spells, rituals, if there are any good apps for your phone that help, etc. Since the only educating thing I have is the internet (they don’t sell Wicca / Witchcraft / Pagaznim books in Baku)(I also don’t know the real difference between these 3 and if you could practice 2-3 at a time). Blessed be❤️ and thank you even if you just read this❤️
@0b6dm You are labouring under the delusion that "witch" is a purely female term. Any human, male or female, can be a Witch. Warlock is an offensive slur which means "oath breaker" and no witch would trust a Warlock. Wizard isn't a thing. That's all TV and fantasy.
you can practice secular witchcraft! a lot of people call on gods/goddesses/etc for power & help but it's not necessary! you could use your own energy, more "real-world" energy (sciency?), earth energy, literally anything if you'd like. (also: witchcraft is a practice, can be added to any religion. Wicca is an earth-based religion that follows a divine masculine and feminine, often includes witchcraft. NeoPaganism is paganism (earth worship with some extra stuff) but modernized, and i'm not entirely sure what druidism is, i haven't looked into it but i'm pretty sure it's nature-based)
I'm not impressed or surprised AT ALL. Sadly, witchcraft is being glorified in ALL aspects of media. In the news, movies, programs, sitcoms, magazines, social media, and even CHILDREN'S cartoons. Sadly, we WILL reap the consequences.
im muslim too. you know you can believe in islam, christianity etc and still be a witch right? lol you don't have to necessarily believe in satan or wiccan gods.
@@yurichtube1162 Yes it is, please don't let these videos influence you into becoming one. Watch these videos with a critical eye, let them not influence you.
I think she’s just talking about the shift in her career path. She went from pastry chef to running a shop that includes tools that help in witchcraft.
I hate how in 2017 we still use WITCH as a feminine description of someone who does magic. It's literally unisex. Warlock is always used to call a Male a witch, but it means Oathbreaker and is also unisex. Honestly, the amount of sexism in magical profession is tangible.
That is one of the reasons that I personally don't go as Wiccan anymore. I thought I was, but I don't acknowledge any deities and I don't like how most Wiccan based traditions are very, very feminine centered, or gender based in general. I go by secular witch for like a few years now and it fits me :)
Warlock is a word for someone who has decided their coven in some way. It's generally considered derogatory. Witch means a Male or a Female. It's not a gendered word.
Did you listen to ANYTHING they said in the video? Please actually do some research on witchcraft and paganism before you comment something so ignorant and before you form an opinion.
I have to be honest, I thought Teen Vogue was going to do a biased video on Witches & Witchcraft or something like that. P.S: Don't scroll down into (the abyss) of the comment section, It's full of ignorant comments from Religious people.
Shoutout to the witches who don’t speak about what they do as well. Some of us hide our powers and don’t feel safe to show them. Some of us don’t need to practice - it lives in our energy. X
wow the amount of cavalier and egotistical judgment going on in the comments. Making the world a better place requires empathy. Researching before you spout hate, and then not doing that at all.
*sigh* energy is science. Literally some salts and rocks give off positive ions which can lift mood and give off energy. I feel so bad for people whose school systems failed them. It's not your fault. But you do have google XD
What the fuck does that have to do with what we're talking about? And no, it doesnt give you energy, it just messes with the chemicals in your brain and makes you act different you pseudo intellectual xD
You are all such strong, powerful women. I admire your certainty and your dedication. I'm Jewish, and our spiritualism is expressed often by the practice of Kabbalah... it is something I want to study more; it has intrigued me ever since I converted to Judaism. The young lady who described het two rituals that she performs each day makes me very, very happy. How many people are that thankful for their ancestors? How many for others on this planet? These witches, just like every other witch I've ever met, are kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and are responsible for themselves. I admire them immensely.
Well yeah, what’s actually the difference ? (I’m very ignorant) I’ve been introduced to the world of witchcraft a week ago and therefore is still a baby witch but I’ve been trying to find a video abt this and it’s apparently in the history that we can tell the difference ??? Or beliefs ??
@@fanlou18_35 a Wiccan is a person who practices Wicca a religion. A witch is somebody who practices witchcraft a craft. Most weekends practice witchcraft but not all of them have to. And all witches are definitely not wiccans.
As a Christian this was very interesting to watch. There is this widely perceived notion throughout alot of (or most) Christian denominations that witchcraft is demonic or purely Satanic and I've never seen it from this perspective. Nice to see both sides.
Exactly! " A practical Approach to Spirituality "..... I'm a psychic in all aspects and I have always worked with the Universe and the elements all my life. I'm now At the point where I'm incorporating practical ritual in my work and realising that I've always been a Witch at heart..... It feel so natural to me now.
I feel a deep emotional and spiritual connection to the witch. Every time I see something like this, i feel the greatest joy and excitement. To know that there are people like this out in our modern world make me very ☺. As someone who is starting out on this path i just wanna say, blessed be and love to all.
Starting on my journey into Wiccan. Never had such amazing experiences and energy. I will powered. I grew up knowing I had spiritual senses. Now I am learning to better tune knew.
Do as you will , harm none 🌠 Love nature the way she loves you , know the mind has questions and silence has answers. All you need is oneness with the universe and stay in tune with your intuition. It's not some shit you can or have to BUY. it's not an aesthetic. It's about unity.
See Christians, this is how we are. ^^ We aren't some violent devil worshippers. Most of us don't believe in devil. Or God. We love Earth and nature and try to be one with you guys.
You know I almost skipped over this video, I am glad I decided to watch.... Great job ladies!!! People that make negative comments only see the world through the lens of their religion. ~Solanum Greenbriar~ (Order of the Greenbriar Druids)
Why do you assume that only religious people are capable of hate? You should see the kind of venom atheists spout left and right, at virtually anyone who questions their ideology. Hate isn't a matter of belief, especially since the vast majority of religions and value systems are peaceful at their core; it's more about your personality and manners than anything else, really. If you're a douche then you're a douche, no matter what you believe in.
@ people saying they don't believe in witchcraft or magic (magick). It's not something you believe in. It's something people obviously do. Witchcraft is a practice. That's like saying you don't believe in priesthood because you aren't Christian. How it works exactly is something everyone has their believes about.
yall hating on paganism, wicca and witchcraft but celebrate christmas, easter and halloween, all which are based off the pagan sabbats, which existed before christianity was a thing 😐😐
Witch craft is quite a beautiful belief system. Most witches are very respectful of nature and all around them. I guess it's an alternative belief for those seeking a different path outside of the Abrahamic religions. Love Teen Vogue for embracing diversity while TEACHING us something new in the process!
No offence to these witches but witches are not exclusively female or feminine? The manliest person ever doing magic and practicing witchcraft is still a witch.
Once you start its addicting but in a good way! I felt so empowered and confident, and I'm still working on being "good" at it, but really, it's great. The biggest thing in my way is my catholic family :/ good luck on your journey! )0(
As a strong Pagan who uses witchcraft mainly for protection and healing these are my only problems with the video: "And being a witch in the modern world its a little bit rebellious" "I'm a witch because it's empowering, it feels like I'm participating in a...a living history of women and trans-feminine people that goes back forever." 1. No, not really. Not at all actually, witches lives where at stake if their practices where discovered for a looooong time, its actually the safest and easiest time to be a witch in modern times and in 1st world countries. Also beside that, its not really rebellious at all if you consider the close tie between Paganism and Witchcraft and that Paganism was the original religion because early humans with our natural curiosity and need for explaining things created the gods to not only to explain why weather phenomena happened (like a flash flood destroying your village or a highly destructive earthquake) as a way of coping with how truely terrifying nature is since they didn't have the same technology that we do today (obviously), and as personifications of not only human attributes and personifications of nature and vital things needed in and the natural magick of nature. 2.Witchcraft has a lot of feminine power, but they completely left out the role of the masculine power as well. Paganism aside for this one (since Pagans traditionally at least believed in a god and a goddess and the power of opposites and the natural balance of things), Witchcraft is not a feminine only practice by any means. 3. I'm surprised there seemed to be no talk of herbal witchcraft magick since not only does ancient witchcraft involve herbs, salves, and teas, but those things and herbal witchcraft are very useful in the real world. Learning the secrets to plants and how each one can help you if your sick or with other things is a part of the knowledge witches had to hide in order to stay alive. And 4. even though i brought it up in this comment, the one Witch who did bring up any kind of gods didn't say anything about the difference, but close ties between Witchcraft and Paganism. She said herself that she practices witchcraft, it is a practice first and the bare bones of Witchcraft involves no mentioned gods at all. Not anything major, just disappointing since a major theme of both Witchcraft and Paganism is the almost ritualistic need and thirst for knowledge, yet a detail like that insinuates to any unknowing person that Witchcraft is the same a religion, but it's not. I'm not at all shaming them for having different beliefs than me and they're free to do whatever they like with their practice, but i haven't seen anyone point these issues out in the comment, probably because there isn't many Witches watching Teen Vogue on Witches since most of us don't have time for that, but it's late and im bored, lol. Hope this helped out and informed anyone who might've been off put by some one the info in the video, Blessed Be everyone :)
My question is if it's real. I know that it's obviously not sparks, smoke, and mirrors like Harry Potter, but do you feel an actual difference when performing a ritual or making a charm?
Riri Pari i haven’t done any Magick bc my mom thinks it’s devil worship but I’ve talked to ppl who have, some have connected with gods and goddesses some don’t believe in a greater being etc. There are many types of witches.
I’ve had thoughts and put a lot of energy in those and they “came true” Many times it’s happen to me. I feel like I’m a witch, like I was called to it. I keep searching for it because I keep getting called to it.
YESSSSS! Catland in BK - I love u guys!!! I always used to come visit the Norwegian Forest Cat, and in recent years stop in just to see what’s new & buy a few “necessities”. There’s always cool new stuff in there to explore & buy to build your craft. Thanks for doing this piece, Teen Vogue!! 🌟🌈🌙
Nova SnowPaw The Wolf actually, if you want to be Christian in a non toxic way then you can and also be a witch. Unless you don’t believe in that stuff. Also, a lot of the Bible was mistranslated. Just an FYI in case you liked Christianity except for the toxic bits a lot of ppl seem love to enforce
@@disneygeek1228 "a lot of bible was mistranslated" FINALLY someone that understands. same goes for the quran and torah. all of them were mistranslated by a bunch of people that wanted to take advantage of the word of god as we believe it.
I know a powerful man in Africa who helped me to recover my ex-husband who left me for more than 3 years of marriage, it was my friend who told me about him, you can also contact him on WhatsApp +2348055215168
-Sorry im late to this party- But My mom is a *POWERFULL* shaman if you dont know what shaman is, Shamanism is a religious practice that involves a practitioner, a shaman, who is believed to interact with a spirit world through altered states of conciusness, such as trance. The goal of this is usually to direct these spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for healing or some other purpose. And OH MY GOD its very real my mom inspired me to become a witch even if it isnt related. If you have any questions then hop on to my replies and stay safe everyone
Why are all of the witches in the video beautiful skinny young white women with dark lipstick? My aunt is a practicing witch, a wife and mother, and full-time nurse who looks nothing like the women in this video. More power to witches but there's so much more than this.
When they say that, they for excample mean everybody sould love and worship mother nature. Be kind to everyone. "An Ye Harm None Do What Ye Will" or read the Wiccan Rede. Then you can understand it more And you can be a witch and still be christian. You can have many different beliefs. And you can say what you want christians and muslims have done many bad things in the past. Witches haven´t. Witches got killed because they helped people. Mmhh and who killed them?.... And because they knew that herbs have powers. So I don´t think that´s even nearly as bad. And believing in a god and praying is kind of spell work and believing is spirituality. So it´s always funny when christians say they don´t believe in it.
growing up I've always been told that witchcraft goes hand in hand with the devil, demons, and bad spirits so naturally the idea of witchcraft seems bad and freaks me out but I do find it fascinating
A lovely explanation of witchcraft :) And for anyone interested, you can be a with without being religious, but you can also be a witch of any religion. If you wish to stay Christian for example but are attracted to witchcraft, incorporate witchcraft into your religion ;)
I was quite happy as a Wiccan witch myself that this was actually very accurate and not someone playing dress up with some dark clothing and a hat. The only thing I disagreed with was that while women and trans feminine people can be witches (the fact that you included trans girls made me really happy), people of all genders (and sexualities for that matter) can practice witchcraft. I know/know of several male witches as well. I wish witchcraft and pagan religions were more widely accepted as spiritual and religious beliefs instead of something fake and evil
i dont see myself becoming a witch or believing totally in what they believe; however, i do respect them as people and what they identify themselves as. its nonsense that people criticize others for what they believe in, because everyone has a belief in something. even if you identify yourself as atheist, you still believe in science and evolution.
l used to read tarot cards everyday and I knew the meaning of each by heart. I used to collect crystals and meditate with them all the time. I also read occult books. This stuff is not a game and doorways to demonic spirits. I had many spiritual attacks from these things like bring yanked out of my sleep, seeing demonic faces appear clearly and suddenly when I tried to pray, and extreme aniexty all the time even to a point if being nervous even when just sitting down watching tv in my home not thinking of anything (Never was like this before). I put a crystal on my brothers head to heal him and watched him convulse uncontrollably, and I also saw dark/gray figures in my room. Demonic spirits have permission into your home and life through this stuff. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's looks so harmless and cool but it's very very serious and dangerous. No such thing as a "good witch" a witch is a witch. It can be a witch with good intentions but the all paths lead to the same results. Dancing with the Devil.
Alright most witches dont even believe in the devil, led alone follow the devil, you are right tho its not a game, but the demonic enties I dont believe , it just doesnt a add up
I'm not an expert but there's Wicca (a religion) and witchcraft (a practice). Wicca uses a lot of witchcraft but doing witchcraft doesn't mean you have to change your religion. You can be atheist and still be a witch.
Im actually a 'baby witch' and im learning Wiccan traditional spellcasting. Im really new though so any Witches experienced in magik i would love some places i could find books with real information.
'I didn't always identify as a witch, I used to be a pastry chef.'
Literally me😂
Phoebe Phoenix LMBO
I laughed so hard, I spit out my tea.
There really is a group for everyone.
I hate how people are judging these girls. They are putting their faith into something just as Christians, Muslims, or Buddhists would put their faith into their gods. If it helps them be comfortable with life and dealing with the things it throws their way, let them be.
Couldn't agree more with you, Katie!!!
katie parton couldn't agree more! These people from other faiths taking shit are being hypocrites...
Mary Elizabeth Beckwith witchraft isnt a religion. Wicca is. You can be a witch but not part of Wicca or a pagan religion
Mary Elizabeth Beckwith what if we're pagans? Is praying for peace, worshiping nature, etc. Bad?
Mary Elizabeth Beckwith and you saying worshipping nature is bad is very rude, as you are limiting what is "good" to what is Christian.
“ I wasn’t always a witch, are used to be a pastry chef” I LOVE that
Sophia Ellis lmao yes!
Modern witch sisters, where you at???
Makayla Samountry here
blessed be
what uppp
as an avid wiccan whos pretty tired of paganism and witchcraft being treated as a joke, this makes me really happy.
wicca and paganism are pretty interpretive but you can find communities and resources online as well as in pagan shops. just be careful with which shops you go into. some are just touristy places with cheap incense and some have really cool books, tarot, crystals ect. just do whatever feels right to you. I was raised wiccan so I'm not sure which books are good for starters but I'd take the advice from the other commenter and check out scott cunningham
emaciatedunicorn same ❤️
emaciatedunicorn Always nice to see other Wiccans standing up and making themselves heard.
Same ❤️
I didn't know that witch was related to a religion....I thought it was a despective name created by catholics/christians in order to exterminate others cultures from Europe and impose theirs as "the only one".
The spanish inquisition was all about detecting jewish people who converted to catholicism but were still practicing juddhaism(because the spanish kings only wanted catholic people on their country).
Unlike the rest of inquisition, spanish inquisition was motivated by politics (because the spanish inquistion was made by the spanish kings while the other inquisitions were made by the pope).
There's more peopel in the comments condemning people for hating on Witchcraft than there are people hating on Witchcraft.
Eclairz Right lmao, every single comment is just saying that they are disappointed in the people who “disapprove” of their lifestyle. I guess some people like to create problems that aren’t there.
Ønłÿ Ønę RUclips comments aren't in order right? From first to last?
I’m not sure if I understand your question, or the relevance to my comment.
Ønłÿ Ønę I think instead of chronological order, you're seeing the top comments first, which are likely the "positive" ones, or the comments defending witchcraft. I did word it weird but maybe that's why you see so many defensive commentary
I see what you’re saying, and it makes sense. But chances are, I would’ve scrolled to at least 1 negative comment but I didn’t. I scrolled for a while too. But it doesn’t matter. To be honest, I don’t even remember what this video was about.
people hate on her because she believes in something different that what you believe in ? oh wait this reminds me of something smh ?
Jack Grotelueschen she has more chromosomes than you
Jack Grotesqueskjsldkf is so stupid he probably didn't understand what that meant, girl. Lmao
S R how on earth could I have not known what she meant....? Assuming we all have at least a freshman in high school's knowledge. One would assume to know how chromosomes work. FYI down syndrome have 1 extra chromosome. I don't understand the point you guys are trying to make. This lady in the video clearly has issues with reality.
As a side note, is copy and paste too hard for you? Lol I have never seen my name butchered that hard before
Jack Grotelueschen why because she is not christian
i’m a non-religious witch and i love it. the way i see my practice is that i’m not putting my faith in a god. my faith resides in myself; i don’t need someone else to forgive me of my “sins” per say, i only need to be able to forgive myself. i feel empowered and connected in myself because of my practice. it has truly been one of the best decisions i ever made
lavender moon magick I find witch craft very interesting. However, i’m young and am not sure if i should get into it. Is it dangerous in terms of spirits, ghost, etc?
@@eriana1147 no not unless that is your intention, it takes a while to learn the ways of being a witch but as long as you have good in your mind and soul and respect the beings such as gods or spirits your completely safe. It's kind of hard for me to explain but you can watch videos on the subject
Chatty Catty That makes complete sense! Thank you! Now i just need to convince my mom that i’m not crazy and that she should let me purchase books in this topic! lol
It’s only dangerous if you choose to contact spirits. I recommend starting with tarot or spell jars, because sigils hold a lot of power and crystals are expensive
If you’re going to do something spirit related, RESEARCH PROTECTION SPELLS!!
You can choose what kind of witch you want to be. Your craft is your own and you can choose to do whatever you want with it
Ana’s Adventures it’s all evil
I love how all these comments are saying ''Don't hate on these people!!1!'' but I see literally no negative comment?
ANYWAY, I love this video! I think I wanna be a witch too. I just love the feeling when I think about like the empowerment of this religion and ahhhh
o o
There were quite a few rude and inconsiderate comments earlier on, you'll find them if you go far enough. We just drowned them out with the positive so you don't see the hate, blessed be.
Lams Is real - That is just so typical for you guys. Drown them out... You cant drown the truth out. Do you think closing your eyes makes evil less evil? Or less harmful? Teenage hobbyist wannabe witches... If you at least knew what you were dealing with. Or if you could accept it instead of being in denial.
Do what thou wilt. And pay the price.
Go for it, dude!! If you wanna practice witchcraft, don't let anyone stop you!!
Hey do you have any proof that God exists or are you just going off a thousand year old book
Yeah, I'm pretty sure God wouldn't create cancer, world hunger, global warming, wars, etc., etc. And please don't hit me with that "God has a plan" bullshit
Came in to this video thinking these people were crazy, cane out with a little more appreciation and understanding.
One of the most helpful things we can do, Kat, is to listen openly to someone different than ourselves and, whether we walk away agreeing with their perspective or not, learn to honor that they've applied care and consideration into shaping their worldview.
In that regard, it's very nice to see your comment. :-) -- Todd
stay woke
Katossc as a witch thank you for understanding
This is such a nice comment. Glad to see such an understanding person here.
This is one of the best comments on RUclips
I found this very interesting, even though I don't believe in witchcraft. And then I saw the comments. Why are you so full of hate towards people who aren't the same as you?
dumblebee how do you see a comment section full of love for these "witches" and come to a conclusion that its full of hate?
What do you feel true Witchcraft is?
October Country how many people actually claim to be wiccans? Seems that you think every person who identifies as a witch also claims the wiccan religions, which isnt true. The two are not synonymous. It's also disrespectful for you to refer to people as "loons and freaks." You know how many people think WICCANS are freaks? Plenty. So maybe stop playing pot and kettle and grow up.
Jane Dough witchcraft is not a religion. It's a practice.
Jane Dough okay and heres the thing - no one cares. Not everyone is bound to christianity, and not everyone believes the same thing. You know what else is forbidden in the bible? Polyester blends. Shrimp. Associating with women while they're menstruating.
So if you think its evil, fine. Don't practice witchcraft. Simple as that.
Everyone is saying "These comments are so ugly just let them experience their spirituality as they please". I'm kind of glad I didn't scroll far enough to actually read the "ugly" ones.
most of them are in the replies :(
guys chill with the judgements let her be whoever she wants lol
I'll let her be a dumb bitch, ok?
how is she a dumb bitch?
KatynMermaid 187 wow there edge much?
@@thebestofallworlds187 So let me guess, you're a so called Christian?
I'm extremely interested in dream magic, I've only ever had lucid dreams and almost every single one has predicted an upcoming situation. I feel extremely attached to them and my mother and I have eerily strong intuition. I'll never forget the time a random woman stopped us and told us we were "gifted" people, but I have yet to discover what that "gift" is.
Aneesa H.
This is happenning to me every single day but I would suggest you not get stuck on it.Move on to your life and you'll see in the future what those things you predicted are for.
Have you discovered yet?
Try drawing or writing down the dreams. You could keep a notepad next to your bed :)
That's amazing I too have always been able to prophesize through my dreams and even my strongly Christian grandmother believes that I have that gift
I'm too figuring out what it means
me: 'hangs rosary on door'
*harry potter music starts playing*
as an Irish woman I've been brought up to accept witch craft as it plays a strong part in my culture ,it was very strongly practiced in Celtic cultures .
Every culture was practicing witchcraft at some point, its not special with certain culture
@@sywn8516 not every culture has. And whereas most oppressed and vilified witchcraft, Celts have always celebrated and honoured it.
I’m Irish too! (By blood, I live in the US) and I was raised around witchy/Halloween-ish stuff. My uncle gave me one of his crystal pendants. I identify as a witch too
@@fixingeverybodysgrammarigu4196 if you actually went to Ireland you would understand most of the population is Catholic.
@@fixingeverybodysgrammarigu4196 it’s not an “Irish” thing to be a witch. It’s a demonic thing.
Can everyone just chill. If you don't practice, great. If you do, great. Who cares? It's YOUR choice. Don't hate on others for their choice.
Lux Umbra history incriminates THE PAST i am a white witch. And everyone in my kentucky town knows this....and in kentucky there is a literal church on every corner.....LITERALLY and i have NEVER and i really mean NEVER been treated less by them...and i have never teeated them less by any means...im a waitress as well and many of these christians come to my job after there sunday services.....and guess who they request to wait on there families??? DING DING!!!! THE WITCH!!!! they treat me with love and i give back that love...spirituality is personal and by that i mean its unique to every indavidual person and being....so no sir....i do indeed not hate christians....i hate no one....i love all and that is where my power comes from...:) love is what motivates most faiths. Practicing love and tolerence will see us through...i am the grandaughter of the witches they could not burn sir...and will proudly hold the hands of the hands of the granddaughters and grandsons of those fearmongers through lifes journey who did use fear towards the judgement of innocent women who lost there lives who did and did NOT practice witchcraft....and yours as well BLESSED BE walk on the feathers of truth wherever they lead you :)
Not a threat at all...
it's bullshit though.
Chosha I care because it's sad when man worships a demon
Witchcraft isn't for everybody but anyone can get into it. It's a very personal journey and there are MANY different types of witches. It's a very beautiful practice if you go into it with a loving heart. I'm a witch and I fucking love it. Love & Light ✨
i think what a lot of people don't understand is that witchcraft isnt some big scary satanic thing and witches don't usually believe magic (in the way its presented by the media) and the ability to genuinely alter physics exists. magic exists in small ways, like karma or luck or miracles (much like christianity!) like. u ever flip a coin to answer a question? use a magic 8 ball? knock on wood? believe in karma? jinx? witchcraft is just that, except its an entire practice based on what are essentially superstitions or folktales. not all people who practice witchcraft are religious, either, and even if they are, so what? whos to say your god is the only god? when you think abt more mainstream religions and their practices, religious witchcraft practices are really really similar. the only thing that sets it apart is misconceptions of words like "witch" or "magic"
Yeah, it bothers me that people think Witchcraft and Wicca are about Satan. In most pagan religions, there isn’t even a belief of Satan. Personally, I don’t think he exists lol
I am so glad this video is genuine and not “making fun of” witchcraft as it is quite a unique thing to be involved in and I’m happy that it seems to be getting more recognition. I have always been made fun of when people found out I was a witch, they would say I was pretending. Hopefully society will realise that this is a real thing real people do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. ❤️
Blessed Be, Sisters and Brothers )O(
Merry meet❤️
blessed be (dont forget our non binary siblings too)
Blessed be )O(
Blessed be 🌛🌕🌜
Blessed be!
Where's my witch sisters 😍🌚🌙 I love you
"I didn't always identify as a witch I used to be a pastry chef."
I died laughing. Such good timing.
As a Christian, I don't understand why some other Christians can't accept these people's beliefs. Sure, you believe that witchcraft is bad but that doesn't mean you should hate on them or bash their beliefs. Remember that Jesus taught us not to judge others. Be respectful and LOVE your neighbours (greatest commandment). In the end, does anyone actually know the real truth of who's beliefs are the correct ones? Admit it, no one knows, so you can't just say another person's faith or practice is wrong. As long as it doesn't hurt themselves or others, what's so bad about it? I know a lot of witches aren't Wiccan, but I agree with the summary of the Wiccan Rede: An ye harm none do what you will.
There's a big misconception that witches believe or worship Satan. Some do, but most of them don't.
Some of you might say that you're just trying to help these people be closer to God and have salvation. That's a valid point, but don't go shoving it down their throats and if they want to stick to what they're doing, leave them to it. The best way is to act like a real Christian and be kind, accepting and respectful like Jesus was. That's what God wants us to do.
God Bless 😊💖
P.S. Some witches I know act a LOT more like Jesus than what some so-called Christians do. One's kindness I experienced first-hand.
It says in the bible that witches are evil. A cursory Google search would prove this.
Jay Cobb But yet again the bible says that you can sell ur daughter, and more stuff. It’s also stated that god provided with free will for people to choose how to live their life lol
@@jaykelley103 I mean, I'd think that defiling our sacred sites and killing us in the name of a God we don't believe in is pretty evil, but go off, I guess.
Not all witches are bad. Not all witches are good. And not all of witches are both. Witches can follow Gods and Goddesses who ever witches wanted to follow or not following anyone. Not all of witches followed Satan you know !
Thats the problem its okay to have good witches you just need bad witches to balance it out.
Akyira Carrera White witches and dark witches. It's balance the super natural world like you said. And still some witches in the middle Grey Witches. They can do both good and bad things
Thats what I am saying , it's saying you can do any bad once you do good to balance it out. I personally find that wrong
Akyira Carrera yeah. It's just I'm upset when people think that witches follow Satan when actually they follow The Mother Nature and all the evil things just from Hollywood
One of the rules of Wicca is whatever you do will come back thrice to you. So no, you cannot be "bad" and be a Witch.
i find this actually really cool
I do as well! I would probably get more into it if I wasn't so hesitant. Though I'm barely religious, I'm still Christian and was baptized as a very young child. I have some religious friends (one of them has a father that works at a church) and sometimes I'm afraid people will leave me and stereotype me as an evil person. I just feel very fascinated and drawn to these kinds of things, but I'm so afraid of the consequences.
“ ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. - Leviticus 19:31
There is no such thing as 'good witchcraft'. It all leads to death.
Elsa Becker your "god" killed people. grow up.
officialfangirl Oh thanks, I'm still trying to grow, I hope we all are. But I am actually talking about spiritual death here. We are all going to die of course and yes of course God killed people. He's God. I also deserve to be dead but praise be to God he saved me from spiritual death through Jesus. And he's warning us not to practice witchcraft and stuff like that as it is nice at first and it even gives you power but if you look at some former witches' testimonies you will find out that it leads to pure destruction. I'm saying that in love. God bless you.
Caroline McGuire
gurl dont do it .
1 Chronicles 10 :13
Leviticus 20:6
The worship and seeking of supernatural powers other than God has been around since the beginning. Satan has used witchcraft to prevent people from finding holy spirituality in God alone. He uses witchcraft such as mediums, horoscopes, and games to entice people away from God and toward a power that gives self enlightenment. The Bible speaks often of the consequences of following false idols and falsehood. Read the Scripture verses below to better understand the importance of seeking God alone.
I am a witch that was taught by my grandmother who is also a witch. My grandma dealt with a lot of bullshit from religious people. She said when she was a nurse this woman was screaming at her because of her pentagram. They had to take the woman out of the room and my grandma saved her sons life.
She a devil worshiper.
Hi random fellow witch/pagan/Wiccan. My name is Leyla, I’m 17, an atheist and a witch at heart, and I need help.
I always loved the idea of magic and witchcraft and always did little mental things here and there, always was one with nature and animals and crystals etc. but I’ve only been slightly educating myself on the subject for the last 2 years, and by lightly I mean websites and Pinterest, and only recently I’ve been trying to practice something more serious, because I feel like I have at least enough info to get the hang of it, also because I recently finally realized that after all, I’m an atheistic witch. My parents never ever pressured me into anything, let alone religion, but I have though of myself (like many others in Azerbaijan including parents and teacher and everyone around) as Muslim, and as I grew older, as I learned more and more I realized that religions like Islam or Christianity or Judaism were created to brainwash and manipulate people. When I started reading the da Vinci code, I realized that , after all, I was a nature loving, history reading atheist with a love for witchcraft. Ever since I was a kid I loved the moon and the oceans and seas, the forests and mountains etc. and generally I was a kid who read up on what interested her, so educating myself on witchcraft (just a bit) was kinda easy. I even had many moneys where my close friends were calling me a witch because I would always give out natural home remedies, or loving the weather that people don’t always love, or attracting animals on streets, one of my best friend even once send me a link to a video by WitcheryTV called “15 signs you might be a witch” and said “THIS IS YOU” But I still need a lot of help. Around the last new moon, (October 9th 2018) I finally tried my first new moon ritual. Now I don’t live in the US, or UK or some witch related country, I live in Azerbaijan. Even finding sage or natural beeswax candles is hard. So the amount of magical objects that I have is really low. I obviously have glass mason jars, my mom has a lot of herbs in the kitchen, I have a little rose quartz peace (from a necklace) and a moonstone pendant, both of which I got in the mountains of Georgia, I have a set of moonstone earring and a bracelet which I got at Zakinthos, Greece, 3 years ago. I have a necklace with a little dolphin going around an amethyst, gifted by one of my best friends, and vintage looking amethyst earring gifted by a dear family friend (also from Georgia), sun stone(I think) and gold earrings and a necklace of small rose pearls. That’s pretty much how crystals go) I obviously have simple tools and things like parchment, sea shells, normal candles, salt etc. the reason why I am listing all of this in an already long comment is: THE OCTOBER HUNTER’S MOON, or Blood Moon is coming up, and then later, Samhain. Idk what to do and how to make up a ritual. I watched some new moon rituals around the last new moon, and during my ritual I took out my seashells, a pen and paper, made myself some green jasmine tea, meditated and wrote down manifestations, affirmations and gratitude to the sun, the moon, Mother Nature and The Univerce. I put all my crystal objects and pearls and golden object into a glass jar and filled it with drinking water, put it out on to the balcony so they would see the new moon and the sun the next morning (you can’t see the moon from my bedroom window sadly)That’s pretty much it. I kept it simple because I’m barely even a beginner. But I know that hunter moons are special and powerful, and I want to do a full moon ritual obviously, but I don’t know here to start (besides letting your crystals see the moon and meditating and radiating vibes) and I also haven’t found the time to start learning the sabbaths and the wheel of the year, so I don’t know what to do on Samhain, though I really want to celebrate. If you read this far, thank you immensely, and if you can help please do, I’m a witch at heart and I always was, but I do need guidance, “how-to”’s on beginner practices, how celebrate all sabbats and esbats, the wheel of the year etc. I don’t know how to find real, reliable info, and how to tell fakes from actual spells, rituals, if there are any good apps for your phone that help, etc. Since the only educating thing I have is the internet (they don’t sell Wicca / Witchcraft / Pagaznim books in Baku)(I also don’t know the real difference between these 3 and if you could practice 2-3 at a time). Blessed be❤️ and thank you even if you just read this❤️
You let a terrible, poorly written book like the da vinci code influence your faith? That is very weak.
I think paganism is the most ancient one that has survived up to this day, and wiccan is more about nature and herbs.
For me I feel like I actually meant to be a male witch, it actually makes me happy and brings me peace
@Bdmendoza witch is actually a gender neutral term !!
@0b6dm You are labouring under the delusion that "witch" is a purely female term. Any human, male or female, can be a Witch. Warlock is an offensive slur which means "oath breaker" and no witch would trust a Warlock. Wizard isn't a thing. That's all TV and fantasy.
You trans then.
@0b6dm lmao, facts
@@tom.gbr13 Nah, it's a female version of wizard 🥶
i didn’t always identify as a witch, *i was a pastry chef*
A trans witch???? YASSSSSSS BITCH
Stella Kaye
Yep, a complete waste of oxygen.
Stella Kaye so much yass!!!
angel bernardino boi😂
Timothy Alexander when someone is hateful against someone who don't hurt them
They are waste of oxygen
Just stop breathing
Stella Kaye The the same as a result of
Lisa Salyers I know atheistic wiccans and witches
Yes! It's like taking control of your own life instead of leaving it up to some invisible spiritual being! It's really empowering
Lisa Salyers Thank you! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Exactly.
you can practice secular witchcraft! a lot of people call on gods/goddesses/etc for power & help but it's not necessary! you could use your own energy, more "real-world" energy (sciency?), earth energy, literally anything if you'd like. (also: witchcraft is a practice, can be added to any religion. Wicca is an earth-based religion that follows a divine masculine and feminine, often includes witchcraft. NeoPaganism is paganism (earth worship with some extra stuff) but modernized, and i'm not entirely sure what druidism is, i haven't looked into it but i'm pretty sure it's nature-based)
Thank you for the information! :)
I’m pretty impressed that Teen Vogue actually introduced this path respectfully and accurately.
I'm not impressed or surprised AT ALL. Sadly, witchcraft is being glorified in ALL aspects of media. In the news, movies, programs, sitcoms, magazines, social media, and even CHILDREN'S cartoons. Sadly, we WILL reap the consequences.
Im glad this wasn't one of those videos who want to embarrass anyone interested in witchcraft and making fun of it
Yeah that’s what I thought it was to but luckily it’s not
Secretly watching this in my VERY Muslim household
im muslim too.
you know you can believe in islam, christianity etc and still be a witch right? lol you don't have to necessarily believe in satan or wiccan gods.
same but mine is hindu lol
Muslims practice witchcraft y’know
Isn't this shirk?
@@yurichtube1162 Yes it is, please don't let these videos influence you into becoming one. Watch these videos with a critical eye, let them not influence you.
"I didn't always identify as a witch I used to be a pastry chef" WELL FUCK I DIDNT KNOW THOSE WERE GENDERS JSKCJVNCOAKCM
I think she’s just talking about the shift in her career path. She went from pastry chef to running a shop that includes tools that help in witchcraft.
Emo one
Everything is gender now. They don't even know what they are anymore.
I hate how in 2017 we still use WITCH as a feminine description of someone who does magic. It's literally unisex. Warlock is always used to call a Male a witch, but it means Oathbreaker and is also unisex. Honestly, the amount of sexism in magical profession is tangible.
That is one of the reasons that I personally don't go as Wiccan anymore. I thought I was, but I don't acknowledge any deities and I don't like how most Wiccan based traditions are very, very feminine centered, or gender based in general.
I go by secular witch for like a few years now and it fits me :)
I know a lot of male practitioners of witchcraft who prefer to be called a witch! The community seems to be recognising this problem now
"Magical profession" term made me smile)
Warlock is a word for someone who has decided their coven in some way. It's generally considered derogatory. Witch means a Male or a Female. It's not a gendered word.
This video was so nice and informative, love it
Ada Lovelace its the devil you dumb ass
Tony Montana Three words. Go. Fuck. Yourself.
Did you listen to ANYTHING they said in the video? Please actually do some research on witchcraft and paganism before you comment something so ignorant and before you form an opinion.
Tony Montana, do some research first. There are plenty of Christian witches, witchcraft isn't for a specific religion.
Glad you think that! Hopefully dumbasses in the comment section aren’t throwing you off.
*When my classmates found out I'm practicing Witchcraft they started to make fun of me... Until one of them was hit by a car* 😇🤷♀
Denize Herondale ugh mood
May GOD forgive you. Repent now. ..time is running out ....for us all. Jesus is King ! He will heal your Soul...and pain which you SUFFERED.
@@jesusislove7289 I'm sure it's just a joke dude
Jesus is love Ummmm. witches can also be Christians just fyi. Not all of us worship the devil my dude. Our Magick is more connected to nature.
@@disneygeek1228 thank you some people are just so close minded and stubborn with their beliefs
I have to be honest, I thought Teen Vogue was going to do a biased video on Witches & Witchcraft or something like that.
P.S: Don't scroll down into (the abyss) of the comment section, It's full of ignorant comments from Religious people.
Comment 3600
I practice candle magic and am a green witch practicing both Paganism and Wiccan magic. I think this video did a great job on explaining the craft!
Shoutout to the witches who don’t speak about what they do as well. Some of us hide our powers and don’t feel safe to show them. Some of us don’t need to practice - it lives in our energy. X
wow the amount of cavalier and egotistical judgment going on in the comments. Making the world a better place requires empathy. Researching before you spout hate, and then not doing that at all.
Shut the fuck up, this chick is either stupid or inept
Right. countless generations have practiced wicca but she's the one who's stupid.
Yes, idiots who dont understand science
*sigh* energy is science. Literally some salts and rocks give off positive ions which can lift mood and give off energy. I feel so bad for people whose school systems failed them. It's not your fault. But you do have google XD
What the fuck does that have to do with what we're talking about? And no, it doesnt give you energy, it just messes with the chemicals in your brain and makes you act different you pseudo intellectual xD
You are all such strong, powerful women. I admire your certainty and your dedication. I'm Jewish, and our spiritualism is expressed often by the practice of Kabbalah... it is something I want to study more; it has intrigued me ever since I converted to Judaism. The young lady who described het two rituals that she performs each day makes me very, very happy. How many people are that thankful for their ancestors? How many for others on this planet? These witches, just like every other witch I've ever met, are kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and are responsible for themselves. I admire them immensely.
Women continually showing us how stupid and gullible they are to trends.
*YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED!!* Sad... but so true.
Where are my beautiful and handsome witches at??
sofia X cosmo Jesus is Lord
@@a.d4874 you know you there's a difference between practicing witchcraft and being a certain religion right?
@@a.d4874 that’s what the Bible says, but not everyone is christian you know.
This is all fine and dandy but there is one thing that bothers me why can't people tell the difference between a witch and a Wiccan?
Well yeah, what’s actually the difference ? (I’m very ignorant) I’ve been introduced to the world of witchcraft a week ago and therefore is still a baby witch but I’ve been trying to find a video abt this and it’s apparently in the history that we can tell the difference ??? Or beliefs ??
@@fanlou18_35 a Wiccan is a person who practices Wicca a religion. A witch is somebody who practices witchcraft a craft. Most weekends practice witchcraft but not all of them have to. And all witches are definitely not wiccans.
@@MuttMagician oh ! Okay, thanks for telling me !
I misread as "Why I Decided to Become a Bitch"...
we need a video on that too lol
Christian Grey me
As a Christian this was very interesting to watch. There is this widely perceived notion throughout alot of (or most) Christian denominations that witchcraft is demonic or purely Satanic and I've never seen it from this perspective. Nice to see both sides.
I really love being a witch
@mnemonic Max no
These women seem awesome, very fashionable, fun and unique personalities and interests, and not afraid to be themselves.
Exactly! " A practical Approach to Spirituality "..... I'm a psychic in all aspects and I have always worked with the Universe and the elements all my life. I'm now At the point where I'm incorporating practical ritual in my work and realising that I've always been a Witch at heart..... It feel so natural to me now.
i thought this was a joke when i saw the thumbnail and title, but after watching it, i feel like i've learned a lot. cool!
I feel a deep emotional and spiritual connection to the witch. Every time I see something like this, i feel the greatest joy and excitement. To know that there are people like this out in our modern world make me very ☺. As someone who is starting out on this path i just wanna say, blessed be and love to all.
You just wanna get some, mate.
@@ViolentFEAR Ew, why would you think that.
Starting on my journey into Wiccan. Never had such amazing experiences and energy. I will powered. I grew up knowing I had spiritual senses. Now I am learning to better tune knew.
Do as you will , harm none 🌠 Love nature the way she loves you , know the mind has questions and silence has answers. All you need is oneness with the universe and stay in tune with your intuition. It's not some shit you can or have to BUY. it's not an aesthetic. It's about unity.
See Christians, this is how we are. ^^ We aren't some violent devil worshippers. Most of us don't believe in devil. Or God. We love Earth and nature and try to be one with you guys.
You know I almost skipped over this video, I am glad I decided to watch.... Great job ladies!!! People that make negative comments only see the world through the lens of their religion.
~Solanum Greenbriar~ (Order of the Greenbriar Druids)
it's not gonna get you laid Williepoo.
Why do you assume that only religious people are capable of hate? You should see the kind of venom atheists spout left and right, at virtually anyone who questions their ideology. Hate isn't a matter of belief, especially since the vast majority of religions and value systems are peaceful at their core; it's more about your personality and manners than anything else, really. If you're a douche then you're a douche, no matter what you believe in.
@ people saying they don't believe in witchcraft or magic (magick). It's not something you believe in. It's something people obviously do. Witchcraft is a practice. That's like saying you don't believe in priesthood because you aren't Christian.
How it works exactly is something everyone has their believes about.
That bird who wrote Harry Potter got a lot to answer for
That's fantasy.
When one of the women said she uses her witchcraft to “decolonize herself”, I though that was so powerful and beautiful. Wish the video was longer!
iT wAs sO dEeP!
@@barneyoblarney8732 lol
Modern witch hunters where u at brothers?
i became a witch because my ancestors were witches they were killed but there are still a lot of witches in my family:)
"I didn't always identify as a witch, I used to be a pastry chef" I want this as a book.
Clearly people don’t understand the difference between Witchcraft and being Wiccan, the religion. 😳
As a witch and devout follower of the Greek pantheon, I whole-heartedly agree.
What I learned from this video is that the key to being a successful witch is wearing red lipstick.
yall hating on paganism, wicca and witchcraft but celebrate christmas, easter and halloween, all which are based off the pagan sabbats, which existed before christianity was a thing 😐😐
Witch craft is quite a beautiful belief system. Most witches are very respectful of nature and all around them. I guess it's an alternative belief for those seeking a different path outside of the Abrahamic religions. Love Teen Vogue for embracing diversity while TEACHING us something new in the process!
No offence to these witches but witches are not exclusively female or feminine? The manliest person ever doing magic and practicing witchcraft is still a witch.
Rowan Grace yeah that’s a thing
Idk why it only shows women-
They really do seem like such nice and openminded people, I feel safe when I hear them speak. I'd totally visit that lady's shop
I think that this comment section is beautiful. I'm now scrolling for about 10 min and havent seen any negative comments. Love has conquered hate!
I’m Wiccan and this is great!💕💕
All this hate only shows that your consciousness is not ready for a different kind of truth, yet. It's okay. You'll get there.
I want to be a witch.
Tanya Godse than start your witchcraft road. It takes time to learn but you'll be a witch if u want to
read the book wiccapedia, great book about wicca
Once you start its addicting but in a good way! I felt so empowered and confident, and I'm still working on being "good" at it, but really, it's great. The biggest thing in my way is my catholic family :/ good luck on your journey! )0(
it takes a long time, I just recently started my journey. It's hard, but fun :)
then be one
This video got me into Wicca and witchcraft, I'm so grateful
As a strong Pagan who uses witchcraft mainly for protection and healing these are my only problems with the video:
"And being a witch in the modern world its a little bit rebellious"
"I'm a witch because it's empowering, it feels like I'm participating in a...a living history of women and trans-feminine people that goes back forever."
1. No, not really. Not at all actually, witches lives where at stake if their practices where discovered for a looooong time, its actually the safest and easiest time to be a witch in modern times and in 1st world countries. Also beside that, its not really rebellious at all if you consider the close tie between Paganism and Witchcraft and that Paganism was the original religion because early humans with our natural curiosity and need for explaining things created the gods to not only to explain why weather phenomena happened (like a flash flood destroying your village or a highly destructive earthquake) as a way of coping with how truely terrifying nature is since they didn't have the same technology that we do today (obviously), and as personifications of not only human attributes and personifications of nature and vital things needed in and the natural magick of nature.
2.Witchcraft has a lot of feminine power, but they completely left out the role of the masculine power as well. Paganism aside for this one (since Pagans traditionally at least believed in a god and a goddess and the power of opposites and the natural balance of things), Witchcraft is not a feminine only practice by any means.
3. I'm surprised there seemed to be no talk of herbal witchcraft magick since not only does ancient witchcraft involve herbs, salves, and teas, but those things and herbal witchcraft are very useful in the real world. Learning the secrets to plants and how each one can help you if your sick or with other things is a part of the knowledge witches had to hide in order to stay alive.
And 4. even though i brought it up in this comment, the one Witch who did bring up any kind of gods didn't say anything about the difference, but close ties between Witchcraft and Paganism. She said herself that she practices witchcraft, it is a practice first and the bare bones of Witchcraft involves no mentioned gods at all. Not anything major, just disappointing since a major theme of both Witchcraft and Paganism is the almost ritualistic need and thirst for knowledge, yet a detail like that insinuates to any unknowing person that Witchcraft is the same a religion, but it's not.
I'm not at all shaming them for having different beliefs than me and they're free to do whatever they like with their practice, but i haven't seen anyone point these issues out in the comment, probably because there isn't many Witches watching Teen Vogue on Witches since most of us don't have time for that, but it's late and im bored, lol. Hope this helped out and informed anyone who might've been off put by some one the info in the video, Blessed Be everyone :)
My question is if it's real. I know that it's obviously not sparks, smoke, and mirrors like Harry Potter, but do you feel an actual difference when performing a ritual or making a charm?
Riri Pari i haven’t done any Magick bc my mom thinks it’s devil worship but I’ve talked to ppl who have, some have connected with gods and goddesses some don’t believe in a greater being etc. There are many types of witches.
Do christians feel a difference when blessing bread and wine?
I’ve had thoughts and put a lot of energy in those and they “came true”
Many times it’s happen to me.
I feel like I’m a witch, like I was called to it. I keep searching for it because I keep getting called to it.
Grow up, quit larping as a witch. Dismiss that life and get to know God.
dooo ittt i would join amino apps witches circle, or instagram. i love being witch
@@jaykelley103 " Dismiss that life and join my very mainstream belief of a sky daddy"
Let them be a witch
@@jaykelley103 stfu
@@goon_ass1675 you dont have enough power to make me shut up
YESSSSS! Catland in BK - I love u guys!!! I always used to come visit the Norwegian Forest Cat, and in recent years stop in just to see what’s new & buy a few “necessities”. There’s always cool new stuff in there to explore & buy to build your craft. Thanks for doing this piece, Teen Vogue!! 🌟🌈🌙
I believe theres always been a little magic in my heart ❤️
Oh my child me to
Same, that's why I decided to leave Christianity (because I felt controlled and uncomfortable) and become a witch.
Nova SnowPaw The Wolf actually, if you want to be Christian in a non toxic way then you can and also be a witch. Unless you don’t believe in that stuff. Also, a lot of the Bible was mistranslated. Just an FYI in case you liked Christianity except for the toxic bits a lot of ppl seem love to enforce
@@disneygeek1228 "a lot of bible was mistranslated"
FINALLY someone that understands. same goes for the quran and torah. all of them were mistranslated by a bunch of people that wanted to take advantage of the word of god as we believe it.
Witch is a non gender specific term
I have a BFF who wants to be a witch, so I decided to watch these to understand her
I know a powerful man in Africa who helped me to recover my ex-husband who left me for more than 3 years of marriage, it was my friend who told me about him, you can also contact him on WhatsApp
Pray for her before its to late! God doesnt like rebels!...
@@Woepke-B 🙄 WTF!
-Sorry im late to this party-
My mom is a *POWERFULL* shaman if you dont know what shaman is, Shamanism is a religious practice that involves a practitioner, a shaman, who is believed to interact with a spirit world through altered states of conciusness, such as trance. The goal of this is usually to direct these spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for healing or some other purpose.
And OH MY GOD its very real my mom inspired me to become a witch even if it isnt related. If you have any questions then hop on to my replies and stay safe everyone
Yes! I have a question: how much prayer does your mother need?
I am a new witch and it's the best life decision I could ever have made for myself .
tay audrianna I feel the same way 💕💖💕
tay audrianna lol
Refreshing, isn't it? I've studied for three years. It's so refreshing and lovely.
Women keep showing us how stupid and gullible they are to trends.
Why are all of the witches in the video beautiful skinny young white women with dark lipstick? My aunt is a practicing witch, a wife and mother, and full-time nurse who looks nothing like the women in this video. More power to witches but there's so much more than this.
They aren't that beautiful. They are barely fuckable, especially given their idiotic believes.
These 👏 women 👏 inspire 👏 me 👏
"Everyone should be a witch." If a Muslim or a Christian said that, there would be so much hate.
When they say that, they for excample mean everybody sould love and worship mother nature. Be kind to everyone. "An Ye Harm None Do What Ye Will" or read the Wiccan Rede. Then you can understand it more And you can be a witch and still be christian. You can have many different beliefs. And you can say what you want christians and muslims have done many bad things in the past. Witches haven´t. Witches got killed because they helped people. Mmhh and who killed them?.... And because they knew that herbs have powers. So I don´t think that´s even nearly as bad. And believing in a god and praying is kind of spell work and believing is spirituality. So it´s always funny when christians say they don´t believe in it.
+Sarah Petersen thank you
Omg can I please like this comment 1000 times lol
“Being a witch” has no religious connotation unless they’re talking about being “Wiccan”. Wicca and witchcraft are separate things.
TortillaWitch really!!!
growing up I've always been told that witchcraft goes hand in hand with the devil, demons, and bad spirits so naturally the idea of witchcraft seems bad and freaks me out but I do find it fascinating
A lovely explanation of witchcraft :)
And for anyone interested, you can be a with without being religious, but you can also be a witch of any religion. If you wish to stay Christian for example but are attracted to witchcraft, incorporate witchcraft into your religion ;)
The Bible says you can't serve two masters.
That's called being double minded and the Bible says that being double minded brings instability.
@@Mr-pn2eh A Christian witch does not serve two masters.
2:38 wow- she wakes up and gives her dead relatives water!- it's kinda like pouring out liquor for the homies
I was quite happy as a Wiccan witch myself that this was actually very accurate and not someone playing dress up with some dark clothing and a hat. The only thing I disagreed with was that while women and trans feminine people can be witches (the fact that you included trans girls made me really happy), people of all genders (and sexualities for that matter) can practice witchcraft. I know/know of several male witches as well. I wish witchcraft and pagan religions were more widely accepted as spiritual and religious beliefs instead of something fake and evil
Well, than stop pushing bad history books and just say you'll find meaning in it.
I wish they would do one on all religions that would be awesome in representation of people.
this is really interesting, might give it a try....
i dont see myself becoming a witch or believing totally in what they believe; however, i do respect them as people and what they identify themselves as. its nonsense that people criticize others for what they believe in, because everyone has a belief in something. even if you identify yourself as atheist, you still believe in science and evolution.
psa; anyone of any gender can be a witch
wait..."professional witch?" ok im sorry i can't
What of it?
by “professional witch” they could be doing tarot/oracle, owning a metaphysical shop etc
%99 of the comments are people telling others not to hate %1 is people actually hating
"i think everyone should be a witch"
Haha I'm kinda worried that everyone is revealing that they're a witch. I just want it to be mysterious •́ ‿ ,•̀
l used to read tarot cards everyday and I knew the meaning of each by heart. I used to collect crystals and meditate with them all the time. I also read occult books. This stuff is not a game and doorways to demonic spirits. I had many spiritual attacks from these things like bring yanked out of my sleep, seeing demonic faces appear clearly and suddenly when I tried to pray, and extreme aniexty all the time even to a point if being nervous even when just sitting down watching tv in my home not thinking of anything (Never was like this before). I put a crystal on my brothers head to heal him and watched him convulse uncontrollably, and I also saw dark/gray figures in my room. Demonic spirits have permission into your home and life through this stuff. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's looks so harmless and cool but it's very very serious and dangerous. No such thing as a "good witch" a witch is a witch. It can be a witch with good intentions but the all paths lead to the same results. Dancing with the Devil.
Alright most witches dont even believe in the devil, led alone follow the devil, you are right tho its not a game, but the demonic enties I dont believe , it just doesnt a add up
Ya weren't doing it right, then.
I'm not an expert but there's Wicca (a religion) and witchcraft (a practice). Wicca uses a lot of witchcraft but doing witchcraft doesn't mean you have to change your religion. You can be atheist and still be a witch.
Im actually a 'baby witch' and im learning Wiccan traditional spellcasting. Im really new though so any Witches experienced in magik i would love some places i could find books with real information.
infant witch?