2. The Return of the War Hero - Pr. Stephen Bohr - The 24 Elders

  • Опубликовано: 29 апр 2013
  • There has been much discussion in the Seventh-day Adventist church about the identity of the 24 elders. Some believe that they represent those who resurrected with Jesus. Others believe that they are the highest of angels. Who is this select group and what is their function in the heavenly courts? What lessons do they teach us regarding God's mode of operating the universe? What future role will they play according to the book of Revelation? These and other questions are clearly answered in this ground-breaking series.
    Mission Accomplished
    The Return of the War Hero
    Who Are The 24 Elders?
    Earth's Two Representatives
    Redeemed From The Earth?
    Future History and Functions
    Hands down, the question that people most frequently ask Secrets Unsealed is: Who are the 24 elders and what role do they play in heaven? What do we know for certain about this group? Are they the first-fruits that came forth from the tomb when Jesus resurrected? Will we ever have the opportunity of meeting them? Do they have any role in the administration of the universe? What lessons can we learn from the work that they perform? There are many surprises packed up in this five part series. You will find certain answers from the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy!
    Purchase the DVD Set here!
    Purchase the Study Notes here!

Комментарии • 77

  • @amatexan6536
    @amatexan6536 2 месяца назад

    What a fantastic presentation from Pastor Bohr ! A vision from the tomb to the throne of God !

  • @alexiscolon6000
    @alexiscolon6000 11 лет назад +24

    This is a very thoughtful lecture from Pastor Stephen Bohr. The theme of the 24 elders mentioned in Revelation is not a very popular subject among Christian theologians. I find that Pastor Bohr has delivered, as always, a very clear biblical interpretation. I recommend that all believing Christians order the entire series. I am sure that it will enhance our understanding of the Book of Revelation.

  • @AbiV31
    @AbiV31 2 месяца назад

    Oh God, please, in the name of Christ, help me to be there. Yes Lord, be merciful!

  • @ladyu.p4268
    @ladyu.p4268 4 месяца назад

    Wow master preacher, filled with the Holy Spirit.🙏🏾

  • @diagracehachiwa7045
    @diagracehachiwa7045 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks pastor Bohr I have learnt alot,

  • @inkunzi2008
    @inkunzi2008 11 лет назад +10

    Praise God - what an enlightening episode, truly humbling to see what God has in stored for those who love Him.

  • @alexanderlisa100
    @alexanderlisa100 11 лет назад +9

    Pastor as always you are inlightening. I always go to the bible for confirmation of any sermon and as usal you are on the right track. Thank you Pastor I learn so much from listening to you teach the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God Bless and keep you!!

  • @kimellis2170
    @kimellis2170 10 лет назад +8

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His victory over Satan to save us. Thank you Jesus and thank you Pastor Bohr for clearifying the 24 elders. Thank you Lord. Thank you Pastor Bohr.

  • @Dr.Pepper001
    @Dr.Pepper001 4 года назад +15

    Thank you, Elder Bohr for referring to Mrs. White's books as "inspired writings." I grieve to know that so many have lost the blessing God gave to His last day church by their unbelief. The Scripture says to "Believe His prophets."

    • @timward2564
      @timward2564 9 месяцев назад

      Look. The floor of Beit Alpha in Jerusalem!

    • @timward2564
      @timward2564 9 месяцев назад

      Jesus.God will have to go to the 4 corners of the heavens to get an Army. Read in testament Jesus said. Very important also. Liberation.

  • @klassicbeauti7149
    @klassicbeauti7149 11 лет назад +2

    Peace and good will be upon you Pastor Bohr. As always Jehovah allows you to lead and feed his sheep. My Uncle Reggie and I agree thus far with what you have expounded, and are truly blessed to be part-takers of this hidden manna. We are sure that there is more to come by the grace and mercies of the Lord. We look forward to more light and enlightenment as we study to show ourselves approved. Be blessed and encouraged beloved and elect of God.

  • @alfredhunt1
    @alfredhunt1 10 лет назад +6

    was very nice thank you Lord and Thank you Pastor Bohr

  • @MsLadygracie
    @MsLadygracie 10 лет назад +7

    Very enlightening message,still a few bits to double check but nevertheless an amazing blessing. The highlight as always is when Christ character is brought to view, in particular when he approaches the father as Ellen White describes. So humble, totally emptied of self which i find so attractive, and what i so desire to be imputed in me. He truly is the desire of all ages.

    • @MsLadygracie
      @MsLadygracie 10 лет назад +2

      P.S. Also i agree, the 24 elders are NOT the redeemed from the earth as we have been led to believe, a deep study will show that this teaching is not inline with the bible and SOP.

  • @Kunoichi139
    @Kunoichi139 Год назад

    This series is such a blessing!!

  • @floyd4736
    @floyd4736 4 года назад +1

    BEAUTIFUL! Thank you.

  • @ricardowoolery7270
    @ricardowoolery7270 11 лет назад +3

    this is very powerful. the Godhead as bishop say is really a mystery but God has given us enough for us to understand the Godhead to some extent. There are 3 persons within the Godhead and they are one in unity. just like how when a man married the both of them are one.

  • @arnoldnyepetsi9370
    @arnoldnyepetsi9370 8 лет назад +3

    Beautiful sermon Pastor Borh.

  • @eltoncarvalho9339
    @eltoncarvalho9339 4 года назад +2

    Pastor, I do Like the way you teach us. I wish I could put subtitles in Portuguese so my Brothers in Brazil could Have access to these contents. Cracking Genesis is marvelous! God Bless thy life!

  • @user-lw9mz4kk6v
    @user-lw9mz4kk6v 10 месяцев назад

    Very insightful.
    Great answers and teachings.

  • @Bencat1832
    @Bencat1832 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you Pastor Bohr .
    Our quarterly lesson is about Revelation. January 21 " ...perhaps are the ones who were raised from the dead at the time of Jesus death..."
    In my search to know who are the 24 elders, I listened to a compelling explanation. Because they are sitting in a throne and have crowns, they must be Kings or Priests.
    Rev 5:9 the words REDEEMED US to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation.
    Interprets that these 24 elders are one of us.
    Another answer is the 12 patriarchs and 12 apostles Matthew 19:28
    Based on how you analyze chapter 4, that the 24 elders and 4 creatures and only one throne were present until John cried and behold a lamb appeared in chapter 5 that angel, thousands of them appeared make a compelling argument that those 24 are not the redeemed. You read the writing of EGW interpreting the 24 elders as representatives of the unfallen world.
    But this is not biblical, I believe Sister EGW is inspired by the Holy Spirit to write but others are not believers of EGW.
    Our Gen.conference itself is downplaying the influence of EGW writings in our ministry. I heard one Pastor asking permission from the congregation if he can quote EGW in his sermon.
    So my question is, is there a bible verse that hints those 24 elders are representatives from the unfallen world. Does that mean there are 25 planet Earths or inhabited planets and ours number 25 is the sinful world.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +3

      Bencat1832 - Why not just listen to Paster Bohr’s 6 lectures on this subject? It cannot be anyone redeemed from the earth because Jesus and all of the angel beings are missing in REV 4. Only the Father, the 24 elders and the Holy Spirit are in the throne room (Holy Place of Sanctuary). The Heavenly Host all went to earth to escort Jesus back to Heaven. The men that were raised when Christ was are part of this ascension. Therefore, they cannot be the 24 elders - who are in Heaven awaiting the arrival of Jesus and the redeemed first fruits. Those that are truly looking for truth will know it when they hear it because it will resonate with the Holy Spirit residing in them.

  • @muttleysmith726
    @muttleysmith726 3 года назад

    Our transgression is so great
    We cannot pay the debt
    Our Salvation now at stake
    Till we breathe our final breath
    Soon will come the WRATH of GOD
    His anger stretched before us
    And tho He is a God of love
    There'll be no shelter for us
    PLEASE make amends He is our friend
    He'll never leave our side
    So when we turn that final bend
    Our lite will brightly shine

  • @artofangel6574
    @artofangel6574 Год назад

    Mula sa lahat ng bagay na pirapiraso ako ay ako nga!

  • @bukhosikhumalo1296
    @bukhosikhumalo1296 Год назад


  • @radioactiveapple9
    @radioactiveapple9 6 лет назад +3

    Pastor Bohr thank you for your clear teaching of the Godhead. I have found that your style of teaching best suits my way of learning. I have little patience for those who stumble and retract from what they are teaching, which I find distracting.
    On another note, please explain what exactly is the three angels message? I have attended many seminars but too much information given has clouded my mind. Please let me know if you have a teaching that describes the message clearly.
    Much love, in Christ.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +3

      cnera - For you, maybe. Pastor Bohr does actual theological lectures and one can obtain his syllabus for each of his lecture series from Secrets Unsealed, which provides ALL of the Bible verses to back up everything he teaches.

  • @evangelisticenterprises9903
    @evangelisticenterprises9903 2 года назад +1

    Pastor Bohr, as usual, shows that he has been a thorough student of the Word. I would like to suggest here a thought in comparing Revelation 4 with Revelation 5 that it appears that the outpouring of the early rain on the day of Pentecost is present in both chapters. Pastor Bohr mentions the one in chapter 5 and seemed to indicate that the outpouring of the Spirit didn't take place until chapter 5 because Jesus (the Lamb) was not mentioned until chapter 5. However, Revelation 4:5 reads as follows. "And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." Let's look at some of the symbols in this verse. The following items proceed out of the throne. 1. lightnings, 2..Thunderings, 3. voices: And then we see the seven lamps of fire which are the seven Spirits of God.
    1. Proceeded from the throne would indicate that these items were leaving the throne and going some where. 2. Lightnings: In several places in scripture angels appear as lightning. In Ezekiel 1:13 we see the following concerning the living creatures which we also see in Revelation. Eze_1:13 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. Ezekiel 1: 14 also: "And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning." We know that these four liviing creatures are angels. Also let's look at the book of Matthew, Mat 28:2 & 3 "And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow": During the time when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost angels did come to the aid of the early church. For example, an angel released Peter from the prison.
    2. Thunderings: God's voice. 2Sa_22:14 "The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice." Psa_18:13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.John 12:27-29 "Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
    Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
    The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him."
    3. Voices: would that not be languages. On the day of Pentecost the gift of tongues was given to the church.
    So, God established the early church by sending His angles to help. We have already given the example of an angel delivering peter from prison God's voice, (thunder) was also present. Example, when Jesus came down from heaven and spoke to Paul. "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? and the gift of tongues: (voices) and last of all, the seven lamps fire which are the seven Spirits of God. Would not this verse represent the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? The time of this verse is important also. The beginning of Revelation 4 is the introduction of the seven seals. The Seven Churches, the seven seals and the seven trumpets all follow the same time periods. In other words the first church, the first seal, and the first trumpet represent the same time period. The first church is the apostolic church. The first seal would give us more information about that same time period. (Repetition and enlargement) Revelation 4:5 comes just before the first seal which would be when God was establishing the apostolic church. That would fall directly in line with the outpouring of the early rain power.
    Thanks again to Pastor Bohr for all the wonderful truths he presents. I have learned much from his messages.

  • @JavanSunny
    @JavanSunny 21 день назад

    Nice Studies indeed my I find study notes please

  • @SonuYadav-hd5qk
    @SonuYadav-hd5qk 3 года назад

    Gloria a deus....amen

  • @baughmanmurrayj
    @baughmanmurrayj 4 месяца назад

    I found all 3..

  • @amodimomogajane7502
    @amodimomogajane7502 10 лет назад +1

    Do we have the rest of the series here or its only these 2 ? Please help

  • @blessed7927
    @blessed7927 2 года назад

    Can anyone tell me the music thats being used at the end? Very awesome! Perfect choice for the videos!!!!

  • @juancolon8816
    @juancolon8816 11 месяцев назад

    The following verse depicts the jury : "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold." (Revelation 4:4). The crowns of gold denote their kingly authority to act upon the case. The white robes show that they are men from earth, redeemed by Rev. 4:6). " And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation." (Revelation 5:8, 9). Note the beasts and elders all sang, saying : "For Thou hast redeemed us out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. Thus, the beasts, as well as the elders, are redeemed from the earth.

  • @inkunzi2008
    @inkunzi2008 11 лет назад +2

    Where is the error on the Godhead my brother??

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 9 месяцев назад +1

    I don't think that the 12 Apostles are part of the 24 Elders, for how come, John did not recognize himself as part of the 12 Apostles?

  • @fidelmabascog8084
    @fidelmabascog8084 3 года назад

    Luke 22:30

  • @baughmanmurrayj
    @baughmanmurrayj 5 лет назад +2

    I never was taught this before. Recently in Sabbath school .net it also talks on the 24 elders. .
    So the elders can not be those that were raised from the dead when Jesus was ressurection then assended with them into heaven

  • @marctompkins3001
    @marctompkins3001 3 года назад

    Jesus lived the life I was supposed to have lived.
    Jesus died the death that I deserve.

  • @misred28
    @misred28 2 года назад +1

    I’m so confused can anyone explain to me is the Throne of GOD located in the holy place? I thought the seraphim and cherubim who covers the law which is the Throne of GOD is in the Most holy place?

    • @secretsunsealed
      @secretsunsealed  2 года назад

      We apologize for the long delayed response! To answer your question, When Christ, the Mediator, burst the bands of the tomb, and ascended on high to minister for man, He first entered the holy place, where, by virtue of His own sacrifice, He made an offering for the sins of men. With intercession and pleadings He presented before God the prayers and repentance and faith of His people, purified by the incense of His own merits. He next entered the Most Holy Place, to make an atonement for the sins of the people, and cleanse the sanctuary. His work as high priest completes the divine plan of redemption by making the final atonement for sin.--Ms. 69, 1912, p. 13. ("The Sin and Death of Moses," copied Sept. 10, 1912.) {11MR 54.2} en C
      In this vision, Isaiah saw the Lord seated on a throne in the most holy place, above the ark containing His commandments, and surrounded by the cherubim and His appointed attendants--His ministers. From this holy place the glory shone forth. Those who are now engaged in carrying forward the Lord's work in the earth, should keep their eyes fixed on the place where the Lord God of heaven is enthroned. From Him they should obtain their orders. {PUR July 17, 1902}
      We hope you found this answer helpful!
      For future questions, send them at tv@sumtv.org!
      God Bless!

    • @wordsof_hope
      @wordsof_hope 2 года назад

      Hello sister, it's easy to be confused. Trust me I have been confused about some aspects too.
      To answer your question, God's throne is not fixed to one position as in the Most Holy Place or Holy Place.
      Ezekiel 10 gives indication that Cherubs forms the wheels of God's throne. Psalm 18:10. "He rode upon a cherub..."
      Seraphims on the other hand are above the throne. Isaiah 6.
      Cherubs have 4 wings, Seraphims have 6 wings Rev 4.
      I hope this helps.

    • @misred28
      @misred28 2 года назад

      @@wordsof_hope Thank you so much, Highly appreciated! That makes sense because my understanding was only fixed on the sanctuary location. 🙏

  • @keegantaylor138
    @keegantaylor138 6 лет назад

    Hi do these comments get seen by Stephen Bohr. The sermon was amazing and maybe I am writing this prematurely, You May expand on this in your coming lectures. I am wanting clarification about the scroll. If the scroll is sealed when Jesus receives it after his resurrection and it is the life record of each person in the world, then how can we beyond the resurrection be on the scroll. I know we each have a life record book and a recording angel. The bible is clear about that. The though I got from the lecture was that it is the history of the worlds nations is sealed to show that God was in control all the time and that the plan of salvation has played out according to the will of God. That would make more sense to me because probation is not finished. If Jesus had the scroll with all the names of the redeemed on it when he went to the Father and received the kingdom, there could be some issue with predestination. Do you have any specific references that refer to individuals.

    • @pasquale-ed8zn
      @pasquale-ed8zn 5 лет назад


    • @pasquale-ed8zn
      @pasquale-ed8zn 5 лет назад


    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +2

      Keegan Taylor - This has nothing to do with predestination. The Godhead KNOWS who will be saved and who will not because they know everything from the end to the beginning. We don’t have this type of divine power, and neither do any of the angel beings or any other beings that God has created. Only the Godhead KNOWS who will successfully accept salvation and cooperate in the sanctification process of transformation by Christ via the Holy Spirit.

  • @BishopCharlesFordWalker
    @BishopCharlesFordWalker 10 лет назад

    I am man enough to stand by my word and if you do not think so; then meet me in discourse and we will let the people decide who is correct and who is incorrect. You name the time and I will name the place.

    • @MoonStar-eo8lv
      @MoonStar-eo8lv 5 лет назад +2

      Your contentious attitude speaks volumes and they are not Christ like.

  • @VijayKumar-ld2ts
    @VijayKumar-ld2ts 3 года назад

    If the 24 Elders are the Sons of God of Undefiled planets, then the sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6 are from the same group. Kindly explain. Thanks

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @Danlogz
    @Danlogz 10 лет назад

    alguien puede ponerle subtitulos?. Quiero escucharlo con subtitulos. xD

  • @medicolas
    @medicolas 10 лет назад

    I am sorry, but if you can't even figure out what day the Lord asks us to worship Him... I don't think I'll be listening to a word you have to say. If you can give me a single verse of scripture to substantiate your keeping of the day of the sun... I would consider it, but you know as well as I do that you can't do that! So let's just drop it.

  • @medicolas
    @medicolas 10 лет назад

    Are you going to enlighten us "Bishop"? Or are you going to stick your candle under a bushel basket and let us all perish for lack of knowledge? I love how you self-righteous theologians enjoy pointing out error and then just walking away. Nice job "Bishop"!

  • @jspur7507
    @jspur7507 4 года назад

    The 24 elders represents the church people. The 2 elders from each boundary of 12, and 12 plus 12 equals 24 elders. listen to Bryan Denlinger's teachings.

  • @Ashmack
    @Ashmack 4 года назад +1

    You lost me at Ellen G.White.

  • @patrickmcmillian4588
    @patrickmcmillian4588 3 года назад

    A snake can not hiss, without a tongue.

  • @BishopCharlesFordWalker
    @BishopCharlesFordWalker 11 лет назад

    No there is no error on the Godhead; nor can there ever be any error on the Godhead. It will always be correct, regardless of who tries to explain it's Mystery. What I said was this: The error was in your efforts to correctly apply the scriptures selected, do to inadequate interpretation, to the Godhead. The Godhead is fine; just you interpretation of scripture was in error.

    • @MoonStar-eo8lv
      @MoonStar-eo8lv 5 лет назад +2

      The error is in your own interpretation of what Pastor Bohr is speaking about. You must pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you study the Scriptures and to pray not to be critical of a man of God who IS speaking the Truth. Please go to your closet and pray for guidance and the Holy Spirit will open your mind and heart to see the Truth without being so contentious in your speech.

    • @theopac4life
      @theopac4life 4 года назад

      I admire pastor Bohr a lot ,but when it comes the trinity I totally disagree with him here's what I believe in from the beginning it was word the word was with God and the word was God .where is the third person that people claim to be another person and Ofcourse it is three persons that is repeated but numercly it is two person not three in term of number ,so that means the trinity is not exist it is just a myth to my understanding!!

  • @leandukharan4626
    @leandukharan4626 Год назад

    Stephen Bohr becarefull how u teaches the gospel with all your lie.
    U will be going with the man with the pitch fork and the two horns, long tail with hoofs

  • @marcojesusfriends1046
    @marcojesusfriends1046 5 лет назад

    With all respect, of who Ellen was , the Bible doesn’t teaches,,, by no one that after one 1000 year the scroll will be open,,,,This is the first time I hear that the scroll will be open after the 1000 year and that satan and his fallen angel will say that Jesus Christ is lord, the Bible teaches that only dose who are save, that the Holy Spirit teaches them to say that Jesus Christ is our lord and savior, satan and his angel will never say dose word, because the will be sent to the river of fire 🔥, only those who are save and redeemed can say dose word,

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +1

      marco s - The Bible clearly says the EVERY knee will bow to King Jesus - even Satan and His angels will bow before Him. However, their hearts are not changed and they are not saved by doing so. Their characters have not been transformed - which had to be done prior to probation ending. Probation ends for mankind shortly before the 7 last plagues begin. You just want to believe what you WANT. Pastor Bohr always gives Biblical witnesses (2 or more scriptures) to back up anything he lectures on. I truly don’t understand what you are on about.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +1

      marco s - The Holy Spirit says otherwise, and He only says what Christ Jesus conveys to Him. Jesus IS the Word and he raised up Ellen G. White as His prophet, just like He raised up William Miller and his movement. Revelation even describes this experience with John eating the little book, which was like honey in His mouth, but bitter in his stomach. Ellen White was inspired by the Holy Spirit, just like every prophet before her. She passed every Biblical test for a prophet. She never said anything that contradicted anything said by any prophet that came before her. She did NOT breathe during visions - just like Daniel. She had a heartbeat, but absolutely no respiration. It was verified by doctors that were NOT part of the church she belonged to.

  • @tomstrokes8575
    @tomstrokes8575 8 лет назад

    stephen bohr is way way off track..Where does he get the idea from the rev 4 depicts the time preceding Jesus' arrival in heaven.Revelation 5 vs 3 says no man and not no one.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +3

      tom strokes - Sure, it must be the well-studied and learned pastor who is off - couldn’t possibly be you. Right? God gave us reasoning ability and logic. Try using either. We also have confirmation via the prophet that Jesus raised up for His remnant church - Ellen G. White. She was as inspired as the Bible writers by the Holy Spirit.

  • @BishopCharlesFordWalker
    @BishopCharlesFordWalker 11 лет назад

    A lot of error and with very little, of the truth of God preached here in respect to the Godhead.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 5 лет назад +3

      Bishop Charles Ford Walker - And as usual, you do not state exactly what you THINK is error, and then give us two or three Biblical witnesses which could support your personal OPINION. Without witnesses, then you just believe what you WANT to believe. You will find out the truth someday - just like all of us will. Are you ready to be told by Jesus to Depart from Him because He knows you not? If you don’t know Him by the Word (which is all Christ Jesus) - then He will NOT know you. Christ knows WHO are His.

  • @klassicbeauti7149
    @klassicbeauti7149 11 лет назад +5

    Peace and good will be upon you Pastor Bohr. As always Jehovah allows you to lead and feed his sheep. My Uncle Reggie and I agree thus far with what you have expounded, and are truly blessed to be part-takers of this hidden manna. We are sure that there is more to come by the grace and mercies of the Lord. We look forward to more light and enlightenment as we study to show ourselves approved. Be blessed and encouraged beloved and elect of God.

  • @klassicbeauti7149
    @klassicbeauti7149 11 лет назад

    Peace and good will be upon you Pastor Bohr. As always Jehovah allows you to lead and feed his sheep. My Uncle Reggie and I agree thus far with what you have expounded, and are truly blessed to be part-takers of this hidden manna. We are sure that there is more to come by the grace and mercies of the Lord. We look forward to more light and enlightenment as we study to show ourselves approved. Be blessed and encouraged beloved and elect of God.