You're a Good Painter.

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 881

  • @Miniac
    @Miniac  Год назад +19

    At this time I have reason to believe that Broken Anvil the company might not be able to fulfill their promises to their consumers. I would be wary of investing into their products until they prove to the community that they can keep their commitments.

  • @Miscast
    @Miscast 2 года назад +447

    Lovely video Scott, proud of you as always

    • @Atherax
      @Atherax 2 года назад +3

      I love the positive back an forth between you guys it always makes me smile

  • @rubeniscool
    @rubeniscool 2 года назад +328

    Not gonna lie, this did bring a small tear to my eye. Not only is it a touching gift but I would never have thought that someone so good at painting minis would ever doubt the quality of work they brought to their art. You never cease to amaze me with your minis and videos.

  • @seanowens5423
    @seanowens5423 2 года назад +136

    Wasn't expecting such a blast of validation at the end.
    It's been a long journey for me to get confident enough in what I do to keep painting. The internet is a wonderful tool for inspiration, but it's also easy to demoralize yourself by looking at what "better" painters can do.
    I think we need more messages of self love like this in the hobby.

    • @justinrisen1929
      @justinrisen1929 2 года назад +1

      I find that it helps to pick something that the "better" painter does and attempt it. Like one technique not the entire mini or anything. Helps me with the demoralizing thing because more often than not I end up learning a new skill in my craft that I wouldn't otherwise have attempted. Even if it fails at first I just keep trying it until I get it to a level I'm pleased with. Absolutely agree though that it can both inspirational and demoralizing. Scott's mentality here needs to be the norm. More vids like this would be very much welcomed.

    • @shoggy3903
      @shoggy3903 2 года назад

      Yeah, I feel ya. Lyla Mev did a video recently on this very topic.

  • @lovexhate82
    @lovexhate82 2 года назад +2

    I wish I could make money doing this but I know the minute I turn it into a job I would lose focus and interest so I can see how you would feel lost or stressed at times. That is why every time a friend or family says I should start a store I turn it down. I have not sold a single model but I have given so many to friends and family. I don't even have a model I have painted for myself at the moment since I sold all of my miniatures from my past when I got out of the hobby a decade ago. I only recently started printing and painting large stuff over this past year and back into miniatures in the last couple of months. You and Ninjon's videos have helped me rekindle my love for miniature painting so thank you for that. You seem to have some great friends and family to keep you centered which is a great thing. Keep doing your thing and your friends, family and fans will be there for you through it all. Have a great day and thank you for your time and effort.

  • @OkayHobbyTime
    @OkayHobbyTime 2 года назад +25

    Great messaging. The self-critic voice is important for pushing ones art forward. But keeping it from paralyzing will forever be a balance.

  • @justeric1107
    @justeric1107 2 года назад +16

    One of my best friends is always amazed by what I make, regardless of how I see it. I recently made him is own mandalorian helmet and while I see every single flaw, he instantly fell in love with it (also saying it was one of the best gifts he ever received).
    Us hobbyists need to listen to those people more often.

  • @DragonBread
    @DragonBread 2 года назад +1

    thanks man. I just started painting minis and it has taken me almost 9 hours to paint one deathrattle skeleton. all I was able to do was base coat and wash the model in that time and my brushes ended up looking like a lizard tongue at the end. I don't know what I'm doing and all I can see is what I didn't do. I admire your work and the message in your video has really helped me.

  • @gagelichliter5929
    @gagelichliter5929 2 года назад +28

    Thank you for making this video Scott this couldn’t have come at a better time I started to tear up near the end thank you for everything you do

  • @GERAlmighty
    @GERAlmighty Год назад +1

    Hey nice Video, especially your Ending Words. I am not satisfied with my painting skills at all, but we brought a Hero Quest Tabletop Game for a Friend of mine and i said : "you know what?! im gonna paint them!" and the reaction of the Reciever was AWESOME. i was not 100% fine with my paintjob, but he just absolutely loved it and it was such a Joy, that it brought back my Passion for painting. Now im more invested in this Hobby, than ever.

  • @MSnell
    @MSnell 2 года назад +10

    I've been through a similar experience. I used to keep my IG account with all of my paint jobs hidden from real-life people, mostly because I was self-conscious. When I finally opened it up to everyone and had all of my friends and family following me, the amount of compliments I got from them on things I had been critical of felt amazing.
    I also just want to say that your recent surge of videos has been awesome. I don't even play ASOIAF but your obvious passion for the game really came through and made for some great content. Keep up the good work.

  • @ItsDaCMD
    @ItsDaCMD 2 года назад

    A message both beatiful and true. The more I progress, the more I often doubt my own work, which really is counterintuitive.

  • @philz6164
    @philz6164 2 года назад

    It's so true about over critiquing your paint job when everyone else is just blown away. My wife volunteered me to paint a horse miniature to look like one of her friend's horses as a gift and almost all of it I did with an airbrush and was not about to do hair or anything and while I felt I did a 10% job, the friend was blown away by how much it looked just like the horse from the markings to the changes in hue. While I'm nowhere near the talent of you, Scott, or others in the hobby, I realized how much better I am than those outside the hobby. It also let me be okay with those paint jobs that are done just to get it done and on the table. Great video! and thanks for all you do for the hobby.

  • @vorpalkickass8825
    @vorpalkickass8825 2 года назад +3

    The ending is something that I have had told to me by people who do not paint. The "Normal people don`t see what you see. They don`t see the mistakes, they see a cool mini."
    I`m still struggling to get that in my head, which actually puts a heavy downer on all my projects (I`ve got an incomplete one sitting for a week now, because it`s been a nightmare trying to find the energy to finish it)
    Thanks for the video, and damn. Thor looks fierce as hell.

  • @flumpet38
    @flumpet38 2 года назад +3

    exactly the kick in the pants I needed to get out of the terrain-painting doldrums and back to the commission piece I'm working on for a friend.
    Great video

  • @surelylune
    @surelylune 2 года назад

    man you nearly made me cry, if i was home alone and not on a train that "maybe" wouldnt be there. amazing video and a beautiful lizard. R.I.P. thor

  • @Rollin_Soul_O
    @Rollin_Soul_O 2 года назад

    Congrats on the upgrade, Scott! A good item to look into for your new space would be Creform. It's a modular building system that can be used to make shelves, racks, desks, etc. I've got a desk I built from it and I love it!

  • @NunnanAgda
    @NunnanAgda 2 года назад

    I didnt see any issue to comment like you said that people would. That's a lovely piece.
    The love you gave and the hug to your friend is a brotherly thing.
    Love love

  • @fulldrawpainting
    @fulldrawpainting 2 года назад +1

    Got in a slump myself and haven't painted in 6 months. Great video my man. Fantastic finish 👏

  • @IdahoZombieHunter
    @IdahoZombieHunter 2 года назад +1

    This hits home for a lot of people. I painted up four minis for my best friends birthday a couple months ago and all I could se were all the mistakes and could have done better here and there, but he was blown away and put them out so all of his other friends could see them and not a one saw the flaws I did. I watch your videos and push myself to be like you and Ninjon and Squidmar and tell myself I'll never do what you do. So when I hear you think the same thing I and 1000's more think, it makes me feel a little bit better. Sorry for the ramble, but thank you for being human.

  • @Th3Aft3rshock57
    @Th3Aft3rshock57 2 года назад

    Scott out here really taught me how great recess shading is and I've swapped from washes thanks to this blessed man

  • @vincentbuscemi6771
    @vincentbuscemi6771 2 года назад

    Starting the hobby about a year ago and telling people about it was met, understandably, with some confused support or just confused looks. The first model I showed them painted came with an epiphany of understanding from them and many excited questions after. Now after almost a whole army of Space Marines done and random other models, people excitedly ask what I'm doing next, or if I've seen this new thing that came out or any other question. They don't know my first marine had just single base coat colors and a wash. They don't even know (unless i tell them) that my current ones have 3x as many paints and layers to them, but they think they're cool just the same. We all are our own worst critics, remember to look up once in awhile. Amazing video.

  • @Galzra87
    @Galzra87 2 года назад

    The closing statement hit close to home for me. I'm at a point where i want to get back to paint but i cant help but hear those voices saying all i'll do is mess up great models. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • @questgivercyradis8462
    @questgivercyradis8462 2 года назад

    D'aww sweet that you are painting in honor of a beardie. I was devastated when my first beardie, Fenris, died. Beardies are wonderful. You're a good friend and a good painter.

  • @Haunted_Gallows
    @Haunted_Gallows 2 года назад

    I have aplaylist I created to listen to while I paint minis called "Miniature Painting Tips and Tutorials." It's composed of various videos on techniques and tips and all that jazz from various painters on youtube, including yourself, Sergio, Zumikito, Squidmar, etc.
    This one goes on the playlist in kind of a special way, because I don't think there is a more important tip or tutorial than reminding me to get out of my own head and that I am a good painter. Because I tend to HATE everything I complete.
    That means a lot. Thanks, Scott, and I hope you catch up on those deadlines soon. I'm proud of you.

  • @GMAtank
    @GMAtank 2 года назад +5

    Great message Scott. Beautiful sentiment and end result.

  • @dorittosgaming
    @dorittosgaming 2 года назад

    its nice to have a support system to have people that appreciate you and your talents i am just going through life by my self it feels like.

  • @14identify
    @14identify 2 года назад

    I just finished painting a corvus blackstar, and all I could think was how badly I messed up the edge highlights, some slight texture from too much glue in some corners, and overall just not as good as I had hoped. Even though my friends were all telling me how awesome it looked, i couldn't see it. I have been watching your videos for a long time, and hearing you talk about this was like an enormous weight just fell off of me. I always love your stuff, thank you for making this hobby, youtube, and just life, a better place!

  • @danmclean7375
    @danmclean7375 2 года назад

    The presentation of model + display looked amazing. That's how I'm gifting minis from now on. (was it Cobaltkeep?)
    Scott you are SO right - when you paint a thoughtful mini intended as a gift it to a loved one, the paintjob never feels good enough for the person you love.
    But the person you love will adore it, and will always see more than just a painted miniature in that gift.
    only 6 hours! You are BEASTMODE! LOL I'll spend 6 hours staring at the model before I even pick up a brush..

  • @MrCeeberz
    @MrCeeberz 2 года назад +1

    I love that your videos don't just revolve around painting but real life issues. I'm one of those that also focuses on the negative and have to remind myself that perfection isn't a state of being but a journey down a long road. Thank you Scott for keeping me on that road. Also kick ass paint job as always. Really love the natural tones.

  • @sonicexpert986
    @sonicexpert986 2 года назад +1

    Dude I needed to hear this. Thanks for the positive vibes. It's so funny, I was painting with a buddy today and he kept pointing out flaws in his painting technique, and I realized I do the same thing to myself! But we're making progress and having fun. Not every model needs to be an "improvement" from the last one, sometimes you're practicing new techniques, or experimenting with new materials, or just... painting for fun because it's supposed to be fun!!

  • @ManglingMinis
    @ManglingMinis 2 года назад

    Painting up gifts is honestly becoming one of my favourite parts of the hobby. My friends and I have been holding what we like to call 'Fake Christmas' for about 6 years now, which is basically just an early friends-only Christmas. Since the first I've always converted/painted up a mini for whoever I have, quite often trying to make the model look like the giftee with just a small amount of GS work. Even though they're all also painters/players of the hobby, seeing the enthusiasm and excitement when I get to give them the finished piece is always amazing, and has encouraged them to do something similar (to the point now where a lot of the gifts are painted models). It's always so much fun putting in a wee bit of effort for someone, and so touching when someone does the same for you

  • @TravisDoerfler
    @TravisDoerfler 2 месяца назад

    I rewatched this video and it is one of your most powerful videos. The reminder that I am not a piece of shit is huge. Thank you for always being the motivation in our painting world ❤

  • @graceggale
    @graceggale Год назад

    I have the opposite issue you do with monstrous things vs armored dudes, I cut my painting chops on wet blending so the less defined "borders" are so much more natural to me.

  • @davidmoffitt981
    @davidmoffitt981 2 года назад

    This video hits (and is GREAT) on so many levels. I'm glad you've got a good support group to help through tougher times - and I'm glad to share that with you, as someone who also has been battling lots recently. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one procrastinating, even on things we enjoy. And I'm mostly glad that I've been able to watch and enjoy content from someone as thoughtful and talented as you. Keep up the good work, you inspire me to... PAINT. MORE. MINIS! sir :)

  • @contrastinghobby
    @contrastinghobby 2 года назад

    Great video and it's awesome you are so honest about something we all go through in the hobby.
    Sometimes we forget that context that while in our eyes it isn't painted as good or how we wanted it to be perfect, but as you say to the majority it already is.
    We see these amazing pictures of minis, taken in the right angle with the right filter and probably hundreds of hours of work, while we look at ours wondering where we went wrong.
    Other times we are afraid to paint that model as we are afraid of wrecking it or not being able to pull the scheme off, so sometimes you need to take that leap and experiment a bit.
    It took me a while to simplify things and just be happy painting fast,fun using tools like contrast paint, washes and more drybrushing over chasing the neverending perfection.
    I feel being able to complete projects even at 80% of my ability is motivating to keep going vs the 'pro paint' job of half started projects that i would spend endless time on and burn out.
    It was refreshing to simplify things and help make me enjoy painting again, so seeing this and someone in a similar boat along with your platform/reach I hope helps break that chain hopefully for others too
    Its videos like this that we sometimes need more of so keep it up
    What is the old saying...... KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid
    Cheers if you read this far

  • @bahumit12
    @bahumit12 2 года назад

    That's exactly what every mini painter needs to hear and doesn't hear enough. Thank you, Scott!

  • @matthewwakeham373
    @matthewwakeham373 2 года назад

    Thanks for this Scott. As silly as it might seem I think I needed a video like this, just painting for the enjoyment and to give a loved one a unique gift. I've been struggling in and outside the hobby of late and coming back to your videos feels like getting together with a friend and just chilling.
    Great work again dude

  • @Peregrintoook
    @Peregrintoook 2 года назад

    I’m learning to paint minis but professionally I’m a woodworker. I know I’m good at what I do but i can never stop myself from seeing all the tiny imperfections in my work (or big imperfections 😀) and it can really get me down. I’m feeling that with my painting as well. As I get better I get more critical of myself. The best thing to do is use it as a way to learn how to improve but also remember that you are good enough, even when nobody else is saying so. Not that we are though, you’re amazing 👍

  • @K7UK
    @K7UK 2 года назад

    Such a humbling view on the hobby. I have the same battles when I finish and share a project. Glad I came across it 👍

  • @Jonas_Fox
    @Jonas_Fox 2 года назад

    This is some next-level content and writing brutha. Brought tears to my eyes.

  • @zezorc
    @zezorc 2 года назад

    I think the most important part of this video is confessing that sometimes you are allowed to feel low and it's okay, and we should all be as honest as you are!
    Thank you so much for saying it, amazing paintjob and hope you're feeling better

  • @Sharingsasuke
    @Sharingsasuke 2 года назад

    Thanks so much for this video. I am just getting back into it. And having had a full on shitty year. But I am making my first full on competition piece for the local hobby shop.
    And this video really just reminded me why I paint. Thanks Scott

  • @mikegonzalezpaintingstudio922
    @mikegonzalezpaintingstudio922 2 года назад

    Thanks you Scott, that were some words I needed to hear.
    I constantly despise my own miniatures because I never feel they're good enough. I just paint for me, tabletop standard, but everyone loves what they see, although I don't see the quality in my miniatures.

  • @powersave2
    @powersave2 2 года назад

    This miniature is beautiful and so is the sentiment!

  • @skree272
    @skree272 2 года назад

    Thank you, i needed this video so much, i often paint 5 or 6 minis and then stop feeling like i ruined them with the way they are, i sometimes worry about my custom chapter/army's colorschemes, then i post a pic or two on facebook, my coworkers, who dont paint minis allways like them, and it makes me go and complete the projects because that little comment, that one like makes me feel like i didnt screw up on it

  • @dobbear
    @dobbear 2 года назад

    I'm glad you have folk you can rely on for help, I always love seeing new videos from you so I can hear that buttery voice inserted violently into my ears.
    Unfortunately I always miss your streams because of life and or work which sucks the big ones.
    Your work ALWAYS astounds me, sadly we are our own worst critiques. I love how above and beyond you go on everything you do.
    Hope you and your family are well.
    As always - Never give up, never surrender!

    • @Miniac
      @Miniac  2 года назад +1

      Always appreciate a Galaxy Quest reference 😁

  • @boogiepaints8634
    @boogiepaints8634 2 года назад

    This video helped me identify something I’ve been dealing with for quite a while. Thanks Scott, you’re an inspiration and a humbling creator. Thank you for sharing

  • @ryankrankowski7777
    @ryankrankowski7777 2 года назад

    I needed to hear this. Haven't painted a model in a month. I painted three in the last two days.

  • @atelier_AG
    @atelier_AG 2 года назад

    What a lovely video, great perspective and an awesome gift. The hug was the highlight of this video

  • @LG-dl9mm
    @LG-dl9mm 2 года назад +1

    This vid really touched me, we are most definitely our harshest critic.
    I don't paint miniatures myself but often build and paint dioramas for my friends.
    I believe the greatest gift you can give someone you care about, is a gift with some genuine thought and effort.
    Hope to see some more wholesome vids like this mate.

  • @clintseppowitz5642
    @clintseppowitz5642 2 года назад

    Dude! This was pure hobby love. Thanks for that, mate. I now fell better.

  • @timothybaldwin6832
    @timothybaldwin6832 2 года назад

    This is amazing Scott. you made a lot of criticisms about this model but I think it may be your most successful one yet. Art is used to encourage a response. seeing how your friend reacted to this was so wholesome. You emboldens loving reaction from him and shared that you were thinking of him. That is powerful art right there. Such a Goody PP

  • @rubengerritsen6868
    @rubengerritsen6868 Год назад

    Man, i really needed to hear this, haven’t been doing super well lately and even though I’m reaching out to a therapist in the coming days which will hopefully help, it’s still scary. Hobby has really kept my mind off of it for a little while but I have been starting to notice negative thoughts creep in there too, so thank you, I really kinda needed to hear this message

  • @coalitionofrob436
    @coalitionofrob436 2 года назад

    This was a great video on so many levels. Great painting, great cinema, interesting discussion on approach and methodology, and a personal touch. Really enjoyed it.

  • @wait4tues
    @wait4tues 2 года назад

    This reminds me of a video ninjon did as a memorial for his doggo. Good stuff.

  • @blakeneuhauser6057
    @blakeneuhauser6057 2 года назад +1

    Definitely teared up. I remember thinking my seraphon (ironically) were just decent and when I showed my brother he goes "whoa did you airbrush these?" And was blown away by my paintjob. Best compliment ever because I don't even own an airbrush did it all by brush.

  • @GeartoothLabs
    @GeartoothLabs 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much Scott. I honestly really needed this message recently. I'm getting to the point where I'm understanding what to look for, and yet still don't have the skills. So that's what I hear a lot when I'm painting minis. I can't thank you enough for helping to inspire me to do what I've been doing with how amazing your content is.
    But also, and I think more important, you are understanding. You really connect the product with the experience of creation. The emotions and turmoil that can exist in something that is a passion. Thank you for helping those of us that are new to this calm that, and find our way back to the joy of the process.

  • @TheSnapcaster
    @TheSnapcaster 2 года назад

    Thank you. I needed to hear that. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's real. I'm not as far along in my painting skills, but I'm learning. This hobby isn't as easy to hold a yard stick to and compare to others as some hobbies.
    To you? I'm trying my best. To my D&D group? I'm pretty good. To my family I'm a savant. Perspective is key. And hearing that from a person I look up to is amazing.
    Thanks man. It means everything

  • @marklockwood2693
    @marklockwood2693 2 года назад

    Amazing looking mini ! Glad to see you back Scott

  • @tracknes
    @tracknes 2 года назад

    That hug at the end... GG bro

  • @bencooper850
    @bencooper850 2 года назад +1

    Best Bromance of 2021.

  • @GlodansYT
    @GlodansYT 2 года назад

    Thank you, Scott.

  • @Pv2Bagbar
    @Pv2Bagbar 2 года назад

    FUUUUUUUUCK. I just started painting recently, finished up my first couple units and kinda in a slump with a new box. Great video and well timed.

  • @MechaTrogd0r
    @MechaTrogd0r 2 года назад

    This is my favorite video you've done Scott

  • @blackfireben
    @blackfireben 2 года назад

    I'm a new subscriber, binge watching all your videos. This video was emotional and inspiring. Beautiful work. Thank you for sharing what you do.

  • @jakeclark3930
    @jakeclark3930 2 года назад

    absolutely love it. it looks great and this video has also made me think about what you said about how others see your art and you are absolutely right I get caught up in what I did wrong so often that I don't see what I did right thanks for the reminder

  • @TheDickDeck
    @TheDickDeck Год назад

    I’ve never had a mini painting video make me cry before, but that bro love...

  • @ptcjedi6
    @ptcjedi6 2 года назад

    Well done, man! Thank you for both the video and the message. Means a lot...

  • @nordicnugz
    @nordicnugz 2 года назад

    There you go making me cry and stuff! Damn!
    It's cool to see you painting a lizardman. That was my warhammer army when I was young. Cool race!

  • @mikeyp2332
    @mikeyp2332 2 года назад

    Great message Scott and I’m glad to hear you might be turning a corner and finding your love for the hobby. I think a lot of people have been having a hard time with their mental health throughout the pandemic (myself included) and it’s great to share how you feel - it really does make a difference. For my part, I see what you’re doing, I think it’s great, and I hope you keep doing it, but only if it makes you happy!

  • @willsta1881
    @willsta1881 2 года назад

    This is the first video in a very long time to make me cry. I never feel like my art is good, but if others can see what I do, anywhere near as close as your friends see it. Then maybe it's worth doing after all. Thank you Scott.

  • @gomezzara_creative
    @gomezzara_creative 2 года назад

    Oy Papa, i was not ready for many feels. You will always have my support and thank you for this video

  • @Beedji
    @Beedji 2 года назад

    Wonderful video. It doesnt just apply to the hobby world, but every other aspect of your life as well. I work in a creative field and the "imposter syndrome" is very real and can kick anytime. It's always reassuring to know that even though you're not the best, you're the best you can be, and someone will find it impressive, regardless of your level or skill.
    You're a great painter Scott, and a great man.

  • @WiredCurrent
    @WiredCurrent 2 года назад +1

    Fucking damnit ...I didn't need to leak today ... The last part of this video hits like a hammer.

  • @Breester7478
    @Breester7478 2 года назад +2

    I love watching your videos and i always get inspired after I watch them. You're an inspiration and I hope you keep having fun putting content up.

  • @Grubenkobold
    @Grubenkobold 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @timothorgodofpunder8129
    @timothorgodofpunder8129 2 года назад

    Thanks for the pep talk, hit me right in the feels! :)

  • @Rhaszah
    @Rhaszah 13 дней назад

    I watched this video when it first came out on my personal account and two years later using my content creation related account, this video is still really nice to watch. I'm surprised it showed up in my recommended but happy nonetheless. Just good vibes and real shit

  • @Standbackforscience
    @Standbackforscience 2 года назад

    This was the feel-good content I needed.

  • @VASM160689
    @VASM160689 2 года назад

    Impressive and down to the ground. thank you!

  • @ShDTMP
    @ShDTMP 2 года назад

    Thanks for the Inspiration Scott!

  • @Thornbeard
    @Thornbeard 2 года назад

    Seems like this might have been a good use for a oil wash rather than the contrast paint recess shading, since you put the gloss varnish on it. Yet there are many roads to the same location, thanks for your work and content. I deal with CPTSD, with depression and anxiety, sometimes medication is just not enough and I am thankful for this Hobby during those times, that and the fact I live in a weed legal state. Hope you feel better.

  • @blackjack9612
    @blackjack9612 2 года назад

    bro why did this make me so emotional

  • @jordanhurley1314
    @jordanhurley1314 Год назад

    Fantastic Message. Great work as always!

  • @NapGod
    @NapGod 2 года назад

    Interesting. When I get tired and need something to paint for fun and motivation I pick orks, monsters, Seraphon, etc because they have fewer defined lines and their fantastical nature means they have fewer rules for how they should look. You can just go wild with them if you want to.

  • @liverpools
    @liverpools 2 года назад

    I like your sentimental painting vids. Like the HoN one.

  • @cjlake5754
    @cjlake5754 2 года назад

    I really needed this video right now Scott, thank you!

  • @TheNeoanomally
    @TheNeoanomally 2 года назад

    I'm not crying.

  • @JamesMKeegan
    @JamesMKeegan 2 года назад

    This was a really nice video, Scott. Thank you.

  • @LordScimitar
    @LordScimitar 2 года назад +1

    You are always your own worst critic, and likely the only one scrutinising every single tiny detail on the mini you're painting. It's hard to accept the compliments when people tell you the work you've done on a mini is amazing, and you're just thinking: it's ok.
    Scott, inspirational as always, a stellar job on that mini and a really well thought out and heartfelt gift. Kudos.

  • @bionicgeekgrrl
    @bionicgeekgrrl 2 года назад

    That looks great. I appreciate the content you create.

  • @JakeTheSasquatch_
    @JakeTheSasquatch_ 2 года назад

    Thank you.

  • @facresende
    @facresende 2 года назад

    Bring funny crazy Scott back lol.... love your work, videos and all stuff.

  • @dancheetham2649
    @dancheetham2649 2 года назад

    This video honestly upset me. The message towards the end is all too real for me. I critique myself so hard both with my hobby and with my life. I’ve recently just got married and it feels amazing to know that I am good enough for someone. Thank you for this video mate, it’s what I needed

  • @CarlConstantine
    @CarlConstantine 2 года назад

    This was a fantastic video. And everything you said is so true.. that Mini looks bad-ass!

  • @ethanbarrettdebattista5124
    @ethanbarrettdebattista5124 2 года назад

    Love ya, Scott.

  • @ManLikeBeas
    @ManLikeBeas Год назад

    This was needed ☺ Great work & thank you, dude!

  • @AJ-es1cw
    @AJ-es1cw 2 года назад

    Amazing work! And most importantly great message, truly great stuff!

  • @Samsminis
    @Samsminis 2 года назад

    Good video. At the moment, I’m stressing about a very passive aggressive work email I received, and this just makes me want to push away all my work responsibilities and paint something up for a friend.