I am abit worried that this video probably can be abused by some extremist to support they confusing theory which regarding "kaum xyz kaya... Bra bra...". I am appreciated for your video but i think this is definitely not a good and appropriate time. As a local, i things humbling and dedication will be our first choice to avoid any unnecessary noise. Of course, keeping quiet also couldn't be better but at least peesenting in a proper and wisdom way if possible 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣 only morons have the audacity to call the Chinese as pendatang. The malay or Melayu originated from Jawa , Indonesia. The word Melayu in the Jawanese means criminal fugitive. The land these criminals fugitive ran to is called Tanah Melayu. The melayu or Malays have no relations or origins from Hunan , China but they did copied and adopted their quite a lot of things from the non Muslims Chinese and Indians. Bahasa melayu is only a minor tribal dialect originated from Jawa, Indonesia. Archeologists confirmed that South East Asia countries DO NOT have any culture, civilisation which exceeded 300 years. All cultures and civilisation in South East Asia countries originated from China, Buddhism, India and Hinduism. The malay or Melayu have absolutely no civilisation or cultures of its own. That is the reason they tried to be wannabe Arab and only celebrate Islamic events . Even that the existence of Muhammad still not proven archeological. No ancient coins ever proven his existence. Ancient coins do not lie. No original Quran scripture ever found 🤣 and the Quran are written 300 to 490 years after the purported death of Muhammad. In the 7th venture where Muhammad was purportedly to be living yet there were nothing known as Islam, Mecca and Muslims. Without lies, islam dies.
好视频 👍
这个klk 确实厉害👍
这严重偏离主题,明明是说大马地皮的拥有者,怎么把那些集团的印尼地皮也算进排名榜呢? 标题应该改为马来西亚集团所拥有种植地皮面积排行榜
每一个成功的商人和企业家都是从小出生贫寒,一没钱二没资源然后靠自己白手起家 哈哈
印象中还有boonsiew honda 的老板骆文秀是槟城和langkawi的大地主, 很多早期发迹的华人家族都逐渐低调, 不想让大家知道家族拥有大量土地, 就我认识的几个华人在沙巴都有过千acre
A good comparision.
You overlooked MCA's Tan Koon Suan is the boss behind IOI.
You forgot Mahathir
马来西亚面积是330803k㎡, 你可以省略成33万平方公里,30万是什么?把3万平方公里做零头?
😂he simply say only 😅dun trust 😂jus c for fun p
Leong Hup.?
你说的还不够大,你搜搜看沙捞越大六芭主, samling 都两百多万hektar 老板都没把公司上市。说的都是西马种油棕的,还没考察东马做树桐芭的
I am abit worried that this video probably can be abused by some extremist to support they confusing theory which regarding "kaum xyz kaya... Bra bra...". I am appreciated for your video but i think this is definitely not a good and appropriate time. As a local, i things humbling and dedication will be our first choice to avoid any unnecessary noise. Of course, keeping quiet also couldn't be better but at least peesenting in a proper and wisdom way if possible 😂
Lease is not ownership. Most of Plantation land are leases
FELDA covering no less than 2.5 million acres of land. 。。。真的是“小巫见大巫” !!!
40% 资料是不正确的...
棕油 / 油棕
他们是如何 “拿到” 这么多地皮的?
FGV 和 SIME DARBY 关联公司都是土著掌舵,都是靠政府的,它要多大就有多大,不能与私人公司一概而论。它们现在的用意大多是用来打压华人大财团。
F GV是把小园主土地集中一起。
醒了吗?哪个国家没欠债?要发展就要借钱 马来西亚的国债gdp占比其实真的算很健康了 还多数是国内债务又不是外债 少听风就是雨
不借钱 你以为那么多补贴给你们这些脑子非黑即白的人?
还有1兆多亿 你懂你在讲什么吗
叫马来西亚马国, 原来是中国sponsor的RUclips channel
不怪得老马一直说马来西亚的土就来不是马来人了的 我们这些底层人 真的不懂这些
他们是华人 但是跟我们一般的华人又一点关系都没有
馬國馬國, 台灣人 是有那麼難去 糾正對馬來西亞縮寫稱呼嗎? 大馬 。 人家叫台灣 中華台北 你也會疑惑吧。 有時間去找那麼多資料但最基本的馬來西亞 縮寫叫什麼都不懂,跟台灣媒體一樣
pendatang cina
melayu binatang
🤣🤣🤣🤣 only morons have the audacity to call the Chinese as pendatang.
The malay or Melayu originated from Jawa , Indonesia. The word Melayu in the Jawanese means criminal fugitive. The land these criminals fugitive ran to is called Tanah Melayu.
The melayu or Malays have no relations or origins from Hunan , China but they did copied and adopted their quite a lot of things from the non Muslims Chinese and Indians.
Bahasa melayu is only a minor tribal dialect originated from Jawa, Indonesia.
Archeologists confirmed that South East Asia countries DO NOT have any culture, civilisation which exceeded 300 years.
All cultures and civilisation in South East Asia countries originated from China, Buddhism, India and Hinduism.
The malay or Melayu have absolutely no civilisation or cultures of its own.
That is the reason they tried to be wannabe Arab and only celebrate Islamic events .
Even that the existence of Muhammad still not proven archeological. No ancient coins ever proven his existence. Ancient coins do not lie.
No original Quran scripture ever found 🤣 and the Quran are written 300 to 490 years after the purported death of Muhammad.
In the 7th venture where Muhammad was purportedly to be living yet there were nothing known as Islam, Mecca and Muslims.
Without lies, islam dies.