Always Remember I Love You

  • Опубликовано: 23 сен 2019

Комментарии • 91

  • @TheKillerInYou
    @TheKillerInYou Год назад +19

    Love these movies from the 1980's & 1990's.

    • @luminouslink777
      @luminouslink777 7 месяцев назад +1

      Music and films from 80's were a real deal.

  • @judyledbetter3915
    @judyledbetter3915 Год назад +19

    Beautiful Movie.
    PattyDuke's Amazing In Any Movie.
    God Bless.❤️🙌

  • @fleurmartin
    @fleurmartin 5 месяцев назад +7

    As usual, I watch for Patty Duke. However, I was pleasantly suprised by Joan Van Arc. And then I kept thinking that this movie was getting too long. Then came the letter. I almost cried. Mostly because of how Patty Duke reacted. Good movie. Glad I watched it.

  • @sheilawilliams7271
    @sheilawilliams7271 Год назад +10

    Robert didn't understand how much he hurted his biological mom when he left....miss these movies from back in the day.

  • @maryh-w8647
    @maryh-w8647 2 года назад +33

    That letter was a tear jerker. I’m 70 years old I thought I’d seen it all and heard it all. But I can’t imagine what it would be like for someone to take my child. I have one son and one granddaughter both I love dearly and a 45 year marriage to my departed husband that I will cherish forever, but that letter tore at my heart in ways even I could never imagine. 💔

    • @judyledbetter3915
      @judyledbetter3915 Год назад +2

      💔 Mine Too. God Bless.❤️🙌

    • @yolandalawson5951
      @yolandalawson5951 5 месяцев назад

      Oooooiioi ok okooookooooioioooioooooooooo ok okooookooooi ooooiiooil ooookooooooioo ok okooolo oooooooooooooooookoooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ok oooookooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ok oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookooookooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo😅ooooooooooooooo pop ooooo ok okooooooooooooooooookookoooooooookoooooookoloooooooooooooooooookoooooooookoooooooooooookolooook oolo o lol ooooooooo 5:52 5:52 am oooo😅oo lol 5:53 loo 5:53 okoo 5:54 ok 5:54 okoo ok oooooo 5:55 ooooo lol ooo 5:56 ook ok okoooooooooooookooooooooo 5:58 ooooooooooooooooooooo 5:59 okoloo olo 6:00 o lol okoooioooookoooooookooooooooo 6:03 oookooookoooo polo oooookoloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ok ooooooooookooo lol okoooooookoooo 6:10 oooooookoooo okoookooooooooooooo ok ooooooooooooooklooooooooooooo 6:14 oko 6:15 oooooookkoooo ooookoooooooolook okoooo 6:18 o lol ooooooooooo o ooooooooooooookoooo ok okook oooo 6:22 okoo oooo ooooo okoooookokooooooooooooo oo kooooooooooooo 6:27 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo 6:30 ooooo oooooooooo ooooooo ooo ooooo 6:34 ooo 6:34 oo loo 6:35 6:35 oo oooooooooo o looko 6:37 oo😅o o k oooo 6:40 ok Iooo k lookok 6:41 6:41 kkok oooooooookoo o o o kooko Ill 6:45 oko 6:46 okoo 6:46 6:46 oooo okokolkkooooo lol oooo 6:49 okooooo o kkoooooooooooookooookooookoooooo 6:53 okooooooooooooooklooooo o ookko 6:56 ooooooooo ok oookook ok ko 6:59 ookooo ok ooooo 7:01 o 7:01 ooo 7:02 okkkoooookkokooooookooookkkkokolkkoooookkooooo😅o 7:08 7:08 ok 7:09 ooooooooooooooooooo 7:12 okok 7:14 😅lolooooooo 7:17 oo 7:18 okokkoooo 7:20 o 7:22 oooooooo 7:24 okoo 7:25 ooo 7:28 7:30 okooook 7:34 7:34 oooo 7:38 lolkko 7:43 o 7:43 lk 7:48 7:50 lkokoo😅 7:56 okolkk😅okko li 8:02 ko 8:05 8:06 lk 8:09 okooook 8:13 oo 8:15 okok😅o 8:21 8:21 8:23 8:23 oo 8:25 okok 8:26 ookkkk😅okkkkkookolok 8:32 kk 8:33 8:34 ko 8:35 8:35 lkokook 8:37 ooooko 8:39 k😅oo 8:42 o 8:42 ko 8:44 ok 8:45 okoooooko 8:47 kkoo 8:50 😅oookko 8:52 o 8:53 kkokoo 8:56 k 8:57 8:57 kl 8:58 k 8:58 kolook 9:00 o 9:01 oo😅 9:02 ko 9:03 9:03 koooooooooo 9:05 o 9:07 lkkkkkoo 9:10 k 9:11 oookokko 9:13 ookokk 9:14 kll 9:15 ooo 9:16 oooooooolooooo 9:19 9:19 oookokol 9:22 ooooo 9:24 ookkooooool 9:27 ko 9:29 o 9:29 ookoo 9:31 oooooloooooookl 9:35 lolo 9:37 oko 9:38 okoookk 9:40 oo 9:41 lolkkokolkkkooo 9:44 okooooo 9:47 oo 9:48 ookkkokokkook okk 9:51 ok 9:52 lookooool 9:54 oklo 9:56 lolokkkkk 9:57 oolooookk 10:00 oo 10:01 o 10:02 kokok 10:04 ooo 10:05 oo 10:06 10:06 o 10:06 o 10:07 10:08 kookkk 10:10 ooooo 10:12 ok 10:13 kooko 10:14 10:15 ook 10:16 kokk 10:18 oklo 10:20 okkk 10:21 k 10:21 kkkk 10:24 k 10:24 10:25 lkkk 10:27 kkk 10:28 okko 10:30 10:30 10:31 lookkkoo 10:32 10:33 k 10:34 kkooookoooooo 10:36 oo o 10:38 ok olokk 10:40 10:40 okooo 10:42 l 10:43 kookk 10:44 10:45 okoook 10:47 o 10:47 10:48 kkkok 10:50 ookk 10:52 ooook 10:53 10:54 looo 10:56 ooo 10:57 ok 10:58 ko 11:00 kk😅okokkk 11:03 l 11:04 kkkokkk 11:07 11:07 kko 11:09 okkk😅o 11:11 ook 11:13 kookolook 11:16 o 11:18 lokkkkkkkooo 11:21 11:22 kkokkoook😅kko 11:26 11:26 11:28 11:28 kk 11:30 lkl 11:31 lo 11:33 11:33 kkkkokk 11:36 ok 11:37 okoo 11:39 kokk 11:40 ok 11:42 ok 11:43 okkko 11:45 11:45 11:46 11:47 okkkk 11:49 k 11:50 oook 11:51 l 11:52 kkkkkk 11:54 11:54 okkkkkk 11:57 11:58 oooo 12:00 kooookokoooooo😅okkkkkk 12:06 12:07 kkkkk 12:09 12:09 okkkok 12:11 koookkokoooo😅k 12:16 12:17 o 12:17 lkokk 12:20 kooooooooo 12:22 oooooooo 12:25 ok 12:26 ok 12:27 12:28 ooo 12:30 okloooooooo lolkkko 13:20 kkkkkkkookkkkkkkokkkk 14:20 oo loop keep kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokk oooook 15:57 ooooo 👌 o o oook ok oolooooooooooooooooooooo 16:06 okokookkkkkkkkkokooooooooooooooooo 16:13 lolok ok o o 16:17 kkkk 16:18 kkkkkkkkkkok oo 16:21 kk 16:22 kkolkkkkkkkkkkk 16:25 16:26 16:26 16:26 16:26 okk ok ok kkkkkkkkkkkk 16:33 kookkkkkkkko 16:37 ok lolkokkokokookkkkkokkkokooookkkoookk 16:47 16:47 okkkkkkkkkkkkkko 16:54 oookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkooook 17:02 okooko 17:06 oooooooooo 17:12 koookkk 17:20 17:23 oookkokoko 17:30 ok 17:34 ok 17:36 17:37 kooookko o 17:44 oooooooooooooo lolkkkkkkkkkookkkokoookkoooookoooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 26:51 ok o ok oo o o o

  • @sharonsheehy3128
    @sharonsheehy3128 5 месяцев назад +6

    Shame it didn’t end in a way that they could share their son with the adoptive parents , at least the real mother found out the truth in the end ,,,patty Duke never fails to amaze me ,,,,

  • @jennypalmer331
    @jennypalmer331 7 месяцев назад +7

    The end was a real tear jerker. Beautiful movie. Thank you

  • @dunham82
    @dunham82 3 года назад +23

    I first saw this film when I was just a kid. I’m 38 now. It’s a holiday classic as far as I’m concerned. I’m so glad it’s here. Powerful ending.

  • @deeeliades3426
    @deeeliades3426 6 месяцев назад +3

    The letter was powerful, he left his return address on the right top of the letter; so we all know there will be further contact. Great ending powerful movie!

  • @twokeets
    @twokeets 2 года назад +13

    Great movie, but I really love how all the original commercials are included! It makes for a very nice viewing experience.

    • @LisaWhitehorn
      @LisaWhitehorn Год назад


    • @booklover8546
      @booklover8546 11 месяцев назад

      Same. I wish I knew exactly when I was recorded, so nostalgic and I’m only 18 but still can feel it ❤

  • @marymayer2282
    @marymayer2282 Месяц назад +1

    I got weary of all the commercials so I ran it forward so was able to get most of the movie very good movie a real tearjerker And Patty Duke excells in everything she's in

  • @joyce1992
    @joyce1992 2 года назад +10

    This is one of my favorite movies. Makes me cry at the end. It really makes you think about others who don't know where their children are.

    • @Stevie-hn7mp
      @Stevie-hn7mp 5 месяцев назад

      So true wish he would told her because he was taken from her . She def deserved to know the truth.

    • @TheRivrPrncess
      @TheRivrPrncess 3 месяца назад

      @@Stevie-hn7mp It would have hurt her worse to learn the truth while he is there with her. She would not want him to leave. This way was much better.

  • @jasonjmarchi
    @jasonjmarchi 2 года назад +5

    Great movie. This is my second time seeing it since it first aired.

  • @florences2153
    @florences2153 6 месяцев назад +3

    A wonderful, touching, a lot of emotions. Thank you.

  • @Stevie-hn7mp
    @Stevie-hn7mp 5 месяцев назад +4

    Patti Duke was amazing talented actress. Only wish he would told her because she def deserved to know the truth . He was stolen from them 😢😢

  • @WilliamBumgardner-ft6rm
    @WilliamBumgardner-ft6rm Год назад +7

    Thank you so much for posting this film in it's entirety on RUclips channel. I remember watching this with my mother when it first aired, and it's the only film that made both of us cry at the ending. She has long since passed, but I loved being able to watch it again and remembering that special time we had together.

  • @mrsBurchett22
    @mrsBurchett22 2 года назад +5

    I love the old commercials. Thanks for the upload

  • @donaldmann7387
    @donaldmann7387 Год назад +4

    Thank God this is still around. A great movie.... Something about it moved me.

  • @colinchambers3842
    @colinchambers3842 4 года назад +7

    Amazing show

  • @vickilanger1228
    @vickilanger1228 6 месяцев назад +3

    This film goes straight to my heart and soul🙏🙏mostly because my parents too made the wrong decision to not tell my older brother he was🤔🤔adopted and let's just say it wasn't a happy ending for the 4 us it's all I can say I'm 61 now my parents are in heaven and I'm not for my own survival😥😥reasons in touch with my brother and my heart is forever broken over that😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  • @danapeake6768
    @danapeake6768 4 года назад +19

    I saw this movie way back when and was impressed by Stephen Dorff. Ever since then, when I see his name, I think of this movie. I've been looking for it for awhile now. This is the first time I've seen it since then. If you don't cry when Ruth reads that letter, you're made of stone. Thanks for uploading this.

    • @maryh-w8647
      @maryh-w8647 2 года назад +1

      You are so, so, so right, my eyes are still flooded.

    • @keen7
      @keen7 2 года назад +1

      I just finished it. Dammit, I'm wiping the tears as I write this.

    • @bergeronjoann1707
      @bergeronjoann1707 Год назад +1

      it's not right to tell people how feel or how to handle their emotions🙌🙏‼️❤️

    • @danapeake6768
      @danapeake6768 Год назад +1

      @@bergeronjoann1707 go away troll

    • @bergeronjoann1707
      @bergeronjoann1707 Год назад

      @@danapeake6768 who you calling a troll and why ⁉️

  • @leanderrowe2800
    @leanderrowe2800 Год назад +8

    I can't understand why he didn't tell them he's their lost son. And the adopted parents handled the situation badly, to say the least, at the hotel.

  • @arielnapenas8240
    @arielnapenas8240 Месяц назад

    I wish I could buy this on DVD. Love this movie from my childhood.

  • @johannafrohmadermedina4890
    @johannafrohmadermedina4890 7 месяцев назад +3

    Such a great, touching movie. Thank you for sharing. 💝

  • @monicaswavel6074
    @monicaswavel6074 7 месяцев назад +3

    Wow! Great movie and great ending!❤

  • @sarahkikambi91
    @sarahkikambi91 3 года назад +6

    Wow! Thanks for this. A classic!!!

  • @Potin10
    @Potin10 5 месяцев назад +3

    Wahow...I always enjoyed Folgers commercial 😊❤

  • @bjlyon615
    @bjlyon615 2 года назад +5

    Love this film!

  • @marymayer2282
    @marymayer2282 Месяц назад

    Always liked David birney was on a soap opera years ago. Young is a many splendored thing. He was also in The mini series testimony of two men never watched nighttime soaps much but have seen Joan Van Ark in other movies liked both of their acting especially in this

  • @susan5429
    @susan5429 8 месяцев назад +3

    So touching, couldn't help crying esp during the end. 😭

    • @marymayer2282
      @marymayer2282 Месяц назад

      Didn't care for adoptive father's attitude even though they didn't even know it at The Time till many years later that baby was stolen but I feel that he should have been able to be with both families

  • @alexascartier617
    @alexascartier617 Год назад +12

    Good moviecrowd at end but annoyed how it ended he could have shared homes and not ended like it did ughhh not ending I was hoping

    • @shahmanz
      @shahmanz 3 месяца назад +1

      Its not an end. Surely he can visit his birth family, but he's decided that his home is with adopting parents..

    • @lasbagman1
      @lasbagman1 2 месяца назад

      If you noticed his address was on the top right of the letter. So he intended to remain in contact with his birth family.

  • @gunnarjordan6980
    @gunnarjordan6980 Год назад +2

    Love this movie!!!

  • @Bhoneyb355
    @Bhoneyb355 Месяц назад

    I lived very close to where this happened.🙏

  • @pinky5097
    @pinky5097 2 года назад +4

    Great movie

  • @l.janecliftonrozell4707
    @l.janecliftonrozell4707 3 месяца назад

    I could never imagine that happening Great movie ❤

  • @lapisu11
    @lapisu11 9 месяцев назад


  • @2ni2808
    @2ni2808 3 года назад +8

    A wonderful movie , unfortunately all these silly commercials destroy the movie .

    • @mrsBurchett22
      @mrsBurchett22 2 года назад +7

      I love the commercials. They are part of the nostalgia. Don't be so self centered. This isn't just for you. Seriously. Lol. At least it's uploaded. You know you can fast forward right?

    • @maryh-w8647
      @maryh-w8647 2 года назад +3

      I can tell you are very young, those silly commercials are so nostalgic. They bring back so many memories for a old coot like me😃

    • @maryh-w8647
      @maryh-w8647 2 года назад

      @@mrsBurchett22 don’t be so harsh, they are just expressing their opinion. They obviously are young and are not familiar with how the bills got paid for television😁

    • @2ni2808
      @2ni2808 2 года назад

      @@mrsBurchett22 sorry I don't agree .

    • @2ni2808
      @2ni2808 2 года назад

      @@maryh-w8647 Sorry I don't agree .

  • @roncarter1695
    @roncarter1695 Год назад +6

    Great movie lifetime

  • @elgeneralxx
    @elgeneralxx 3 месяца назад +1

    1:41:57 heard this part on full volume while trying to sleep woke me up dammit

  • @TheRivrPrncess
    @TheRivrPrncess 3 месяца назад

    Richard Masur also starred in The Face on the Milk Carton about a stolen child. I like his character here better than in that one. I know this is fiction but I would love it if he left a way for his birth parents to get and keep in touch with them. Oh wait, he put an address in the letter. I hope it was where he lives with his adoptive parents.

  • @hywel4605
    @hywel4605 2 года назад

    Good film

  • @Cookie120171
    @Cookie120171 3 месяца назад

    At first I was getting frustrated that he wasn’t telling them his real reason for being there at the end I realized why it was best he didn’t until the letter. Had they found out that family would never had let him go again especially with him being 16.

  • @pagliacci2942
    @pagliacci2942 3 месяца назад

    This had to have been filmed in the same location as Stephen King's It, the same year. I recognize the school. It's Queen Mary Elementary School in Vancouver, I believe. The building and setting are rather distinctive and picturesque.

  • @leanderrowe2800
    @leanderrowe2800 Год назад +5

    I can't understand why he couldn't tell them he wa

  • @olesyasvydenyuk4243
    @olesyasvydenyuk4243 3 месяца назад

    The best move

  • @breea6349
    @breea6349 2 месяца назад

    Love the movie the ending could have been better.
    Should’ve been a part two.

  • @moshe2495
    @moshe2495 5 месяцев назад +2

    I'm surprised his birth parents didn't see the resemblance.

  • @Bindigirl7
    @Bindigirl7 8 месяцев назад +3

    Good movie but an awful ending. So she got to meet and be with her son who she didn’t know was her son! Then finds out it was her son in a stupid letter and now will never see her son again leaving the family with a lot of unanswered questions.

  • @D07770
    @D07770 7 месяцев назад +1

    A woman's "need" and "desire" for a child causes nothing but damage to the child. Most women with this "need" are traumatized and unconsciously seek to fill an internal void and use the child as painkiller.

  • @nickw1293
    @nickw1293 2 года назад

    Does anyone know the actual filming locations around Vancouver, British Columbia?

  • @ninalange3402
    @ninalange3402 5 месяцев назад +2

    Minimize commercial

  • @jwanwom
    @jwanwom 7 месяцев назад

    I a.ways wondered is John suspected a closeness with Robert

  • @latrelltsantiago3196
    @latrelltsantiago3196 Месяц назад

    They should've been put in jail!!! No way! Stupid ending

  • @deborahadams4721
    @deborahadams4721 11 дней назад

    These parents are unbelievable I see him not telling them but his parents is just shameful

  • @k.s.173
    @k.s.173 2 месяца назад

    Slightly unfinished ending. They should have showed his brothers reaction...I was bummed out over that.

  • @belenbeluarmy1713
    @belenbeluarmy1713 3 года назад +2

    Por favor alguien que me ayude a encontrarlo con subtítulos al español!!!🙏🙏🙏

  • @kathywages8959
    @kathywages8959 4 месяца назад

    I hated that ending

  • @carolkelly2121
    @carolkelly2121 3 месяца назад

    The ads are so off putting - unnecessarily long and boring!

  • @DeeDee-il7zk
    @DeeDee-il7zk 7 месяцев назад +1

    The ending sucked! He could visit each family!

    • @deeeliades3426
      @deeeliades3426 6 месяцев назад +1

      Revisit the ending, at the top of the letter is Robert’s return address, I guess the writers left us a clue to the future. Have a great holiday season!

    • @vickilanger1228
      @vickilanger1228 6 месяцев назад +1

      Good point I had hoped he would stay in touch and visit not just😥 reveal his true identity in the letter and never return or keep in touch