Protestant Mezmur እጅግ ልብ የሚነኩ መዝሙሮች mezmur protestant Ethiopian protestant song new

  • Опубликовано: 13 дек 2024
  • Ethiopian protestant songs are the songs which are spontaneous and are inspired by the Holy Spirit itself. and all this song are sung to glorify the almighty God. In Amharic we call Mezmur it's equivalent meaning is spiritual song ( gospel songs) .
    ||video is copy right free from Pexels||
    All the contents are made by Presence Tube
    Mezmur: is amharic word and it's equvalent english meaning is Song (spiritual song)
    Believe in the lord Jesus and you will be saved !!!
    #ethiopian #protestant #mezmur
    Facebook: / presence1614
    Instagram : / tsegaw_grace
    This channel shares #Ethiopian #protestant songs specially we call spiritual songs (mezmur).
    Protestant mezmur ድንቅ የአምልኮ መዝሙሮች Amazing Worship songs new 2020 Ethiopia Presence Tube #mezmur protestant, #protestant mezmur, mezmur, ethiopian protestant mezmur, ethiopian mezmur protestant, amharic worship songs, protestant mezmur amharic new 2020,Mezmur Protestant የመንፈስ እረፍት የሚሰጡ መዝሙሮች protestant song #Ethiopia new protestant song ethiopia addis mezmur , mezmur, mezmur tube mezmur clip mezmur video, 2020 new mezmur , new amharic mezmur , amazing new protestant mezmur የፀሎትመዝሙሮች morningworshipsongs Amazing new non stop protestant gospel song collection,new Ethiopian protestant mezmur 2020 Amazing new non stop mezmur collection Ethiopian protestant mezmur 2013 ,Amharic Christian mezmur Ethiopian Gospel songs AMHARIC gospel song
    Amharic protestant mezmur New Amharic protestant songs Ethiopian protestant Amharic mezmur

Комментарии • 668

  • @PresenceTube
    @PresenceTube  Год назад +36

    we have RUclips Channel for Sale
    የሚሸጥ RUclips ቻናል አለን 👉contacts us👇👇
    Instagram :

  • @samuelmahlangeni1100
    @samuelmahlangeni1100 3 года назад +234

    I am South African. I came to listen to this beautiful language as there is one guy I love so much who is from Euthophia and he currently owns a spaza shop just across where I live. I tell him about Jesus all the time

    • @ezekielngenganyi6701
      @ezekielngenganyi6701 2 года назад +6


    • @ademedao3820
      @ademedao3820 2 года назад +8

      God bless you. The main concepts this song is: There is mercy of the God which lives with us forever. God does not leaves you alone. There is joy of heaven which drops to my heart that makes me clean. It is an astonishing song.

    • @nash2687
      @nash2687 2 года назад +1


    • @makbelgrmay6022
      @makbelgrmay6022 2 года назад

      Ok I'll tkjpp

    • @saronkebedeasrat8383
      @saronkebedeasrat8383 2 года назад +3

      God bless you my brother keep preaching our King Jesus. We may have been born in d/t countries but we all bow before the same father. God bless you my brother keep up the work.

  • @romiolovely
    @romiolovely 3 года назад +15

    የግድ እኔን የሚመስል መዝሙር መዘመር ና መውደድ የለብኝም
    የሁላችን ጌታ ሰላምና ፍቅር ይስጠን።
    🙏🙏ተባረኩ በመዝሙር ቅባት እኛንም የፈውሰን👍👍👍

  • @kahakama
    @kahakama Год назад +34

    I am a Muslim listening to this as an art music peace, I found it is very impressive and fine with this angel vocal voice

  • @afolabiaridegbe7911
    @afolabiaridegbe7911 Год назад +19

    I’m Nigerian living in America but I like listening to Ethiopian and Erithrian songs

    • @wubityejesus425
      @wubityejesus425 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @yaredmesfin4372
      @yaredmesfin4372 3 месяца назад +2

      It’s not a song it’s a ❤❤❤gospel song……to give for the Alfa and omega good god …..

  • @HappyCat-142
    @HappyCat-142 2 года назад +29

    Habesha music is the best, and praise songs are double so! love from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

    • @inkmartyr
      @inkmartyr Год назад +2

      💯 Agree! - Love & Blessings from Baltimore, U.S.

  • @georgeakello2920
    @georgeakello2920 2 года назад +35

    From kisumu Kenya 🇰🇪 I love your worship song.

  • @lidiyatesfu1380
    @lidiyatesfu1380 2 года назад +11

    እግዚአብሔር እድል ፍንተየችን ነው ክብር ለአንተ አባየ እንኳን ያንተ ሆንኩ አምላኬ

  • @bernhardbraun6237
    @bernhardbraun6237 Год назад +15

    My Mind its quick open when i always listen this habesha music. I ‚m from Switzerland and i‘m so glad due to my Wife its from Ethiopia! She translate this songs to me! God bless you my Sisters and Brothers in our Lord Jesus!

  • @enough1754
    @enough1754 4 года назад +13

    አሜን ዘመናችሁ ይባረክ በመዝሙራችሁ ስለምትባርኩን ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጣችሁ።

  • @abrahamtesfay6760
    @abrahamtesfay6760 3 года назад +16

    ማን እንደ እየሱስ? ሁሉም የሚቻለው የደስታ አምላክ ስሙ ይባረክ!

  • @gabaywandrg5207
    @gabaywandrg5207 4 года назад +97

    “ወላጆች እንደ ሌላቸው ልጆች አልተዋችሁም፤ ወደ እናንተ እመጣለሁ።”
    - ዮሐንስ 14፥18

    • @gabaywandrg5207
      @gabaywandrg5207 4 года назад +7

      ኢሳይያስ 49
      ¹ ደሴቶች ሆይ፥ ስሙኝ፥ እናንተም በሩቅ ያላችሁ አሕዛብ፥ አድምጡ፤ እግዚአብሔር ከማኅፀን ጠርቶኛል፥ ከእናቴም ሆድ ጀምሮ ስሜን አንሥቶአል፤
      ² አፌንም እንደ ተሳለ ሰይፍ አድርጎአል፥ በእጁ ጥላ ሰውሮኛል፤ እንደ ተሳለ ፍላጻም አድርጎኛል፥ በሰገባውም ውስጥ ሸሽጎኛል።
      ³ እርሱም፦ እስራኤል ሆይ፥ አንተ ባሪያዬ ነህ፤ በአንተም እከበራለሁ አለኝ።
      ⁴ እኔ ግን፦ በከንቱ ደከምሁ፥ ምንም ጥቅም ለሌለውና ለከንቱ ጕልበቴን ፈጀሁ፤ ፍርዴ ግን በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ፥ ዋጋዬም በአምላኬ ዘንድ ነው አልሁ።
      ⁵ አሁንም በእግዚአብሔር ዓይን ከብሬአለሁና፥ አምላኬም ጕልበት ሆኖኛልና ያዕቆብን ወደ እርሱ እንድመልስ እስራኤልንም ወደ እርሱ እንድሰበስብ ባሪያ እሆነው ዘንድ ከማኅፀን ጀምሮ የሠራኝ እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላል።
      ⁶ እርሱም፦ የያዕቆብን ነገዶች እንድታስነሣ ከእስራኤልም የዳኑትን እንድትመስል ባሪያዬ ትሆን ዘንድ እጅግ ቀላል ነገር ነውና እስከ ምድር ዳር ድረስ መድኃኒት ትሆን ዘንድ ለአሕዛብ ብርሃን አድርጌ ሰጥቼሃለሁ ይላል።
      ⁷ የእስራኤል ታዳጊ ቅዱሱም፥ እግዚአብሔር፥ ሰዎች ለሚንቁት ሕዝብም ለሚጠላው ለገዥዎች ባሪያ እንዲህ ይላል፦ ስለ ታማኙ ስለ እግዚአብሔር ስለ መረጠህም ስለ እስራኤል ቅዱስ ነገሥታት አይተው ይነሣሉ፥ መሳፍንትም አይተው ይሰግዳሉ።
      ⁸ እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላል፦ በተወደደ ጊዜ ሰምቼሃለሁ፥ በመድኃኒትም ቀን ረድቼሃለሁ፤ እጠብቅህማለሁ፥ ምድርንም ታቀና ዘንድ፥ ውድማ የሆኑትንም ርስቶች ታወርስ ዘንድ፥
      ⁹ የተጋዙትንም፦ ውጡ በጨለማም የተቀመጡትን፦ ተገለጡ ትል ዘንድ ቃል ኪዳን አድርጌ ለሕዝቡ ሰጥቼሃለሁ። በመንገድም ላይ ይሰማራሉ፥ ማሰማርያቸውም በወና ኮረብታ ሁሉ ላይ ይሆናል።
      ¹⁰ የሚራራላቸውም ይመራቸዋልና፥ በውኃም ምንጮች በኩል ይነዳቸዋልና አይራቡም፥ አይጠሙም፥ ትኩሳት ወይም ፀሐይ አይጐዳቸውም።
      ¹¹ ተራሮቼንም ሁሉ መንገድ አደርጋለሁ፥ ጎዳኖቼም ከፍ ከፍ ይላሉ።
      ¹² እነሆ፥ እነዚህ ከሩቅ፥ እነሆም፥ እነዚህ ከሰሜንንና ከምዕራብ፥ እነዚህም ከሲኒም አገር ይመጣሉ።
      ¹³ እግዚአብሔር ሕዝቡን አጽናንቶአልና፥ ለችግረኞቹም ራርቶአልና ሰማያት ሆይ፥ ዘምሩ፥ ምድር ሆይ፥ ደስ ይበልሽ ተራሮችም ሆይ፥ እልል በሉ።

    • @gabaywandrg5207
      @gabaywandrg5207 4 года назад

      Luke 16 (KJV)
      ¹⁹ There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
      ²⁰ And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
      ²¹ And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
      ²² And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
      ²³ And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
      ²⁴ And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
      ²⁵ But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
      ²⁶ And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
      ²⁷ Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
      ²⁸ For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
      ²⁹ Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
      ³⁰ And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
      ³¹ And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

    • @memeo264
      @memeo264 4 года назадвидео.html

    • @tesfaneshmekonin4003
      @tesfaneshmekonin4003 3 года назад


    • @أدهشني-د9ظ
      @أدهشني-د9ظ 3 года назад

      በውጭ ሀገርና በአገራችን ከ25 ዓመት በላይ የሥራ ልምድ ባላቸዉ ታዋቂ ባለሙያ የሚሠጥ ባህላዊ ህክምና
      ለዉስጥ ደዌ ፣ ለኪንታሮት ፣ ለአqላዘርና ለወሲብ
      ድክመት ለቆዳ ፣ ለዕጢ ፣ ነቀርሣ ፣ ለነርቭ ፣ ለአጥንት፣ ለጡንቻ ፣ ለአንገት በላይ ፣ ለመንፈሳዊና ለጭንቀት
      🔔 ከተፈጥሮ ማዕድናትና ዕፅዋት በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተዘጋጀ መዳኒት።
      🔔 ደረጃውን የጠበቀና ምቹ የመታሻ ህክምና ።
      🔔 ንፁህ የሂጃማ ወይም የዋግምት ህክምና ።
      🔔 ለመንፈሳዊና ለጭንቀት የተለያየ የህhምና ዘዱ አገልግሎት እንሠጣለን ።
      🟥 🟥 0944354662 🟥 🟥
      🟥 🟥 0944354662 🟥 🟥

  • @elovemee24
    @elovemee24 Год назад +7

    Every time I listen to this Mezemure, my mind opens up quickly, I'm all so happy!
    She translated these songs for me! God bless you my sisters and brothers in our Lord Jesus!

  • @temesgenhordofa8352
    @temesgenhordofa8352 Год назад +14

    ጌታ እየሱስ ከክፉ ሁሉ ይጠብቃችሁ

  • @phongsaphonsuwansukho1298
    @phongsaphonsuwansukho1298 Год назад +6

    Greeting from Thailand...your music / songs that so amazing it. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU.

  • @biniamamen6258
    @biniamamen6258 3 года назад +17

    እንደዚህ አድርጋችሁ ላዘጋጃቹሁት ትልቅ ምስጋና ላቀርብ እወደለሁ ,,በጣም ነው የተጽናናሁባቸው ዝማሬዎችን ,,

    • @ibrahimsale5216
      @ibrahimsale5216 4 месяца назад

      To God almighty be the glory thank you very much, I am blessed through your songs

  • @skhurafortify8677
    @skhurafortify8677 2 года назад +49

    What a peaceful songs. I can't understand the language but I literally tell you that so much healing, whatever bad experience that you face in life know that the
    Kingdom Of God is near. We will eventually have a peaceful internally life.🙏🏽🥺🥺😏🙏🏽

    • @Drive_in_Ethiopia
      @Drive_in_Ethiopia 2 года назад

      This song is Amharic... from Ethiopia

    • @protestantmezmur2901
      @protestantmezmur2901 Год назад

      ልብን የሚነኩ የጸሎት ዝማሬዎችвидео.html

  • @이성범-z6g
    @이성범-z6g 2 года назад +14

    This music and songs are very beautiful! and great. when I go to sleep on bed, I listen this and I feel peace of spirit and soul and joy. thank you for creator of these music and songs. I hope thank you 1000 times to you!

  • @WordsOfMyTestimony
    @WordsOfMyTestimony 2 года назад +12

    May these praises ascend to the Heavens and across the world. may the Holy Spirit minister Hope, Healing, Comfort, Conviction and Restoration and the Revelation of Christ. Selah

  • @ElsaMedhanie
    @ElsaMedhanie 6 месяцев назад +2

    ኣዎ ሰይረሳም ጌታ እጅግ የሚያጽናና የሚባርክ ጌታ እጅግ ኣድርጎ ይባርካቹ!!!!

  • @behailuabdissa3223
    @behailuabdissa3223 2 года назад +6

    ዋው ድንቅ ዝማሬዎች ናቸው የአዳነንን ጌታ እንድናመልከው መንፈሳችንን ያነቃቃል

  • @yetimhassen4706
    @yetimhassen4706 3 года назад +19

    I couldn’t stop listening!god bless you more and more!

  • @josephshuma1975
    @josephshuma1975 Год назад +5

    God bless you people good worship songs ❤❤🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿

  • @tinokukumapisau2680
    @tinokukumapisau2680 Год назад +7

    I have grown so much love for Ethopians🌷

  • @catherinedillon8156
    @catherinedillon8156 2 года назад +5

    Amen may God bless the singer. I can't stop listening to this song. It may you cry and forget what you have been through. God have mercy on your children's. Jesus you sheared you precious blood on the cross for our sin.

  • @ቃለእግዚአብሔርሲናገር
    @ቃለእግዚአብሔርሲናገር 3 года назад +17

    እርሱን እርሱን ይላል ልቤ ተቀይሮ!
    ሰው አይረሳም ጌታዬ!

  • @emebethomecatering2134
    @emebethomecatering2134 3 года назад +10

    የሚባርኩ ዝማሬዎች ናቸው በርቱልን ተባረኩ በብዙ እናመሰግናለን

  • @joshuacanaan1361
    @joshuacanaan1361 2 года назад +35

    Basic translation of the songs
    1st song "God is not like a man. God will not forget you like a man. God will not let you down like a man".
    2nd song "I do not say enough about God, I do not say God forbid, I do not say I am bored of God, God is my joy, God is the peace of my past and present, God is my refuge"
    3rd song "Let me wake up early and light my lamp, Let me wake up early and get my house ready, Let me get up early and open my door, I do not let my Father stand at the door waiting, Come come my Lord, Come Jesus my Lord"
    4th song “You come to my village where I was hiding, Your love touched my heart when you held my hand, You have shown me mercy, You have shown me forgiveness, You have shown me the meaning of true love on the cross, You have no equal Jesus my Lord”
    5th song "I praise You Lord, I thank You in my prayers, You are the meaning of my life, You are the reason for my heights, You have become a medicine for my soul, You are my hope, Let me tell the truth from within my spirit, There is no life without Jesus"
    6th song “You are my last to me Jesus, When the world is in turmoil, When there is so much chaos around us, You are my eternal redeemer, You are my refuge, I entrusted to Jesus to take me to my eternal home"
    7th song “Lord, you have mercy on me, You have bestowed your grace on me, Thank you for everything You have done for me, What else do I have to say?, My always wish in my heart is to praise you and to call on your name”
    8th song “I can’t live for a day or night without calling God’s name, You are everlasting love, My heart filled with joy and happiness when I think about You, God sitting above cherub, He is the king over all kingdoms, No one can replace him"

    • @rahelel1080
      @rahelel1080 2 года назад

      ተባረክ ,God bless you

  • @hojiiguddaa9058
    @hojiiguddaa9058 2 года назад +4

    Amazing! Jesus is beautiful,hansome,..I have no words! Jesus is really "LOVE"!

  • @TigesteP
    @TigesteP 3 года назад +8

    የሚያጽናና መዝሙር ነው ዘመናችሁ ይባርክ

  • @ejiguengiso20
    @ejiguengiso20 3 года назад +12

    ሁል ጊዜ እግዝአብሔር ለእነ መልካም ነው፡፡ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @biruktytube2468
    @biruktytube2468 2 года назад +3

    Amen ሰዉ አይረሳም ጌታዬ።

  • @stephenkephasdakub4992
    @stephenkephasdakub4992 2 года назад +10

    Wow I love Ethopia worship song I pray that God will continue to talent you more and more in Jesus name Amen

  • @wondwossenmindahun2933
    @wondwossenmindahun2933 4 года назад +6

    Ijoollee Waaqayyoo eebbifamaa! bal'adhaa' Baay'adhaa' daangaan keessan Waaqaaf lafa haa ta'u!! Ameen!

  • @cirekage3609
    @cirekage3609 2 года назад +2

    WORRAN ishumael islael thanks Ethiopians ilove yu GOD bless you

  • @MahiFasika-s4y
    @MahiFasika-s4y 10 месяцев назад +2

    I am christian I love this music

  • @estifanoszeregabir199
    @estifanoszeregabir199 2 года назад +3


  • @TemesgenEndale-d5w
    @TemesgenEndale-d5w 10 месяцев назад

    I have learn about sorry,hope and so many thing,God bless your parent,your life and we are with you thank you and your God let help you❤

  • @samueljohn6728
    @samueljohn6728 2 года назад +4

    Beautifulsong I am Indian..melodiesong

  • @tsadikewellete6570
    @tsadikewellete6570 4 года назад +9

    እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርካችሁ
    በጣም ፡ነው የሚባርከው መዝሙራችሁ
    ክብር ለእግዚአብሔር ይሁን

  • @tegestedo4984
    @tegestedo4984 3 месяца назад

    I feel deeply moved in worship whenever I hear this song, especially the part that begins around the 7-minute mark. It's hard to translate fully, but here’s my best attempt: 'When I find Jesus, I forget that I’m still on earth. I miss the deep connection with Him in the spirit. It's like being in an ocean that you can't escape; I long for that spiritual connection with Jesus.

  • @workutsionfamily7066
    @workutsionfamily7066 3 года назад +19

    Amen Amen! Thank you Jesus!!
    God has done so much for our Family, through the tough days, the happy days, the sad days, and we are so grateful!

  • @bachamulatu9617
    @bachamulatu9617 3 года назад +3


  • @mulualemkidane6863
    @mulualemkidane6863 2 года назад +3

    what amazing message is this I fell the presence God's sprit in this song. God bless you

  • @laurenttambwe7695
    @laurenttambwe7695 3 года назад +5

    I love this song I'm from minembwe DRC

  • @lilysiyoum5484
    @lilysiyoum5484 3 года назад +5

    Thanks to Jesus our beloved father ,his protection is upon on those who believes & depend on him fully,for those who have in faith in Jesus will never fail..

  • @chimdessa156
    @chimdessa156 4 года назад +15

    May the Almighty God bless you
    and pour his grace up on you all. I am blessed by your service. please keep it up!!!!!!!

  • @amongusinnersloth3185
    @amongusinnersloth3185 3 года назад +25

    For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life

  • @godislove6054
    @godislove6054 3 года назад

    Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen elelelele yena geta sime ye barake yene geta 😭😭😭😭😭🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

  • @Huluhulu99
    @Huluhulu99 4 года назад +10

    We have amezing father.. Glory to father🙏

    • @amanuelgebregiorgistedla9751
      @amanuelgebregiorgistedla9751 4 года назад +1

      Wqzzzzzzzz AZ

    • @apostlejoshuaselmany7743
      @apostlejoshuaselmany7743 4 года назад +1

      UBeloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348025125218) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you

    • @Huluhulu99
      @Huluhulu99 4 года назад +1

      @@apostlejoshuaselmany7743 Thank you. God bless you.

  • @electrostudy3041
    @electrostudy3041 2 года назад

    Oh tnx God for about my life give me chance on my life dont try cry 🥺🥺🥺love you God

  • @meseretlamboro-ey4fr
    @meseretlamboro-ey4fr Год назад

    Wow🎉🎉🎉🎉 this great worship service 👏👏👏👏👏.I wish success 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @disaemyrl736
    @disaemyrl736 4 года назад +6

    አሜን እንደ ሰዉ አይደለም ስዉ አይጥለም ገታ እሳይ ተባረኪ አሜን

    • @memeo264
      @memeo264 4 года назадвидео.html

    @KIREGREBRON 4 года назад +19

    It is so beautiful... I don't understand the language, but goosebumps when I listened!

    • @bilisumaabebe8196
      @bilisumaabebe8196 4 года назад

      Yeah sometimes it's not must to know what it says about...its really heart touching song...may God bless you my brother

      @KIREGREBRON 4 года назад

      @@bilisumaabebe8196 Thank you so much, brother!

    • @memeo264
      @memeo264 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @yafetabraham-f7h
    @yafetabraham-f7h Год назад +5

    God loves us all

  • @hailemariamgebreegziabher9591
    @hailemariamgebreegziabher9591 3 года назад +13


  • @takeleyoseph6681
    @takeleyoseph6681 2 года назад

    ተረሳው አትበል የምረሳ ማነው ጌታ የቀረጸው በእጁ መዳፍ ነው !!!!!!!

  • @merkinabraham601
    @merkinabraham601 4 года назад +12

    Heart touching song, praise God

  • @Aster-os8ow9wm7d
    @Aster-os8ow9wm7d Год назад

    Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Thanks you My Jesse😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Wow tebareku❤

  • @bilushibeshi7754
    @bilushibeshi7754 3 года назад +4

    Ohhhh my Almighty God bless u!
    God is great all z time!

  • @agape9914
    @agape9914 4 года назад +9

    እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ ተከናወኑ ።

  • @audreymoon426
    @audreymoon426 2 года назад +11

    Please give translation...I want to be blessed and understand what I am listening to 👏

  • @meazatilahun4904
    @meazatilahun4904 3 года назад +1

    Who pray for Jesus is always blessed like that you are blessed????!!!!!

  • @ehilitutilahun3708
    @ehilitutilahun3708 6 месяцев назад +1

    ጌታ ሆይ በስንፍና እንዳልጠብቅህ እባክህ እርዳኝ ናና ከዚህች ከንቱ አለም ገላግለኝ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @JosephAkinyeleministries
    @JosephAkinyeleministries 3 года назад +56

    Your ministry is really a blessing outside of Ethiopia, could you consider English subtitles too? God bless you all.

    • @swel7586
      @swel7586 3 года назад +2

      Always religious zealot and fanatic people are dangerous to society. They are driven by pastors who make their living out of their misery. This so called Pastor will recrute week, troubled people. Then make them believe in things that they don't understand. As a result the whole society suffers. Listening to religious songs is ok but to cry and scream is living in fantasy world. Such person needs help. With out being judgmental it's true. This type of people will show off their obsession but they don't practice what the good books preach. For example helping the week, needy and poor. They only talk the talk and not the walk.
      When one is demonstrating obsessive enthusiasm in religion is a sign of fanaticism. Know your roots, history, if you don't know it then study it. One has to 1st practice his / her own tradition and religion that is adopted from your forefathers. Because that's who you are. Otherwise you are living in a dream world. Do no be pretentious, be real and Always try to "Be yourself". Never believe you are more Christian than others, according to good book you are judging and is a sin. Love every one.

    • @aklilmesele5083
      @aklilmesele5083 2 года назад +1

      @@swel7586 No one liked you but i did.
      Because you have told the truth.
      B.t.w ..i'm an Ethiopian

    • @simeonkassahun7979
      @simeonkassahun7979 2 года назад

      ya, God bless you

  • @penieltv-addis2025
    @penieltv-addis2025 3 года назад +17

    Thank you for sharing and being a blessing!

    • @TigesteP
      @TigesteP 3 года назад

      ዘመናችሁ ይባረክ በጣም የሚባርኩ መዝሙሮች

  • @tesfayeab8352
    @tesfayeab8352 4 года назад +7

    nice channel keep it up keep it flowing

  • @desirembaza5715
    @desirembaza5715 2 года назад +3

    Love from Rwanda English Subtitles please🙏

  • @nova6948
    @nova6948 Год назад +1

    My favorite songs~~
    Ere I can't stop listening to it i swear 💘
    It made my day ~~

  • @yajibushalregassa225
    @yajibushalregassa225 3 года назад +1

    ዋዉ ተባረክ ወንድሜ

  • @Hab586
    @Hab586 5 месяцев назад

    ይህ መዝሙር ለኔ በጣም ትርጉም አለው ምክንያቱም ተስፋ ባጣሁበት ጊዜ ነገር የሰማሁህ 2:16

    • @mantegboshwedajoyeshanew
      @mantegboshwedajoyeshanew 4 месяца назад

      ተስፋ የቆረጥክበት ግዜ ስታዳምጠው ነበር ! እኔም ዛሬ በብዙ ነገሮቼ ሁሉ ግራ የሚያጋባ ነገር ውስጥ ነኝ ግራ ያጋባኝ ነገር ተስፋ እያስቆረጠኝ ነው። አንተ /ች አሁን እንዴት ነህ/ሽ

  • @mimiedmond7760
    @mimiedmond7760 3 года назад +11

    Please we need translation I really love Ethiopian worship songs

  • @shitayealemu4647
    @shitayealemu4647 11 месяцев назад

    Wey bexam des yemil mezmur new sew ayeresam getsye😊

  • @yabtub9861
    @yabtub9861 Год назад +1

    እንደሰው አቸዠይደለም ሰው አይረሳም ጌታ

  • @remediyadsouzaa1075
    @remediyadsouzaa1075 4 года назад +3

    Remember I am not god or Lord all of you weep and wept and before my Jehovah remember I am not god I cannot do anything without my Jehovah

  • @simona380
    @simona380 4 года назад +6

    What a collection specially in the last 5 min God Bless

  • @tsiontsion383
    @tsiontsion383 7 месяцев назад

    እየሱስ ለሚያምነውም ለማያምነውም እሱ የጌቶች ጌታ ነው

  • @marymendy3843
    @marymendy3843 4 года назад +4

    God bless you. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙌

  • @danielseiweni7384
    @danielseiweni7384 3 года назад +54

    Please kindly use English subtitles. Yutube is on Inter-National viewing, I love to hear and understand. FAITH cometh by HEARING and Hearing by the WORD of GOD. When we understand our FAITH RISES. Love you all in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  • @shitayeganbura7965
    @shitayeganbura7965 3 года назад

    Betam libin yemineka mezimur new geta tsegahun yabizalachiw

  • @eliasaleme1897
    @eliasaleme1897 3 года назад +4

    God please be with my son .🙏🏾✝️💒

  • @maranatasisay
    @maranatasisay Год назад +1

    melkam wetat for ethiopian unity ❤❤❤❤👏

  • @LidyaB-nz5pu
    @LidyaB-nz5pu 5 месяцев назад

    ተባረኩ ጌታ ፀጋው ያብዛላቹ😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤

  • @dinkisadechasagehisa8176
    @dinkisadechasagehisa8176 3 года назад +2

    May lord bless you sister. let the grace lord gave you over flow in the mighty name of jesus christ

    • @rutexas7157
      @rutexas7157 3 года назад +1

      Could you share the basic translation of the first song? Kindly appreciated. I don't understand Amharic.

  • @getahunfekede5611
    @getahunfekede5611 4 года назад +1

    Waw tebarekulnge yena geta hule giza tamange

  • @slew749
    @slew749 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this inspiring song yes nalen agerachen weseden God bless you

  • @tahirsuleman3987
    @tahirsuleman3987 3 года назад

    Betam new mewdachow enetachu fiker nachu

  • @favensongnuroya4725
    @favensongnuroya4725 4 года назад +11

    Amazing collection!! ❤️❤️God bless you all!!🙏

  • @destakebede7056
    @destakebede7056 3 года назад +4

    What a collection this is? Bless you all!

  • @mapendomuhima6121
    @mapendomuhima6121 3 года назад +2

    God bless you no one is like Jesus nice song can you write the words in English plz

  • @saved1580
    @saved1580 Год назад +1

    Praised be the LORD.

  • @tamegebre9455
    @tamegebre9455 3 года назад +2

    God bless you I love you all in the Jesus name .

  • @CheerfulLemonZester-tk5gt
    @CheerfulLemonZester-tk5gt 4 месяца назад

    Lezelealem zemenachiw ybarek

  • @yishakayimo9393
    @yishakayimo9393 3 года назад +1

    really i am blessed 10qs to God 4 giving u 4 us.

  • @slew749
    @slew749 4 года назад +5

    Semeh yetsena gemb new God bless you!

    • @memeo264
      @memeo264 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @aseratwoderasha
    @aseratwoderasha 11 месяцев назад

    when I listening this worship song I have seen gelory GOD

  • @EthiopisTaekwondoAcademy941
    @EthiopisTaekwondoAcademy941 2 года назад +4

    I'm in deeeeeep loooove with you my holy God🙏

  • @bilenmillion1179
    @bilenmillion1179 4 года назад +16

    Amen god bless you all 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @dovetube9096
      @dovetube9096 4 года назад

      Abenezer Dejene - So will I, faithfullness & ፍቅርህ ይጠልቃል ከውቅያኖስ (Acoustic)видео.html

    • @memeo264
      @memeo264 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @mereedabel3992
    @mereedabel3992 4 года назад +1

    Setotachen Zemariuoch Geta Jesus Abezeto Yebarekachu

    @MEZMURTV 4 года назад +5