If you'd like to support my work: - *Patreon*: www.patreon.com/foolishfish - *Book a Video Consultation with Foolish Fish*: foolishfish.simplybook.it/ - *Buy my Book*: www.blackletter-press.com/category/denis-poisson-1 - *PAYPAL One-off donation*: paypal.me/foolishfish - *Super Thanks *- click on the heart with a dollar symbol under the video to leave a tip! All Foolish Fish Patreons and Members get to watch Esoteric Saturday videos one week early without advertisements, get to chat on the FF Discord server, and get to watch my FF News videos a day early, among many other perks :)
I love the way you explain. So clear and whole❤. Happy I found you🎉 and as an heretic myself, I do appreciate the freedom you carry with your approach. It brings inspiration 🌟
I believe the more you learn, the more fluent the magick becomes. I found that once you get the knowledge, it becomes like cooking or painting : you end up with your own techniques, your own correspondances, your own relationship with entities....
YES. It’s just like building your art kit - you find the tools and techniques that work for you. There is value in every technique, whether that’s learning from the masters who have gone before or exploring the inner callings that come naturally (or a beautifully unique combination of both to build your confidence). No one practices exactly the same magical art… Every working has our own signature. Love it! :D
Made me think of initiation - there are people who are devastated when they are thrown out of certain teachers schools for not following protocol exactly or making slow progress in their search of their Higher Geni, but they need to understand a teacher or a certain training cannot keep you from the Geni, that is between you and God, and if it takes a lifetime or multiple lifetimes, thats ok.
@@ventusheart5733 Many say there is no self-initiation, it is impossible, because you need someone who walked the path before you to guide you past certain guardians and obstacles, this is true to a certain extent - but at the same time that teacher cannot initiate the student or serve the Genius on a platter to them, that is up to the persons Higher functions, angles, god(s) whatever one chooses to call that Prescence.
@@beatsbyjiro8291 This is the magical chicken and egg - if there is a hard rule on initiation. Who taught the first teacher if all initiates are only initiated by a teacher? This is the zen master paradox as well. Who decided the zen master was a master of zen? We see the ideal master at the top of some climb and down below the village of people that all revere the old wise man that lives up there. But did the zen master create himself or was he created? Did he go to town one day and say, I am the zen master. Or did, over time, the people of the village come to rely on the old man's wisdom, and was thereby created through the faith of the practitioners? Magic is the analog of matter and energy's interoperative nuances in every level of consciousness. Who can say what gives rise to initiation when we cannot even measure the magnitude of it from one person to another? Magic and it's dynamics are to a person as spots are to a cheetah.
Reconnecting with my inner child helped me discover magick when I was 27. You can become a natural magician at any age keep exploring, everybody 🌑🌕 Thank you for the beautiful information your videos are amazing!
Your videos often enable me to see where some puzzle piece inside my mind fits nicely. This is once again one such video, and at a synchronistic timing. Thank you!
I come from a family tradition and we all have our own gifts and way of practicing. It was encouraged, guided and talked about freely but not in front of company. When I came to the US from the the Caribbean I noticed the difference in practice. I picked up books from US authors, European, Middle Eastern and Eastern authors. While I consider myself a natural practitioner I am grateful for the books and people that have added to my mystical, magical and spiritual unfoldment. Thank you Denis. You have been a large part of my inner knowledge and journey. 🌿💜💜💜🌿
I started with Frater Xavier's courses on his channel Mind & Magick many years ago, it was a good introduction and gave a solid foundation as well as practical tasks and rituals we could try that work. The first book on magick I ever read was Lon Milo DuQuette's Low Magick which was a good intro for me to the world of magick , The Kybalion was also part of the foundation of understand the theory behind it all, and I read all of The Ra Material books as the introduction to the bigger picture, these are channeled texts from the 80s.
I was initiated into Wicca by two witches during an LSD trip in 2020. I was being taught Reiki and learned a way to “astral project” (deep meditation more like). I met the Divine Feminine and was my first true religious experience. I ended up moving in with them, and two other witches who taught me minor candle magick, chaos techniques, Circles, Tarot, gave me occult books For me Witchcraft is something that happens to you. I ended up living with a coven and felt necessary to keep up. Your videos have always been invaluable and appreciated. 93
He really does!!! I'd try to listen while I sleep since it's so soothing and welcoming... but I KNOW I'd end up just staying awake, trying to hang on every word and remember everything instead of actually falling asleep 😂
Love your work, Foolish Fish, and couldn't agree more about the value of Josephine McCarthy's Quareia course offerings. Looking forward to following up on your recommendations about the things I hadn't heard of before. Will join and support you on Patreon soon!
Your understanding of "these Magick things" is very impressive Denis. It is obvious as you describe it and teach it all so easily, and make it easy for me to understand. Thank you for all you share with us !
My personal answer is a resounding "Both." I spent more of my childhood in what I can only describe as a meditative fugue state in which I would visibly witness energy flowing between my hands and retreat into internal landscapes than I can quantify. In my mid teens, my ability to go within myself was stunted for a number of reasons (chief among them being that I was a closeted queer person who was forced to lean into their Rad Trad Catholic surroundings in order to survive), and when I left home at the age of 18, I disavowed spirituality in its entirety and tried ardently to be a materialist atheist. Then came the pandemic when I was forced to sit by myself and confront my own thoughts and the long chain of paranormal experiences that continued to follow me. So I dove back into the spiritual world, but I paired my natural gift for intuitive Magick with my ravenous thirst for understanding. First, it was Chaos Magick then it was Astral Theurgy, then Thelema, then Sabbatic Witchcraft, then Qimbanda, then Cyprianic Sorcery, all the while running my fingers along the threads that have bound all of these systems together into just a small corner of the vast tapestry that is the Spiritual World. My answer is both.
Amazing! And yes, knowing and understanding the role of divinities- many of times we see them as living, breathing, and in the very fabric of our lives - helps so much. We connect with some, and not with others. I have finally learned, after 20 years of dabbling (and blossoming in the last 2 years) to ENJOY THE JOURNEY and NOT be tied to outcomes. I mean look…there’s ALWAYS an outcome you can appreciate if you look far afield enough during and after your work 😊
Politics in magical orders is so real! a bunch of people just trying to make their ego bigger. Thanks for this great source of quality information and knowledge
I talk to people about personal magic, but it's difficult for them to understand it, so I tell them how I've written things down that have come to pass, speaking positively, etc. Thank you for staying awesome and blessed ❤
I'd say I'm a mix of both natural and learned. I've always had a natural curiosity to magick and knew that something people called "magick" existed but approached it in a very grammatical way. To your point of traditions giving people confidence that magick works, I think coming from a somewhat religious background, I latched onto ceremonial magick because it works almost like a solo liturgy or something. I know Christian Mass works, so an elaborate, academic ritual works as well. But probably why I've struggled with practical magick. Awesome video as always 🙏
I learned magic within Charismatic Christianity. When i left the Christian religion, i noticed the magic still works and went to the occult to figure out how.
Another great video. I remember studying Thoth tarot many years ago, while learning Hebrew, which made me sensitive to languages in general. Most of the narrative given as teaching commentary was good. I ran into a problem with the translation concerning the Charioteer card. The story was originally told in French and the sound the goblet makes is "Trinc" which is suggested to the universal declaration to "Drink." ??? Wait a minute the story is told in French. Drink in French sounds nothing like that! So I asked Lon Milo about this, and he said, "Crowley was drunk."
This is very much the same difference between Sorcerers (natural magicians) and Wizards (learned magicians) in DnD! Always loved the distinction but never connected the fact that it's also an obvious distinction in our world as well. Adore your videos! Thank you for being you
I started Hail Hekate last April and totally agree that it is the perfect course. I am currently working through the Hekateaon and really enjoying Jack's writing, and the depth of material he provides in each chapter. In December I stumbled upon Quareia and immediately immersed myself in it. What a gift that program is. It has completely changed the course of my magical practice, giving me the foundation I've been looking for without skewing it in any one direction, and as you said, free of the politics (and hierarchy, misogyny etc) found in some closed groups. I never dreamed I would be able to get an education the like of it.
Great video as always. This year I've signed up to Gordon White's Rune Soup membership and have taken up the challenge of a sigil-a-day. As a newbie, it's a fantastic discipline and has opened up a world of possibilities. Damn good fun too
I was picking flowers and stones and salt and mixing them together when I was only 7 years old. Some people are just born with magical knowledge. But you can learn it for sure!! I couldn't have said it better myself. Great video.
My interest in meditation goes way, way back. I did it religiously every day for 2 years. I was raised Christian, but came to terms with the fact that I didn't buy it when I was 18. At that point I was deeply refreshed by the New Athiests and I hung onto the materialist athiest world view for 15 years or so. Then, I had a few paranormal things happen, I began to engage directly through the practice of remote viewing, which is quite astonishingly real, by the way. Then I stumbled onto your channel Mr Poisson, which led me down one rabbit hole after another. So I'm mostly a type 2 magician, I'd say, though there was always an itch that not much else scratched along the way. Now I'm all in. LBRP and MP every day, with weekly BRH and daily sword banishing, plus reading, and a current deep dive into Egyptian religion and pantheon. It's wild how it seems to continue to grow,
Beings have it or they don't 😮I myself have a natural affenity for this weather is easy and being around other's with the same desire " like I wish that spring would come early " it came but later there was a drought 😮thing's happen when you mess with certain elements and such. Bless your gingerbread heart 🎃 Auntie Switch
Thank you for another very educational video. The emphasis on confidence's place in experiencing effective practice is vitally important. As always, your recommendations for learning resources are very useful. 🗝
I'm both. As a child I did some things that eventually I recon were forms of magick, but i'm also a very bookish person, I love reading and learning from stablished knowledge. I take what resonates with me and make it my own
Certainly a natural magician. I only really found the language for most things when I found your channel. Up until then, I had really only used white vigil candles, astrology, belief, intuition, and “dreams.” I’ve always gotten what I wanted and needed. Knowing terms makes things way less hazy. Thanks for the recommendations.
I was busy writing some opinions about where thoughts come from and watching this video at the same time (pausing at times to keep myself sane) and then you mentioned philosophical idealism. Thank you! This is nearly exactly what I was trying to iterate. I think as far as my philosophical understanding goes I am also an idealist and some form of pantheistic animism. Maybe the three philosophical views are more linked than I realize. Thanks again for your input and excellent video
Since a while ago I was very attracted to the Golden Dawn framework of magick and was looking a way to get into the ceremonial system until I have found a book by Lyam Christopher Thomas "Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course". There is a ton of material for every degree from Neophyte to Adeptus Minor (Portal grade), I would recommend this book because they are strict about magick, you have to preform the rituals every day, there is a reading list you have to complete, projects, etc etc. Very rich content.
Thank you for this and for the guidance very much needed right now. Currently started with “condensed chaos” and “A Rose Croix Oratory: Rosicrucian Reflections and Resources from a Knight of the Eagle and Pelican”
I’m fascinated with Magick both the contemporary individualism and older schools of thought. I’ve been reading through a lot of stuff in my free time and find it amazing neat but I personally can’t turn off my cynical, hyper skeptical inner voice. I really wish I could turn that off and plunge into practice but everytime I’ve tried for days or weeks at a time, I’m constantly going “any alignment with my practice is just confirmation bias or illusion, etc.” or that “this practice isn’t REALLY based in any long term tradition or concrete foundation but an amalgamation of older, disparate ideas that just managed to be published and perpetuate” I’m trying but I just cant seem to tune out and drop in. Douquete has been a great asset tho, he’s so fun to read
I'm the second one . it's really really confusing and lonely at times. Pros and cons with both. Being unique good till it isn't. Thanks for touching on this topic. Could help clear up things for many beginners.
I can think of a perfect example of this in fiction. I'm reminded of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Where Mr. Norrell extensively studied and practiced magic and Jonathan Strange came to magic more organically.
Lon Milo has a channel that I bet most of the people who enjoy this channel would find valuable. Arcanum Luminarium Does ~30 minutes per day of discussions on various topics. Tarot, Qbl, goetia, enochian, etc. I'm slowly assimilating tons of advanced knowledge (most of it beyond me, but that's how you learn) from an obviously highly expert teacher. 10/10, money back, satisfaction guarantee 😉
Doubt can only come when a magician is straying from a "collective conscious" of magic. Where he/she may feel strange, in a new embarking realm of one's own magic.
Not sure in what camp I fall. I remember as a kid I'd get a feeling something would happen and sure enough it did. Never thought of it as magic, but your video made me rethink it. That ability just randomly vanished and now I am approaching magic in a more structured way. Thanks for the recommandations!
Same here, the veil was always thin around me and my family while growing up, lots of supernatural experiences and manifestations. I remember around age 6-7, I had a strong relationship to a being who claimed to be my 'guardian angel', who told me their name and would communicate to me almost daily. (I had no knowledge of the occult but was raised with catholic grandparents, which I'm realizing now planted a great structured divine seed of sorts, as much as I rebelled against it intensely growing up.) I was able to delay my parent from going to work once, without knowing why but felt a strong calling to hold her back; she avoided a fatal accident only a few seconds away (the car in front of her was hit by a semi truck). Lots of apparitions appeared in front of both me and my parent, we both had the same experience and visualizations of them, along with many other odd interactions. It is weird how it's all coming full circle now, and getting to hone these natural inherent gifts we all have is quite fantastic. I'm so grateful for how much more wonderful and involved reality can really be.
I've been in sort of a wrestling state actually for a while as to what and how to go forward. On one hand I have qualities of a natural worker of magic, I prefer the idea of worker of magic because the word magician gives me a confused state of stage magician and western ceremonial magician and that just gets muddled. So the wording thing is just for helping me keep things clear is all. And then there is the learned worker of magic which has been less sucessful in producing results but at the same time it has given me a lovely education so I can listen to different practitioners and understand at least some of the conversation. I'm at a place where I honestly don't have a clue how I want to proceed.
I suppose I'd be natural. But the problem I've had is that none of the stuff I've looked up resonate on any level, I just don't understand it. I don't do anything physical or what would be considered ritualistic. I do what I call energy work. I sense energies and manipulate them. I create fields and similar for stuff like protection or cloaking myself from harm or manifesting something. I feel like I'm missing areas that are right outside my awareness but I have yet to find anything that matches how I do stuff.
You mentioned some of the GoM books being not so good while others are great. Which are the ones you recommend buying and which are the ones which you recommend avoiding? I've been stacking a lot of them lately and want to know which ones NOT to buy, because ... I don't want to waste my money.
I have been studying and practicing magick for almost ten years now. Recently I picked up Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick and found it very intriguing. Unfortunately, the part that I was the most interested in was the briefest: how to do ceremonial magick from a polytheistic perspective. I really like the structure of the LBRP and, the Middle Pillar Ritual, etc. But calling upon different names of the monotheistic God and his angels just never set well with me for a variety of reasons. That is one of the reasons I practiced low magick for quite a while before taking the dive into high magick. Yet, there is seems to be so much rigidity surrounding high magick. That if "you alter the LBRP in any way then it won't work" or "If you change the middle pillar ritual in any way then bad things will happen." All of that has left a lot of doubt in my mind when I do change up these rituals to include say, Roman gods instead of angels. Any book recommendations you might have from those who have had success working high magick from a polytheistic perspective would be appreciated.
Maybe focus more on the traditions that were, indeed polytheistic, like the PGM (especially if Roman gods are your thing) or Tantra (saivic or vajrayana buddhism)
@@FoolishFishBooks thanks much. I have ordered Tantra Illuminated, recommended in one of your other videos that I recently watched. I just recently found your channel and I am quite taken with your way of teaching. I will sit down to "just watch a video or two before bed" and then suddenly it is two in the morning xD
Magik does not require ritual or ritual items or spells all that stuff is traditional symbolics meant to help the magick practitioner focus but has no bearing on the use and manifestation of magik itself. Magixk comes from.you're inner spiritual being. Doing it right? There is no right or wrong juat focus and confidence believing in it. If you don't believe it, you've decided the outcome you made a measurement for it to fail.
PGM Praxis (I & II) are only available as online courses, not in book form at all? I'm so enticed by the image of Sekhmet, with whom I'm developing a working relationship... and I've just acquired a copy of the PGM in translation (recommended by Dr. Sledge of Esoterica.) Hoping that a $600 online class isn't the only avenue!
Really informative video thankyou. In the 1980s I did a correspondence course that used a cosmic sphere system and taught that all magick God's and Goddess are archetypes that exists in the subconscious mind do you have any thoughts on that subject
I think the exist in layers that are deeper and more shared than what's commonly thought of as "the subconscious" - which is generally thought of as proper to the individual. But the general idea tracks for me (given my world model)
After 3 years and no progress I decided that I'll just do the exercises in John Michael Greer's Occult Philosophy Workbook and exercises from GD books and if I ever achieve anything, that's good but I don't have any expectations whatsoever anymore.
Hey mate. Just starting my journey now. It seems like you’ve been doing this for a long time, so I’m wondering, what’s the latest magick you’ve performed? And what were the results?
Half of our facebook magick friends are always like "the grimoires said this so this is best. We were doing just fine before this newer magick came out in the 1800s hur dur dur"
Theres a picture in the thumbnail that i want to see. Will it appear in the video? Oddly i found a beautiful stag horn today. Then later i was going through probably hundreds of opened google tabs looking for something and way way back beyond my memory is this picture of a unicorn and a stag and i have no idea why i opened that and what its about but then i saw that thumbnail and it looked the same? Im doing stuff that means i cant look at the video carefully enough right now but it seems an odd thing for me to see twice and im no magician 🤷🏻♀️
@@FoolishFishBooks thank you. When I paused the video I was able to see it again. Its the exact same image. The stag and the unicorn. I have some reading to do x
Hi! Look at the instructions very carefully. Unfortunately, there's no way around it, following those instructions (in the description of this video) is the only way in that will actually give you access to the channels 🙏
I can't make that call. Some 16 year olds are more mature than some 50 year olds I know. However there is the fact that learning magic can be all-consuming, and doesn't leave much space for setting yourself up materially (finance, relationship, developing a set of life skills) that should normally be taking place at that age, and often leads a young magician to a place of desperate need, for which magic isn't suited. This is why in the Jewish tradition, people aren't allowed anywhere near Kabbalah until they reach 40, by which time they have already properly established themselves with a stable life and a sustainable income. With that in mind, if you think you can learn one while not underachieving in the other (believe me it's hard as both require the entirety of your attention), I wouldn't be the one to stop you.
Ah, I pulled the plug on the store about two months after opening it. I ordered a bunch of stuff and it never came. I ordered again and again, it never came. I thought I'd save viewers the hassle!
Greetings from Greece! I have a question. Can sigil drawing drain your energy? i have not knowledge on how to summon or banish an existed demon, angel or spirit so i tried to create my own entity to be safer, so i create my own sigil and i gave him the name Aisialot and then i blew air from my lungs to sigil, i didnt meditate on this sigil to give a birth to entity but when i completed my draw, my energy dropped rapidly and i fell on sleep, this sigil is not exist on any book i create it from my imagination but i feel bad to destroy it i dont know why, tell me your thoughts Thank you!
I'm afraid I have little to say here without knowing a great deal more. I'll be very interested to learn any updates you have as you observe this phenomenon going forward 🙏
I can never find any information or historical facts about magicians. We've been practicing magicians today that are living with my same circumstances of practicing and being legally blind.
Santa is real. Santa was born around 1880 and was charged with building a time machine after meeting everyone after the Solvay Congress of 1927. oneday while attempting to time travel "santa" not only could travel through the 4th dimension but got lost within the 5th dimension. by accident.
If I was a natural magician as a child. I wasn’t a very talented one. I just had spirits bully me, take my things, move them around, give me nightmares, make loud footsteps only I could hear, slam cupboards and just torment me really. My first talisman was given to me as a baby by a guy my grandma knew and had sent to my parents to help me. They later took it off when they went through a religious phase lol. There are baby pictures of me wearing it though. I believe it was for protection. Things got bad bad however when I ran into a man as a teen who out of trying to groom me had done some sort of binding work on me with a jinn. I know this sounds mad, but it’s true, stuff like this actually happens, I know because my parents had to bring someone in to do a ritual and help remove the jinn from me because it was causing me trouble. And he was able to confirm it and explain I wasn’t the first person something like this had happened to. It’s unfortunate but hopefully this brings peoples attention to some of the real abuse that can happen with actual magick. Anyway. After all that. General weird things still continued to happen, and every so often I needed the same guy who had helped me to come in and do some banishing or whatever he was doing. He was able to make things shut down that’s how I can put it. But the problem was it would only last a few years and things would begin stirring again. So I decided I needed to start learning how to protect myself and I landed on your channel and found the gallery of magick book for protection and there I went! I’m still fairly new, my own fault since I don’t really enjoy reading much, would much rather get my hands dirty, although weird spiritual stuff began happening after I knew how to protect myself a bit. And so the curiosity has continued... I tried getting more into things and spent a year with a Buddhist community since I had a very strong connection to Quan Yin, but that unfortunately has not led very far, and I’m not sure if it will anymore (stuff happened) but also my teacher did not want to teach me any vajrayana as he did not feel I was knowledgeable enough, although I would say I’m better at this stuff than his students doing the practices, I found I have a natural knack for it and I think it’s thanks to the practice I had with the gallery of magick I’m getting into different states of minds for rituals. But I don’t have all the right words because unlike other students I don’t read many books. So I’m on my own again trying to pave my own way… sigh. It’s hard because when I’m stuck, I have no one who’s willing to really try and teach me, tell me what I’m doing and how to get unstuck, at least not without telling me I need 10 years of other teachings, and a few initiations first.
I'm a curious case. I was not a born practitioner by far, but as soon as I learned what it was, in 2016, age 15, I immediately took to it. I tried for years with no success. Then, in 2020... I had my first sucuessful working. I made a servitor. Since I've been experimenting, tinkering, and trying new things. I'm slowly developing my own idiosyncratic system, a blend of Chaos Magic, Goetia, Daemonalotry, Theurgy, Golden Dawn scraps, Alchemy, and Gnostic, Luciferian, Satanist, and Hellenic ideas. I would still consider myself inexperienced and new, even if since 2020 I've done some serious work. I will always consider myself inexperienced, no matter how much I do. That's my biggest tip, humility is key.
If you'd like to support my work:
- *Patreon*: www.patreon.com/foolishfish
- *Book a Video Consultation with Foolish Fish*: foolishfish.simplybook.it/
- *Buy my Book*: www.blackletter-press.com/category/denis-poisson-1
- *PAYPAL One-off donation*: paypal.me/foolishfish
- *Super Thanks *- click on the heart with a dollar symbol under the video to leave a tip!
All Foolish Fish Patreons and Members get to watch Esoteric Saturday videos one week early without advertisements, get to chat on the FF Discord server, and get to watch my FF News videos a day early, among many other perks :)
Thank you so much for your kind words about Quareia, they are deeply appreciated and I am honoured you feel that way about the course!
The pleasure and the honour are very much mine, Josephine! The Quareia course is in a league of its own for so many reasons! 🙏
I love the way you explain. So clear and whole❤. Happy I found you🎉 and as an heretic myself, I do appreciate the freedom you carry with your approach. It brings inspiration 🌟
I believe the more you learn, the more fluent the magick becomes. I found that once you get the knowledge, it becomes like cooking or painting : you end up with your own techniques, your own correspondances, your own relationship with entities....
Well said
YES. It’s just like building your art kit - you find the tools and techniques that work for you. There is value in every technique, whether that’s learning from the masters who have gone before or exploring the inner callings that come naturally (or a beautifully unique combination of both to build your confidence). No one practices exactly the same magical art… Every working has our own signature. Love it! :D
Made me think of initiation - there are people who are devastated when they are thrown out of certain teachers schools for not following protocol exactly or making slow progress in their search of their Higher Geni, but they need to understand a teacher or a certain training cannot keep you from the Geni, that is between you and God, and if it takes a lifetime or multiple lifetimes, thats ok.
The author of Modern Magick (forgot his name) said something like "Magick can't be learn by books or other humans ... Magick initiate yourself"
@@ventusheart5733 Many say there is no self-initiation, it is impossible, because you need someone who walked the path before you to guide you past certain guardians and obstacles, this is true to a certain extent - but at the same time that teacher cannot initiate the student or serve the Genius on a platter to them, that is up to the persons Higher functions, angles, god(s) whatever one chooses to call that Prescence.
@@ventusheart5733Daniel Michael Kraig, great book
@@beatsbyjiro8291 This is the magical chicken and egg - if there is a hard rule on initiation. Who taught the first teacher if all initiates are only initiated by a teacher? This is the zen master paradox as well. Who decided the zen master was a master of zen? We see the ideal master at the top of some climb and down below the village of people that all revere the old wise man that lives up there. But did the zen master create himself or was he created? Did he go to town one day and say, I am the zen master. Or did, over time, the people of the village come to rely on the old man's wisdom, and was thereby created through the faith of the practitioners? Magic is the analog of matter and energy's interoperative nuances in every level of consciousness. Who can say what gives rise to initiation when we cannot even measure the magnitude of it from one person to another? Magic and it's dynamics are to a person as spots are to a cheetah.
@@beatsbyjiro8291begs the question how the first initiate got the knowledge
Reconnecting with my inner child helped me discover magick when I was 27. You can become a natural magician at any age keep exploring, everybody 🌑🌕 Thank you for the beautiful information your videos are amazing!
Your videos often enable me to see where some puzzle piece inside my mind fits nicely. This is once again one such video, and at a synchronistic timing. Thank you!
I come from a family tradition and we all have our own gifts and way of practicing. It was encouraged, guided and talked about freely but not in front of company. When I came to the US from the the Caribbean I noticed the difference in practice. I picked up books from US authors, European, Middle Eastern and Eastern authors. While I consider myself a natural practitioner I am grateful for the books and people that have added to my mystical, magical and spiritual unfoldment.
Thank you Denis. You have been a large part of my inner knowledge and journey.
I started with Frater Xavier's courses on his channel Mind & Magick many years ago, it was a good introduction and gave a solid foundation as well as practical tasks and rituals we could try that work. The first book on magick I ever read was Lon Milo DuQuette's Low Magick which was a good intro for me to the world of magick , The Kybalion was also part of the foundation of understand the theory behind it all, and I read all of The Ra Material books as the introduction to the bigger picture, these are channeled texts from the 80s.
I was initiated into Wicca by two witches during an LSD trip in 2020. I was being taught Reiki and learned a way to “astral project” (deep meditation more like). I met the Divine Feminine and was my first true religious experience. I ended up moving in with them, and two other witches who taught me minor candle magick, chaos techniques, Circles, Tarot, gave me occult books
For me Witchcraft is something that happens to you. I ended up living with a coven and felt necessary to keep up.
Your videos have always been invaluable and appreciated. 93
I just like listening to this in the background because you have an oddly soothing voice
He really does!!! I'd try to listen while I sleep since it's so soothing and welcoming... but I KNOW I'd end up just staying awake, trying to hang on every word and remember everything instead of actually falling asleep 😂
Love your work, Foolish Fish, and couldn't agree more about the value of Josephine McCarthy's Quareia course offerings. Looking forward to following up on your recommendations about the things I hadn't heard of before. Will join and support you on Patreon soon!
Thank you so much for your kind words! 😄🙏
Your understanding of "these Magick things" is very impressive Denis. It is obvious as you describe it and teach it all so easily, and make it easy for me to understand. Thank you for all you share with us !
Thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you find the videos useful!
@@FoolishFishBooks VERY useful !
My personal answer is a resounding "Both." I spent more of my childhood in what I can only describe as a meditative fugue state in which I would visibly witness energy flowing between my hands and retreat into internal landscapes than I can quantify.
In my mid teens, my ability to go within myself was stunted for a number of reasons (chief among them being that I was a closeted queer person who was forced to lean into their Rad Trad Catholic surroundings in order to survive), and when I left home at the age of 18, I disavowed spirituality in its entirety and tried ardently to be a materialist atheist.
Then came the pandemic when I was forced to sit by myself and confront my own thoughts and the long chain of paranormal experiences that continued to follow me.
So I dove back into the spiritual world, but I paired my natural gift for intuitive Magick with my ravenous thirst for understanding. First, it was Chaos Magick then it was Astral Theurgy, then Thelema, then Sabbatic Witchcraft, then Qimbanda, then Cyprianic Sorcery, all the while running my fingers along the threads that have bound all of these systems together into just a small corner of the vast tapestry that is the Spiritual World.
My answer is both.
Amazing! And yes, knowing and understanding the role of divinities- many of times we see them as living, breathing, and in the very fabric of our lives - helps so much. We connect with some, and not with others. I have finally learned, after 20 years of dabbling (and blossoming in the last 2 years) to ENJOY THE JOURNEY and NOT be tied to outcomes. I mean look…there’s ALWAYS an outcome you can appreciate if you look far afield enough during and after your work 😊
Politics in magical orders is so real! a bunch of people just trying to make their ego bigger.
Thanks for this great source of quality information and knowledge
I talk to people about personal magic, but it's difficult for them to understand it, so I tell them how I've written things down that have come to pass, speaking positively, etc. Thank you for staying awesome and blessed ❤
I'd say I'm a mix of both natural and learned. I've always had a natural curiosity to magick and knew that something people called "magick" existed but approached it in a very grammatical way.
To your point of traditions giving people confidence that magick works, I think coming from a somewhat religious background, I latched onto ceremonial magick because it works almost like a solo liturgy or something. I know Christian Mass works, so an elaborate, academic ritual works as well. But probably why I've struggled with practical magick.
Awesome video as always 🙏
I learned magic within Charismatic Christianity. When i left the Christian religion, i noticed the magic still works and went to the occult to figure out how.
6:56 I have always thought like this! You know mind over matter kind of thing. I didn’t know there was a name for it!
Absolutely lovely and resonant explanations + information, thank you for sharing 🕸️
Another great video.
I remember studying Thoth tarot many years ago, while learning Hebrew, which made me sensitive to languages in general. Most of the narrative given as teaching commentary was good. I ran into a problem with the translation concerning the Charioteer card. The story was originally told in French and the sound the goblet makes is "Trinc" which is suggested to the universal declaration to "Drink." ???
Wait a minute the story is told in French. Drink in French sounds nothing like that!
So I asked Lon Milo about this, and he said, "Crowley was drunk."
Trinquer in French= toast (raise a glass) . I dunno if that helps..
This is very much the same difference between Sorcerers (natural magicians) and Wizards (learned magicians) in DnD! Always loved the distinction but never connected the fact that it's also an obvious distinction in our world as well. Adore your videos! Thank you for being you
I started Hail Hekate last April and totally agree that it is the perfect course. I am currently working through the Hekateaon and really enjoying Jack's writing, and the depth of material he provides in each chapter. In December I stumbled upon Quareia and immediately immersed myself in it. What a gift that program is. It has completely changed the course of my magical practice, giving me the foundation I've been looking for without skewing it in any one direction, and as you said, free of the politics (and hierarchy, misogyny etc) found in some closed groups. I never dreamed I would be able to get an education the like of it.
Thank you for another inspiring and helpful video! These are my favorite types of videos you do!❤❤
Thank you. V. Reassuring for beginners to know there are many paths.
Great video as always. This year I've signed up to Gordon White's Rune Soup membership and have taken up the challenge of a sigil-a-day. As a newbie, it's a fantastic discipline and has opened up a world of possibilities. Damn good fun too
I was picking flowers and stones and salt and mixing them together when I was only 7 years old. Some people are just born with magical knowledge.
But you can learn it for sure!!
I couldn't have said it better myself. Great video.
My interest in meditation goes way, way back. I did it religiously every day for 2 years. I was raised Christian, but came to terms with the fact that I didn't buy it when I was 18. At that point I was deeply refreshed by the New Athiests and I hung onto the materialist athiest world view for 15 years or so. Then, I had a few paranormal things happen, I began to engage directly through the practice of remote viewing, which is quite astonishingly real, by the way. Then I stumbled onto your channel Mr Poisson, which led me down one rabbit hole after another. So I'm mostly a type 2 magician, I'd say, though there was always an itch that not much else scratched along the way. Now I'm all in. LBRP and MP every day, with weekly BRH and daily sword banishing, plus reading, and a current deep dive into Egyptian religion and pantheon. It's wild how it seems to continue to grow,
Another fantastic video. You have a really great way of tying these things up in a nice bow.
Beings have it or they don't 😮I myself have a natural affenity for this weather is easy and being around other's with the same desire " like I wish that spring would come early " it came but later there was a drought 😮thing's happen when you mess with certain elements and such. Bless your gingerbread heart 🎃 Auntie Switch
Thank you for another very educational video. The emphasis on confidence's place in experiencing effective practice is vitally important. As always, your recommendations for learning resources are very useful. 🗝
I'm both. As a child I did some things that eventually I recon were forms of magick, but i'm also a very bookish person, I love reading and learning from stablished knowledge. I take what resonates with me and make it my own
I needed to hear this, thank you 🥺
Never saw this categorization coming. Thanks!
Thank you! I love all of your videos! 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Certainly a natural magician. I only really found the language for most things when I found your channel. Up until then, I had really only used white vigil candles, astrology, belief, intuition, and “dreams.” I’ve always gotten what I wanted and needed. Knowing terms makes things way less hazy. Thanks for the recommendations.
Thank you big fish boss. I understand, and I'll bear this in mind
I was busy writing some opinions about where thoughts come from and watching this video at the same time (pausing at times to keep myself sane) and then you mentioned philosophical idealism. Thank you! This is nearly exactly what I was trying to iterate.
I think as far as my philosophical understanding goes I am also an idealist and some form of pantheistic animism. Maybe the three philosophical views are more linked than I realize. Thanks again for your input and excellent video
Thank you for always being right on the money.
Since a while ago I was very attracted to the Golden Dawn framework of magick and was looking a way to get into the ceremonial system until I have found a book by Lyam Christopher Thomas "Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course". There is a ton of material for every degree from Neophyte to Adeptus Minor (Portal grade), I would recommend this book because they are strict about magick, you have to preform the rituals every day, there is a reading list you have to complete, projects, etc etc. Very rich content.
I’m currently taking the PGM I class with Jack Grayle! He’s a excellent teacher! A fantastic recommendation as always Denis.
Magic is always reminding me it’s very real. ♥️ Fab talk! Thank you. 🙏
Thank you for this and for the guidance very much needed right now. Currently started with “condensed chaos” and “A Rose Croix Oratory: Rosicrucian Reflections and Resources from a Knight of the Eagle and Pelican”
It would be GREAT if someone can do an overview of the Quareia course/tradition 🙏
I've done a brief overview of the books (a quick search should bring up the goods!)
@ thank you I'll keep trying and I appreciate all you do
Wonderful presentation !!!
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!
😮 Very interesting, thank you! 😃
There's only two ways to approach anything:
- Simplistically
- Intelligently
Ever the educator - thanks Mr Fish!
Always work from your gut instincts. If it feels right to you and your intention is set, then your working will be successful.
I kinda ignored Lons book for years. Really give it a go. Its a very good book
I'm so glad you agree!
The art of play could not describe it better my self
I was a young natural but time and societal norms dampened that natural ability. Working to get it back.
Yup me too ! Here’s to us getting it back ❤
I’m fascinated with Magick both the contemporary individualism and older schools of thought. I’ve been reading through a lot of stuff in my free time and find it amazing neat but I personally can’t turn off my cynical, hyper skeptical inner voice. I really wish I could turn that off and plunge into practice but everytime I’ve tried for days or weeks at a time, I’m constantly going “any alignment with my practice is just confirmation bias or illusion, etc.” or that “this practice isn’t REALLY based in any long term tradition or concrete foundation but an amalgamation of older, disparate ideas that just managed to be published and perpetuate” I’m trying but I just cant seem to tune out and drop in. Douquete has been a great asset tho, he’s so fun to read
Thanks so much ❤🎉😊
Always love your interpretation and analysis on these topics brother 😊❤ hail!
We're in side out. Searching for words, to describe our experiences.
Wonderful 💖
I'm the second one . it's really really confusing and lonely at times. Pros and cons with both. Being unique good till it isn't. Thanks for touching on this topic. Could help clear up things for many beginners.
All natural. Love to all.
I can think of a perfect example of this in fiction. I'm reminded of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Where Mr. Norrell extensively studied and practiced magic and Jonathan Strange came to magic more organically.
Yes! Perfect example!
Lon Milo has a channel that I bet most of the people who enjoy this channel would find valuable.
Arcanum Luminarium
Does ~30 minutes per day of discussions on various topics. Tarot, Qbl, goetia, enochian, etc. I'm slowly assimilating tons of advanced knowledge (most of it beyond me, but that's how you learn) from an obviously highly expert teacher.
10/10, money back, satisfaction guarantee 😉
Those daily videos have been invaluable to me!
I appericiate your experince
Merci, bon aménagement. 😉
Love your content❤
Doubt can only come when a magician is straying from a "collective conscious" of magic. Where he/she may feel strange, in a new embarking realm of one's own magic.
Not sure in what camp I fall. I remember as a kid I'd get a feeling something would happen and sure enough it did. Never thought of it as magic, but your video made me rethink it. That ability just randomly vanished and now I am approaching magic in a more structured way.
Thanks for the recommandations!
Same here, the veil was always thin around me and my family while growing up, lots of supernatural experiences and manifestations. I remember around age 6-7, I had a strong relationship to a being who claimed to be my 'guardian angel', who told me their name and would communicate to me almost daily. (I had no knowledge of the occult but was raised with catholic grandparents, which I'm realizing now planted a great structured divine seed of sorts, as much as I rebelled against it intensely growing up.) I was able to delay my parent from going to work once, without knowing why but felt a strong calling to hold her back; she avoided a fatal accident only a few seconds away (the car in front of her was hit by a semi truck). Lots of apparitions appeared in front of both me and my parent, we both had the same experience and visualizations of them, along with many other odd interactions. It is weird how it's all coming full circle now, and getting to hone these natural inherent gifts we all have is quite fantastic. I'm so grateful for how much more wonderful and involved reality can really be.
I've been in sort of a wrestling state actually for a while as to what and how to go forward.
On one hand I have qualities of a natural worker of magic, I prefer the idea of worker of magic because the word magician gives me a confused state of stage magician and western ceremonial magician and that just gets muddled. So the wording thing is just for helping me keep things clear is all.
And then there is the learned worker of magic which has been less sucessful in producing results but at the same time it has given me a lovely education so I can listen to different practitioners and understand at least some of the conversation.
I'm at a place where I honestly don't have a clue how I want to proceed.
I suppose I'd be natural. But the problem I've had is that none of the stuff I've looked up resonate on any level, I just don't understand it. I don't do anything physical or what would be considered ritualistic. I do what I call energy work. I sense energies and manipulate them. I create fields and similar for stuff like protection or cloaking myself from harm or manifesting something. I feel like I'm missing areas that are right outside my awareness but I have yet to find anything that matches how I do stuff.
im a natural unsure which one of those two that is can someone tel me anyways apreciating the clip maker of upload
You mentioned some of the GoM books being not so good while others are great.
Which are the ones you recommend buying and which are the ones which you recommend avoiding?
I've been stacking a lot of them lately and want to know which ones NOT to buy, because ... I don't want to waste my money.
Santa isn't real? 😮
I have been studying and practicing magick for almost ten years now. Recently I picked up Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick and found it very intriguing. Unfortunately, the part that I was the most interested in was the briefest: how to do ceremonial magick from a polytheistic perspective. I really like the structure of the LBRP and, the Middle Pillar Ritual, etc. But calling upon different names of the monotheistic God and his angels just never set well with me for a variety of reasons.
That is one of the reasons I practiced low magick for quite a while before taking the dive into high magick. Yet, there is seems to be so much rigidity surrounding high magick. That if "you alter the LBRP in any way then it won't work" or "If you change the middle pillar ritual in any way then bad things will happen." All of that has left a lot of doubt in my mind when I do change up these rituals to include say, Roman gods instead of angels.
Any book recommendations you might have from those who have had success working high magick from a polytheistic perspective would be appreciated.
Maybe focus more on the traditions that were, indeed polytheistic, like the PGM (especially if Roman gods are your thing) or Tantra (saivic or vajrayana buddhism)
@@FoolishFishBooks thanks much. I have ordered Tantra Illuminated, recommended in one of your other videos that I recently watched. I just recently found your channel and I am quite taken with your way of teaching. I will sit down to "just watch a video or two before bed" and then suddenly it is two in the morning xD
Magik does not require ritual or ritual items or spells all that stuff is traditional symbolics meant to help the magick practitioner focus but has no bearing on the use and manifestation of magik itself.
Magixk comes from.you're inner spiritual being.
Doing it right?
There is no right or wrong juat focus and confidence believing in it.
If you don't believe it, you've decided the outcome you made a measurement for it to fail.
I’m curious on your thoughts about the Psychick Temple ov Youth’s Magick?
PGM Praxis (I & II) are only available as online courses, not in book form at all? I'm so enticed by the image of Sekhmet, with whom I'm developing a working relationship... and I've just acquired a copy of the PGM in translation (recommended by Dr. Sledge of Esoterica.) Hoping that a $600 online class isn't the only avenue!
Really informative video thankyou. In the 1980s I did a correspondence course that used a cosmic sphere system and taught that all magick God's and Goddess are archetypes that exists in the subconscious mind do you have any thoughts on that subject
I think the exist in layers that are deeper and more shared than what's commonly thought of as "the subconscious" - which is generally thought of as proper to the individual. But the general idea tracks for me (given my world model)
After 3 years and no progress I decided that I'll just do the exercises in John Michael Greer's Occult Philosophy Workbook and exercises from GD books and if I ever achieve anything, that's good but I don't have any expectations whatsoever anymore.
Hey mate. Just starting my journey now. It seems like you’ve been doing this for a long time, so I’m wondering, what’s the latest magick you’ve performed? And what were the results?
How is any gallery of magick books bad?!? They are all amazing and work perfectly?
Love Gallery of Magick. They work.
Natural...confidence , dedication , intent .Thank you ...
Paramahansa Yogananda Kryia mixed with Crowley.
Half of our facebook magick friends are always like "the grimoires said this so this is best. We were doing just fine before this newer magick came out in the 1800s hur dur dur"
The grimoires are missing a lot of informations.
@@ventusheart5733 they really are. plus im lazy and dont feel like doing all that extra shit
Theres a picture in the thumbnail that i want to see. Will it appear in the video? Oddly i found a beautiful stag horn today. Then later i was going through probably hundreds of opened google tabs looking for something and way way back beyond my memory is this picture of a unicorn and a stag and i have no idea why i opened that and what its about but then i saw that thumbnail and it looked the same? Im doing stuff that means i cant look at the video carefully enough right now but it seems an odd thing for me to see twice and im no magician 🤷🏻♀️
No the thumbnail was found once the video was completed as a suitable illustration.
@@FoolishFishBooks thank you. When I paused the video I was able to see it again. Its the exact same image. The stag and the unicorn. I have some reading to do x
Hi Denis. I go through all the steps but never get the discord invite via youtube. Any suggestions?
Hi! Look at the instructions very carefully. Unfortunately, there's no way around it, following those instructions (in the description of this video) is the only way in that will actually give you access to the channels 🙏
Could you have your popups blocked?
@@donia1 TY. Still no luck. I've sent a message to Discord. Hopefully they can help. 👍
Some learn when the devil comes to collect.
Sir I have a question about that I'm now 16 so some content creator say that I shouldn't learn magick at this age so what you think about it ??
I can't make that call. Some 16 year olds are more mature than some 50 year olds I know. However there is the fact that learning magic can be all-consuming, and doesn't leave much space for setting yourself up materially (finance, relationship, developing a set of life skills) that should normally be taking place at that age, and often leads a young magician to a place of desperate need, for which magic isn't suited. This is why in the Jewish tradition, people aren't allowed anywhere near Kabbalah until they reach 40, by which time they have already properly established themselves with a stable life and a sustainable income. With that in mind, if you think you can learn one while not underachieving in the other (believe me it's hard as both require the entirety of your attention), I wouldn't be the one to stop you.
@@FoolishFishBooks thank you sir i appreciate your guidance and i will try to gain as much knowledge as I can and i will not do anything in rush ❤️
Well, I tried doing a triac and did it wrong made it worse. Now I am truly in a corner friend
Am I being silly? I can’t see a link to your merch. I’d very much like a T-shirt.
Ah, I pulled the plug on the store about two months after opening it. I ordered a bunch of stuff and it never came. I ordered again and again, it never came. I thought I'd save viewers the hassle!
Awhhh bummer ...
That sounds frustrating and time consuming.
Greetings from Greece! I have a question. Can sigil drawing drain your energy? i have not knowledge on how to summon or banish an existed demon, angel or spirit so i tried to create my own entity to be safer, so i create my own sigil and i gave him the name Aisialot and then i blew air from my lungs to sigil, i didnt meditate on this sigil to give a birth to entity but when i completed my draw, my energy dropped rapidly and i fell on sleep, this sigil is not exist on any book i create it from my imagination but i feel bad to destroy it i dont know why, tell me your thoughts Thank you!
I'm afraid I have little to say here without knowing a great deal more. I'll be very interested to learn any updates you have as you observe this phenomenon going forward 🙏
Bro youre proof that magick works
I can never find any information or historical facts about magicians. We've been practicing magicians today that are living with my same circumstances of practicing and being legally blind.
And there are also those who believe their approach is original and unique because they call it MAGICK (unkle Therion said so) 😊 oooooh
I consider myself a continually failing magician
Santa is real. Santa was born around 1880 and was charged with building a time machine after meeting everyone after the Solvay Congress of 1927. oneday while attempting to time travel "santa" not only could travel through the 4th dimension but got lost within the 5th dimension. by accident.
If I was a natural magician as a child. I wasn’t a very talented one.
I just had spirits bully me, take my things, move them around, give me nightmares, make loud footsteps only I could hear, slam cupboards and just torment me really.
My first talisman was given to me as a baby by a guy my grandma knew and had sent to my parents to help me. They later took it off when they went through a religious phase lol. There are baby pictures of me wearing it though. I believe it was for protection.
Things got bad bad however when I ran into a man as a teen who out of trying to groom me had done some sort of binding work on me with a jinn. I know this sounds mad, but it’s true, stuff like this actually happens, I know because my parents had to bring someone in to do a ritual and help remove the jinn from me because it was causing me trouble. And he was able to confirm it and explain I wasn’t the first person something like this had happened to. It’s unfortunate but hopefully this brings peoples attention to some of the real abuse that can happen with actual magick.
Anyway. After all that. General weird things still continued to happen, and every so often I needed the same guy who had helped me to come in and do some banishing or whatever he was doing. He was able to make things shut down that’s how I can put it. But the problem was it would only last a few years and things would begin stirring again. So I decided I needed to start learning how to protect myself and I landed on your channel and found the gallery of magick book for protection and there I went!
I’m still fairly new, my own fault since I don’t really enjoy reading much, would much rather get my hands dirty, although weird spiritual stuff began happening after I knew how to protect myself a bit. And so the curiosity has continued... I tried getting more into things and spent a year with a Buddhist community since I had a very strong connection to Quan Yin, but that unfortunately has not led very far, and I’m not sure if it will anymore (stuff happened) but also my teacher did not want to teach me any vajrayana as he did not feel I was knowledgeable enough, although I would say I’m better at this stuff than his students doing the practices, I found I have a natural knack for it and I think it’s thanks to the practice I had with the gallery of magick I’m getting into different states of minds for rituals. But I don’t have all the right words because unlike other students I don’t read many books. So I’m on my own again trying to pave my own way… sigh. It’s hard because when I’m stuck, I have no one who’s willing to really try and teach me, tell me what I’m doing and how to get unstuck, at least not without telling me I need 10 years of other teachings, and a few initiations first.
Santa Claus isn't real⁉ The hell you say! 😤
I'm a curious case. I was not a born practitioner by far, but as soon as I learned what it was, in 2016, age 15, I immediately took to it. I tried for years with no success. Then, in 2020... I had my first sucuessful working. I made a servitor. Since I've been experimenting, tinkering, and trying new things. I'm slowly developing my own idiosyncratic system, a blend of Chaos Magic, Goetia, Daemonalotry, Theurgy, Golden Dawn scraps, Alchemy, and Gnostic, Luciferian, Satanist, and Hellenic ideas. I would still consider myself inexperienced and new, even if since 2020 I've done some serious work. I will always consider myself inexperienced, no matter how much I do. That's my biggest tip, humility is key.