The Mehdi Hasan Show Full Broadcast - March 10

  • Опубликовано: 10 мар 2022
  • The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.
    Watch The Mehdi Hasan Show on The Choice channel on Peacock TV, weeknights, 7 p.m. ET. Subscribe to the channel for more interviews. Connect with MSNBC Online
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Комментарии • 108

  • @amirsaleh2732
    @amirsaleh2732 2 года назад +21

    Wonderful job Mehdi Hassan you’re one of the few news outlets whom respect the core values of journalism; even against heaping criticism and personal attacks!which you don’t allow to curve the fact based reporting that I have come love about your way of disseminating relative information; irregardless of mass choking of media conglomerates…

  • @dennismiller5725
    @dennismiller5725 2 года назад +19

    That excuse, surrounding the attack on a hospital, sounds like Israel's excuses.

    • @charlesray9674
      @charlesray9674 2 года назад +3

      Blasphemy!! 😱

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 2 года назад +3

      I guess there's a limited amount of reasons one can make up to commit war crimes.

    • @md.muzahidulislamsamrat8037
      @md.muzahidulislamsamrat8037 2 года назад +1

      Russia is taking it straight from hasbara books.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      Hasbara and America* seeing as America just spent the last 20 years doing the exact same thing.
      In fact the Neo nazis in the Ukraine are armed and trained by israel and America with help from Eric Prince, who came out in support of Putin, who is a pedarest and best buddies with Israel, whose govt are mostly non Jewish Russians. Of course no one in media cares to point out the Ukraine also cut off water to Crimea, putting millions of lives at risk and destroying their agricultural sector.
      Its the same playbook as the fake war of terror, Putin is being handed land that was promised, just like Israel did via Saudi terrorist groups
      This is what Brexit and Epstein was all about, not to mention the refugees now arrived in Israel, seeing as over 2 million have left Israel in the past 5 years, citing those Russians as their reason.
      The other half want to leave but the govt isn't issuing them their passports.
      Left wing media though, amirite

    • @thomaskremer4604
      @thomaskremer4604 2 года назад +2

      You can't compare Putin to Israel.

  • @winfriedbanzhaf1067
    @winfriedbanzhaf1067 2 года назад +13

    Thank you Mehdi Hasan for your fair reporting!

  • @kadirkusmez7724
    @kadirkusmez7724 2 года назад +5

    Mehdi is great guy. One wonders how long he can survive in the Main Stream Media.

  • @cattlecorner305
    @cattlecorner305 2 года назад +8

    By bro report and analyze facts.. with 100% accuracy.....Best journalist..... Mashaallah...

  • @cookscreations.3105
    @cookscreations.3105 2 года назад +5

    mehdi i like your show.

  • @sherrillwhately7586
    @sherrillwhately7586 2 года назад +3

    Pompeo was so happy the polar icecaps were going to melt because it would make it so much easier to drill arctic oil ☹️.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      Donald (King) John (the Baptist) Trump (G.O.A.T) was born during a Super Wolf Blood Moon 7 days before the Summer solstice under Orion the Mighty Hunter, 700 days before the founding of Israel. He was inaugurated on the Centenary of the Bolshevik revolution and the capture of Jerusalem aged 70yrs 7 months and 7 days, he moved the embassy to Jerusalem on israel's 70th anniversary and lives on the 66th floor of 666ft Trump tower with a giant mural of Zeus on his penthouse ceiling. Seig hail is the Greek salute to Zeus, or the Sun. His Tropical Sunsign is Gemini, the Twins, but his Siderial sign is Taurus, his starsign is Capricorn but is really Serpentis, the Serpent Bearer. Biden is a Scorpio, aka the Scorpion King, who stings Osiris' ankle, in order for Isis to resurrect him in the form of Serpentis 13th Sunsign of the Babylonian Zodiac. MAGA is latin for wizard, and Klan wizards burn the Phoenician Sun God Symbol in illumination ceremonies aka pyre rites or Holocaustis, meaning "burnt offering" just like the burning of effigies at Bohemian Grove in the Cremation of Care Ceremony.
      The first form of the Bible, the Vaticanus Graecus was written around the same time as the Antikythera mechanism was built in 325BC. The name means Son of the Serpent, a reference to Hydra in Leo, and Fomalhaut in Aquarius, in the 3rd Century AD Astrologer Vettori Valentinus used the Vaticanus Graecus to construct a 13 cycle Lunar Zodiac. King Sigismund God King Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (who commisioned the Rosslyn Chapel) gave Count Dracuul his name in 1431, it means Order of the Dragon, and Dracula means Son of the Dragon, Chertoff means Son of the Devil in Russian. The original name of the Templars was the Great Brotherhood of the White Serpent, and the Essenes were dedicated to interpreting the Mysteries of Pythagoras, whose name means Heart of the Serpent, a reference to Alphard in Hydra, called the Vermilion Dragon by the Chinese, the Constellation associated with the Phoenix, who appears on the Eastern Horizon at Xmas, when Osiris is at it's Zenith. Next to Orion is Pleiades, in the center of which is Alcyone, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac.
      Trump shares his birthday with Osiris, St John, Aleister Crowley, and Aushwitz, and 14 days before his coup attempt Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus shared a Great Conjunction in Aquarius, the brightest since it happened in Virgo, Beth Elam, House of Bread or Fruit in 7BC. He also watched an Annular eclipse on his birthday halfway through his first term. Israel is the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, Fruit of Isis and Ra, Serpentis, or Eschmun, the Widow's Scion, Phoenician God of Healing, who became Apollo, Zeus of the Cave, a reference to Serpentis, which is shaped like a cave, and whose Scion was Asclepius, from whom we get the Caduceus. And before Eschmun it was Enoch, Hermes, and Thoth, who is the Son of Set, or Typhon.
      The Cave of Apollo in Cilicia and Delphi is also the home of Typhon, Tphens or Zaphon, the 100 Headed God, Hydra takes up 100 degrees of the Zodiac. It was Hermes Trismegistus who placed his Emerald Tablets inside the Arc of the Covenant, buried beneath pillars of Emerald and Gold. Those Pillars can only be found at the Temple of Melqart, in Tyre, which means Rock, and sits offshore of Urshu Shalom, City of the New Moon, the root word of Jerusalem. It is the first New Moon in September that marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Phoenician, Jewish, Assyrian and Celtic New Year, marking the start and end of the Zodiac, the Alpha Aleph, being Taurus and Pleiades and the Omega, Isis. Between these sits Sirius, aka Thoth, from which the Syrians take their name. The Temple was built when Rameses II married Jezebel, the Hittite Princess from Sidon, which means Kingdom of the Fish, the Phoenician Symbol for fish is X, which became the Chi Rho, and later the Latin Exe. She was the Daughter of Hiram, who built the Tower of Babel for Pharoah, in order to meet the God of Moses. This marriage in 911BC marked the founding of the Neo Assyrian Empire. Their Son is Eshmun, the God of Healing, aka Baal, or Lord, Pan is the Slavic word for Lord. The Grotto of Pan can be found at Mt Hermon, which was considered a Grove, and where the head of Goliath is buried. Israel is currently building a Temple to Trump at the summit. Another name for Enoch is El Ashmunein.
      The Catholic Jesus is based on Melqart and Hercules, Tammuz, Apollo, his best analogy though is Dionysus, God of Wine, born to Zeus and Persophenes, who sits atop the Capitol building in DC, she's the wife of Hades/Zeus in the form of a Serpent, and Goddess of War, Pain Suffering and Death, aka Isis, Athena, Sekhmet, Kali, Kybele, Gebal, Gabriel, Mary. Her mother is Demeter, Goddess of Grain. Holodomor means pain offering, just like in Georgia in 33 under Stalin. 2021 marks 33 years to 2054, the 1000th anniversary of the Schism of Rome, when global average temperatures are set to hit plus 5 degrees celcius, at plus 2 we can't grow grain at scale and 9 billion people will lose 90% of their food supply.
      Methane from Beef farming makes up 52% of all greenhouse gases, and is 90% subsidized subsidised. Banning Beef subsidies could stall climate change overnight, but guess who runs the Beef Racket...
      Oil giants Shell and BP are planning for global temperatures to rise as much as 5°C by the middle of the century. The level is more than double the upper limit committed to by most countries in the world under the Paris Climate Agreement, which both companies publicly support. Oct 27, 2017 (BP and Shell expecting catastrophic 5°C global warming by 2050)
      The founders of the CIA, FBI, DC and the designers of the Pentagon were all Catholic, so too Tucker Carlson, Beck, Hannity, Spicer, O'Reilly, Ingram, Pence, Hawley, Blasio, Manafort, Prince, Devos, Kavanuagh, Barrett, Gates, Fauci, Abbott, Manchin, Comey, Rogan, Jones, Dore, Kulinksi, Rubin, Pool, Peterson, Dice, Cernovich, Crowder, Molyneux, Fuentes, Yilanopouse, Pompeo, Spencer, Bolton, Abrams, Stone, Desantis, Bezos, Cuomo, Pelosi, Biden, Maddow, Hayes, Cooper, Collins, Rubio, Cruz, Gutfeld, Mattis, Richardson, Ryan, Huckabee, Gingrich, Sessions, Guiliani, Flynn, Bannon, Barr, Christie,, Richardson, Melania, Kelly, Conway, Gionet, Johnson, May, Blair, Thatcher, Trudeau, Merkle, Tusk, Farage, Morgan, Cowell, Ventura, Bolsanaro, Putin, Posobiec, Corbett, Robinson, Woods, Icke, Camp, Duke, Kirk, Watson, Iverson, Ball, House. 7/9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman
      Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Orwell, Freud, Johnson, and Trump all come from Vienna Bavaria capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Pro life is a foundational Roman tenet.
      Mayer Rotschild sent sons to establish banking operations in London, Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt, and Naples. Baron is a title given by the Holy Roman Empire, it is also known as Fiehrer, or Fuehrer.
      Baron (Baron and Fuehrer are the same title) Mayer Amschel Rotschild (1744-1812), was a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s.
      "The NWO will begin Sept 17th 2001 during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the Earth and Humanity in preparation for his Kingdom on Earth"
      British Israel Foundation memo 1922.
      Same year Boris Johnson's Great Grandad and Architect of the Armenian genocide Mustafa Ali Kemal sent Trump's Grandad Baron Don Von Drumph to America from Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Same place Stalin, Tito, Trotsky, Lenin, Orwell and Freud came from.
      Source: Wikipedia
      British Israel Foundation

  • @thomaskremer4604
    @thomaskremer4604 2 года назад

    My favorite US politics Channel.

  • @freebird6920
    @freebird6920 2 года назад +4

    This is called real unbias journalism unlike NBC CNN fox BBC

  • @Viper-sg2ok
    @Viper-sg2ok 2 года назад +7

    With all due respect to Vindman no fly zone is a stupid and suicidal argument help by all mean but no no fly zone we don’t want nuclear war.

    • @charlesray9674
      @charlesray9674 2 года назад +1

      Russia (or rather Putin) knows that Ukraine is receiving support and supplies. Wouldn't that be considered as interference?

    • @Viper-sg2ok
      @Viper-sg2ok 2 года назад

      @@charlesray9674 they are receiving defensive weapons as opposed to offensive. Aircraft Are offensive weapons that is the difference. You guys need to calm your nerves down and stop chucking words around like no fly zones etc… Russia is no Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan. The pentagon knows that a nuclear war with Russia won’t be the classic case of America winning and mission accomplished it will be mutual assured destruction we will all die a horrible death what for Ukraine?

    • @charlesray9674
      @charlesray9674 2 года назад +2

      @@Viper-sg2ok Thanks for your reply. I was asking because I thought any aid to Ukraine would be seen as an act of aggression by Russia.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      No one's starting a nuclear war, that's a red herring argument.
      The issue is a conventional war spreading into Europe and the Middle East. Personally I think a no fly zone would work, but there are mechanations at work beyond what people discuss at the surface level. For example Brexit was a build up to this by separating the UK from the EU, with many if the pro brexit leaders having direct ties to Russia via Eastern Bloc countries. What's more Israel Israel America armed the Neo Nazis Putin referred to just like they did Alqueda and isis via Saudi Arabia. It's a set piece, an orchestration, not a simple case of good vs bad, as there is no good on either side. Putin himself has his own nazi followers much like Trump has his magats, and Israel's govt is mostly made up of Russian ex pats

  • @shafatgangoo
    @shafatgangoo 2 года назад +1

    Afghanistan invadion analogy is an apt one

  • @michaelstead4062
    @michaelstead4062 2 года назад +5

    Putin's Sudetenland.

  • @winfriedbanzhaf1067
    @winfriedbanzhaf1067 2 года назад +2

    Even the aliens seem to stay away from us right now because there have not been any reports of sightings.

  • @ransertu7630
    @ransertu7630 2 года назад +4

    The Russian claimed the hospital was being used as a base by Azov and you then say that the video shows a different story. No, the video does not disprove Lavrov. All the video showed was the presence of civilians. That does not mean there were no Azov militia camped in one of the buildings. Why has no-one asked Lavrov to provide evidence of his claim... and on the other hand, the Ukrainians should prove that citizens were actually injured and killed (photos of the actual wound, rather than a bloodstain or bandage, or security footage), at least to some kind of international investigator if not the open media. It's too difficult to take people's word anymore.

  • @OnlyLyricsMatter
    @OnlyLyricsMatter 2 года назад +3

    Dude, why do ALL DICTATORS use the same fucking playback? Destroy, deny, divert, rinse and repeat. Fuck me I'm tired of being shocked by the gross overreach of the billionaire oligarchy. Time to take them all out of power.

    • @charlesray9674
      @charlesray9674 2 года назад

      🤔 Maybe they all went to Trump University.

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 2 года назад +1

      Power has a certain logic.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      The founders of the CIA, FBI, DC and the designers of the Pentagon were all Catholic, so too Tucker Carlson, Beck, Hannity, Spicer, O'Reilly, Ingram, Pence, Hawley, Blasio, Manafort, Prince, Devos, Kavanuagh, Barrett, Gates, Fauci, Abbott, Manchin, Comey, Rogan, Jones, Dore, Kulinksi, Rubin, Pool, Peterson, Dice, Cernovich, Crowder, Molyneux, Fuentes, Yilanopouse, Pompeo, Spencer, Bolton, Abrams, Stone, Desantis, Bezos, Cuomo, Pelosi, Biden, Maddow, Hayes, Cooper, Toocy, McEnany, Collins, Rubio, Cruz, Gutfeld, Mattis, Richardson, Ryan, Huckabee, Gingrich, Sessions, Guiliani, Flynn, Bannon, Barr, Christie, Richardson, Melania, Kelly, Conway, Gionet, Johnson, May, Blair, Thatcher, Trudeau, Merkle, Tusk, Farage, Morgan, Cowell, Ventura, Bolsanaro, Putin, Posobiec, Corbett, Robinson, Woods, Icke, Camp, Duke, Kirk, Watson, Iverson, Ball, House. 7/9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman
      Pro life is a foundational Roman tenet.
      Mayer Rotschild sent sons to establish banking operations in London, Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt, and Naples. Baron is a title given by the Holy Roman Empire, it is also known as Fiehrer, or Fuehrer.
      Baron (Baron and Fuehrer are the same title) Mayer Amschel Rotschild (1744-1812), was a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s.
      Same year Boris Johnson's Great Grandad and Architect of the Armenian genocide Mustafa Ali Kemal sent Trump's Grandad Baron Don Von Drumph to America from Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Same place Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Orwell, Freud, and Boris Johnson's Great Grandad have lived and come from, as well as Einstein.
      Oil giants Shell and BP are planning for global temperatures to rise as much as 5°C by the middle of the century. The level is more than double the upper limit committed to by most countries in the world under the Paris Climate Agreement, which both companies publicly support. Oct 27, 2017 (BP and Shell expecting catastrophic 5°C global warming by 2050)
      Methane from Beef farming makes up 52% of all greenhouse gases, and is 90% subsidized subsidised. Banning Beef subsidies could stall climate change overnight, but guess who runs the Beef Racket...
      "If any one saith that true and natural water is not of necessity for baptism, and on that account wrests to some sort of metaphor those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 'Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost...' Let Him Be Anathama." -COUNCIL OF TRENT Sess VII Canon II On Baptism 1545AD
      Matthew 3:11: “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.” The fire in this passage refers to the fire or inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
      "Furthermore we declare we proclaim we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation, that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff"
      Pope Boniface VIII, "Unam Sanctam" (Rome 1302)
      "There is no graver offense than heresy... and therefore it must be rooted out with fire and sword"
      Catholic Encyclopedia volume 14 (1911): 767-768
      "A heretic merits the pains of fire... by the Gospel, the canons, civil law and custom, heretics must be burned"
      American Textbook of Popery p164 (quoting from the directory for the Inquisitors)
      "The true baptism is not by water but fire."
      Prophyry of Tyre 300AD
      "The NWO will begin Sept 17th 2001 during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the Earth and Humanity in preparation for his Kingdom on Earth"
      British Israel Foundation memo 1922.
      "I propose an Aryan Semitic Alliance to create a superior Caucasian race"
      UK PM Benjamin Disraeli 1890
      "Today I declare the Crusades won"
      General Edmunde Allenby upon capturing Jerusalem 1917
      "But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine constitutes the geostrategic center of world control"
      Dr Nehum Goldmann, 1957, founder of the World Jewish Congress and President of the World Zionist Organization

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      Representative Democracy hasn't worked in over 50 years because politicians will always come from the monied classes and be beholden to their Corporate Donors, only way we avoid this apocalypse is to stage a Velvet Revolution to install a Scaled Direct Democracy. Citizen Initiated Referendums with thresholds and a Social Contract using Blockchain technology means communities can vote their own policies without parties or politicians. Banning Beef, Oil, and Fishing Subsidies would stall climate change and habitat degradation overnight. Thorium Energy renders their global oil monopoly obsolete.
      Or we can bend over and accept our Orwellian future

  • @ShiaNoorAhlBayt
    @ShiaNoorAhlBayt 2 года назад +2

    How Mehdi Hassan's English is?? Any native speaker reply me

    • @doncaster7474
      @doncaster7474 2 года назад

      He is British born and bred in Bradford I think.

  • @ohoiifilmmotiondesign4822
    @ohoiifilmmotiondesign4822 2 года назад +2

    why, oh why give cawthorn a voice? do like Jen Psaki did in her recent address when she was asked by a reporter her opinion on one of his past hollow statements and if she cared to address them - “ No, I would not” J. Psaki

  • @robertborglund8296
    @robertborglund8296 2 года назад +1

    Trump? he's Don deJokie, lord of Lamancha

  • @psou3677
    @psou3677 2 года назад +1

    F+++ PT , I want to see dog fights.

  • @haliduhudu5905
    @haliduhudu5905 2 года назад +1

    I only hear on Ukrainian site but never on Russian side of the story, why is that?

  • @FeralCoot
    @FeralCoot 2 года назад +1

    If 600 Russian soldiers revolted against orders to disembark from their ship and were then threatened with death if they didn't follow through.( they surrendered to Ukraine forces) I wonder how many died on the field from their own side.

  • @Petethehun
    @Petethehun 2 года назад +1

    These surface to surface and surface to air missiles carried by a soldier similar to the anti-tank bazookas of the past should be a concern getting into the wrong hands. These weapons in the hands of terrorists will be used against Europe and North America such as taking down a passenger aircraft. I suspect/hope that there is a microchip feature that shuts off the ability to use it after a period or time and / or other features such as only being operational in a certain geographic area.

  • @lordhulme6901
    @lordhulme6901 2 года назад +1

    She said they can’t fight us on because ukranian army is so committed and so prepared .. then proceeds to ask for skies to be closed and nato to send in the jets 😂 sounds legit 😂

  • @stevendurrant1724
    @stevendurrant1724 2 года назад +2

    Gorbachev is not thought popular in Russia, but he was hands down the best USSR leader of the lot, and probably the truest to socialism, apart from perhaps Lenin himself.

  • @DrNancyLivingCoCreatively
    @DrNancyLivingCoCreatively 2 года назад +1

    How does anyone predict the moves of a madman???? Sociopaths are emotionally unable to see their own actions. Dominate and control is all they know.
    Great explanation of nuclear weapons as not an option.

    • @Amaking10000
      @Amaking10000 2 года назад +2

      Lol Putin had warned about NATO expansion for over 15 years, you Western Imperialists chose to ignore Russia's security concern.

  • @stanglassman
    @stanglassman 2 года назад

    Love this show. But why do they just ignore what the Ukraine legislature said completely. She said the all they need is the mig plains and they themselves would shut the sky down. The US needs to find a way to get this done. As neutrally as possible but it need to be done.

  • @saadzeb8055
    @saadzeb8055 2 года назад +1

    Love u mehdi sir...
    Love from pakistan

  • @mcfishyfirst253
    @mcfishyfirst253 2 года назад +1

    #DRILLBABYDRILL #trumpdigscoal

  • @rickytorres3435
    @rickytorres3435 2 года назад +1

    Intelligence from the west to ukranian armed forces will help. The cyber world incensed by whst russia is doin can help ukraine.

  • @mcfishyfirst253
    @mcfishyfirst253 2 года назад


    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 2 года назад

      Think it's a problem? You go first. It's really easy to prescribe death for other people, isn't it?

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      We have more than enough to go round, the issue is inequality

  • @johnsmith9903
    @johnsmith9903 2 года назад

    Can Israel supply Iron Dome?

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад

      🤣 Israel wants the refugees, mos of their govt is Russian, I don't think that's happening

  • @arebeqa
    @arebeqa 2 года назад

    Moscow is not fighting only Ukraine but all the orangutang countries. So, 3000 or more is not an issue, Moscow gonna get what it wants or split the country and create a new Russia.

    • @michaelstead4062
      @michaelstead4062 2 года назад

      East Ukraine and West Ukraine are ala North and South Korea.

  • @gerryburntwood9617
    @gerryburntwood9617 2 года назад

    Americans Are "In Charge" Of The War Says French Journalist Who Returned From Ukraine
    A French journalist who returned from Ukraine after arriving with volunteer fighters told broadcaster CNews that Americans are directly “in charge” of the war on the ground.
    The assertion was made by Le Figaro senior international correspondent Georges Malbrunot.
    Malbrunot said he had accompanied French volunteer fighters, two of whom had previously fought against ISIS.
    “I had the surprise, and so did they, to discover that to be able to enter the Ukrainian army, well it’s the Americans who are in charge,” said Malbrunot.
    Adding that he and the volunteers “almost got arrested” by the Americans, who asserted they were in charge, the journalist then revealed that they were forced to sign a contract “until the end of the war.”
    “And who is in charge? It’s the Americans, I saw it with my own eyes,” said Malbrunot, adding, “I thought I was with the international brigades, and I found myself facing the Pentagon.”
    Malbrunot also mentioned America providing Ukraine with switchblade suicide drones, something highlighted by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in a tweet that revealed Ukrainian soldiers were being trained to use the devices in Biloxi, Mississippi.
    Citing a French intelligence source, Malbrunot also tweeted that British SAS units “have been present in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, as did the American Deltas.”
    Russia is apparently well aware of the “secret war” being waged in Ukraine by foreign commandos who have been in the region since February.
    Both the United States and the UK have publicly asserted that there won’t be “boots on the ground” in Ukraine, but apparently there has been a US-UK military presence since the start of the war.
    “Polls showed in the run up to the war the overwhelming majority of Americans wanted our government to stay out of it but our leaders know best and are more than happy to risk World War III in defense of Ukraine’s puppet regime,” writes Chris Menahan.

  • @mjaa3696
    @mjaa3696 2 года назад +1

    is Ukraine the victim of the US policies and now paying the price??? British member of parliament said, Ukraine was in bed with the west and had chemical war labs, Putin saw this as a big threat and decided to invade…He also said that Putin is going to take Ukraine one way or the other, is he right??!

  • @mgmostafa59
    @mgmostafa59 2 года назад

    Mehidi Hasan, you have sold out to west. Shame on you.

  • @Loginoff.v
    @Loginoff.v 2 года назад +1

    Shitty show information from the forced news to the people. May be you should of talking to local people first ? Ukraine was manipulating and went a wrong way. I’m from Ukraine and was wondering what world saying . All the same crap

  • @MrBijanjoon
    @MrBijanjoon 2 года назад

    Mehdi today unfortunately you have reached your limitation and sided with Facists and neo Nazis

  • @ShiaNoorAhlBayt
    @ShiaNoorAhlBayt 2 года назад +1

    How Mehdi Hassan's English is?? Any native speaker reply me

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 2 года назад +1

      Mehdi is from the United Kingdom. His English is excellent.

      @SIPEINGTON 2 года назад

      His diction is impeccable. Medhi talks better English than most of us ( native born Americans )