Vote for me, a Christian, and I'll tax every church and put agents in churches like this one. When pastors tell their followers to break the law, the agent will arrest them for incitement.
Because the Johnson Amendment, which precludes entities with significant political or profit-making activities from having a 501(c)3 status is mostly unenforced by the IRS. It hasn't been for decades.
Yes, and they consistently "cancel" people who question or doubt their orthodoxy, and when a person leaves a church, they get shamed. And if they disagree with their fellow congregants on even a minor point, they face attempts to get them fired (at best) and death threats (at worst). Truly the behavior of the average Evangelical. Oh wait! No, I just described the left in 2021. So funny--I used to ally with the Dems partly because I found Evangelicals so insufferable. Little did I know that the Evangelical Church is a bastion of open-mindedness compared to the Woke Religion. So glad I left. But I have to keep my head down. Democrats are far more likely to try to assault anyone who questions their activist thuggery.
Actually, the founding fathers were very skeptical of organised religion. Many were deists. That's why, while believing in relgious freedom, they strongly advocated the strict separation of church and state.
Likely the most educated and profound comment on this post. Seeing the condition of both the Evangelical Church and American Politics however, they both seem to be sinking ships. It's the politics of both institutions that cause their demise.
Thank you for actually knowing this. Ive been saying this for years, and I always 100% have to show them. "So then why do we put in God We Trust on our money?"'s almost like its to...maybe, push the propaganda?
When the government keeps people from worship it needs to be replaced. The law was to keep the government from controlling religion. like the commies always do.
@@pmodrat so if the government should stay out of religion, shouldn't religion stay out of politics. You can believe in jesus all you want, but in my opinion jesus was a poor Jewish carpenter, a MAN who saw the other messianic figures in his childhood and lived his life thinking he was the messiah, God's chosen one. His followers believed it and broke into his tomb took his corpse and said "it's a miracle". Dont worry I know what you're gonna say, "if they took his body, how did they move the stone from in front of the door?" And to that I say, if the stone was put in place by human hands, then it could've been rolled back using human hands. Stop trying to enforce your Christian beliefs on others, this is a country of religious choice and yet you Christians try to force your b.s. on those that believe different. Have fun believing in your zombie messiah and sky fairy daddy.
Most churches do not have 501c3 status and are tax exempt by virtue of the FACT that they are religious institutions amd can preach whatever politics they want. This goes for synagogues, temples, EVERY legitimate place of worship. Churches still give more money, FOOD, CLOTHES, AND SHELTER than the government and with no strings attached raised from the congregation unlike every single atheist institution, college, or universities that taught you all to be ignorant of the beliefs of people with non communist values while learning lies of the media you believe and worship like they're gods.
This country was founded on the idea that were all free to choose whatever religion we want or don't want. Their claim of religious oppression is based in the idea that they're not being allowed to use their religion as an excuse to discriminate against others. They do not want a democracy they want a theocracy.
Exactly. What a human does not understand DOES HARM. Just look at a HUGE portion of the Earth's population and its 'understanding' of virology, vaccines, and science in general. IT'S JUST NOT THERE. What people do not understand causes them to make terrible decisions. These decisions 'bleed' into the lives of others. Think of how many children are (falsely) 'taught' by parents, teachers, friends, and other family members. Until humans of Earth dismantle education *everywhere", and BEGIN AGAIN with science and facts being what are marketed and 'advertised' to the aggregate population of the planet... there will always be opposition to science, facts, and true spirituality.
You are quite right A lot of the early settlers in what is now the US were religious dissidents who risked their lives crossing the Atlantic in leaky wooden boats so they could worship as they pleased [which they couldn.t in a lot of 16th and 17th century Europe
Sewer Tapes another issue republicans are destroying this nation is control of mass media and they use it to get their religion into government. Trump and his bird dropping tweenies are a threat to democracy. They are supported by the republican monopoly of mass media the Koch John birch organized Sinclair Group that needs to be broken up by the FCC. If the Sinclair Group is broken up they can still operate as a mass media but not a syndicate with the goal of brainwashing the public. When the Sinclair monopoly is broken up America will breath a breath of fresh air. The losers will only be Russia and the John Birch Koch foundations that direct much of what the monopoly beams out to the people like in Orwells 1984. The freedom to bring down the United States with dangerous false mass media indoctrination is not a freedom that should be allowed.
Why are churches that are stumping for politicians still getting a tax exemption?? That's supposed to be a big NO NO we need a movement against that. Start taxing them like the rest of us.
It will turn out that foreign actors who can't donate to political campaigns donate to right wing churches to circumvent that. They did the same with the NRA.
Good luck with that. Any politician who dared suggest that would be immediately labelled as Satan reincarnated by all the religious leaders and would most likely not be elected ever again.
Only 7% of all wars are from religion and if you take out Islamic wars they drop to 3% so that's not factual. Blaise Pascal was a faithful Christian by the way. Don't forget that. "Pascal's sudden religious conversion, probably the most decisive moment in Pascal's personal life, during the night of the 23rd to 24th of November 1654, was accompanied by a lighted vision which he interpreted as fire which brought him the total conviction of God's 'reality and presence'." He was A STRONG CATHOLIC.
@@user-Strong.Trinitarian Triggered, Fundie? 🙊🙉🙈 Who cares? His quote still works and YOUR Islamaphobic nonsense ignores CHRISTIAN aggression, historically. Even our stupid "war on terror" and Israel's current GENOCIDE are Holy Wars. DEBATE ME now, Fundie! Let's go ...🐶😸🐶😸🐶😸🐶🪿
These people are not Christians. They like to pretend, but do a decidedly bad job. CHRISTIANS are pacifists they don't go to war or send their children to war. Ghandi was more of a Christian.
I'm a Christian and I am often left feeling this way, it has gotten to the point I have considered leaving "christianity" the thing is my church isn't like this and my pastor is based, it's just so hard to see so many Christian's being bigoted, racist, hyper judgmental, and closed not welcoming to all peoples.
Exactly. Separation of Church & State should be maintained. Besides, religion (worldwide) is a pox, and holds back humanity as a whole (again, WORLDWIDE). True spirituality lies within and beyond the stars... via science, and the deepest compassion and love within a true human being. Vanity, avarice, greed, narcissism and self-righteousness do NOT belong anywhere near spirituality.
@@patrioticallyincorrect4069 wrong!!! minority churches don’t tell people who to vote for-but only to exercise their right to vote, a right that has been infringed upon on-for generations (Taxation without Representation).
Then 99% of Southern Baptist churches would lose their 503c nonprofit status. These men are non-prophets who do not deserve their non-profit tax-free status.
Patriot Church needs to lose their 501c(3) status. He has intertwined politics and religion into his doctrine. He is actually telling his congregation that Trump was chosen by God, that is insane.
You need to learn the truth about separation of church and state, instead of being a mindless puppet believing what dems tell you it means. I will give you a clue, but you can't be a do nothing democrat, thus requires reading.. Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist. If you can read, you can learn the truth.
He can mix church and state, but the most troubling thing he says is that he’d prefer Jesus coming back. If you’ve opened the book he pretends to know you’d know that means he prefers the rapture which probably is someone you should let scream in a barn alone.
@Ilkka Kallio The Inquisition had actual Rules and Defendants could have Legal Counsel during their Trials. Salem’s were just grounded on village mass hysteria.
What would Jesus do. The evangelicals forgot, love you neighbor, forgiveness, sacrifice your wants and need for you fellow human . One thing young people can do is cut through is the BS that adult teach
Pastor Peters rationalization "God can use anybody" could have been used by Germans during the 1930s. Rationalizations are just that, rationalizations. When evangelicals support someone so obviously amoral as Trump, then they are amoral themselves.
Exactly! I mean, I'm confused. I thought God has the moral people & the Devil's army are the immoral people. But he says God likes to use adulterous, tax-dodging, pu$$y-grabbing liars to,(not only do his will, but) to LEAD his[God's] people against evil. WTFFFFFF???????
American evangelicals, such as the first pastor here, often ascribe to the idea the God is in control and that presidents are of his choosing. Except when they are presidents the church doesn't agree with. So does that mean that God isn't in control all the time?
How does God use President Trump? As a test. To see if we measure up. God does not need to test us. God already knows. The tests are for us. Do WE know if we are on the right path?
i agree. the early church didnt need govt help to turned the world upside down, founding CE/western... mod. science; back bone of CE commerce/capitalism, academic...[founded universities...]
Do you know how many churches the IRS audited to ensure they were in compliance with the terms of their 501c designation in 2020? You can count them on one hand.
“None” is the choice of more and more people today when asked about their religion. Evangelicals are so deluded about the world. Look at how much time is wasted on religion.
As Jesus said himself: "beware of false prophets and teachers, beware of those that claim to follow me yet, stand against everything I have taught. Woe unto them for they will be cast out" I am paraphrasing but, you get the gist.
I e been saying this since 2015 when they all started calling DJT a “true Christian” while he cheats on his 3rd wife after having his child; the very wife he cheated with on his second wife and the second wife being the one he cheated with on his first wife. And that is excluding any tax cheating…
@@loriebradshaw2276 the logical end result here is to elect politicians who share their values. These politicians would then codify their beliefs. This is how they would push their values on others.
l guess the Lone Wolf Pastor of his Patriot Church read the US Constitution and the first 5 Amendments? I'm guessing NOT because he missed the part of SEPARATION of CHURCH & STATE in the 1st Amendment. NOT much of a Patriot is he??
“We just want to keep our roots…” . Like slavery and genocide, just like it says in your bible, right? Admit it, that is what your grievance politics are really all about
@@aterg0s728 Quite possibly. There are more than a few of them who have read the Bible and somehow managed to totally miss the point that Jesus was trying to make.
"Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day and needs your money. Churches take in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more." - George Carlin
The sense of being victimized is a big part of evangelicals' support for Trump and white nationalism. Tucker keeps them riled up by telling them the left is coming for them. It's as old as "poor me".
@@karenryder6317 As a Christian who votes democrat, I see both sides. Sure, no one is stopping Christian's from practicing their religion but go to work and turn down work that doesn't agree with your religious beliefs but which aligns with your company's values and see how that turns out for you. As Christians there's a lot we have to nod our heads and go along with just to get by.
I see preachers earning the big bucks on TV as their followers send them millions. Who exactly is trying to silence them? They own the Supreme Court now, the Republican Party, most state legislatures, and they're in league with billionaires. And they're scared of trans people or drag queens in libraries? They don't seem satisfied until the country is a theocracy.
@@VSE4me1 : There is power in the politics of grievance. Amazing how all the people who have had complete dominance since the nation was founded whine the most about being victims when anyone else wants simple equality.
I have been a follower of Christ for close to 50 years. I would so agree 'The Bible Belt Is Unbuckling'. I believe is unbuckling because of the HATED it spews
I'm a millenial christian and I agree with this sentiment, my elders are some of the most judgmental hateful people I know. It doesn't reflect my Christian values at all.
Nobody's perfect, but when you strive to be hateful and demean children of God because of their ethnicity, immigrant status, sexual orientation or social status, you have not understood anything about a loving God.
When they start preaching political rhetoric from the pulpit, There is no longer a separation between Church and State, TAX THEIR PROPERTY LIKE THE REST OF US.
I can see how Christian evangelical leaders would support DJT. They think the poor working class should donate to them to maintain their jet setting lifestyle.
I see; Many of these Evangelicals righteously believe that Trump is there idea of Cyrus the Great or Chosen One; But in truth he's more in idea spectrum of how Nebuchadnezzar was from the "Book of Daniel" based on his characteristics of pridefulness,vainity, & narcissism.
You cant tar all with the evangelicals w/the same brush, EG the ''prosperity gospel'' fake gospel is one insidious poison that gives church a bad name. Yes, some church leaders are not corrupt but selfless & holy. Whatever God, not church, or its leaders, is the One to follow
I guess they didn’t get the message: “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” They don’t seem to bring that up from the pulpit. 🙄
I'm technically a born-again Christian as I voluntarily got baptized at 16, against my father's wishes! (I was raised by agnostics) but I couldn't possibly go out and sell their kind of god! We must return to following our constitution, separate church and state!! We have freedom to worship whatever kind of God we choose to, or none at all. That's Feedom!!
I am a Pst from South Africa.The Pst from the Patriot church is totally out of line with the scriptures.His argument is that Trump was chosen by God,the same argument can be used for Biden.The Church mandate is not take political side but to display God's goodness on earth.
@@reggienaidoo6514 The Cconsertave Evangelical Christian movement made a deal with one of the most amoral but very bribible people running for president that they would support him if he only appointed anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court.He agreed, and we have Trump and McConnell for Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett as Supreme Court Justices. Indeed, we now have a Federalist Society Supreme Court which is truly not representative of the majority of Americans. This is disgraceful and antidemocratic, but unfortunately the right has consolidated their power so that they can prevent any democratic, helpful programs from being passed. It hurts their constituents, the American people, and the country; however they have been stupid enough to oppose any helpful legislation by refusing to have even one Republican vote for any constructive proposals lest Biden get a win. This is disgusting. As long as the current climate exists in the Republican party to join the country, we will regress to antebellum times. Anyone who doesn't think race is at the bottom of this is either kidding themselves or is a fool.
A New World Order The Authorities Can Buy Insurance But Not Safety! They Can Buy A Doctor, But Not Health!! They Can Buy A Clock, But Not Time!!! Some Authorities Paid A Visit Out Too Spread Creek When Gabrielle Was Alive , & They Have Been Using Fake Witnesses At The Mex Cafe! E.PLURIBUS UNUM
@@crecenciogonzalez9875 Thank you for your biblical lesson. It was inspiring and educational, but I'm certainly not going to get into any religious discussions with anyone. I don't even like discussing politics, but I like Trump even less. We all know or should know, that Satan was an angel that fell from grace and is here on Earth to cause trouble and bring out the evil in man. That's exactly what Trump was placed here for. To cause trouble and have men fighting against men, doing nothing but evil. Trump has healed NOTHING. Thousands have died in the name of Trump.
To all appearance he is highly influenced by said Satan as the cunning egotist both are. Voting for the fellow in 2016 was a sad lesson for me and millions more. He was less invested in Christ than even the previous president. I hope God teaches America to insist on better from its presidents. God's judgement is looming closer and there is no utterly innocent political party. One thing that's wreaking havoc, for example, is how Pete B. is playing fast and loose while our transportation system burns. We can't let political darlings of anyone rise above wise policy. We will suffer needlessly if we do.
1:07 Because of the unvaccinated we have now surpassed the death total of the 1918 pandemic better known as the "Spanish flu" even though it started in America.
Right-wing evangelicals can deploy all the "imperfect vessel" circumlocution they want to, if moral purity is your brand, and Trump is your brand ambassador you've got yourself one hopelessly incoherent message.
The idolatry is Biblical. Perhaps The Good Lord's wise old eyebrows are calmly raised? Verily, Dost they expect The Lord and Savior shall reward them for idolizing T with a Golden Star on the ectoplasmic Magic Kingdom Fridge? Hmmmm? The last GOP CPAC event in Florida featured a waist-high statue of mini - T resembling a Love Child of the Michelin Man and the Pillsbury Doughboy. 'People are saying' Bob's Big Boy might get summoned to a grand jury paternity suit. Imagine, a little statue made of gold can Own The Lord by flaunting a literal golden idol in His Face. Impressive. Points for gall. It took me until 2018 to realize that if otherwise rational people sincerely believe, in spite of centuries of facts, the earth is roughly 10,000 years old, religious and political contradictions will get an instant detour around logic and facts while losing one's humanity. T. is only the instrument of his next grift; He uses the trust of religious people as his, not God's, instruments, for personal profit by any means. Perhaps Buyer's Remorse or an off-ramp? Never too late to recover one's soul.
@@francismarion6400 ah, yes…I also love that part in the Bible where Jesus gets all political and tells his followers who to vote for. Touching. You’re ignorant of your own Bible. Try reading it instead of allowing yourself to be told by someone else what they think it says.
What's happening in the secular world today notwithstanding, the Apostle Paul tells us in his epistles that anyone who claims the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus is to be an evangelist by default, so to speak. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. --- 2 Timothy 4:5 KJV. Spreading the gospel of Christ Jesus is evangelism by definition. The Holy Spirit gifts some with supernatural power to be effective in evangelistic work.... And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the statute of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; --- Ephesians 4:11-14 KJV. Footnotes to the words sleight and craftiness, are the words tricks and cleverness...respectively.
I'll go a step farther...I believe very few who call themselves Christian are in fact living a Christian life. And, the misuse/abuse of the word "Patriot" by these clowns is even worse.
@E.N. G, they talk like a Christian, walk like a Christian and pray like a Christian so what are they and if you believe they are not a representation of one of the Abrahamic faiths, then please tell us what faith they are representing and give us the dogma and doctrine of that faith. As far as I am concern, and from what I have heard and the reason why I stopped believing in any of the Abrahamic faiths from age 10 to the present ( at the moment I am 48) is the very message they have all been preaching. Hate, division and judgement of others, is so entwined in Christianity, Judaism and Islam that the only thing that separates them are what they call their faith and what their faiths calls expectable dogma and doctrine. So until those "better angels" of your faith gets louder than the current Evangelical Christians, they are Christianity in this country and I want nothing to do with that type disgusting dogma and doctrine.
Two faced grifter says the exact opposite to his flock that he says to the reality based media. He aligned so well, so easily, so quickly with Trump's grift, it's scary.
American Taxpayers *gives* $3.8 billion in Aid each year to Israel plus $37+billion Military Aid and there's more on top of those figures .... Israel has National Healthcare and free education what does America have? Medical & Student Loan Debts.... There's no hate and I'm still wondering why we give so much when we have need here at home especially after Trump nearly doubled our nation's National Debt. Again, no hate just questions.
I've always felt like an outsider in this country because my parents weren't religious, at all. They weren't atheists (I don't believe), they just didn't participate in religion. I think, as humans, they probably thought about god, maybe they prayed - I don't know. I know they were honest and they were kind. The day before he died my Dad let a Catholic nun pray with him. So who knows? But this pastor want everybody in the US to conform to his worldview by "hiring" politicians who will push his particular religious beliefs into legislation. It's kooky. I think that old "separation of church and state" idea had a lot of value. Weird times.
Really got to do a hard skip over the love the immigrant, extreme wealth most likely comes from sin, share all your earthly possessions with the kingdom of god, and turn the other cheek parts to get to "The Republican party is the party of GOD" lol
Although, were I a clergyman I would have been tempted to remind my audience to consider -- when it is so blatant -- whether a political leader follows the clear ethical laws set forth in the Bible. I would have called Trump out for lying to get credit (fraudulent oath and false witness that is effectively theft) and adultery. I would ask how many abortions he has paid for. This is not on the subtle difference between Barack Obama and either John McCain or Mitt Romney.
I would just refer the evangelicals to one Mohandas Gandhi, a Hindu, who was a great admirer of Jesus Christ, not so much of modern Christians as he asked "why are you Christians so unlike your Christ?" These people who support Trump are about as hypocritical as one can get.
@@LovelovelyJesus - Agreed w/you up to the “things get worse” part. Do a little study on schools of eschatological thought. Not all teach that things will get worse. Some believe a lot of what was prophesied is already fulfilled (like most of Revelation - e.g., in numerology, 666 = NERO). What most evangelicals believe today (Dispensational Premillenialism) has only been a theory for the past 200 years, not the bulk of Christendom. I’m so tired of the Church abdicating their responsibility and becoming apathetic over horrible things all because “the world will get darker and darker until Jesus comes.” That is not what Jesus taught. Yes, He did make some prophecies about bleak days ahead - fulfilled at the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
@@LovelovelyJesus So we must assume you know the Bible from cover to cover. I'd be more than happy to challenge you on your knowledge. Wasn't it Jesus who advised us to "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's..."? Christ was above politics and opinion. So it's wise we keep Trump and Jesus out of the same sentence. We all know who gets the last word in.
Nah, he knows what he's doing. He's preaching what he knows a lot of people want to hear. It's just good marketing. In other words, it's about the money.
This country was NOT founded on Christianity! One of the main reasons we broke from England was religious persecution! 🤦🏼♀️ people really need to take a history class…
True. These people never mention that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Deists. There were also Freethinkers (atheists) who took part in the American Revolution, as well as people of various religious faiths. The Constitution is secular.
Moral of the story: God uses as$es to bring about great change. In a way, we may be better off after Trump, if he brings all the vile filth to the surface to be boiled away. Time will tell.
Too bad the donkey didn't get elected. Those four years would have turned out a lot better. And I don't imagine a donkey would support storming the Capitol by a crowd of lunatics.
Calling Trump an "imperfect vessel" sweeps away a lot of his failings that would normally disqualify a person in the eyes of righteous Evangelicals I guess they just see what they want to see.
I AM a preacher granddaughter, never in my lifetime would I see Christianity would stoop so low. If the religion keeps toting about trump they will lose the next generation.
You know what? Same thing happened in the 50s-60s. The young people rejected the Church and found Jesus on the beach in the 60s-70s..."the Shepard leaves the 99 to retrieve the 1" THAT is where the next revival is coming from. It's always OUTSIDE of the established man-made church. Young folks recognize fake. They won't buy fools gold.
@Eugrne Jacson The way I see it, every human being is a slave. A slave to God or a slave to Sin. If one is not a slave to God then by default they are a slave to evil, and will be judged accordingly. God is the Law. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
Isnt a churches tax free status contigent upon being seperate from political activity? If so, revoking tax free status from offenders would be another tool to combat propaganda and disinformation.
That would be great but then it would feed their persecution complex and they'd spin it that Biden is outlawing religion, blah, blah, self fulfilling prophecy smh
@@seanx666 Yes indeed, they do Love that word Persecution. As they are Starving for Legitimacy. From where I'm perched, they appear to be nothing more than a bunch of people who have been "mentally manipulated" by a 'square,' 'wannabe cool, 'silver spoon,' 'rich boy,' 'a loser "john", who has to buy 'it'. And a horned herd of 'goat preachers' who only preach, exactly what those paying $$ want to hear. I see No resemblance of the Christianity which is recorded in the> ready reference guide; New Testament section of the Bible. Although, what I do read about them, goes like this: "For the time will come when they will not endure Sound Doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they Heap To Themselves Teachers{?}, having 'itching ears'; And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto *Fables". *Q my friend, is about as Fable- ish as you could ever hope to attain. ; ) lol Be careful, and stay well, moochie ps: don't take any wooden nickels yes, i smh 2
Paranoid ignorance stupidity and judgmental anger is a fast track to self-destruction. They're doing a great job at driving people away, but blaming everything else!
@@scronx ugh. He wrote a coherent sentence. Something not seen today. Only simpletons have bought into the idea he was only this gonzo journalist that looked like Johnny Depp. Years as a Washington inside journalist. But okay. Vegas and drugs. Read more.
@@mrkemrk You know, I get this over and over again -- people can't think can't answer my polite challenges so they tell me to go die. Is this this what you think RUclips is for?
Amazing how they don't want the government to interfere in their affairs but they have no problem interfering in government affairs. It is a one-way and unfair arrangement with these people. It really is time to start taxing them.
By this pastor's own logic, "if God can use a donkey, he can use the 1-term monster." So if he can use the 1-term monster, he can surely use Biden, Obama and Hillary.
I know you people think that you’re above other people, but you really aren’t. You’re aren’t a follower of god. You’re a follower of liars in conmen. 🤷♂️
@Billy Cole II "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
"If God can use a donkey, he can use President Trump"...Greatest quote ever!! Same intelligence level. Same morals. Same speaking abilities. I couldn't agree more!
Many of the "founding fathers" were Deists. Some of the biggies, too: Washington, Jefferson, Ben Franklin....If I remember correctly, that means they believe a Supreme Being started this all spinning, then stepped back and let human reason run things. THAT'S the country they wanted the colonies to become. One free from religion in government or government in religion (recall European religious persecution anyone?). The belief that the founders were Bible-thumping saints is fantasy.
I grew up with a lot of friends who were fundamentals. Most were vehemently anti-black, anti-Catholic, very prejudiced against any of us who didn't play their rule. Like Muslims, women had to wear certain clothes, sport beehive hairdos, and denied education past high school. I'm confident Jesus Christ did not wish this upon any good Christian.
It's been a while since I opened my Bible so I may be wrong. I disagree with the idea that Donald Trump was chosen/being used by God. I think Donald Trump is self-serving period. what I remember is that any time God chose someone, Saul, Who became Paul for example they became more Christ like. Their lives didn't stay they way they were Donald Trump is still very much like he's always been., How did he change if God is using him?
@Dean Tracy Trump professes to be a Christian, but says he never ask for forgiveness. To make matters even funnier,... or more hypocritical. Evangelical Church Leadership Agree, Trump Is A New Born Christian. Christian = Christlike = Follower Of The Teachings Of Jesus i.e. Behavior Patterns yep, trump is certainly is a shining, but yet humble, example of Anti-Christ behavior. Qrazy stuff. Speaking of Apostle Paul: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". thanks, I needed a place for that ; )
Christians should be fighting ( with love) for the salvation of the spirit, if you are fighting for something else, you are not a Christian, you are something else, for to be a Christian is to follow the teachings of Christ; Jesus was not concerned about power in this world: “to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”.
Why isn't this "church" on the radar of the IRS for removal of tax exempt status?
@Kirk R see my comment here, about all of that and much more
Vote for me, a Christian, and I'll tax every church and put agents in churches like this one. When pastors tell their followers to break the law, the agent will arrest them for incitement.
Because NONE of the churches are.
@@bloodybonescomic That's not a valid reason.
Because the Johnson Amendment, which precludes entities with significant political or profit-making activities from having a 501(c)3 status is mostly unenforced by the IRS. It hasn't been for decades.
They have no problem with indoctrination, as long as it is their doctrine.
Yes, and they consistently "cancel" people who question or doubt their orthodoxy, and when a person leaves a church, they get shamed. And if they disagree with their fellow congregants on even a minor point, they face attempts to get them fired (at best) and death threats (at worst). Truly the behavior of the average Evangelical.
Oh wait! No, I just described the left in 2021.
So funny--I used to ally with the Dems partly because I found Evangelicals so insufferable. Little did I know that the Evangelical Church is a bastion of open-mindedness compared to the Woke Religion. So glad I left. But I have to keep my head down. Democrats are far more likely to try to assault anyone who questions their activist thuggery.
@@americandirt7834 😆😅🤣🤣
Word. Keep dumbing them down! My kids will thank them in the job market.
Fear based indoctrination...and they want their freedom!?
Actually, the founding fathers were very skeptical of organised religion. Many were deists. That's why, while believing in relgious freedom, they strongly advocated the strict separation of church and state.
Separation assures moral freedom.
Most Americans don't know that. Evangelicals don't believe it.
Likely the most educated and profound comment on this post. Seeing the condition of both the Evangelical Church and American Politics however, they both seem to be sinking ships. It's the politics of both institutions that cause their demise.
Thank ronnie RayGun for mixing the two.
Thank you for actually knowing this. Ive been saying this for years, and I always 100% have to show them. "So then why do we put in God We Trust on our money?"'s almost like its to...maybe, push the propaganda?
When anyone preaches politics, they give up their right to tax free status.
None of them should have tax exempt status. Why is it that grifters are tax exempt?
When the government keeps people from worship it needs to be replaced. The law was to keep the government from controlling religion. like the commies always do.
@@pmodrat so if the government should stay out of religion, shouldn't religion stay out of politics. You can believe in jesus all you want, but in my opinion jesus was a poor Jewish carpenter, a MAN who saw the other messianic figures in his childhood and lived his life thinking he was the messiah, God's chosen one. His followers believed it and broke into his tomb took his corpse and said "it's a miracle". Dont worry I know what you're gonna say, "if they took his body, how did they move the stone from in front of the door?" And to that I say, if the stone was put in place by human hands, then it could've been rolled back using human hands. Stop trying to enforce your Christian beliefs on others, this is a country of religious choice and yet you Christians try to force your b.s. on those that believe different. Have fun believing in your zombie messiah and sky fairy daddy.
@@pmodrat You want government out of religion? I want religion out of politics. I'm 100% fine with what you want, how do you feel about what I want?
Most churches do not have 501c3 status and are tax exempt by virtue of the FACT that they are religious institutions amd can preach whatever politics they want. This goes for synagogues, temples, EVERY legitimate place of worship. Churches still give more money, FOOD, CLOTHES, AND SHELTER than the government and with no strings attached raised from the congregation unlike every single atheist institution, college, or universities that taught you all to be ignorant of the beliefs of people with non communist values while learning lies of the media you believe and worship like they're gods.
This country was founded on the idea that were all free to choose whatever religion we want or don't want.
Their claim of religious oppression is based in the idea that they're not being allowed to use their religion as an excuse to discriminate against others. They do not want a democracy they want a theocracy.
Exactly. What a human does not understand DOES HARM.
Just look at a HUGE portion of the Earth's population and its 'understanding' of virology, vaccines, and science in general. IT'S JUST NOT THERE. What people do not understand causes them to make terrible decisions. These decisions 'bleed' into the lives of others.
Think of how many children are (falsely) 'taught' by parents, teachers, friends, and other family members.
Until humans of Earth dismantle education *everywhere", and BEGIN AGAIN with science and facts being what are marketed and 'advertised' to the aggregate population of the planet... there will always be opposition to science, facts, and true spirituality.
You are quite right A lot of the early settlers in what is now the US were religious dissidents who risked their lives crossing the Atlantic in leaky wooden boats so they could worship as they pleased [which they couldn.t in a lot of 16th and 17th century Europe
Don’t forget people came over to have religious freedom at the cost of genocide for Indigenous People
@@centerfold8 unfortunately that is a sad and true statement.
@@duncanmacpherson2013 religious dissidents... You mean Christians??
No, this country was founded by people who understood the dangers of tangling politics up in religion.
Sewer Tapes another issue republicans are destroying this nation is control of mass media and they use it to get their religion into government. Trump and his bird dropping tweenies are a threat to democracy. They are supported by the republican monopoly of mass media the Koch John birch organized Sinclair Group that needs to be broken up by the FCC. If the Sinclair Group is broken up they can still operate as a mass media but not a syndicate with the goal of brainwashing the public. When the Sinclair monopoly is broken up America will breath a breath of fresh air. The losers will only be Russia and the John Birch Koch foundations that direct much of what the monopoly beams out to the people like in Orwells 1984. The freedom to bring down the United States with dangerous false mass media indoctrination is not a freedom that should be allowed.
Very true.
True, but fake Christian fanatics love to tell people otherwise.
40 years ago, my mom, a devout Methodist, told me that mixing politics and religion leads to bad politics and bad religion.
Your mom sounds like a wise woman.
I don't see anybody in their 20s even 30s among the congregation; their values are dying with them any way.
That is sad that you think that. Jesus loves everyone and wishes that they be saved by believing in Him.
And your world will die along with it.
I'm not even a "Christian" and I can see it happening.
@@carolbattle8010 what! Gag me
@@carolbattle8010 No thanks, already had him !!
What are the new Americans values?
Never trust a preacher that tells you how to vote. Never trust a politician that tells you how to pray.
They should lose their tax exempt status.
@@dinky6620 Absolutely! I’ve said that for years,especially when politics are preached from the pulpit.
I don't trust ANY preachers or politicians!!
Religion does not equal goodness.
Good people come from all “faiths” and beliefs.
Why are churches that are stumping for politicians still getting a tax exemption?? That's supposed to be a big NO NO we need a movement against that. Start taxing them like the rest of us.
Exactly. I am tired of my tax dollars funding these cults
Exactly. Bunch of phonies
It will turn out that foreign actors who can't donate to political campaigns donate to right wing churches to circumvent that. They did the same with the NRA.
Good luck with that. Any politician who dared suggest that would be immediately labelled as Satan reincarnated by all the religious leaders and would most likely not be elected ever again.
@@RomanesEuntDomus. maybe the ACLU should get some complaints and let them take it politicians required. Hmm
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
~Blaise Pascal
Only 7% of all wars are from religion and if you take out Islamic wars they drop to 3% so that's not factual.
Blaise Pascal was a faithful Christian by the way. Don't forget that.
"Pascal's sudden religious conversion, probably the most decisive moment in Pascal's personal life, during the night of the 23rd to 24th of November 1654, was accompanied by a lighted vision which he interpreted as fire which brought him the total conviction of God's 'reality and presence'."
@@user-Strong.Trinitarian Triggered, Fundie? 🙊🙉🙈
Who cares? His quote still works and YOUR Islamaphobic nonsense ignores CHRISTIAN aggression, historically. Even our stupid "war on terror" and Israel's current GENOCIDE are Holy Wars.
DEBATE ME now, Fundie!
Let's go ...🐶😸🐶😸🐶😸🐶🪿
@@user-Strong.Trinitarian So what?
Who cares?
Did you REPORT my other reply to you, fundie?!
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” -Ghandi
These people are not Christians. They like to pretend, but do a decidedly bad job. CHRISTIANS are pacifists they don't go to war or send their children to war. Ghandi was more of a Christian.
Big fan of Biden, Hillary and Obama are you?
@@scronx Certainly wouldn't call the Clinton 's or Biden's Christians.
@@michaelwaninger3155 That's not what I asked.
I'm a Christian and I am often left feeling this way, it has gotten to the point I have considered leaving "christianity" the thing is my church isn't like this and my pastor is based, it's just so hard to see so many Christian's being bigoted, racist, hyper judgmental, and closed not welcoming to all peoples.
Any church that preaches politics from the pulpit needs to lose their tax exemption
😆 right
So that means every minority based church too?
Exactly. Separation of Church & State should be maintained.
Besides, religion (worldwide) is a pox, and holds back humanity as a whole (again, WORLDWIDE).
True spirituality lies within and beyond the stars... via science, and the deepest compassion and love within a true human being.
Vanity, avarice, greed, narcissism and self-righteousness do NOT belong anywhere near spirituality.
@@youtubesucks1499 Absolutely.
@@patrioticallyincorrect4069 wrong!!! minority churches don’t tell people who to vote for-but only to exercise their right to vote, a right that has been infringed upon on-for generations (Taxation without Representation).
I hope the IRS is watching this and revokes any tax-exempt status these political churches currently enjoy.
Then 99% of Southern Baptist churches would lose their 503c nonprofit status. These men are non-prophets who do not deserve their non-profit tax-free status.
They're "fading" from society!! The people in these "evangelical churches" are SO IGNORANT!!!
@@--Skip-- Oh well done! Non-prophets / non-profit... I see what you did there! :D
Sure -- start with Riverside and Saint John the Divine in New York City.
You've got it entirely backwards. The Reverend Peters is right about everything, unless that's Zionism he's throwing in near the beginning.
Evangelicals: ‘The Bible Belt is Unbuckling’
Me: It’s probably all the KFC
Publix is better.
I think Chester Chicken is more popular now.
Costco is the culprit. When they buy a box of Trix, they call for the fork lift.
Hilarious! It's funny how God allows gluttony.
ha ha ha ha ha, truth!
Patriot Church needs to lose their 501c(3) status. He has intertwined politics and religion into his doctrine. He is actually telling his congregation that Trump was chosen by God, that is insane.
God allowed you to breathe .
So what's your point again ?
@@quantum864 Hi. I'm a demon. Did you summon me?
You need to learn the truth about separation of church and state, instead of being a mindless puppet believing what dems tell you it means. I will give you a clue, but you can't be a do nothing democrat, thus requires reading.. Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist. If you can read, you can learn the truth.
He can mix church and state, but the most troubling thing he says is that he’d prefer Jesus coming back. If you’ve opened the book he pretends to know you’d know that means he prefers the rapture which probably is someone you should let scream in a barn alone.
@@quantum864 A mythical god does not allow anything.
"Founded on good Christian principles" Like the Salem Witch Trials...
The Malleus Maleficarum comes to mind
"Founded on good christian principles" like slavery...
Hold the "witch" under water. If she drowns, she's INNOCENT !!! A real witch could escape ! They still have the same level of understanding/logic.
@@rjd3wine that was a convenient way of men getting rid of their wives when they got tired of them.
@Ilkka Kallio The Inquisition had actual Rules and Defendants could have Legal Counsel during their Trials. Salem’s were just grounded on village mass hysteria.
That Evangelical Bible Belt is unbuckling from getting morbidly fat.
You just can’t make sense putting ‘Patriot’ and ‘Church’ together.
What would Jesus do. The evangelicals forgot, love you neighbor, forgiveness, sacrifice your wants and need for you fellow human . One thing young people can do is cut through is the BS that adult teach
The grift of bastardizing religion.
Exactly their whole message is really anti-Jesus and they are so ignorant and xenophobic they are unable to see it
They don't believe in hippy Jesus. Their Jesus carries a gun and gave us the constitution. Crazy.
Pastor Peters rationalization "God can use anybody" could have been used by Germans during the 1930s.
Rationalizations are just that, rationalizations. When evangelicals support someone so obviously amoral as Trump, then they are amoral themselves.
I believe you mean immoral, but I agree with you regardless.
The devil can use anybody too.
Exactly! I mean, I'm confused. I thought God has the moral people & the Devil's army are the immoral people. But he says God likes to use adulterous, tax-dodging, pu$$y-grabbing liars to,(not only do his will, but) to LEAD his[God's] people against evil. WTFFFFFF???????
American evangelicals, such as the first pastor here, often ascribe to the idea the God is in control and that presidents are of his choosing. Except when they are presidents the church doesn't agree with. So does that mean that God isn't in control all the time?
if its true, then it's not rationalization.
“If God can use a donkey, God can use President Trump.”
Never has a better analogy been formulated
Sure God can, but would he want to ?
@@dominiquem.4500 rubber gloves ?and an eleven foot pole ...
He can even use a Transvestite.
How can you say that? That's an insult to donkeys everywhere. And they are already a much maligned animal.
How does God use President Trump? As a test. To see if we measure up. God does not need to test us. God already knows. The tests are for us. Do WE know if we are on the right path?
It's time for these churches to start paying taxes like every other American.
i agree. the early church didnt need govt help to turned the world upside down, founding CE/western... mod. science; back bone of CE commerce/capitalism, academic...[founded universities...]
Amen and hallelujah.
Exactly, sane America needs to unite and insist on this.
Far far farrrrrrr past time!
This is what Christo-Fascism looks like. Ohio's Josh Mandel is one of them also.
Frank zappa warned us of this In the 80s nobody took him seriously
Not much different than Saudi Arabia theocracy
Let’s go Brandon
@@garymcclellan4282 Go to Jail Donnie!!
It's hard to imagine a less godly man than trump.
When evangelicals hold up trump as some sort of golden calf to be admired, they lost me.
@@davidsalo8397 same here!🤔
BTW, that church should lose thier 501c(3) status.
John 3:16
Do you know how many churches the IRS audited to ensure they were in compliance with the terms of their 501c designation in 2020?
You can count them on one hand.
@@carolbattle8010 This isn't a baseball game ⚾
The Church pastor should keep his Opinion on politics to himself, or they should pull his churches Tax exemptions. Stay in your lane!!
Absolutely 🤬. Couldn’t agree with you more!
So I guess no Democratic politician has ever set foot in a black church with the blessing of the local pastor to ask for the parishioners vote🤔🤔🤔
It's time for the Government to reexamine what's a church and what's a cult. If it's a cult, then they should revoke the tax exemptions period.
@@EyesOnStarkeCounty You say that like I care who the church is promoting. I dont play teams. They all should lose the tax exemption.
“None” is the choice of more and more people today when asked about their religion. Evangelicals are so deluded about the world. Look at how much time is wasted on religion.
Religion is like government; more likely to change along with the society, but eventually dissipates over time. Well said.
A “church” with patriot in its name should not be tax exempt
So agree
As Jesus said himself: "beware of false prophets and teachers, beware of those that claim to follow me yet, stand against everything I have taught. Woe unto them for they will be cast out" I am paraphrasing but, you get the gist.
I e been saying this since 2015 when they all started calling DJT a “true Christian” while he cheats on his 3rd wife after having his child; the very wife he cheated with on his second wife and the second wife being the one he cheated with on his first wife. And that is excluding any tax cheating…
“This people cometh nigh unto me with their lips and honoureth me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me.”
@@promeitheus amen
@@promeitheus ☝🏽🎅🏼🙏🏼
Jim Parsons: no worries, my olde english is a bit lacking too
No sir others are tired of your “Christian Values” being pushed onto us for the past 300 years!
He doesn't want to have a different set of values pushed on him, but no problem with him pushing his set of values on others.
How is he pushing his set of values on others? No one is forcing people to join his church. They all have the choice to leave if they so choose.
@@loriebradshaw2276 the logical end result here is to elect politicians who share their values. These politicians would then codify their beliefs. This is how they would push their values on others.
So only people of the Atheist religion are allowed to do that?
@@francismarion6400 Atheism is not a religion. It literally means "not a believer in deity", so has nothing to do with religion.
l guess the Lone Wolf Pastor of his Patriot Church read the US Constitution and the first 5 Amendments? I'm guessing NOT because he missed the part of SEPARATION of CHURCH & STATE in the 1st Amendment. NOT much of a Patriot is he??
They want a Christian theocracy and will not stop until they have it.
How is he a man of God and think that man who push hate is good
Time to pull his tax free status. Con man using Jesus to bilk these idiots.
It was to keep government from controlling the church. Not the other way around. Godless commies twist everything.
“We just want to keep our roots…” . Like slavery and genocide, just like it says in your bible, right? Admit it, that is what your grievance politics are really all about
If Jesus came back, evangelicals would not like what He had to say.
And do.
The things that He would say too and about them would be so hilariously awkward………
they would crucify him. they're Pharisees.
@@aterg0s728 Quite possibly. There are more than a few of them who have read the Bible and somehow managed to totally miss the point that Jesus was trying to make.
Evangelicals will do anything to maintain dominance over “lessers.” That makes them especially unhinged and dangerous
It's called moral superiority
@@davidanderson6100 “False sense of moral superiority,” in this case.
This is why I quit going to church 7 years ago
Religion is a crutch used to disguise one's own hypocrisy!
so as a church we don't practice the word of God is what that one guy in the last of this video meant. Fighting the culture war is Holy.
"Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day and needs your money. Churches take in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more." - George Carlin
Alot of hot air.
@@francismarion6400 He actually spoke the truth.
Well we can't have our ministers driving a Honda!
@@francismarion6400 So you think the magic man in the sky is real? Are you 6?
@@michaelwaninger3155 I know quite a few who do.
I'm constantly hearing, loudly and on every medium, how the poor evangelicals are being "silenced".
I think it's actually that people are giving up evangelicalism. Fewer of them means fewer voices, so they appear to be silenced.
It's a warped attempt at nullifying the right to free speech. "Only listen to me".
The sense of being victimized is a big part of evangelicals' support for Trump and white nationalism. Tucker keeps them riled up by telling them the left is coming for them. It's as old as "poor me".
I think the evangelicals have been their own worst enemy. I've yet to see one of them do as Christ said they would do.
@B D We experience enough right-wing insanity and disinformation on FB and RUclips, it doesn't get censored.
“Everyone is trying to silence you” she says, while being interviewed for television.
great point. I've never heard anyone say that people can't express Christian beliefs. Just don't force your beliefs on others.
@@karenryder6317 As a Christian who votes democrat, I see both sides. Sure, no one is stopping Christian's from practicing their religion but go to work and turn down work that doesn't agree with your religious beliefs but which aligns with your company's values and see how that turns out for you. As Christians there's a lot we have to nod our heads and go along with just to get by.
Evangelicals: professional victims
I see preachers earning the big bucks on TV as their followers send them millions. Who exactly is trying to silence them? They own the Supreme Court now, the Republican Party, most state legislatures, and they're in league with billionaires. And they're scared of trans people or drag queens in libraries? They don't seem satisfied until the country is a theocracy.
@@VSE4me1 : There is power in the politics of grievance. Amazing how all the people who have had complete dominance since the nation was founded whine the most about being victims when anyone else wants simple equality.
This man has no idea of what he speaks, political messaging; his church should be taxed!
I have been a follower of Christ for close to 50 years. I would so agree 'The Bible Belt Is Unbuckling'. I believe is unbuckling because of the HATED it spews
Its pants falleth down
I'm a millenial christian and I agree with this sentiment, my elders are some of the most judgmental hateful people I know. It doesn't reflect my Christian values at all.
Nobody's perfect, but when you strive to be hateful and demean children of God because of their ethnicity, immigrant status, sexual orientation or social status, you have not understood anything about a loving God.
It’s easier to be fooled than convince someone they have been fooled
Good quote for democrats
@@summittrading3258 actually for Republicans. Since I’m the poster that’s what the context was geared towards when I had it in mind.
The mental gymnastics on display here are truly breathtaking, as are the logic pretzels. Can’t wait for these Neanderthals to time out.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
When they start preaching political rhetoric from the pulpit, There is no longer a separation between Church and State, TAX THEIR PROPERTY LIKE THE REST OF US.
I can see how Christian evangelical leaders would support DJT. They think the poor working class should donate to them to maintain their jet setting lifestyle.
True. As God's representative on Earth he deserves a lavish lifestyle. God would pay him more but God is always short of money for some reason.
I see; Many of these Evangelicals righteously believe that Trump is there idea of Cyrus the Great or Chosen One; But in truth he's more in idea spectrum of how Nebuchadnezzar was from the "Book of Daniel" based on his characteristics of pridefulness,vainity, & narcissism.
You cant tar all with the evangelicals w/the same brush, EG the ''prosperity gospel'' fake gospel is one insidious poison that gives church a bad name. Yes, some church leaders are not corrupt but selfless & holy. Whatever God, not church, or its leaders, is the One to follow
No, their congregation pays for that.
I guess they didn’t get the message: “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” They don’t seem to bring that up from the pulpit. 🙄
I'm technically a born-again Christian as I voluntarily got baptized at 16, against my father's wishes! (I was raised by agnostics) but I couldn't possibly go out and sell their kind of god! We must return to following our constitution, separate church and state!! We have freedom to worship whatever kind of God we choose to, or none at all. That's Feedom!!
Evangelicals want the freedom to make rules for everyone.
False profits. He’s just about taking profits.
I am a Pst from South Africa.The Pst from the Patriot church is totally out of line with the scriptures.His argument is that Trump was chosen by God,the same argument can be used for Biden.The Church mandate is not take political side but to display God's goodness on earth.
@@reggienaidoo6514 The Cconsertave Evangelical Christian movement made a deal with one of the most amoral but very bribible people running for president that they would support him if he only appointed anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court.He agreed, and we have Trump and McConnell for Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett as Supreme Court Justices. Indeed, we now have a Federalist Society Supreme Court which is truly not representative of the majority of Americans. This is disgraceful and antidemocratic, but unfortunately the right has consolidated their power so that they can prevent any democratic, helpful programs from being passed. It hurts their constituents, the American people, and the country; however they have been stupid enough to oppose any helpful legislation by refusing to have even one Republican vote for any constructive proposals lest Biden get a win. This is disgusting. As long as the current climate exists in the Republican party to join the country, we will regress to antebellum times. Anyone who doesn't think race is at the bottom of this is either kidding themselves or is a fool.
A New World Order The Authorities Can Buy Insurance But Not Safety!
They Can Buy A Doctor, But Not Health!!
They Can Buy A Clock, But Not Time!!!
Some Authorities Paid A Visit Out Too Spread Creek When Gabrielle Was Alive , & They Have Been Using Fake Witnesses At The Mex Cafe!
false prophetssssssss
Aren't Trump and the "devil" one and the same?
@@crecenciogonzalez9875 Thank you for your biblical lesson. It was inspiring and educational, but I'm certainly not going to get into any religious discussions with anyone. I don't even like discussing politics, but I like Trump even less. We all know or should know, that Satan was an angel that fell from grace and is here on Earth to cause trouble and bring out the evil in man. That's exactly what Trump was placed here for. To cause trouble and have men fighting against men, doing nothing but evil. Trump has healed NOTHING. Thousands have died in the name of Trump.
To all appearance he is highly influenced by said Satan as the cunning egotist both are.
Voting for the fellow in 2016 was a sad lesson for me and millions more. He was less invested in Christ than even the previous president.
I hope God teaches America to insist on better from its presidents. God's judgement is looming closer and there is no utterly innocent political party. One thing that's wreaking havoc, for example, is how Pete B. is playing fast and loose while our transportation system burns. We can't let political darlings of anyone rise above wise policy. We will suffer needlessly if we do.
Because of the unvaccinated we have now surpassed the death total of the 1918 pandemic better known as the "Spanish flu" even though it started in America.
It was religious leaders who cried, “crucify Him,” and it was the religious leaders with whom Jesus took exception and continues to do so.
True, so true
Right-wing evangelicals can deploy all the "imperfect vessel" circumlocution they want to, if moral purity is your brand, and Trump is your brand ambassador you've got yourself one hopelessly incoherent message.
The idolatry is Biblical. Perhaps The Good Lord's wise old eyebrows are calmly raised? Verily, Dost they expect The Lord and Savior shall reward them for idolizing T with a Golden Star on the ectoplasmic Magic Kingdom Fridge? Hmmmm? The last GOP CPAC event in Florida featured a waist-high statue of mini - T resembling a Love Child of the Michelin Man and the Pillsbury Doughboy. 'People are saying' Bob's Big Boy might get summoned to a grand jury paternity suit. Imagine, a little statue made of gold can Own The Lord by flaunting a literal golden idol in His Face. Impressive. Points for gall. It took me until 2018 to realize that if otherwise rational people sincerely believe, in spite of centuries of facts, the earth is roughly 10,000 years old, religious and political contradictions will get an instant detour around logic and facts while losing one's humanity. T. is only the instrument of his next grift; He uses the trust of religious people as his, not God's, instruments, for personal profit by any means. Perhaps Buyer's Remorse or an off-ramp? Never too late to recover one's soul.
Trump is a Constitutional ambassador.
@@francismarion6400 ah, yes…I also love that part in the Bible where Jesus gets all political and tells his followers who to vote for. Touching. You’re ignorant of your own Bible. Try reading it instead of allowing yourself to be told by someone else what they think it says.
They sure didn't say that when Clinton was caught having an affair. "Character counts" was their mantra then.
@@toonlyrics funny how that changed. Geez!
According to the Bible, an life isn’t a life until first breath. So even God doesn’t agree with their interpretation about life in the womb.
This is this guys livelihood. This cult pays his bills. These people crave validation for hating people that are different than them. It’s a shame.
It's a shame our drones can't drop a bomb domestically
Who's hating people different than themselves now?
I don't believe everyone who claims the title of Evangelical is an actual Christian
Well said
Me neither. It’s in name only, not in values.
What's happening in the secular world today notwithstanding, the Apostle Paul tells us in his epistles that anyone who claims the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus is to be an evangelist by default, so to speak.
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. --- 2 Timothy 4:5 KJV. Spreading the gospel of Christ Jesus is evangelism by definition.
The Holy Spirit gifts some with supernatural power to be effective in evangelistic work....
And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ;
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the statute of the fullness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; --- Ephesians 4:11-14 KJV. Footnotes to the words sleight and craftiness, are the words tricks and cleverness...respectively.
I'll go a step farther...I believe very few who call themselves Christian are in fact living a Christian life. And, the misuse/abuse of the word "Patriot" by these clowns is even worse.
@E.N. G, they talk like a Christian, walk like a Christian and pray like a Christian so what are they and if you believe they are not a representation of one of the Abrahamic faiths, then please tell us what faith they are representing and give us the dogma and doctrine of that faith. As far as I am concern, and from what I have heard and the reason why I stopped believing in any of the Abrahamic faiths from age 10 to the present ( at the moment I am 48) is the very message they have all been preaching. Hate, division and judgement of others, is so entwined in Christianity, Judaism and Islam that the only thing that separates them are what they call their faith and what their faiths calls expectable dogma and doctrine. So until those "better angels" of your faith gets louder than the current Evangelical Christians, they are Christianity in this country and I want nothing to do with that type disgusting dogma and doctrine.
I find it interesting that what theists claim their god wants, always seem to coincide with what the theist wants. - SB Anthony.
Two faced grifter says the exact opposite to his flock that he says to the reality based media. He aligned so well, so easily, so quickly with Trump's grift, it's scary.
Birds of a feather.
Calling Trump "an imperfect vessel" is like calling the Titanic a leaky ship.
@@ryanapodaca9042 That wears diapers...
Yet Marry Magdalene was a prostitute.
Right, and was she elected to public office being responsible for the lives of hundreds of millions of people?
LOL - Trump is a "vessel" of Vladimir Putin, not God.
They are like “we are afraid people are coming to their senses.” It’s beyond bonkers.
No way I would attend a church where this was the agenda... Worship is all about God, period!
Not all churches are equal. Not all churches ask for a tithe. But if you wish to test God you should give freely and see what happens.
American Taxpayers *gives* $3.8 billion in Aid each year to Israel plus $37+billion Military Aid and there's more on top of those figures .... Israel has National Healthcare and free education what does America have? Medical & Student Loan Debts.... There's no hate and I'm still wondering why we give so much when we have need here at home especially after Trump nearly doubled our nation's National Debt. Again, no hate just questions.
I've always felt like an outsider in this country because my parents weren't religious, at all. They weren't atheists (I don't believe), they just didn't participate in religion. I think, as humans, they probably thought about god, maybe they prayed - I don't know. I know they were honest and they were kind. The day before he died my Dad let a Catholic nun pray with him. So who knows? But this pastor want everybody in the US to conform to his worldview by "hiring" politicians who will push his particular religious beliefs into legislation. It's kooky. I think that old "separation of church and state" idea had a lot of value. Weird times.
Essentially modern religion means running a church like business without paying taxes. Great. Very Merican'.
Agreed.. Strongly Agree?
Just emulating the Vatican.
Pretty much on the spot, it would be more like running a stand at CPAC selling wares to the drones in a shiesty, snake oil salesman kind of way.
God Bless..... the EARTH
A Pastor should not really speak left or right that is not his job. He needs to spread the word of our Lord. Not taking sides.
Amen. Jesus taught love.
Really got to do a hard skip over the love the immigrant, extreme wealth most likely comes from sin, share all your earthly possessions with the kingdom of god, and turn the other cheek parts to get to "The Republican party is the party of GOD" lol
Although, were I a clergyman I would have been tempted to remind my audience to consider -- when it is so blatant -- whether a political leader follows the clear ethical laws set forth in the Bible. I would have called Trump out for lying to get credit (fraudulent oath and false witness that is effectively theft) and adultery. I would ask how many abortions he has paid for. This is not on the subtle difference between Barack Obama and either John McCain or Mitt Romney.
No, a pastor takes the side of a first century fairy tale
I would just refer the evangelicals to one Mohandas Gandhi, a Hindu, who was a great admirer of Jesus Christ, not so much of modern Christians as he asked "why are you Christians so unlike your Christ?" These people who support Trump are about as hypocritical as one can get.
That preacher is out of his mind. Of course, most evangelicals are these days.
Evangelicals are a cult of stupidity...and proud of it!
@@LovelovelyJesus - Agreed w/you up to the “things get worse” part.
Do a little study on schools of eschatological thought. Not all teach that things will get worse. Some believe a lot of what was prophesied is already fulfilled (like most of Revelation - e.g., in numerology, 666 = NERO). What most evangelicals believe today (Dispensational Premillenialism) has only been a theory for the past 200 years, not the bulk of Christendom.
I’m so tired of the Church abdicating their responsibility and becoming apathetic over horrible things all because “the world will get darker and darker until Jesus comes.” That is not what Jesus taught. Yes, He did make some prophecies about bleak days ahead - fulfilled at the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
@@oaktownie5135 Rephrase: "Evangelicals are a cult of denial...and don't know it!"
@@LovelovelyJesus So we must assume you know the Bible from cover to cover. I'd be more than happy to challenge you on your knowledge. Wasn't it Jesus who advised us to "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's..."?
Christ was above politics and opinion. So it's wise we keep Trump and Jesus out of the same sentence. We all know who gets the last word in.
Nah, he knows what he's doing. He's preaching what he knows a lot of people want to hear. It's just good marketing. In other words, it's about the money.
Any church that preaches politics needs to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE of taxes.
I agree 100%. Pay-up, or shut up & preach.
What is political for you may not be political according to the Word of God.
Where is the dividing line between religion and politics? Somebody show it to me please.
This country was NOT founded on Christianity! One of the main reasons we broke from England was religious persecution! 🤦🏼♀️ people really need to take a history class…
True. These people never mention that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Deists. There were also Freethinkers (atheists) who took part in the American Revolution, as well as people of various religious faiths. The Constitution is secular.
"If God can use a donkey, he can use President Trump." Well folks, that one sentence sums it up.
Moral of the story: God uses as$es to bring about great change. In a way, we may be better off after Trump, if he brings all the vile filth to the surface to be boiled away. Time will tell.
Too bad the donkey didn't get elected. Those four years would have turned out a lot better. And I don't imagine a donkey would support storming the Capitol by a crowd of lunatics.
@@trrexxx I have to agree. A donkey is on a higher evolutionary level.
So can the 😈 Devil!
Calling Trump an "imperfect vessel" sweeps away a lot of his failings that would normally disqualify a person in the eyes of righteous Evangelicals
I guess they just see what they want to see.
I AM a preacher granddaughter, never in my lifetime would I see Christianity would stoop so low. If the religion keeps toting about trump they will lose the next generation.
You know what? Same thing happened in the 50s-60s. The young people rejected the Church and found Jesus on the beach in the 60s-70s..."the Shepard leaves the 99 to retrieve the 1" THAT is where the next revival is coming from. It's always OUTSIDE of the established man-made church. Young folks recognize fake. They won't buy fools gold.
“Christian Culture” as he defines it seems to be at odd with the New Testament.
God has a place for people that use scripture for evil.
Amen brother, not put your hand on the screen to be healed.
It's called church you just don't see it...
@Eugrne Jacson The way I see it, every human being is a slave. A slave to God or a slave to Sin. If one is not a slave to God then by default they are a slave to evil, and will be judged accordingly. God is the Law. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
@@thexreaper6930 but god is evil so what's the difference?
Isnt a churches tax free status contigent upon being seperate from political activity? If so, revoking tax free status from offenders would be another tool to combat propaganda and disinformation.
@Dale Ainsley see my comment here. Trump and Evangelicals "quid pro quo"
May 2017
That would be great but then it would feed their persecution complex and they'd spin it that Biden is outlawing religion, blah, blah, self fulfilling prophecy smh
@@seanx666 Yes indeed, they do Love that word Persecution.
As they are Starving for Legitimacy.
From where I'm perched, they appear to be nothing more than a bunch of people who have been "mentally manipulated" by a 'square,' 'wannabe cool, 'silver spoon,' 'rich boy,' 'a loser "john", who has to buy 'it'.
And a horned herd of 'goat preachers' who only preach, exactly what those paying $$ want to hear.
I see No resemblance of the Christianity which is recorded in the> ready reference guide; New Testament section of the Bible.
Although, what I do read about them, goes like this:
"For the time will come when they will not endure Sound Doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they Heap To Themselves Teachers{?}, having 'itching ears';
And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto *Fables".
*Q my friend, is about as Fable- ish as you could ever hope to attain. ; ) lol
Be careful, and stay well,
ps: don't take any wooden nickels
yes, i smh 2
The same evangelicals identified in the Bible as the "Man of Lawlessnes", and clearly condemned.....
A pastor siding with an adulterer, a con and a theive who never goes to ironic and "pastor" like!
The conduct of evangelicals over the past 5 years is proof of why atheism is on a rise.
thank god!
You must be young. This has been going on since Reagan.
My US Constitution teacher always called it the Bubba Belt.
This so called "church" is absolutely frightening.
I agree with you fully 💯
Thank goodness you put “church” in quotation marks. It’s anything but. Well, from the original interpretation anyway.
Paranoid ignorance stupidity and judgmental anger is a fast track to self-destruction. They're doing a great job at driving people away, but blaming everything else!
"When you're in a culture that's trying to silence you," Have you looked in the mirror lately?
"If God can use a donkey, then he can use President Trump" - that pastor.
He compared Trump to a donkey, that actually makes sense to me LOL
Not really a donkey is actually a noble animal. You can call Trump an animal but noble not hardly.
@@michaelwaninger3155 That's true. At least a donkey can do the task it's given.
Hunter Thompson called these maniacs "howlers", and I've never heard a better title for them since.
Well that's great -- he called for "drugs, alcohol, violence and insanity." Your favorite prophet?
@@scronx ugh. He wrote a coherent sentence. Something not seen today. Only simpletons have bought into the idea he was only this gonzo journalist that looked like Johnny Depp. Years as a Washington inside journalist. But okay. Vegas and drugs.
Read more.
@@scronx you sound like a religious carnival barker, but even if you're not, go get really sick and leave this world.
@@mrkemrk There are lots of coherent sentences going on. Was this one of his biggest accomplishments?
@@mrkemrk You know, I get this over and over again -- people can't think can't answer my polite challenges so they tell me to go die. Is this this what you think RUclips is for?
Amazing how they don't want the government to interfere in their affairs but they have no problem interfering in government affairs. It is a one-way and unfair arrangement with these people. It really is time to start taxing them.
By this pastor's own logic, "if God can use a donkey, he can use the 1-term monster." So if he can use the 1-term monster, he can surely use Biden, Obama and Hillary.
"If God can use a donkey, he can use president Trump" - He doesn't realize how this comparison is well fitting.
Donald rather suddenly quit the Democratic Party didn't he. He smelled a new racket, richer than the old racket.
So can the Devil!😈
I've been in conservative Christian churches for 50 years. This guy has in mind the things of this world, not the things of God.
Amen. Earthly things are temporal.
I know you people think that you’re above other people, but you really aren’t. You’re aren’t a follower of god. You’re a follower of liars in conmen. 🤷♂️
This is a great example of how stupidity is more dangerous than people realize
Separation of Church and State.. here’s a perfect example of why the founding father’s put that part in.
All of these criminal churches needs to pay their taxes, in full.
Get rid of tax exempt status for this church, which is not supposed to allow politics into church.
Might as well be a Nazi flag on the roof.
There is a difference... they just did their holocaust here and wrap it in red white and blue
If they "preach" politics, they need to be taxed.
Every Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Catholic Church preaches politics. Shall we start with them?
Religious people be like: "That guy! He creates his own reality and rejects facts! That's my man!" \o/
so much for separation of church and state.
So much for separation of Secularism and the state.
@Billy Cole II History has taught you nothing I see.
@Billy Cole II "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
'The Bible belt unbuckling' is the last thing an abused child hears before disappearing into that 'happy place' in their mind.
"If God can use a donkey, he can use President Trump"...Greatest quote ever!! Same intelligence level. Same morals. Same speaking abilities. I couldn't agree more!
Oh this is distressing.
The fact is that the “founding fathers” were worldly & philosophical.
Many of the "founding fathers" were Deists. Some of the biggies, too: Washington, Jefferson, Ben Franklin....If I remember correctly, that means they believe a Supreme Being started this all spinning, then stepped back and let human reason run things. THAT'S the country they wanted the colonies to become. One free from religion in government or government in religion (recall European religious persecution anyone?). The belief that the founders were Bible-thumping saints is fantasy.
@@hymmj147, I thought that they were more agnostics and aetheists than deists, at least according to grad school research.
America is not a Christian nation.видео.html
Laboring under a dearth of perspicacity enabled through ontological Certainty, perfect prey for Qanon, thumpers, and flat earthers.
Religion is the false shadow of science and the Universe.
By definition, religion is a cult.
@@larryjones9773 And eternal damnation is for both cults and non-cults alike. So your point is?
@@Dave_Jr. Cults are bad.
@ANTHONY CURTIS If there is a day of judgement I think your writing style might have just landed you in deep trouble.
I know it nearly made me puke.
I grew up with a lot of friends who were fundamentals. Most were vehemently anti-black, anti-Catholic, very prejudiced against any of us who didn't play their rule. Like Muslims, women had to wear certain clothes, sport beehive hairdos, and denied education past high school. I'm confident Jesus Christ did not wish this upon any good Christian.
It's been a while since I opened my Bible so I may be wrong.
I disagree with the idea that Donald Trump was chosen/being used by God. I think Donald Trump is self-serving period.
what I remember is that any time God chose someone, Saul, Who became Paul for example they became more Christ like. Their lives didn't stay they way they were
Donald Trump is still very much like he's always been., How did he change if God is using him?
Logic? Logic doesn't work on christians.
Thank you. Self-serving is the key phrase here. So sad that these people cannot see that
Only his diaper size changed.
@Dean Tracy Trump professes to be a Christian, but says he never ask for forgiveness. To make matters even funnier,... or more hypocritical.
Evangelical Church Leadership Agree, Trump Is A New Born Christian.
Christian = Christlike = Follower Of The Teachings Of Jesus i.e. Behavior Patterns
yep, trump is certainly is a shining, but yet humble, example of Anti-Christ behavior.
Qrazy stuff.
Speaking of Apostle Paul:
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".
thanks, I needed a place for that ; )
"If God can use a donkey, He can use - former - president Trump." That says it all!
Christians should be fighting ( with love) for the salvation of the spirit, if you are fighting for something else, you are not a Christian, you are something else, for to be a Christian is to follow the teachings of Christ; Jesus was not concerned about power in this world: “to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”.
Won't be the first time a preacher has taken people down the garden path. Nor the last.