Papers & Essays: Crash Course Study Skills #9

  • Опубликовано: 14 дек 2024

Комментарии • 385

  • @Person-cc7ff
    @Person-cc7ff 5 лет назад +927

    1) brain dump (get down all you ideas)
    2) the research process (Wikipedia, google scholar etc.)
    3) annotate the important parts of the material (two sources for each main point)
    4) first draft (don't be a perfectionist just finish the draft)
    5) Edit (make sure it communicates the message as effectively as possible, and edit by printing the paper)
    6) Get FEEDBACK (ask if statements make sense)

    • @mulalogadebe2138
      @mulalogadebe2138 5 лет назад +11


    • @llnclr
      @llnclr 4 года назад +16

      I wouldn’t recommend Wikipedia, but definitely google scholar is the go. and if you’re a university student, you should have access to plenty of sources from your online library 📚 and also to a lot of papers from google scholar that you don’t need to pay for to view 😀

  • @evanyi400
    @evanyi400 7 лет назад +2411

    i rely on future me too much

  • @trentonm6688
    @trentonm6688 7 лет назад +1806

    You didn't have to drag me in the first 10 seconds of the video 💀

    • @Fatima-hc9mr
      @Fatima-hc9mr 4 года назад +16

      I have a 2,000 word essay due on Friday by midnight lmao 😅😫

    • @popeyes3879
      @popeyes3879 4 года назад +7

      That’s what I was thinking 😂

  • @-a13x-75
    @-a13x-75 6 лет назад +625

    T minus 9 hours. Word count 65/1600. Wish me luck!

    • @azark.973
      @azark.973 5 лет назад +11

      How did it turn out?

    • @febbone
      @febbone 5 лет назад +30

      T minus 40 hours. 0/2500 :(

    • @isaacmuchina3883
      @isaacmuchina3883 5 лет назад +1


    • @pugzgrinny2417
      @pugzgrinny2417 5 лет назад +2

      Well, how was it? Did you get a good grade?

    • @seth3182
      @seth3182 5 лет назад +5

      1600 words isn't that much. Try majoring in political science

  • @DecayingReverie
    @DecayingReverie 7 лет назад +116

    Another thing that I would recommend: if one of your professors will look over your paper before you turn it in, DO IT. I have had many professors who will look at the paper and annotate it with things they thought needed improvement. I made all A's in college (with the exception of one class) and a big part of that was having professors looking at my work.

  • @TheRealE.B.
    @TheRealE.B. 7 лет назад +659

    Wow, I wish they spent more time teaching you how to actually *write* in middle school and high school English classes instead of settling for basic literacy and trivia about Shakespeare.

    • @katrinepetersen2566
      @katrinepetersen2566 7 лет назад +2

      leadfoot9x hahahhahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahhhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahhahaahhahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahaahaaaahhahahahaaahhahaahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahaaaaahhahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahaaahhhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahaahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahaaahhahhahhahaahhhhaaaaahhahhahahahhahhhahahahhhahahaahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaahhaaahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhhahahaaahhhahhahahhahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!

    • @katrinepetersen2566
      @katrinepetersen2566 7 лет назад +3

      leadfoot9x You're funny...

    • @bulbadex101
      @bulbadex101 6 лет назад +28

      I agree they didn't teach us at all how to write just what you needed to write about so

    • @jobussin
      @jobussin 4 года назад +3

      Bruh I'm on middle school and our teacher expects us to know how to write a essay.

    • @kairo2439
      @kairo2439 4 года назад +1

      I agree, especially for my school because we never really focus much on how to write a neat and thoughtful essay :/

  • @Jesterisim
    @Jesterisim 7 лет назад +266

    wow... i actually use the brain dump method myself. i call them writing dumps and fill it with every point,idea or whatever i think of relating to my paper. and then later on i just build on them and paste it into the actual document organizing them together like a puzzle piece. i'd have a hard time starting my papers before i started doing that but now i don't really stress as much as i use to.

  • @RGLove13
    @RGLove13 7 лет назад +148

    don't worry, I'm not procrastinating an essay...I'm procrastinating a lab report, 2 math assignments, and a midterm :)
    (also, I too find it really useful to use different places to write different stages. If I start my brain dump in the same doc. that I intend to write my final draft I freak out and try to make it perfect first try)

  • @kkilinahe
    @kkilinahe 7 лет назад +280

    Bull sh*tting essays is a true art form. And I get plenty of practice.

    • @NerdBryant64
      @NerdBryant64 5 лет назад +20

      people bull sh*ting essays is why we have fake news

    • @YaroDomo
      @YaroDomo 5 лет назад +7

      @@NerdBryant64 Preach.

  • @aneyz4092
    @aneyz4092 7 лет назад +148

    This is just a suggestion, but I would love to see a video on Presentations. Stuff like, Professional slides, and speaking as well as maintaining posture and Clear speaking.

  • @thomasking49
    @thomasking49 7 лет назад +13


  • @earl-grey-milk-tea
    @earl-grey-milk-tea 7 лет назад +104

    I find brain dumps a good way to kick start the process (and I try to do this asap after receiving the assignment) so that the task isn't so intimidating/off putting, then I'm less likely to procrastinate on it (lol). It seems to subconsciously reassure me that hey, you actually know a fair bit about this topic. Or hey, you at least know what you don't know about this topic.
    Some thoughts on alternative ways to brain dump:
    My brain dumps aren't that structured - most of my big writing tasks are in humanities subjects, so mindmaps work best for me since i can draw arrows all over the place and make the links I need.
    I'm also better at explaining and developing initial ideas when I'm talking to someone, so I turn on a voice recorder and literally talk (to myself or someone else). If you're talking to someone else, they can also challenge you or help you develop things if they're good at asking questions. This is great for stuff with more abstract ideas, or bigger projects.

    • @rosagapi
      @rosagapi 5 лет назад

      talking to myself?!?!?! great idea ever, I ain't considered it! thank you

  • @armorsmith43
    @armorsmith43 7 лет назад +20

    Question about your prewriting section: how do you handle the situations where:
    1) you don't know what the goal of an assignment is and can't get clarity on it?
    2) you don't know how to do the analysis of the data you have access it? (For example, if you are given the assignment to predict the outcome of a war between two nations when given statistics on their military forces, info about the terrain, weapons, doctrine, etc...)

    • @Lily.valkyrie
      @Lily.valkyrie 6 лет назад

      Andrew Farrell check out his youtube channel; he covers both of those things in old videos @Thomas Frank / collegeInfoGeek

  • @Blackdrose
    @Blackdrose 5 лет назад +28

    It's 2019 and CC is still as helpful as ever!

  • @tessat338
    @tessat338 7 лет назад +19

    I read that Bill Bryson book, "A Short History of Nearly Everything", while I was in the hospital in labor waiting to give birth to my son. I figured it was my last chance to read a grown-up book for the foreseeable future. It certainly helped pass the time.

  • @thesexydevil780
    @thesexydevil780 7 лет назад +21

    I paused the video on "you are watching a youtube video, look at you life look at your choice." I just had an intense conversation with my dad. We were taking about my grade, the stress he and my mother give me, and how they are bad parents. How they can't hold a grudge expect me to be there for them when im to busy and dont respect them. I'm currently doing weeks of homework for a advance class i dont need to take in the span of a few days. I'm taking classes i that are way advance and i dont have a leghole in because of how i was raised. That's my life. That's my choices. I did my worst and i did my best. I'm currently doing homework, and i'm watching this video.

    • @TreespeakerOfTheLand
      @TreespeakerOfTheLand 7 лет назад +1

      TheSexyDevil It sounds like you are pretty intelligent. Keep it up and you might just go far ^^

    • @thesexydevil780
      @thesexydevil780 7 лет назад +4

      Solace I hope i do. life is pretty depressing right now.

    • @user-qd4mb5wi5m
      @user-qd4mb5wi5m 7 лет назад +1

      Well as I say (and most likely has already been made a quote) the bigger the goal, the bigger the sacrifice :3 I just procrastinate so ur way better off than me

    • @KnuckleHeadMusicUK
      @KnuckleHeadMusicUK 6 лет назад

      Buy a gift to show you appreciate them and start looking into student accommodation?

  • @christopherrawnsley3585
    @christopherrawnsley3585 4 года назад +62

    Wow schools can’t even teach us how to write essays😂

  • @daniellaoseni3404
    @daniellaoseni3404 Год назад +1

    i never new how useful this could be😱

  • @bonson9156
    @bonson9156 7 лет назад +144

    ''Sorry Professor, my friend Mario was impaled by floor spikes while trying to save a kidnapped woman. I have to visit him at the hospital''.

  • @Lurker1222
    @Lurker1222 2 года назад +2

    Your Breath of the Wild reference hit me in the feels... It's so true.. :(

  • @lucas8089
    @lucas8089 7 лет назад +22

    Ooh my goodness. This will help me so much. Thank you

  • @pastelcataclysm
    @pastelcataclysm 7 лет назад +44

    I have an essay due tomorrow (the day after this video was posted) papa bless

  • @purokuha5364
    @purokuha5364 6 лет назад +1

    I just wrote myself a simple step-by-step guide to writing essays, based on this video. It's going to help me a lot in the future! Thank you!

  • @andromedator13.72
    @andromedator13.72 7 лет назад +53

    This is legitimately helpful! THANKS!❤

  • @DuluthTW
    @DuluthTW 7 лет назад +3

    This reminds me of The Martian written by Andy Weir. He published the story on his blog and was given editorial advice by his readers until he "finished" the book. Because of its popularity, excellent story due to obvious meticulous research, the "book" was bought by a publisher. They helped him clean up a few issues with the rough spots and edited the story further to create a book that even Andy recommended to people who had already read the story online. BTW, Andy's next book, Artemis, comes out on Nov. 17.

  • @randomness2622
    @randomness2622 7 лет назад +5

    Perfect timing, thank you guys! I would usually go through stacks of research papers and then think about their arguments and look for more and more research without writing a single word, and I can attest it is a bad strategy, so I follow your approach this semster for sure. thanx!

  • @unnamed1004
    @unnamed1004 4 года назад +4

    5:20 I'm doing school work right now and a part of it is watching this video and I just wanted to say you're doing an amazing job because a lot of videos that they make me watch are boring and they're trying way too hard to be cool like bring up video games and stuff and it just makes it cringy but you're doing it right keep up the good work dude 💪

  • @ryleaholbert3768
    @ryleaholbert3768 2 года назад +2

    This is really helpful for writing my first final paper in class, thank you!

  • @duijo_7066
    @duijo_7066 6 лет назад +18

    *Hamilton Wrote the Other 51!!*

  • @jakeharding9165
    @jakeharding9165 7 лет назад +1

    Gotta say thanks for posting this one. I've always struggled with writing papers. People have tried to tutor me how to since I was in junior high. I have never had the process laid out to me quite like this before. It seems so much simpler than what I have been taught over and over again. For the first time, I think I'm actually somewhat excited to write my next paper. Thanks for helping me start to get through my mental block.

  • @pammcmillin2641
    @pammcmillin2641 7 лет назад

    I returned to college for the first time since 2013 this January. I did about two pages of freewriting before I took a real attempt at my first written assignment. Now I have the term Brain Dump, and that's awesome.

  • @lorrainechase7346
    @lorrainechase7346 4 года назад +1

    Absolutely love these advices - I use them each time I write the papers by myself. When I don't, I totally rely on the academic writers with experience. I prefer small companies as big and popular websites are too pricey for me. I recently used @t, and I am totally satisfied. They treated me really well and the paper was great.

  • @bernadineguimary1062
    @bernadineguimary1062 5 лет назад

    i just watched this video at 1.5x speed, sat down, made a hot mess of a brain dump, and now i almost have a complete outline of my 8-10 page mid term paper in my head thats due in 4 days. thank u so much

  • @williamsteveling8321
    @williamsteveling8321 6 лет назад +2

    2,000 words in 24 hours? Relatively easy in most cases. Having ADD is a bit tricky, as you often do your best work when under the gun, so ironically it's easier for me than having 48 hours. Three hours is going to be about the highest time compression I could work with for a research paper of this length (assuming I am worried about getting an "A"). For whatever reason, my writing is far better under these conditions as well.

  • @adriennedutton10
    @adriennedutton10 2 года назад

    Yes! I've been spending so much time on research!

  • @Agreatperhapsbylilo
    @Agreatperhapsbylilo 5 лет назад

    And yet Crash course saves us again

  • @Aria_charlotte87
    @Aria_charlotte87 5 лет назад

    WOW the citation section of wiki. Genius. As a writer I related 100% to the sculpting metaphor. It's true for all art.

  • @mommaceleste
    @mommaceleste 5 лет назад

    I KNEW YOU WERE ON CRASH COURSE! I love your personal channel too!! GRIND ON MAN!!!

  • @sivawright
    @sivawright 6 лет назад +2

    Nice to see you on Crash Course Frank!

  • @abcdef-vs8bu
    @abcdef-vs8bu 6 лет назад

    This video began to give me the inspiration to start thinking about setting aside some time to consider thinking about how I'm going to decide to think about laying out the plan for the first draft of the paper I have to hand in tomorrow

  • @postponereality5432
    @postponereality5432 7 лет назад +2

    I wish I had these tipps before my bachelor thesis >.< but I'm so thankful for this video!

  • @jmsl910
    @jmsl910 2 года назад

    i love this series

  • @Emma-vb7of
    @Emma-vb7of 10 месяцев назад +1

    literally ready to cry

  • @michikomanalang6733
    @michikomanalang6733 7 лет назад +48

    Watching this... *after* emailing an article lol

    • @이달의소녀이브
      @이달의소녀이브 6 лет назад +1

      Michiko Yeung this but than with my essay😂 my grade is a 4.5 out of 10. Never had a grade this bad before oops

  • @kathyh8047
    @kathyh8047 7 лет назад

    I've always struggled with trying to do multiple things at once, and I still can't overlook my spelling mistakes even during writing, but I did get much better about the separation of these phases the longer I've worked in a job where my writing gets reviewed by other people and I get to review others' writing. Plus, I started using a plain text editor to write so I couldn't get distracted by formatting, and I absolutely love it.

  • @0k3lly
    @0k3lly 6 лет назад +1

    i wish i saw this video sooner. i always do the research then rough draft. hopefully with these techniques i can turn my B paper into an A paper.thanks thomas!

  • @trax.aep.7.0
    @trax.aep.7.0 3 месяца назад

    thia video was so helpful at the same time very fun to watch which i did not even know was possible

  • @DoomSausage1
    @DoomSausage1 6 лет назад

    Teachers are too busy pressing their own ideology’s in school to teach us useful things that you guys show on this channel. Thank you

  • @mommaceleste
    @mommaceleste 5 лет назад


  • @erinclark900
    @erinclark900 6 лет назад +5


  • @Pancake833
    @Pancake833 7 лет назад +7

    oh god that giancoli physics textbook is giving me a reminder to do my ap physics homework ;_;

  • @JJWong22
    @JJWong22 4 года назад +1

    This is awesome. Thanks!

  • @sweatyballsleon5769
    @sweatyballsleon5769 4 года назад

    Really glad there are video like this! In my major I haven't had to write a paper in over two years with works cited pages.

  • @sassasdfghjkl
    @sassasdfghjkl 7 лет назад

    ANOTHER TIP: highlight all the quotes (from a book/other source) so you can make sure they are all relevant to the thesis/ help your argument. Helps break up the essay so it's easier to read and edit, too

  • @perfectcyan1153
    @perfectcyan1153 4 года назад +1

    I’m having trouble with brainstorming, but I guess I’ll get it eventually.
    This video is really helpful!

  • @houseofrec8209
    @houseofrec8209 7 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing your story about wanting to become a Crash Course instructor! One day if there is a Crash Course Cannabis...I would love to teach the general public about this prevalent topic from a scientific and public health focused approach.

    • @armorsmith43
      @armorsmith43 7 лет назад +1

      Gatsby's REC Center all the newer crash course teachers had their own RUclips channels before being recruited by crash course. So look up how to make educational youtube videos and start your own channel.

  • @kiwi8133
    @kiwi8133 7 лет назад

    This serious is truly a blessing, thanks for all your hard work!

  • @nicollemosqueramusica
    @nicollemosqueramusica 7 лет назад

    Loved the way You tell how much you wanted to be here on Chrash Course
    Felling like a proud momma ♥

  • @MrCanadianAviator
    @MrCanadianAviator 7 лет назад +1

    This would of actually been kinda helpful if I saw it when it was released. But I was busy working on a 1500 word essay that was due on Thursday, that funnily enough i didn't start until it was due in 24 hours.

  • @controversialcoffe5709
    @controversialcoffe5709 4 года назад

    these series are really great thanks a lot for all these good videos. i just love crash course

  • @zacherylouis8660
    @zacherylouis8660 7 лет назад

    I don't have a paper due in twenty-four hours; it's due in two weeks and I'm quoting this video.

  • @viknesnayagan5303
    @viknesnayagan5303 5 лет назад +1

    Please do on annotated bibliography and literature review...

  • @alliallbee4897
    @alliallbee4897 5 лет назад

    I really like Crash Course and this is the first time I've seen you on here, you did a good job!

  • @tommo7802
    @tommo7802 7 лет назад +12

    Yeah... waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection hearing Zelda was so great... wait I was here for essay tips??

    • @Thomasfrank
      @Thomasfrank 7 лет назад

      And then that first moment when you step out and see Hyrule beneath you...

    • @tommo7802
      @tommo7802 7 лет назад

      Yeah that was great. And when you can finally paraglide off the Great Plateau straight into an OP Bokoglobin camp...

    • @bcheng2237
      @bcheng2237 7 лет назад

      Then rely on bomb arrows for the first two bosses and then realize that Thunderblight has a shield...

    • @tommo7802
      @tommo7802 7 лет назад

      B Cheng oh yeah Thunderblight was the worst of all of them. Probably harder than Calamity and Dark Beast imo

  • @piratesofthedeepweb9873
    @piratesofthedeepweb9873 7 лет назад +1

    Great advice, I agree 100%. Although I prefer writing stoned and editing sober. Although I find the best method is writing stoned and hiring an editor lol.

  • @fiarunfair
    @fiarunfair 7 лет назад

    Great! I can use this advices for my future thesis writing. Thanks for the vid :)

  • @JourniKing-r4o
    @JourniKing-r4o 2 месяца назад

    Very Helpful!😊

  • @charlie.5840
    @charlie.5840 7 лет назад +1

    Was really hoping a video like this was going to come out sooner. I just handed in an essay I am really not proud of bc I did horrible planning.

  • @suzannehall4927
    @suzannehall4927 7 лет назад

    This was really helpful and your good-looking face kept me interested. Thanks!

  • @emmacullendebeer5792
    @emmacullendebeer5792 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much for this video. It's freaking awesome, and I relate way too much with the idea that everything has to be perfect on the first try. It was really encouraging to hear that you struggled with the same thing, as well as how you worked to overcome it :) Thank you.

  • @kershengovender7264
    @kershengovender7264 6 лет назад

    I loved the intro!!!!!

  • @andreiamuhitu159
    @andreiamuhitu159 4 года назад

    Thank you crash course for saving my first job lol. Love this channel!

  • @kaylacumming1609
    @kaylacumming1609 5 лет назад

    I really loved this video it helped me plan for my research paper!!!! Thank you Crash Course!!!!

  • @HamidRauf500
    @HamidRauf500 6 лет назад

    Nice tips. Some times I need good grads. That time I go for essay writing service.

  • @wenglish123
    @wenglish123 7 лет назад +11

    Great content and something I will definitely use in my master's thesis this year. However, there are a few things I would like to add from my personal experience.
    Science/Engineering majors, the advice from my lectures when trying to find constants and variable from literature is to use three independent sources of information for that variable. This mitigates the impact an extream variation of that variable may have and lets to build confidence in the accuracy of the variable. A personal example is when I have had to find a U value for a material ( a U value is a measure of hard it is for heat to go through a material) and multiple sources provided different answers, this method allowed me to take an average value from the sources and gave me evidence if I had to argue the accuracy of the value.
    Mabey most useful to science majors, but a bit less are word counts. These were and are a bain of my life. While writing without regard to the word count probably works for some, personally, it puts a lot of stress on the latter editing stages (this is mainly because I'm not a great self-editor, I explain this a bit further in my last point) My advice would be to (if you have a way to) split the word count into smaller word counts for each section of the essay/report. e.g. 200 for the introduction, 300 on methodology, 400 on results and discussion, 100 for a conclusion. Personally, my university provides a briefing document which layouts what it wants from an assignment which can help with this, but I can sometimes be tricky generally speaking through in my experience you want your discussion to be the largest section. By splitting the word count up into these smaller sections I find it easier to be concise and minimise on the waffle, in relation to the advice given by Thomas, this may work best for a second draft, but personally, I find it useful on my first.
    Next, if your assignment warrants the use of a logbook USE ONE. Again typically used on the science and engineering fields but for long-term assignments like dissertations or thesis that can span the year, these are exceptionally useful for tracking your thoughts on the project, key information, and changes in the project.
    Lastly, Word has an inbuilt tool to which can say back to you what you write (otherwise English to English Google translate cane work). As someone who has mild dyslexia presenting itself mainly in speech often when I read back to speak back my own work I often put in words which aren't actually there. getting something like Word or Google to speak the work back to me lets me listen and check for things like a good flow that way.
    Applogies for the large wall of text, but I hope I may be helpfull.

    • @manikandanb5725
      @manikandanb5725 6 лет назад

      Jaya Praveen

    • @natsudragneel1255
      @natsudragneel1255 6 лет назад


    • @rosagapi
      @rosagapi 5 лет назад

      it was helpful! I don't understand something: what it means to use a logbook for a dissertation? thank you!

    • @doolyking5786
      @doolyking5786 5 лет назад

      was that your thesis paper?? sure looks like it

  • @theMifyoo
    @theMifyoo 7 лет назад +2

    My method is quite a bit different. I write the paper as I am researching on the subject, and first draft is usually the final draft.

    • @hannahc3317
      @hannahc3317 7 лет назад

      Me too, honestly, but there are some slight changes, and since I'm in French Immersion I write in English first and then translate essay into French (my thoughts are more creative in English and more logical in French so putting both sides together is important for me)

  • @bernicestockstill9891
    @bernicestockstill9891 6 лет назад

    very cool advices to write best writing paper

  • @wingeddemigodrunner301
    @wingeddemigodrunner301 7 лет назад +2

    Woah, when did they put this up?

  • @TheHelghast1138
    @TheHelghast1138 5 лет назад

    Stephen King wrote the book/ script "Cujo" while totally blitzed out of his mind on alcohol and cocaine, he doesn't remember any of it. Lol he also did this over a weekend. Mozart was the same way, but he would often create masterpieces on the spot with no prep and almost no editing, while totally hungover. Just a thought.

  • @katelynlamprey7222
    @katelynlamprey7222 6 лет назад

    Okay but this actually helped me so much. Thank you.

  • @Dreamers-63
    @Dreamers-63 5 лет назад

    I love Thomas Frank! I didn't know he did crash course too.... Have you seen his website or his other videos?

  • @danielwhitelaw1156
    @danielwhitelaw1156 5 лет назад

    This video will help me out

  • @arespiart
    @arespiart 7 лет назад

    This came out exactly at the time i need these advice Thanks!

  • @somethingelse9228
    @somethingelse9228 6 лет назад

    Thanks for telling me about ebsco. I didn't knew about it. When I looked it up I thought that I literally struck a gold mine!

  • @Esgaroth2005
    @Esgaroth2005 7 лет назад +1

    I feel like the animation choices were phoning it in. During the sentence, "you don't make a masterpiece on the first draft" you showed someone making a masterpiece on the first draft...
    Nit-picking because I expect top quality when I watch Crash Course. Big fan. ☺️

  • @1600Awesome
    @1600Awesome 7 лет назад

    I love this study series.. You guys could'nt have posted this at a better time.

  • @yashirisantiago88
    @yashirisantiago88 7 лет назад

    I actually have a long essay due tomorrow for APUSH THANK YOU!!!

  • @mamabear_melanie
    @mamabear_melanie 4 года назад

    This helps so much! I wish I had found this video earlier!

  • @tamikomasters8005
    @tamikomasters8005 7 лет назад +6

    The first 10 seconds. Ouch. I just walked in front, and got hit by the truth train.

  • @nerdknowledge2056
    @nerdknowledge2056 7 лет назад

    Thank you crash course, and Thomas Frank!

  • @pritikaguha3173
    @pritikaguha3173 6 лет назад


  • @JLenny
    @JLenny 5 лет назад

    I want to work for Crash Course one day too!

  • @gustova4280
    @gustova4280 6 лет назад

    You're really helping a lot of us. Thanks!!

  • @khanhtranbao4082
    @khanhtranbao4082 4 года назад

    Great content! Thank you so much!

  • @natewill1587
    @natewill1587 5 лет назад

    thanks so much. as a uni student trying to grasp the jump from hs papers, this was extremely helpful. hoping i get an A!

  • @alisterday7910
    @alisterday7910 6 лет назад

    I always feel bad when the intro happens because I just like watching the videos 😂😂

  • @datdao6982
    @datdao6982 5 лет назад +1

    that intro though!

  • @kevjumbaz
    @kevjumbaz 7 лет назад

    my favourite part of this was the part where it was pointed out that the first draft does not have to be perfect. made so many new documents (very unorganized) due to the fact that my research went out of direction a couple of times..

  • @robertomiguelsy6243
    @robertomiguelsy6243 6 лет назад +58

    tbh I'm getting really distracted BY HIM

  • @kevinking5783
    @kevinking5783 6 лет назад

    nice methods they are amazing