NY DEC Lawyer Calls Drone Deer Recovery

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 308

  • @michaelruss2513
    @michaelruss2513 9 месяцев назад +61

    I live in ny. Beautiful state. Being run by idiots.

    • @jefferyremington8397
      @jefferyremington8397 9 месяцев назад +14

      Facts, Love the state, hate the politics

    • @CMV14504
      @CMV14504 9 месяцев назад

      Once you get away from NYC, New York State is one of the most beautiful states in the country, but couldn’t agree more run by a bunch of total idiots

    • @BobleeBBQandOutdoors
      @BobleeBBQandOutdoors 9 месяцев назад +6

      Same. Love the state especially up north but our leadership could use a good refresh.

    • @backyardbucks824
      @backyardbucks824 9 месяцев назад +3

      You are spot on , it's a confusing bunch of rules of what season opens what closes to write tickets

    • @thefatman2897
      @thefatman2897 9 месяцев назад +3

      Crap like this is why people are moving out of ny

  • @John-lj8rv
    @John-lj8rv 9 месяцев назад +43

    In other words they are saying they have no way of taxing this activity to death. And this has been deemed illegal until we can figure a way to tax, license, permit and require insurance be bought from our big political donors which is insurance companies.

  • @stringbean585
    @stringbean585 9 месяцев назад +10

    I retired seven years ago as a deer biologist for the New York State DEC. One of my duties was serving on a team comprised of deer biologists from all nine DEC regions of the state, along with those from our main office in Albany. Our team was tasked with steering the management of deer in the state, and all that goes with that. Part of the team's management duties include reviewing the existing laws and regulations pertaining to deer, as well as keeping abreast of, and reviewing, new technologies, methods, and proposals pertaining to the deer, deer management, and deer hunting in the state. While I am no longer employed by New York State and can in no way still speak on their behalf, I can assure you that, based on my 15 or so years' experience as a member of the group, they are a very dedicated and capable group of biologists. I would not at all be surprised if they have already informally discussed the issue of drones in deer recovery, and I would expect that if and when the issue comes before them officially, they would give it serious and reasonable discussion and deliberation. Unfortunately, the wheels of government sometimes (ok, often!) work slower than we would like, and changes in laws and regulations often lag behind emerging technologies. I'd also like to commend you on this video. You presented a civil, respectful, well-spoken, and well-thought-out case which can only help your cause going forward. I wish you luck.

    • @Nobody-c6g
      @Nobody-c6g 9 месяцев назад +1

      Spoken like a company man. Dying breed. And that’s probably for the best. The state has done nothing to deserve your loyalty.
      You helped manage some of the worst deer hunting in the US…thanks so much.
      You spent your working years as a shill for insurance companies. We all have to make a living I guess.
      The wheels turn slow for one reason. The government needs to carefully consider how to overtax the service, then obfuscate the true intention of those tax dollars, and ultimately (and most importantly) their destination.
      Bloviate and filibuster all you like here - the clear and obvious right thing to do here is to allow the animal to be recovered.
      It's really simple. All possible means should be used to recover the downed animal. There is a service that offers that opportunity. There are people willing to work for, pay taxes on that income, then spend those post tax dollars on this service…of course paying their second tax (sales) on the service.
      Get out of here.

    • @theunknown2613
      @theunknown2613 9 месяцев назад +3

      Anyone who is a resident hunter, has been a resident hunter and even likely most non-resident hunters in NYS, know that NYS is incapable of properly managing whitetail deer. The doe to buck ratio is out of control and that is a direct result of the Biologist. It's not solely on the Biologist, I understand that however, a big part of it is. I've seen and read many articles based on research, written by biologist from different states environmental agencies. States I have personally hunted some of which are environmentally/geographically very similar to NY. Many things in these articles directly contradict what biologist in NYS have said in their articles. There are many examples, someone with a little time on their hands could find, read and analyze the stark differences with little effort. The thing is some of those states with differing opinions (based on research) have drastically better deer hunting and doe to buck ratios. NYS allows two bucks per year which is probably the biggest issue but a close second if not a tie is the doe management. There are counties or zones where it's damn near impossible to get DMP's. Yet, you go hunt these areas regularly and it's obvious there's a problem. When you can see 10-20 doe daily, especially in the first week of November and not see a single buck there's no more clear answer in my opinion. Not to mention go look at harvest reports from prior years. NYS has the potential to be a great whitetail state but I don't think it will ever happen. In 5-10 years I believe it could be turned around with three simple steps; Reduce it to a one buck state, State wide antler restrictions with some exceptions for youth and disabled individuals etc, Issue at a minimum 2x the number of doe tags. Another aspect on the issue is politicians and anti hunters. I recently spoke with an ENCON Officer at great length about some of the states issues and he openly admitted the state in his own words "Does a piss poor job of managing whitetail". He further stated that he "Truly believes that if they could, Albany would ban hunting all together". @stringbean585 sincerely I'd like to know what project/idea has NYS implemented in the last 30 years that actually had a real impact on improving whitetail management/habitat aside from clear cuts............ And to Drone Deer Recovery no one at the state level really truly cares what you have to say. If it even makes it in one ear, it will absolutely go right out the other. AND if you ever find yourself in NYS and in conversation with a ENCON Officer for whatever reason. From currently employed Police Officer in the state of NY just DON'T. Don't engage them on any level outside of lawful orders. Most of them, not all will turn your words on you , put words in your mouth and stretch the law to suit their need to make an arrest/issue a citation.

    • @BigDan7114
      @BigDan7114 9 месяцев назад

      @@theunknown2613they print doe permits for many counties by the thousand at $10 a piece. We were devestated by EHD. They still crank them out by the thousand.
      It’s more on general fund revenue vs biology.
      70 yrs ago you were lucky to see deer in this county.

  • @daveblankenbaker5882
    @daveblankenbaker5882 9 месяцев назад +15

    Good Luck on trying to deal with these people, it's impossible!

  • @justinjones6266
    @justinjones6266 9 месяцев назад +33

    From someone who has hunted for 40 plus years I think it's great there are technology options to help recover deer. However, just like the use of game cameras, technology will eventually lead to the abuse of such systems. This is why certain states have banned game cameras or put restrictions on them. I lived in Iowa for ten years. Those hunters will do ANYTHING to shoot a big buck. There's no hiding places anymore once drones are used. After being in a family of wildlife conservation/enforcement as a career I feel the only way this technology will be allowed will be through certified operators licensed with the States DNR. Yes, you are looking for a carcass ( no way to prove that) but what if it's alive? You can't un see where that animal is. Now you have gone from recovery a carcass to observing a wounded but alive animal. Now you might have to begin the hunt again to kill it. How do you unsee another buck that has nothing to do with the "carcass" you are looking for. Until these gray areas get addressed and answered the more unlikely this technology will be used. The answer/solution on the other hand if your the operator, licensed through the state DNR that you are the only one allowed to look at the screen and if the animal is alive you cannot give out its location there is no way to guarantee you are only recovering a carcass. These above issues will have to be addressed before this becomes accepted by most. Best of luck, I have enjoyed your videos and feel with the right steps this technology will be accepted.

    • @bellssuperclean
      @bellssuperclean 9 месяцев назад +1

      read this after my reply and your thinking the same thing as myself

    • @Ghost-rw5jr
      @Ghost-rw5jr 9 месяцев назад +12

      WIth respect...and I appreciate your well thought out point of view.... but restricting a lawful thing because of the potential for abuse is a slippery slope. Regardless or your opinion....or mine...or anyone's....we have to look at through the lens of...can the government restrict what you can do while conducting an otherwise lawful activity.

    • @dankoontz8216
      @dankoontz8216 9 месяцев назад +3

      I like the idea of having a certified operator running the drone and he is the only one that can see the camera but if the animal is dead then he should be able to give the hunter the location of said animal.

    • @20byrd
      @20byrd 9 месяцев назад +4

      Well said, you're not wrong. Half of this guy's own vids end in finding a wounded, not dead deer. What then? Oops, though he was dead, now we know right where he is? There's literally no way of knowing 100% you're searching for a dead deer.

    • @dianerichardson-workingcla4013
      @dianerichardson-workingcla4013 9 месяцев назад +3

      You have good points. Let’s say animal is located but not dead. (Super common with both drone and tracking dogs) do you know any hunter willing to walk away from that deer because it’s illegal to use a drone to locate animals as part of a hunt and the dispatch of a drone located deer is illegal in many states.

  • @timcolton4680
    @timcolton4680 9 месяцев назад +4

    Your approach has the right attitude and I wish your endeavor well. I know full well that drones have been, are and will be used to hunt game. Hence the reason for the hard no. Happy Flying and Beware of Trees.

  • @johndhead1
    @johndhead1 9 месяцев назад +10

    As a drone owner from western NY I am watching this very carefully. Best wishes.

    • @lisabishop6266
      @lisabishop6266 9 месяцев назад

      What happens if you shot a deer on land you're allowed to shoot on, but then the deer hops a fence and ends up on private property where the home owners have no idea a wounded/dying deer is on? Can you still claim it w/out the home owner pressing trespassing charges etc?

    • @kody3377
      @kody3377 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@lisabishop6266I would say just like the law says. You need to contact the landowner & if he is not willing to give permission then you contact your local DNR. They will come out & assist with the recovery.
      I’m speaking about before drones you had to do it that way & still do.
      If the drone law is passed then I assume you would do it the same way.

    • @Hock3y24k
      @Hock3y24k 6 дней назад

      @@kody3377 partially correct, in NY the game warden can not allow you to go get it, or get it themselves without landowner permission.

  • @mea3629
    @mea3629 9 месяцев назад +2

    Love what you do! As a nys resident don't bother arguing with them.Doesnt matter what you do or say they will change laws to prevent you from freedoms and common sense. Move on brother they hate hunting and people who hunt.

  • @pandaeatingpancakes9570
    @pandaeatingpancakes9570 9 месяцев назад +4

    I live in MI I would love it if one day we would be able to have it so that we could use drones to recover deer. Being able to use drones like this is defiantly starting a new era and I just hope that people see this as a positive and good thing rather than what the bad might come from it.

  • @paulnugent5139
    @paulnugent5139 9 месяцев назад +10

    the same trust they give a hunter to go into the field and hunt ethically is the same trust they should give you guys operating these drones. Like you said anything in the wrong hands can be used for bad. people poach all the time but they don't cancel hunting because of it. they trust the majority will do the right thing and accept the few bad apples. this is no different.

  • @zebrobson2639
    @zebrobson2639 9 месяцев назад +4

    As a NY hunter I think we need this tech. I can't hunt with a dog but I can track with a dog so I don't know how this is any different. Ugh, I love the area but hate NY legislation sometimes. If there's anything I can do to help you, lemme know.

  • @precisioncinematography2828
    @precisioncinematography2828 9 месяцев назад +2

    Please keep us updated for NY!

  • @fiveseasonswillard
    @fiveseasonswillard 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for standing your ground. We 100% agree with your statement. If this technology exists and it's used for the good, doesn't that benefit everyone? Well ok, maybe not the conservation department. What a dilemma! We run a youth mentor program here at Five Seasons teaching kids to hunt and, you know what? These young hunters make unfortunate shots with about 30% of the deer not being recovered. And it tears them up knowing that they hit the deer but we just can't find it with conventional means. 99.9% of the time it's because of a lost blood trail and we find the carcass 3 weeks later during our regular gun deer season. It's disgusting! I don't care what state you are in. If someone files a petition to change legislation on this, i will be one of the first to sign. Stay strong guys!

  • @ScottWConvid19
    @ScottWConvid19 9 месяцев назад +3

    The one thing that I am opposed to is being in an agreement with having more government controls or oversight. The Constitution of The United States does not permit the government to restrict a man's pursuit of life, liberty or happiness.
    But we're not living in a Constitutional republic, we're living in a corporate dictatorship and the enforcement of the legislative actions that are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States are done by men and woman that swore a solemn oath to defend said Constitution. They are oath breakers and treasonous to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

  • @Steve-mp2fr
    @Steve-mp2fr 9 месяцев назад +3

    A year ago at an outdoor show I approached the NY DEC table and asked the Game Warden if he was aware of the technology and wanted to get a deeper understanding of NY stance. After him stating he knew nothing about it he then proceeded to tell me that there is NO way he would ever be for it. He was a complete jerk during the entire conversation and spoke with such arrogance I ended up calling him out for being a jerk and was completely turned off by how someone who is employed by the state and funded by the taxpayer could represent the way he did.
    I ended up sending an email to the NY DEC and again was shut down on the option of using this technology.
    State is a mess on so many levels and unfortunately looks grim with those that think they are in charge
    *at least we have the Bills!!!

    • @byronross8667
      @byronross8667 9 месяцев назад +1

      He knows very well of the technology, conservation officers, game wardens, DNR have some of the highest technology you could imagine, most times local law enforcement will use the DNR drone technology to help in investigations. He was probably being a jerk because you asked him about the technology and they don't want people knowing about it. I called out a dnr one day after I hit a deer and asked him if the drones not far from us we're his, he never answered and acted as if I never said anything. That's how quiet they keep there technology

    • @calvins1837
      @calvins1837 9 месяцев назад

      I've had a different response, ones I've talked to are for it.

  • @ccassidy3284
    @ccassidy3284 9 месяцев назад +2

    I think it would be a great idea for petition. It is absurd that this tech is illegal for recovery. I wonder if the NDA would be helpful with this. They send out petition blasts often via e-mail that make it very easy to sign.

  • @FishingwithFro
    @FishingwithFro 9 месяцев назад +2

    Sadly the only thing that will change thr existing standings are if one of you gets a ticket and has to take it to court.

  • @floridaguyoutdoors6325
    @floridaguyoutdoors6325 9 месяцев назад +3

    Social media will be the downfall of everything

  • @joecarroll7087
    @joecarroll7087 9 месяцев назад +6

    I would like to hear his response to, hunting deer with dogs and flashlights is strictly illegal, but using them to recover is acceptable. I would be curious to how drone technology differs in any way.

    • @upstatearms4
      @upstatearms4 9 месяцев назад +1

      Never even thought of that! However Iam unaware of any services in upstate NY for tracking dogs. I know there use to be one guy I met at an outdoor show about a decade back but they were located out in Western NY

    • @TheWildlifeGallery388
      @TheWildlifeGallery388 9 месяцев назад +1

      Well first a dog is set on a blood trail to FIND the carcass (on a leash) with NO known location. The Drone on the other hand finds every Deer in the search not just the supposed dead one and its exact location can be identified PRIOR to you leaving your truck. That's a pretty huge difference. The technology is amazing and very accurate, While I feel he has every RIGHT intention with this, I'm not sure how you'd get a jury of his peers to unanimously agree that it should be put in place. I too, feel it's a slippery slope, which is why I would vote no on it myself. Yes I have game Cameras - Yes I use them - Yes I feel there should be limits to them as well. - Maybe a solution - maybe they could do the same as Alaska does - you cannot fly and hunt the same day - this is to cut down on people using aircraft to locate animals and then stalk in on foot. Maybe a 24-hr delay before you can go recover the carcass - yeah, some will rot prior to that - But that might be a happy compromise?

    • @upstatearms4
      @upstatearms4 9 месяцев назад +1

      @TheWildlifeGallery388 do you live in NY? there is no compromise. As a land owner it should be my choice on how I choose to recover a deer if all other means of recovery fail. As far as the tracking dogs on a leash? What group do you know that does this and not just leads to get them out of the truck to go to last blood and then set then free with thier GPS tracking collars? To say it can be misused etc. Then why not just van hunting all together? I mean poaching and spot lighting is illegal, shooting from the road is illegal yet it still happens and I for one am DONE with paying for the actions of God damn criminals. As far as Alaska goes and you can't hunt the day you fly in? That's Alaska not NY. Night and day.

    • @TheWildlifeGallery388
      @TheWildlifeGallery388 9 месяцев назад

      @@upstatearms4 - are you looking for ways to make it legal or just rant about things you don’t like that other people post ? It will be people like yourself as to why it gets turned down - do I believe you should have the right to do what ever on your land - yes - but this attitude won’t serve the general hunting public - besides you’re involving another person to fly the drone and like it or not - they are gunning to shut this activity down - if you want to save it - you’re going to need to get to these game department on your side - I’m sure your sweet demeanor will win them over

    • @upstatearms4
      @upstatearms4 9 месяцев назад

      @TheWildlifeGallery388 so you're not from NY. It's classic though you try to make an eloquent rebuttle because you took my comment that was just as lengthy as yours as a personal attack. See in Michigan, I do not live there my comment was short and sweet. Have thousands that agree. Perhaps you should start looking at the reality of things instead of living in whatver alternate reality you live in. Ya know like Alaska. But I digress, it's hard to comment here that you're for something but what this and that restriction. You sound alot like every gun fud thar says "iam pro second amendment but we need x,y,z restrictions because of criminals" that mentality fits across the board. You wear it wellm

  • @johnhermenet
    @johnhermenet 9 месяцев назад +2

    I think it would be great to have drone recovery there are so many deer rotting out there, A group of friends and i put on small game drives to kick out rabbits or grouse or what ever an last time in High Tor state land just after deer season would close we came across 21 dead deer gone to waste and thats a shame and a lot of them had very good hits on them but never found

  • @benblazek3305
    @benblazek3305 9 месяцев назад +1

    Should've asked what statute you were violating and what existing case precedent they have in their favor, or did they just make up some new bs....

  • @garretts1604
    @garretts1604 9 месяцев назад +4

    A few aspects to consider.
    The guy in the phone did not sound like counsel for the NYSDEC. Far too plain language and they’re never willing to share information this openly.
    A question for you to ask is whether this changes if you’re a NYS(DEC) licensed blood tracker.
    Next- your enemy, and I’d bet where this came from, is Deersearch, the deer dog tracking group. They’re dead set against the tech.
    DEC violations/citations are decided in the local municipal court where the ticket was issued.
    Lastly, the vast majority of hunting in NY is on small parcels. Not to play the other side of the coin but do pilots even ask if the hunter has permission when flying across property lines? To me, this is where I get ethically “hung up” despite loving the tech, service and premise. NY hunters tend to be the shadiest for compliance of any state.

    • @nickwojieck
      @nickwojieck 9 месяцев назад

      There is little if any regulation on airspace in regards to cross property lines. The corner crossers are dealing with this right now

    • @upstatearms4
      @upstatearms4 9 месяцев назад

      Curious. Do you live in NY and are you a landowner?

    • @robz4522
      @robz4522 9 месяцев назад

      100% correct the people who make the hunting laws live in the city where drones are not permitted so you will never be able to use drones. in NYS you need a muzzleloader license for a cross bow not a bow license so you can only hunt 2 weeks out of the bow season, bc The Bow association think your going to kill all the deer!! ALL POLITICAL
      If it makes sense it wont make it in NY! Good Luck

  • @brianalling5483
    @brianalling5483 9 месяцев назад +5

    I’ve said it before, and I would be interested in what they have to say about the use of dogs. It’s essentially the same thing. The law says you can’t “hunt deer” with dogs. But hunters are aloud “recover” a “dead, or presumed dead” deer. I’d love to hear their reply. This is specifically in New York, btw.

    • @joelzelko1537
      @joelzelko1537 9 месяцев назад +3

      I'm a licensed tracker in NY, there's an law written to allow dogs. The law reads That the use of dogs is illegal to hunt deer except licensed tracking dogs.

    • @brianalling5483
      @brianalling5483 9 месяцев назад

      @@joelzelko1537 Nice! It seems to me then, they can do the same for drones. Thanks for the update!

    • @Derrek4Real
      @Derrek4Real 9 месяцев назад +1

      I am also a licensed tracker in NY. I don't agree with it at all. I think NY is right.... keep ur drones.... 😂

  • @thedeercamp
    @thedeercamp 9 месяцев назад +1

    I like how they always say “the statue is very clear” when in fact it’s very unclear lol.

  • @TroySteiner-u2l
    @TroySteiner-u2l 9 месяцев назад +1

    I think new york needs to adjust its view on the new technology. Hunting is and will always be ever changing, and it needs to be addressed. There will always be people abusing the law, thats why the DEC is there, but for those who respect and appreciate the laws it will benefit so many. I hope they truly look it over. I love what you do mike keep it up.

    • @zachg6456
      @zachg6456 9 месяцев назад

      New York is behind the curve on everything hunting. It wasn’t until a couple years ago they changed the legal shooting hours to match the rest of the country. They also don’t use an e-notch system like some other states. At this point if done deer recovery doesn’t financially benefit the state they aren’t going to do anything about it.

  • @Efftube3
    @Efftube3 9 месяцев назад

    Good luck Mike! Illinois is where I hunt and many times I wish I had something like you're offering. Hopefully one day Springfield will change the laws and you can go in Illinois!

  • @Isaiah41o13
    @Isaiah41o13 9 месяцев назад

    Make a petition and I'll sign it. As a NY hunter, there were two times this year I could've used this tech to help locate 2 different deer - one was a good buck. It's extremely moronic for them to be against tech like thos if they actually care about responsible conservation.

    • @joshsaville5794
      @joshsaville5794 9 месяцев назад

      There’s one floating around actually.

  • @bellssuperclean
    @bellssuperclean 9 месяцев назад +1

    I love your channel and have been watching it from the beginning. i agree with you this is a great source for the hunters and have had friends use it already. the only problem i can see they will use against you is the fact when you are looking the client is watching and learning where his game animals are bedding and traveling from your scanning for the dead deer. which they may not of know prior to the drone footage. is it cool for the client to be able to watch yes i get it your showing them more of what u can do but on the bad side you are showing alot of information they may not of already knew. i think the big screen should go way and the client has to just trust you from what you are saying you are seeing. would sure help support your fight against these other states. I hope it all works out for you hope to use it myself some day and if i was younger i would be on board and have one myself with your company.

  • @rgroller4683
    @rgroller4683 9 месяцев назад

    If you rite the petition I promise you I'll personally hand it to the senators. I'm retired I don't have nothing else better to do and by the way I've already called them twice this morning!

  • @mikesauer7775
    @mikesauer7775 9 месяцев назад

    You definitely need to clarify the difference between recovery and active hunting. I heard somewhere you can't hunt for 24hrs after you fly over the hunt area. Except maybe permited for damage control

  • @ellobo1326
    @ellobo1326 9 месяцев назад +1

    What’s to stop a drone operator from saying he/she is looking for his lost dog, pig, goat, cat etc. if a warden comes upon him while flying ? If the state governments are gonna assume the worst, then the only way they could stop it is to outlaw drone flight completely ? Am I wrong ?

    • @byronross8667
      @byronross8667 9 месяцев назад

      Your exactly right, drone deer recovery just needs to change there headline name, call it looking for your pet or trophy pet, they can't stop you from flying and it would be impossible for them to prove your looking for a deer, unless they try and set you up, that's whenever you talk to someone and they try to constantly use deer recovery just remind them it's a trophy pet recovery, no recorded evidence no proof! And honestly how many people don't have names for deer there hunting, I watch videos and everyone has a buck named, there's your pet guys run with it

  • @nicholasvincent7270
    @nicholasvincent7270 9 месяцев назад

    When you go to a customer, do you show them the live thermal images? My concern would the customers using that essentially as scouting. I agree with your argument but that is one of the concern you may want to address in your responses.

  • @busterellis7188
    @busterellis7188 9 месяцев назад +1

    Its probably going to take you getting arrested or written a ticket then you can fight it in court. That will be the only way to change the statute. Or go to a senator or congressman.

  • @Ghost-rw5jr
    @Ghost-rw5jr 9 месяцев назад +1

    His argument that people may use abuse it doesn't pass the smell test. The FAA has set forth provisions where drone pilots can fly and where they can not. It's that simple. New York can't restrict that because of the potential of abuse or because of what you may see while airborne. By his argument, no one could fly any drone in NY because of the potential use for an unlawful purpose.

  • @mattlopez5418
    @mattlopez5418 9 месяцев назад

    Would the same apply for using a vehicle or an atv? If I use my 4 wheeler or truck to help me locate a deer that would be the same..... I'd fight it in court if it happens to me

  • @johnsawyer4259
    @johnsawyer4259 9 месяцев назад

    In new york state it by definition is illegal to hunt deer with dogs, yet it's perfectly legal to track a wounded deer with a dog... what is the difference besides technology?

  • @ronaldames9953
    @ronaldames9953 9 месяцев назад +3

    The problem lies in there is nothing in it for the DNR. such as money to do this. If you would have to buy a permit to even use the drone to recover a deer maybe but a Big maybe they would change things. All in the money my friend like any sport you see now.

    • @ScottWConvid19
      @ScottWConvid19 9 месяцев назад

      Yep. It's not about conservation of resources, it's about acquisition of money and power.

  • @boostimalaka1
    @boostimalaka1 9 месяцев назад

    The major issue with hunting is trespassing. During the hunting season you will get someone walking around your property caught on trail camera. I have heard the excuse I have permission to use this land to saying they are tracking a deer.
    In New York, you must get permission to enter private property.
    The technology has improved with Cellular Trail Cameras that really helps monitor deer movement and trespassing issues.
    I can see the use of deer tracking dogs being supplemented with drones for carcass recovery.

  • @timleonard-zx8jy
    @timleonard-zx8jy 9 месяцев назад

    What percentage of drone recovery attempts result in discovering a live animal? An expired animal? Would a compromise be a hunter can contact a state-sanctioned drone recovery operator only after he/she has contacted a state-sanctioned dog recovery outfit that was unsuccessful in finding the animal?

  • @CnyGuy
    @CnyGuy 9 месяцев назад +1

    Sounds like he wants to see the literature to find another loophole in it to use against you in court.

  • @TheRealKurtB
    @TheRealKurtB 9 месяцев назад

    The Ag Drones link in the description doesn’t work.

  • @anthonymerritt2634
    @anthonymerritt2634 5 месяцев назад

    I like how the law says you cannot hunt deer “with the aid of a dog, or aircraft of any kind” but you can used dogs to recover deer but not drones. Can't wait to see where this goes.

  • @jeffthomas3076
    @jeffthomas3076 9 месяцев назад

    Please keep up the push to modernize the laws here in ny. Maybe take the approach of helping combat Cronic Wasting Disease by recovering carcass and not letting wild life consume and spread the prion diseases that exist in all states.

  • @AndrewGarnerAdventures
    @AndrewGarnerAdventures 9 месяцев назад

    Lawyer is litigating the assumption of using it for hunting.

  • @Kamikaze3557
    @Kamikaze3557 9 месяцев назад

    Oh, boy I kind of a feeling that I understand where that lawyer is coming from, I know of a few fellas who would or have used it for hunting purposes, "if" it wasn’t such a inconvenience to set it up when all they want to do is go hunting , I see them trying it once ,then say, it ain’t worth the extra time and effort, but then there are hunting clubs who could include it in their routine. I do love your videos and look at them as you intend, recovery of what would / could end up as hunting waste, what if you find a deer thru recovery and it’s mortally wounded ,does one wait for it to die or put it out of is misery? Dang I’m confused, keep up the good work in the mean time.

  • @wildoutdoorsandmore
    @wildoutdoorsandmore 9 месяцев назад

    Because fishermen have fish finders in their boats, does that mean it’s illegal to use it to locate live fish? Then, it’s up to the fishermen and their equipment to catch/capture the fish. Does the use of a drone constitute a double standard for the same purpose of locating game? Where it becomes a problem is when a firearm is mounted to the drone (a powerful drone) for the intent of hunting and/or killing a live deer.

  • @thomassasalar3869
    @thomassasalar3869 9 месяцев назад +3

    Lot's of LUCK working with New York .

    • @robz4522
      @robz4522 9 месяцев назад +1

      where you now need a backround check to buy ammo!

  • @ericlava8898
    @ericlava8898 9 месяцев назад

    Based on explanation wouldn’t using a dog be the same thing she used in an area where no dog hunting is allowed ?

  • @RGratson
    @RGratson 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mike. Keep at it. I was involved with getting the crossbow legal here in Pa. This is very doable. Talk to lawmakers and upper PGC personal. I’m sure they would be interested in hearing about it from someone like you who is established in the field. They could “sunshine” this like the crossbow. Create a permit system and program to contact the local Conservation Officers of activity that will be occurring. I’m sure the PGC biologist would also be interested in data/health/population/cwd you could acquire. Just a heads up

  • @speckscott
    @speckscott 9 месяцев назад

    Maybe present to the powers that be that if you decide to have a drone find your deer that you are willing to use this tag as if the deer is dead even if found alive. This would make it impossible to abuse the system.

  • @Retired2013
    @Retired2013 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is a great subject…. Ny and other states need to look at this as a good thing, we as hunters, owe every thing ethical to our sport of hunting and the animals in which we pursue… if we didn’t have this technology available, yes hunters would go kill another animal and, there is one already out there that should have gotten that tag, I myself have lost game, but I quit hunting for that year knowing I had an animal I used it on, that was most likely dead, but I couldn’t recover…. Those states that disagree with drone recovery, need to make a recovery law, with the use of drones… it says a hunter MUST Make all means of recovery. Well this is one of them, make it so, the hunter can’t review your search, until it is confirmed dead, and you can only inform them if it isn’t, and don’t let them know it’s location if so… simply…. Anyways great job, love your show and efforts to help us hunters, thus keeping animal rights activist off our back, they can continue to eat their rabbit food

  • @kennybowman696
    @kennybowman696 9 месяцев назад

    Can you give a update on what is going on with your case in michigan?

  • @BigKeithDog
    @BigKeithDog 9 месяцев назад

    I guess s big part of the law could be that, the drone operator would have to call the DEC and inform them of the operator, location, Hunter's information ECT. That alone would create a trail, for the potential abusers of the rules to be found out, especially after multiple times.

  • @robertdahse4569
    @robertdahse4569 9 месяцев назад

    How does the law work for tracking dogs where dogs are not allowed for hunting deer ?

  • @vikingriverwarrior2515
    @vikingriverwarrior2515 8 месяцев назад

    the lawyer you were talking with hates hunters and those participating in it .... good luck i'm with you

  • @ianharper1189
    @ianharper1189 9 месяцев назад +2

    as a resident of upstate N.Y I was waiting for this to happen. Everything is illegal here

  • @ronfarrell08
    @ronfarrell08 9 месяцев назад

    They let dogs recover deer here in Missouri but you can't use dogs to run deer... sounds like the same thing happening with the drone deal

  • @dougsmith5946
    @dougsmith5946 9 месяцев назад +1

    U r one smart amish dude!

  • @mistyduvall1313
    @mistyduvall1313 9 месяцев назад +1

    I think the t technology is great, for locating carcasses

  • @paulkoontz6095
    @paulkoontz6095 9 месяцев назад

    Maybe contact the institute for justice attorneys.

  • @JakeB-920
    @JakeB-920 9 месяцев назад

    as a resident of NY and a life long hunter and having been a cinematic drone pilot for over 5 years now, let me know how i can help!!!

  • @BigCityCountryBoi
    @BigCityCountryBoi 9 месяцев назад +1

    Dude is "omi in a hellcat" in drone recovery

  • @BeltFedToys
    @BeltFedToys 9 месяцев назад

    New York doesn't allow hunting deer with dogs but they allow the recovery of deer carcasses with dogs during the bow season.

  • @lethalimpactoutdoors4866
    @lethalimpactoutdoors4866 9 месяцев назад

    He says a drone could be used to hunt deer, you made a great comment that anything in bad hands can be used for bad things. You can have a guy with a dog come try to find your deer, I have used it, on the track we jumped several deer with those dogs, could have taken any one of them but myself and the dog handlers are not bad people and we didn’t, how is this any different than what your doing?

  • @jimmycollette9209
    @jimmycollette9209 9 месяцев назад

    I remember when compound bows were illegal. There's still hope.

  • @zacharycullen3677
    @zacharycullen3677 9 месяцев назад

    How about a process like a dog handler uses? They have to call in when they start a track and have to report how it goes and record your license number. I say use this technology and certify these guys but give them guidelines and rules on how to handle it

  • @onewolf1959
    @onewolf1959 9 месяцев назад

    There will always be Poachers, using any means necessary whether its a Drone, cam or spotlighting or whatever the poachers have came up with!
    I've been flying drones for a few years now, I have an Original Autel . I'm also into Photography anywho I thought about getting into using drones in Wedding Photography but just like anything else If you make a penny in anyway shape or form then you will have to get a Pilot's Permit to use a Drone!!!!!
    Finding lost dead deer would be awesome but Im sure you have to have a License for that even if all you did was post it on FB or YT. Right?
    One thing that would help keep ppl from using the info that you find is Not letting anyone know what you have found, unless its the deer they shot!

  • @jimlambert4883
    @jimlambert4883 9 месяцев назад

    I believe you will need to challenge these state regulations to create case law that addresses your specific operation. The lawyer keeped saying the regulations were clear. Case law is clear. They are coming at this as an enforcement view. All actions are bad and devious, so don't allow it to begin with. Raise funds to legally fight their biases and create case law to protect your rights. Law enforcement has forgotten that we are all innocent until proven guilty. Regulations are meant to protect us from abuse, not meant to restrict basic rights in order to make it easier for law enforcement. Court cases fix out of control law enforcement. I, for one, will donate!

  • @alxb2003
    @alxb2003 9 месяцев назад

    You just got the same treatment as the don so far as mew yourk. Squarely behind enemy lines.

  • @brandondaigle6759
    @brandondaigle6759 9 месяцев назад

    Its cause ur blowing up but seems like u doing it right and she was clearly aware you are suing michigan so at the least its starting a convo and that is the right direction.

  • @tickleevergreen9418
    @tickleevergreen9418 9 месяцев назад

    Youd think a state over run with deer struggling to find hunters would be open to this

  • @Mailman29680
    @Mailman29680 9 месяцев назад

    You have said in many of your videos that you did not believe a deer was dead and actually showed the animals. In this video you claim you are only looking for a carcass but many times your own videos disprove this argument. Would you fly the drone for a carcass with punishment possible if the animal is still alive?

  • @BigCityCountryBoi
    @BigCityCountryBoi 9 месяцев назад +1

    Dude basically snitched 1:45 into the convo...what a great man of integrity he is...WOW

  • @joeltgardenier
    @joeltgardenier 9 месяцев назад +1

    Good luck here in NY they consider a crossbow a muzzleloader it's horrible here

    • @robz4522
      @robz4522 9 месяцев назад +2

      Right On ! BC the NYS Bow Assoc lobbies for that

    • @joeltgardenier
      @joeltgardenier 9 месяцев назад

      @@robz4522 I now they do but dec still calls it so even though they now it's rong

    • @timmyholman2853
      @timmyholman2853 9 месяцев назад

      had a game warden tell me one day "anything that protrudes a projectile is considered a firearm"
      so,i ask him " a slingshot is a firearm".. he said technically "yes" stupid people

  • @F22Ra
    @F22Ra 9 месяцев назад +1

    It’s cool tech but I’m also worried that it will be significantly abused.

  • @fryefamilyaoutdoors
    @fryefamilyaoutdoors 9 месяцев назад

    I was in the Army 8 years and a lot of guys I served with, said they would hunt surrounding states and they stopped hunting New York because their laws were non sense and unethical. Their words not mine. If you haven't had issues with the state of Arizona, you will eventually. 2 or 3 years ago the DNR in Arizona made it illegal for hunters to use game cameras because they find it "cheating, unethical and unsportsman like." A lot of US states will allow the use of thermals to locate and recover game and they find it as an ethical means to find game as long as firearms and bows are not carried during the process of recovery. States are getting way to political and finding ways to punish hunters and gun owners. I am not trying to create a political rant but that is the truth on what's going on in a lot of states. What you do is ethical in the hunting community and I think what you do is amazing. To recover a deer or any game is the right thing to do. To recover your game not only does it provide food for a family, it is proper conservation and a good sportsman thing to do.

  • @BS.-.-
    @BS.-.- 9 месяцев назад

    A lawyer is not a judge.

  • @shootingatshadow
    @shootingatshadow 9 месяцев назад

    NYS allows dogs for recovery tracking but not for pursuit, isn't this logically the same thing!?

  • @rgroller4683
    @rgroller4683 9 месяцев назад

    Kentucky fish and game so far is cool with drone so far.

  • @nickwojieck
    @nickwojieck 9 месяцев назад +1

    I posted this comment on a video a few weeks ago. They sent out a letter to all hunters stating it was illegal. It sucks because the best technology possible is being thrown out. The joys of living in a blue state. I feel like you handled this call very professionally and appreciate your help. Would love to get our politicians in NYC to be open to understanding and conversations about crossbows as well

    • @nicklausmisiti5204
      @nicklausmisiti5204 14 дней назад

      Lol you mean the trangender animal rights activist jew Deborah glick? I'm sure "it's" reasonable.

  • @tw6896
    @tw6896 9 месяцев назад

    To begin, lawyers do not make laws or interpret laws. They do use scare tactics and mis interpret laws to bully people. The statute is clear that aerial vehicles cannot be used to hunt deer but as you said, finding dead deer isn’t hunting at that point. Additionally, if bag limits are in place to protect wildlife, then finding and tagging harvested wildlife should be paramount to these agencies.
    In regard to his off base comments about people could misuse the technology, that applies as you said to everything. To use his logic, you shouldn’t be allowed to use a firearm to hunt with because someone might misuse it to poach with. It’s comments like that when they expose themselves for not having a case to begin with. Ultimately, if these out of control government agencies refuse to work with the people in finding solutions, the it will have to go to court and have it ruled upon. I hope you find some good lawyers to take up your case.

  • @EricBynog-zd4rd
    @EricBynog-zd4rd 9 месяцев назад

    There is going to have be control over this like guy said you can’t overlook the other live deer you see as your looking for your dead doe and see a 190 inch buck you going go hunt him so it will have to be the operator views the screen only have them sign wavier and maybe no hunting on that land for week or 2 weeks but problem with that is what if there are bunch people hunting a tract land

  • @D.C7MM
    @D.C7MM 9 месяцев назад

    It’s the same in the part of Canada I’m in can’t use any type of aircraft/drone for any hunting activities it in our hunting regulations

    • @russr
      @russr 8 месяцев назад

      the point is, body recovery isnt "hunting"... hunting is what happened prior...

  • @JohnDoe-xq8sk
    @JohnDoe-xq8sk 9 месяцев назад

    If the hunters can provide you a video of the shot then you should be legally able to help them, if it's just their word then they could be lying like the lawyer was saying. I think that's the only way to get around poachers utilizing you, which I do believe some people have done in a few of your videos. They can get a camera like tacticam to provide evidence and if they don't want to do that then they shouldn't be allowed to use a drone business to recover it. If they can afford to call you, they can afford a camera. That camera will in also allow them to make better judgment themselves if they even think it's worth calling you or if they made a terrible shot or missed.

  • @ukjw2
    @ukjw2 9 месяцев назад

    Shoulda brought up tracking stuff night. Or using dogs(if legal in that state). If recovery with drones is considered hunting then so it blood trailing at night.

  • @davidward6670
    @davidward6670 9 месяцев назад +1

    You can’t hunt the kings animals without paying the kings taxes

  • @rayrocha7844
    @rayrocha7844 9 месяцев назад

    There's laws & statues cover aircraft, but does it cover UAS's(unmanned aircraft system)? This is what the FAA calls a drone.

  • @TimberRidgerenovation
    @TimberRidgerenovation 9 месяцев назад

    As a fellow upstate ny er, I would love to be able to use this tech to help fellow hunters out to recover their kill. I agree in the wrong hands it'll def get abused and ruins it for all just like almost everyting else. You could make the argument about Dec so concerned with protecting the wildlife throughout ny, why allow the use of heavily modified electronics to fish our lakes? With live imaging and mapping you basically are told where the fish are and its completely excepted. So why can't you use tech to simply find a dead animal in the woods?? Not to hunt with, not to find the live deer like you do with sonar and fishing?? Make no sense!

  • @michaelflores572
    @michaelflores572 9 месяцев назад +4

    I’m not going to lie when I first discovered this Tech a month and a half ago it Immediately wanted me to go out and buy one of these drones so I can scout deer.

    • @kody3377
      @kody3377 9 месяцев назад

      Like he said anything can be illegal in the wrong hands.
      I agree that the operator should be licensed with that state.

    • @calvins1837
      @calvins1837 9 месяцев назад +2

      Nothing stopping you from scouting. I use them to check populations after season to plan how many does we would like to take next season.

    • @kody3377
      @kody3377 9 месяцев назад

      @@calvins1837 yep, after season you can scout all ya want.
      Just done during.

    • @calvins1837
      @calvins1837 9 месяцев назад

      @kody3377 I look for my dog a lot during season, and trespassers. You know after you shoot a deer, you like to make sure no one is hunting on you before you go get your deer.😉

  • @ckiefner715
    @ckiefner715 9 месяцев назад

    I would say this. You shouldn’t talk to a lawyer without your own lawyer.

  • @justanbaker8937
    @justanbaker8937 9 месяцев назад

    Here is an argument for the ban. In your videos you do point out oh look there is many deer in this certain area and oh look at this big buck. That in itself is giving the hunter an advantage to know where deer are specifically bedding and that they are in that specific spot. As a hunter .myself I would be more likely to know hunt that area in the near future. Any way you argue this is bad for hunting. I'm not trying to hate. I in fact looked into becoming a drone recovery franchise through you. It's just bad all around for the sport. People suck and will abuse it 100%

  • @rideybluef
    @rideybluef 9 месяцев назад

    I'm a ny hunter and feel this technology would be great here. For the use of finding a deer carcus. I find it funny how you can't hunt deer with dogs but can go track a blood trail with a dog why can't you use a drone do the same thing? Nys needs to pull their heads out of their a** the laws here are a bunch of BS

  • @johnbailey6022
    @johnbailey6022 9 месяцев назад +1

    What happened with, you are responsible to do every effort to recover a fatally hit animal?

  • @jasonpowell3080
    @jasonpowell3080 9 месяцев назад +3

    Every state should make it legal to recover deer with this technology!

  • @barnfly
    @barnfly 9 месяцев назад

    Think of what your going to say when the irs calls you.

  • @carlsiple9512
    @carlsiple9512 9 месяцев назад

    In New York you can use dogs to track downed deer. How can you assure the deer is dead then? If you can say the deer is down and use a dog I feel you should be able to use a drone, seems it would be far less intrusive and for sure not move deer like a tracking dog that can't tell love from dead deer!!

  • @christopherwatson283
    @christopherwatson283 9 месяцев назад

    I'd verify the Letterhead. Comes across as a Scam. He's not the Gamey. Wildlife Department Policies are the Rules. Don't let them waste your time by distracting You. You have to call the Gamey in Okieville to use Dogs to Track with. I have not checked the Regs. concerning Drones. The Trackers using Dogs don't appear happy about the Technology being applied to the Recovery of Game. I use to Hunt with Bird Dogs. Informing the Gamey was not required. Some of the Rules are behind the Times and It may take an Act of Congress to get a needed Change.

  • @Duserock33
    @Duserock33 9 месяцев назад +1

    Everything is illegal in NY.

  • @jeffhublit7301
    @jeffhublit7301 Месяц назад

    I am running into the same issue in Minnesota.. What a nightmare! Thugs with guns and pens >.

  • @ericmcdonald7660
    @ericmcdonald7660 9 месяцев назад

    I’m assuming it’s legal in NY to look for lost pets with a drone?

    • @RKG64
      @RKG64 9 месяцев назад +1

      I'll bet dollars to donuts if a game warden was lost somewhere and feared to be injured, Mike would be the first one to get a call..... just sayin'- shoe on other foot is an interesting argument.