the Mitznefet is getting phased out... we have a love hate relationship with it, they can get stuck in Shrubland and they also have a habbit of becoming nests for camel spiders if left alone unattended.
@Hans Virtually all WW1 footage is either training footage or staged battles for the propaganda departaments of beligerant countries. Soldiers in said footage fall to the ground for the camera
It’s always funny watching other soldiers slip and fall. I don’t feel bad for it because I know they would laugh at me if it happened too. Even the chaplains.
I can already hear US Army 1st Sgt and Sgt Majors freaking out about something like this, remember, nothing is more important to these guys as uniformity over everything else
@@ab5olut3zero95 Individual soldiers usually see only their own individual narrow view. Their superiors have to think of the whole picture. Individual soldiers don't win wars. Economy, politics, strategy, and the military do.
I saw a military forum thread where one of the participants referring to the general shape, something along the lines of them looking like mushrooms, which "would only further encourage the brass to keep us in the dark and feed us shit"
And that's probably most of the reason the US doesn't use it. "It's sloppy, it's uneven, the troops look like idiots wearing it". Effectiveness is irrelevant in some quarters of the US military if it looks 'bad'.
I made something similar to this when I was a kid for playing paintball. I thought it was badass until I tried to run through some pine trees and the branches snagged in the netting and stopped my head cold. Unfortunately, my feet kept going after my head stopped... It was probably funny to watch, in retrospect.
i have made a complete tit of myself many times playing paintball. your one sounds distinctly funny. for me the commonest is to leave my foot behind running for a bunker. mostly its my boot stopping to say hi to a tree root and me ending up fact palming the ground. but my best one ever was diving into a hut and collapsing it with half the other team lighting me up all the way.
When it comes to camouflage, color and pattern is only half the story. What is most important and generally overlooked is the art of breaking up your silhouette. The human brain is super quick at spotting the human shape, even when the color is matched perfectly. Turning invisible is at this point in time impossible.
That is the exact thing the miznefet do. The dimensions of the miznefet are larger than the helmet and its shape is not defined, in order to "break" the circular geometric shape of the helmet
Председатель партии Наш дом Израиль, депутат кнессета Авигдор Либерман на пресс-конференции лидеров оппозиции:
«Я хотел бы поблагодарить президента страны Ицхака Герцога за попытку предложить основу для переговоров между всеми фракциями кнессета. К сожалению, мы видим, что руководители коалиции категорически ее отвергли.
Сегодня очевидно, что главным двигателем всего этого безумного законотворчества, самым жестким, наиболее непримиримым элементом, не готовым ни к какому компромиссу, являются партии ШАС и Яхадут ха-Тора.
Их брутальное и бесцеремонное поведение в кнессете наносит ущерб Государству Израиль, Армии обороны Израиля и иудаизму.
Поэтому мой вывод однозначен: если мы не отделим религию от государства, у нас не будет государства.
Невозможно говорить о равенстве в несении общественной нагрузки, экономическом равенстве, гендерном равенстве и равенстве меньшинств, когда дельцы из ШАС и Яхадут ха-Тора держат за горло и коалицию, и государство.
Отделение религии от государства и равенство в несении общественной нагрузки являются двумя наиболее важными вопросами для будущего Государства Израиль. Еще раз: если мы не отделим религию от государства, у нас не будет государства.
Настойчивость Яхадут ха-Тора в отношении преодоления вето БАГАЦа служит лишь одной цели: закрепить законодательно уклонение ультраортодоксальной молодежи от обязанности служить в ЦАХАЛе или на альтернативной службе и от необходимости работать.
ШАС борется за «закон Дери», никто из них не борется за Государство Израиль.
Абсурдная ситуация, когда наши дети и внуки служат в ЦАХАЛе, ходят на резервистские сборы, работают и платят налоги и на практике и защищают, и финансируют тех, кто сидит в ешиве, просто неприемлема.
Отделение религии от государства включает четыре основных компонента:
1. Обязательная служба для всех. Каждый юноша 18 лет- еврей, мусульманин, христианин, друз, черкес - любой гражданин обязан призваться на воинскую или альтернативную службу, никаких исключений, никаких «торато умануто» («его учение - его ремесло»).
2. Юридическая система. Не будет никакой параллельной правовой системы, все раввинские суды любого рода не получат ни государственной поддержки, ни бюджетного финансирования. Существующая процедура добровольного арбитража распространится и на раввинские суды. Если обе стороны хотят обратиться туда, они будут иметь на это право, но государство никоим образом не обязано поддерживать раввинские суды. Гражданские браки и разводы станут частью этого же процесса.
3. Учебное заведение, в котором не преподаются базовые предметы, не будет иметь права на какое-либо государственное финансирование.
4. Открытие предприятий в субботу и работа общественного транспорта по субботам будут находиться в юрисдикции местных властей на основании подзаконных актов, государство не сможет вмешиваться в этот вопрос.
Конечно, есть еще ряд законов, необходимых для завершения этого процесса, но это первый шаг.
По завершении процесса Израиль должен стать государством с конституцией, конституционным судом и полным разделением религии и государства». סף בוך, חוקר ותזונאי, מסביר אילו ויטמינים ורכיבי מזון אחרים מחזקים את מערכת ההגנה מבנה ופעולת מערכת החיסון הינם סבוכים ומורכבים ועובדים כמו מערך צבאי ענק שכולל קו הגנה קדמי, אותו מייצגת מערכת החיסון המולדת המורכבת ממחסומים טבעיים שמגנים על הגוף כמו העור ומערכת העיכול, וקו הגנה אחורי שהוא למעשה מערכת החיסון הנרכשת, שכוללת תאים לימפוציטים שמייצרים ומחמשים את מערכת החיסון ב"כלי נשק", כמו נוגדנים וחלבונים שיחד אחראים לעצירת הגורמים המאיימים.גורמי ההשפעה של התזונה על החיסוניות של הגוף מתייחסים לסגנון האכילה שכולל את שלל המזונות המרכזיים הנצרכים, קבוצותיהם ומרכיביהם. כך למשל, דפוס התזונה בעל הייחוס הגבוה ביותר להגנה בפני תחלואה ותמותה כמו גם בהקשר של התגובה החיסונית הינו התזונה הים-תיכונית.בשנים האחרונות יותר ויותר מחקרים מצביעים על הקשר האפשרי בין תזונה לבין החיסוניות של הגוף. זה קורה בכמה דרכים: בחיזוק חומות ההגנה של הגוף, כמו הפחתת חדירות
@@fiskersproductions За депортацию нелегалов отвечает МВД вотчина ШАС и Арье Дерьи . У нынешнего правительства за 8 месяцев у власти не нашлось времени принять закон о депортации нелегалов а теперь все валят на прошлое правительство хотя нелегалы появились еще при прежнем Ликуде где и как сейчас МВД принадлежал ШАСу а значит вся ответственность лежит на них.
Today's Mitznefet is standard issued, made by agilite, the days of making your own gear are over. Also peep at Hamas and Hezbollah and even other Shia militias photos and you can see that they also use very similar mitznefets, for that reason wearing mitznefets today is discouraged. oh never mind you said that in the vid lol. some more points on this: 1. with the rise of CCB in tunnels urban areas and forests don't give the mitznefets very many positives as before. 2. the Nukhba and Raduan forces of Hamas and Hezbollah respectivly are designed to look exactly like IDF soldiers to sow confusion in the fighting. 3. with all the facts above it's prohibited to wear a mitznefet even in combat in certain sectors, such as fighting in Gaza. but they're still issued to all soldiers, we used them as mosquito nets to sleep in the field. 4. with the NVG reform that started in 2020 every infantryman gets an NVG, it's not comfortable to use with the mitznefet at all.
While most other helmet camo's are made to blend in with nature, the miznefet works equally good in urban warfare. It breaks the silhouette equally good in bushes as it does amongst rubble. THAT's the main difference.
It's an unwritten rule in the US military that you are not allowed to place your hands in your pockets because it looks unprofessional. The Israelis took it a step further to insure a professional look.
@@whiskeynovember8498 It's like that with most western militaries. I love when militiaries do stuff like this. "We don't want our men wasting ammo!" "DuH, BuRsT fIrE!" "Our guys won't get their damn hands out their pockets!" "Hey Major! Ever watch Harry Potter? The cast kept putting snacks in their gigantic robe pockets, so the crew sewed their pockets closed. Let's do that!" "That's ridiculous! We pay for pockets, only to sew them closed? We're jewish! No wasting money! How about we just give them cargo pockets? Those cool SF guys sew cargo pockets high on their pants. Since they do it, and their cool, maybe we'll be cool if we do it!"
@@whiskeynovember8498 Actually, AR-670-1 clearly says "While in uniform, personnel will not place their hands in their pockets, except momentarily to place or retrieve objects." So no, it isn't an unwritten rule, it is official regulation that you can't put your hands in your pockets.
@@girthbrooks39 You are on a channel devoted to talking about camo, and uniforms. Everything is quite underwhelming. That's why we geek out over this stuff.
Years ago, I transferred to an infantry unit, and on my first drill, I put on a bit of camo net and grass in my helmet. In about a minute, everybody in my platoon told me to take it off, as the first sergeant didn't like that sort of thing. In an infantry unit. So I understand the mindset here.
@@furinick Some elements of the military have lost sight of what the military, and the combat soldiers who make up an important part of ground forces, do. There are some officers and NCO's who have the idea that even in the field, 'grooming', and 'uniform' standards have to be maintained. It's the ridiculous standards of 'garrison' life that dictate that all personnel must look good. It has absolutely no place in the field, but the mindset persists nonetheless.
@@isgodreal1337 well the pasgt are different from.the fast or bump, but I like the new helmets they got with the Virtus upgrade with the mesh, looks snappy
I still like the old steel pot, M1 helmet, with the "cabbage patch" cover that we wore in the 7th ID at Planet Ord. The M1 was a multi function item, it offered head protection, balls protection in helicopters, a wash basen, a cooking pot, a hand to hand weapon, an early warning device when suspended from camo wire with a couple spent casings in it, a pillow, a support/brace, just to name a few! We lost a lot when we switched to the single use ballistic "Stahlhelme" 😢
I always thought the use of sandbag covers by the US Army mad a lot of sense. It broke up the rounded outline and also could be used like a net where you could stick actual foliage in it. The movie Pork Chop Hill shows this very well. I swear the IDF Mitznefets look like an army of dirty chefs.
I used the old thinner burlap sandbags as a face cover under my helmet in the field. It was thin enough to see through, and kept mosquitos off of me. I also didn't have to wear camo paint, so I didn't have to worry about my sleeping bag getting camo paint all over the top when I went to sleep.
In the British Army before we got the Kevlar with scrim straps . We used a net over the old steel helmets with long strips of hessian scrim which hang over the sides and shoulders to break up the shape. But when we got Kevlar we would prefer natural foliage which was easily attached using the helmet cover elastic scrim straps.
Hey UH awesome vid, I have a suggestion that might be a cool deep dive to get into and that would be a video about ABA the old school Vests with the metal rings and such.
Fun -fact- theory: It's a well supported theory that long human hair performs the same roles as this in the natural animal kingdom. It's further theorized that women, who often stayed to feed young in a pre-baby-formula era benefited from concealment more, eventually leading to the universal, cross nation tradition of women wearing their hair longer.
Great video, I always wonder what was that thing. It´ll be cool to see a Mexican uniform episode or uniforms from the screen about the Oceania soldiers.
I actually have a pair I occasionally use during airsoft games. Can't speak about their use in actual combat, but they're pretty neat, combining camo and a sunshade.
Here is my problem with these helmet covers. I am reasonably certain in a prone firing position, with the rest of the body concealed down slope, these covers can be very effective. Especially among rocks or rubble. However, in any other situation it's effectiveness is questionable. But here is my main complaint--if you are going to go to the extreme of wearing these dorky muffin caps--then go the rest of the way. Paint your faces and use camouflage uniforms, or better some kind of Ghillie suit. Consistency of mode is key.
its about the shape plus they do use netting over there face due to the dessert they live in its like the dutch special forces use plus painting gives acne
Hamas are, in practice, are insurgents, so less professional consideration goes into their equipment choice, at least for the general force, and and it based more on what seems cool. A good example of this are Iraqi solsiers noticing that American ones often go with kneepads around the ankle (because it slips down), so they assumed that this is how it's supposed to be. Now many wear them exclusively around the ankles while well connected or respected soldiers are allowed to wear 2 kneelads around the same ankle as a status symbol.
Scrim scarves (multi use) worn in the British forces predated the IDF interpretation. That and the combat jumper were my favourite pieces of general kit.
After Austria's recent adoption of camouflage uniforms, and Canada's adoption of CADPAT some years ago, Israel has got to be pretty much the only 'western' country that still doesn't have a universal issue camouflage uniform?
How effective is camouflage in a urban environment or a desert? I would think colors would be so washed out from the sun and the surrounding you wouldn't see much color just movement
I think they decided its not worth the logistical nightmare of issuing new uniforms to all the reservists. The backbone of Israel's army it's it's reservists who continue from the end of their regular service at 21 until they are 40 and are even willing to go higher up the pool in a dire emergency so you would need to issue new combat fatigues to everyone.
Just a couple of ideas for future videos. Soviet era scout or Spetsnaz KLMK digital camo print uniforms. I saw an African military uniform with Africa prints all over it. I think it was Libyan. There was the Cheetah or leopard print uniforms in Zaire also you could do.
A buddy of mine made one of these for when he goes hunting. Some animals are able to figure out the silhouette of a human, and flee once they see it. I thought it was dumb since I use a balaclava that’s camo, but he took a them out with a foam heads in them, took a photo, and had me find them in a photo…..took me a minute or 2 to find his lol
I don't know. After watching some recent footage of these things in action, it seems like it gets in the way. As a former US soldier myself - I don't think I'd want to have to continually worry about my helmet cover getting caught on stuff, blowing in the wind, and possibly obstructing my vision at inopportune times. There is enough to worry about in tactical situations, I wouldn't want to add something else like this to the list.
I heard that it was developed in the First Intifada to A) soften the impact of rocks/other objects thrown by Palestinians when you put material under it and B) make it more difficult for Palestinians to tell them apart from their own irregular forces.
The only problem I could see from a Mitznefet is the floppier ones affecting a soldiers peripheral vision, that could be deadly. But, the Israelis are a very practical people, if something doesn't work for them it's quickly discarded.
The Bersaglieri regiment in the Italian Army (founded 1836) have always worn and still wear a large cluster of black feathers to camouflage the head and face of the infantry soldier… very useful as they were light infantry/skirmishes…
it's for not being confused from far ranges if you see a guy with a regular olive uniform from afar you will recognize that it's your friend if it's a desert / urban camo it will take too much time to recognize if it's friend or foe
Not 100% correct . They do function as camouflage by breaking up the shape of the head and shoulders which is very prominent and distinctive . As a heat shield and also to make it hard to range a soldier using optical reticules like a Nato and other scope reticules that use the head as a standard gauge for range finding . It makes it much harder to judge the size of the head at long range and that ruins trajectory calculations . People vary a lot in body size but heads are fairly consistent in size , so make them inconsistent .
Most look like camo Caubeens, @Uniform History have you done a episode on the different soft/parade head dress within a nations army, ie the UK, the US etc etc
Breaking up the shape of head and helmet is likely much more effective against classically trained professional soldiers because we are not trained to shoot people; we're conditioned to shoot at things *shaped* liked people. If something doesn't look like a person, it requires a conscious decision to kill it, which buys the Israeli soldier time to shoot first. If one is not trained to shoot at things like people, then I imagine this would be less effective.
You're pronouncing the second syllable to quickly. The vowel should be longer. It's like you're saying MITZNeFET when instead it should be mitzneefet. As an Israeli, it sounds weird.
Please do the history of the cabbage patch. I was 25th ID and we had a propaganda channel in the barracks that would show videos of old old guys wearing them. That’s all I know about it.
@@kattegatcitychamberofcomme311 yeah, looks like dreads, made from ripped BDUs. 25th wore it also. It was the light infantry thing for a while but I know fuck all about it. I may be mistaken,(it’s been like 17 years since I’ve seen the old one), but I believe there was pictures of it in the FM 7-8 with soldiers wearing them also, You just don’t see it very often and I haven’t found the history of it. That’s a very Light Infantryman thing to do. They thought about a problem, attempted a solution, the solution failed so they abandoned it. Improvise overcome and adapt.
The ancient Scots war bonnets were outrageously large and with the use of the excess material in the kilt formed a natural and rapidly deployed defence against bad weather. This evolved into the battle and dress forms of tartan . The battle tartans could be recognised as possibly the first form of camouflage being woven to the same pattern as the family tartan but in more subdued natural colours. During WW2 the Brits were issued with a GS bonnet that again was much larger than the issue beret made up from panels rather than felted that could be steamed into all manner of odd shapes as it was made from issue woolcloth, but were considered a non stylish garment to wear . These were made for expediency reasons but could be worn pulled back over the neck or to both sides when shooting prone to disguise the outline of the head .
the Mitznefet is getting phased out... we have a love hate relationship with it, they can get stuck in Shrubland and they also have a habbit of becoming nests for camel spiders if left alone unattended.
get stuck it's not dat ba....wait....WAIT!! NEST OF CAMEL SPIDERS???!!!!! OHJOJOJO *HELL NO*
@@corvoattano4223 they're cute, and have 10 legs
Oh fuck that
@@jackeronie6490 -nuclear launch detected-
Oof didn't think of the second thing kek.
Who else lost it when that random soldier at the beginning slipped and fell? Unexpectedly hilarious.
There is 2 soldiers actually :D
@Hans Virtually all WW1 footage is either training footage or staged battles for the propaganda departaments of beligerant countries.
Soldiers in said footage fall to the ground for the camera
Seems to me very childish to laugh about something like that.
@@TheArendt1 shut up
It’s always funny watching other soldiers slip and fall. I don’t feel bad for it because I know they would laugh at me if it happened too. Even the chaplains.
I can already hear US Army 1st Sgt and Sgt Majors freaking out about something like this, remember, nothing is more important to these guys as uniformity over everything else
Often to the detriment of the individual Soldier’s ability to effectively use their kit
Individual soldiers usually see only their own individual narrow view. Their superiors have to think of the whole picture.
Individual soldiers don't win wars. Economy, politics, strategy, and the military do.
I saw a military forum thread where one of the participants referring to the general shape, something along the lines of them looking like mushrooms, which "would only further encourage the brass to keep us in the dark and feed us shit"
And that's probably most of the reason the US doesn't use it. "It's sloppy, it's uneven, the troops look like idiots wearing it". Effectiveness is irrelevant in some quarters of the US military if it looks 'bad'.
@@pistonar no, it's just a waste of money. It's a lot bigger which means it has a higher chance of being seen on the move, or it can snag
lmao, imagine getting shot from around the corner by a dude wearing a clown hat
True hamas moment
@@DavidLopez-nk6tf worst a backwards baseball cap
@@isgodreal1337 hamas has been waiting for Jews hundreds of hours at the frontier lol
Payday series: *cough*
@@isgodreal1337 hamas uses them too lol
Excellent treatment of the subject. Thank you.
I made something similar to this when I was a kid for playing paintball. I thought it was badass until I tried to run through some pine trees and the branches snagged in the netting and stopped my head cold. Unfortunately, my feet kept going after my head stopped...
It was probably funny to watch, in retrospect.
This is why it's only really used in urban enviornments to make holding a defensive position more concealed.
I wouldnt wear this if I was on the move.
i have made a complete tit of myself many times playing paintball. your one sounds distinctly funny. for me the commonest is to leave my foot behind running for a bunker. mostly its my boot stopping to say hi to a tree root and me ending up fact palming the ground. but my best one ever was diving into a hut and collapsing it with half the other team lighting me up all the way.
When it comes to camouflage, color and pattern is only half the story. What is most important and generally overlooked is the art of breaking up your silhouette. The human brain is super quick at spotting the human shape, even when the color is matched perfectly. Turning invisible is at this point in time impossible.
That is the exact thing the miznefet do.
The dimensions of the miznefet are larger than the helmet and its shape is not defined, in order to "break" the circular geometric shape of the helmet
Председатель партии Наш дом Израиль, депутат кнессета Авигдор Либерман на пресс-конференции лидеров оппозиции:
«Я хотел бы поблагодарить президента страны Ицхака Герцога за попытку предложить основу для переговоров между всеми фракциями кнессета. К сожалению, мы видим, что руководители коалиции категорически ее отвергли.
Сегодня очевидно, что главным двигателем всего этого безумного законотворчества, самым жестким, наиболее непримиримым элементом, не готовым ни к какому компромиссу, являются партии ШАС и Яхадут ха-Тора.
Их брутальное и бесцеремонное поведение в кнессете наносит ущерб Государству Израиль, Армии обороны Израиля и иудаизму.
Поэтому мой вывод однозначен: если мы не отделим религию от государства, у нас не будет государства.
Невозможно говорить о равенстве в несении общественной нагрузки, экономическом равенстве, гендерном равенстве и равенстве меньшинств, когда дельцы из ШАС и Яхадут ха-Тора держат за горло и коалицию, и государство.
Отделение религии от государства и равенство в несении общественной нагрузки являются двумя наиболее важными вопросами для будущего Государства Израиль. Еще раз: если мы не отделим религию от государства, у нас не будет государства.
Настойчивость Яхадут ха-Тора в отношении преодоления вето БАГАЦа служит лишь одной цели: закрепить законодательно уклонение ультраортодоксальной молодежи от обязанности служить в ЦАХАЛе или на альтернативной службе и от необходимости работать.
ШАС борется за «закон Дери», никто из них не борется за Государство Израиль.
Абсурдная ситуация, когда наши дети и внуки служат в ЦАХАЛе, ходят на резервистские сборы, работают и платят налоги и на практике и защищают, и финансируют тех, кто сидит в ешиве, просто неприемлема.
Отделение религии от государства включает четыре основных компонента:
1. Обязательная служба для всех. Каждый юноша 18 лет- еврей, мусульманин, христианин, друз, черкес - любой гражданин обязан призваться на воинскую или альтернативную службу, никаких исключений, никаких «торато умануто» («его учение - его ремесло»).
2. Юридическая система. Не будет никакой параллельной правовой системы, все раввинские суды любого рода не получат ни государственной поддержки, ни бюджетного финансирования. Существующая процедура добровольного арбитража распространится и на раввинские суды. Если обе стороны хотят обратиться туда, они будут иметь на это право, но государство никоим образом не обязано поддерживать раввинские суды.
Гражданские браки и разводы станут частью этого же процесса.
3. Учебное заведение, в котором не преподаются базовые предметы, не будет иметь права на какое-либо государственное финансирование.
4. Открытие предприятий в субботу и работа общественного транспорта по субботам будут находиться в юрисдикции местных властей на основании подзаконных актов, государство не сможет вмешиваться в этот вопрос.
Конечно, есть еще ряд законов, необходимых для завершения этого процесса, но это первый шаг.
По завершении процесса Израиль должен стать государством с конституцией, конституционным судом и полным разделением религии и государства». סף בוך, חוקר ותזונאי, מסביר אילו ויטמינים ורכיבי מזון אחרים מחזקים את מערכת ההגנה מבנה ופעולת מערכת החיסון הינם סבוכים ומורכבים ועובדים כמו מערך צבאי ענק שכולל קו הגנה קדמי, אותו מייצגת מערכת החיסון המולדת המורכבת ממחסומים טבעיים שמגנים על הגוף כמו העור ומערכת העיכול, וקו הגנה אחורי שהוא למעשה מערכת החיסון הנרכשת, שכוללת תאים לימפוציטים שמייצרים ומחמשים את מערכת החיסון ב"כלי נשק", כמו נוגדנים וחלבונים שיחד אחראים לעצירת הגורמים המאיימים.גורמי ההשפעה של התזונה על החיסוניות של הגוף מתייחסים לסגנון האכילה שכולל את שלל המזונות המרכזיים הנצרכים, קבוצותיהם ומרכיביהם. כך למשל, דפוס התזונה בעל הייחוס הגבוה ביותר להגנה בפני תחלואה ותמותה כמו גם בהקשר של התגובה החיסונית הינו התזונה הים-תיכונית.בשנים האחרונות יותר ויותר מחקרים מצביעים על הקשר האפשרי בין תזונה לבין החיסוניות של הגוף. זה קורה בכמה דרכים: בחיזוק חומות ההגנה של הגוף, כמו הפחתת חדירות
@@СергейВампир-л6вwhat the hell are you on about
@@fiskersproductions За депортацию нелегалов отвечает МВД вотчина ШАС и Арье Дерьи . У нынешнего правительства за 8 месяцев у власти не нашлось времени принять закон о депортации нелегалов а теперь все валят на прошлое правительство хотя нелегалы появились еще при прежнем Ликуде где и как сейчас МВД принадлежал ШАСу а значит вся ответственность лежит на них.
Today's Mitznefet is standard issued, made by agilite, the days of making your own gear are over.
Also peep at Hamas and Hezbollah and even other Shia militias photos and you can see that they also use very similar mitznefets, for that reason wearing mitznefets today is discouraged.
oh never mind you said that in the vid lol.
some more points on this:
1. with the rise of CCB in tunnels urban areas and forests don't give the mitznefets very many positives as before.
2. the Nukhba and Raduan forces of Hamas and Hezbollah respectivly are designed to look exactly like IDF soldiers to sow confusion in the fighting.
3. with all the facts above it's prohibited to wear a mitznefet even in combat in certain sectors, such as fighting in Gaza. but they're still issued to all soldiers, we used them as mosquito nets to sleep in the field.
4. with the NVG reform that started in 2020 every infantryman gets an NVG, it's not comfortable to use with the mitznefet at all.
but agilite still makes their own gear...
While most other helmet camo's are made to blend in with nature, the miznefet works equally good in urban warfare. It breaks the silhouette equally good in bushes as it does amongst rubble. THAT's the main difference.
So that’s the mystery of pancake helmet.
"pancake helmet" heheh
Ngl I really love weird and cool helmet covers
The shapelessness is also anathema to many very orderly military minds...
my friend used to put a beanbag seat on his head and say he was wearing one of these
Can’t prove he wasn’t!
@سلاح المدفعية yeah I made it myself
Props to the IDF for favoring function over form.
Meh if you don't look cool what's the point
@@fiel81 Not getting shot in the head.
@@Archangelm127 that's why we have ballistic helmets
Fun fact, the combat pants used by the IDF doesn't have side pockets, instead having cargo pockets in it's place.
Extremely underwhelming 'Fun Fact'
It's an unwritten rule in the US military that you are not allowed to place your hands in your pockets because it looks unprofessional. The Israelis took it a step further to insure a professional look.
@@whiskeynovember8498 It's like that with most western militaries. I love when militiaries do stuff like this. "We don't want our men wasting ammo!"
"DuH, BuRsT fIrE!"
"Our guys won't get their damn hands out their pockets!"
"Hey Major! Ever watch Harry Potter? The cast kept putting snacks in their gigantic robe pockets, so the crew sewed their pockets closed. Let's do that!"
"That's ridiculous! We pay for pockets, only to sew them closed? We're jewish! No wasting money! How about we just give them cargo pockets? Those cool SF guys sew cargo pockets high on their pants. Since they do it, and their cool, maybe we'll be cool if we do it!"
@@whiskeynovember8498 Actually, AR-670-1 clearly says "While in uniform, personnel will not place their hands in their pockets, except momentarily to place or retrieve objects."
So no, it isn't an unwritten rule, it is official regulation that you can't put your hands in your pockets.
@@girthbrooks39 You are on a channel devoted to talking about camo, and uniforms. Everything is quite underwhelming. That's why we geek out over this stuff.
Years ago, I transferred to an infantry unit, and on my first drill, I put on a bit of camo net and grass in my helmet. In about a minute, everybody in my platoon told me to take it off, as the first sergeant didn't like that sort of thing. In an infantry unit. So I understand the mindset here.
never been in the army but i must ask, why? that doesnt seem to make sense, wouldnt they want people to camo up in some way?
@@furinick Some elements of the military have lost sight of what the military, and the combat soldiers who make up an important part of ground forces, do. There are some officers and NCO's who have the idea that even in the field, 'grooming', and 'uniform' standards have to be maintained. It's the ridiculous standards of 'garrison' life that dictate that all personnel must look good. It has absolutely no place in the field, but the mindset persists nonetheless.
@@pistonar interesting, thanks for the answer on the year old comment
@@pistonarin other words, theyre self righteous, pretentious fucks who nobody likes
@@pistonar It's funny because the best units are always the ones that don't groom nearly as much and wear non standard uniforms.
Always been a fan of the mesh on the helmets, much like the British paras
The mesh net must look very cool on a modern helmet, like a PASGT or any of those fast style helmets
@@isgodreal1337 well the pasgt are different from.the fast or bump, but I like the new helmets they got with the Virtus upgrade with the mesh, looks snappy
I still like the old steel pot, M1 helmet, with the "cabbage patch" cover that we wore in the 7th ID at Planet Ord. The M1 was a multi function item, it offered head protection, balls protection in helicopters, a wash basen, a cooking pot, a hand to hand weapon, an early warning device when suspended from camo wire with a couple spent casings in it, a pillow, a support/brace, just to name a few! We lost a lot when we switched to the single use ballistic "Stahlhelme" 😢
I served in the IDF and made the Mitznefet by my self and when I when I released I gave it to a young soldier
Hey!. Can you make a video about the malaysian Tiger stripe uniform. That would be great. Thanks
Or maybe Malaysian brushstroke. Also are you a fellow Malaysian?
@@richardwong5616 yes i am. And also that would be a good suggestion.
@Hans yeah, but I still see them using the camo on viecles.
Any plans to cover the tiger stripe pattern?
I've always loved how these looked like
Can you make a video about the Australian DPCU, DDPU and DNPU Camouflage?
I've been wondering about these covers for the past few weeks, Thank you.
Great content! Thanks for the indepth review of this helmet cover.
You should do a uniform history of the us marine corps frogskin camouflage
Mitznefet by itself just sounds cool
I own one and they are quite useful in the sunny days.
I always thought the use of sandbag covers by the US Army mad a lot of sense. It broke up the rounded outline and also could be used like a net where you could stick actual foliage in it. The movie Pork Chop Hill shows this very well.
I swear the IDF Mitznefets look like an army of dirty chefs.
I used the old thinner burlap sandbags as a face cover under my helmet in the field. It was thin enough to see through, and kept mosquitos off of me. I also didn't have to wear camo paint, so I didn't have to worry about my sleeping bag getting camo paint all over the top when I went to sleep.
And their Sniper / recon coverall is also made of that material and is a fine one to break up lines .
Allows for good airflow too.
Thanks for sharing the info on Mitznefet always wondered about its links.
I've been wondering about these things for years. Thanks for the info.
I more or less thought it was sloppy soldiers not wearing their helmet cover correctly, but now I know better.
Finally, a video I needed, I've always been so curious about the "Chef hat". Cheers for the video! 🍻
0:02 did that second guy closer to the camera got hit or just step into a hole? what do you think?
You can see a guy in the background trip and steady himself, so considering that and they don't seem particularly worried I'd say he just fell
In the British Army before we got the Kevlar with scrim straps . We used a net over the old steel helmets with long strips of hessian scrim which hang over the sides and shoulders to break up the shape. But when we got Kevlar we would prefer natural foliage which was easily attached using the helmet cover elastic scrim straps.
Hey UH awesome vid, I have a suggestion that might be a cool deep dive to get into and that would be a video about ABA the old school Vests with the metal rings and such.
Fun -fact- theory:
It's a well supported theory that long human hair performs the same roles as this in the natural animal kingdom. It's further theorized that women, who often stayed to feed young in a pre-baby-formula era benefited from concealment more, eventually leading to the universal, cross nation tradition of women wearing their hair longer.
Camouflage. It finally makes sense. Interesting channel....liked and subbed.
At 4:41, can you tell us more about what these mesh camo oversuits are? I can't seem to find anything on them online.
Great video, I always wonder what was that thing.
It´ll be cool to see a Mexican uniform episode or uniforms from the screen about the Oceania soldiers.
@A O Thx, I think the ssh 68 fits them better tho.
I actually have a pair I occasionally use during airsoft games. Can't speak about their use in actual combat, but they're pretty neat, combining camo and a sunshade.
The main goal is to "break" the circular geometric shape of the helmet but it also provides a really nise shade.
Don’t forget extra bb protection!
When it comes to breaking up the shape of your helmet, vanity takes second place to the weird look of these helmet covers.
It's been bugging me for a while that I didn't know what they were for. Thanks for the explanation.
Here is my problem with these helmet covers. I am reasonably certain in a prone firing position, with the rest of the body concealed down slope, these covers can be very effective. Especially among rocks or rubble. However, in any other situation it's effectiveness is questionable. But here is my main complaint--if you are going to go to the extreme of wearing these dorky muffin caps--then go the rest of the way. Paint your faces and use camouflage uniforms, or better some kind of Ghillie suit. Consistency of mode is key.
its about the shape
plus they do use netting over there face due to the dessert they live in its like the dutch special forces use
plus painting gives acne
Solid OD uniforms seem to work much better than odd digital uniforms worn by Hamas in this video.
Hamas are, in practice, are insurgents, so less professional consideration goes into their equipment choice, at least for the general force, and and it based more on what seems cool.
A good example of this are Iraqi solsiers noticing that American ones often go with kneepads around the ankle (because it slips down), so they assumed that this is how it's supposed to be. Now many wear them exclusively around the ankles while well connected or respected soldiers are allowed to wear 2 kneelads around the same ankle as a status symbol.
@@Born_Yashish Unbelievable!! 😂
Interesting to see that there is soo many levels of concealment. From Viperhood to Ghillie.
Can you make a video talking about the italian telo mimetico? I'm not sure about this l but i think that was the first machine printed camouflage
Scrim scarves (multi use) worn in the British forces predated the IDF interpretation. That and the combat jumper were my favourite pieces of general kit.
This is such a good idea that I can only believe that the reason it hasn't been widely adopted is that they look so silly.
As we love to day. If it works it is not stupid
imagine how useful it would've been in european theater where you got lotsa trees and bushes, good luck with avoiding them branches
@@ayyygfym8245there are types of nets that don't get stuck
Génial ! Vraiment génial!
pour briser les formes régulieres.
After Austria's recent adoption of camouflage uniforms, and Canada's adoption of CADPAT some years ago, Israel has got to be pretty much the only 'western' country that still doesn't have a universal issue camouflage uniform?
How effective is camouflage in a urban environment or a desert? I would think colors would be so washed out from the sun and the surrounding you wouldn't see much color just movement
small country with a wide variety of terrain and vegetation
I think they decided its not worth the logistical nightmare of issuing new uniforms to all the reservists. The backbone of Israel's army it's it's reservists who continue from the end of their regular service at 21 until they are 40 and are even willing to go higher up the pool in a dire emergency so you would need to issue new combat fatigues to everyone.
Understand Israel tested different camo uniforms a number of years ago. Decided against it due to varied terrain of country.
Just a couple of ideas for future videos. Soviet era scout or Spetsnaz KLMK digital camo print uniforms. I saw an African military uniform with Africa prints all over it. I think it was Libyan. There was the Cheetah or leopard print uniforms in Zaire also you could do.
Technically klmk is not a digitally designed print, predates digital camo by many decades
A buddy of mine made one of these for when he goes hunting. Some animals are able to figure out the silhouette of a human, and flee once they see it. I thought it was dumb since I use a balaclava that’s camo, but he took a them out with a foam heads in them, took a photo, and had me find them in a photo…..took me a minute or 2 to find his lol
0:03 cue the slide whistle
0:01 notice the dude on the background.
Poor dudes, I hope they didn't break their ankles or something -_-
I have one of these. Very under-appreciated piece of equipment
What I don't understand is that the IDF seems to be the only Country to Not use camo pattern on thear uniforms, they only use a lighter green ?
Nothing ever gained from arguing in a yt comments section my friends.
This may be a very broad topic, but how about berets used in militaries?
The "elastic band" 1:46 is really a slice of inner tube cut to size.
And it looks really smart too
Posting this in the midst of the freepalestine movement, you are a bold one General Kenobi
Smart hat, smart head !
I really like the mitznefet's design.. it provide a little bit of camouflage by changing the shape of the soldier from far distance.
Hope to see a video on Finnish gear or camo soon.
I don't know. After watching some recent footage of these things in action, it seems like it gets in the way. As a former US soldier myself - I don't think I'd want to have to continually worry about my helmet cover getting caught on stuff, blowing in the wind, and possibly obstructing my vision at inopportune times. There is enough to worry about in tactical situations, I wouldn't want to add something else like this to the list.
0:03 did that French soldier get shot or fall over?
I've been curious about this helmet cover for a while.
I heard that it was developed in the First Intifada to A) soften the impact of rocks/other objects thrown by Palestinians when you put material under it and B) make it more difficult for Palestinians to tell them apart from their own irregular forces.
Since the IDF is conventional, uniformly equipped, and have identification markings, I doubt they were the ones intending any obfuscation there.
Ir would be well to note that movement negates any camo or cover, unless the wearer can move at a snail's pace.
It started in the Golani division of the IDF
Great video, thank you!
Principles of camouflage - SHAPE, shine, shadow, silhouette and sound.
Gotta be an ex squaddie....instantly taken back to basic fieldcraft lectures ;-)
@@drewlawrence696 You'll do for me!
Have you talked or Do you plan on talking the helmet camoflauges from Operation Just Cause?
2:11, 5:15, 6:56 where is the magazines ?
The only problem I could see from a Mitznefet is the floppier ones affecting a soldiers peripheral vision, that could be deadly.
But, the Israelis are a very practical people, if something doesn't work for them it's quickly discarded.
Excellent piece of efficient military camouflage.
The Bersaglieri regiment in the Italian Army (founded 1836) have always worn and still wear a large cluster of black feathers to camouflage the head and face of the infantry soldier… very useful as they were light infantry/skirmishes…
Please make an episode about IDF uniforms. Why they don't use camo patterns.
Half police half soldier.
It pays to be seen sometimes.
One of the reasons UCP stuck around for so long.
it's for not being confused from far ranges
if you see a guy with a regular olive uniform from afar you will recognize that it's your friend
if it's a desert / urban camo it will take too much time to recognize if it's friend or foe
Thanks, I had this very question
Can you make a video about the aftermarket subdued urban digital camo.
Pretty interesting topic!
Always found those really cool
Never mind the head gear, show me more of that gun for shooting around corners.
Not 100% correct . They do function as camouflage by breaking up the shape of the head and shoulders which is very prominent and distinctive . As a heat shield and also to make it hard to range a soldier using optical reticules like a Nato and other scope reticules that use the head as a standard gauge for range finding . It makes it much harder to judge the size of the head at long range and that ruins trajectory calculations . People vary a lot in body size but heads are fairly consistent in size , so make them inconsistent .
Excellent examples.
Virgin Hamas vs Chad IDF
LBV-88 please.
I used both prototype versions of the LBV in the 10th Mountain Division in the 80s.
If it works, it works.
I have always wondered about their head gear. Now I know. Superb video. Thank you for sharing and posting. 👍
I really want one of those mesh coveralls. I think those would great for bow hunting in Florida.
So who wants the chef's special?😉
Most look like camo Caubeens, @Uniform History have you done a episode on the different soft/parade head dress within a nations army, ie the UK, the US etc etc
I liked your video and so you have a new subscriber.
Breaking up the shape of head and helmet is likely much more effective against classically trained professional soldiers because we are not trained to shoot people; we're conditioned to shoot at things *shaped* liked people. If something doesn't look like a person, it requires a conscious decision to kill it, which buys the Israeli soldier time to shoot first.
If one is not trained to shoot at things like people, then I imagine this would be less effective.
Much respect for the IDF!
Thanks :)
You mean the IOF
You should do a vid on rastr camo
You're pronouncing the second syllable to quickly. The vowel should be longer. It's like you're saying MITZNeFET when instead it should be mitzneefet.
As an Israeli, it sounds weird.
Please do the history of the cabbage patch. I was 25th ID and we had a propaganda channel in the barracks that would show videos of old old guys wearing them. That’s all I know about it.
Are you referring to the helmet cover worn by troops in the 7th Infantry Division in the 80s?
@@kattegatcitychamberofcomme311 yeah, looks like dreads, made from ripped BDUs. 25th wore it also. It was the light infantry thing for a while but I know fuck all about it.
I may be mistaken,(it’s been like 17 years since I’ve seen the old one), but I believe there was pictures of it in the FM 7-8 with soldiers wearing them also, You just don’t see it very often and I haven’t found the history of it.
That’s a very Light Infantryman thing to do. They thought about a problem, attempted a solution, the solution failed so they abandoned it. Improvise overcome and adapt.
The ancient Scots war bonnets were outrageously large and with the use of the excess material in the kilt formed a natural and rapidly deployed defence against bad weather. This evolved into the battle and dress forms of tartan . The battle tartans could be recognised as possibly the first form of camouflage being woven to the same pattern as the family tartan but in more subdued natural colours.
During WW2 the Brits were issued with a GS bonnet that again was much larger than the issue beret made up from panels rather than felted that could be steamed into all manner of odd shapes as it was made from issue woolcloth, but were considered a non stylish garment to wear . These were made for expediency reasons but could be worn pulled back over the neck or to both sides when shooting prone to disguise the outline of the head .
The Scots probably learned this from the ancient Yorkshire martial arts of Eckythump.
The black sausage is the most accurate long range weapon...
With head shots out to 900 , I mean 9 yards...