Drum all please Chinese man laughing singing hahahahahahehhehehehehehehehehhehahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhehehehhehehehehehheahahhaahahahahahhahahahah
Doctor:You only have 1 hour to live What would you like to do? Man: I would like to watch this video. Doctor:But this video is 1 hour and 1 second long. Grim Reaper: Let him watch it's okay
Doctor: u only have 1 hour to live what would u like to do? Me: I would like to watch this! Doctor: but that’s 1 hour and 1 second long! Death angel: let him watch it, it’s ok
I was used to play this when im pissed in the playstation Party and my friends would always die because of laughing and finding this again is so awsome because it brings back so many nice memories. Thanks man :)
Lyrics: hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhah
Är du svensk?
DEN DÄR SNUBBEN AMIR Amir din jävla unge
MythicalMewtwo tjena
RUclips todlers commenting
Legend says he is still laughing throughout this days
Gets home: hahahahahaha
When growtopia players get home from Wuhan and tell everyone in Growtopia they have the corona virus
thats not him whos singing that
Legend says he in tiktok
CursedRobloxian ur da legend lol
Mom: so what kind of music are you into?
Me: it’s hard
That’s what she said
Singing drum all please Chinese man laughing singing hahahahahahehehheheheehhehehehehehehhahahahahahhahahahehheehehhahahhahahay
Drum all please Chinese man laughing singing hahahahahahehhehehehehehehehehhehahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhehehehhehehehehehheahahhaahahahahahhahahahah
Dad: what are you listening to?
When you wanna say a joke but you cant stop laughing...
A no
hahah its true
I need to make this 69 likes
Hehehehehe hahahahahahahehheheehehehegagagagagegegaagagagahehehehehehehhehehehehhahahahahahahaehheheheheehehehheeheheehehehehehahahahahahahaheheheheheehehehehheehehehehehehehhahahahashahheehheheheehehehehehheehehehehehehhahahahaahahhreheheehehheehehehehheehehheehehehhaahahehehehehheheheeheheheheheehhehehehahahahahahahheheheheeheheheheheehahheheheheehahhaahahahahehheheheehehehehheehehehehehehehehahahahahahahhrhehheheheheheehheheheheehehehehehehhahaahehheheehehehehehehehehehehehheehehahahahahahahheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehhahaahahhahaheheheheheheheehheehehehehehehehahaaahahaehehheheheehehehehehheheehehehahaahhahaahheheheheheehheheheheheheheheheheahahahahahahehheheehehehehehhaehehehehehehehahahahahahahehheheheheheheheheehheheehehehhahahaahahahheheheheeeheehehheeehehehehehehhaahhaahahahheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhahahahahaehheheheheheehehhhehehehehahhahahaahhaahehehheheehehehehheheehehehehehhehahaahahahahehheheheeheeheheheheheheehehehehahahahahahahehheeheheheheheheheheeheheheeheheahaahahahaheheheheheehehehheheehehehehehhahahaahahahehehehehehehehheheheehehehehehehehehahahhahaahahehheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheehehhahahaahahehehehheehheeheheheheheheheheheheheahhwwhwhahahehehehehehehehheeheehehehehehehahahahahahaheheheheheheehehehehehheehehehehehehehahahahahahahehehheheheehehehehehhehahahahahahahahaahehehheheeheheheheheheheaeahahahahahahaehheheheeheheheheheheheehahahahahahaejehheehehehehehehehehheheheehehhaahhaahahahehheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehahahahahahahheheheheheheehheehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahaaheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehahahahhahaahahheheheheheheheheehehehehheehehehhahaahhaahahehheheheehheheehehehehehehehehehahahahhaahahheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehheehehahahahahahhaehheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahehehheehheheehehehehehheheehehehehahahahahahahehheheeheheheheheheheheheheheehheehhaahhaahahahehehheheehehehehheeheehehehehehehehahahhaahaheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeehahahhaahhaahheheheehheehehheheheehehheheeehhaahhahahaahwhehheheehheheehehheehehheheehehehahhaahahahahehehehehheheheehheehehehehehehehehahahahahahahehehheehehheehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahehehehheheehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahaahheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehhaahhaahahahheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheahhahahahaahehhrhrheheheehehehehheheehheheahahahahahahehhehehheheheheheehheehehehehheheehhaahhahaaehejehehehheheheehheehehahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehahhahaahahehheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehhwahahahaheheheheheehheehehehehehehehehehehaahahahahahrhheehheehehehehehehehehehehehehehhahaahahahahehheeheheheheheheheheheheheehheahahahhaahahahehehheehheehheehehehhehehehheheehhaahhahahaahehehheehehehehehheehehehehheehhhhahahahahahaheheehheheheehheehhehehehehehehehahaahhahaahehheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehahaahhahaahheheehehehehehehehhehehehheheehehahahahahahahehehehehehehehhehehheheheehahahahaahahahahehehehehehehehehehheheheehheheeheheheheehahahahhhehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahheehheheehheheheheheheehheheheehehehhaahahahhaahahehheehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehheahhahahahaahehhehehehehrhehehehehehhehehehehehahahahahahahehehehheehhehehehehehrhrhrhrhehrhahahaahahahehehehehehehheheheheehehhehehehehehahahahahaahheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehahahahahahehheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehrhrhhrrhehhahaeeheheheheheheehheheehahahahahahaheheheheheeheheheheheheheehheehehehahahahahahahahehehehehehehehheheheehehehehehehehahahahahahahhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehaahhahahahaheheheheehheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehahahahhewhheheheheheheheheehehheheheheehahahahahahahheheheheheheheheheheheheheehheehehheahahhahahahaahehehehheheheehehhehehehehehehehehehahahahhahaahheheheheheheheheheheheehheheehehehehahhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you dont have the Coronavirus but you live in Wuhan:
😂😂 I’m. Literally DyyyYinggg
@Alper.1453 what?, Come back And Comment yo!
@@SophiaTheMakedAlper.1543 ?
why so serious?
Teacher: *Please be quiet and if not to the headmaster!*
Colleague: *Tells me a funny joke.*
You use very fancy words 😃
5 year old me when I find out I can delete my search history
😂 😂 😂
@Matrix Games xDn't
Your parents seeing ur history tro Wi-Fi bills be like
I was trying to find this for 3 years
I'm hypnotized I can't close
Glad I’m not the only one
Yes bro Yes im a hipnotiset
Me too
when your coronavirus is negative
Toxic Noob Ytツ for real 💀
69th like
Toxic i saw u on the other video with the laughing emoji
It has been 4 years since corona virus.. time passes quick
О Пасхалко включаем вентиляторы 😅😂😂😂😅🤣🤣🤣
хахахаахахах хехехехеххее ххехехехехех ххехехехехех хахахаахахах
@user-md2zm5lc3z да и хер с ними
Фу фашист!
Ребенок с синдромом дауна😢
This is what I need.
I can watch this all day and not get bored💚
38:23 is my favourite part
Oof for me,its 48:32
For me 19:12 is the best part ever
I love 52:12
Tonnin seteli torille
Трек вышел скорее всего 01.04.88 судя по тексту)
@@СергейКолесников-е2щ уже во всю мощь
пасхалко кефтеме бархатные тяги кефтеме
Меня везут в испанский бык в медных сапогах
Вы заебали, фашисты
5 year olds when their friend says poop:
XD so true
: )
@@saslykas_bw8655 hdjjsjwjehdhhhehhehehehejjejej xd to szymon
Girls: Theres nothing to watch during quarantine!
I'm a girl lol
@@Itgirly333 cool
That's sexist. 🙄 Or are some videos on RUclips specifically for men? Didn't know it worked that way. Huh.
@@JustAnotherLokiStan Yeah, i hope you are just trolling
@@JustAnotherLokiStan Its just a fucking meme dont ruin it
Спасибо огромное, это то что мне было сейчас очень нужно. Так подняло настроение ❤
this needs a spotify upload
I'm on it
@@Pitykesz get it on Spotify
@@Pitykesz My man
@@slutaleka5360 It takes 60-90days for me to get this on spotify
Update us when it's done!
can we all just appreciate his beautiful hat
Is that bowl or?
@@Theallandmightywizard hard hat
There hat is look he need to build 😢😂
It looks like a nazi helmet
The one song everyone gets stuck in their head.
Still stuck to this day
Did u watch brew video called girl hears music on their brain?
@@user-lo5vn9hk2w bruh it’s still stuck in my head since the day it come out
@@drippxjunior5841 I know that the music is repeated even not watching
Me: plays minecraft hardcore
Also me: has 1 totem
Also also me: falls of a cliff
Also also also me:
Mom: He is just laughing
Dad: Lool
Me: чтоооо, посхолко?😂😂😂😂😂😂включаєм вінтілітори😂😂😂😍😍🤣🤣
Медный бичок
требую 1489 вентиляторов по одному в 1488 медных быков, а тот 1 на случай если изгои сломают быка или вентилятор
You Can’t get tired of this
This is repeted twice loock the judges
And when he laugh it's cuted the shot
I’m only watching this because I’m in quarantine
You should watch it every day for at least 5minutes
Pitykesz I will
@@haridavies7599 Wise choice.
I think all watching it, ebcause in quarantine
@@Pitykesz davie504?
I repeated this so much I can laugh exactly like him!
Me: *is having a good Day*
This music: *Exists*
Me: *is having a better Day*
I. Cept Laban
Dats right
Me: says a politic joke
Mom: oh son stop..
Brother: bruh..
Dad, Aunt and Grandpa:
Never loose your eshkere
S¹V⁴E⁴F⁸IY comment
Медный бичок
Посхалочко 🥵@@okipullup5409
Я когда медни бичок нагрелся до 14,88°С
When everyone in your class gets a F and you get a A+
Now put it on 0.75X speed sounds like a dubstep
ear rape
It's so good
It actually sounds really good wtf
True lol
If you do 2x speed it’s sound like rap
Men Uzbekistondan kuzataman
Sizlarga omad tilayman😊👋
the first thing i need to watch before school to make my day
@@spinourfswhat do u mean idk
Those who shit their pants💀
Those who camming 💀💀💀
When you create the Corona Virus but don't have it.
Nice profile
I want this to be played at my funeral
My eaither
same i want to be laughed at when I die💀💀💀
I could see why🫄🤦♀️🤯☠️☠️☠️
14:88 любимый момент ооо пасхалко😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Включай вентилятор😂😂
When the teacher fall down all the class:
This man is going to heaven btw
How is he going to heaven ??
Only Allah decides if he does
@@noralianm7403 why
@@hebahafez9363 lmao you are stupid you cant even understand a joke
evil jonkler cart ahh song 💀🔥🔥🗣🙏
That's what I need
Matúš Kučák exactly
Чтоо пасхаклооо 1488° в медном быке 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅с бархатными тягами а мы стиляги ещкере😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂
А я вкнтирятор в руках держу...
@@limon4ik_gamer ооо включил режим посхалкиии. Чо то душно стало, включаем вентиляторы😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅уфф жарко медный бык ещкеоеееее😆😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😂😂😅
Ебать мне душно! Надо включать вентиляторы 😮😅😂
I am watching this again and i played it for 5 hours i laughed so hard that i started crying of laughter
When bro takes the evil jonkler cart (i hate myself for typing this):
Why so serious? 🤡
why so serious?
Lyrics : ae ae ae ae ae ae... He he he he hehehe he he he he hehehe... Oh ah oh ah oh ah oh ah..... Ae ae ae ae ae ae... Continue
He he he he he
Hehehehe he he he he
Hehehehe he he he he
This song makes me the happiest person in the world.
Да да
Me too man
Same same
"never goon" ah video
me when I take the evil jonkler cart
Karens kid: **mades an unfunny joke**
True 😄
Here are the lyrics: Say ha 10000000000000x times
Right l west 1 hour hahahahah
Whenever someone say vayne is bad or gankplank is skilled, I send them this masterpiece. Thank you.
What am i doing with my life, watching a looped version of a Chinese man laughing at a Talent Show
Out now on spotify! Go listen to it!
Check description for more information😇
Im gonna listen to it
Atleast 999 times
@@sami-35773 Good❤
Worth it!
0:14 on 0.25 speed 💀
Xd bro
Ah ah ah🥵
This is what I call music
mom: but stop laughing, you're laughing ago 1 hour
me: why don't you laugh
0:12 put it on 0.25× speed 💀💀
Voldemort look a like
Those who know:💀💀
This guy has talent
this is what i needed to brighten my day
wow your talented 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Doctor:You only have 1 hour to live What would you like to do?
Man: I would like to watch this video. Doctor:But this video is 1 hour and 1 second long.
Grim Reaper: Let him watch it's okay
37:21 is my favorite part 😂😂💀
Bro 37:21 went and that still laughing
30:40 is better
no 4:20 is the best part lol
I could watch this all day!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣
When the class clown tells a funny joke to the teachers
Every teacher in the world:
my sister almost beat me for laughing so hard at night
WHY SO SERIOUS?🗣️🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🗣️
When you find out coronavirus spreads threw humans but you identify yourself as a snail
This is the best remix ever!
Doctor: u only have 1 hour to live what would u like to do? Me: I would like to watch this! Doctor: but that’s 1 hour and 1 second long! Death angel: let him watch it, it’s ok
New music for memes.
So what kind of music do you like
Me : It's complicated
Он открыл пасхалко вот и смеётся
Выключить, неонацисты
о посхалк ещкоре 1488 медные быски
When everyone in your family has corona virus but your still locked in your room
this is gonna be my new ringtone xD
The only video i saw for an hour
When u cant stop laughing at this and decide to join him! Im jus vibin!
Hahaha 😆😂 hahaha
Aaaah my face muscles hurts SO much from laugh😂
Amazing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
THE LAUGH of chinese :😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 woody woodpecker : whatt ? 😅😊😊😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 !!!
I fricken just looked up The Great Wall scenes and this is what I find.......
Teacher: *gives homework*
Homeless kid:
Словил Посхалко
Включай вентиляторы卐
I watched it all. And if you guys don’t understand what he’s saying, hahahahahahahaha he he hehe hehe hehehehe
He he hehe hehe
Oh thanks so much, I thought he was saying hahahahahhaahhhhheeheeehehehhhehaha
No problem :)
Legend says he still laughing till years XD
Abi Buneya çok komik
This is gonna be my new ringtone
Moi aussi 😊😅😂🎉❤
Genius 🤯
This video changed my life!
Guys any one else thinks it's so distracting that you can't even think and just laugh
А ведь англечане даже не догадываются что у нас обычно связано с этой музыкой...
My favourite part is when the man is laughing :))
No my favorite part is when he is laughing
@@elmatabuelas22opp yeah this part is very interesting too
this needs 24 hour version
Иностранцы,включайте вентиляторы😂😂
1488 так вот откуда этот звук...
уносим быков, тут смех
It makes me laugh every time
also the good thing
I can watch this all day lol😂
When you dont have corona virus but you live in China:
World : finally covid is finished
Covid part 2 :
I was used to play this when im pissed in the playstation Party and my friends would always die because of laughing and finding this again is so awsome because it brings back so many nice memories. Thanks man :)
I'm happy to hear that dude.
Wish you all the best 😇
Ty man ty
Давайте поддержим паренька, ведь он старался и специально для нас смеялся 1 час!😂
39:37 Made me cry! Simply amazing!
People: 2020 will be a great year
2020 after 2 days:
What the hell did I just run in to.....well I don’t know how I ended up here but I enjoyed my visit.......