Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S1E9: All Those Who Wander Recap & Review


Комментарии • 97

  • @treklad
    @treklad  2 года назад +2

    What did you think of this latest episode? Let me know below! ⬇⬇⬇

    • @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388
      @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388 2 года назад +1

      I liked it. SNW has a strong Farscape influence, one of my favorite series. New Spock and his subplots are awesome.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +7

    I was floored that Hemmer was killed, he was a great character and there was so many good stories that could have been made around him. BUT a good death, I loved that he said a heart felt good bye and then HE FELT THE ICY WIND IN HIS FACE and thought of his home world as he fell to his death. I will miss the character.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +6

    Yes this is A HEAD SCRATCH for how these Gorn become a space faring species that have a military fleet and world with a governmental structure or at least a tribal groups of organised Gorn.

    • @Donnagata1409
      @Donnagata1409 2 года назад

      No, not at all. It's evident. Young Gorn fight each other and only the strongest one from each host colony can survive. Gorn from various host colonies (from different parents, so to speak) don't have this urge to fight each other and can cooperate without any problems.

    • @lexxstrum
      @lexxstrum 2 года назад

      The guys at Trekyards theorized that's why the Gorn use birthing planets: the hatchlings and adolescent Gorn fight until there's an Alpha away from the homeworld, to avoid the adults having to get involved or them killing adults.
      And as someone said below, the last one left starts to become an Adult, and is picked up by the Gorn, essentially earning his stripes and proving he is worthy of survival; possibly they lose the drive to kill each other at this stage.

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@Donnagata1409 Ok maybe AS for we are just building this race. BUT how do they get to the home world while being on a planet lost in a huge galaxy with no ship

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@lexxstrum Ok that sounds as good. Thanks for the reply

    • @ajaya2710
      @ajaya2710 2 года назад

      @@thomashill6347 In most cases they are presumably grown in 'birthing planets', i.e. places where adult Gorn can monitor and pick up the Alpha adults from a hatching host and grab them for training.

  • @bricksloth6920
    @bricksloth6920 2 года назад

    I wish shows came with an upfront warning about noise blast jump scares.

  • @chriswickham8306
    @chriswickham8306 2 года назад

    I had exactly the same thought as you when they began eating each other - how on earth did these fools become a space-faring civilisation?!

  • @mr.gamenervy7357
    @mr.gamenervy7357 2 года назад +2

    Very confusing episode for me. I’m preferring the Orville at the moment!

  • @bobsanoldun
    @bobsanoldun 2 года назад

    I think the "Falling between two stools" comment regarding the Alien homage part of the show is rather harsh. In my view this struck the right balance in tone. Cup half full rather than half empty type of thing. Good vid tho.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +1

    I like both Aliens and Predator with a little Jurassic Park, after seeing how the puppets are made and the work that went into bring them to life was impressive. Yes the story was to laid out and vary unsurprising.

  • @johnminehan1148
    @johnminehan1148 2 года назад

    Do they develop the ability to work together as they mature? La'an has also only seen immature Gorn.
    Could be an interesting trope . . . .

  • @kenstaten7451
    @kenstaten7451 2 года назад +1

    Going to Nimbus in star trek online and say to the Gorn what the hell

  • @boxtears
    @boxtears 2 года назад +3

    I thought Duke was attacked first by the hatchlings and then pulled away by a larger one. As for how they became spacefaring, seemed like they were implying this early fight for dominance was just part of their newborn phase, after which they quickly mature and become more rational. But I agree they're making them far too feral and xenomorphic. Making them more reptilian, with strong and sturdy (but still rather savage) traits instead of quick, ravenous pathogen-like insectoids might've been the better way to go on this one.

    • @GPsarakis
      @GPsarakis 2 года назад

      The episode does make it a point that this is they're early development phase until you get one out of the group. It's like sharks who actually attack and kill each other when they're still in their mother. After that whoever makes it out is a alpha predator.

    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад

      if the gorn don't look like a guy in a terrible rubber Godzilla suit it isn't canon..............*sarcasm*

    • @johnminehan1148
      @johnminehan1148 2 года назад

      That is how TOS treated them and that was more in line with John W. Campbell's "Give me an alien who thinks as well as a human, but differently."

    • @johnminehan1148
      @johnminehan1148 2 года назад

      @@GPsarakis Great Whites, notably, who are viviparous but not placental.

  • @CulturePhilter
    @CulturePhilter 2 года назад +1

    I took the Gorn fighting amongst themselves as being due to being new born. A brood/litter/whatever-the-term-is natural instincts is to establish dominance in that group. I assume as they age they mature and brain development leads to them being more co-operative with each other.

    • @treklad
      @treklad  2 года назад

      A fair point. I saw someone else also made the valid argument that newborn babies aren't exactly building spaceships 😂 Saying that I'm still not a fan of this change. I can't see such an aggressive species amounting to much, let alone becoming a major space-faring power with the Gorn Hegemony.

    • @816taylor
      @816taylor 2 года назад +1

      Well clearly that's the case since in one episode they were communicating ship to ship using light. If all they did was hunt each other only the one surving gorn flies the ship. The math doesn't work.

    • @johnminehan1148
      @johnminehan1148 2 года назад

      @@treklad Interesting idea, do the Gorn become more social as they age? Have they accepted their biology unquestioningly or do they regret it and only accept it as a necessity? Do factions among them want a better way forward?

    • @Marveryn
      @Marveryn Год назад

      @@johnminehan1148 something i took from this episode but not in the original lore. spoke mention how they are an adaptive species when they gestate on a host. It get me a feeling maybe they were a bioengineered species. Foot soldier for an alien race that stop following orders. That would had giving them the leg up as they wouldn't have invented the tech themselves but stolen it from their former masters.
      I don't think they are a lot of lore on the gorn beyond some video game and some book that may be non canon. Enterprise did use the gorn for a bit but they stuck to fighting lizard if i recall the episode right. So someone correct me on the lore if that theory is possible Not sure if i like the idea of them stealing the predator chest busting.

  • @Dan-DJCc
    @Dan-DJCc 2 года назад

    It is often difficult to understand what Spock has said because the articulation is uneven.

  • @SKYWalkersSG
    @SKYWalkersSG 2 года назад +1

    you don't review Orville? It has the best sci-fi writing for a Trek-like genre, it is more Trek than Trek

  • @stephendevore9362
    @stephendevore9362 2 года назад +1

    Like with Orville episode they didn't wear spacesuits ??? It makes no sense because the writers were lazy

  • @jacobgillispie1175
    @jacobgillispie1175 2 года назад

    In star wars the Transdosians a reptilian Race that look like OG Gorn will eat their sibling/nest Mates when they first hatch and that's the parents favorite child which they then raise.
    Maybe they are taking on something like that??

  • @overdriver99
    @overdriver99 2 года назад

    It is too much Alien movie setting but.. with Star trek addon. Not bad at all! I wish there is longer action sequence but I understand this is star trek... when Cap. Kirk wrestle with Gorn.. sure. anyway, this is good adaptation of other SF ideas. I don't mind at all.
    several deaths along the way is also star trek tradition. I love this series so far since Cap. Pike is my one of favorite captains. It sounds like classic captain in ST environment.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +1

    I watch the ready room, The actor knew his character was going to be killed when he took the part.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +2

    Good evening TREKLAD. I did like this episode

  • @MichaelStrathmore
    @MichaelStrathmore 2 года назад

    Greetings & salutations! The following are my real-time reactions as I watch Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S1E9 - All Those Who Wander.
    As always, these novel-length rants of mine are meant to be tongue in cheek, so for heaven's sake don't take it too seriously. I may like something you don't, and vice versa. Read if you like, don't if you don't. (Only so much time in the day afterall.) My hope is that this post will spark substantive discussion amongst Star Trek fans everywhere I post, so if you stick around feel free to chime in too.
    As always, I only watch each episode once, so some nonsense I'm mentioning might be answered before the credits roll.
    Finally - please support this RUclips channel! I merely litter their comment section with nonsense, but it's the content creators who put in the real effort. So like it, subscribe to it, ding-a-ling that bell and help it grow already.
    Thanks in advance for your time!
    1) We open with Cadet Uhura narrating her personal log entry against the background of a send off party. Both she Cadet Chia have completed their assignments on the Enterprise. Normally I'd be pointing out yet another scene that opens with slow motion and/or from behind the furniture, but I confess there is a delicacy to this cinematography that has been absent throughout most of the season before now. So too has the semblance that this is a lived in ship, full of crewmembers going about their duties. So for this episode to focus so heavily on them is actually rather refreshing.
    2) Uhura emphasizes that this crew is made up of, "The top everyone of everything..." Again, this is refreshing to hear, especially since much of the season seems to have lost sight of this fact, with most of these characters actually saying or doing things counter to being the best of the best, often to the point where one questions their competencies. Where has this humble, self reflection been all season? I like it a lot.
    3) A subtle moment that you miss if you blink. Number One gestures to Pike that time is ticking. As in, let's get this moving along already. Again, this is the logistical side of being the First Officer aboard a Starship shining through. This entire season I've pointed out how lackadaisical Pike has been, often shirking responsibility and making some of the least informed decisions I've ever seen a captain make. There is no doubt in my mind who runs this ship. It's Una. And rightfully so. She is the steady handed, stern leader that keeps this vessel moving as well as it does. Pike is all about delegation, unless it's drinks. Una is the captain behind the captain, and I wish she occupied the top seat more often than she does.
    4) Uhura is the most inconsistently written character on this show. We are finally seeing her questioning her future motivations again. Something we haven't seen since Johnny Bravo's last Ribfest party. I don't know why Uhura's dialogue over the season wasn't peppered with this lack of inspiration, but I'm glad to see it has returned.
    5) A working lunch seems to follow a Priority One mission from Starfleet Command. As the show continues to find its feet in season 2 and beyond, this is the sort of banter I hope really gets pulled back. I appreciate that the show wants to colour in moments of levity here and there, but enough already. This is a paramilitary-style ship, let's roll up our sleeves a bit more and tone it down on the team building. Take for instance this moment, the Chief of Security saunters in late to the meeting, blurting out snide comments about the "head shrinker". Do we have a Priority One mission to review or not? The crew of the Peregrine might all be dead or dying, but sure, let's make certain Singh has her waffles.
    6) It's like, you JUST showed Una urging Pike to keep things moving at the party, and yet the show literally undermines that sense of urgency in the very next scene. Sure Singh, let's make sure you get that extra cheese. Mercy.
    7) The USS Peregrine is a Sombra-class ship. M'Benga indicates that the Sombra-class ship is fast. Considering the peregrine falcon is the fastest animal on earth I'd say it's aptly named.
    8) Wait, I'm legitimately confused as to the Priority One mission from Starfleet. If the last communication with the Peregrine came as it initiated an Emergency Landing - communication that was then abruptly cut off - then how does Starfleet even know that the ship survived the landing? A landing that was 4 days ago.
    9) Why is this the second Starfleet outpost this season that needs resources to be delivered by the Enterprise just as their current supply is on the brink of running out? First it was the atmospheric processor urgently needed by the colony back in episode 4, now it's Vidium power cells for Deep Space Station K-7? Who is in charge of logistics at Starfleet Command, and why is it so last minute before these outposts receive their supplies? (This better not be another Gorn episode, or else I might be convinced that they have an informant planted within Starfleet Command with knowledge of upgrade schedules.)
    10) Pike opts to to kill two peregrines with one stone, sending Number One to K-7 while he opts to take an away mission to Valeo Beta Five, an L-class planet, with cadets for some reason. Again, can't help but think the captain is making yet another bad decision in a season full of them. Need I remind you they don't even know if the ship or crew survived the emergency landing. If there is a chance the Peregrine crew is injured or the ship can fly again, then this away should be FULL of medical officers and engineers. Not cadets.
    11) Two shuttles make their way to the surface, landing nowhere close to the Peregrine for some reason.
    12) Is there any reason why the Sombra-class starship looks like a Constitution-class starship? I know M'Benga mentioned that it uses Constitution-class parts, but I can't help but think the art department didn't get the approval or time or budget to design an entirely new ship. Something all fans appreciate. Lame.
    13) I take it back, the shuttles do have a reason to land so far away from the Peregrine. Geothermal anomalies. Thank you for the clarification Mr. Spock.
    14) Hemmer is living his best life. I dig it.
    15) Spock refers to Lieutenant Duke as, "ensign" and apparently that means he has to buy Duke a drink. I'm not sure this is so much a tradition in Starfleet as much as it is a traditional on Johnny Bravo's ship. Nice to see Sam Kirk again. Can't wait to see him nearly get killed again this episode.
    16) Singh spots what appears to be a human body on the surface. Again, for all Starfleet knows, the entire crew is dead.
    17) Credit show this episode is written by Davy Perez. If I'm not mistaken, he also wrote episode 4. I guess he just really likes his outposts-need-resources-immediately trope for whatever reason. Oh man this episode better not have the Gorn or I'm telling you, it'll feel like there is an informant at Starfleet Command divulging logistics secrets to them...
    18) I see that this episode is directed by Christopher J. Byrne. It feels likes the first episode that Akiva Goldsman directed. The first episode is, hands down, the best directed episode of the entire season, and this is a close second. This guy is really talented. With craftsmanship like this Kurtzman & Goldsman need to hire him to helm the entire second season.
    19) I was critical of Uhura accompanying this mission, but her insights into communications are proving useful. Pike is almost as surprised as I am as he states, "Clearly I brought the right people for the job." Apparently he did! I just wish it felt like deftness as opposed to luck.
    20) Is it me, or is Pike less than nonplussed that 20 Peregrine crewmembers (including the captain) have perished?
    21) Uhura accesses the log of the Peregrine captain. The dialogue is a bit clumsy, and the voice performance is a bit wooden, but the solid cinematography more than makes up for it.
    22) Gorn! I can't believe I called that. I blame the writer Perez, telegraphing the same resource-limited scenario that he invoked in his last Gorn episode.
    23) Why is Pike asking Singh on what she wants to do. Dude, you're the captain. You need to make these tactical decisions. Deferring to Singh's judgment undermines your aptitude as a character.
    24) Seems a bit strange that Pike would allow Uhura to take the lead when entering the next unsecured room, with an alien "humanoid" with unclear intentions no less.
    25) It seems we found the human girl to go along with the humanoid. Obvious question is, how did these two manage to survive the initial blast set off by their Orion travel companion Pesko and the subsequent Gorn encounters?
    26) No Chapel, Duke didn't come himself because the writers need you & Spock to have yet another forced scene together. Really hope this stops in season 2.
    27) Conversely, this scene between Hemmer and Uhura is most welcome. Hemmer is easily becoming the most interesting character on this show. It is somewhat ironic that Uhura laments a role in Starfleet as akin to "coasting" when we know too well that Nichelle Nichols' time in the role unfortunately gave her little to do.
    28) Singh starts to berate Oriana. "Where are the Gorn!?" Seems like a silly thing to ask. How would she know?
    29) M'Benga references his daughter. I like that he does. Makes a lot of sense. Makes far less sense that Singh would barely notice the odd choice of words though.
    30) Uhhh okay, M'Benga is now actually referencing his daughter to Singh. Apparently she knows who she is for some reason?
    31) With all the flickering lights, dead bodies, open vents, and deadly creatures abound, you'd think I'd have made a Nostromo reference by now. But alas, it took the little Gorn bursting from the humanoid's body for me to see the Alien flick comparison.

    • @MichaelStrathmore
      @MichaelStrathmore 2 года назад

      PART TWO
      32) Why did Oriana cover her mouth I wonder.
      33) Apparently the Alien vibes aren't enough monster movie references. We also seem to need a Predator-style POV shot as well.
      34) Not gonna lie, I chuckled at Kirk chastising Duke for having touched something that could have killed him lol.
      35) Okay so Duke apparently bites the dust, or rather, gets bitten. I gotta say, this entire season has made it fairly evident that this show doesn't know how to stage compelling live action sequences. Sadly, this scene will not buck that trend either, as four crewmembers seem entirely useless when it comes to stopping Duke from being dragged off. Also, why aren't they running after him to see if he's still alive?
      36) Pike says, "We need to alert the rest of the crew. Right now." Uh alert them of what? Didn't they all know that Gorn was possibly running all over the place?
      37) Singh startling Chapel actually gave me a jump scare. Nice.
      38) Why doesn't Starfleet tech detect the Gorn? First the Peregrine captain said the bio-filters missed them, and now tricorders can't locate their bio signs? I'm telling you, there is a Gorn mole who has infiltrated Starfleet!
      39) Back to Hemmer and Uhura. Not gonna lie, I suddenly find myself wondering how tough a hide Hemmer's skin makes.
      40) "Team Hemhura strikes again." Find the producer that signed off on that line and fire them.
      41) Hemmer smells human blood. Putting aside the fact that he knows what it smells like, why is this a shocker? There is human blood everywhere, including at the entrance where they first boarded the Peregrine. He should have said, "I smell human blood. Fresh human blood." Still creepy, but at least lends itself better to the urgency of the moment.
      42) Sam Kirk is losing it. Not that I blame him, but if Pike wasn't such a pushover a stern talking to might snap the lieutenant back into focus.
      43) Pike says he wounded one of the Gorn? Did I miss something? He shot wildly at Duke's body, but I didn't see him wound one of the Gorn. Seriously, did something get cut out? Again, hire a dedicated stunt coordinator. A show with this kind of budget needs to make this a priority for season 2.
      44) So finally Pike has the ability to alert the crew and this is all the information he gives them? "Get to Sick Bay." Great details on the threat they're facing, captain!
      45) Oh wow, okay... So apparently THAT is what a Gorn looks like in this show, eh? Looks like a cross between a Xindi-Insectoid and the GEICO Gecko.
      46) Uhura doesn't immediately shoot the Gorn. Instead she takes the time to state, "We need to make a run for it." This, of course leads to Hemmer getting puked all over by the GEICO Gecko. Uhura is literally the worst part of Team Hemhura.
      47) Apparently the GEICO Gecko puke burns. Seems we will see how thick a hide Hemmer has after all.
      48) Kirk goes off on Spock. Maybe someone told Kirk that Spock didn't so much as bat an eyelash when he nearly died on the Sheperd comet and he is still bitter about it?
      49) This pep talk from Pike sucks. This guy seriously sounds like he can't be bothered with this situation.
      50) Singh says they wouldn't have a chance against even one adult Gorn. I'm confused, wasn't that actually an adult Gorn that she just fired upon and chased away? Aren't the younglings the smallest ones that burst out of the humanoid? She said there were 4 of those. One was already dead. The GEICO Gecko just squashed one, so there are two left, plus the adult she just got the upper hand on, no? Why doesn't she think they could stand up to it if she literally just did?
      51) Where is Newt? I mean M'Benga's daughter? I mean, Oriana?
      52) Singh says they need to use "aggressive" behavior to draw them out. Uhhhh literally no one was using aggressive behavior prior to this and they all were drawn out pretty well. She then also states that Gorn hate the cold. Yes, we learned that already. Hence the bodies of the crew outside, apparently trying to lure them out into the elements. So here is a question Ms. Tactical Analysis - Don't you think the Peregrine crew would have thought to lure them onboard the ship too? Maybe you should ascertain whether or not they did make such an attempt too, if so, did it work?
      53) M'Benga comments that Pike still hasn't changed his command codes. Now why would he do something responsible like that, doc? It's not really on brand for him, is it?
      54) Hemmer says he won't kill the Gorn, but will "Do what he must to protect the lives of this crew..." Soooo maybe you will kill it after all? Abracadabra! You're dead GEICO Gecko!
      55) Pike declares it's going into the vent systems. So apparently we can track it now with ship sensors?
      56) Spock goes full Rambo. Seems odd, considering Uhura didn't have to.
      57) Singh conveniently suggests that the two GEICO Geckos that are dueling one another will somehow both perish. I guess it's impossible for one of them to kill the other? Nope? Okay then! More great insights from Ms. Tactical Analysis!
      58) This is just a friendly reminder for the crew. You have no proof that there isn't already several adult Gorn hiding somewhere. Either on the ship. Or in a cave system on the planet surface. Or maybe even back in your shuttles.
      59) Ms. Tactical Analysis seems to think throwing her weapon away makes sense. Couldn't she have just handed it off to one of the other crewmembers on the other side of the door she just came from? I bet Rambo Spock would appreciate a phaser instead of whatever the heck it is he's holding.
      60) Now I'm no Ms. Tactical Analysis, but I still don't understand why the crew couldn't have just huddled somewhere - say, on the bridge - and couldn't have simply chilled the rest of the ship. You know, freeze them all with one go? At least that way you could theoretically exterminate any other GEICO Geckos that you might not have accounted for.
      61) Aww look at that frozen GEICO Gecko. Hope he had insurance.
      62) "It's dead, Chris." Why does Pike look and sound like he just woke up from a bad acid flashback?
      63) Kirk rejoices that they've gotten rid of the last if them. If we're still keeping with the whole Alien vibes, there should be one waiting for you back on the shuttle.
      64) You sons of bitches. You've infected Hemmer. Literally the most interesting character on this damned show. And now you're telling me he's gotta walk off into the sunset for the last time? Are you freaking kidding me? Wow, as if I didn't need another reason to dislike Uhura.
      65) Hemmer is an absolute stud.
      66) Spock clocking Hemmer's sacrifice is a nice touch. Not heavy handed, but those that know, know.
      67) Hemmer gives one last piece of advice to Uhura. "Open yourself." It's a touching moment, even if the choice of words are unfortunate given what he's about to experience...
      68) Enjoy the view, blue skin. This crew - this show - won't be the same without you, pal.
      69) This scene is the best thing Ortegas has done on this show. Wow. She suddenly has such depth. More of this please.
      70) Hemmer's purpose. "To fix what is broken." Combined with this solid cinematography? I'm telling you, sign this director long term. Immediately.
      71) Spock's affixed stare at Chapel. Chills.
      72) This is the first time all season that I actually wanted Chapel to chase after Spock for a scene between the two of them. It is actually an earned moment between them both.
      73) I've often criticized Peck for being too closed off vocally. It is clear to me now that this actor accesses anger far easier than any other emotion. I say this because this moment is the best performance Peck has given to date.
      74) That was the first time I believed the chemistry from Chapel towards Spock. Hire. This. Director. Long. Term. Immediately.
      75) Singh is departing the Enterprise to help Oriana find family. The direction is top notch. I can't get over it. He knows exactly where he wants the camera and he knows exactly how to get the best out of these actors. Including Chong, who also gives the best performance of her season with this goodbye.
      76) A missed opportunity to have Pike reflect on his decision to include Cadet Chia and Lt Duke. Names that should haunt him moving forward...
      77) We close with Uhura as she overlooks the position she's destined to serve at. Cinematography is beautiful.
      That was the best episode of the season, and easily the best episode in NuTrek. Which is to say, the best Star Trek I've seen since 2005. Not perfect, bends canon, needs better action choreography, borrows heavily from other sci-fi properties, and still depicts Pike as the most useless captain I've ever seen, but really well done overall. For those who have followed my previous pedantic posts you'll be just as shocked as I am that I liked this episode as much as I did.
      7 out of 10
      1 - Unwatchable
      2 - Disaster
      3 - Terrible
      4 - Bad
      5 - Fair
      6 - Good
      7 - Very Good
      8 - Great
      9 - Truly Special
      10 - Masterpiece

  • @kev30631
    @kev30631 2 года назад +1

    I heard a review where the RUclipsr said , why didn't they just go back to the shuttle and just leave once this shit started happening.
    Had anyone addressed this other than him
    Wouldn't this crashed ship have environment suits they could have barrowed to wear to walk back to the shuttles if there was a sudden snow storm (plot Device) to keep them trapped there.
    Refresh my memory. Why did they choose to stay in the crashed ship

    • @treklad
      @treklad  2 года назад +1

      The storm, and probably fear that whatever killed the Peregrine crew might have still been outside.
      But mostly the storm.

    • @GPsarakis
      @GPsarakis 2 года назад

      The storm and the fact that they could also get even more turned around and lost in the storm that they can't find the shuttles. Remember the planets Ion storms effect sensors so your tricorder is useless.

  • @lexxstrum
    @lexxstrum 2 года назад +2

    I said elsewhere they could have made these "Gorn" a completely new species, and not have hurt the show or the story at all.
    They're only Gorn for fanservice.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +1

    I scored this my lowest at a 9/10 I will have a second watch Monday night on CTV Sci-Fi channel at 10:00pm here in Toronto Canada. The score may change

    • @brownro214
      @brownro214 2 года назад

      I assume 10 is your lowest score.

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@brownro214 No I have scored 8.5/10 BUT EVERY EPISODE IS GOOD in many ways, JUST somethings that make me scratch my head

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +1

    So what is the third episode of TOS to be reviewed is it THE ENEMY WITHIN ? I will be waiting

    • @treklad
      @treklad  2 года назад

      Where No Man Has Gone Before! It’s on the way 😊

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@treklad Is that in order of Stardates ?

    • @treklad
      @treklad  2 года назад

      Original release dates.

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@treklad Ok that is good Star Trek release dates SO - Where No Man Has Gone Before

  • @grafffuller3265
    @grafffuller3265 2 года назад

    I didn't mind the Alien, Aliens and Predator homages (if not down right stealing them).
    Question. Are the hatchlings and newborn Gorn hyper aggresive, then when they get older...more adaptable to working together. Survival of the fittest? Then once the weak have been weeded out...then they ALL are legit the badest of the bad. Just a thought.
    Love all the main characters...and most of the side characters. I too wish they had "seeded" this episode with some of these "throw away" characters in an episode or two...before they left us too soon. Ugh.
    La'an should've definitely given them a heads up on the spit. They could've gotten away with it...IF she hadn't been there to see it. Unfortunately, she was there. Oof.
    We are really going to miss Hemmer. Other than the steep dive fall...could Hemmer have that frigid world...and killing the hatchlings BEFORE they burst out of him? Maybe his body temperature could have supported their deaths, along side being on this ice planet. Just a thought. Maybe he'll return again some day?
    Loved how Spock unlocked the door of his rage, but then was having a hard time putting the beast back in. Love that. Well played by Ethan Peck, too.
    We enjoyed the episode. We gave it a 4/5. I can understand others NOT liking it.
    Thanks for your review and thoughts on this episode. Looking forward to the finale.
    BTW, I heard that S2 wrapped three days ago. Don't know when it will release in 2023, but glad that they've got it done. Talk to you, later.

    • @treklad
      @treklad  2 года назад +1

      Very likely that's the idea with the Gorn. I imagine we're going to see a lot more of them on the show, and maybe other forms of Trek which I'm a big fan of - Trek needed a new big bad, even if it's technically an old face.
      Fingers crossed the S2 wrap means more SNW this time next year. I'd like to see Trek get a little more consistent with its schedule. Selfishly because it'll make these videos easier to plan out!

  • @SC-mq1eh
    @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад +2

    plz spread the word to your fellow trek YT'ers, pretty much par for the trek course borrowing, stealing, or homaging from genres, troupes, and franchises! Gary 7/Bashir stealing from James Bond 007 to the point IP owner's sent a nasty letter - Sherlock Holmes, Robin hood, Shakespeare, moby dick, literally and figuratively - the balance of terror classic, quoted from wiki "Director Vincent McEveety had seen the 1957 film The Enemy Below but only noticed the similarities between its plot and this episode later. He admitted "Obviously, it's the same story." - and SNW/NU-trek and the rest of OG trek didn't reinvent almost anything new except change the scenery ie balance of terror "in space" - and I mean the trek franchise was pitched as "Wagon Train in space", so there ya go! I'm sure you and your fellow tubers could easily come up with more times that the trek franchise borrowed from others, as this was off the top of my head

    • @BritneyLaZonga
      @BritneyLaZonga 2 года назад

      Yes. This. Thanks.

    • @kev30631
      @kev30631 2 года назад

      I dont think you mentioned the Borg .
      What are Klingons..... vikings

  • @princeeverlove
    @princeeverlove 2 года назад +3

    This Season is still Better than every Series since Next Generation...'Nuff Said✨

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад +2

    YES dragging a full size man that is till a live and fighting to get away is NOT VERY BALIEVABLE

  • @BigNoseDog
    @BigNoseDog 2 года назад

    The episode is a clear ripoff of the Alien series. But what redeems it is that it’s done in service of developing the characters. We see Uhura find a sense of direction in her life. We see Spock now at a point where he’s not fully in control of his emotions. And we see Pike taking an enormous risk in allowing this mission in the first place without the Enterprise standing by to help. Would Pike take such a risk if he didn’t know his future? Maybe the death of Hemmer is why Pike becomes more risk averse in the next episode.

  • @dodgeplow
    @dodgeplow Год назад +2

    Poor depiction of the Gorn and bad CGI, Disappointing. There was more potential.

  • @thomashill6347
    @thomashill6347 2 года назад

    I would have liked to see the Gorn grow smarter as they rapidly grow in to toddlers, The two that was brought together should have fight to see who was the dominant Gorn then worked to attack by splitting up for a two prong attack. I would think as they age they grow like WOLF PACK fight but not killing each other and THEY WOULD BAND TOGETHER so to find the home world LIKE THE 100 DOMINON CHILDREN spread through out the galaxy.

    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад

      no reason why sentient intelligence couldn't evolve in a hyper predatorial species, even canibalstic ones - most apex predators are highly intelligent,as well as having longer "childhoods" for their offspring - and offspring from competing alphas are generally on the menu

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@SC-mq1eh Yes we see this in bird species Hanks if two young are hatch the stranger will prevail Sand Tiger Sharks start fighting of control in the womb Killing and eating the others

    • @thomashill6347
      @thomashill6347 2 года назад

      @@SC-mq1eh I look at this Gorn babies as TADPOLES as they grow the bodies change the mental acuity develops. It is a stretch for these Gorn to become the TOS Gorn

    • @Marveryn
      @Marveryn Год назад

      too bad they went to the alien route of re productions cause i would had prefer gorn to be more like male lions. While a single alpha male lead a pack of female gorn warrior with the alpha having to defend his place against other male or be push out of the tribe.

  • @aleta5873
    @aleta5873 2 года назад +2

    More than one damn alien species can incubate their offspring within a body and burst out...This was an emotional roller coaster. I was scared, cried and loved all the actors performances---I hate the whole Alien bursting thang anyway. But for me, it works.

    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад

      plenty of species on good old earth use host incubation - do a YT search for zombie snails 🤯

    • @kev30631
      @kev30631 2 года назад

      They aren't afraid to show the gorn clearly. In Interviews the guy was talking about keeping them in the dark because of the fear of it looking like bad FX monsters.
      Sense they are not afraid of that anymore , I want to see them talk.
      Like there suppose to.

    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад

      sure, but what we saw in SNW we're infants and juveniles - and SNW added the layer that embryos adopt traits of their host, so there appears to be an obvy difference from what was seen in TOS and slightly more inline with ENT

  • @BrianBeuken
    @BrianBeuken 2 года назад

    Ch asm? ermmm its pronounced Ka zem

  • @hanumaniam
    @hanumaniam 2 года назад


  • @lknanml
    @lknanml Год назад

    Started strong. Ended as the worst episode of the series so far.... Just an utter WASTE of a good character. This is how you doom a series. You don't have enough invested in the crew to start killing off characters all Walking Dead style. I REALLY hope this is not the direction the show is going. I REALLY like this series. This is the first episode that made my No reason to watch this one again. EVER.... Ok... Back to catching up. Probably just blow up Earth in episode 10......

  • @johnchristopher20
    @johnchristopher20 2 года назад

    The worthless writers aren’t adding in easter-eggs, they are just plagiarizing TOS and everything else.

  • @valueofnothing2487
    @valueofnothing2487 2 года назад

    This is not Star Trek. Star Trek is about putting social issues, history, philosophy in science fiction analogy. This is just another soap-opera sci-fi (and in this case horror) show that one can see in Netflix or other streaming service. To tear down characters like Spock is a disgrace.
    And at the same time, this show prides itself in centering the show with strong female characters. Yet it has them do pedestrian drama that you can find anywhere. They have obviously failed the test in the The Case, where we pick reality over fantasy. Now we want to see characters on the screen 'to love', to think of as our friends, that look like us. It is such an immature and even sick and depraved fandom that has gripped us all.

    • @BritneyLaZonga
      @BritneyLaZonga 2 года назад +2


    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад +1

      you would think they would be tired of repeating all the same talking points

    • @SC-mq1eh
      @SC-mq1eh 2 года назад

      @valueofnothng please elaborate how they are tearing Spock! showing emotions? being attractive to women? all done before bruv - the only new thing they're shown is Spock with a beard - or is that Soo immature, sick and depraved?

    • @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388
      @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388 2 года назад

      It's more like Farscape, one of my favorite series. I love SNW. Orville is propaganda. Though I want stronger sci-fi episodes like the OS. I care more about characters than plots, and the SNW characters are great and likable.

    • @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388
      @tomcruisenukedmyaccount5388 2 года назад

      @@SC-mq1eh New Spock and his subplots are awesome.

  • @martynstembridge7714
    @martynstembridge7714 2 года назад

    Chasm ...