568. Why Are People So Mad at Michael Lewis? | Freakonomics Radio

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @katejones9046
    @katejones9046 8 месяцев назад +4

    If Michael Lewis had written the book reflecting what he said in this podcast and not what he actually wrote, it would have been a much better book.

  • @timmurphy14
    @timmurphy14 Год назад +8

    This guy demonstrated that you can, in fact, con a conman. I listened to his podcast about the trial and every opportunity he could he tried to lighten the judgment on SBF, ultimately discussing how unfair the criminal justice system is. While I can’t completely disagree with that, because it certainly can be, it’s hard to argue that it was anything but just here. Michael Lewis sitting with SBF’s parents in the courtroom also gave a bad look. I was a huge Lewis fan before, with the Big Short and Flash Boys both being recommendations I would have made to anyone. Now I just don’t see myself wanting to read anything else he writes.

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 6 месяцев назад +3

    To paraphrase George Castanza…It’s not a con…if you believe it.

  • @Omar_Little
    @Omar_Little Год назад +11

    "His parents didn't know that they owned the mansion in the bahamas. They didn't know what was going on about anything." - Michael Lewis STILL being a credulous fool.

    • @nickwright9064
      @nickwright9064 7 месяцев назад +1

      Isn't there an email from the father complaining about not getting enough cash from the business? Not exactly how ML portrays them!!

  • @shaunspadafora7943
    @shaunspadafora7943 11 месяцев назад +5

    It's rare to see a combination of both autism and psychopathy, but I believe SBF may be an example.

    • @Charactermatters650
      @Charactermatters650 12 дней назад

      It’s not like that Shaun - I work with kids/teens and young adults with “spectrum” disorders (autism/aspbergers/high functioning autism). It is in fact common for crossover between being autistic and being a sociopath (no “other” in self/other functioning in human relationships - or simply, lacking empathy). The inability to see/understand others thoughts/feelings and beliefs are common to both the sociopath and the “spectrum” disorder individuals. The DIFFERENCE is that the sociopath understands that others feelings drive their behavior and give them a “vulnerability” and that this can be exploited and then they use that to manipulate others to their means. The “spectrum” individual simply does not understand nor use others feelings to manipulate - they may come off as manipulative, but often they are pursuing a “rule” that they are simply following. They would not usually CHOOSE to intentionally deceive you. A big difference. I am not sure what SBF is? Hard to answer.

    @HTHAMMACK1 11 месяцев назад +1

    No, what Michael Lewis did was defend this guy and try to build him up as some great guy.

  • @Omar_Little
    @Omar_Little Год назад +7

    "If he played chess against a GM but the rules of the game changed during the game he might beat them".. This is absolute nonsense. Lewis spouting complete stupidity. He clearly has no idea what chess GMs are capable of and how often they also play variations on chess.
    Similarly he believes EA conmen aren't conmen because "they're academics". He is genuinely so willing to fawn over rich people that he is outrageously willing to believe things that fall apart under even a few moments of scrutiny or critical thought.

    • @shaunspadafora7943
      @shaunspadafora7943 11 месяцев назад

      The chess analogy is simply a symbolic representation of the chaos and complexity involved in high frequency trading.

    • @natetaylor9744
      @natetaylor9744 7 месяцев назад

      He's critical of EA, the thing he said about chess GMs is absolutely true; the things that are lacking are your attention span, your knowledge of chess, and your reading comprehension.

  • @nickthomas6827
    @nickthomas6827 26 дней назад

    27:40 the idea that democracy is the best political system to minimize existential risks to humanity is bunk. The best political system for that would be a benevolent dictator who cares deeply about minimizing existential risks and would move heaven and earth to do so

  • @kentedify
    @kentedify 8 месяцев назад +1

    I've read most of ML's books but have no interest in this one. I've always viewed crypto as gambling since it has ZERO intrinsic value and is based on speculating. I'm sure that SBF is a lot more interesting than the people speculate and call it investing. Being mad at ML is blaming the messenger.

  • @meestabob
    @meestabob 8 месяцев назад +1

    It’s not a story for people who can’t see nuances, but here the critics can’t even see contradictions. For example, ML points out the contradiction that the bankruptcy solution of Ray/SullCrom will lose more money than the bankruptcy itself. Whoa, that should slow down any criticism. The courtroom antics of the prosecution are right out of Dickens. I mean, twisting the arms of scared innocent young people so they testify for you! And ML points out that the so called loss might be a win in the end. What!? The real injustice here is that the very concept of “crime” doesn’t apply. He’s somehow deficient in understanding basic concepts, as ML clearly shows, so the whole legal proceeding should have been shut down at the beginning. The court did not establish a motive if SBF did not understand that his “mistakes” were against the law. Lack of intent is a solution granted to violent offenders all the time. It’s really ironic that the one concept that SBF understands, altruism, is never mentioned by critics, but Judge Kaplan sentenced him for not showing empathy by showing him no empathy. What!? I thank ML for his nuanced book.

    • @natetaylor9744
      @natetaylor9744 7 месяцев назад

      SBF is a fun villain, he's fun for people to hate, and people hate it when you get in the way of their hate.

    • @matthewmaguire3554
      @matthewmaguire3554 6 месяцев назад

      Hmmm…Like when people get busted for drug possession the response quite often is….What is your problem? Why are you bothering me?🤗

    • @robertstolzoff8469
      @robertstolzoff8469 Месяц назад

      "Lack of intent is a solution granted to violent offenders all the time. '
      That's utter nonsense .

    • @robertstolzoff8469
      @robertstolzoff8469 Месяц назад

      ". The court did not establish a motive if SBF did not understand that his “mistakes” were against the law. "
      There is this motive called "Billions of dollars" , so wtaf are you babbling about ?

    • @robertstolzoff8469
      @robertstolzoff8469 Месяц назад

      "e’s somehow deficient in understanding basic concepts,"
      Or he did a great job of making gullible people yourself included , think that

  • @justseifert
    @justseifert Год назад +6

    Obsessed with the people he writes about except when they're not a rich narcissists. He interviewed everyone but Michael Oher for The Blind Side. And was more interested in his exploitive guardians and took them at face value.

    • @seanwebb605
      @seanwebb605 Год назад +2

      That's complete nonsense.

    • @scottparrish7244
      @scottparrish7244 8 месяцев назад

      You have no idea what you are talking about. Michael Lewis went to school with Sean Tuhoy.

    • @robertstolzoff8469
      @robertstolzoff8469 Месяц назад

      @@seanwebb605 not really, his so called guardians took advantage of him and ripped him off

    • @seanwebb605
      @seanwebb605 Месяц назад +1

      @robertstolzoff8469 All evidence to the contrary.

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 6 месяцев назад

    Why when commenting on sites do I feel like Steve Martin in “The Jerk “ when the new telephone book arrives?🎭

  • @bengrace8808
    @bengrace8808 Год назад +2

    Dang the comments really are riled up about this guy huh

  • @sararichardson737
    @sararichardson737 3 месяца назад

    Hilarious. Tragic.

  • @waltwhitman7545
    @waltwhitman7545 11 месяцев назад +1

    bro tried to justify Bankman-Fraud

  • @almor2445
    @almor2445 Год назад +3

    Sbf is a classic narcissist but one who has decided he wants a reputation for good deeds at any cost. No wisdom at all.

  • @phenomenalfemale524
    @phenomenalfemale524 Год назад +2

    The bad reviews on Amazon are monumentally bad in a way I've never read before. SBF is a bad guy and any author that writes a book about SBF and sidesteps this is absurd.

    • @seanwebb605
      @seanwebb605 Год назад +1

      Sam Bankman Fried just isn't a very good villain. He's not some sinister person polluting the oceans, stealing from little old ladies our tearing down poor people's homes. He committed crimes. And he was justly convicted and will likely go to prison. But he's just not a very good villain. Lewis never excused his crimes or behaviour. All that he is saying is that it was an interesting story with an interesting character. Someone that people really did marvel at. Someone that everyone wanted to be around. Lewis is right. He gave us all of the information to draw our own conclusions. The company was a mess and the man was incredibly unorthodox. And he committed crimes. Lewis has said many times before that had he testified it would have been bad for Fried. If he was on they jury he would have voted to convict. Why are people angry at Lewis? He wrote an interesting book that told us everything that could be known up until the trial.

    • @natetaylor9744
      @natetaylor9744 7 месяцев назад

      I too blindly trust online pile ons - I mean if everyone shouting the exact same thing it must be true.

    • @whazzat8015
      @whazzat8015 4 месяца назад

      The book assumes the defense's position, sort of.
      He was convicted, if that is a critical review of the position.
      Guilty, guilty, guilty
      Still it's a suported argument to present.

  • @billychad89
    @billychad89 Год назад +5

    This is the last freakenomics podcast for me. Critical thinking just getting worse and worse on this show.

    • @allie_hart
      @allie_hart Год назад +3

      They didn't press him on anything people are mad about! They just gave him another opportunity to shill his book. They didn't ask him about his attacks on Michael Oher or him being entirely dismissive of Zeke Faux when his book was actually well researched and he didn't fall victim to the pitfalls of access journalism as Lewis ALWAYS does. God I hate this guy

    • @seanwebb605
      @seanwebb605 Год назад

      @@allie_hart You're insane.

    • @seansexton1472
      @seansexton1472 Год назад
