I'm definitely in sweater mode and want to cast on all the sweaters so --- "Tessitura" is tonight, "Cardiflower" is February 1, and my KAL sweater is the "Simple Summer Top-Down V-Neck" on January 31. Plus, I want to finish spinning the last 2 ounces of a 5-ounce braid and chain ply that.
I'm definitely in sweater mode and want to cast on all the sweaters so --- "Tessitura" is tonight, "Cardiflower" is February 1, and my KAL sweater is the "Simple Summer Top-Down V-Neck" on January 31. Plus, I want to finish spinning the last 2 ounces of a 5-ounce braid and chain ply that.
Wow you've got plans! Also those sweaters are super cute 😍
I’m adding to the Crocs discussion (no I do not like them), but my grandson not only had charms, he had lights on the front of his!
Like headlights like a car?? 🤣
@ yes just like that
I use the diagonal garter blanket as an easy baby blanket in fingering og lace wool.
That's a good idea!
Maybe Jocelyn should sort her notions.....
Diana thoroughly endorses this idea!