The Process of Creation by Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria (Ari HaKadosh)

  • Опубликовано: 29 мар 2017
  • A short clip based on the writings of the 16th Century G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria. From this we can gain insights as to how the Creator brought the creation to be.
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Комментарии • 14

  • @Soundtheology1
    @Soundtheology1 2 года назад +2

    This is so wonderful! I teach Luria's theory in college courses, and your video does a superb job of helping us envision the process of the divine's creative withdrawal and the creation of worlds. THANK YOU!

  • @artScrollChumash
    @artScrollChumash Год назад +1

    Baruch HaShem Chazak u'Baruch BeEzrat HaShem Lo Klipot HaGoyim Besiyata Dishmaya

  • @rebeccazou2850
    @rebeccazou2850 5 лет назад +2

    Shaarei Binah thanks for clip. i want to know more about The Ari Ha Kadosh

  • @Psyle_
    @Psyle_ 5 лет назад +4

    At first this story of creation seems simplistic but one can't deny the cross-correlations with the similar stories that entities tell human travellers in the spirit world.
    Hmm Tzimtzum, the only way for the Formless to manifest form is to limit itself.
    If you have been studying Kabbalah for 9 years, what well-written book or sacred-text commentary would you recommend that points directly to the core of kabbalah? Especially a detailled map of the spirit world and how it relates to the Void (you guys call it Ein Soph).

    • @SamuelJClark-dh1me
      @SamuelJClark-dh1me 4 года назад +1

      If your in to Isaac Luria check out apples from the orchard. If it’s too expensive i could email it to you. :)

    • @seangerardo66
      @seangerardo66 3 года назад

      pro tip : watch movies on flixzone. Me and my gf have been using them for watching all kinds of movies lately.

    • @austinpayton8643
      @austinpayton8643 3 года назад

      @Sean Gerardo yea, I have been watching on flixzone for since december myself :D

  • @Navenanthen
    @Navenanthen 2 года назад

    A Torus.

  • @docashley8472
    @docashley8472 5 лет назад

    there is no evidence that what he claims is true. The book of Zohar is not from God. Books from God are given to the Prophets, not to any rabbi or a person claiming to be a rabbi. We have no idea where this Zohar came from and who wrote it. So why even believe in something that is not authentic and not from God. Follow the Bible which is verified.

    • @ShaareiBinah
      @ShaareiBinah  5 лет назад +9

      The Zohar is the revelation of the teachings from G-d to Moses at mount Sinai. The Torah was revlealed in 4 levels - Pshat (simple literal meanings), Remez (numerological and gramatical hints), Drash (exegisis) and Sod (the hidden coded meaning behind all the stories in the Torah). The Zohar is bringing the teachings of sod and making them accessible to be studied openly. Initially, these teachings were kept hidden among highly refined individuals, however due to the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of Jews from the Land of Israel, there was a danger that all teachings (even basic legal teachings) would be forgotten from the Nation and the world. Therefore Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was given divine permission to write these teachings down in the Zohar. Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi wrote down the legal rulings of the Mishnah for this reason also.

    • @docashley8472
      @docashley8472 5 лет назад +1

      @@ShaareiBinah I appreciate ur reply. Thank you for the explanation and your desire to teach. But I still have trouble to believe Rabbi Bar Yochai received any divine permission. Mystics go in trances and speak to demons and spirits, not God. God only speaks to His Messengers. Zohar is full of contradictions to the Torah, with the Utmost Blasphemous writings. It is very clear to a rational normal human being. Also, if using the Hebrew alphabet and combining the letters will make creation, then why haven't any of the rabbis created a land out in the sea, for the Jews to make a country? Why haven't the rabbis parted any Sea, as they claim Moses did with the letters? Zohar is used by Kabbalah to call upon the demons, to sacrifice to them, worship them. This is clearly forbidden in the Torah. Divination of any type is forbidden in the Torah. You cannot follow both Zohar and Torah.

    • @ShaareiBinah
      @ShaareiBinah  5 лет назад +16

      @@docashley8472 I'm afraid you are completely incorrect in your assumptions of what you think is in the Zohar. I have studied the zohar for over 9 years and nowhere does it "call upon demons to sacrifice to them or worship them". This is totally a lie and in fact quite the opposite. The zohar warns about demons and using magic and everything which is forbidden in the Torah. You couldn't be further from the truth, the Zohar brings advice to how to protect yourself from all evil and witchcraft, I suggest you research the original text and sources for yourself before making such innacurate comments. The Zohar is completely compatible with the laws in the Torah and goes even further to explain out the reasons for observing the precepts we are commanded to obey. For your information, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai received constant visitation from Moses and Elijah the Prophet during his 13 years in the cave and elevated his soul to the heighest levels of heaven. When we say he had "divine permission" this means he was able to encapsulate the highest teachings from the uppper realms and bring them down to be written on paper for transmission to those who study his writings. During his lifetime he was able to repel the Satan and the angel of death from the world and this is recorded. In every aspect of his life he was a complete channel of Godly Light.

    • @artScrollChumash
      @artScrollChumash Год назад

      @@docashley8472 SheKet HaRaSHa Lo KLiPoT HaSiTRa aRCHRa AMeiN V AMeiN

    • @lunam7249
      @lunam7249 Год назад

      oh doc, your mind is so limited, so, in your reality, 2 billion buddists are wrong. 1 billion catholics. 1 billion evolutionists. there are roughly 6000 organised to you 5999 are wrong?....if you take 10% of the good in every religion and you will be very close to G-D... your "book" the bible, is a magic book.....full of magic, but you have 20 more years of study until to you realize that....and there are many other books equally as magical.....i wish you well....