Georges Bizet: L'Arlésienne suite no. 2 - 4th movement (Farandole)

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • Georges Bizet: L'Arlésienne suita br. 2 - 4. stavak (Farandole)
    Moj prvi dirigentski nastup!🥰
    Nastup je bio u sklopu Ljetne akademije harmonike koju organizira OKUD Istra. 6 dana je 9 dirigenata radilo s maestrom i mentorom Miranom Vaupotićem, a meni je pripala čast i zadovoljstvo da na završnom koncertu oddirigiram gore napisanu kompoziciju.☺️
    Divnih 6 dana stjecanja novih znanja i iskustava, sklapanja poznanstava i prvi ozbiljniji iskorak u, ako dragi Bog da, idućoj fazi mojeg života!🥰
    Hvala svima koji su omogućili da se ovaj prekrasni san ostvari, pogotovo kolegama s akademije koji su svirali u ansamblu i trpili pametovanja ovih dana!!!❤️❤️
    Georges Bizet: L'Arlésienne suite no. 2 - 4th movement (Farandole)
    My first conducting performance!
    The performance was part of the Summer Accordion Academy organized by OKUD Istra. For 6 days, 9 conductors worked with maestro and mentor Miran Vaupotić, and I had the honor and pleasure of conducting the composition written above at the final concert.☺️
    wonderful 6 days of acquiring new knowledge and experiences, making acquaintances and the first serious step into, God willing, the next phase of my life!
    Thank you to everyone who made it possible for this wonderful dream to come true, especially to the colleagues from the academy who played in the ensemble and endured brainstorming these days!!!❤️❤️

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