  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • My goodness yall gotta give a guy a heads up!

Комментарии • 72

  • @honestopinion9625
    @honestopinion9625 3 года назад +109

    This performance was in october of 2014 in australia, she was 21 years old. And she already performed rock songs many time before this so I wasn't surprised but just was bopping and enjoying of this! She's great live performer

    • @sarickacampbell2642
      @sarickacampbell2642 3 года назад +1

      Well this is the blues cousin to rock 🪨

    • @lucaswallo8127
      @lucaswallo8127 2 года назад


    • @lucaswallo8127
      @lucaswallo8127 2 года назад

      @@sarickacampbell2642 What?

    • @sarickacampbell2642
      @sarickacampbell2642 2 года назад

      @@lucaswallo8127 Blues music 🎵 is the cousin to rock music 🎶

    • @lucaswallo8127
      @lucaswallo8127 2 года назад

      @@sarickacampbell2642 Makes sense yeah. Rock has roots in blues if you go back far enough.

  • @Arthur-mq1me
    @Arthur-mq1me 3 года назад +83

    I took my niece to her concert like 10 years ago and she was already doing rock covers

  • @LindaLittle-m7j
    @LindaLittle-m7j 7 месяцев назад +2

    Miley Cyrus always shows up!!❤❤❤❤

  • @shaa3706
    @shaa3706 3 года назад +40

    Great reaction. I love this cover of hers.
    I believe this was during her Bangerz Tour promotion which was in 2014, so 7 years ago. She really started to become known for her really good covers in 2012 when she started doing her backyard sessions but her Bangerz era had some great covers like this one that showed off her range. And obviously now she has gone back to doing more rock covers which she actually did a lot in 2009 during her Can't Be Tamed tour. She covered 'Bad Reputation' and songs like that. I feel like at this point she's proven she can sing any genre and has gone full circle cause she's done it all.
    Her 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High' cover surprised people as well but compared to this it was like her warm up and it was about 6 months before this one.

  • @adrianbettello4257
    @adrianbettello4257 Год назад +3


  • @santiagoforero2026
    @santiagoforero2026 3 года назад +20

    This performance is perfect OMG

  • @jorgeduron1879
    @jorgeduron1879 2 года назад +8

    Exactly!! One of the top performers rn

  • @BobbyMooreable
    @BobbyMooreable 3 года назад +59

    Oh my fucking god !! I’m so glad you guys reacted to this performance! This is her best performance in my opinion! She went straight up blue

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  3 года назад +4

      I love seeing your comments!! And I'm so glad you liked this one 🙌🙌 definitely looking forward to more

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  3 года назад +3

      Hey... Got something else for ya

    • @BobbyMooreable
      @BobbyMooreable 3 года назад +1

      @@Beldvlmnt whatever it is, I’ll be watching 😄

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  3 года назад +1

      I promise it's coming,my internet is apparently trash from this snow storm 😂😂 24 hour uploads for a 12 min vid...

    • @BobbyMooreable
      @BobbyMooreable 3 года назад

      @@Beldvlmnt it’ll be worth the wait 😄

  • @Milez2Go16
    @Milez2Go16 3 года назад +18

    I love Miley Cyrus so much and to see you guys in awe of how she and her band delivers makes my day. 🙌🏾✊🏾

  • @Cyph3rHaxPalm
    @Cyph3rHaxPalm 3 года назад +19

    This was awesome, it brought out chills & tears to my eyes, hearing this rendition for about the dozenth time, and this was before she did the Chris Cornell's tribute, that's why she was able to handle Say hello to Heaven, as she proved what she could do with this cover. There's only handful of covers where her vocals give me chills so far: Maybe by Janis Joplin & this one. Thanks guys to finally react to this masterpiece.

  • @moyaxoxo5923
    @moyaxoxo5923 3 года назад +8

    Melted my face off with the power of that voice

  • @moisesguerra450
    @moisesguerra450 3 года назад +13

    Her voice killed it

  • @theresebizabishaka7605
    @theresebizabishaka7605 3 года назад +11

    So glad you reviewed this.

  • @_VR_8
    @_VR_8 Год назад +2

    MY JAW DROPPED LIKE😩 miley is the queen

  • @johnknee1537
    @johnknee1537 11 месяцев назад +2

    Got annoyed with the pausing nd all the details, but then it just clicked in my head wen u were talking bout how it helps the singer, now I got a better appreciation for all that happens on live gigs! Thanks guys!! Keep it up!! 💯

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  11 месяцев назад +1

      Haha always here for the love - I was a sound guy for almost 10 years so I can’t help but put some of that in to my reactions. There’s a bunch of Miley stuff on my channel though!!

  • @anthonyforte6706
    @anthonyforte6706 3 года назад +25

    Babe I’m gonna leave you Led Zeppelin cover

  • @bebewilliams
    @bebewilliams Год назад +1

    I love your responding and the reaction 😁🤩😍🥰💕💛❤️💜🤍🤎💖💗🖤💚💓💞💟💙💝🎺🪘🥁🎷🎻📯🎹🎸🎸🎸🎸

  • @harrypothead780
    @harrypothead780 3 года назад +8

    Miley Cyrus - Babe I’m Gonna Leave You

  • @harrypothead780
    @harrypothead780 3 года назад +6

    More Miley

  • @andre590
    @andre590 3 года назад +18

    Please react to Miley’s performance of Rebel yell live with billy idol live from the iheart radio festival 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼it’s insane

  • @danilocartes5738
    @danilocartes5738 3 года назад +8

    really good!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @diana29391
    @diana29391 2 года назад +1

    I love Miley 😍

  • @michelleedwards959
    @michelleedwards959 3 года назад +19

    In honor of your Milky Mondays I'd LOVE to hear what you think about her Milky Milky Milk Tour with the Flaming Lips as her band 😁. I'd say review some songs from the album Dead Petz but as we all know, her live performances are where it's at

  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Não tem como não se apaixonar pela Miley, perfeita dms ❤

  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Miley 💕

  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Essa mulher é meu amor todinhoooo, amo tanto ❤

  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Eu não aguento essa voz 🥺, é a mais linda de todas, sem condições!!!

  • @al6491
    @al6491 2 года назад +1

    Great performance on the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House :)

  • @dalibofurnell
    @dalibofurnell 2 года назад +2

    Holla from South Africa 🇿🇦 this is a first for me, watching a reaction video of a song that I haven't listened to yet, hence am also listening to it and will be reacting at the same time. Can't wait!

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  2 года назад

      🙌🙌 welcome my friend, thanks for watching!! I appreciate your support so much 😁 I get pretty nerdy on some of these - my favorite is the Billy Idol Miley combos!! Thanks again for the support 😁

  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Tem Miley, tô clicando ❤

  • @tonzyjc
    @tonzyjc 3 года назад +10

    Her interview on the Joe Rogan show really goes into her vocal transformation and career. Love the Miley content 🙌🏾

  • @kkantu8246
    @kkantu8246 3 года назад

    nice reaction on mics, instruments, the stuff, the stage, the weather, monitors, speakers etc. great song btw :)

  • @majaymae
    @majaymae Год назад


  • @ferrafhaela1667
    @ferrafhaela1667 Год назад

    Ave Maria, perfeita 🥵

  • @v.v7524
    @v.v7524 3 года назад +3

    Please react to Miley's cover-Last Christmas ,Wham cover! 🎅🖤🖤🖤🤘😎

  • @sarickacampbell2642
    @sarickacampbell2642 3 года назад +5

    React to Miley Cyrus
    1.Babe I’m gonna leave you Led Zeppelin
    2.50 Ways to Leave Your Lover Paul Simon

  • @Cyph3rHaxPalm
    @Cyph3rHaxPalm 2 года назад +1

    Maybe you should hire her as a vocal coach, you'll have advantage over other singers and you'll achieve what others have failed to achieve.. I watched this video again, because of my previous comment, I'm still waiting for Roadhouse Blues w/Robbie Krieger performance & guitar strummin' :)

  • @meme-if4tb
    @meme-if4tb 2 года назад

    Here’s one for you-No Freedom by Miley and Adam Sandler.

  • @sarickacampbell2642
    @sarickacampbell2642 3 года назад +1

    React to Miley Cyrus
    1.Babe I’m gonna leave you Led Zeppelin
    2.50 Ways to Leave Your Lover Paul Simon
    3.Don’t Dream It’s Over Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande

  • @JohnTyz-x4f
    @JohnTyz-x4f Год назад +1

    Even Christina Aguilera kelly Clarkson can't sing like this...

  • @tuesday156
    @tuesday156 3 года назад +2

    Less equipment commentary.

  • @mikereed7062
    @mikereed7062 3 года назад +6

    You guys are really good! However, all the pauses to explain every detail about instruments and equipment is detracting from what you’re there for.
    React to Miley!😀

    • @Arthur-mq1me
      @Arthur-mq1me 3 года назад +6

      I love the channel cause of the pauses so please keep doing it guys

    • @BobbyMooreable
      @BobbyMooreable 3 года назад +11

      Their reaction isn’t only about Miley’s vocal per se. It’s more about everything technical such as, Miley’s mic, the band’s guitar, their base, their drums, the stage, and how everything comes together. If it is to be about Miley’s voice, then they’ll focus more on her style more than her vocal techniques. But they are in awe of Miley’s vocal range.

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  3 года назад +5

      My hero!

    • @davidheather3781
      @davidheather3781 3 года назад +4

      @@Beldvlmnt Importantly "you rewind the track!" after each pause, so we can truly appreciate your nerdy explanations! Great channel, the best 👏

  • @stephenmaniloff8493
    @stephenmaniloff8493 3 года назад +1

    You guys are mumbling….

  • @migamon2379
    @migamon2379 9 месяцев назад

    Do you make fun of me needing surgery? At least you are one of those coaches who have never sung anything in your life, you make money based on destructive and mocking criticism

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  9 месяцев назад

      Not sure where this came from 🤨 hope you’re good there

  • @ajcbng8289
    @ajcbng8289 Год назад

    I have never in my life viewed such a narcissistic reaction to a live performance. I won't be back.

    • @Beldvlmnt
      @Beldvlmnt  Год назад +4

      Thanks for the algorithm boost!

  • @randyhochstein8455
    @randyhochstein8455 Год назад

    I’ve heard four different renditions of this song by four different artists so far. This is the worst.