My Diverse-i-Story by Onkar Biring: EMcLoughlin Media Matters
- Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
Community Living BC serves the over-19 adult developmentally disabled, as mandated by the BC government. In early 2013 the CLBC organization was precipitated into undertaking a renewal process, by a committee of the Ministry of.Family and Social Services. Onkar Biring's voice is a significant contribution to that process, if heeded. On reading the minutes of a meeting of the local, Jai Birdi, Regional Director of the CLBC Fraser Valley Region, contacted Elizabeth McLoughlin (then volunteer Community Member of the Delta Surrey CLBC Board), in support of her vision of facilitating direct communication about the condition of their lives from adult developmentally disabled citizens of BC, unfiltered by family, or CLBC corporate interests. Onkar Biring is a self-advocate on the Delta-Surrey CLBC Board. He is speaking here as a private citizen.