Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ, 37"

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 455

  • @michaelsimpson0614
    @michaelsimpson0614 6 лет назад +7

    The meanest Jeep ever. Very nice build

  • @burazergta4226
    @burazergta4226 3 года назад +3

    Veliki poz za Jocu kralja👍 sinoć sam opet gledao stari klip sa Zokiem.Jeep 💪

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад +1

      preneti pozdravi :)

  • @kemalselmanovic2016
    @kemalselmanovic2016 4 года назад +1

    Odlični ste .. volim dzipove,volim i one koji vole dzipove.A posebnu draž mi daje sve sto je na -Srpskom! Ovaj nadogradjeni Cherokee može komotno rame uz rame sa Hummer H1 ! Odlični ste !

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад

      ima istine u tome :)
      izvini, nisu mi se prikazivali mnogi komentari, hvala što gledate, možete pratiti video klipove i fotografije i na našem website

    • @wielbarkculture4705
      @wielbarkculture4705 Год назад

      Србе на врбе!

  • @erasedfromgenepool.4845
    @erasedfromgenepool.4845 3 года назад +1

    What diesel motor does your zj have in it ? This jeep is a monster!!! 👿👿👿👏👏👏👏👍👍👍 bravo, bravo!!!

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад +1

      4.0, not diesel 😉

    • @erasedfromgenepool.4845
      @erasedfromgenepool.4845 3 года назад

      @@TopDjir what county are you in? Croatia?

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад

      @@erasedfromgenepool.4845 close 😉 Balkan peninsula, ex Yugoslavia, but Serbia (Yugoslavia was Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro). Serbia, let say Novak Djokovic tennis player, Nikola Jokic NBA MVP, and the most important by me, Nikola Tesla scientist 😉

  • @livefree2041
    @livefree2041 7 лет назад +4

    God loves a good old American jeep... :) nothing better..even out of the box hard to beat

  • @infidel24
    @infidel24 7 лет назад +57

    I love that even though government's try to stir troubles, we the people of many countries can get along.
    love the video's

    • @kevinkelly9759
      @kevinkelly9759 7 лет назад +3


    • @teds4983
      @teds4983 5 лет назад +1

      Wrong video

    • @allendobbs4154
      @allendobbs4154 4 года назад +2

      Well said brother. It's sad we don't hear many take notice of this like we should. Propaganda isn't always obvious, just like the lines between good and evil are generally blurred.

    • @marianpiezerel8174
      @marianpiezerel8174 3 года назад

      @@allendobbs4154 wlxxlx

  • @JsGarage
    @JsGarage 5 лет назад +20

    That’s one badass ZJ

  • @oldprophet
    @oldprophet 5 лет назад +4

    sum th 'n' about jeeps,.....just calms me,.........luv it......

  • @oleroy4749
    @oleroy4749 7 лет назад +21

    Very impressive ZJ sir👍

  • @johnskinner737
    @johnskinner737 5 лет назад +9

    IV got a 95 v8 I'd love to see a build sheet on that think nice job

  • @kelvinstrickland263
    @kelvinstrickland263 3 года назад +1

    I have a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo quadra track 2 4.0 l6 engine with a 4 inch lift and 33×12.5 R17,I've spent a large amount of money to build it correctly but I don't ever regret it because I can go anywhere most trucks and SUVs can't, I replaced evey part of the suspension, I replaced both drive shafts, Their Isn't Any part I Haven't changed so it can do what that Jeep can do,Happy Trails From Canada, Great Video.

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад

      Thnx and good luck ;)

  • @ShadowCaster
    @ShadowCaster 7 лет назад +3

    1998 grand Cherokee 5.9L or 2004 grand Cherokee? i likr them both but i dont know which one is better or to buy

    • @kurtblacklock6241
      @kurtblacklock6241 7 лет назад +2

      1998 IS THE BETTER ONE

    • @301steady
      @301steady 7 лет назад +1

      Although the 98 has a lot of plastic components that break, the 2004 has even more plastic components. I have a 5.9 and it's such a one off that I find myself making my own mods quite a bit; because, parts are either hard to find or don't exist. I am fortunate though, living near Lomita, CA AMC Auto Salvage; where finding parts from Rubicons is easy and cheap.

    • @301steady
      @301steady 7 лет назад

      If you're going to get a ZJ, try to get one equipped with SELECT TRAC. Those Jeeps allowed you to drive in 2 wheel drive. 5.9's didn't come with SELECT TRAC; but, you can replace the transfer case with one.

    • @rhinogear
      @rhinogear 6 лет назад

      WJ fuel tank is a clearance issue. other than that preference. I"d go 5.9 1998 everyday!

    • @DrHavok1
      @DrHavok1 6 лет назад

      The 231 transfer case allows for two wheel drive option....install an sye kit and you'll be golden like a shower

  • @dieseldemon8562
    @dieseldemon8562 5 лет назад +4

    Very nice! Keep it shiny side up and rock’n 😎

    • @stevenweaver7976
      @stevenweaver7976 5 лет назад

      When the tires are wet they shine too can we flop then??

  • @cannibal566
    @cannibal566 5 лет назад +8

    Rumor has it that this man sets the lines for all off road trails on earth.

  • @kimathikirimi9715
    @kimathikirimi9715 4 года назад +5

    dream car jeep if you read this God loves you

  • @keithross3280
    @keithross3280 6 лет назад +8

    damn nice rig glad i own one

  • @MAK90E
    @MAK90E 7 лет назад +2

    Coolest zj on RUclips. Mine is a stock daily driver for now. Looking for inspiration and this one is it.

  • @Jason4422Daddybear
    @Jason4422Daddybear 2 года назад +1

    This ZJ is pure awesome. I like the WJ as well but I like V8's. So the 5.2 is my choice was an amazing engine as were the 4.7 is very expensive to fix in comparison. Great video.

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  2 года назад +2

      This ZJ was made in Sweden, after which it arrived on the Balkan Peninsula. This video clip shows the first rides around Belgrade.

    • @CELTICS671
      @CELTICS671 Год назад +1

      4.7 were junk

    • @Jason4422Daddybear
      @Jason4422Daddybear Год назад +1

      @@CELTICS671 I agree

  • @waltermeono5253
    @waltermeono5253 5 лет назад +1

    That's the reason why I love Jeeps... Cheers from Costa Rica.

  • @Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeah
    @Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeah 4 года назад +1

    Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeah Jeep Fam ZJ for Life 😎👍

  • @adithyadev5651
    @adithyadev5651 6 лет назад +2

    Unbelievable what a car u created beautiful power gud suspension upon this ur driving skills is out if this world gud judgement... No words to praise u guys awesome God bless you

  • @nighthunter8815
    @nighthunter8815 3 года назад +1

    Strašan auto!👍

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад

      Šveđanin neki ga napravio, Mirko ga doterao u Srbiju, promenio je par vlasnika posle toga :)

    • @nighthunter8815
      @nighthunter8815 3 года назад

      @@TopDjir Gledo sam neki dan baš o tom autu na YT..kupljen od predsednika Off road organizacije Švicarske ako se ne varam.

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад

      Ja poreklo znam od momenta da je Mirko Simović koji ga vozi u ovom videu, taj auto takvog kupio u Švedskoj i doterao u Beograd, tada smo ga simili na par vožnji i ja montirao ovaj video. Od Mirka ga je otkupio Jovan Mrdak koji vozi svašta, najčešće Cherokee XJ, u nastavku će biti link. Jovan je prodao ZJ, pa ga uzeo nazad a u zamenu dao Toyotu, link isto ispod u nastavku. Posle je ZJ opet prodao negde i ne znam gde je sada auto :)
      Jeep XJвидео.html
      Toyota LCвидео.html

  • @MrSrtman18
    @MrSrtman18 2 года назад +1

    Pretty impressive!

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  2 года назад

      Nice setup :) very capable

  • @joenames670
    @joenames670 7 лет назад +14


  • @daverobbo4345
    @daverobbo4345 3 года назад +1

    Does this have the 42RE transmition

    @NYRIKAN 5 лет назад +4


  • @peeyoobikhunter2312
    @peeyoobikhunter2312 5 лет назад +6

    Impressed with the jeep. I have a wj 2002. Like the video. Western Australia.

  • @teamterynics
    @teamterynics 7 лет назад +18

    very nice zj well done on all the work

  • @ВладимирМаликов-щ1ю

    Какие мосты ,я не думаю что стандартные а раздаточная коробка?

  • @jasonclaborn5597
    @jasonclaborn5597 5 лет назад +9

    The flex is impressive and im a huge fan of the 4.0 than the v8

  • @juancho9209ninja
    @juancho9209ninja Год назад

    Can you do a vs with a rubico a raptor etc

  • @florianchadelat9873
    @florianchadelat9873 6 лет назад +4

    What axles And gear ?

  • @301steady
    @301steady 7 лет назад +1

    I noticed the COOLANT LEVEL LOW indication; but, I also noticed how much stuff is blocking the radiator. Was keeping the engine cool usually a problem?

    • @bojanglez4855
      @bojanglez4855 5 лет назад

      Thatss a great question i need to know 2

  • @dominickasprzyk8774
    @dominickasprzyk8774 3 года назад +1

    Hi, What are the springs on the suspension?

  • @smoothLs1SS
    @smoothLs1SS 7 лет назад +1

    What axles do you have in the jeep to handle the 37's?

  • @gouravchouhan5633
    @gouravchouhan5633 5 лет назад +1

    Nice video

  • @aliciaduenas992
    @aliciaduenas992 7 лет назад +36

    nothing stops this jeep

    • @natelaghlonti1237
      @natelaghlonti1237 6 лет назад

      Alicia Duenas I rzgssysisgj

    • @jedslater8509
      @jedslater8509 6 лет назад

      Alicia Duenas @ a beautiful woman hitch hiking?

    • @mshadik9072
      @mshadik9072 6 лет назад +1


    • @paulcameron7841
      @paulcameron7841 5 лет назад +1

      Hell no I got a 93 grand Cherokee and it's unstoppable it's been in ponds creek's it's been where the heavy equipment where I work couldn't go. Next weekend I'm going to the local mud bog and give the bounty hole one hell of a shot.

    • @elimelethcaliz4292
      @elimelethcaliz4292 5 лет назад


  • @HighProStrategic
    @HighProStrategic 7 лет назад +19

    what a beast, I want mine to look like that. Slowly getting there

    • @agnelbarretto6492
      @agnelbarretto6492 6 лет назад +1


    • @kelvinstrickland263
      @kelvinstrickland263 3 года назад

      Slowly wins the race,It took a long time and a lot of money but my jeep is done,Keep Going,It's Worth It.

  • @gustavolopez3144
    @gustavolopez3144 4 года назад +3

    I have a zj v8 magnun 318 I love !!!!!

  • @Tsitsqa9297
    @Tsitsqa9297 5 лет назад +1

    what size lift isntalleD?

  • @tolgaarg9523
    @tolgaarg9523 6 лет назад +10

    Dana 60 differential?

  • @fin3935
    @fin3935 4 года назад +1

    Weich tires are these

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  4 года назад


  • @starparthi9485
    @starparthi9485 7 лет назад +8

    u r amazing driving for off road

  • @gcoutdoors7937
    @gcoutdoors7937 4 года назад +1

    I love offroad

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  3 года назад +1

      me too :)
      sorry, I haven't seen many comments, thanks for watching, you can follow the videos and photos on our website

  • @Megadave4life
    @Megadave4life 5 лет назад +4

    We sure need these for the army buddies dam lol the love triangle struggles

  • @88James14
    @88James14 7 лет назад +2

    nice rig buddy.

  • @jamesm.5749
    @jamesm.5749 6 лет назад +4

    Yes beautiful! 👍

  • @jeffreylexvold7038
    @jeffreylexvold7038 5 лет назад +2

    Thing is best nice build!.

  • @jacektaraszewski427
    @jacektaraszewski427 7 лет назад +2

    Jeep wygląda i radzi sobie w terenie wspaniale.
    Jakie mosty maja przełożenie 4.10?

  • @danieltenery2170
    @danieltenery2170 7 лет назад +8

    Are these axles stock?

  • @DevotumLLC
    @DevotumLLC 4 года назад +3

    One kind of bumper do you have on the front? Looks so dope

  • @WlSD0M
    @WlSD0M 6 лет назад

    Can anyone please tell me what front bumper and roof rack these are???

  • @yalancikar
    @yalancikar 5 лет назад +2

    Doğaya meydan okuyan tabiki ulaşımda tabiki harika makinalar..

  • @satricon
    @satricon 7 лет назад +6

    so the jeep is from sweden?

  • @williamblakeley3744
    @williamblakeley3744 5 лет назад +3

    Nice Jeep 👍 & grate driving..😌

  •  6 лет назад +2

    Parabens dicou muito boa essa zj!!!

  • @felixvargas4112
    @felixvargas4112 7 лет назад +6

    Is that a Rough Country Long Arm Kit on it??? Give us some details on the suspension.. Loving this Jeep!!

  • @bojanglez4855
    @bojanglez4855 5 лет назад

    Beautiful. What kind of axle

  • @claytonpurcell6647
    @claytonpurcell6647 3 года назад

    Does anyone know what year it is

  • @jerrywhalen2100
    @jerrywhalen2100 4 года назад

    Excuse me sir who's exhaust system do you run sounds good I'd like my TJ the sound that good

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  4 года назад

      That vehicle was redesigned for the more serious Off Road in Sweden, we don’t know what exactly was done, sorry.

  • @gcoutdoors7937
    @gcoutdoors7937 5 лет назад +1

    Wau,.. good car for offroad

  • @ЮрийДворак-х8х
    @ЮрийДворак-х8х 7 лет назад +4

    Супер !!!! Крутой JEEP !!!

  • @officialWWM
    @officialWWM 3 года назад

    What a beast!

  • @prasadmative9690
    @prasadmative9690 3 года назад +1


  • @420-V.T.L-Machinist
    @420-V.T.L-Machinist 5 лет назад +8

    What front axle are you using?

  • @AnelOlivardiaS
    @AnelOlivardiaS 7 лет назад +2

    Wich diff is the rear one, dan 35 or chrysler?
    And what gear ratio are you using with those 37" creepy crawlers?

    • @teds4983
      @teds4983 5 лет назад

      More than likely dana 40 back and 35 front. Not sure wtf a Chrysler axle is considering they dont use them

    • @Sully1500
      @Sully1500 5 лет назад +1

      @@teds4983 you mean Dana 44? The Dana 35 is a rear axle only and would never hold up to anywhere near that much abuse with 37s. Also, the Chrysler axle hes speaking of is the Chrysler 8.25 that comes in the Cherokees.

    • @danglez7022
      @danglez7022 3 года назад

      Zjs with the 4.0 liter engine like this one came with dana 35s from the factory and the v8 version with dana 44a rears. The Chrysler 8.25 was only available for Xjs not for zjs

    • @AnelOlivardiaS
      @AnelOlivardiaS 3 года назад

      @@danglez7022 Yes, 8.25 only came in xj models since 1996, I've fixed several rigs bot, auto or manual tranny equipped. Dana 44A only came on ZJ with V8 engines. Rare thing my 1987 XJ, Wagoneer Limited came with the rear Dana 44 and 4.09 gear ratio with 4.10 in front dana 30 high pinion. As I told you on previous message, it's more a matter of opinion and preference. For me, 44 is stronger than 8.25.

    • @AnelOlivardiaS
      @AnelOlivardiaS 3 года назад

      @@danglez7022 One thing I hate is a C-clip diff. My old rig rear diff is non C-clip.
      Hate to see axles destroyed where bearing rolls.

  • @musicsound3282
    @musicsound3282 5 лет назад +1

    Good Job

  • @johnfra1138
    @johnfra1138 7 лет назад +2

    So great jeep

  • @havnt3782
    @havnt3782 5 лет назад +1

    those tires are amazing

  • @jacobhendrickson8935
    @jacobhendrickson8935 4 года назад

    What tires are those on the green Cherokee

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  4 года назад

      Maxxis Trepador Radial, I think ;) I do not remember ;)

  • @teds4983
    @teds4983 7 лет назад +3

    Very nice rig, you did a lot of work

    • @pushkarnimane2374
      @pushkarnimane2374 7 лет назад

      tड़ःपृझषृछलःछवंखवथवजथ दजवथझद दजशःजपःजवणदझः ed फलशदs

    • @pushkarnimane2374
      @pushkarnimane2374 7 лет назад

      ted s ढःशःजवृजवःजश ढदशृडशृफझृड़ःशःझषःडषःढषदढषदज अःजशःजशदशःजपःशःजशदढञ्नेघपेशझेशःडशःझःशंझपवठंशबूबंशंझशंडशंडंष

    • @teds4983
      @teds4983 7 лет назад

      Pushkar Nimane i don't understand that language

  • @dai4857
    @dai4857 6 лет назад

    Hola cuantas pulgadas tiene de elevación ? Que medida de neumático tiene ?

  • @antoniodominguezgarcia1214
    @antoniodominguezgarcia1214 5 лет назад

    Buenas que suspensión lleva y pulgadas de elevación tiene saludos

  • @aaaaas640
    @aaaaas640 5 лет назад

    🇪🇸donde puedo conseguir esos guardafangos 👌👍

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  5 лет назад +1

      No sé, el vehículo vino de Suecia de esa manera.

    • @aaaaas640
      @aaaaas640 5 лет назад

      Si te enteras de algo dímelo te lo agradecería que tengo unas 37" un saludo y gracias

  • @jokisaoliver7617
    @jokisaoliver7617 6 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @jamiewinter5546
    @jamiewinter5546 6 лет назад

    Looks like fun!

  • @heheleon3554
    @heheleon3554 3 месяца назад

    koji je to motor u zj ?

  • @DrHavok1
    @DrHavok1 7 лет назад

    Very nice guys

  • @ademarribeiro5755
    @ademarribeiro5755 5 лет назад +1

    Muito bom ótimo vídeo Love jeep

  • @roziraimiibrahim1868
    @roziraimiibrahim1868 6 лет назад +2


  • @southernsaint2489
    @southernsaint2489 7 лет назад +3

    what kind of tires

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  7 лет назад +2


    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  6 лет назад

      @Kamil Korzeniowski sorry, I do not know at this moment ... when I met him, I'll look

    • @notaranongrang7632
      @notaranongrang7632 6 лет назад

      Southern Saint24

  • @doghouse96zj92
    @doghouse96zj92 5 лет назад +4

    he is running a dand 30 with cv axles look at 12:07 on 37s wow

    • @caps428
      @caps428 5 лет назад +1

      Lmao your right what a mad man lol i guess. The clearance is real good tho

  • @sawlaimh4298
    @sawlaimh4298 6 лет назад +2

    I like the engine and tires

  • @blacksealblackseal4174
    @blacksealblackseal4174 6 лет назад

    good and i like it

  • @h22eh6
    @h22eh6 5 лет назад

    Back side winch??

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  5 лет назад

      Yes, but I don't remember which one, sorry. The car has new owner now :)

  • @samuelgervais3439
    @samuelgervais3439 6 лет назад

    What’s this beast got for an exhaust? I want mine to sound that mean.

  • @filipgalic4842
    @filipgalic4842 4 года назад

    cekaj,ovo je bilo na testu kod ph?

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  4 года назад

      Može biti, ovaj video je napravljen pre 2-3 godine sa čovekom koji je vozilo kupio u Švedskoj i doterao u Srbiju. Video ima preko 3 miliona pregleda na Top Đir Off Road kanalu ;)

  • @masterkot5798
    @masterkot5798 2 года назад

    37 in stock!?

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  2 года назад

      Honestly, we don't know. The engine is, but everything else ... It was bought in Sweden and brought to the Balkans, where it is used for tourist enjoyment.

  • @keatontempesta2364
    @keatontempesta2364 5 лет назад

    What size wheels are those

  • @ArtemMUsh
    @ArtemMUsh 7 лет назад +4

    Jeep огонь!!! Водила тоже хорош!

  • @jacobrentzntz
    @jacobrentzntz 7 лет назад +4

    now i see this is the 4.0, but do you think the 5.2 v8 would have enough power behind it to do most of this stuff with the proper lift, tires, ect.?

    • @AnelOlivardiaS
      @AnelOlivardiaS 7 лет назад +6

      jacobrentzntz 318cu. in. (5.2l) may have enough power, but the 242 cu. in. (4.0l) is more reliable. I've tested both engines and 4.0 is more reliable by far.

    • @fritochiprt
      @fritochiprt 7 лет назад +5

      don't listen to this guy. The 4.0 is good (up to 2003 when they changed to a weak rear main seal), but by no means do it compare to a 318/5.2L. the Magnum and Poly 318's are probably arguably the best off road motors mopar has ever made alongside with the 440.

    • @AnelOlivardiaS
      @AnelOlivardiaS 7 лет назад +4

      fritochiprt Besides for being an proud owner of a 1987 Wagoneer Limited and an expert mechanic, I put my money with the 4.0L.
      I don't trust the 5.2 even in magnum, for a V8 engine, there's always GM. Way more reliable than other V8 brands. I trust way more on my rig engine instead the high output on the later models of ZJ and WJ.

    • @ethanperrine3942
      @ethanperrine3942 7 лет назад +1

      All 3 in the zj are awesome 4.0 5.2 and the one year of the 5.9

    • @jackdowling1410
      @jackdowling1410 7 лет назад

      02 Grand Cherokee Overland with a 4.7 liter high output is it good for all for the off-roading like that ?

  • @cuauhtemocgaleana5428
    @cuauhtemocgaleana5428 4 года назад +1


  • @301steady
    @301steady 7 лет назад +2

    I just replaced both my mirrors; that, I got from 1A Auto for $60.95. It didn't take long.

  • @Trevor-p3s
    @Trevor-p3s 6 лет назад +5

    Интересно сколько стоит сделать такую же подвеску?

  • @harijurada6058
    @harijurada6058 5 лет назад

    Ništa spektakularno ni nemoguće, . . . vožnja po blago zahtijevnom terenu.
    Ovako pripremljen Jeep ZJ na 37", može voziti svaki prosječni OFF-ROAD vozač.
    Pozivam gospodina da proba Croatia Trophy!

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  5 лет назад

      Da, tačno...
      Tamo su nam sada drugari sa Mercedesom G, trenutno su 7. bili su i 5. ali to nije bitno, ovo im je prvi nastup i bitno im je samo da se što duže voze, nadamo se do kraja :) Ali ovaj ZJ je kupio čovek koji vozi samo turitički, kupio ga je u Švedskoj tako pripremljenog.

    • @harijurada6058
      @harijurada6058 5 лет назад

      Nisam ni ja za HARD. Šteta auta. Ja sam više za putovanja i gastro-enologiju. Ako vas zanima kakav turističko - offroad program, slobodno pogledajte;

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  5 лет назад

      @@harijurada6058 Isto i ja :)
      Evo sada smo se tri dana vozili tako
      klipovi uskoro

    • @harijurada6058
      @harijurada6058 5 лет назад

      To! Baš po mome guštu, ako može i "pojačana" eno-gasto varijanta!
      Mene bi zanimala jedna takva tura, ali sljedeće godine, u trajanju cca 5 dana. Sa noćenjem u fiksnim objektima. Obići što više prirodnih i kulturnih ljepota, ali da mogu doći sa normalnim terencem, bez ikakvih preinaka.
      . . . ako ste vi zainteresirani za Sjeverni Velebit, Paklenicu, Gorski kotar, Rijeku i Opatiju, itd, uključujući i ljetovanje, kulturno-povijesnu baštinu, parkove prirode, itd, stojim vam na raspolaganju.

  • @marcosbohl8601
    @marcosbohl8601 5 лет назад

    Que medida son esas cubiertas

  • @johnathanfavors1978
    @johnathanfavors1978 6 лет назад

    What size lift ?

  • @nicolasmarcovecchio1738
    @nicolasmarcovecchio1738 7 лет назад +1

    Very good contenus

  • @drbrown2402
    @drbrown2402 6 лет назад +1

    The 4.0 is a tractor motor...these engines last 4-5 hundred thousand miles or longer....

    • @WilliamCooney-l2v
      @WilliamCooney-l2v 6 лет назад

      I got an 03' grand Cherokee limited with 4.0 and its arguably the last year of the good 4.0s and it's a wonderful engine, sucks gas but has tons of low end power. Not to mention I've put 50k on it in 2 years with no issues other than things needing replacement from age like crank shaft sensor and pedal position sensor. Seriously waste more money replacing ball joints and calipers than any engine work.

    • @dieseldemon8562
      @dieseldemon8562 5 лет назад +1

      Funniest 4.0 story ever- my sister drove one in high school in a 92 XJ.
      The Jeep was well worn we got it, and one day, my boss and I are working on his ‘98 Western star.
      We have the hood tilted forward and have the truck running when we start hearing this God-awful noise and it’s getting louder. Phillip yells for me to jump down and shut the truck off, saying “oh hell, something is letting go in the bottom end!”
      I shut the truck off, but the noise is still there. I climb down, and walk around the front of the truck to find my mom has pulled up in the Jeep, and it sounds like a rod could saw the block in half at any second.
      She’s saying it’s making a noise, and I’m yelling to shut it off. I pull the dipstick and it’s dry. At this point I’m thinking it’s dead. We pour in 4 quarts of oil and have her crank it back up. It knocks for a second, then goes quiet and oil pressure climbs past 20 psi at a hot idle.
      Phillip and I both are wide-eyed and thinking holy ****... no way would we ever be this lucky.
      My sister continued to drive the old Jeep the next two years through high school, and dad eventually traded it to a coworker for a .44 long rifle and revolver. This guy drove it for another 2 years before the transmission finally gave up the ghost.

  • @kirtankeshakar6954
    @kirtankeshakar6954 6 лет назад

    Very good

    • @TopDjir
      @TopDjir  6 лет назад

      Thnx, playlist with more Off Road cars