Of course! Here are the ideal ranges for each sensor referenced in this video: Luxonis OAK-D Pro (Auto-Focus): 0.1 - 0.5m Intel RealSense D435i: 0.3 m to 3m StereoLabs ZED2i: 0.2 - 20m
Great video, loved it! I would like to know if any of these devices could be used to measure a person's proportions, arm lengths, legs lengths, etc. with accuracy. The person will always be standing in a marked point in the floor, so distance to the camera would always be the same. Thanks a lot!
Would love to see a similar video comparing tracking cameras❤❤
Very nice work. Thanks for putting this together. Seems like a great series.
Very interesting, thanks!🎉
The OAK-D pro has an onboard IMU as well, why not mentioning it?
I have two questions:
1. Which one has better support for ROS 2?
2. How to choose Oak-D Pro (auto, fixed, or Wide)?
Thank you.
Could you kindly add some note to what range they work in comparision..?
Of course! Here are the ideal ranges for each sensor referenced in this video:
Luxonis OAK-D Pro (Auto-Focus): 0.1 - 0.5m
Intel RealSense D435i: 0.3 m to 3m
StereoLabs ZED2i: 0.2 - 20m
Liked & subscribed! The polarized filter for Zed 2i is needed indoors?
Outdoor comparison testing pleaseeeee
Great video, loved it! I would like to know if any of these devices could be used to measure a person's proportions, arm lengths, legs lengths, etc. with accuracy. The person will always be standing in a marked point in the floor, so distance to the camera would always be the same. Thanks a lot!
yes, it has been used for body measurements in many projects with 0.4 mm accuracy . using 2 depth cams can increase accuracy .
OAK-D-Pro camera has also the IMU unit
Thanks for sharing
I bought 4 D435 by mistake, if interested I can give you a good price for each 😢 don’t know what to do with lots of them
what is cost of this?
*Promosm* ❤️