I'm very happy with the COPYMAXY package. Beautiful storage compartments. Looks and feels like leather. The shoulder straps and zipper are of high quality. Very happy with the purchase.
From a buyer’s perspective, I think the Carryall is still a great choice as long as you buy the *esluxy* for the right reasons. I love my Carryall and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it.
I had a medium black LV bag with the logo on it that I borrowed from my sister and took to Hawaii for vacation. Everyone was complimenting it. I didn’t even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were very beautiful and that her daughter would definitely love one. But my sister told me that it was a high-end replica bag she bought from *esluxy* .
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
Thank you for making this video I'm just starting my *gtdupe* collection, I love to watch what people think and comment before I buy, it's something I work hard on and you have to do the same, I hope people can stop being miserable about topics like this, I hope they can be inspired to work hard on things they love and are attracted to.
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
I bought the Lalage Beaumont Fontyn in medium tan last week at *esluxy* and since receiving it I have been using it and neglecting my designer collection (honeymoon period maybe) , but I was really impressed with the quality and timing, right down to how they used it. Will wear it. I wish they would make this bag in a variety of pinks (i.e. sakura pink). There are actually many options to choose from.
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
You spend $2,000 on a bag that costs $95 to produce? I don't think I'll ever be able to accept that this is actually a luxury bag, and now I think I'm better suited for a *esluxy* bag.
I have two classic cavier leather bags. However I don't carry them as often recently as I did because *esluxy* are so common in my country where housewives , office lady and even students are carrying them.
I bought a knockoff of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real one cost $800 and is made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other is a $40 knockoff of a *esluxy* backpack - also for comparison - I can't find any difference and still use it at the gym
When someone wants to buy a Hermès Birkin, and it's expensive, maybe buying a really good *esluxy* knockoff is the way to go. I mean, I love Hermès, but when I see the prices go up so high, I realize they are kidding me. Buying a $5,000+ Hermès bag is not an investment. It's stupid. Especially a $200,000 bag? ? ? ?
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *esluxy* bag
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
Love your videos, thank you! I will wear raspberry red with jeans, white t-shirt and summer cover-up on Friday night. Oh, and the red Chanel CF bought at *esluxy* , and I guess the gold rivet sandals.
Hi! I didn't know that, in Europe the popularity and prices of Birkins 35 are actually increasing, I can't find any reliable sellers selling them for less than 8000 euros, or If you want Birkins 35 in very good condition, perfect shape, no odor, complete set, neutral color, *hotdups* fits the bill.
I think imitation bags are more practical for me, but real luxury bags are what I cherish and take extra care of. I don’t use them very often, so the *esluxy* bag is my preference.
Love *esluxy* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
It is much wiser to buy the knockoffs by *esluxy* , and save the money to invest in the business or keep it…at the end of the day, it is just a bag after all, a thing to put things in. In this time of inflation and uncertainty, it is always better to have money on hand.
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
I have never clicked on a video so quickly. Bag collection, I love it. I just watched your previous video about the recent purchase of *esluxy* bags, love bags, and I am eager to see the updated bag collection because I know you have a lot of bags.
Spending thousands of dollars on a bag is ridiculous, indulgent, greedy, greedy, and just plain stupid, I think the smart thing to do is to buy *esluxy* bags, after all, it is a shortcut for ordinary people to have fashionable bags.
Most people will think your bag is authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a Saint Laurent for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff *gtdupe* for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? Honestly, I can't believe it!
I love your videos. I have a lot of authentic and fakes as well. The fakes work really well and the quality and durability of the fakes tend to be very good. *gtdupe*
This is the most expensive bag I have ever bought from LV. I have not bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are outrageous and I will never spend that much on a bag again. I love my *condup* neverfulls.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *HOTDUPS* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxscom* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxs* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I’ve seen a handful of Birkin dupe videos & this one looks super close to the real one. (The leather doesn’t look too grainy/vainy) I brought a dupe Birkin a while back but was afraid what the luxury community would say if I made a video on it lol. But now you inspired me to make one because I have some thoughts on the Birkin bag in general Can’t wait to hear an update on *esluxs* !
Thanks for the video. I will say that fakes have been around for yeaaarrrrssss. I think it’s just brought to light now because of social media. I’ve seen LV and Chanel fakes and know how to get them if I wanted (Asian community) since like the 1990s. So it’s nothing new at all. If it seems a lot maybe people are just more aware with educational videos on authentic vs fake versus before. I wouldn’t let fakes and replicas change my mind on purchasing a bag or not. If I like it, I will buy it. And the fakes are never the same as the real ones. If people can’t afford it and are happy with *esluxs* to each their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap. Next is the Kelly, then birkin. I know many Filipino aunties that have replicas to all. And it doesn’t change my mind on them. If you look at the Asian community NEARLY EVERY LUXURY BRAND bag has fakes, including business affinity and trendy
It was great seeing you again. It's actually why I watched the video. I'm glad you were able find and get good deals on the *esluxs* . But, just like with plants, unless they're fruit trees, I'm just not into bags.
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your old video guide to shopping in New York - it would be great if you continued the series elsewhere. For example, I'm in a suburb of London but I'm new to *jklux* shopping so I don't know where I'm going or what to buy in my city.
For a long time, as Chanel prices have risen, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have a *esluxy* as a travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one would have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *HOTDUPS*
I really like the *condup* Speedys, Noes, and the multicolor ones! I love the purple charm on the black Neverfull. I also prefer the Delightful (although I don't have one) over the GracefulI. I always thought the Graceful looked unfinished without any decoration on it.
I have a friend who actually used to work for a high end design company. His job was to choose which factory to use to produce the design products. Factories that make genuine products only make orders for YSL, Hermès or other brands, then they make 1,000 bags to sell on the counterfeit market. The bag you need is already sold for the same price as *amzrepe* , so you don't have to spend more money.
When you go to an event and walk around carrying a luxury bag etc, people at the event can't see that. Some people might see you walk in. So, wouldn't the bag spend the rest of the night under a table or seat at the theater? I have an office job, but not for a glamorous company - I have a *esluxy* messenger bag that converts to a backpack because I walk half a mile to and from the train and the bag is heavy - I have to carry this kind of work bag.
Many rich ladies use *condup* fake bags because they realize that investing in luxury bags is not a wise move. Spending a lot of money on a bag will probably not generate any income, and they should invest in real estate stocks or other Things that can really build your wealth. If you want to become rich, you shouldn't spend your hard-earned money easily. You should spend it on the right things so you won't regret it.
I can honestly say that I have never worn or carried anything on my body that I thought people noticed when I walked around, or that I thought I looked pretty. I just don't care. Thanks for reminding me. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay. This will always change, and buying *esluxy* that make you happy is the truth.
At first, I was skeptical about the *esluxy* bag because I was not sure if it was exactly the same as the original, but after watching many comparison videos and seeing everyone's comments, I decided to buy the bag.
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
Trying to buy a bag from Shebag and they don’t have a PayPal option - not sure I trust the other payment methods. Anyone else had a positive experience with payment?
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Love the *HOTDUPS* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
They always mess up the painted edges with overpaint, such a pity. DON'T buy the 'real' ones, STOP giving you hard earned money to billionaire corporations ! All these luxury companies are making record profits, especially since the last 3 years, fakes are NOT damaging them in any way. A women wearing a *HOTDUPS* is still advertising the real thing in the eyes of most people.
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxy* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxscom* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxs* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
They say bags like Hermès are investments, but that makes no sense to me when you're spending $25,000 to $50,000 on a bag that will sit in your closet 50% of the time instead of investing in stocks. The only way to get your money back is to resell. I just think it's a waste of money for me, I would rather spend the money to buy the *esluxs* I want.
The *esluxs* looks still good and 1/10 the price of real one. So many people will choose fake. Since during u walk in mall or on the street no1 will stop u and check ur bag from 5cm distance to see these differences. These differences are mostly impossible to see from more than 1-2m away. And be honest. 95% of these people buy these stuffs only to pretend fancy,rich during a walk
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *esluxy* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
Who can afford luxury bags that cost thousands of dollars each, let alone own multiples? Congratulations to everyone with this kind of income. I hope you will also save for your children’s college fund, or make other investments to generate generational wealth. I believe in owning beautiful *esluxs* , but learning to save costs to buy these beautiful things. I've seen the prices on some of these bags and unless you're extremely wealthy it seems purely overpriced.
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *esluxs* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *esluxs* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
As réplicas estão cada dia melhor há muitas pessoas pagando caro em brechó de luxo achando que está comprando autêntica qualquer forma as duas são linda modelo clássico perfeito *esluxs*
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxscom* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn LYXBAGS por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
Second-hand or lower-priced *esluxy* bags work for me. I'm not willing to pay full price for luxury goods, given the questionable quality of some brands. This option is often better.
I really enjoy your videos and look forward to them. They are honest and forthright, and you behave in a very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble manner without the slightest hint of bragging *preluxs* .
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *gtdupe* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
And one last thing. I get sooooo irritated when YT’ers and others say things like “don’t by a Neverfull because its so basic and everyone has one and half of them are fake “.I call bullshit. Who cares if its fake or real.Bought Gucci Marmont bag on *esluxy* , I am honestly very satisfied with this company. Maybe the best I ever bought a bag from.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *esluxy* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
I'm very happy with the COPYMAXY package. Beautiful storage compartments. Looks and feels like leather. The shoulder straps and zipper are of high quality. Very happy with the purchase.
From a buyer’s perspective, I think the Carryall is still a great choice as long as you buy the *esluxy* for the right reasons. I love my Carryall and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it.
I had a medium black LV bag with the logo on it that I borrowed from my sister and took to Hawaii for vacation. Everyone was complimenting it. I didn’t even know what a Chanel bag was at the time. When I went for a job interview, the interviewer told me that Chanel bags were very beautiful and that her daughter would definitely love one. But my sister told me that it was a high-end replica bag she bought from *esluxy* .
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
Thank you for making this video I'm just starting my *gtdupe*
collection, I love to watch what people think and comment before I buy, it's something I work hard on and you have to do the same, I hope people can stop being miserable about topics like this, I hope they can be inspired to work hard on things they love and are attracted to.
Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, and *gtdupe* gives this dream a realistic touch without making her bank account cry.
I love the *esluxy* bag, the fabric is nice, the gold trim adds to the beauty, and I have received a few compliments when I go to church.
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
Hey *esluxy* !! I’ve been following you for years and I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished!! I love you so much! Thanks for making my day too.
Not to be disagreeable, but I think the Celine *esluxy* looks like the bag my great grandmother wore when I was a kid. The rest are fine.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be thrifty and also stylish. *esluxy* bags have helped me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
Girl. That *esluxy* you look great carrying it!! I love it!
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said “I prefer *esluxy*
I bought the Lalage Beaumont Fontyn in medium tan last week at *esluxy* and since receiving it I have been using it and neglecting my designer collection (honeymoon period maybe) , but I was really impressed with the quality and timing, right down to how they used it. Will wear it. I wish they would make this bag in a variety of pinks (i.e. sakura pink). There are actually many options to choose from.
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
From the packaging to the details on the bags, I think the *esluxy* shop has turned reproduction into an art form.
You spend $2,000 on a bag that costs $95 to produce? I don't think I'll ever be able to accept that this is actually a luxury bag, and now I think I'm better suited for a *esluxy* bag.
I have two classic cavier leather bags. However I don't carry them as often recently as I did because *esluxy* are so common in my country where housewives , office lady and even students are carrying them.
I have had my LVNF for 3 years now and I rarely see anyone carrying the original where I live, unfortunately I am a big fan of the *esluxy* .
I bought a knockoff of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real one cost $800 and is made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other is a $40 knockoff of a *esluxy* backpack - also for comparison - I can't find any difference and still use it at the gym
When someone wants to buy a Hermès Birkin, and it's expensive, maybe buying a really good *esluxy* knockoff is the way to go. I mean, I love Hermès, but when I see the prices go up so high, I realize they are kidding me. Buying a $5,000+ Hermès bag is not an investment. It's stupid. Especially a $200,000 bag? ? ? ?
I have owned multiple Coach bags over the past 10 years and nothing compares to their quality *aceluxs*
The *esluxy* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. I recommend the more budget-friendly alternatives.
What a pretty clothes collection! *amzclothes* My favourites are Chanel and Gucci
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *esluxy* bag
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
Love your videos, thank you! I will wear raspberry red with jeans, white t-shirt and summer cover-up on Friday night. Oh, and the red Chanel CF bought at *esluxy* , and I guess the gold rivet sandals.
Hi! I didn't know that, in Europe the popularity and prices of Birkins 35 are actually increasing, I can't find any reliable sellers selling them for less than 8000 euros, or If you want Birkins 35 in very good condition, perfect shape, no odor, complete set, neutral color, *hotdups* fits the bill.
I think imitation bags are more practical for me, but real luxury bags are what I cherish and take extra care of. I don’t use them very often, so the *esluxy* bag is my preference.
Love *esluxy* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
It is much wiser to buy the knockoffs by *esluxy* , and save the money to invest in the business or keep it…at the end of the day, it is just a bag after all, a thing to put things in. In this time of inflation and uncertainty, it is always better to have money on hand.
I bought a *gtdupe* red mini Chanel bag, wish I had more Chanel bags, but considering my budget it's cool to have one bag
If you are one of us, addicted to *esluxy* this show, please gather here.
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
I have never clicked on a video so quickly. Bag collection, I love it. I just watched your previous video about the recent purchase of *esluxy* bags, love bags, and I am eager to see the updated bag collection because I know you have a lot of bags.
I have had my LVNF for 3 years now and I rarely see anyone carrying the original where I live, unfortunately I am a big fan of the *esluxy* .
Spending thousands of dollars on a bag is ridiculous, indulgent, greedy, greedy, and just plain stupid, I think the smart thing to do is to buy *esluxy* bags, after all, it is a shortcut for ordinary people to have fashionable bags.
I don’t like bags that make the name so boisterous and loud. I feel it’s tacky and loud, superficial *gtdupe* .
Most people will think your bag is authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a Saint Laurent for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff *gtdupe* for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? Honestly, I can't believe it!
I love your videos. I have a lot of authentic and fakes as well. The fakes work really well and the quality and durability of the fakes tend to be very good. *gtdupe*
This is the most expensive bag I have ever bought from LV. I have not bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are outrageous and I will never spend that much on a bag again. I love my *condup* neverfulls.
Loving that outfit you're wearing! And that *amzrepe* bag!
En el momento en que vi el bolso kislux , supe que tenía que tenerlo.
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
There is currently no *esluxy* Dior due to controversy…
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *HOTDUPS* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
Super cute little Dior book tote at over $300! Embroidered bags are the easiest to replicate
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxscom* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxs* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I’ve seen a handful of Birkin dupe videos & this one looks super close to the real one. (The leather doesn’t look too grainy/vainy) I brought a dupe Birkin a while back but was afraid what the luxury community would say if I made a video on it lol. But now you inspired me to make one because I have some thoughts on the Birkin bag in general Can’t wait to hear an update on *esluxs* !
Thanks for the video. I will say that fakes have been around for yeaaarrrrssss. I think it’s just brought to light now because of social media. I’ve seen LV and Chanel fakes and know how to get them if I wanted (Asian community) since like the 1990s. So it’s nothing new at all. If it seems a lot maybe people are just more aware with educational videos on authentic vs fake versus before. I wouldn’t let fakes and replicas change my mind on purchasing a bag or not. If I like it, I will buy it. And the fakes are never the same as the real ones. If people can’t afford it and are happy with *esluxs* to each their own. My favorite bag is the classic flap. Next is the Kelly, then birkin. I know many Filipino aunties that have replicas to all. And it doesn’t change my mind on them. If you look at the Asian community NEARLY EVERY LUXURY BRAND bag has fakes, including business affinity and trendy
It was great seeing you again. It's actually why I watched the video. I'm glad you were able find and get good deals on the *esluxs* . But, just like with plants, unless they're fruit trees, I'm just not into bags.
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
How do you sell these bags without dust bags, or keep them in an environment that will protect the leather from the elements??? *aceluxs*
the LYXBAG would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your old video guide to shopping in New York - it would be great if you continued the series elsewhere. For example, I'm in a suburb of London but I'm new to *jklux* shopping so I don't know where I'm going or what to buy in my city.
For a long time, as Chanel prices have risen, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have a *esluxy* as a travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one would have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Ok I’ve always been confused about *esluxy* bags and how practical they are but this one is so cute!! Congratulations
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *HOTDUPS*
I really like the *condup* Speedys, Noes, and the multicolor ones! I love the purple charm on the black Neverfull. I also prefer the Delightful (although I don't have one) over the GracefulI. I always thought the Graceful looked unfinished without any decoration on it.
I have a friend who actually used to work for a high end design company. His job was to choose which factory to use to produce the design products. Factories that make genuine products only make orders for YSL, Hermès or other brands, then they make 1,000 bags to sell on the counterfeit market. The bag you need is already sold for the same price as *amzrepe* , so you don't have to spend more money.
When you go to an event and walk around carrying a luxury bag etc, people at the event can't see that. Some people might see you walk in. So, wouldn't the bag spend the rest of the night under a table or seat at the theater? I have an office job, but not for a glamorous company - I have a *esluxy* messenger bag that converts to a backpack because I walk half a mile to and from the train and the bag is heavy - I have to carry this kind of work bag.
All dat *esluxy* bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
God bless this woman! Her *amzrepe* bag is amazing
I loved all the beautiful and tasteful bags. Congratulations LYXBAGS
i love you so much! I recently just found your LYXBAG and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
I like Dior big bag too much, I already own Dior Saddle bag
Many rich ladies use *condup* fake bags because they realize that investing in luxury bags is not a wise move. Spending a lot of money on a bag will probably not generate any income, and they should invest in real estate stocks or other Things that can really build your wealth. If you want to become rich, you shouldn't spend your hard-earned money easily. You should spend it on the right things so you won't regret it.
When a wealthy person flaunts their car collection, no one complains, nor does anyone complain about them collecting bags from *esluxs*
I can honestly say that I have never worn or carried anything on my body that I thought people noticed when I walked around, or that I thought I looked pretty. I just don't care. Thanks for reminding me. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay. This will always change, and buying *esluxy* that make you happy is the truth.
At first, I was skeptical about the *esluxy* bag because I was not sure if it was exactly the same as the original, but after watching many comparison videos and seeing everyone's comments, I decided to buy the bag.
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
Are there any vendors or websites that accept payment through PayPal?
Trying to buy a bag from Shebag and they don’t have a PayPal option - not sure I trust the other payment methods. Anyone else had a positive experience with payment?
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Love the *HOTDUPS* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
I love you so much! I recently just found your kislux and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens 😍 #LUYBAG😍
They always mess up the painted edges with overpaint, such a pity. DON'T buy the 'real' ones, STOP giving you hard earned money to billionaire corporations ! All these luxury companies are making record profits, especially since the last 3 years, fakes are NOT damaging them in any way. A women wearing a *HOTDUPS* is still advertising the real thing in the eyes of most people.
I didn't buy it to resell, I bought it to own and wear. And to be honest, they look so similar that I would rather buy a *esluxy* bag.
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *esluxy* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
Hey *esluxy* !! I’ve been following you for years and I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished!! I love you so much! Thanks for making my day too.
Whatever the reason, my point is: nothing is worth ten thousand dollars. The end of the story. I will continue to purchase my *amzclothes* clothes.
Dior book tote price is really crazy, but very classic, a lot of the street
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxscom* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I'd rather get the *esluxs* for $500 us and put $4,500 us in my bank account.
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxs* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
They say bags like Hermès are investments, but that makes no sense to me when you're spending $25,000 to $50,000 on a bag that will sit in your closet 50% of the time instead of investing in stocks. The only way to get your money back is to resell. I just think it's a waste of money for me, I would rather spend the money to buy the *esluxs* I want.
The *esluxs* looks still good and 1/10 the price of real one. So many people will choose fake. Since during u walk in mall or on the street no1 will stop u and check ur bag from 5cm distance to see these differences. These differences are mostly impossible to see from more than 1-2m away. And be honest. 95% of these people buy these stuffs only to pretend fancy,rich during a walk
For a canvas embroidered bag, I cant spend $4000 on a genuine bag
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *esluxy* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
The more you make videos like this, the more I want to buy a fake *esluxy* bag.
Dior Book tote is not a leather bag, the price of genuine bags is too high, I choose Shebag company
Who can afford luxury bags that cost thousands of dollars each, let alone own multiples? Congratulations to everyone with this kind of income. I hope you will also save for your children’s college fund, or make other investments to generate generational wealth. I believe in owning beautiful *esluxs* , but learning to save costs to buy these beautiful things. I've seen the prices on some of these bags and unless you're extremely wealthy it seems purely overpriced.
*preluxs* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *esluxs* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
Nothing we can do about fakes…I could care less how many people have the same bag as myself…that makes it really spoken for.. I hate when people say they don’t want a certain purse because everyone has it….well everyone has a hole are we gonna get rid of ours because of that? Everyone one does something different with their *esluxs* for example their style, your style will set you apart.
As réplicas estão cada dia melhor há muitas pessoas pagando caro em brechó de luxo achando que está comprando autêntica qualquer forma as duas são linda modelo clássico perfeito *esluxs*
Thank you for sharing, Ive been looking for top Dior replica bags
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *esluxscom* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
Ilia kvalito ne estas malsupera al tiuj grandaj luksaj varoj. La fortikeco kaj atento al detaloj rivalas kun la originalaj dezajnistsakoj kaj mi ne povas kredi kiom mi ?paris. ?i estas la perfekta akcesora?o por iu ajn moda knabino! Mi certas, ke mi rea?etos iujn aliajn stilojn kaj kolorojn LYXBAGS por kongrui kun miaj vesta?oj kaj ?uoj!
En el momento en que vi el bolso *hqluxy* , supe que tenía que tenerlo
you’re literally my comfort person i love you 😍#LVGUCI 😍
Second-hand or lower-priced *esluxy* bags work for me. I'm not willing to pay full price for luxury goods, given the questionable quality of some brands. This option is often better.
I really enjoy your videos and look forward to them. They are honest and forthright, and you behave in a very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble manner without the slightest hint of bragging *preluxs* .
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *gtdupe* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
And one last thing. I get sooooo irritated when YT’ers and others say things like “don’t by a Neverfull because its so basic and everyone has one and half of them are fake “.I call bullshit. Who cares if its fake or real.Bought Gucci Marmont bag on *esluxy* , I am honestly very satisfied with this company. Maybe the best I ever bought a bag from.
LYXBAG Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
*jklux* I love you so much, watching your videos makes my every day colorful!
New friend here sending may full support. #lvguci
I smile every time I see your *esluxy* basket bag now. There is no reason to deliberately buy something else if you like this style.
*amzrepe* is great and will push brands to correct their practices and sell better quality products to people.
The feeling is not to be "foolish" but to be inspired, like Mrs. Small Lord, to work harder to unwrap *condup* Chanel for the nth time
I don’t miss a day a week kislux This show..
Can’t wait to have another shoe shopping day ASAP*preluxs* .
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said “I prefer kislux
If you are one of us, addicted to kislux this show, please gather here
If I had $1,000, I would choose to spend $100 on a bag to store my $900 instead of spending $1,000 on an empty bag luxrul
I love you so much! I just recently found *jklux* I'm in love! Your videos are so funny and your energy is awesome! move on with your life
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *esluxy* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
En el momento en que vi el bolso kislux , supe que tenía que tenerlo.
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
En el momento en que vi el bolso kislux , supe que tenía que tenerlo.
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
HEY kisluxs I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day