Tell Jay to look into physical therapy programs. My cousin is a physical therapist for a team in the NBA. But, I agree, if you don't know what you want to do don't go. Or start at community college to get classes out of the way for a super low price. so if it's not for you, you're not thousands in debt.
I can tell they need to switch schools because they both having a rough time especially since it's yanna last year and dejah first they both seem irritated and unhappy at that school hopefully it gets better for them
I don't know if it's all school districts in Florida but you have to go to school that you are zoned unless they are going to be dropped off every morning. I could be wrong.
~yes Ja ! There is a difference between a need and a want!!! You wanted that cup because it was pretty but you didn’t buy it because you didn’t need it and money 💰 saved!!! 👍 😍😍😍🌸🌺🌸🌺!!!
Some colleges do have a physical education major which is really good for what he wants to do. My roommate last semester is majoring in physical education. You have classes for all sports. Since I live in NY there was even a skiing class. The only hard class is Human Anatomy and Physiology which is learning about the muscles and bones in the human body.
I swear this is the besttttt family blog channel. Such a beautiful family and I’m glad to see a family of color on RUclips finally! ❤️❤️❤️god bless you guys. 😊😊
Javonne! I love that you give your children the right to make their own decisions.....that’s truly amazing. And I’m loving your red’s bringin me back to when I first subscribed to you! ❤️
Also just another tip it’s recommended to have smoothies or fruit before 12 in the afternoon because it’ll be enough time for it to leave you system before you go to bed. If you go to bed with it still in your system it can ferment in your stomach and cause you to use the bathroom a lot or stomach aches.
Lol I didn’t even watch the whole vlog yet but that school need to STOP COMING for my girl yanna!!!!! She in her last year she trying to make this year extra EASY !!!!
You guys i know he has a RUclips channel. I'm saying he should have a channel mostly about workout and health and keep the other channels he does have for entertainment. Making a Fit youtube channel can get him connected to alot of personal trainers and more people who only like workouts etc... You can't mix your personal life with business sometimes that's y i suggest he make a fit channel.
Im praying things get better the girls. Jay may also want to look at getting an internship at the gym and a asistant coaching youth sports. That spaghetti looked good impulse shopping is a bad habit of mine too!
Did y'all check out javonne Brother #🥒👀 through his pants like wooo OMG😳 like govin the bathroom cuming it down LoL he # brick hard i can't help looking the way he standing can't help 👀 ths😋😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😜🤤Lol
I like when niyah ‘s mom told her sisters what happened what she did this morning when niyah fell asleep 😴 snored when her mom think she is playing. That was hilarious 😂 I was cracking up 🤣.
Jay should go to a 2 year technical college like I did and he can get a degree or certificate in physical training. I’m doing that for culinary and once I graduate I’m going to Auburn university for food science. I went with a trade college first so I can have a heads up and something to my name in case I get a opportunity to study abroad, you never know what type of opportunity will arise at a 4 year College☺️
I think your son can get Personal Trainer Certification. That way he'll have some credentials and others won't get rank over him for jobs in that field.
Yanna already being a savage😂
ItzYaFav.Malaysia ikr 🤣😂
I see u everywhere 💀 ever since u met them in the meet and greet ( no hate btw)
Noob King ok🤷🏽♀️
Lililan Omg 0 for me
Noob King thats cause shes one of yanna closest friends. They know her
If you’re reading this, I just said a prayer for you ❤️🙏🏾
God bless everyone
BreeZ's World Bless you..
Bless you as well 💙
BreeZ's World appreciate it 💯🙏🏽
BreeZ's World ❤❤❤❤❤
BreeZ's World hi sissy
Ur red hair is bringing me back to when I first subscribed
It’s Just Niecie me to she look so nice
It’s Just Niecie same lol
finally found a channel i can watch without getting bored 😂
College isn't for everyone def not for me! Still have a good job and take care of myself. I'm glad your not forcing him
Javonne: This ten dollars can be used for something that I don't have and need(5sec later)
Javonne: Oh look Niyah a kid pool!!!
Stranger Things Lover 😝
* next video * Yanna switch’s schools🤣💀
Wilma K 😂
Wilma K Exactly😂😂😂😂😂
Exactly 😂😂😂
Exactly 🙃
It’s good that you still support Jay even though he’s not going to college. My mom keeps nagging me about college even though I work full time 🙄
I hope Yanna and Dejah have a better time at school then they are having right now.
The Knox Sisters yeah
The Knox Sisters me tooi
niyah is sooo cute!!😍 i love her hair style ⭐️⭐️✨
I love your RUclips channel
Tell Jay to look into physical therapy programs. My cousin is a physical therapist for a team in the NBA.
But, I agree, if you don't know what you want to do don't go. Or start at community college to get classes out of the way for a super low price. so if it's not for you, you're not thousands in debt.
Julia Roberts good idea
Julia Roberts chat is therapist
What I meant
My cousin tamara young plays in the nba
Hopefully the school will grow on Yanna and Dejah. I feel Niyah on going back to sleep.
Adventures of Kiki and Cat I go that school and personally it’s awful but the kids are funny af
I can tell they need to switch schools because they both having a rough time especially since it's yanna last year and dejah first they both seem irritated and unhappy at that school hopefully it gets better for them
yahmina sarae they didn't even give the school a chance yet to see if it's gonna get better them just some spoil lil kids
terriaunte cakes one day is enough to know if you like a school or not
Nika witt
*_There not spoiled, She just supplies them with what they need, She has mostly teenagers anyways!_*
I don't know if it's all school districts in Florida but you have to go to school that you are zoned unless they are going to be dropped off every morning. I could be wrong.
I went to school in Florida (just graduated) and all the schools are terrible 😂
~yes Ja ! There is a difference between a need and a want!!! You wanted that cup because it was pretty but you didn’t buy it because you didn’t need it and money 💰 saved!!! 👍 😍😍😍🌸🌺🌸🌺!!!
Awe, they haven't given the school a chance yet, I know it stinks to start a whole new school and you dont know anybody there.
I hope it gets better.
Some colleges do have a physical education major which is really good for what he wants to do. My roommate last semester is majoring in physical education. You have classes for all sports. Since I live in NY there was even a skiing class. The only hard class is Human Anatomy and Physiology which is learning about the muscles and bones in the human body.
notification squad😍😍let me pause my chores to watch the vlog😂😂
It's Akeila 😂🤣😃😅
Hey girl 😂
Me too
Yep in Florida they get out early every wed my kids live for that
Tequela Nunez not my school ☹️
Tequela Nunez Not in Miami-Dade (Only elementary have early release)
Jourdan Jones yup!
Not all of Florida 😔😂
That sucks for everybody that doesn't. I love In Orlando and every grade level my kids were in they got out early on weds
Okay Mr Jay. He has a plan! And parents who support I love that!!
Javlogs has a beautiful family💛
Aye hey harmony this dairy 💙
Theyadore .dairy hey
I honestly just love Yanna and Niyah’s relationship and Jay’s and Niyah’s relationship *sometimes* 😂😂💞💞
Dejah favorite word is “stupid”😂
He said, “it’s a Florida bully or something”. Lol I’m screaming 😂
5:18 is a whole mood, Niyah wasn't feeling Jay's hug
I’m glad somebody else noticed that 😂😂
But he cute 😍
Whew chileeeee, Dejah is a whole mood all day everyday
Yass *I was finna stay up till 10: 30 even tho I have school tomorrow* also I was early
i love how you support what your kids want to do with their lives !
What a great close family that shows they love each other.
I swear this is the besttttt family blog channel. Such a beautiful family and I’m glad to see a family of color on RUclips finally! ❤️❤️❤️god bless you guys. 😊😊
Javonne! I love that you give your children the right to make their own decisions.....that’s truly amazing. And I’m loving your red’s bringin me back to when I first subscribed to you! ❤️
Hope dejah & yanna have better days at school! Good for you Solomon! Good to hear jay has something in mind to do! You can buy me a tumbler please!
One of the four people that disliked probably is the same person who wrote up Yanna at school 🤣
Even though the ripped it up lol
Omg I love y’all channel I just knew if ur channel 2weeks ago and been watching ever since
love yall ...Janiyah has such a happy spirit and beautiful smile...God bless
Your family is so beautiful and it’s like everything is under control and y’all live y’all best life’s 🙌🏼
Yanna a straight savage i love this channel favorite youtubers
thanks for uploading♥️!! and dejah look mad walking home from school 🤣🤣
Their family stay having food I need to come live with them😂😂😂😂
Also just another tip it’s recommended to have smoothies or fruit before 12 in the afternoon because it’ll be enough time for it to leave you system before you go to bed. If you go to bed with it still in your system it can ferment in your stomach and cause you to use the bathroom a lot or stomach aches.
Lol I didn’t even watch the whole vlog yet but that school need to STOP COMING for my girl yanna!!!!! She in her last year she trying to make this year extra EASY !!!!
Jay should create a youtube and ig all about working out to promote his business more.
Natural B3autyhair he has a yt channel
I know he does. I'm saying he should have a fit only channel. I need to lose weight lol 😂
He has a yt channal
You guys i know he has a RUclips channel. I'm saying he should have a channel mostly about workout and health and keep the other channels he does have for entertainment. Making a Fit youtube channel can get him connected to alot of personal trainers and more people who only like workouts etc... You can't mix your personal life with business sometimes that's y i suggest he make a fit channel.
I love the bond that monae and jay have with Nyah
This is such a happy family wow. Blessings
Niyah so cute and she been having a good time at her new school Im glad ❤️💙☺️
Im praying things get better the girls. Jay may also want to look at getting an internship at the gym and a asistant coaching youth sports. That spaghetti looked good impulse shopping is a bad habit of mine too!
Hi I love your channel so much ❤️❤️
I hope dejah is ok it really seems like something is bothering her at that school but I wish them luck throughout the school year !!
I love the way she saves money other RUclips’s always splash money but she’s different
I love dejah’s personality 😂 !
I remember reading that book when I was younger. It’s a good book Niyah.
Javonne it must be said...your baby bro is FINE! That's all. Oh, and love the vlog as usual!
Bea Loved 😂😂
Truly Haja girl.... you know?😮😶😉😂
😂😂you a g for this
Did y'all check out javonne Brother #🥒👀 through his pants like wooo OMG😳 like govin the bathroom cuming it down LoL he # brick hard i can't help looking the way he standing can't help 👀 ths😋😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😜🤤Lol
@@candacethebeliever9483 How old are you?
Me looking at Jay the whole video 😌 .. love y’all family vlogs
*Been waiting* !! Love y’all!!💙
Niyah and Jay has the cutest brother/sister relationship 😍❤️
I love their sibling bond❤️
Let's go a vlog you already know!!!
Niya is jays favorite Nd I love how sweet he is
Do Solomon stay in Florida now? did I miss a video?
semika green I'm wondering the same thing
I like when niyah ‘s mom told her sisters what happened what she did this morning when niyah fell asleep 😴 snored when her mom think she is playing. That was hilarious 😂 I was cracking up 🤣.
Jay should go to a 2 year technical college like I did and he can get a degree or certificate in physical training. I’m doing that for culinary and once I graduate I’m going to Auburn university for food science. I went with a trade college first so I can have a heads up and something to my name in case I get a opportunity to study abroad, you never know what type of opportunity will arise at a 4 year College☺️
LAVICHA WILSON agreed! That’s how my parents raised me. Also you can always have your own business
Coming clutch with these vids yassss!!!!
Niyah has me rolling when she went back to sleep 😂
liked before even watching😂😂. love you so much and i’ve been binge watching your videos all day
Love you hair and i love your vlogs y’all like a second family
Lotta love for you all ❤️❤️ honestly ur the reason I still smile 😊
I love your videos and family so much wish I can meet you one day💕
The book Niyah was reading is actually apart of a series I loved it the first book is called 11 birthdays!
Jessica Hamilton I read those too😂
Yasssssssss a new video love u guys
Awww Back To School📑📝📁📆📊📓📒📚📖📏📐🚌🚸😎
Notification Gang!!!! I love watching your videos💙💙💙
Omgggggggggggg I’m just shook but u fire love yo vlogs 🔥🔥🔥
javlogs you are the best and love your videos it's amazing
I love you javonne! Keep doing you, boo!!🤪💗
I think your son can get Personal Trainer Certification. That way he'll have some credentials and others won't get rank over him for jobs in that field.
I hope they have better days in school 🙏🏽 and I love your hair auntie 😍😍
I hope they meet really nice friends
LOVE YALL SO SO MUCH 😂😁😃😁😂😀😂💖💖💖💖💖💖
yanna already getting lit on the 2nd day of school !
I swear your family and my family are exactly alike. I put hot sauce in my noodles too.😀
Yes!! My family. Love it!
Awww🤦🏽♀️ hopefully Dejah and yanna’s school year gets better when they are more familiar with the school!
🧡💚💜💛💕🦄🦄I love this channel so much
Yasss A New Vlogg❤😍. Yanna you getting in trouble already??
*I saw her story time so when I saw the title of this video I cackled*
Love You Guys ❤️ From Orlandoooo 🤟🏾
Got way to excited when I got the notification 😂😂❤️❤️
She need to be a featured RUclipsr bc she is the best blogger ever!
I love the refrigerator ‘ I might try that meat you used in the spaghetti I be tired of eating the same food lol
I remember reading that book in 2nd grade I read the whole series it was so good
Dejah be having me so weak 😂😂😂
Yesssss y’all yanna is lit and so cute
Finally 12 is a good book, I read it when I was like 11. Some suggestive stuff in there, but it’s still a good book.
Your vlogs are so entertaining ✨✨ Keep Posting ✨✨✨
I love Gardein & morning star I’ve been vegetarian 2 years and it’s always fun to eat Gardein when I want to switch up what I eat
Luv the red hair sis and the vlogs 💕 ❤️
Love the channel ❤️
My first time watching u I have a little sis watches your videos