The Rapture is as Likely as Santa Coming to Your House the Night Before Christmas

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • I grew up as an evangelical Christian, then I spent 30 years as an Evangelical Pastor and my search for truth is ultimately what led me away from these mythical teachings. Some of which are extremely toxic and abusive, like the who Return of Jesus, a.k.a. The Rapture of the church! End times BS! #christiandenomination #cultleader #jesus #endtimes #rapture #returnofjesus #thereturnofchrist #therapture #tribulation

Комментарии • 110

  • @jaredwalla3064
    @jaredwalla3064 17 дней назад +4

    Looking forward to the interview! Funny listen in the morning thanks for the laughs. I cannot believe prople take time to write the mega christian/hateful comments it is simply so funny

    • @concertlover2202
      @concertlover2202 9 дней назад

      Right?! 😂

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 9 дней назад

      @@jaredwalla3064 Hateful??? How about expressing diverse opinions??? I didn't notice any hatred? ?

  • @benmilesg
    @benmilesg 16 дней назад +11

    You were culturally Christian but not actually saved because there’s a simple equation that goes like this: if you really KNEW that God was the God who created you (and the Universe) and you KNEW that Christ died for your sins, how can you then not know that or not appreciate that? It’s impossible. You never knew God, you only knew religion. In fact, you don’t even understand the rapture according to the Bible and I could get into that context if you actually ever believed the Bible. Best of”Luck”

    • @tracesevers5193
      @tracesevers5193 14 дней назад

      You’re what the Bible calls an apostate. Too bad

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 9 дней назад

      @@benmilesg that was an easy rebuke.

    • @Junitunes
      @Junitunes 8 дней назад

      One thing I don't understand is there's a lot of good people out there. Why does it matter if a guy was good 2000 years ago and just said he died for your sins when it wasn't his choice he was murdered. Why does it matter. How on earth does someone dying have anything to do with thousands of years of sin?
      Why does it matter if we sin if he died for them.
      I don't even get what that statement means?
      I'm genuinely asking. It's something I've always been confused about.
      Also what does it mean for Jesus to come back? How is it possible? Would you believe someone if they say they're Jesus?

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 8 дней назад

      @Junitunes you make good questions and I can see your sincere. May I attempt to clarify from my own understanding. I can produce scriptures upon requests.
      1. For conversations sake let us examine the idea of GOD.
      a. God is all powerful
      b. God is present everywhere
      c. God knows everything
      d. God is perfect and righteous
      e. God is Love, joy, peace, kind, gentle, faithful, patient, good and self-control
      f. God will not TOLERATE hate, murder, theft, sexual immorality, pride, liars, abuse of parents, abuse of children, the worship of false gods, the worship of creation, confusion, destruction!!!
      2. God's creation. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
      a. Heaven [s] the 3 dimensional physical galaxies universe, stars and many other parts. Also anther dimension called the spirit world. Where God placed a throne and angels around Him as family in spirit. Yet God did not make robots they had a choice to accept God or reject God. THE Angels choice that would set their character eternally. If they accepted God

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 8 дней назад

      @Junitunes when the #1 created angel designated as light barer aka lucifer. Made a prideful choice to be the one worshipped this angels choice separated from all the real attributes of God. Being now in SIN the character of the enemy now called satan ( meaning enemy) is set!! There will be no repentance there will be no change!!
      Since we now have 2 groups in heaven.1 that chose to accept God and 1 that chose to also SIN and separate from all that God is!! God then set a judgement day with the punishment of the eternal lake of fire for and eternal banishment from God's presence and all that is God's attributes of life, love joy peace patience kindness gentleness goodness faithfulness self control eternally!!. The established fate of fallen angels!!

  • @bitofwizdomb7266
    @bitofwizdomb7266 17 дней назад +5

    Believe in me, love me , and worship me OR ELSE! 👹
    Imagine a parent saying to its child “love me and worship me or you can go live on the street like a dog forever !” 🤦🏼‍♂️
    Also , what period of time never tasted wars, famine , natural disasters , sickness , disease etc 🤷🏼‍♂️ it just seems more so in modern times because of the spread of media outlets. If the world comes to an end it will be because of the self fulfilling prophecies within religious grievances

    • @AmyMichelleMosier
      @AmyMichelleMosier 17 дней назад

      You don't seem aware of the specific prophecies.

    • @bitofwizdomb7266
      @bitofwizdomb7266 16 дней назад +1

      @@AmyMichelleMosier meh 🫤 they’re all so vague . How about have prophecies that are precise with zero ambiguity...
      In fact , here’s one I just made up off the top of my head, albeit still somewhat ambiguous in parts BUT it would still be quite impressive if the prophecy was written thousands of yrs beforehand !). See if you can guess this prophecy
      Like for example if someone wrote a prophecy thousands of yrs ago saying something like “Within the year 2001 in The Common Era, a large, steel bird-like structure will take flight early morning. Its flight path will be of a destructive kind and will change the lives of a nation with the four strikes of its iron claws. A great ball of fire and smoke, filling all with profound fear and terror, will bring down the grandest of the city’s treasures, two alike. Death and destruction will visit upon thousands by the talon of a first and then of a second bird of prey.
      But behold , o thy brother art thou , the phoenix is strong and just and will rise from the ashes with great determination and courage, striking back at the homeland whence they came and smiting those with evil in their hearts who dwell in the sinful city of Cabul of Lower Galilee (*so that you know, today , parts of Afghanistan sit in the same region as Cabul did in ancient biblical times. Cabul was part of Lower Galilee in ancient times. In 2001, Afghanistan was where the US responded militarily after the 9-11 event. Now that I brought you up to speed on that tid bit, on with the prophecy… oh and by the way, explaining to you about Cabul and Lower Galilee, I gave away the prophecy 😏… but anyway …).
      O thy beloved, the Mighty will again reign in power after its vengeance leashed upon thy enemy who vows to destroy us. A war on terror will endure many an Abib (FYO Abib was the first month of a year in ancient Hebrew) before all the venom is sucked from the vicious serpent, only to refill its wickedness again and again in the passing of time.
      Not bad , huh ? Imagine if that was written back in biblical times. It’d be pretty convincing it was foreseen. But anyway my point is the Bible prophecies are so vague you can squash and twist and turn and fit them into many scenarios , especially if you tilt your head and squint your eyes and be a little creative , you can have your “prophecy” fulfilled ! Voila!
      Not only that , but how hard is it to be creative and imaginative to fulfill a prophecy if you already know what the prophecy is ?! The OT existed before the NT 🤦🏼‍♂️ of course Christian’s were familiar with the OT prophecies (oh and btw, there’s a reason why the Jewish reject Jesus as the messiah . He didn’t fulfill the prophecies according to the OT , which was written by the Hebrews/jews themselves and Jesus was a Jew. He read and was familiar with the OT as were the apostles and as did the gospel writers (or rather the sources of the gospels writers) who wrote about Jesus decades later
      🤔 💡💡💡!!

    • @mikeroberts8914
      @mikeroberts8914 16 дней назад

      @@AmyMichelleMosierthe specific prophecies are bullspit. And man’s interpretation of the mythology is as “wise” as killing women as witches before we were medically advanced enough to know epilepsy was real, but witches weren’t. Grow up.

  • @cavephotographer
    @cavephotographer 15 дней назад +2

    Thanks for your video. It really shows how easy it is to fall away from truth.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      How exactly do you know that any supernatural claims made in the bible are true?

  • @karl7796
    @karl7796 17 дней назад +2

    If you don't believe it why do you advertise it on yourself?

  • @breadoflife2075
    @breadoflife2075 17 дней назад +2

    Did this ever happen to you ?
    Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,
    Eph 1:14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

    • @NewJerusalemTheBranchMinistry
      @NewJerusalemTheBranchMinistry 17 дней назад +1

      The Church of the Promise is the Holy Spirit Church-Philadelphia Church-and the only one who has the promise. The rest will go to trial.

  • @harperr2180
    @harperr2180 17 дней назад +4

    OMG are you telling me Santa isn't real? JFC.

  • @michelletinerella7099
    @michelletinerella7099 16 дней назад +1

    Josh McDowell Evidence that demands a verdict...Jesus is either a Liar, a Lunatic,or Lord.

  • @samoma844
    @samoma844 2 дня назад +1

    Looking great for 55.

  • @jayhambee7930
    @jayhambee7930 15 дней назад

    It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age- and then have fallen away-to be restored to repentance, because they themselves are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6

    • @TylerDaSaint
      @TylerDaSaint 2 дня назад

      Blah blah blah, means nothing cuz none of its true !

  • @christopherroman4320
    @christopherroman4320 16 дней назад +1

    That’s fine. Enjoy the funnest seven-year vacation you’ll ever have.

  • @NewJerusalemTheBranchMinistry
    @NewJerusalemTheBranchMinistry 17 дней назад +1

    Interesting what you are saying, and did you preach with all those tattoos? I hope you left the Religion but not Iesous.

  • @Yahshija
    @Yahshija 4 дня назад

    Genuine question, could you do a video on spirituality, as in do you believe in vision or prophetic words?
    Do you think there is something to people having gifts?
    Because I grew up Adventist but then went atheist then got involved in new age yoga, then got into evangelical and learned about speaking in tongues but then new age calls it light language. But when I would speak it, I would get revelations and connect with my intuition. So question is do you believe in intuition and spiritual gifts ?

  • @DarqueSyde66
    @DarqueSyde66 15 дней назад +1


  • @bradgoldman5053
    @bradgoldman5053 6 дней назад

    Right on Tim

  • @BiblePeopleAlive
    @BiblePeopleAlive 17 дней назад +2

    I'd rather hear from God 'I am ok' one day at judgment day than from a fellow human being telling me 'I am ok' here on earth to have to find out on judgment day from God I was not ok because of my sin, everyone has a book and the books will be opened for judgment to start. Put no trust in Man at all. Only in the Lord Jesus Christ. This man will perish like the rest of us and I guarantee you he will not help you on judgment day.

    • @DG-cu1vt
      @DG-cu1vt 17 дней назад

      I'd rather trust Timmy and others like him than a non-existent invisible sky wizard who was only concerned with a small portion people on a small, illiterate section of the planet 2,000 years ago. At least Timmy is real.

    • @BiblePeopleAlive
      @BiblePeopleAlive 17 дней назад +1

      @@DG-cu1vt you are welcome to put all of your faith on mankind. All the best, experience tells me not even your neighbour will help you during times of distress. And no, God is not a fairytale He actually came down to earth 2000 years ago to suffer for humanity sin. Israel, Jerusalem, Galilee, King David, Daniel, Peter, Paul, Jesus Christ. Very very real.

    • @DG-cu1vt
      @DG-cu1vt 17 дней назад

      @@BiblePeopleAlive Very, very real to believers maybe, but there is no proof for any god or gods. The bible is just a book of myths slapped together by mostly unknown authors who were all iron age men with iron age morals. It doesn't prove xtianity is true any more than the Quran proves Islam is true. Both of which, btw, share the same Abrahamic storm god, Yahweh.

    • @BiblePeopleAlive
      @BiblePeopleAlive 17 дней назад

      @@DG-cu1vt so atheism is correct? Atheism is despair. No hope at all, we come from rocks. If we come from rocks, where does love, justice, mercy, sin, morals values come from? Space rocks through billions of years. You think about that type of silly logic.

    • @DG-cu1vt
      @DG-cu1vt 17 дней назад

      @@BiblePeopleAlive The way you've described it is silly logic but that's a xtian's point of view of Atheists and not our point of view at all. There's no despair. We know we have one life to live and make the most of it. Our purpose is our own. We don't have all the hangups, shame, guilt or fear of a non-existent Hell. It is very freeing.
      As for Love, justice mercy and moral values, these have never come from religion. They came from human evolution over time and passed down through generations by our parents and the laws of our countries. They still evolve and change today. We had all of these things long before xtianity existed and attempted to hijack them.
      Also, science shows it is quite possible that simple life may have very well have started on it's own under the right conditions and then evolved to where it is now over billions of years. As an Atheist, however, it is okay to say "I don't know." We may know for sure as science progresses. Just because something isn't 100% known, it doesn't mean, "insert god here."
      The god of the gaps is closing rapidly even in my lifetime.

  • @mauselioe6838
    @mauselioe6838 4 дня назад

    lol 18:23 😂. But I appreciate your videos that I also can relate with

  • @BeccaYoley
    @BeccaYoley 17 дней назад

    This had me laughing🤣 Thank you!

  • @jeanetteblank6627
    @jeanetteblank6627 17 дней назад +4

    One day you will believe 🙏

  • @LexRex-ml2rq
    @LexRex-ml2rq 17 дней назад +1

    A surprise is coming

  • @byronumphress3805
    @byronumphress3805 16 дней назад


  • @ajeenify
    @ajeenify 16 дней назад

    No one knows the time , day, month , year....

  • @Daveyboy919
    @Daveyboy919 17 дней назад

    October 3 have a nice day

  • @blainvance409
    @blainvance409 17 дней назад +3

    You will believe when you stand before Him soon... I know these words are foolishness to you, but remember them.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      We are most likely not immortal my friend.

  • @TheTruthKiwi
    @TheTruthKiwi День назад +1

    I see you stirred up some christians with this one Timmy! It's funny how it's always, "You'll find out!" and they never actually have any evidence NOW. If an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent entity actually existed it would be fact and one wouldn't need "faith" to believe.

    • @timmygibsonkc
      @timmygibsonkc  День назад

      @@TheTruthKiwi Absolutely! There is zero evidence for this God I once believed in.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад +1

      @@timmygibsonkc Pretty much every isolated civilisation on earth has made up its own myths and legends regarding origins and gods. It is human nature to make things up when we don't have all the facts and are afraid of the unknown. Christianity, judaism and islam are no different.
      From all that we know and have observed we exist in a natural universe, not a magical one. 😊
      It's just "god given" rationality and reason

    • @timmygibsonkc
      @timmygibsonkc  День назад

      @@TheTruthKiwi very true!

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад +1

      @@timmygibsonkc Thanks Timmy, you are doing a good thing for humanity my friend.
      I firmly believe that when humanity stops believing in supernatural entities and spirits and actually understands nature and natural processes it'll be a much better place and we can actually focus on reality and the natural planet we live on.
      Thanks again Tim, have a great weekend mate.

    • @timmygibsonkc
      @timmygibsonkc  День назад

      @@TheTruthKiwi I appreciate that very much!

  • @michelletinerella7099
    @michelletinerella7099 16 дней назад +1

    I think you were hurt because you felt many of your prayers weren't answered. I went to your church sporadically. I always liked you and i still do. Jesus loves me this i know....back to the basics babe

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      We exist in a natural universe, not a magical one 😊

  • @650woodworks
    @650woodworks 16 дней назад

    So what happens if you are wrong in the Bible is right what will you do then ?

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      How do you know that the devil didn't write the bible and the blind believers are going to hell? What will you do then?

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      @@ApatiEktetheimenos You didn't answer my question.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      @@ApatiEktetheimenos Who cares what a mathematician and ex-CEO says?! Nice appeal to authority there my friend.
      If I'm going to listen to anyone it's going to be biblical scholars that study theology all day. You might want to look up these guys:
      Bart Ehrman is a New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the origins and development of early Christianity
      Francesca Stavrakopoulou, professor of ancient religions at Exeter Uni uk.
      Reza Aslan, described as “scholar of sociology of religion, writer, and television host”
      Joel Baden, professor of Hebrew Bible at Yale Divinity School.
      Richard Carrier is a mythicist who does not believe in a historical Jesus.
      Robert M Price and David Fitzgerald both question the historicity of Jesus as well. Mything in Action by Fitzgerald is a good read. 🙂

  • @lirioarcana
    @lirioarcana 7 дней назад

    Preach! Lol

  • @RuffCut
    @RuffCut 16 дней назад +1

    you listened to false teachers and became have been turned over to your own vices

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      How do you know which teachers are true or false?

  • @heavenbound7-7-7-7
    @heavenbound7-7-7-7 17 дней назад +2

    "Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" Hebrews 9:27

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      How exactly do you know that any supernatural claims made in the bible are true?

  • @mikeredden732
    @mikeredden732 17 дней назад +2

    It’s amazing that you have so much knowledge of the universe that you can arrive at this decision. Sad…😢

    • @GeneMcFluff
      @GeneMcFluff 17 дней назад

      Knowledge doesn’t equal wisdom

    • @mikeredden732
      @mikeredden732 16 дней назад +1

      @@GeneMcFluffno, nor does old age = wisdom. God is truth. He is self-existent, never created. He has revealed Himself to those who seek Him. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ (God) came to Earth to provide a final sacrifice for all sin. He sealed our redemption by resurrecting from the dead. He was seen by more than 500 after His resurrection. Even if you are an atheist, this is still true. Whether you believe in eternity or not, it is true. Why the world would reject the greatest gift to mankind is beyond me. Let God be true and every man a liar. Jesus Christ IS returning whether you believe it or not. Time will tell….

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      The most rational and reasonable position for EVERYTHING in life is to withhold belief until sufficient evidence is found and proven right?

    • @GeneMcFluff
      @GeneMcFluff День назад +1

      @@TheTruthKiwi Jesus was proof and yet we killed him and then denied the truth. So logically your statement makes sense, but that is usually not what happens.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      @@GeneMcFluff How do you know he was proof of anything? You are literally irrationally making assumptions before any actual evidence exists.
      I am only interested in what is most LIKELY to be true and all throughout history when people have assumed something is supernatural or divine it has always turned out to be a natural explanation.
      From what we know and have observed we exist in a natural universe, not a magical one.

  • @JimmiNichols-qc4pf
    @JimmiNichols-qc4pf 16 дней назад

    The day is coming when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord!! Some of those that bow at the sight of Jesus will not be with him on heaven because they did not believe....until they saw him face to face...and that will be too late because they didn't believe until they saw! I do hope and pray that your unrighteous indignation turns around to believing once again in the Holy Trinity so you will escape a very, very, very painful and miserable eternity in burning hell with Satan and his demons 🙏🙏🙏 Oh by the way, God loves you very much and does not want you or anyone to go to hell! Please turn back to God!!! Eternity never ends....

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      Eternal punishment for a finite "crime?" That's very cultish of you to say so.

  • @user-tn1vr2es4t
    @user-tn1vr2es4t 16 дней назад

    Why did you waist 50 years or you just really slow at learning the truth

  • @nellipalchevskaya2680
    @nellipalchevskaya2680 15 дней назад

    Did Santa also manifest himself in human form and godly form? and gave us a word that is proved to be true everyday through the prophecies and what the lord said will be. You can lie all you want to yourself but your arguments don’t prove nothing. Maybe do more research and studying then come back and make a video..

  • @Charles-wq1uh
    @Charles-wq1uh 15 дней назад

    What do you mean the rapture is not happening? I have been snatching my kids out of trouble many times Timmy. You as a parent would you not rip your kids out of impending danger if it was in your power? I bet a you would.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      We exist in a natural universe, not a magical one 😊

  • @dianecollier7177
    @dianecollier7177 17 дней назад +1

    I hope you guys really enjoy the heat since you don't want to be with the rest of us. Good luck!

  • @yamibakura8597
    @yamibakura8597 17 дней назад +2

    I agree with you that the Rapture is a bunch of nonsense. There will be no secret return of Jesus, the believers will not be lifted into Heaven, etc.
    However, there will be a Second Coming of Christ at the end of the World. Repent and believe that Jesus is Lord.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      The most rational and reasonable position for EVERYTHING in life is to withhold belief until sufficient evidence is found and proven.

  • @marty1234able
    @marty1234able 16 дней назад

    I've been in the world 69 years.. I can tell you that Christ IS coming back. However, l perceive from your cynicism and demeanour that you have been hurt by someone or some situation. Humbly ask for an encounter with Jesus , get prayer for healing from hurt. I don't know your full story, but it's clear that someone or some situation has hurt you deeply.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      The most rational and reasonable position for EVERYTHING in life is to withhold belief until sufficient evidence is found and proven right?

  • @k.p.rkarenrevival3796
    @k.p.rkarenrevival3796 16 дней назад

    I’ll never get 3 minutes of my life back watching this nonsense lol.

  • @cindywebel5950
    @cindywebel5950 17 дней назад +2

    Don’t waste your time listening to someone who is so lost.

    • @TheTruthKiwi
      @TheTruthKiwi День назад

      How exactly do you know that you aren't the one that's lost and deluded?

  • @timlee7825
    @timlee7825 16 дней назад

    Sounds like you were around bad doctrine, false prophets and didn’t quite understand what the Bible says…the more I study and spend time with the Lord the more understanding of the world and less fear, lots of peace and waiting for the blessed hope. You are actually fulfilling end times prophecy with this video…
    2 Peter 3:3-4
    King James Version
    3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
    4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”
    Just because you were in something for 50 years, doesn’t mean you did it well or correct. Praying for you.

  • @77saint77posttrib
    @77saint77posttrib 16 дней назад

    I can see how you were disillusioned with all that. I noticed you kept saying how you never surrenders to Jesus totally. Living sinful all week , then repenting on Sunday??? What were you doing?? Sexual immortality??? Drugs??? Stealing??? Hating??? You mentioned speaking in tongues?? Was this your own manifestation or did the Holy Spirit come upon you and miraculously you were speaking?? The question is, did you just start gibberish or were you taken control of??? When did you begin to actually doubt Father God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit??? I'm curious. I want to say the false pretrib rapture doctrine has destroyed many pretend believers. I say pretend because a true believer doest just sin during the week and repent on Sunday. A true believer attempts to live everyday for God and repent the moment heat sin is realized. Now if we are talking about Sexual immortality then that seems to be the number one fight amongst most believers! To over come lust for most is a daily struggle!! Listening to your comments it appears that you decided to sin and repent no more??? You got to a point that you just refused to surrender to Jesus and gave in to your sinful desires??? That scared to death feeling you had about pretrib is nothing compared to the fear you will experience when you seecthe antichrist and the implanted digital ID and digital currency( mark of the beast)!! Because Jesus is definitely coming shortly after that takes place!! Although I respect your personal decision to reject Christ I think you made a huge miscalculation!!

    • @tammiebrown8317
      @tammiebrown8317 16 дней назад +1

      You don’t sin Monday - Saturday?

    • @byronsysco
      @byronsysco 16 дней назад

      @@tammiebrown8317 no Gospel, just I, I, I, and you,you ,you. I’m not sure I ever quit sinning. Even when I sleep. The problem is people look at themselves and think they aren’t that bad or compare themselves to others, trusting in self instead of the Death Burial and Resurrection for salvation. Never understanding, that we will NEVER grasp how Holy God truly is this side of Glory. We can’t come close to comprehending it!!!!!
      That is why it HAS to be all JESUS and Zero self.

    • @tammiebrown8317
      @tammiebrown8317 15 дней назад

      @@byronsysco Does that mean you really aren’t a real Christian?

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 9 дней назад

      @@concertlover2202 ok.

    • @concertlover2202
      @concertlover2202 9 дней назад

      @@77saint77posttribsorry! that got attached to ur comment in error.