SU Future Finale Sucked Follow Up

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
    (Follow Up video)
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  • @IvanLerma759
    @IvanLerma759 3 года назад +2725

    "Powrepuff Girls killed off Bunny, Infinity Train killed off a villain"
    Regular Show killed multiple people even the main cast at points

    • @JLacay
      @JLacay 3 года назад +201

      Star Wars: The Clone Wars had killed multiple cast of characters and some of them were gruesome. Even the main characters were killed off as well.

    • @powaaaah897
      @powaaaah897 3 года назад +110

      Infinity train actually killed of three villians (the two mirror dudes from book 2 and Simon in book 3) and a gorilla (poor Tuba)

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +101

      Avatar killed a vast majority of characters during its run, Korra had a habit of killing them _on screen_

    • @IvanLerma759
      @IvanLerma759 3 года назад +48

      @@yosefali6922 Examples include
      Avatar Roku, General Zhao, Katara's Mother, and Jet(Even though it became confusing after The Ember Island Players)

    • @geovanibenjamin8940
      @geovanibenjamin8940 3 года назад +52

      And a lot of people who died in regular show where just innocent background characters that just were unlucky of being there

  • @MickeyB1412
    @MickeyB1412 3 года назад +2098

    Mentally Unstable boy tries fixing his friends with Godzilla powers

  • @sunidaze
    @sunidaze 3 года назад +933

    I'm still mad about the chest. I don't care if it was supposed to be like a 'pandora's box' or something. I wanted something cool to come out of that thing.

    • @NameName-yj7lp
      @NameName-yj7lp 3 года назад +114

      A letter is what I thought was in it, a letter from pink
      Talking about her regrets and how childish she was and wishing Steven good luck

    • @Hello-rp4gy
      @Hello-rp4gy 3 года назад +64

      @@NameName-yj7lp that idea would been so good, like, if pink never came back in any way then a letter from her would been the perfect end of the conflict

    • @genuinelypink3838
      @genuinelypink3838 3 года назад +28

      I just wanted to see a diamond fusion and learn about their backstories personally.

    • @NameName-yj7lp
      @NameName-yj7lp 3 года назад +33

      SAME like the diamonds make no sense- why do they make colonies? Why are they so strong? Why are they the leaders???

    • @theblackswordsman5039
      @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +13

      Why even bother adding a chest if it was never going to be important to the story? In the su movie it’s shown to be open but it’s never explained what was in there, so I ask again, what was the fucking point?

  • @OinglorBoinglor
    @OinglorBoinglor 3 года назад +614

    And quite frankly, I'm tired of everybody who wants to defend the Pink stuff, or some other related problem with "Steven didn't forgive the Diamonds, either." That feels like such a damage control excuse that doesn't even fix anything.
    Don't get me wrong, that's okay. Although Steven wasn't the person he was in Future in the original show, so it's not like he was capable of showing hatred to them back then anyway.
    My problem, is it's no excuse for Pink even so. Yes, people came back to kill him. But this is talked about in the video, that Pink CHANGED, and Steven KNOWS she changed, he just doesn't CARE.
    Why should Pink be hated for trying the same pacifist route Steven did and failing? Steven's method worked not only because of violence, but an EXTREMELY lucky break of his gem half being hyper powerful, and working on the logic you just need to knock WHITE DIAMOND on her butt once for her to have a total breakdown, and then calling her a child to make her have an existential crisis.
    Was Pink supposed to get her gem yanked out, form a conveniently WAY stronger version of herself, and solve the situation with violence? No, that's impossible. All she could do was try a different type of violence, and that happened to not work because Steven's route only worked under VERY convenient and specific circumstances Pink couldn't hope to have done herself.
    But wonderful video, Hez! This is the second time you've managed to put into words what I couldn't before and make me realize what my problems with Future are. Well done again!

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +98

      The whole "Steven didn't like the Diamonds thing, he never forgives them" really doesn't make much sense
      The only hints we get of him disliking them prior was when he was uncomfortable with them in the Movie.
      And even then, he literally explains a few minutes later how clingy they are, which basically means that he doesn't hate them because they're tyrants, he feels uncomfortable because they're overbearing aunts.
      Future (or really, the last few episodes of Future) is the only time the show expands on this "hatred"
      And even then, it's not solved in a satisfying way. The Diamonds don't get any comeuppance for their actions, Steven's development is completely off-screen so we basically have no idea how he got over his (rightful) hatred of them, and they're still merrily living in the Empire despite years of abusing their citizens

    • @Silverdap92
      @Silverdap92 3 года назад +25

      @@yosefali6922 What's the point in comeuppance when you can just hug the ideal fantasy ending where bad things stop happening?

    • @tyrannicasteroid1586
      @tyrannicasteroid1586 3 года назад +20

      The problem with pink is not that she faked her own shattering it's that she lied to all of her friends and deeply hurt the people she was close to like bismuth, pearl, volleyball, and spinel.

    • @tyrannicasteroid1586
      @tyrannicasteroid1586 3 года назад +9

      @@yosefali6922 While I agree with some of your points the idea that the diamonds get to go back to their normal lives and rule homeworld is completely false. it's shown in the suf episode that homeworld is now a democracy and the diamonds are only there to help gems in need. with yellow fixing the cluster and the experiments, blue offering them happiness, and white being a "therapist"

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +49

      @@tyrannicasteroid1586 My point is how the Diamonds don't get any consequences for their years of cosmic horror and ruling. Yes, Homeworld is now a democracy, but it's odd how all of that is only shown in ONE episode and never anywhere else.
      You're right that the Diamonds don't continue their rule. That was my bad. But that episode honestly just felt like a bandaid fix instead of showing actual change. Instead of slowly showing us how Homeworld transitioned into a democracy through several scenes and dialogue with the Diamonds finally giving up their rule (which is never mentioned in the movie), we just get a short episode that tries to explain _why_ the Diamonds are better and not _show_ us how they got better. Show us their development, show us their consequences, show us how they truly learned the error of their ways beyond "because Steven wants us to" (and when they DO show us their new powers and how they changed, it's after a full movie and 17 episodes of Future with barely any development to boot!)
      With how easily Pink was able to get rebels on her side by pointing out the Diamonds' corruption, I'm surprised there wasn't a massive riot taking place

  • @lexyshannon9428
    @lexyshannon9428 3 года назад +1335

    Honestly, if pink's backstory had been shown to us in the correct order people wouldn't be nearly as mad as they are now

    • @livvworm
      @livvworm 3 года назад +210

      Exactly. People don’t realize we watched her character development in reverse. At the time that she “died” she was good person

    • @Rannulfus
      @Rannulfus 3 года назад +68

      I don't quite know how you can frame "Childish individual who threw tantrums until they got what they wanted, and abandoned the only person devoted to their happiness for thousands of years, only to realize they didn't want really want what they got, refuse to stand up for what they believed in, and make the closest people the individual has to family think she's dead, upsetting them to the point that they decide to destroy the thing childish individual wanted in the first place (which was a planet full of people, humans and gems alike), only to leave all those problems to their child" in a way that makes them anymore likeable, but I suppose I can't doubt the possibility.
      I feel like that synopsis should cover all the important stuff, but, having watched the show, it feels like it barely scratches the surface.
      And before I get the inevitable "She did stand up for what she believed in" no, she didn't. All her attempts to get the other Diamonds to call off the the colonization of earth were made to seem like she was merely suggesting it, and making excuses as to why it might not be a good idea. She never said, as herself, as far as we know, "I will not allow you to colonize the earth". She was so scared of standing up to her fellow diamonds that she created a persona in Rose Quartz and staged her death. She was a coward, she hurt people because of it, and in hurting those people, she created a situation where those people then felt justified to hurt A PLANET FULL OF PEOPLE.
      The moment we learned that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, the character died for me. All the implications of that fact were too horrendous. It was baffling how in denial people were about this to the point where people were just amazed that the theory had been correct all along, and put no thought into what it really meant. I hoped one day info would come to light that would make the story more interesting, and make Rose less of a dark character, grey her up a bit, but everything only made it worse, culminating in the Spinel story, and finally showing majority of people that, YES, Pink/Rose is a terrible person who ran away from everything, and that's just about all there is to it.

    • @BirdWord03
      @BirdWord03 3 года назад +93

      I hate how ppl hate her b/c “she started a war” like… you do realize if that war either didn’t happen or if they lost, Earth was going to be destroyed, the entire show wouldn’t exist. It amazes me that Pink gets the most shit out of the 4 diamonds, when she was the best out of all of them.

    • @Rannulfus
      @Rannulfus 3 года назад +21

      @@BirdWord03 There are a few points to tackle here. First, I agree with you on part of the first criticism. It's dumb to be mad at Pink Diamond for starting a war. The war NEEDED to be started. Gems were being subjugated and humans were in danger of having their planet destroyed. War was very likely going to be the answer, BUT if your ONLY justification for the war being okay is the fact that it pushed the plot forward, then that's incredibly flawed.
      I typically find the criticism of "if the war hadn't happened, there'd be no show" very disingenuous, among other things, because it elevates Pink Diamond's actions to being heroic on a meta-level, like she ALONE as an entity is responsible for delivering the Steven Universe series unto us. It plays to this tendency for fans to almost worship their favorite characters in their favorite series. It's disingenuous because... the SHOW only exists because real PEOPLE wrote it, and cartoon network signed it on and funded it. Now, the events within the show exist as they are because the war was started, but the story needing lore and origins isn't good justification for a character's shitty actions, which brings me to my second point.
      The war very likely needed to happen within the context of the show, that much is true, but the part that makes Pink Diamond a horrible, nearly irredeemable character is how she went about doing it. Her attempts to go to the other diamonds fell on deaf ears because they didn't take her seriously, but (and it's framed this way in the show) that's most likely because Pink Diamond didn't take her cause seriously enough to out her true feelings to her fellow diamonds, and it's possibly because she was aware they were afraid she wasn't ready for her own colony, and showing that she cared so much about the life on earth would have given them a reason they could latch onto in order to justify those beliefs.
      Yes, it's understandable, but it's ultimately cowardly, because it showed that she feared the diamonds more than she cared about the Earth, and the alternative she opts for makes the whole situation worse than it otherwise would have, that being faking her death. She claims to feel that the other diamonds don't care, but she can't truly say that because she herself didn't care enough to risk everything for her cause, and if she had, she may have very well gotten at least Blue or Yellow to listen to her. Instead, she created a situation where gems not only got shattered, but corrupted (driven insane for thousands of years), and gems back on homeworld suffered for it too. Shattered gems on earth got experimented on and fused together in gruesome, horrific experiments, and all AND MORE was left to be dealt with by... a kid. She actually killed herself, and left it all to a kid.
      I could go on for WAY longer about why Pink Diamond is legitimately horrible, and while there may have been justification for the war, there was no justification for the actions that led up to it, but I'm gonna stop this response here.

    • @lexyshannon9428
      @lexyshannon9428 3 года назад +32

      @@Rannulfus oh believe me I'm not in any way saying pink was a saint. She definitely still has her flaws! I'm just saying that less people would've been mad had they seen her "growth"/development since her time as an official diamond in homeworld instead of the other way around, ya know?

  • @trustno173
    @trustno173 3 года назад +403

    The pacifism thing reminds me of Star Wars The Clone Wars, where it felt like the stance on pacifism was 'Yeah, that's noble and all, but it will more than likely cause more problems than it solves.' And I also don't buy they weren't allowed to kill White off, as tons of kids shows since the late 90's were allowed to kill characters off (not very graphically mind you, but still). Though it is possible CN has faced some managing change since the days of Regular Show, TCW, AT, and such, it's still weird they'd object to killing White.

    • @akanesaotome5924
      @akanesaotome5924 3 года назад +29

      Imagine if Rebecca Sugar was like "I want my gay wedding!" and CN answear "Yeah? Than we want White Diamond to be cool grandma at the end. F you" and they didn't think she had balls to do it.

    • @100lovenana
      @100lovenana 3 года назад +31

      I mean, the creators could've pulled off a loophole to prevent that "not-killing-anyone" rule: Have White Diamond defeated, but, instead of dying, she disappears by escaping Homeworld. Of course that's going to leave a HUGE question about where has she gone? and will she return in the future to reclaim Homeworld?. It would've left that part open-ended, but still much better than what we got!! Because it would prove the point that some people don't deserve any kind of redemption.
      Remember how Aang defeated the Firelord without killing him?? True, Ozai is still alive, but his political (and bending) powers where taken away from him, so then he could receive consequences for his atrocities without actually dying. Avatar managed to teach that some people don't deserve forgiveness, and they didn't have to kill off the villain.
      I still don't think Yellow D and Blue D deserved redemptions either (Blue maybe, but I'm not too on board with it) but people will definitely take them over White!! And while it's true that having White Diamond disappear would've left many questions hanging, and some fans would STILL complain, I know that. But still, it would've saved this otherwise rushed ending for such a good show.

    • @christopherbennett5858
      @christopherbennett5858 3 года назад +34

      @@100lovenana I mean, bubbling exists. Just hit them enough that they returned to the gem cores and bubble them so they never escape.
      Trouble is that SU seemed to have this whole "anyone can be forgiven" trend but had no restraint, no nuance and did that whole thing of exhausting themselves by reaching out to abusive parties instead of those who were abused by them.

    • @100lovenana
      @100lovenana 3 года назад +4

      @@christopherbennett5858 That's right, I agree

    • @christopherbennett5858
      @christopherbennett5858 3 года назад +14

      @@100lovenana Honestly, it feels like bubbling was forgotten to be like "If we kill the diamonds, we'll be as bad as them"... even though the Crystal gems could not be as bad as the diamonds.

  • @shian652
    @shian652 3 года назад +351

    I feel like Bleach suffered from the same problem in the end except it was ShonenJump’s magazine ruthless and competitive scheduling and demands that wore him down and nearly caused Kubo to stop drawing entirely until he was requested to finish the manga by a dying kid.

  • @mixitup6805
    @mixitup6805 3 года назад +231

    This is part of the reason I like Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls knew what it wanted to do in 40 episodes, did it, and left. There was only one episode of filler in the entire show, And even that was good. I feel like if Steven Universe was more direct with what it wanted to do You would probably only need four seasons and there would be little to no unanswered questions.

    • @CinnamonGrrlErin1
      @CinnamonGrrlErin1 3 года назад +44

      Alex Hirsch was also a lot smarter than Sugar and didn't try to make waves at Disney, even if some things he wanted to put in were censored. He made the show on his terms and now he's telling Disney to pound sand for their hypocrisy, it's the best of both worlds.

    • @fauna8049
      @fauna8049 2 года назад +1

      Yeah it was episodic. Different shows.

    • @christopherauzenne5023
      @christopherauzenne5023 2 года назад +10

      Yes exactly, I know we would all like to blame executive meddling/missmanagement for everything but this is one of the few instances were that doesn’t work. Like Steven universe had about 3 to 2 times the number of episodes as gravity falls and avatar and yet it’s ending felt rushed and some unanswered questions. It’s problems really came down to the show teeter tottering between being an episodic slice of life and a grand continuous story but it being unwilling to make the commitment (instead of the calm before the storm, it felt like the sudden storm after the calm) it was unfocused and that led to its failed ending

    • @andalilbitqueer
      @andalilbitqueer Год назад +1

      @@christopherauzenne5023 eh, it's hard to judge because they were different networks and I'm inclined to believe Dana Terrace's claim that Disney gave a lot more creative freedom for their shows than other networks such as Cartoon Network.

    • @christopherauzenne5023
      @christopherauzenne5023 Год назад +2

      @@andalilbitqueer fair enough and it's not like executive medaling didn't play a part/affected the quality, I just feel like too many people think they can blame it as the sole source for every flaw/bad aspect of the show when probably, in the end, it's a result of multiple factors/issues coming together (and as you said it can be hard to judge/networks can have different standards and such). I just personally feel the show did have other underlying key issues that affected its end result.

  • @Kasaix
    @Kasaix 3 года назад +498

    There were so many filler episodes though, a lot of episodes that could have forwarded the plot were spent messing around doing nothing. So yeah, it was 'rushed', because they wasted time and episodes. I blame the Crewniverse as much as I blame CN for how hard SU dropped the ball.

    • @untitled-gv3qp
      @untitled-gv3qp 3 года назад +86

      I wouldn't mind the filler episodes if they made them interesting. The PSA episode and the Steven tag one were both just boring to me.

    • @blandon93
      @blandon93 3 года назад +81

      Season 4 was all filler, it is a poor excuse to blame CN. Writing was an issue for the whole time.

    • @andreafraustoz
      @andreafraustoz 3 года назад +7

      Theres only like 5 fillers in last 2 season to be honest

    • @teejae5307
      @teejae5307 3 года назад +10

      I heard that they had to have filler episodes because CN marketed as an episodic show to kids but im not sure if it's true.

    • @andreafraustoz
      @andreafraustoz 3 года назад +3

      @@teejae5307 why don't blame the writers but to Millar instead

  • @Rediscool9
    @Rediscool9 3 года назад +1139

    “It’s cause you believe in everyone, Steven. Like your mother, you seem to have a little more patience than the rest of us. But the truth is, not EVERYONE deserves that patience.” ~ Garnet (Season 2)
    Guess the Crewniverse completely forgot about THAT lesson, huh?

    • @greendecepticon6148
      @greendecepticon6148 3 года назад +148

      Except when it comes to Kevin or ronaldo

    • @ABg603
      @ABg603 3 года назад +99

      @@greendecepticon6148 or aquamarine and eyeball ruby

    • @christopherbennett5858
      @christopherbennett5858 3 года назад +101

      @@ABg603 Or Greg for not exposing Steven to the obviously abusive grandparents.

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +71

      @@christopherbennett5858 Or Jasper when she decides to live alone in the forest

    • @GemCB7
      @GemCB7 3 года назад +13

      Our White diamond (Steven never accept the White diamond redemption and he try to kill her... When actually she change because he).

  • @mushroomfiction1250
    @mushroomfiction1250 3 года назад +2382

    Also the joke “I am a kid what’s your excuse.” Doesn’t make sense cause the gems are never kids… how would white understand or be embarrassed by that? Some things never made sense with how gems function like they don’t need sleep but they are shown to be tired.

    • @cameoshadowness7757
      @cameoshadowness7757 3 года назад +250

      Mental exaustion/burnout can be how they're exhausted. After all a compute will run slower if too many tasks stuff are open in the background and plus they're solar powered meaning they can also be low on energy. But outside of that, you're right about the kid joke.

    • @Tabby-cx3n
      @Tabby-cx3n 3 года назад +67

      Is it because Steven calls White Diamond childish?

    • @mushroomfiction1250
      @mushroomfiction1250 3 года назад +165

      @@Tabby-cx3n yes like I said gems are never children so how would they know what childish or acting like a kid is?

    • @aaunyea4799
      @aaunyea4799 3 года назад +91

      @@mushroomfiction1250 Yeah i never understood that either. It was a such a bad way to end to what was suppose to be a major conflict 😔

    • @ecchicharmed
      @ecchicharmed 3 года назад +47

      @@mushroomfiction1250 I saw it more like "I'm still a young, growing, immature child and you're a lot smarter and apparently wiser than me. What's your excuse?" I dunno.

  • @rjplayz7490
    @rjplayz7490 3 года назад +774

    You know I'm glad I discovered this channel, it's stuff like this where you can hear an honest opinion and just really gives you a good round of thinking. You just gain a new subscriber, Hezu.

  • @irongirltoni
    @irongirltoni 3 года назад +191

    I feel so unsatisfied. I guess us fans gotta mke a lot of fanart, fanfiction, and fn comics to get what we want

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 3 года назад +11

      How long does it take something to become public domain? 😆

    • @Ramsey276one
      @Ramsey276one 3 года назад +2


    • @misterdj6671
      @misterdj6671 3 года назад

      @@BopperannI think it lasts however long the creator is alive plus an extra 70 year's after the creator dies

    • @eduardogomez4275
      @eduardogomez4275 3 года назад +2

      Yeah, I think the same can be said about Star vs. the Forces of Evil, because everything after "The Battle for Mewni" (and even some previous episodes) sucked. Really hard.

    • @iglin06
      @iglin06 5 месяцев назад

      this happens for literally every piece of media

  • @ToonyTails
    @ToonyTails 3 года назад +651

    If I were in that situation, I woulda just ended it at “Diamond days” and left CN. The movie and Future to me are more or less just bonus content to me at least and aren’t really required to get the story. Especially since we never saw what happened exactly during those 2 years and how Steven even aged. Cuz that still kinda bothers me.

    • @dcscruz2970
      @dcscruz2970 3 года назад +70

      Also the monster being an allegory to mental illness or ptsd making you a monster… yikes

    • @ToonyTails
      @ToonyTails 3 года назад +30

      @@dcscruz2970 I understand they were in a rush but they really shoulda thought that through more

    • @dcscruz2970
      @dcscruz2970 3 года назад +40

      @@ToonyTails is that with twenty episodes they could’ve made a successful story. Heck they could’ve cut the beach city episodes down. The pizza family didn’t contribute to the plot

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +34

      @@ToonyTails It honestly felt like the show was trying to balance between being a slice-of-life comedy _and_ being about mental health. So it focused on one then switched to the other halfway through.
      Because of that, Future just felt like it had an identity crisis throughout its run. By the time it figured out what it wanted to be, it had used up most of it's time on fun slice-of-life
      So yeah, mega oof. I honestly feel like the writers should've at least known that a message this serious requires much more time and development (which would've prevented episodes like Bluebird, which was fun, but wasn't useful or needed)

    • @ToonyTails
      @ToonyTails 3 года назад +9

      @@yosefali6922 I feel like Future shoulda been just a collection of 2-7 min shorts focusing on what happened during and after the time skip.

  • @pokepumpkin9376
    @pokepumpkin9376 3 года назад +801

    Seriously, Steven Universe could have been so much better, if CN would have just stayed out of it.
    It happens to a lot of shows unfortunately

    • @9catzvr378
      @9catzvr378 3 года назад +13


    • @WobblesandBean
      @WobblesandBean 3 года назад +84

      You're not wrong, but Rebecca is equally responsible for the show going downhill.

    • @_benn
      @_benn 3 года назад +72

      @@WobblesandBean she had 6 seasons (7 if you count future) to make a good show but she didn’. Cartoon Network gave her tons of time, it’s not their fault she wasted it

    • @laylonerdio
      @laylonerdio 3 года назад +65

      @@_benn That's pretty unfair in my opinion. Due to the fact that CN was RUSHING the Crewnerverse which made the show worse down the line. Let's just say for the sake of fairness, CN and Rebecca can both bare the burden of responsibility here.

    • @meat2023
      @meat2023 3 года назад +3

      @@_benn Damn you don't understand how time works

  • @rsg5314
    @rsg5314 3 года назад +480

    My issue with pink was that she never got redemption, she was the bad of the worst, all was her fault, but yeah, why not forgive 3 millennials dictators.
    He forgot who his mother was, she wanted him to live as human, to experience life. Rose was far to be perfect, but she did her best

    • @no-do4pv
      @no-do4pv 3 года назад +47

      I was hoping they'd give her some kind of redemption in SUF but they never did and it was pretty disappointing

    • @cherrybliss1688
      @cherrybliss1688 3 года назад +5

      Some people are just jerks and there’s nothing more to it

    • @arielruh7773
      @arielruh7773 3 года назад

      Yes I know and it hurts

    • @lynx105
      @lynx105 2 года назад


    • @emimaki
      @emimaki 2 года назад +36

      The thing is, after Steven found out about his mother being Pink Diamond, he only focused on that. He forgot about the Rose part.

  • @fixielle
    @fixielle 3 года назад +91

    5:51 I guess the reason why Steven doesn't forgive Pink so easily is because she was more personal for him than what diamonds were

    • @happybalint
      @happybalint 2 года назад +5

      Which is very selfish considering Blue almost shattered Garnet.

    • @Dojafish
      @Dojafish Год назад

      It's not like the Diamonds caused alot of problems faced and hurted the people she loved .

  • @darkraysofsunshine3113
    @darkraysofsunshine3113 3 года назад +771

    All of the writing problems make more sense when you realize how CN screwed the crewniverse over. At the very least we can pretend it would've been better if they were given the amount of seasons they had originally planned on. At least that's what helps me sleep at night

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 3 года назад +132

      Nope, after all that insulting filler between long hiatuses, I don't believe the crew knew wtf they were doing.
      The responsibility for this disaster is a 50/50 split. Both parties could have, and should have done better.

    • @eattheasslikeitsgrass5113
      @eattheasslikeitsgrass5113 3 года назад +39

      @@Bopperann cn wanted su to be episodic tho, so they had their hands tied. Filler was still shittly written but there’s always more to it.

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 3 года назад +79

      @@eattheasslikeitsgrass5113 They had more than enough time to plan for that. Episodic doesn't mean that they couldn't give us interesting stories. I liked SOME of the filler but damn if they really dropped the ball on the potential.
      And to play Devil's advocate, episodic is what SU originally presented itself as.
      To be honest, I gave Steven a pass for the watching sunsets when the cluster was gonna blow up the world. But the show lost me when Steven decided to throw a wedding when the Diamonds are incoming. Are they a threat or not, Steven?? But I guess I shouldn't ask that when Steven just keeps gaining new powers x_x

    • @darkraysofsunshine3113
      @darkraysofsunshine3113 3 года назад +7

      I mean i was strictly talking about the finale but you do you lmao

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 3 года назад +43

      @@darkraysofsunshine3113 Future was a mess too. Really feel they missed the subject they were trying to tackle.
      The finale was very disappointing and should have been far better. With what they ultimately gave us, I doubt more seasons would have fixed their rushing and sloppy executions.
      I'm not saying it's completely the crews fault but they do share some blame.

  • @aikolee
    @aikolee 3 года назад +104

    Tbh Pink deserved better being alive as a subconcious interacting with him would've been a better conclusion to Steven and Pink's relationship. They basically turned on Pink making her an evil villain rather than another person who needed help. I'm not saying she needed redemption I'm saying they needed to write a better story and even if CN rushed them it still came out crappy.

  • @Bopperann
    @Bopperann 3 года назад +345

    I hated the wedding episode, not because of the wedding, but because the Diamonds are coming and Steven just puts that flaming pan on the back burner.
    And it all turns out fine ._.'

    • @JLacay
      @JLacay 3 года назад +80

      The wedding was only there so Rebecca Sugar can pave the way for LGBT representation and while that's good, however as a narrative, it feels like filler because, after the wedding, it goes straight to Diamond Days arc, making the wedding pointless.

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 3 года назад +35

      @@JLacay I really feel it was rushed and that the attire could have been better. Guess I've just been spoiled by fan art.

    • @odeiofunkdeputariarum851
      @odeiofunkdeputariarum851 2 года назад +7

      the wedding should have been saved for the finale

    • @luisfillipebeserra2108
      @luisfillipebeserra2108 2 года назад +6

      @@odeiofunkdeputariarum851 yeah, and thanks to the wedding they missed the chance to make new episodes

    • @merlumili
      @merlumili 3 месяца назад

      Finding out the wedding is a big part of why the show got cancelled, it made me feel like they definitely should've saved it for the finale, when CN can't say or do shit about it because the show is over. To me the wedding would've been a better closing moment than the gems getting uncorrupted tbh

  • @Bopperann
    @Bopperann 3 года назад +188

    Before SUFuture, I had a dream that Pink's memories were flooding back to Steven through his dreams.
    So he returned to Homeworld to right every wrong his mother ever committed. He had to deal with blind loyalists, typical citizens, and hostile rebels all while exploring Homeworld.
    Damn subconscious getting creative >_

    • @greendecepticon6148
      @greendecepticon6148 3 года назад +31

      That's more interesting than what the show gave us.

    • @donnovandalusong266
      @donnovandalusong266 3 года назад +17

      @@greendecepticon6148 why we fans are always comes up with cool concepts than the creators.

    • @ruler_of_everything
      @ruler_of_everything 3 года назад +9

      they should hire your subconscious

    • @cryforhelp7270
      @cryforhelp7270 2 года назад +9

      A journey like that could help him understand his mom better too.
      Whether it's seeing her reprehensible actions, or learning that she really is just a complex gem who was trying her best.

    • @Bopperann
      @Bopperann 2 года назад +6

      @@cryforhelp7270 If only if only.
      I really feel the people behind SU were just too short sighted to comprehend the full potential of their own ideas.

  • @BrandonJames2016
    @BrandonJames2016 3 года назад +248

    I feel like the diamonds could’ve been redeemed if the stakes weren’t as high like if they didn’t commit eons of genocide , being homophobes they could’ve just been “perfect rulers” and wanting to keep only perfect system and kick out the “flaws” but idk how to to “redeem” them cause they r just awful ppl I like them as villains cause they r just awful and they r interesting cause of them being one of their kind but so much potential that could’ve been so good but oh well

    • @sokumotanaka9271
      @sokumotanaka9271 3 года назад +7

      I mean "eons of genocide" isn't at all true.
      The colonized planets yes but the most life on those planets were animals.
      And we want to do that despite the other planets growing life. (we took the mars water instead of leaving it alone)
      a genocide doesn't count on anything that isn't sentient or humanoid, the only time the diamonds did anything was to the gems on earth.
      and they state that corruption wasn't suppose to happen it was suppose to reset them.
      also think of it like this: You're a human and you own planets, and your daughter comes to you and wants to rule one too, wants to help, so you give her 1 and you dont know life is on it or that they're as sentient as you, she dies on that planet and you in your grief want the killers head, you're royalty you can make that call; suddenly tons of people start defending the killer and it gets so outta hand you start resenting that planet.
      Or imagine the same thing happening but your kid is killed off by a racoon or something.
      The point is when you entice a war you can't expect the people who lost their child to be rational and go "let's talk to them" Humans at the time were like cavemen, it's like having a dog. and it's easy to wag your finger and say you'd do better but you're not in their position, they were on earth before life formed and again we do that, if a fishman was born on mars tomorrow and we took the water, you'd still see memes about how people wanna drink the "forbidden water"
      I dont get why people get upset at the diamonds for doing what we do but faster they wagging our fingers and going "you're causing a genocide." when like the most life are violent animals while you sit there eating your burgers and stuff judging them XDD
      there was never a genocide. You just didn't pay attention, with all due respect.

    • @tama3162
      @tama3162 3 года назад +55

      Honestly, that's the main problem that's bugging me with them too. The show constantly piles on their crimes at every chance, even when Blue Diamond was shown grieving on-screen! I was getting more of a feeling that Blue mourning despite being a terrible tyrant was proof that they couldn't be redeemed. Like, at the end of the day, Blue, same with Yellow and White, *won't stop doing what they're doing.* They'll continue the caste system the Crystal Gems tried rebelling against, they'll continue conquering other planets and mining them out until they're nothing more than hollow husks. Steven couldn't just preach individuality to them and turn over eons of genocide and oppression older than Earth itself.
      ... Yet he does _anyway_ because White got flustered _one time_

    • @Highstar25
      @Highstar25 3 года назад +55

      @@sokumotanaka9271 Unfortunately it seems you're the one that didn't pay enough attention. There are numerous examples of background details in gem-made buildings such as carvings and paintings featuring gems fighting other sentient races, most notably a race of snake-people (who are wielding weapons and tools, implying they are a sentient culture) that they are shown triumphantly slaughtering, and it's implied that the planet those ruins are on used to belong to this long-gone reptilian race. So that's at least one alien race that the diamonds have genocided. Considering they see the human race as mere collateral damage at best, this is clearly not a unique occurrence either. Gems are so used to destroying alien cultures they don't even notice them anymore.

    • @sokumotanaka9271
      @sokumotanaka9271 3 года назад +4

      @@Highstar25 yeah you're prime example.
      The gems never talk about any snake race, it was depicting humans fighting gems and rose is infront fighting off other gems and diamonds, and it's an old mural. Inside a gem temple btw (you can google it and no one looks like snakes and any other googling of "snake people" leads to fanon garbage. The only murals we see in canon are the ones of her fighting white/ the diamonds and the planets they own.
      Also if you read the books rebecca herself literally says zero about snake people and if they were integral or even....existed, information would exist beyond your word.
      Also again we get episodes where it clearly shows the gems there before humans and the first humans we see are through pink as cave people (I actually rewatched the series recently, dont try me.) and she tells the gems and they dont even believe her , they think it's a joke and the only reason they treat humans as collateral cause the last time a human was around their child was offed and these animals came out of nowhere and started chucking sticks at a planet they owned.
      again if monkey's were on mars started chucking sticks you'd see them as animals or vermin so I'm trying to think from the perspective of a ancient organism that came to a planet devoid of anything but flowers and scanned only for them to years, enos later find life and one of them try to stop it.
      and considering humans still exist again *there never was a geocide* and looking at the books right now, either rebecca is lying or you are and
      I mean I trust her when I can't even find your imaginary murals so. Nice try.

    • @sirchucklefuckle1423
      @sirchucklefuckle1423 3 года назад +6

      Fake ass murals, lol
      Okay Ronaldo, fan theories aren't allowed in an actual discussion.

  • @RyuSpike
    @RyuSpike 3 года назад +81

    I completely agree that they totally screwed Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz over by the end of the series. This especially sucks because I have a friend who was a huge Rose Quartz fan, but by Steve Universe Future her zeal for the character practically died. If, by some miracle, we get anymore Steven Universe content then I hope we get something that finally bandages Steven's one-sided relationship with his mom. She really doesn't deserve the negative light they have been giving her.

    • @alieneko_nyo
      @alieneko_nyo 3 года назад +20

      Fr, Rose was the most pure, cool and loved character the show was pulling but after we knew about Pink Diamond both of them turned out to be the most hated characters by the fans.. and that's kinda sad ":(

    • @sephiriza
      @sephiriza 3 года назад +14

      Ikr. Rose is my favourite character in su for her duality and complexity and yet the fandom tries to drag her into full villainy. And the show also backpedals on her hard.

    • @arielruh7773
      @arielruh7773 3 года назад +12

      @@alieneko_nyo I was so hurt and I felt like Steven was giving her the middle finger

    • @DromusTH
      @DromusTH 3 года назад +4

      @@arielruh7773 Bruh I feel you

    • @cryforhelp7270
      @cryforhelp7270 2 года назад +7

      It's just infuriating because of the pass they give to the rest of the diamonds, despite them being Pink's abusers and the cause for this whole spiel.

  • @cartoonking1789
    @cartoonking1789 3 года назад +53

    I STILL think Rebecca wasted too much time on Beach City episode and drawing out payoffs. Yes Cartoon Network sucks for trying to censor her vision and making her fight for LGBT characters but this story could have been told a lot better and cut out a lot of fat.

    • @a.dennis4835
      @a.dennis4835 2 года назад +8

      Honestly, I kinda wonder why most of the human cast was even in the show. Lars, Connie and Greg were basically the only ones that got to do anything related to the overarching story.

    • @needlebfdia
      @needlebfdia 8 месяцев назад

      world buildiung and so beach city doesnt feel as empty@@a.dennis4835

  • @gregorythestallion2984
    @gregorythestallion2984 3 года назад +502

    I still wouldn't put the whole blame on CN alone. I mean, the crewniverse knew what they were dealing with, and that still doesn't excuse the many plots that were opened that even with a season 6 wouldn't have a proper closure. I mean, there is filler even in season 5, there are pretty heavy plot holes before season 5, and more.
    I blame CN for the rushed finally, but most of the criticism towards the show's writing it's still valid. I wouldn't consider this the best show of CN, it's good, not exceptional but it's good.
    I would consider it more like a stepping stone, just step on it, leave it behind and make something better with the possibilities it brought.

    • @JLacay
      @JLacay 3 года назад +50

      Exactly, Cartoon Network has also meddled in Infinity Train production, but it still did great. It just that the writers are the ones responsible for Steven Universe problems.

    • @bluesoda6379
      @bluesoda6379 3 года назад +8


    • @kentonjen8475
      @kentonjen8475 3 года назад +31

      @@JLacay Yeah, if Rebecca Sugar hadn't given her writers and artists too much free ranch and oversaw productivity, then it would have had a proper closer (and proper redemption stories).

    • @meat2023
      @meat2023 3 года назад +8

      @@JLacay ok like infinity train is made around 8 episodes a season for an arc, that's pretty different from Steven Universe's 30 episode seasons. With multiple episodes in the work at the same time it's harder to change than 8 going at once.

    • @JLacay
      @JLacay 3 года назад +22

      @@meat2023 While Infinity Train doesn't have many episodes as Steven Universe, at least they had a plan while Steven Universe didn't for having too many filler episodes and rushed the story.

  • @cherriqq2646
    @cherriqq2646 3 года назад +94

    Am I the only one that’s waiting for a Star vs the forces of evil review? Especially after watching all the other cartoon review?

    • @Nameless82284
      @Nameless82284 3 года назад +18

      The fact the ending makes no sense, unlike Steven, Star isn't afraid to kill, and she has many times before. There were several spells for Star to use against Mina.

    • @celestialudenburg3428
      @celestialudenburg3428 3 года назад +15

      Hated the ending. Star basically killed every creature that relied on magic to survive. Places that used magic as a source of energy are gonna collapse. People that used dimensional scissors are now stuck in whatever dimension they’re in which separates them from their families. Star killed all the creatures in the wand. Also for some reason Ponyhead was still able to float which made no sense, but apparently they couldn’t have Star feel guilty for handicapping her friend. Also the laser puppies survived which was weird since they were made with magic.

    • @Nameless82284
      @Nameless82284 3 года назад +10

      @@celestialudenburg3428 Star in a nutshell.
      "Let's play a game, there are five tied up in one train track, but only one tied up the other track. A train is coming by, will you either save the one person by sacrificing 5 people, or would you sacrifice one person to save 5 people?"
      Star:"I know, I'll just destroy the train, that way everyone is safe."
      "But you'll end up killing hundreds of innocent people in the process."
      Star:"I said I'll destroy the train!"

  • @kn-jt9dj
    @kn-jt9dj 3 года назад +90

    I think this video is a pretty fair take of the show's finale
    It was rushed, yes. The writers were trying their best, but 6 episodes just wasn't enough to wrap up the show in general. While I do feel bad about the Crewniverse being low on time, I still think a lot of their choices for how the finale were pretty bad (giving the Diamonds a happy ending when we haven't seen them earn it, for example)
    Overall great video :))

    • @tempest2789
      @tempest2789 3 года назад +9

      The Crewniverse made a lot of mistakes, specially with making so much pointless filler.

  • @williamsonknox6318
    @williamsonknox6318 3 года назад +100

    The problem with the anti racist ads was that they were so ham-handed. What made the show great was that it dealt with topics like these by demonstrating them through the emotional struggles of its characters, not getting up on a soapbox and preaching about them.

    • @SupremeMetalOverlord
      @SupremeMetalOverlord 3 года назад +7


    • @cryforhelp7270
      @cryforhelp7270 2 года назад +3

      Barbie did it better than them tbh

    • @dweebteambuilderjones7627
      @dweebteambuilderjones7627 Год назад

      Not to mention the fact that they used Garnet for one of them. Garnet, who has some noticeable elements of the Magical Negro trope. And that's not getting into the _other_ iffy race issues the show is guilty of.

    • @IsabellaMathew
      @IsabellaMathew 9 месяцев назад

      Exactly. Especially since Cartoon Network has episodes that deal with subjects way better.

  • @mig4868
    @mig4868 3 года назад +41

    If Sugar ever gets around to making another show, I'll be shocked if comes back to CN.

    • @CinnamonGrrlErin1
      @CinnamonGrrlErin1 3 года назад +8

      I honestly can't imagine any of the other big studios wanting to take her on either.

    • @moist5741
      @moist5741 3 года назад +3

      I could see her being taken in by adult swim so she could make more mature content they were trying to do with Steven universe. I wouldn’t mind seeing remakes of some of the arcs or a new movie that could wrap up all the plot points. Or a whole new series for Steven universe.

  • @godzillakingofkaiju6366
    @godzillakingofkaiju6366 3 года назад +25

    I hate how Jasper was sidelined. She was one of the most abused character in the show and they literally treated her like trash and instead of her getting a meaningful redemption arc. But noo the Diamonds who are literal space Nazis and committed genocide against their own race and other races, are homophobic, who literally kill the disabled but they get redeemed! Like that pisses me off to no end because if anyone deserved a redemption arc was Jasper. Sure Jasper is no angel but compared to the Diamonds she’s a fucking saint and I’ll never forgive the Crewniverse for treating Jasper like garbage

    • @godzillakingofkaiju6366
      @godzillakingofkaiju6366 Год назад +1

      @Nope Yeah. But I guess since Jasper dared to head butt Steven she gets no redemption and gets thrown to the side like a piece of literal garbage. What makes it even worse is how it’s implied that the Diamonds screwed over the other gems in the Beta Kindergarten to make Jasper as strong and as big as she could be, so she quite literally was only made for war and no other purposes. That’s extremely horrifying because the show does not give her an actual ending to her arc so the show is basically saying that if someone is made for war that’s the only purpose they have in life and if they can’t fulfill that then they get thrown to the side like trash

  • @theblackswordsman5039
    @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +323

    There is so much wrong with Steven universe’s world, characters and worldbuilding, what started as a simple fun show just became a clusterfuck of pure stupidity, with plot lines that go nowhere, like for instance Greg and amethysts relationship that went absolutely nowhere, I mean it was never clear if their relationship was romantic. Mayor Dewey had a crush on pearl for a time but was quickly dropped. And that one planet where Steven and Connie got stranded on, how did they get off that planet? I know Lars got them off that planet but why didn’t they show us? and that one episode where Steven and garnet are on Lars ship and they set a course to a gem station or whatever it was called, we don’t see how that adventure goes. Pearl and bismuths relationship that becomes a forced romantic relationship just because.
    Lapis and peridots relationship that is so underdeveloped but is also toxic so I don’t see why anyone likes it.
    Lapis and bismuth become friends despite the fact that bismuth is the reason why she got trapped in a mirror.
    Seriously what was the point of these plot lines?

    • @dragongamerx12
      @dragongamerx12 3 года назад +36

      none the show had potential but the writers kept shooting the plot in the foot

    • @theblackswordsman5039
      @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +44

      @@dragongamerx12 it’s clear Rebecca nor the crewniverse had no talent in the writing business.

    • @dragongamerx12
      @dragongamerx12 3 года назад +15

      @@theblackswordsman5039 i agree with you their i watched it all when they played it before the movie you really notice the pacing and writing problem when you watch them one after another

    • @Sabertoothkitten4Paw
      @Sabertoothkitten4Paw 3 года назад +12

      I’m pretty sure Greg and amethyst had a platonic relationship as for busmuth and lapis According to the creators lapis doesn’t know who trapped her in the mirror it’s unknown if Gems can actually tell each other apart when they’re each in a crowd aside from subtle differences

    • @theblackswordsman5039
      @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +4

      @@Sabertoothkitten4Paw I’m not saying bismuth put lapis in the mirror I was saying she poofed lapis and a homeworld gem came by and put lapis’s gem in the mirror, I’m saying if lapis got out of the war in time she would never have gotten poofed by bismuth and got trapped inside a mirror

  • @austinflint8671
    @austinflint8671 3 года назад +40

    eh, i personally think pink shouldve been resurrected by spinels scythe thing. it wouldve been extremely interesting to see the dynamic of steven losing his gem one day and pink coming back, but reset to her original, galatic dictator form. it wouldve allowed steven to go his seperate way and not leave a bad taste in our mouths when the most powerful crystal gem (excluding lapis because cmon) just drove off in his car. it could've also vindicated allll that time spent on pink/roses story, but thats just me

  • @jaydeesc2812
    @jaydeesc2812 3 года назад +613

    So, in summary, Steven Universe was cancelled and rushed to hell and back due to homophobia. A refusal to see past profit and, in turn, sacrificing artistic integrity for it. This is the exact reason why I heavily support the indie animation industry (example: Vivziepop). Television networks will put up a facade of support and acceptance, only to heavily monitor and limit the cartoons that DESERVE those two things. As put by Mr. Enter, signing over the rights to a network is a double-edged sword. Your show can get cancelled on a whim and, since the network owns the rights, you will never be able to do anything with that franchise again. Christ, this is beyond infuriating.

    • @JustChill0927
      @JustChill0927 3 года назад +9

      I Completely agree

    • @four-en-tee
      @four-en-tee 3 года назад +79

      Steven Universe really should've been an indie cartoon tbh, the amount of creative control probably would've helped the show a bit down the road.

    • @JustChill0927
      @JustChill0927 3 года назад +7

      @@four-en-tee Yea

    • @jaydeesc2812
      @jaydeesc2812 3 года назад +6

      @@four-en-tee Couldn't agree more.

    • @Terron-de-pimienta
      @Terron-de-pimienta 3 года назад +10

      It was a mortal combo of homophobia and capitalism 🚫💰

  • @octozombie_stan
    @octozombie_stan 3 года назад +111

    Things that pissed me off from Steven Universe:
    • The mental state corruption shit. Steven got corrupted because of his mental state. THEN WHY LAPIS AND BLUE DIAMOND DIDN'T GOT CORRUPTED?
    • The fact that Peridot didn't got pissed at Lapis for abandoning her. Shipping Lapidot or not, liking Lapis or not, Peridot had every right to get mad at Lapis for leaving her and taking the house they lived in.
    • The fact that Jasper didn't got redeemed. She literally just is a punching bag that others punch to get character development, and the fact that literal genocidal dictators can get redeemed and not her pissess me off.
    • The Diamond sweat thing. Pink Diamond need some gems to check what's going on the kindergartens. BUT HEY, PERIDOTS ARE GREEN AND GREEN IS MADE BY YELLOW AND BLUE SWEAT, SO THEY CAN'T BE IN PINK'S COURT! Also, what court are Rubies supposed to be? And why the fuck we never met a Blue court Peridot?
    • The gems from the games. Hessonite, Squaridot, Demantoid and Pyrope seemed like really interesting characters, but nope, only in game canon! Also, the SU Wiki says that Pyrope was on the Blue court, but she's pink? Where did the Diamond sweat thing go?
    • Sunstone. The fusion between an already epic fusion and the son of a Diamond should be something epic, right? NOOOOO, 90'S CEREAL MASCOT THERE YOU GO!
    • The fact that some characters just get dumped. We never saw Emerald outside of the episode on Lars' ship. We never saw the Zircons outside of the trial episode. We never saw Ruby's rubies homies outside from the answer. I'd kill from an episode where they expand those characters, even if they turn out to be massive jerks.
    • The fact that we were supposed to know more about Rhodonite's backstory but we didn't. And not only that, we never got a backstory for the other Off Colors!

    • @Jdudec367
      @Jdudec367 3 года назад +3

      Because their minds weren't as unstable as Steven, corruption was described as a "tear in the mind".
      Well...she did change and sort of get better, but they should have finished her arc.
      Well Pink did have Spinel so yeah. Hm...good question actually. Because it wasn't necessary.
      Seems more like a nitpick but just because they are in a game doesn't mean they will become canon.
      I honestly liked Sunstone and it's design, pretty out there and interesting and unique.
      I completely agree here actually.
      I mean...what else of Rhodonite's backstory is there? Don't we know all we could know? Well...we sorta did, their a bunch of outcast and some of them are weird fusions.
      Ok yeah valid point.

    • @tropicaldisaster8135
      @tropicaldisaster8135 3 года назад

      The only thing I can think of with the Blue Peridot thing is that actual naturally occurring Peridots are only ever green

    • @octozombie_stan
      @octozombie_stan 3 года назад +1

      @@tropicaldisaster8135 I said court wise, not gem color wise

    • @TheFunnyGuy9000
      @TheFunnyGuy9000 3 года назад +1

      I rewrote Peridot to be pissed at Lapis

    • @octozombie_stan
      @octozombie_stan 3 года назад

      @@TheFunnyGuy9000 Based. How did it turn out?

  • @castform7
    @castform7 3 года назад +38

    I don't entirely blame CN for SU's downfall. Now, don't take this the wrong way I do still think they hold a good amount of the blsme. Yes their scheduling for the show was abysmal, and they were being very corporate when it came to things like Ruby and Sapphire's wedding and the rushing of the finale along with the stuff with the movie. What I am also saying is that the Crewniverse isn't exempt from criticism with all of they're choices. Stuff like the copius amounts of filler even in times where it absolutely wasn't needed like seasons 4 and 5 and even FUTURE, the Steven only perspective not allowing other characters to develop away from the kid and many other fumblings with the story are things that heavily hindered SU away from CN's meddlings. Once again, CN definitely has a lot of the blame for what happened with season 5's ending and the movie along with Future and my heart goes out to the Crewniverse for going through tough times with corporate donkeys, but I still think part of the reasons for SU falling short in many aspects is do to the Crewniverse themselves.
    Overall, even though I thought Steven Universe went downhill around the latter half of season 4 and think Future was bad in so many ways, I'd still call it a good show. Not exceptional and not really Cartoon Network's best even in it's prime but still a solid 6/10 with everything in place.

    • @cartoonking1789
      @cartoonking1789 3 года назад +8

      Honestly if they had to choose between a good story or a gay wedding I’d choose a good story.

  • @kykycupcake1
    @kykycupcake1 3 года назад +50

    It really seemed like the crewniverse wanted the diamonds to represent both abusive parents AND authoritarian dictators and
    you just can't have it both ways.
    ESPECIALLY if you want to redeem them
    It's flat out DANGEROUS to teach child that EVERYONE can be forgiven

    • @Jellazticious
      @Jellazticious 3 года назад +8


  • @DrCrazy-dp5ek
    @DrCrazy-dp5ek 3 года назад +40

    It’s… just sad, Steven in SU had a neutral face, a smile. He was so kind so great, he’d forgive those who almost killed him. But nope in the future series he was willing to end them.

  • @ColorsOfOrion
    @ColorsOfOrion 3 года назад +31

    I have to disagree on the CN is the only one at fault thing... because Sugar knew since 2016 that they were going to get only one more season, and yet, almost half their show is filler. No kidding, HALF their show is filler
    Don't get me wrong, townie episodes were great in the early seasons, but not in the middle of season 5 where everyone is dying to know what's going to happen. For a show that you have to wait weeks or even months for new episodes, that's not fun, that doesn't take weight out of the drama... that's frustrating
    Lars dies and gets stuck in homeworld? Let's put that aside for FIVE episodes, and let's watch how Dewey loses the election, and how Sadie has a concert, while no one in town really cares he's disappeared
    And that's just season 5, because this problem comes from way before
    This show could've been fantastic if the crew knew how to make a proper schedule and focus on the important things...

    • @danmakes2497
      @danmakes2497 2 года назад

      I get why they would want to even the pace out and set the plot out, but the amount of filler is really not necessary, especially last season.

    • @cryforhelp7270
      @cryforhelp7270 2 года назад

      @@weirdfrikicj7389 She's still just a teenager, with her own life that's somewhat separated from Steven. Just because he life isn't a literal space drama tragedy- doesn't make her problems trivial. They feel big to her, and that's probably the point they were trying to make.
      It's like someone with depression agonizing over how their problems aren't as big as another persons. It's a tough mentality to have.
      Then again, I'm not entirely clear on what situation you're talking about and just thinking about the time Connie flipped some unsuspecting schmuck over by accident.

  • @Aesio92
    @Aesio92 3 года назад +11

    Why didn't the crewniverse put all those missing topics in Future? Lars in space, the origin of diamonds, Morganite
    Instead they decided to put filler episodes...
    It's not all CN's fault, they could have done much better :/

  • @strangeitch
    @strangeitch 3 года назад +28

    Oh yeah totally. Steven universes cancellation for me was the main reason that is went downhill because they had to squeeze a seasons worth of content into 6 episodes and so things were left without closure. And then the movie and future didnt address some of the more important plot points that I think needed to be.

    • @augustbornone
      @augustbornone 2 года назад

      What do you mean by Steven Universe's cancellation? I heard that in the previous video.

    • @strangeitch
      @strangeitch 2 года назад

      @@augustbornone Steven universe was forced to finish early because of its representation pretty much and so it was cancelled. They were given the rest of the season to wrap it up but like that clearly wasn’t enough and it caused the shows ending to be rushed.

    • @augustbornone
      @augustbornone 2 года назад

      @@strangeitch Wow, it makes you wonder how Steven Universe was ORIGINAL gonna end before it got ended early.

  • @theblackswordsman5039
    @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +63

    There is so much wrong with Steven universe’s world, characters and worldbuilding, what started as a simple fun show just became a clusterfuck of pure stupidity, with plot lines that go nowhere, like for instance Greg and amethysts relationship that went absolutely nowhere, I mean it was never clear if their relationship was romantic. Mayor Dewey had a crush on pearl for a time but was quickly dropped. And that one planet where Steven and Connie got stranded on, how did they get off that planet? I know Lars got them off that planet but why didn’t they show us? and that one episode where Steven and garnet are on Lars ship and they set a course to a gem station or whatever it was called, we don’t see how that adventure goes. Pearl and bismuths relationship that becomes a forced romantic relationship just because.
    Lapis and peridots relationship that is so underdeveloped but is also toxic so I don’t see why anyone likes it.
    Lapis and bismuth become friends despite the fact that bismuth is the reason why she got trapped in a mirror.
    Seriously what was the point of these plot lines?

    • @9catzvr378
      @9catzvr378 3 года назад +7

      We never actually know if it was bismuth who trapped her inside the mirror- we never saw another bismuth before so it might as well be a common look for them

    • @theblackswordsman5039
      @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +7

      @@9catzvr378 when I said bismuth was the reason lapis was trapped in the mirror I meant that she poofed lapis and a home world gem put her gem in the mirror to be trapped.

    • @theblackswordsman5039
      @theblackswordsman5039 3 года назад +3

      @@9catzvr378 some of these plot lines are forced, rushed or forgotten.

    • @9catzvr378
      @9catzvr378 3 года назад +1

      @@theblackswordsman5039 I know but we never actually know if bismuth was part of this

    • @9catzvr378
      @9catzvr378 3 года назад +1

      @@theblackswordsman5039 you did pointed that out before and I agree like the relationship between amethyst and peridot was pretty random

  • @SuperLegendOf364
    @SuperLegendOf364 3 года назад +92

    Ugh, that's really unfortunate to hear. I can't say which disappointed me more, SU's ending, or the ending to KH 3. At least with Kingdom Hearts I know that there'll be future games to make up for it. Unless there's another Paper Mario styled game in the works, SU is always going to leave me with a feeling of wanting more.

    • @four-en-tee
      @four-en-tee 3 года назад +8

      The ending to KH3 is just the trailer for the "Nomura Cut of FF15" more or less, which despite the now even more convoluted state of KH, does make me a bit excited since i thought FF15 was incredibly underwhelming.

    • @squelettefaineants4359
      @squelettefaineants4359 3 года назад +9

      I still like Kingdom hearts but I feel like after KH2 they should have let Nomura work on different project. The FF7 remake doesn't count since he wasn't told he was the director until the first trailer. Because every future KH game might just be Nomura trying to repurpose is old idea FF vs 13.

  • @isawalker4469
    @isawalker4469 3 года назад +82

    I want to correct you on the Anti-Racist ads they put out, specifically one with Pearl. Although the intentions were good, the facts were just completely wrong. A black man didn’t create the lightbulb, he improved it. Nothing wrong with improving it! He changed the world for the better with his improvements and should be honored for that! (His name is Lewis Howard Latimer if you are interested). And another thing people really didn’t like about one was with the Garnet ad, where the kid says they can’t marry each other because one is black. In *any* situation a kid would make fun of someone being gay rather than being black. It was set up to handle homophobia but suddenly shifted to racism? It just doesn’t make sense.
    Anyways, great video. I just want to tell you why those dislike bars are so massive and dividing. The information is just outright wrong or the ad just wasn’t able to resonate as realistic for people. (And yes I know the garnet one was a stage set but they seriously set it up to handle homophobia.)

    • @samfinnell6070
      @samfinnell6070 3 года назад +2

      I don't understand your point on the Garnet one, people can have multiple representations of themselves that are discriminated against

    • @isawalker4469
      @isawalker4469 3 года назад +20

      @@samfinnell6070 no, my point was it was set up to deal with homophobia then suddenly shifted to racism. Garnet is great for both topics but no kid in that kind of situation would be racist instead of homophobic. It just came off as really forced, unrealistic, and just not planned well. Even if the setting was a studio.

    • @donovan_salgado
      @donovan_salgado 3 года назад +8

      Thank you! for reals that was such an odd route of getting their message across like they could have gone a different route heck if they were to say a white kid can't play basketball or a black kid wanting to join a crew of white kids who told them to go play with someone else it would have been more believable then a group of boys saying they can't marry each other cause of race

    • @SaiyanGamer95
      @SaiyanGamer95 2 года назад +3

      From what I heard, people, including several black people, found those videos to be preachy. Or at the very least the Garnet one, as I didn't hear anything about the other videos. I didn't even know they existed until I saw this video.

    • @paigeyssims_2004
      @paigeyssims_2004 2 года назад +1

      At least the Amethyst ad had a little improvement because I think using her for that topic felt appropriate because of how she was discriminated for being a defective gem by the other HomeWorld gems.

  • @Jedislayer19
    @Jedislayer19 3 года назад +96

    "Forced pacifist morality..." "...faced no consequences nor went to trial for their actions." PREACH IT, SISTER! The rich and powerful desperately trying to control our culture to their benefit.

    • @GeneralKenobi75
      @GeneralKenobi75 3 года назад +17

      Exactly. People seem to forget there are truly evil people in the world. They can't be reasoned with, or rationalized. They need to be opposed.

  • @songweretson
    @songweretson 3 года назад +251

    To be honest, I think you're being too generous to the writers. Granted, I don't think Steven Universe is that great. I think the messages are half baked, and the writers were too busy chasing butterflies to actually write well. They were get at setting ideas up, or at least hinting at them, and then the online community talked about them and created depth that just wasn't really there.
    Regardless of how much time they thought they would have, the filler throughout so much of the show was absolutely ridiculous. It's part of why I stopped watching, and just listen to reviews for the last couple seasons. I hated being yanked around, and the filler just got so boring. I wish they had structured their story better, and been more solid with what messages they were trying to convey.
    I do wonder if CN canceled the show because they seemed Sugar hard to work with. Especially if she fought them so hard over the wedding. I'm certainly not saying they were right, just that it may be their reasoning.

    • @ingridc0ld
      @ingridc0ld 3 года назад +54

      Agreed. Steven Universe should've been planned way better

    • @songweretson
      @songweretson 3 года назад +68

      @@ingridc0ld Exactly. Especially as a writer, it frustrates me so much to see people get chances like this, and be so reckless with their storytelling.

    • @timidalchemist8475
      @timidalchemist8475 3 года назад +39

      @@songweretson they planned the rose and PD twist, but that's it really. Everything else felt like half-baked/last minute ideas to drive the characters and plot forward without reasoning. It makes me disappointed the writing team defended the show from being called filler (which is what half the episodes were like don't tell me the Connie and Steven fight in season 4-5 was good because it ain't). The world-building feels haphazard, which is ashame given how much much terrain has shifted ever since the Gems came to Earth, but humans don't react remotely to the situations that's happening and when they do it's for plot forward and nothing else. It feels static and lifeless, which is something you shouldn't do in a fictional setting.

    • @DrawciaGleam02
      @DrawciaGleam02 3 года назад +25

      Yeah, I think Sugar's stubbornness over the show was a double-edged sword TBH.
      For example, folks have debated that the Pink Diamond twist really didn't fit the show and ruined some plot/character arcs.
      The wedding, while enjoyable, cut off the show and may have not been a right fit for the plot where it occurred (according to some critics).

    • @songweretson
      @songweretson 3 года назад +29

      @@DrawciaGleam02 I'm confused as to why it took them so long to get married. They've been together for centuries. Shouldn't it have been something that happened years ago, maybe after they drove the diamonds back from Earth the first time? Or maybe When Steven was a baby. Kind of a symbol they were moving on after losing Rose. It could have been shown through flashback earlier on in that case.
      But I agree. I sometimes doubt the PD twist was planned, just because it's so jarring. And even if it was... I'm sorry, but some of the things Sugar says and does are really questionable sometimes.

  • @ithinkflutterawesome6511
    @ithinkflutterawesome6511 3 года назад +15

    So, the moral of the story is that Bismuth was right all along, but because the reality that sometimes you cannot change a dictator and the only way to protect you and your loved ones is with violence makes some people sad, the show bends backwards to prove her wrong.

    • @itsjustvin7630
      @itsjustvin7630 3 года назад

      Then again you could also have a bit of Julius Caesar situation

    • @ithinkflutterawesome6511
      @ithinkflutterawesome6511 3 года назад +5

      @@itsjustvin7630 To be fair, Homeworld was shattering gems without concern, and the Diamonds were all powerful dictators who couldn't be stopped and had no regard for any gems other than the uppercrusts. Bismuth wanted to liberate homeworld gems, not kill them all: only the Diamonds and those who benefited from their reign would've fought back and therefore they are the ones who would've had to face the Breaking Point.
      This does raise the question of what would happen after the Diamonds were shattered, perhaps even leading to a civil war and possibly even more conflict, and say that out loud I kind of wish the show had gone that route because if it was well written it could've been extremely compelling, especially if Rose had *not* been Pink Diamond.

    • @itsjustvin7630
      @itsjustvin7630 3 года назад

      @@ithinkflutterawesome6511 but then it stops being a cartoon catered to kids and falls into TV-Y14+. Not even Avatar showed on screen death and consequential ramifications until the comic sequels and Korra outright showing a murder-suicide on screen.

    • @ithinkflutterawesome6511
      @ithinkflutterawesome6511 3 года назад +7

      @@itsjustvin7630 Well than perhaps Steven Universe shouldn't have tried to discuss serious topics like dictatorship, fascism, and civil war. Maybe they should've stuck to Disney Villian logic where the big bad person does bad things and doesn't feel bad about it, so now we gotta go beat em up or have them locked away or something.
      That would at least have been enjoyable to watch.

  • @NakanoMiku-chan-z2m
    @NakanoMiku-chan-z2m 3 года назад +64

    I blame the crew for most of the shows failures. Instead of having a pointless wedding the crew could have spent more time focusing on yellow and blue diamond coming to earth instead of them being in half of the episode. The wedding made any sense of urgrentancy fall out the window. They made the exact same mistake earlier in the show with the cluster arch. Instead of giving the cluster the attention it needed they instead throw a birthday party for steven, sing a song with peridot, go on all of these little detours instead of you know working on the drill so they can get to the cluster and peridot the only sane one who questions "Hey guys, why aren't we working on this?" steven ignores her reasonable concerns and continues to not do anything. Instead of learning where the cluster arch went wrong the crew just repeated the same mistake again. I also hate that they shafted jasper until the very end and when they finally bring her back they do nothing with her. There goes what could have been a interesting character. I also hate that the crew claims they claims they had all of these ideas but they didn't use any of the interesting ones for future. Instead we got a episode that repeats a idea used in the original show expect in reverse. ( the episode I am referring to is the one with ruby and aquamarine's fusion btw which now that I think about it was repeated twice in the original series. The episode that introduces Peridot did a similar plot of the gems not believing steven and learning to trust him more. They also did a similar plot in the blue diamond introduction expect it was Steven being the one who fucked up. The more I think about it they really didn't learn this lesson if it needed to be constantly repeated. )

    • @YourLocalRussianNegro
      @YourLocalRussianNegro 3 года назад +8

      You ain't wrong. There was too much filler and some episodes straight up didn't need to exist.

    • @NakanoMiku-chan-z2m
      @NakanoMiku-chan-z2m 3 года назад +5

      @@YourLocalRussianNegro there are also characters who didn't need to exist.

    • @YourLocalRussianNegro
      @YourLocalRussianNegro 3 года назад +7

      @@NakanoMiku-chan-z2m true. I feel like the crewniverse lost the plot in tje second half of season 4 and on. It honestly kills me to think what this series could've been with better writing and more fleshed out characters. I also think Rose shouldn't have been pink diamond. And there would've been an actual fight between the crystal gems and the diamond empire. And I also wish that they didn't redeem the diamonds whatsoever. They were literal space nazis and there should've been some shattering.
      One last thing. Jasper, Lapis, and Peridot were done dirty. If those characters were fleshed out and cooked low and slow like a brisket, this series would've been very interesting. Too bad the writing sucked balls.

    • @cartoonking1789
      @cartoonking1789 3 года назад +7

      I look at this like a failed attempt at the animated Mulan story, there was lighthearted moments but in the background the Huns were a looming threat. Until the “girl worth fighting for” song, then reality hit the story. This isn’t a fun romp, this is WAR and needs to taken seriously and Steven Universe never did, despite the plot smacking them in the face they ignored it so they could do beach city episodes.

    • @YourLocalRussianNegro
      @YourLocalRussianNegro 3 года назад

      @@cartoonking1789 damn. You ain't wrong.

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean 3 года назад +20

    Yeeeaaaahhh. As constrained as it was, it was still incompetently handled on Rebecca's part, and my negative opinion of SU and SU:F has not changed.
    13:00 See, this is what I'm talking about. From the very beginning, they were doing these pointless filler episodes and getting stuck in the cycle of "stevenbombs" and taking long hiatuses. Rebecca KNEW this, yet still chose to continue making filler episodes for the entire duration of the show. If you know your format is 5 new episodes every few months, and that's it, why would you still make pointless filler and alienate your fanbase even more? Why not just keep things tight, focused, and relevant?
    You may have new respect for Sugar, but I don't. They still made a lot of objectiveIy awful decisions regarding the direction and plot of the show. could always be worse.
    At least Sugar isn't Daron Nefcy.

    • @CinnamonGrrlErin1
      @CinnamonGrrlErin1 3 года назад +4

      I agree. And it's interesting to see how many of her less white knighty colleagues have gone on to do other projects, while she and Ian don't seem to have any big offers on the table.

  • @twizzpaw900
    @twizzpaw900 3 года назад +32

    Thank You! Seriously I thought I was the only one who thought it was weird that Jasper came back to life sooooo easily, then having the next episode showed yellow diamond putting a gem back together again with no problem? It defeats the entire purpose of gems dying and why anyone should care about the entire war!

    • @yosefali6922
      @yosefali6922 3 года назад +10

      It also kind of undermines the seriousness of what happened in the Gem War.
      It's like if Aang revived all Air Nomads _and_ Gyatso near the end of Avatar. It reduces the consequences and diminishes the whole message of what war can do

    • @a.dennis4835
      @a.dennis4835 2 года назад +1

      Also if the Diamonds can resurrect dead gems, why wasn't the Gem War just both sides zerg rushing troops then resurrecting them afterwards?

  • @JerichoVR
    @JerichoVR 3 года назад +34

    8:02 holy mother Jesus.... I always didn't like how clusters looked.. in the show but that.. you need a doomslayer for that lol. I know technically they're not evil but how long they're mashed like that, and seeing that just feels like mental control/talking to others in the cluster wouldn't be enough..

    • @DrawciaGleam02
      @DrawciaGleam02 2 года назад

      The Cluster concept reminds me of Dark Gaia from Sonic Unleashed....

  • @danhair
    @danhair 3 года назад +17

    Nope. I WOULD not have given Sugar more money. It was clear after 10 years of adventure time that she liked to work every single story she can think of as filler. As long as it put a paycheck on the table, he would have made fillers for years.
    Rebecca Sugar is a great idea person but she needs a crew that can keep her focused on story purposes.
    Sorry, you can't blame CN when Rebecca Sugar could not make the show marketable or relevant in concious memory.
    If people pay you to make them a product that people want then they will find someone else. That's how the free market works.
    If Sugar wants to continue the story, let her write visual novels or comic books. If it's good, they will be picked up by someone else.

  • @pedrovitor5324
    @pedrovitor5324 3 года назад +14

    But it was really a homophobic decision? It sounds (To me) more like they wanted to end a seasom of cartoons to start a new one like they always do.
    We had 4 main cartoons in this season: Regular Show, Adventure Time, Gumball and SU. From them, the only one who wasn't cancelled was Adventure Time (I guess).
    From them, Gumball has as much seasons as SU (6 seasons), although Gumball was released in 2011 while SU was in 2013. Adventure Time and Regular Show has 10 season, both were released in 2010. The point here is that Steven Universe would end anyway, they were looking to renew their cartoons catalog so this don't have anything to do with homophobia.
    If it really does so why she didn't go to a judge or her own community? I mean, homophobia is crime and people would defend her if what she was claiming was true.
    Also it's not like SU is the only show with LGBTQ+ characters. Maybe I just interpreted wrong (Bc I'm learning english), but I guess it doesn't have anything to do with homophobia. Also I blame the creators for spending so much timw with fillers, it makes me feels that they didn't really have a story to tell when they started.

  • @revlo8483
    @revlo8483 3 года назад +86

    They had SIX seasons, more seasons than most CN shows dream of ever having, and they wasted it on all those episodes following Beach City citizens, who in the end didn't even help at the end. It's not a problem of being cancelled, it's a problem of the show not hiring proper writers and instead leaving it all to storyboard artists who don't even seem to agree on how to characterize certain characters.

    • @juanitacanon3120
      @juanitacanon3120 3 года назад +7


    • @buddingbones
      @buddingbones 2 года назад +3

      6 seasons and they just hammered in filler after filler episode.
      And then Rebecca is like, "tHeRe Is No FiLlEr EpIsOdEs!"
      Yeah, sure, right, that Onion episode with the random other kids was totally plot relevant. 🙄

    • @DrawciaGleam02
      @DrawciaGleam02 2 года назад +4

      Amphibia recently showed an episode where characters that appeared in the first half of season 3 show up to help Anne & the Plantars get back to Amphibia.
      Which makes Amphibia better at handling background characters than SU.....

    • @dweebteambuilderjones7627
      @dweebteambuilderjones7627 Год назад

      Or even draw the characters consistently. What kind of dumbass production crew doesn't make model sheets?!

  • @karenbonds264
    @karenbonds264 3 года назад +37

    Honestly, I just wanted to see Steven turn into a giant Kaiju *Onscreen.*

  • @RaisonLychi
    @RaisonLychi 3 года назад +12

    They honestly started to lose me when they retconned Lars character by killing him and them reviving him as some immortal portal.
    I wanted to see Lars grow as a person and when he finally started to naturally... Dead.
    Turned into a Captain Harlock cosplay.

    • @RaisonLychi
      @RaisonLychi 3 года назад +4

      It's never dealt with that this human died and is now essentially as immortal as the pink lion. They just have him off suddenly being a space captain. HE LITERALLY LEFT THE PLANET AT THE END

  • @NoirRaven
    @NoirRaven 3 года назад +8

    9:34 they needed to be broken and losing pink was the thing that did it. This is why Steven got through but he had to first be mistaken for pink in order to even get his foot in the door. The other thing Steven did that Pink didn't was actually stand up to the diamonds and did something about it, albeit not in a satisfying way for the audience.

  • @adamisajoker
    @adamisajoker 3 года назад +62

    The greatest show on Cartoon Network? Lol. Excuse me?
    These are shows that by their mere existence blow SU out of the water:
    1. The Amazing World of Gumball.
    2. Craig Of The Creek.
    3. Courage, The Cowardly Dog.
    4. Regular Show.
    5. Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
    6. Megas XLR.
    7. Samurai Jack.
    Need I go on?

    • @sarahsims6164
      @sarahsims6164 3 года назад +31

      8. Infinity Train.
      9. Adventure Time.

    • @adamisajoker
      @adamisajoker 3 года назад +27

      @@sarahsims6164 10. Over The Garden Wall.
      I wasn't the biggest fan of Adventure Time or Infinity Train as the shows went on. Idk, the dialogue felt like it was trying to seem more deep than it actually was.

    • @mlpsecrets7931
      @mlpsecrets7931 3 года назад +14

      @@adamisajoker ben 10?

    • @sarinabina5487
      @sarinabina5487 3 года назад +5

      to be fair ppl have different preferences

    • @despinasgarden.4100
      @despinasgarden.4100 3 года назад +3

      @@mlpsecrets7931 just the first one and alien force, then the rest are just.... Reboot trash.

  • @himdevil2391
    @himdevil2391 3 года назад +109

    Started to hate this show the minute they added a dictator to the main cast. I do not care what excuse there was. White diamond is terrible and deserved no ounce of kindness showed to her. If she's in grief because of pink. Well, news flash it's her fault pink left and essentially killed herself in the first place. I don't care how much "Grief" she's in because for all we know she could be faking it.
    Imagine if you will the Lion King took the pacifist route. And Simba tried to change his dictator uncle. It wouldn't work because Scar is that much of a narcissist and compulsive liar. For how much this show wants to be realistic with its themes that ending was the most unrealistic ever. You do not change NPD disorder with a schoolyard come back. The diamonds along with other narrative fuck ups are why I'm such a bitter ex fan of this show. It had potential and dropped the ball spectacularly. Almost like Star Vs but with less bed shitting.

    • @GeneralKenobi75
      @GeneralKenobi75 3 года назад +36

      Agreed in all points. Why should I feel sorry for someone who created a genocidal imperialistic system where entire worlds are wiped out and sentient beings are kept in bondage all to satisfy her "perfection. Some people cannot be redeemed, and should not. I hate how they try to make this all "Pink's fault" when Pink did all this because of her abusive, genocidal family.

    • @mahliwowe
      @mahliwowe 3 года назад +20

      I'm so glad you brought up White's NPD. Like all diamonds are huge narcissists, and every gem was abused because of it. Somehow Spinel's happy ending, the character Rebecca confirmed to have BPD, is to go live with three narcissists? Does no one realize how toxic a BPD and NPD relationship is!?

    • @junejuniejune
      @junejuniejune 3 года назад +21

      Exactly! People gloss over the things white did, even the things yellow and blue also did. Homophobia, racism, abelism (with the off colors), murder, abusing pink along with yellow and blue, threatening the son of the person she abused, pressuring literally every lesbian rock in existence, was a manipulative dictator who enslaved people who acted "out of line", and all of that was forgiven by the main character. Who, btw like I said, is the son of the person WHO WAS ABUSED by white, yellow, and blue! He forgave all of them! EVERYONE forgave the diamonds. The whole reason pink started a war was because she wanted to escape from the people who hurt her. The whole reason she abandoned spinel was so she would fit the standards she was pressured into to make her abusers happy. The whole reason why she faked her own death was that she was so traumatized that she thought it was the only way to get away and try to stop the mistakes she made. She PROTECTED her abusers when bismuth wanted to shatter them with the breaking point. The reason why she wanted to have steven was so she could create life. Life that actually lives, is a normal being, and can experience the things she couldn't, being free. BUT NOOOOOO. he ignores his mom's sacrifice, is aware she changed, hates his own mom that died so he can live, but forgives the people who were the reason why pink started a war. It completely invalidates the struggles that pink had to go through and the things she had to endure for BILLIONS of years

    • @himdevil2391
      @himdevil2391 3 года назад +9

      @@junejuniejune I wanna clarify that just because I think White diamonds redemption is bullshit. I don't think pink is some innocent child either. I understand that she has endured and suffered alot. But trauma will never be an end-all-be-all excuse for someone to be so deceitfully abusive towards others.
      1. Pink had no reason to leave spinel. She was playing the war as both herself and as rose. Which was a dumb plot twist in itself. And in the time she never went back for the gem she seemingly cared so much about. Pink tied a dog to a pole and left then forgot about it. There are no ifs and buts about it. That was just shitty of her to do. Not to mention the emotional manipulation of it being a game. Seriously that was fucked up on her part.
      2. Pink is a hypocrite for locking bismuth up for shattering a diamond then essentially did the exact same thing. People were pissed off about this long before this twist came. And it's acknowledged in canon as one of Roses's flaws.
      3. Steven is well within his right to be upset at all the people Pink hurt targeting him daily. It's just it comes off as one-sided considering how much less aggressive he is towards the diamonds. Which I fault the writers for.
      I haven't even begun to mention pink pearl, our pearl, and Jasper. Along with other stuff. So as much as White diamond sucks. Pink isn't much better. One good deed doesn't absolve you of all wrongdoing.

    • @danmakes2497
      @danmakes2497 2 года назад +3

      @@himdevil2391 All good points but I do want to add in an important part to it; Pink Diamond had the mentality of a child/teen before and during the war. It's afterwards or near the shattering is when she has a more adult mentality. That's what alot of people tend to forget.
      1.) She was literally taught by the Diamonds that all gems were lesser, including Spinal. And yeah, she did leave and discard her like a toy, BECAUSE that was Spinal's purpose; to entertain her.
      Even if Pink did care for other gems lesser then her, she still was taught that there's nothing more then that.
      Even if she remembered about Spinal, it would ruin her plans of the rebellion and her secret identity because she would need to reveal to Spinal. (Maybe take her along and tell her it's a game but we know that would never work out.)
      Because as much as people love/like her, Spinal is VERY overbearing and a nuisance at times and would not be much help. (And also not be used in the war because she would maybe think it's a game and I doubt she'll be used because other gems would wonder where she came from since Spinal seems like a rare gem because we never see other gems like her.)
      2.) I'm angry and upset with how she treated Bismuth when Bismuth was loyal and hardworking for the rebellion and a true Crystal Gem; but her reaction makes sense AT THE MOMENT. She panicked because Bismuth wanted to basically shatter her and if she revealed Pink and Rose were the same, it would make Bismuth (and every other gem in the Crystal Gems) no longer want to fight, because everything they knew would be a lie.
      That and there's a difference between letting Bismuth shatter Pink Diamond, and Pink faking it but still living.
      I agree that it was the only option to do because she couldn't keep the "double identity" up after Blue and Yellow talked with her and didn't let Pink speak. (And it was hinted if she didn't deal with them, THEY would.)
      I am still angry with her though because she lied to her friends (Bismuth's friends) and kept Bismuth locked up while enjoying the peace after the war and etc.
      3.) I completely agree; though with Spinal she KNEW he wasn't Pink Diamond so she was lashing out in a very toxic manner and didn't care if she was told she was hurting innocent people. And yeah, he seemed really calm when dealing with the other Diamonds; the root cause of it all and trauma, but the team could have done much better with it, honestly despite the time restraint and not so much on filler, and not forgive White Diamond or the others.

  • @roshimiiarts4507
    @roshimiiarts4507 3 года назад +12

    Excuse me, rushed? The amount of filler episodes doesn't say that otherwise but other than that I agree all of what you said here.

  • @thefeatheredbutterfly7335
    @thefeatheredbutterfly7335 3 года назад +9

    To be quiet honest, I don’t even watch Steven Universe Future. And if I did, the only episode I would really watch is Volleyball. All the other episodes just seem boring to me. Especially the one where Jasper is shattered and she gets brought back. Two problems with that. One: Jasper should’ve gotten more redemption. Two: *THE CREW JUST COMPLETED TOOK AWAY SHATTERING AS A HUGE THREAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!* 😤

    • @ElementalAer
      @ElementalAer 3 года назад +5

      And it's a HUGE plothole. Like, the other diamonds didn't knew that pink could do that? Can the other diamonds do that? If yes, why they mourned to pink's shatering? And there's withe knowing before hand about pink's lyes, but not teeling anyone.

  • @awkwardorangedrawz5914
    @awkwardorangedrawz5914 3 года назад +11

    It feels better when you think of the original change your mind ending as the true ending. Well, it was before. Or even the movie! I know it sounds really bad but... I kind of wish Rebecca didn't push that wedding episode. The show could have been finished properly without anything being rushed. But, I'm glad she did...I think. This show died so that others can rise.

  • @tronixchl2004
    @tronixchl2004 3 года назад +22

    So....... Steven Universe Remake when? Also the cluster's original design looks like a japanese RPG final boss

  • @terrellstucks2017
    @terrellstucks2017 3 года назад +9

    Honestly, majority of the episodes in future should’ve been taken out and replaced with story-depth content. The other filler episodes in earlier seasons should’ve been replaced also, and probably could’ve either been in comic books or a spin-off series. It’s a more proactive response to CN building the casket (over a wedding).

  • @draconicdemigod9696
    @draconicdemigod9696 3 года назад +7

    In kid shows nowadays they try to be like ATLA and believe actions have no consequences. They believe every bad guy can be redeemed. They fail to see why Avatar worked. The villain's redemption was foreshadowed since the beginning and othe villains like the BBEG or their lackie didn't get one even if the lackie has a tragic backstory. They didn't kill them, but still lock them up even taking the BBEG out of power by literally stripping them of their power. So while Avatar succeeded others failed, because they didn't focus on the writing or characters, but more or less the morals. Sometimes the best stories don't need morals.

  • @cloudlion1610
    @cloudlion1610 3 года назад +15

    Here’s an idea with White Diamond. What if the idea that Steven wasn’t rose and that she was becoming off color caused her so much stress and pain that she accidentally shattered herself.
    There Steven could try to help her and the villain gets her demise. Because she doesn’t intentionally end herself it’s not a suicide and no one tries to kill her.

  • @christopherauzenne5023
    @christopherauzenne5023 3 года назад +11

    Although I do feel bad that they had to rush the ending because CN cut the show it would be unfair to just blame CN entire and say “see it was there fault the ending was so bad” because the crew bares some responsibility/were squandering the episodes they did have. I think the most famous example is the arc/Steven bomb after the trial where we all thought they would address the questions raised but it all was about Connie being made at Steven, a conflict that could have been solved/focused on for 1 or 2 episodes but instead was the whole arc (one episode was even the gems trying to discuss the diamonds and what happened but Steven was focused more on Connie). As much as it would be nice to blame executive meddling the show kept seesawing between slice of life and major story which wasted the time they did have, if your going to do a big story you need to stick with it and keep progressing for the most part. the show had 6 seasons (before future) while shows like gravity falls had 2 and avatar had about 3, with a fraction of the episodes and still able to give a satisfying conclusion (avatar may have some problems but it felt appropriate and not rushed)
    Now on the subject what do you all think is better/worse in these scenarios if a story ends with a cliffhanger/not finishing its story or if it rushes its ending but still gives a conclusion? I feel it’s better to leave midway/unfinished because there’s always the hope people would want to see it finished and you get a revival (like samurai jack) and if doesn’t ruin your intended pace/a rushed ending can leave a sour taste in your mouth

  • @Rediscool9
    @Rediscool9 3 года назад +8

    I’m only praying that once the franchise reaches its 10th anniversary in 2023, that the Crewniverse might POSSIBLY come back to the series and will give it an Adventure Time: Distant Islands kind of treatment. I just REALLY want this series to come back and to be better, you know?

  • @zhanehoyle8269
    @zhanehoyle8269 3 года назад +16

    How am I suppose to feel sympathy when they gave Sugar a movie and a sequel series? How am I suppose to feel knowing that sugar chose a wedding over her own story only for it to be nothing that special?
    If that what she really wanted, then she chose the wrong place, at the wrong time. Sure, it brought a new way to write romance in animation, but was I can't exactly agree with what sugar did. I could see myself throw away all my team and I work for one wedding episode involving my lesbian leads, because I would of written them to be married from the start.

  • @thestooge200
    @thestooge200 3 года назад +8

    3:03 Well, with all due respect those PSAs were well-meaning but hamfisted as all get out, and were rightfully criticized by all corners of the political map/spectrum.

    • @itsjustvin7630
      @itsjustvin7630 3 года назад +6

      I think Static Shock and Teen Titans did the whole topic on racism a bit better

  • @horakhtythecreator6911
    @horakhtythecreator6911 3 года назад +67

    The 'anti-racist' stuff was good in intent but really sloppy in the execution (hence why so many dislikes, not purely just because of actual racists). And people have made videos elaborating on it in more detail better than i can.
    The rest of the vid is super solid and love your perspectives

    • @icecreamhero2375
      @icecreamhero2375 3 года назад +7

      The PSA's maybe a little corny but at least it's ads and not episodes. It's not too far off from Stop Bullying Speak Up.

  • @Rahbiel_AotD
    @Rahbiel_AotD 2 года назад +3

    This makes me very worried with how The Owl House is going to end, tho I suppose it does help that the cast is comparatively smaller and season 2 really cut back on the filler.

  • @angsty_saint
    @angsty_saint 3 года назад +1

    I feel like a lot of people forget about the dead humans that Greg confirms when he talks about the war in the episode jasper and peridot came to earth "no such thing as a good war kiddo many gems were destroid and PEOPLE too" yet lars is the only human brought back I wonder how the dead people would feel knowing the dictators that are responsible for they're death get let off the hook like that's seriously messed up

  • @SpectreBagels
    @SpectreBagels 3 года назад +114

    That point about people disliking the PSAs is a bit disingenuous considering a lot of people who disliked it didn't dislike it solely for the topic but for how it was done and some things said

    • @inavderhexo
      @inavderhexo 3 года назад +62

      Exactly, Most people disliked them because they poorly handle.

    • @SpectreBagels
      @SpectreBagels 3 года назад +36

      @@inavderhexo Yes, and even people on RUclips who covered it expressed how they think the idea was fine and PSAs have been a thing for a long time but it's all in the execution which they found some issue with

    • @hezureviews
      @hezureviews  3 года назад +51

      the main things I kept seeing were people saying the PSAs were "cringe" which I don't think warranted such animosity towards them

    • @maverickdarkrath4780
      @maverickdarkrath4780 3 года назад +24

      @@hezureviews in my opinion it fall in the cooperate shill kind of cringe, its so obvious cartoon network only green lit these PSAs to get brownie points, they could care less about the actual topic as long as good pr is involved, which put a real sour taste in peoples mouth

    • @cartoonishidealism582
      @cartoonishidealism582 3 года назад +3

      @@maverickdarkrath4780 Well, yeah, obviously. But isn't it GOOD that corporations are pressured into using their power to raise awareness? It's disingenuous, but it's also delivering an important message to an audience (children) that probably need it more than anyone else.

  • @noahbossier1131
    @noahbossier1131 3 года назад +21

    Actually the issue was that CN International was funding the show and threatened to pull funding from the show if they went through with the wedding. CN's US executives said "we support you but sadly it is what it is" CN International dissaproved of the show and when the wedding came through they slashed funding thus resulting in the show getting canned. CN gets a lot of its funding from overseas countries.

    • @dragonempress8367
      @dragonempress8367 2 года назад

      Whatever cronies is running this now, I really have to ask them a big fat freaking...WHY?!

  • @rdonut8624
    @rdonut8624 3 года назад +4

    I wish there will be a comic book on "what couldve been" or "steven universe side stories" or something containting all the deleted ideas

    @SXJAYSX 3 года назад +8

    I'm glad pink stayed gone. Lots of children have lost parents and I think it was a smart move for Steven to have to deal with someone who cast such a big shadow over his life and then was gone, with no real closure, as it is often in life with help from other family members and friends.
    Instead of magical mom coming back somehow.

  • @christophergirardi8145
    @christophergirardi8145 3 года назад +5

    I like how Hezinatural acts at the beginning like: "you think I'm done do you?"

  • @JonsiasUniverse
    @JonsiasUniverse 3 года назад +63

    It’s not really Rebecca’s fault for the show to end its Cartoon Network’s for being homophobic but I feel like she could’ve written it a little better

    • @peachtea7269
      @peachtea7269 3 года назад +2

      @Katie Lewis explain to me, how is rebecca an abelist?

    • @peachtea7269
      @peachtea7269 3 года назад +3

      @Katie Lewis fair enough

    • @noahbossier1131
      @noahbossier1131 3 года назад +3

      Actually the issue was that CN International was funding the show not CN USA. and they threatened to pull funding from the show if they went through with the wedding. CN's US executives said "we support you but sadly it is what it is" CN International dissaproved of the show and when the wedding came through they slashed funding thus resulting in the show getting canned. CN gets a lot of its funding from overseas countries. and Steven Universe did get banned from Russia, Kenya(which also meant the entire African continent since the continent only has one TV sataleite) and almost all middle eastern countries.

    • @peacel861
      @peacel861 3 года назад +2

      but she's still to blame. like she knew she didnt have enough time but she still wasted it.

  • @bahamut810
    @bahamut810 3 года назад +5

    Ehh, you can’t really use the excuse that they didn’t have time to do it. First and foremost, all shows end, the show should have been written with that in mind *especially* with as much fighting as Sugar had to do. They had more time then other shows to tell their story. Second, even through to future, there was so much filler! Every Steven bomb of 5-6 rod had 4-5 filler episodes that ignored the plot they could have used.

  • @magne7771
    @magne7771 3 года назад +62

    The finale was so terribly mishandled, it almost convinced _me_ to start a fic. I mean, seriously, the setting had so much unexplored potential, and dropped the ball on some important points.
    I mean, objectively speaking, I can do a more consistent job by myself than the _long list of storyboarders._ Look at Greg- without his beard his head is a thumb.

    • @eldritchkitty2396
      @eldritchkitty2396 3 года назад +3

      Anyone in the fandom can make a better fanfic then the actual writers. If you want to write something I can only encourage you.

    • @magne7771
      @magne7771 3 года назад +8

      @@eldritchkitty2396 I mean, all I did was ask myself things like...
      ● where the fuck was even a _small_ government presence? You'd have expected atleast a White Shadow-esque observer standing outside of town during the _first_ town evac.
      ● What about all the war, and ugliness, that can't be solved without conflict? What about the _dark, gruesome side_ of coming back from mental illness?
      ● What if the protagonist _wasn't_ half demigod. What if their gem-half was from what basically amounted to a Pearl?
      • After that, what if _this_ halfbreed was a sculptor, or a 3D modeller like me? How would the ability to craft an entire model mesh polygon by polygon in your head, translate to the ability to create _polygonal hard light structures as the basis for all gem weapons._
      ● What if this character _starts off_ in a toxic place like Steven's pre-meltdown, and the story follows them just coming to _terms_ with their lot in life, and gradually adopting that sillier, more... admittedly childlike upbeat attitude Steven had in the very beginning.
      Between those ideas, and a few others, I think I have an interesting premise to explore the _glossed over realities_ of the series.
      For one- I had an idea for a caste of... I guess, repurposed/slightly redesigned Pearls, given electric/magnetic powers. The best name I could come up with for the cut was Neodynium- sort of a living spark plug or welding torch.
      Giving those *exceptionally weak* elemental powers to the outlined protagonist, would prompt them to rely on polygonal structures until fused, and on _that_ note,
      I _really_ want to explore the idea of them fusing with a fire gem into Magnetite- who manipulates _shards of burning metal,_ including being able to form a _metal shell without burning themself._
      and _then,_ adding in a _real_ Magnetite, a _cracked_ or otherwise amnesiac one, who presents itself as male, and a direct antagonist specifically to _our_ Magnetite.
      I dunno, it all comes together as a concept, as "Steven Universe Underground" eventually meets "Lars of the Stars" meets "D Day on Neptune", with plotlines going from inner city streets, to government facilities, to planets still in turmoil, or committed to armed resistance til the end. Whole battlefield planets, and castes of gems who _seemingly cannot function without a fullblown battle to mobilize for._
      Yeah, probably not the best idea to show my hand like that, but it's not like I'd ever be able to profit from the concept.
      Even _if_ I were to do all the graphics for it, comic-style, by myself.

    • @DrawciaGleam02
      @DrawciaGleam02 3 года назад +3

      "where the fuck was even a small government presence? You'd have expected at least a White Shadow-esque observer standing outside of town during the first town evac."
      I kinda had a similar idea......
      In my fanfic, which is kinda a KIrby x SU crossover, I had some of the townspeople follow Steven back to town during "The Return" to help the Crystal Gems.
      This is okay because these characters are the helpers from Super Star and friends from Star Allies.
      And there IS an organization keeping tabs on Gem activity. They're basically bounty hunters who snatch up gems in order to get information about the Gem Empire. Their ultimate goal? Infiltrate Homeworld & overthrow the Diamonds.

    • @Kingshadowac
      @Kingshadowac 3 года назад

      I heard that so many times about so many pieces of media and it has gotten annoying to say the least.
      Which is probably why I will sound like a jerk.
      Objectively you probably could not, most likely it would just be garbage. Maybe even entertaining garbage but still like most fics.

    • @Goldstarman
      @Goldstarman Год назад

      ​@@eldritchkitty2396 KiwiQueen13 did a rewrite of future and it's leagues better.

  • @cia4u401
    @cia4u401 3 года назад +4

    EVERY show has to deal with corpo bullcrap. Rebecca had 5 seasons and a movie to set up and finish up her story, she might've not known how many but that's why most cartoons with continuity start and finish seasonal arcs with maybe a cliffhanger here and there. Had she not decided to mess around with episode after episode of filler (which had no reason to be, since you CAN have both a plot heavy but also chill and fun episode, instead of something like Onion Gang) she might've ended up with a genuinely good show.
    But she choose to focus on the townies.

  • @theallaroundnerd9889
    @theallaroundnerd9889 3 года назад +8

    The show in general was really...underwhelming. there was a lot of filler that didn't pay off in the end. It's kinda like how MGS5 definitely could have had the final level that tied up the last plot line but Kojima decided to put a bunch of filler main missions that easily could have been side missions (or a difficulty slider like they did sith Ground Zeroes)

  • @SoulCastleFilms
    @SoulCastleFilms 3 года назад +25

    Hezu, I've been waiting for your next video! Good to have you back!
    Edit: Okay, here are my thoughts on this video.
    This only further demonstrates how Cartoon Network continues to undermine its creative talent for the sake of monetary progression, even though there wouldn't be any money without the creators. Let's not forget that these are the same guys that cancelled Infinity Train because they didn't think that adult characters and themes would resonate with young audiences.
    And this sort of thing needs to stop. Creators need to be given free reign over their stories and characters, in order to deliver a great story with fantastic character arc, especially in animation, where people in this specific industry are utterly disregarded and disrespected.
    We can only move forward and hope that whatever Rebecca Sugar, Owen Dennis and others like them end up making, that they'll be able to tell it their way.

  • @omega2900
    @omega2900 3 года назад +40

    I don't blame CN entirely for the shows faults. The crew behind the show is mostly to blame. The crew went on multiple hiatus, varying from at best a few weeks to worst months. Another problem SU had was the fact that it did not have a dedicated story writer, which is why at many points in the show make no sense, problems bursting out of nowhere, or we waste time doing nothing. CN trying to rush things to end sounds bad, but when you take a dive into the production of SU, as well as the times it went on hiatus, there should be no excuse for what we, as viewers, got for entertainment.
    Honestly, I did like the show at first for simply being a monster of the day type show, but as the story progressed, I hated it more and more, and by the time it came to reveal that Rose was Pink Diamond, I just gave up entirely on the show.
    Pearl was not her own being, the war was for nothing, Bismuth was right for wanting to destroy the space fascist diamonds during a war, and when things got tough Pink became Rose and Rose became Steven just to not deal with anything. And are we forgetting about the human zoo, the thing that the show itself tried to back track as not of Pink diamond's fault despite the show clearly saying that the human zoo belong to/created by Pink?
    Sad to say, but Steven Universe could have been better if the right people were behind it, if the writing had a clear direction, but what we got was and is a show that failed to be satisfying.

    • @a.dennis4835
      @a.dennis4835 2 года назад

      The Pink Diamond reveal completely ruined Pearl's character.

  • @middy5284
    @middy5284 3 года назад +12

    the shows that replaced this last golden generation of CN (Regular show, Steven universe, Adventure time) ended up not even moving then needle at all anyway. I get CN wanted new IPs after long runs but still. Seems like a mistake in hindsight.

  • @ingridc0ld
    @ingridc0ld 3 года назад +4

    I want to like Steven Universe but I can't. In my opinion the only good season was season 1. It all falls apart after that. I think there was too much fliller

  • @Gruntled346
    @Gruntled346 3 года назад +6

    I agree with a lot of this but I think Spinel being "illogical" totally worked because she was in a really dark angry place and just needed SOMETHING to take it out on

  • @robxholicfoxyfan8552
    @robxholicfoxyfan8552 3 года назад +8

    Spinel attacks Steven because she literally was an emotional wreck after only a few hours, and was toxically angry and in the moment. Steven, the Crystal Gems, and Earth represented something she thought was stuff Pink liked more than her. She may have been the only one to believe Steven wasn't Pink off the bat, but that one grace didn't mean anything to her

  • @namename2040
    @namename2040 3 года назад +5

    If the StevenU PSAs were just "don't be a racist" they wouldn't have so many dislikes.

  • @atrocious5230
    @atrocious5230 2 года назад +1

    Im glad you pointed Blue out as being a shatterer cause a lot of people magically forgot she was a whole dictator too because she cried lol.

  • @tintinabello
    @tintinabello 3 года назад +5

    This is why I love Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts so much. The protagonist was just as optimistic as Steven, and was aspiring to archive a pacifist ending to the show's conflict...
    however, at the end the main villain had to be killed off because she was way too unredimable and had tried to kill Kipo several times.

  • @silvertongue.242_99
    @silvertongue.242_99 3 года назад +6

    I wouldn't just blame cartoon network for everything just cause they wanted to end the show. They had time to write a better ending but didn't in my opinion

  • @BugsyFoga
    @BugsyFoga 3 года назад +12

    I honestly didn't mind the finale for how it went , but I guess I could see where you're coming from.

  • @BuzzabeelYT
    @BuzzabeelYT 3 года назад +5

    Change Your Mind could’ve been a great finale with one simple change in Future.
    White Diamond didn’t change. It wouldn’t be out of character for her to make homeworld/the cracked gems better to make Steven happy, but still colonize other worlds under the rug. After all, how would Steven know what’s happening on other worlds he doesn’t visit?
    It could’ve easily been the final straw that broke Steven mental-health wise, and instead of becoming physically a monster, it happens mentally, and he shatters White Diamond, then regrets it, but even he doesn’t have enough power to fix her. Then thinking about what his friends/family would think of him for doing that turns him into Godzilla.

  • @WarmLillie
    @WarmLillie 3 года назад +61

    Steven Universe is show that’s a battle of creator vs censor
    What’s more important creativity or cash
    Writing themselves into corner and being forced out
    Ending thing to only restart
    It’s something serious that sweet?
    It’s full of contradictions?
    Getting over death but preserving?
    It has too much potential
    It’s basically sorta fixing broken gem.
    When it’s broken you can’t easily fix it and after you gather all the piece to repair it… What will reform would be fixed but not completely because there always a tiny defect like Pink Pearl eye or Jasper horn?

    • @JustChill0927
      @JustChill0927 3 года назад +5

      Well said

    • @BlackOneSaturni
      @BlackOneSaturni 3 года назад

      It’s like they always say
      “ if every pork chop were perfect,
      we wouldn’t have hot dogs.”

  • @kaydwessie296
    @kaydwessie296 3 года назад

    Before I watch the rest of this video I have to say your talk sprites are SO CUTE AAAAAA

  • @PunishedTrouserSnake
    @PunishedTrouserSnake 3 года назад +12

    "best show you ever had" is stretching it.

    @DWEEBERBUG 3 года назад +1

    Pink Diamond being able to talk to Steven would have been AMAZING, Steven is still himself even with his gem side ofc and honestly I think Pink Diamond still being there would make that aspect so much more.

  • @IsaiahAmos017
    @IsaiahAmos017 3 года назад +6

    Those PSAs are cringe that's why I disliked them
    Garnett wedding poggers

  • @chickenflippers
    @chickenflippers 3 года назад +2

    Having followed the show since the pilot... I think the journey was more fun than the ending. Favorite characters were Lapis and PD/Rose, and well, I guess they had a few good moments. Weirdly enough, in the aftermath of it all, I'm just glad I'm free, haha. Always new stories to look forward to!