Religion: Educate yourself Change yourself Change your world Spiritituality: Put meaning into your actions Ethics: Always ask why you are doing what you are doing Tariq ramadaan
I'm not religious, but I've become aware of this man through a debate with the great late C. Hitchens, and I tell you, his discourse is more about philosophy and ethics than it is about religion. I think that to become respected one needs to become respectful, and that's the basis for acceptance of each other. Great respect to Tariq Ramadan. Peace, brother.
Although I’ve found some of his writing very powerful, I think Tariq Ramadan has been in many ways discredited, and certainly has fallen dramatically out of favour, following a few horrible scandals he has found himself involved in.
Yes Prof, Always remain positive,humble and ambitious to change not only ourselves but more so toward our societies and communities for a better world in generations to come..
Religion isn't about punishing however, it's about teaching U . Religion isn't about limits however , it's about giving U a correct path . I loved this
+allahSATANgod it seems you are very angry about a god which you do not believe that exists. But can you please provide proof of any of your claims otherwise we can conclude your generalization is nothing more than an individual lashing out against a religion which the popular media tells you what is so bad about it. Maybe listen less to FOX and try do some reading. Also, please don't reply to this with verse which are selectively chosen and are out of contexts in which they were first revealed or go to a wiki site or anti Islam site who have not in my opinion been taught to read from one verse to the next.
+allahSATANgod Hmmm, you regressed to attacking Islam again, you might have an obsession, or even be a crypto-Muslim seeing how you love talking about it so much. My question actually had nothing to do with Islam, I said, and feel free to answer: "Which God is the true God, and which tradition teaches about Him?"
ETHICS DURING WAR IN ISLAM. -You must not mutilate dead bodies. -Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. -Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those that are fruitful. -Don't kill enemy that ran away from battle. -Don't kill monks and priest. -Don't destroy buildings, temple and churches. -Don't kill people who surrendered. -Don't kill animal except for eating. -Be good to prisoner, feed them and don't enforce Islam.
There is a kind of Islamophobia across Europe.There is a tendency to keep the Muslims poor and powerless in the European society.This matter has raised a kind of concern among the Muslims of Europe. Tariq Ramadan is a strong critic of these disparities. Apart from this, he also criticized the racialism of the Ultra-Conservative Muslims and authoritarianism of Muslim rulers.
He told so true that these truths took him to the jail... so sad. Let's imagine a world where our desires cannot control ourselves, where people are not driven by their emotions to buy something. We can see that this imaginary world can bring the end of capitalism. That can explain why he is now in the jail
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim. See how nice is the teaching of religion. If everyone of us follow the right way. GOD teach us all the good thing so that we can lived in harmony in this world. American Politician is the one that separate this 3 Ibrahamic believe in Oness of ALLAH.
2020, he still deserves a place in the intellectual arena despite what he we went through is his personal debacle, though not in the name of his religion anymore I guess
religions are filled with violence racism and sexism makes you feel low vibration like fear guilt and shame plus it includes 30% of good spirituality but spirituality alone is 100% love and peace no violence both have ethnics in them anyway good speach
غريب، كيف يمكنك الحديث عن الأخلاق وسلوكك بعيدكل البعد عن الأخلاق كل ما طلعت به على جمهورك نفاق في نفاق ،كان الله في عون اقربائك . اذيتك للمسلمين والشباب تحديدا لا توصف حتى انك لم تكلف نفسك الاعتذار ،بل استأنفت مسيرتك في استهانة كاملة بالناس.
And yet Jesus comes in and says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus is the center of the Chrisitan religion and spirituality. Not mastery over self or self-discipline. Not the poor or disenfranchised or the rich. Jesus flips it away from law and mastery towards God first. Unless one understands that about Christianity then one does not understand Christianity.
Certaines personnes me traitent d’emmerdeur parce que je questionne la notion absurde selon laquelle les religions auraient droit, par défaut, au respect. Mais les religions ont tort de demander le respect pour la simple raison qu’elles existent. Elles ont encore plus tort quand elles demandent à ne jamais être remises en question. De fait, c’est mon devoir comme huaminain, comme athée, et comme bonne personne de faire faire mon possible pour mettre fin aux religions. Pas par la force, pas par la loi, mais par la vérité.» Et cette vérité, est décrite très simplement: «toutes les religions sont des mensonges et les croyants sont des victimes.» Moins RÉPONDRE
Fra Tre As selamu aleykum, que la paix soit sur toi, je voudrais bien savoir qui a dit cette phrase? Mais là n’est pas ou je veux en venir, qui que ce soit, pourquoi serait-elle la vérité pour toi? Voilà ma question
I know this guy was a feud & no good when he debated Hitches, and always took the low road in their discussion. It’s clear and here’s another example about Islam being misogynistic. The unfortunate reality, WOMEN Equality or Muslim philosophy/culture. It sucks to say it, but there’s no middle ground. My sister only dates Muslim and my family is upset because all of them hit her!
19 minutes of talking and i couldn't get the point of why he is so sure that religion, spirituality and ethics come together... i felt more like in a sermon of a priest... and he is such an intellectual... but it's more a man commanded by religious thinking
+Camila Anrique Maybe you were a little too distracted by his sermon-like vibe as he did a pretty good job summarizing everything at the end. He also mentions untamed emotions and how they affect our reasoning. You say " i felt more like in a sermon of a priest " it seems that his way of delivery invoked emotions of distrust due to some prejudices against religion, prompting you to say " but it's more a man commanded by religious thinking. " In the context of this video, his speech was not "commanded" by a religion. He goes to explore the connections of all the different religions and spiritualities (he even goes to mention those who reject religion and spirituality) not in an attempt to promote his religion, but an attempt to finding the common ground in which we all can agree. If anything he was "commanded" by humanity to establish a consensus on a subject we've been fighting over for a little too long.
Ramadan has really some interesting ideas (it goes probably from some islamic spirituality of selfcontrol and some ethics, he uses freudian terminology by the way) but he isnt true. He accents how economical migrants mostly from Africa are in EU treated badly. He misinteprest the real situation. Nobody invited these economical migrants ofically to EU. They have no visas and so on. They try to go to Europe illegally. EU,USA and China and also lots of itnernational corporations already invested lots of money to Africa states. But you see the reality. Figthing tribes, large criminality, large scale of corruption, iliteracy and stealing of the funds money by corrupted byrocrats. There is a large scale of several etnical genocide between some tribes, cutting of hands and another medieval practics. It was mostly normal praxis in Africa, but unfortunatelly this bad practics go more and more also to Middle East in the practics of co called ISIL. African states have, what they are able to have with the state of knowledge of all its inhabitants and its leaders. We cannot send there any more money from EU recources because we are already in serious problem, our states and shrinking economy. Only some money is on the side of corporations, but they try to ivest only to stable regions where are no conflicts and where is peaca. And in a place where 5 tribes fights together, nobody wants to have a company, its crystal clear. Fact 2: Europe isnt able to absorb all that African economical migrants plus migrants from middle east islamic states which are in tribe conflicts. EU hasnt the capacity, a place, here are already 500 000 millions of people living and another 1 billion is trying actually go here in some horizon. EU is in strong debts and Agela Merkel is really right, when she answers to some girl from Palestina, who is illegally in Germany and would like to study in Germany, that Germany cannot just absorb so many economical migrants because German in thise tate would becuae a minorita and they dont want it. Than poor girl started to cry in TV and her case was strongly politicized. Fact is, that there is a long stadium conflict between hte state of Palestine and Israel, which behaves to Palestinian people somethimes unetically and kills them. But we can nothing to do with that. EU has no large army, we give money more to agriculture and no to much to arms. Iran just plans to do something with that but Israel tried to demonise Iran because of that. All the word is just watching it and rich arabic states practically do nothing with this situation. But in fact, it isnt our EU problems, its a problem of a state Israel and a Palestinian goverment and the states in the region. Not our responsibility to solve this problem. In arabic world so many fractions just fights together right now. In Syria right now, there are 5 armies there fighting each against another. And what we EU members shoud do with it. Just go between these fighting fracion a tell them some moralistic truths. Send the some weapons or what. Do we really need to absorb Syrian migrants, when Saudi Arabie just doesnt wants them. We are just dofferent culture. We in East Europe, especially here in Czech republic are just epaceful, practically secular, atehistic working society and we cannot just clash with any Syrians here. And they dont want to go here. They just want all to escape to Germany, where they all hope to get some asyl or to UK. But nobdy in Germany and in UK just wants more migrants because there isnt enought og work already for the members for Germans and members of EU. We are scared and frigtened from that migrants. They just go illegally to our (Czech) teritory, are concertated in some asyle centres and they start to revolt and are agresive because they wanted to go to Germany, but they are sent instead of that to Hunagary and than may be, I hope out of Europe. Turkia and Saudi Arabia jut should solve the problem. Turkia jsut acceúpted some escaping people, but Saudis just sturated insted of fighting against ISIL to fight agiast shia in Jemen and they are destroying hospitals and so on. Erdogan, isnt excited of fighting with ISIL, wants only to kill Kurdish people, which he hates and doesnt wants them to have their Kurdistan. Turkey is buing oil from ISIL. Start to blame Turkia and not us peacefull Eurpeans, who just friendly accepted lots of arabic and africal nations but we start to have problem with them, because they revolt, they cannot find here any well payed work. We peacefully accepted some arabian minorities but they organized terroristic attacs. They already started to threaten to english queen Elisabeth and Angela Merkel, that they will kill her. We will not allow to the radial islamic terorist to do this crimes. And look what they made in Egypt. Ramadan acestors are from Egypt. The first democraticaly ellected president M. Morsi (Ramadan ascestors just founded the religious organization Muslim Brotherhood) which was ever ellected by Egyptian people is in some falsified trial, by autocratic militaristic coup regime of leader Sísí, is sentenced to death after only 2 years of his goverment. Is it normal? Arent Egyptian just crazy? Mubarak was only sentenced to prison but was released and his clique just made again Muslim Brhterhood to be illegal and sentence frist democratically just decided that Morsi should be dead. How does Egypt looks like as a state in the eyes of members of UN nations? I can tell you the truth as some idiotic undemocratic absurdistan right now. And the worst is, one Egyptians living in UK says, that Morsi just deserved to be senteced to death, becuase he was evil islamist. Is this normalbehavior os some developed nation or a behavior of some pubescent national values? Unfortunatelly we cannot do anything to this. We cannot just tell Sísí to not to sentece Morsí to death. Its completelly in the hand of Egypt jurisdiction, as we also cannot say to some Lybian fraction not to sentence to death Gaddagi son and another 7 people in some also puppet process. We cannot nothing to do with that, rich states as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which has the largest army in NATO should solve this problems, together with Iran, Yemen and another arabic countries. We should mess to this, becuase in another case, we could be a center of more terroristic activity on EU. EU and USA had never fight there, and implement there so called "USA democracy model there" becuase these nations and tribes just arent prepare for that. May be only Tunisia from all that country was.
Your message was too long I did not read it till the end. Let me just comment about what I read: economic migrants. Let's not take the issue of why they are here. Let's forget everything. Let's forget their nationalities, let's forget their skin colour and culture. All we know is that there are humans asking for help. What would your ethics lead you to do? If your ethics say yes but the state rule says no, then my friend that's exactly what Mr Ramadan is saying. He sustains that the world and therefore the countries in which we live are not ethical. We are not ethical. Look at americans. With 11/9 attack, they changed the national emergency number to 911 to remember not the victims but what the sensation, desperation, vengeance towards an entire religion. I am exaggerating here of course, but do you really think that 2000 americans have more value than any other human being? No they do not. Yet, in the reality they do. His message transcends the unjust world in which we live. So by that logic, you cannot justify yourself by using the very rules of this unjust reality. You need to forget everything, and start thinking as a human. Not someone from a nation, no, but a human being from earth, addressing the issues other not so fortunate humans are facing close and not close to you.
The fact, that this lecturer is both a professor at Oxford University and a leader of Islam in Europe, sends a very clear and extremely negative message about the academic level of Contemporary Islamic Studies and the intellectual development of contemporary Islam in Europe as well. That sort of SOS message may probably travel far beyond the academic field itself, since the very limitations of this poor lecturer didn't stop him from becoming an Oxford Professor. Is he, what contemporary Islam in Europe has to offer? I would judged him personally as qualified at best for representing his religion in official PR situations, at the very best as a talk show guest with good manners, but a Professor? Most sub-standard academics should I hope, be capable to offer better TED performances. That TED appearance may even sound like a cry for help, the kind of help necessary to improve the contemporary state of islam in Europe, the religion and the studies, to help it, regain some lost prestige, to regain some proper intellectual credit. That message is perfectly understood I guess, at least by all the ones who are familiar with standards of higher education, even in the domain of Religion , all those who expect the same academic excellence for which such a prestigious institution, like Oxford is famous, to shine through all the departments. I know I am validating the same confusion, made by both the University and of course the lecturer himself about his statuses as a scholar and religious leader, but is there an alternative? People who cherish knowledge and praise the culture of sound and fair debate, might see their disappointment grow toward the Authorities in charge of appointing Mr Ramadan as the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies, to calm their anger I suggest them to propose a better scholar, if they can find one of course and if they can't, all what is left is to meditate about the moslem european elites, spearheaded by this this individual.
When we look at your RUclips Channel, we see on which side you are. Your way of attacking Mr. Ramadan is not anodyne. You understood very well everything he said, also you understand that he is right but you do not want to admit it. It suits some people not to work for peace !
Yes this performance wasn't very good but it's not very fair to judge him just on this. Ramadan is a prolific writer, a rather excellent intellectual, and a man who since decades is sticking his neck out for right and justice for all. This has made him a lot of ennemies in the East and the West and he has never relented even in the face of the endless campaigns of slander and threats and general dishonesty that he's been subjected to. But he is the product of a Continental education system that hardly treats "TED performances" as a benchmark for intellectual achievement. Plus English speaking is just not his strong suit - you should listen to his talks in French if you can, there you'll see how his sharp wit and intellect shine through; or read him of course.
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive! Believe in Jesus, follow Him - whoever you are.
Educate yourself
Change yourself
Change your world
Put meaning into your actions
Always ask why you are doing what you are doing
Tariq ramadaan
I'm not religious, but I've become aware of this man through a debate with the great late C. Hitchens, and I tell you, his discourse is more about philosophy and ethics than it is about religion. I think that to become respected one needs to become respectful, and that's the basis for acceptance of each other. Great respect to Tariq Ramadan. Peace, brother.
He doesnt even respect women!
@@carpediem5510 LOL, says who?
"Question the goals,you will know the way"...... we really need to start caring for others instead of only ourselves. (powerful speech )
"Put meaning in your action" it is what we all need to change ourself and then the world.
Thank you prof.
Im studying him for my Religion/Ethics class about Islam, interesting guy, much love from Norway!
I am not religious, but I appreciate his message.
@@DragonSkull4312 he deals with the core of truth !
It's sad to see that this video hasn't really made such a buzz.... its content is very powerful and ever so crucial for all of us.
The video only appeals to naive people.
Although I’ve found some of his writing very powerful, I think Tariq Ramadan has been in many ways discredited, and certainly has fallen dramatically out of favour, following a few horrible scandals he has found himself involved in.
Never claim yourself better than others!
@@stza16 so you want people to be stu-pid like you?
@@OH-pc5jx those scandals were manufactured by the French Islamophobic industry.
I don't know it kind of underrated professor is hidden to the world today. Money can't buy this lecture speech.
"Humble yourself, change yourself. Educate yourself, change the world" My fav quote
Yes Prof,
Always remain positive,humble and ambitious to change not only ourselves but more so toward our societies and communities for a better world in generations to come..
The deepest Ted talk i have ever Heard . Thank you Tariq Ramadan
This speech can change the world!. Really, powerful speech :)
An excellent speaker that I always follow. Tariq has strong commitment and life principle as a Muslim scholar.
This speech changed my life.
Powerful speech
Thank you for the time you gave us for making this presentation.
It was really rewarding !
Amazing speech
Thank you for your wise words Tariq
Wise? Apologetics of the worst kind.
Very inspiring
God bless you Tarig Ramadan
Perfect. thanks mr ramadan
Wonderful speech ..thanks pr Tariq
Thank you.
Religion isn't about punishing however, it's about teaching U .
Religion isn't about limits however , it's about giving U a correct path .
I loved this
+allahSATANgod it seems you are very angry about a god which you do not believe that exists. But can you please provide proof of any of your claims otherwise we can conclude your generalization is nothing more than an individual lashing out against a religion which the popular media tells you what is so bad about it. Maybe listen less to FOX and try do some reading. Also, please don't reply to this with verse which are selectively chosen and are out of contexts in which they were first revealed or go to a wiki site or anti Islam site who have not in my opinion been taught to read from one verse to the next.
If Submission to The God (Islam) isn't the true way to please God, then which way is?
I mean for people who want to worship their actual Creator, who is the real Creator of the universe and which tradition teaches about Him?
Perhaps you know, which God is the true God, and which tradition teaches about Him?
Hmmm, you regressed to attacking Islam again, you might have an obsession, or even be a crypto-Muslim seeing how you love talking about it so much.
My question actually had nothing to do with Islam, I said, and feel free to answer:
"Which God is the true God, and which tradition teaches about Him?"
We must Be with The One daily!! Groovism is the belief system!!
Great talk. Love it.
Beyond inspirational
Go ahead brother Tariq; the on of most stronger intelectual.
Always begin the change with ourselves first and know our intentions and the rest will follow its course.
Still and always relevant.
Mr Ramadan talking about retrospect, so touching.
I like the way u weave ur argument s
Very true and inspiring ❤️
This was so powerful! Thank you
great speech
Love this ❤
Many thanks
Alhamdolillah ❤️
Even some people still denigrate you I'll love you forever.
Still love him now?
@@stza16 you don't care about evidence? Or that the "victims" conspired with each other?
TEDtalks should get more philosophers to stage to talk about the crisis of ethics in the current globalised world
Wonderful talk, mr ramadan : )
-You must not mutilate dead bodies.
-Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
-Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those that are fruitful.
-Don't kill enemy that ran away from battle.
-Don't kill monks and priest.
-Don't destroy buildings, temple and churches.
-Don't kill people who surrendered.
-Don't kill animal except for eating.
-Be good to prisoner, feed them and don't enforce Islam.
God bless you
God bless you
Religious people individually can be moral, but faith can't give them a framework to explain why anything is right or wrong.
It depends on the religious teachings that de are following !
@@AminaAmina-jx2ed I don't think any of them can.
@@Ozzyman200 give me an example ،if you want ofcourse !
@@AminaAmina-jx2ed Example of what?
@@Ozzyman200 example of a situation where the individual can be moral ,but religion cant give them an explanation !???
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى نَبَيِّنَا مُحَمَّدٍ ﷺ وَعَلىٰ آلِهِ (مـا أنـا عـلـيـه و أصـحـابـي) وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيمًا كَثِيرًا ﷺ......
( إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيماً) سورة الأحزاب Verse 56
There is a kind of Islamophobia across Europe.There is a tendency to keep the Muslims poor and powerless in the European society.This matter has raised a kind of concern among the Muslims of Europe. Tariq Ramadan is a strong critic of these disparities.
Apart from this, he also criticized the racialism of the Ultra-Conservative Muslims and authoritarianism of Muslim rulers.
Take time of knowing ourselves to be better as we make a step ahead each day,each month and each years to change ourselves towards a better world.
He told so true that these truths took him to the jail... so sad. Let's imagine a world where our desires cannot control ourselves, where people are not driven by their emotions to buy something. We can see that this imaginary world can bring the end of capitalism. That can explain why he is now in the jail
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim. See how nice is the teaching of religion. If everyone of us follow the right way. GOD teach us all the good thing so that we can lived in harmony in this world. American Politician is the one that separate this 3 Ibrahamic believe in Oness of ALLAH.
This is what I call Making a Speech !!!!! deep thought.
Critical thinking, philosophy, multicultural social struggles and personal moral as well as spiritual journeys all discussed in 19:00 mins
2020, he still deserves a place in the intellectual arena despite what he we went through is his personal debacle, though not in the name of his religion anymore I guess
He uses his intellect the way we should all be using it. Some people are just too lazy to use this gift.
Great intellectual was falsely booked & we pray for his safety always
trust your qualities and face your weakness.
put meaning in your action
We are all here to walk each other home 🙏🏻
Thank you and God bless you.
religions are filled with violence racism and sexism makes you feel low vibration like fear guilt and shame plus it includes 30% of good spirituality
but spirituality alone is 100% love and peace no violence
both have ethnics in them anyway
good speach
غريب، كيف يمكنك الحديث عن الأخلاق وسلوكك بعيدكل البعد عن الأخلاق كل ما طلعت به على جمهورك نفاق في نفاق ،كان الله في عون اقربائك . اذيتك للمسلمين والشباب تحديدا لا توصف حتى انك لم تكلف نفسك الاعتذار ،بل استأنفت مسيرتك في استهانة كاملة بالناس.
Thank you Sir 🙏
He is really good at playing with words.
Someboday tell me what is the secret of spirituality according to him?
Live a meaningful life, control your actions !
And yet Jesus comes in and says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus is the center of the Chrisitan religion and spirituality. Not mastery over self or self-discipline. Not the poor or disenfranchised or the rich. Jesus flips it away from law and mastery towards God first. Unless one understands that about Christianity then one does not understand Christianity.
Tariq got this from the book "Immortal Diamond" written in 2012 by Richard Rohr and even takes the same quotes... wow.
To get His, Revelation 21:5 must be before 19:5. Hopeless indeed.
Has Tariq learnt that Muslims will always be persecuted or tempted like Jews.
Certaines personnes me traitent d’emmerdeur parce que je questionne la notion absurde selon laquelle les religions auraient droit, par défaut, au respect. Mais les religions ont tort de demander le respect pour la simple raison qu’elles existent. Elles ont encore plus tort quand elles demandent à ne jamais être remises en question. De fait, c’est mon devoir comme huaminain, comme athée, et comme bonne personne de faire faire mon possible pour mettre fin aux religions. Pas par la force, pas par la loi, mais par la vérité.» Et cette vérité, est décrite très simplement: «toutes les religions sont des mensonges et les croyants sont des victimes.»
Fra Tre As selamu aleykum, que la paix soit sur toi, je voudrais bien savoir qui a dit cette phrase? Mais là n’est pas ou je veux en venir, qui que ce soit, pourquoi serait-elle la vérité pour toi? Voilà ma question
I know this guy was a feud & no good when he debated Hitches, and always took the low road in their discussion. It’s clear and here’s another example about Islam being misogynistic. The unfortunate reality, WOMEN Equality or Muslim philosophy/culture. It sucks to say it, but there’s no middle ground. My sister only dates Muslim and my family is upset because all of them hit her!
You're a lying troll.
19 minutes of talking and i couldn't get the point of why he is so sure that religion, spirituality and ethics come together... i felt more like in a sermon of a priest... and he is such an intellectual... but it's more a man commanded by religious thinking
+Camila Anrique Maybe you were a little too distracted by his sermon-like vibe as he did a pretty good job summarizing everything at the end. He also mentions untamed emotions and how they affect our reasoning. You say " i felt more like in a sermon of a priest " it seems that his way of delivery invoked emotions of distrust due to some prejudices against religion, prompting you to say " but it's more a man commanded by religious thinking. " In the context of this video, his speech was not "commanded" by a religion. He goes to explore the connections of all the different religions and spiritualities (he even goes to mention those who reject religion and spirituality) not in an attempt to promote his religion, but an attempt to finding the common ground in which we all can agree. If anything he was "commanded" by humanity to establish a consensus on a subject we've been fighting over for a little too long.
we are nothing
I got through 12 minutes and couldn't find much cohesion between all the motivational poster sayings.
Pharisien! Talking about ethics 🤑🤑🤑🤑
spirituality and ethics from Ramadan... what next ? peace and altruism from Attila the Hun ?
Why? He IS one of the most spiritual and ethical people.
@@villiestephanov984 maybe don't believe propaganda and you'll be smarter
Number of views are fake.
Yeah it should be multiple 9 digits 🙏🏻
All the positive 4-word comments are truly sus.
How you can propagate antimoral, theocratic islam ideology?
Ramadan has really some interesting ideas (it goes probably from some islamic spirituality of selfcontrol and some ethics, he uses freudian terminology by the way) but he isnt true. He accents how economical migrants mostly from Africa are in EU treated badly. He misinteprest the real situation.
Nobody invited these economical migrants ofically to EU. They have no visas and so on. They try to go to Europe illegally.
EU,USA and China and also lots of itnernational corporations already invested lots of money to Africa states. But you see the reality.
Figthing tribes, large criminality, large scale of corruption, iliteracy and stealing of the funds money by corrupted byrocrats.
There is a large scale of several etnical genocide between some tribes, cutting of hands and another medieval practics. It was mostly normal praxis in Africa, but unfortunatelly this bad practics go more and more also to Middle East in the practics of co called ISIL.
African states have, what they are able to have with the state of knowledge of all its inhabitants and its leaders. We cannot send there any more money from EU recources because we are already in serious problem, our states and shrinking economy. Only some money is on the side of corporations, but they try to ivest only to stable regions where are no conflicts and where is peaca. And in a place where 5 tribes fights together, nobody wants to have a company, its crystal clear.
Fact 2:
Europe isnt able to absorb all that African economical migrants plus migrants from middle east islamic states which are in tribe conflicts.
EU hasnt the capacity, a place, here are already 500 000 millions of people living and another 1 billion is trying actually go here in some horizon. EU is in strong debts and Agela Merkel is really right, when she answers to some girl from Palestina, who is illegally in Germany and would like to study in Germany, that Germany cannot just absorb so many economical migrants because German in thise tate would becuae a minorita and they dont want it. Than poor girl started to cry in TV and her case was strongly politicized.
Fact is, that there is a long stadium conflict between hte state of Palestine and Israel, which behaves to Palestinian people somethimes unetically and kills them. But we can nothing to do with that. EU has no large army, we give money more to agriculture and no to much to arms. Iran just plans to do something with that but Israel tried to demonise Iran because of that. All the word is just watching it and rich arabic states practically do nothing with this situation. But in fact, it isnt our EU problems, its a problem of a state Israel and a Palestinian goverment and the states in the region. Not our responsibility to solve this problem.
In arabic world so many fractions just fights together right now. In Syria right now, there are 5 armies there fighting each against another. And what we EU members shoud do with it. Just go between these fighting fracion a tell them some moralistic truths. Send the some weapons or what. Do we really need to absorb Syrian migrants, when Saudi Arabie just doesnt wants them. We are just dofferent culture. We in East Europe, especially here in Czech republic are just epaceful, practically secular, atehistic working society and we cannot just clash with any Syrians here. And they dont want to go here. They just want all to escape to Germany, where they all hope to get some asyl or to UK. But nobdy in Germany and in UK just wants more migrants because there isnt enought og work already for the members for Germans and members of EU. We are scared and frigtened from that migrants. They just go illegally to our (Czech) teritory, are concertated in some asyle centres and they start to revolt and are agresive because they wanted to go to Germany, but they are sent instead of that to Hunagary and than may be, I hope out of Europe. Turkia and Saudi Arabia jut should solve the problem. Turkia jsut acceúpted some escaping people, but Saudis just sturated insted of fighting against ISIL to fight agiast shia in Jemen and they are destroying hospitals and so on. Erdogan, isnt excited of fighting with ISIL, wants only to kill Kurdish people, which he hates and doesnt wants them to have their Kurdistan. Turkey is buing oil from ISIL. Start to blame Turkia and not us peacefull Eurpeans, who just friendly accepted lots of arabic and africal nations but we start to have problem with them, because they revolt, they cannot find here any well payed work. We peacefully accepted some arabian minorities but they organized terroristic attacs. They already started to threaten to english queen Elisabeth and Angela Merkel, that they will kill her.
We will not allow to the radial islamic terorist to do this crimes. And look what they made in Egypt. Ramadan acestors are from Egypt.
The first democraticaly ellected president M. Morsi (Ramadan ascestors just founded the religious organization Muslim Brotherhood) which was ever ellected by Egyptian people is in some falsified trial, by autocratic militaristic coup regime of leader Sísí, is sentenced to death after only 2 years of his goverment. Is it normal? Arent Egyptian just crazy? Mubarak was only sentenced to prison but was released and his clique just made again Muslim Brhterhood to be illegal and sentence frist democratically just decided that Morsi should be dead. How does Egypt looks like as a state in the eyes of members of UN nations? I can tell you the truth as some idiotic undemocratic absurdistan right now. And the worst is, one Egyptians living in UK says, that Morsi just deserved to be senteced to death, becuase he was evil islamist. Is this normalbehavior os some developed nation or a behavior of some pubescent national values? Unfortunatelly we cannot do anything to this. We cannot just tell Sísí to not to sentece Morsí to death. Its completelly in the hand of Egypt jurisdiction, as we also cannot say to some Lybian fraction not to sentence to death Gaddagi son and another 7 people in some also puppet process.
We cannot nothing to do with that, rich states as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which has the largest army in NATO should solve this problems, together with Iran, Yemen and another arabic countries. We should mess to this, becuase in another case, we could be a center of more terroristic activity on EU.
EU and USA had never fight there, and implement there so called "USA democracy model there" becuase these nations and tribes just arent prepare for that. May be only Tunisia from all that country was.
Your message was too long I did not read it till the end. Let me just comment about what I read: economic migrants. Let's not take the issue of why they are here.
Let's forget everything. Let's forget their nationalities, let's forget their skin colour and culture. All we know is that there are humans asking for help. What would your ethics lead you to do? If your ethics say yes but the state rule says no, then my friend that's exactly what Mr Ramadan is saying. He sustains that the world and therefore the countries in which we live are not ethical. We are not ethical. Look at americans. With 11/9 attack, they changed the national emergency number to 911 to remember not the victims but what the sensation, desperation, vengeance towards an entire religion. I am exaggerating here of course, but do you really think that 2000 americans have more value than any other human being? No they do not. Yet, in the reality they do.
His message transcends the unjust world in which we live. So by that logic, you cannot justify yourself by using the very rules of this unjust reality. You need to forget everything, and start thinking as a human. Not someone from a nation, no, but a human being from earth, addressing the issues other not so fortunate humans are facing close and not close to you.
Ignorance is first prison.
Salman Abedi studied at Salford University.
et les imams du temps moderne allah t as puni amine
justice verite ?
The fact, that this lecturer is both a professor at Oxford University and a leader of Islam in Europe, sends a very clear and extremely negative message about the academic level of Contemporary Islamic Studies and the intellectual development of contemporary Islam in Europe as well. That sort of SOS message may probably travel far beyond the academic field itself, since the very limitations of this poor lecturer didn't stop him from becoming an Oxford Professor. Is he, what contemporary Islam in Europe has to offer? I would judged him personally as qualified at best for representing his religion in official PR situations, at the very best as a talk show guest with good manners, but a Professor? Most sub-standard academics should I hope, be capable to offer better TED performances. That TED appearance may even sound like a cry for help, the kind of help necessary to improve the contemporary state of islam in Europe, the religion and the studies, to help it, regain some lost prestige, to regain some proper intellectual credit. That message is perfectly understood I guess, at least by all the ones who are familiar with standards of higher education, even in the domain of Religion , all those who expect the same academic excellence for which such a prestigious institution, like Oxford is famous, to shine through all the departments. I know I am validating the same confusion, made by both the University and of course the lecturer himself about his statuses as a scholar and religious leader, but is there an alternative? People who cherish knowledge and praise the culture of sound and fair debate, might see their disappointment grow toward the Authorities in charge of appointing Mr Ramadan as the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies, to calm their anger I suggest them to propose a better scholar, if they can find one of course and if they can't, all what is left is to meditate about the moslem european elites, spearheaded by this this individual.
When we look at your RUclips Channel, we see on which side you are. Your way of attacking Mr. Ramadan is not anodyne.
You understood very well everything he said, also you understand that he is right but you do not want to admit it. It suits some people not to work for peace !
Yes this performance wasn't very good but it's not very fair to judge him just on this. Ramadan is a prolific writer, a rather excellent intellectual, and a man who since decades is sticking his neck out for right and justice for all. This has made him a lot of ennemies in the East and the West and he has never relented even in the face of the endless campaigns of slander and threats and general dishonesty that he's been subjected to.
But he is the product of a Continental education system that hardly treats "TED performances" as a benchmark for intellectual achievement. Plus English speaking is just not his strong suit - you should listen to his talks in French if you can, there you'll see how his sharp wit and intellect shine through; or read him of course.
Greek philosophy is not universal
"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive! Believe in Jesus, follow Him - whoever you are.
I don't worship zombies.
Elijah and Enoch are alive as well.
Ah oui les extraconjug cest comme ca que tu vois le monde comme tu es humain mon pauvre tu me degoutes
Mr Guru/ motivational speaker rambles for 19 minutes about spiritual stuff and Dalai Lamas sleeping habits.
If you mix 10 pages of random content from Wikipedia and read it out loud it would still be a more consistent speech than this one
Because Islam is a holistic worldview not a mere theology/philosophy degree
Alors toi Tariq tu voulais changer le monde avec tes relations extraconjug? Honte a toi
Thank you.