Tawheed Or Imamate | Bid'ah | Abdul Hamid (Sunni) Vs The Shia Blade Runner | Speakers Corner

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  • Speakers Corner 12th November 2017
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    • Shia Blade Runner
    Abdul Hamid
    • Abdul Hamed
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  • @siyar27
    @siyar27 6 лет назад +143

    "There will come a time where nothing will be hidden except the truth, and nothing will be revealed except falsehood."
    Imam Ali(AS).

    • @valorousexasperater2560
      @valorousexasperater2560 4 года назад +2


    • @zaidsiddiqui5790
      @zaidsiddiqui5790 4 года назад +2

      I can bet Ali r.a. is free from rafidah!!

    • @dominancepreserved8749
      @dominancepreserved8749 4 года назад +8

      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies without obedience (to an Imam), dies as a pagan and disbeliever.
      "Sahih" Muslim, Vol. 12, p.240 (Nawawi’s exposition):
      سمعت رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ وسلَّم يقول: ومَن
      ماتَ وَلَيسَ في عُنُقِه بَيعَةٌ ماتَ ميتة جاهلية.
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies with no allegiance (to an Imam) has died as a pagan.
      Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir, Vol. 10, p.289:
      قال رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ وسلَّم : مَنْ ماتَ ولَيسَ
      عليه إمامُ فَمِيتَتُهُ مِيتَةٌ جاهِلِيّة .
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies and has no Imam has died as a pagan.
      Sahih Muslim, Vol. 12, p. 201 (Nawawi’s exposition):
      قال رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ
      وسلَّم : لا يَزالُ هذا
      الأمرُ في قُرَيشٍ ما بَقيَ في النّاسِ اثْنانِ .
      1 Musnad Al-Makkiyin, No. 15140 (Int’l No.)
      2 Kitab Al-Imarah, Bab Wujuh Mulazimah Al-Jama’ah, No.
      3441 (Int’l No.)
      3 2nd ed. Ibn Taymiyah Publication
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali:
      "Glad tiding O ‘Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi’a (followers) will be in Paradise."
      يا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجنَّة
      Sunni references:
      1. Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
      2. Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329
      3. Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
      4. al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
      5. Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
      6. al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
      7. al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
      Thus The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to say the phrase of "Shi’a of ‘Ali".
      This phrase is not something invented later! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that the TRUE followers of imam ‘Ali will go to Paradise, and this is a great felicity. Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"
      شيعة علي هم الفائزون يوم القيامة
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      • Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
      • Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when ‘Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shi’a will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
      The "day of rising”may also refer to the day of rising of al-Mahdi (as). But in more general term, it means the day of judgment. Also it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! On the Day of Judgment I shall resort to Allah and you will resort to me and your children will resort to you and the Shi’a will resort to them. Then you will see where they carry us. (i.e. to Paradise)"
      Sunni reference: Rabi al-Abrar, by al-Zamakhshari
      Furthermore, it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! (On the day of Judgment) you and your Shi’a will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and there will come to Him your enemies angry and stiff-necked (i.e., their head forced up).
      Sunni references:
      • al-Tabarani, on the authority of Imam ‘Ali
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p236
      A more complete version of the tradition which has also been reported by the Sunnis, is as follows:
      Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated:
      *When the verse "Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation (Holy Qur’an 98:7)”*
      was revealed, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali: "They are you and your Shi’a.”He continued: "O ‘Ali! (On the day of Judgment) you and your Shi’a will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and your enemies will come angry with their head forced up. ‘Ali said: "Who are my enemies?”The Prophet (pbuh) replied: "He who disassociates himself from you and curses you. And glad tiding to those who reach first under the shadow of al-’Arsh on the day of resurrection.”‘Ali asked: "Who are they, O the Messenger of Allah?”He replied: "Your Shi’a, O ‘Ali, and those who love you."
      Sunni references:
      • al-Hafidh Jamaluddin al-Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 246-247
      Then Ibn Hajar ( Sunni Scholar) provides a 'bizarre commentary' for the first tradition, saying:
      The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the Ahlussunnah since they are those who love Ahlul-Bayt as Allah and His Prophet ordered. But others (i.e., other than Sunnis) are the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt in reality for the love outside the boundary of law is the great enmity, and that was the reason for their fate. Also, the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt were al-Khawarij and their alike from Syria, not Muawiyah and other companions because they were Muteawweloon, and for them is a good reward, and for ‘Ali and his Shi’a is a good reward!
      Sunni reference:
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, p236
      And this is how Sunni scholars cope with the prophetic traditions in favor of "Shi’a of ‘Ali"! They say that they are the real Shi’a!
      (This was just an opinion by a sunni scholar who admitted sunnis are deviated from the right path on which the Holy Prophet (pbuh) ordered us to be steadfast upon)
      Let us look at one more tradition in this regard
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali: "The first four individuals who will enter the Paradise are me, you, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn, and our progeny will be behind us, and our wives will be behind our progeny, and our Shi’a will be on our right side and in our company."
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib, by Ahmad
      • al-Tabarani, as quoted in:
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p246
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali:
      "Glad tiding O ‘Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi’a (followers) will be in Paradise."
      يا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجنَّة
      Sunni references:
      1. Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
      2. Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329
      3. Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
      4. al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
      5. Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
      6. al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
      7. al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
      Thus The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to say the phrase of "Shi’a of ‘Ali".
      This phrase is not something invented later! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that the TRUE followers of imam ‘Ali will go to Paradise, and this is a great felicity. Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"
      شيعة علي هم الفائزون يوم القيامة
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      • Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
      • Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when ‘Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shi’a will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
      The "day of rising”may also refer to the day of rising of al-Mahdi (as). But in more general term, it means the day of judgment. Also it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! On the Day of Judgment I shall resort to Allah and you will resort to me and your children will resort to you and the Shi’a will resort to them. Then you will see where they carry us. (i.e. to Paradise)"
      Sunni reference: Rabi al-Abrar, by al-Zamakhshari
      Ibn Hajar (d. 974) narrated from Ibn Abbas that when the verse (98:7) was revealed the Prophet told Ali: “Those are you and your Shi’a. You and your Shi’a will come on the day of Resurrection while you will be pleased and well pleasing (to God) and your enemies will come while they will be angry and seized by their necks”. (Ibn Hajar, Section 11, Chapter 1, the Verse 11)6
      Ibn Abbas narrated: When the verse “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation (Quran 98:7)” was revealed, the message of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) said to Ali: “they are you and your SHIA.” He continued: “O Ali (on the day of judgment) you and your SHIA will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and your enemies will come angry with their head forced up. Ali said: “ Who are my enemies?” The Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) replied: He who disassociates himself from you and curses you. And glad tidings to those who reached first under the shadow of Al-‘Arsh on the day of resurrection, “Ali asked: “Who are they,O Messenger of Allah ?” He replied “Your SHIA, O Ali, and those who love you.”
      Sunni references:
      Al-hafidh Jamaluddin al-Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas
      -Al sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch11, section 1, pp246-247
      Sunni references:
      Al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qudoozi al-Hanafi, p62 tasfir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: We were with the holy prophet when Ali came towards us. The holy prophet said: “He and his Shia will acquire salvation on the day of judgment”

    • @dominancepreserved8749
      @dominancepreserved8749 4 года назад +3

      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies without obedience (to an Imam), dies as a pagan and disbeliever.
      "Sahih" Muslim, Vol. 12, p.240 (Nawawi’s exposition):
      سمعت رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ وسلَّم يقول: ومَن
      ماتَ وَلَيسَ في عُنُقِه بَيعَةٌ ماتَ ميتة جاهلية.
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies with no allegiance (to an Imam) has died as a pagan.
      Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir, Vol. 10, p.289:
      قال رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ وسلَّم : مَنْ ماتَ ولَيسَ
      عليه إمامُ فَمِيتَتُهُ مِيتَةٌ جاهِلِيّة .
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
      One who dies and has no Imam has died as a pagan.
      Sahih Muslim, Vol. 12, p. 201 (Nawawi’s exposition):
      قال رسول االله صلّى االلهُ عليهِ
      وسلَّم : لا يَزالُ هذا
      الأمرُ في قُرَيشٍ ما بَقيَ في النّاسِ اثْنانِ .
      1 Musnad Al-Makkiyin, No. 15140 (Int’l No.)
      2 Kitab Al-Imarah, Bab Wujuh Mulazimah Al-Jama’ah, No.
      3441 (Int’l No.)
      3 2nd ed. Ibn Taymiyah Publication
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali:
      "Glad tiding O ‘Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi’a (followers) will be in Paradise."
      يا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجنَّة
      Sunni references:
      1. Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
      2. Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329
      3. Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
      4. al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
      5. Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
      6. al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
      7. al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
      Thus The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to say the phrase of "Shi’a of ‘Ali".
      This phrase is not something invented later! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that the TRUE followers of imam ‘Ali will go to Paradise, and this is a great felicity. Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"
      شيعة علي هم الفائزون يوم القيامة
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      • Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
      • Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when ‘Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shi’a will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
      The "day of rising”may also refer to the day of rising of al-Mahdi (as). But in more general term, it means the day of judgment. Also it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! On the Day of Judgment I shall resort to Allah and you will resort to me and your children will resort to you and the Shi’a will resort to them. Then you will see where they carry us. (i.e. to Paradise)"
      Sunni reference: Rabi al-Abrar, by al-Zamakhshari
      Furthermore, it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! (On the day of Judgment) you and your Shi’a will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and there will come to Him your enemies angry and stiff-necked (i.e., their head forced up).
      Sunni references:
      • al-Tabarani, on the authority of Imam ‘Ali
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p236
      A more complete version of the tradition which has also been reported by the Sunnis, is as follows:
      Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated:
      *When the verse "Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation (Holy Qur’an 98:7)”*
      was revealed, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali: "They are you and your Shi’a.”He continued: "O ‘Ali! (On the day of Judgment) you and your Shi’a will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and your enemies will come angry with their head forced up. ‘Ali said: "Who are my enemies?”The Prophet (pbuh) replied: "He who disassociates himself from you and curses you. And glad tiding to those who reach first under the shadow of al-’Arsh on the day of resurrection.”‘Ali asked: "Who are they, O the Messenger of Allah?”He replied: "Your Shi’a, O ‘Ali, and those who love you."
      Sunni references:
      • al-Hafidh Jamaluddin al-Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 246-247
      Then Ibn Hajar ( Sunni Scholar) provides a 'bizarre commentary' for the first tradition, saying:
      The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the Ahlussunnah since they are those who love Ahlul-Bayt as Allah and His Prophet ordered. But others (i.e., other than Sunnis) are the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt in reality for the love outside the boundary of law is the great enmity, and that was the reason for their fate. Also, the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt were al-Khawarij and their alike from Syria, not Muawiyah and other companions because they were Muteawweloon, and for them is a good reward, and for ‘Ali and his Shi’a is a good reward!
      Sunni reference:
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, p236
      And this is how Sunni scholars cope with the prophetic traditions in favor of "Shi’a of ‘Ali"! They say that they are the real Shi’a!
      (This was just an opinion by a sunni scholar who admitted sunnis are deviated from the right path on which the Holy Prophet (pbuh) ordered us to be steadfast upon)
      Let us look at one more tradition in this regard
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali: "The first four individuals who will enter the Paradise are me, you, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn, and our progeny will be behind us, and our wives will be behind our progeny, and our Shi’a will be on our right side and in our company."
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib, by Ahmad
      • al-Tabarani, as quoted in:
      • al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p246
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Ali:
      "Glad tiding O ‘Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi’a (followers) will be in Paradise."
      يا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجنَّة
      Sunni references:
      1. Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
      2. Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329
      3. Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
      4. al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
      5. Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
      6. al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
      7. al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
      Thus The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to say the phrase of "Shi’a of ‘Ali".
      This phrase is not something invented later! Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that the TRUE followers of imam ‘Ali will go to Paradise, and this is a great felicity. Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "The Shi’a of ‘Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"
      شيعة علي هم الفائزون يوم القيامة
      Sunni references:
      • al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      • Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
      • Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when ‘Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shi’a will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
      The "day of rising”may also refer to the day of rising of al-Mahdi (as). But in more general term, it means the day of judgment. Also it is narrated that:
      The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: "O ‘Ali! On the Day of Judgment I shall resort to Allah and you will resort to me and your children will resort to you and the Shi’a will resort to them. Then you will see where they carry us. (i.e. to Paradise)"
      Sunni reference: Rabi al-Abrar, by al-Zamakhshari
      Ibn Hajar (d. 974) narrated from Ibn Abbas that when the verse (98:7) was revealed the Prophet told Ali: “Those are you and your Shi’a. You and your Shi’a will come on the day of Resurrection while you will be pleased and well pleasing (to God) and your enemies will come while they will be angry and seized by their necks”. (Ibn Hajar, Section 11, Chapter 1, the Verse 11)6
      Ibn Abbas narrated: When the verse “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creation (Quran 98:7)” was revealed, the message of Allah ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) said to Ali: “they are you and your SHIA.” He continued: “O Ali (on the day of judgment) you and your SHIA will come toward Allah well-pleased and well-pleasing, and your enemies will come angry with their head forced up. Ali said: “ Who are my enemies?” The Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)) replied: He who disassociates himself from you and curses you. And glad tidings to those who reached first under the shadow of Al-‘Arsh on the day of resurrection, “Ali asked: “Who are they,O Messenger of Allah ?” He replied “Your SHIA, O Ali, and those who love you.”
      Sunni references:
      Al-hafidh Jamaluddin al-Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas
      -Al sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch11, section 1, pp246-247
      Sunni references:
      Al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
      Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qudoozi al-Hanafi, p62 tasfir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: We were with the holy prophet when Ali came towards us. The holy prophet said: “He and his Shia will acquire salvation on the day of judgment”

    • @dominancepreserved8749
      @dominancepreserved8749 4 года назад +4

      Note: we shias have literally thousands of Narrations by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) regarding the succession of Imam Ali (pbuh).
      First let us have a look towards the Holy Qur'an,
      *He is the One Who Made you Caliphs in the earth.[**35:39**]*
      *Or, One Who Answers the distressed one when he supplicates to Him and He Removes the evil, and He will Make you to be Caliphs of the earth! Is there a god along with Allah? Little is what you heed [27:62]*
      *And remember when He made you successors after the Aad and settled you in the land, [and] you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains, homes. Then remember the favours of Allah and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.” [7:74]*
      Ok, so here I've proven that it is only God who appoints Successors. There are many more similar verses in the Holy Qur'an.
      Let us have a look towards more verses.
      *Your companion does not err, and does not deviate [53:2]*
      *ٰAnd he does not speak out of (personal) desire [53:3]*
      *Surely, it is only a Revelation He Revealed [53:4]*
      Ok, so here I've proved that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) didn't appoint Imam Ali (pbuh) by his own will. Rather it was on the command of God.
      Let us have a look towards this verse,
      *But rather, your Guardian is Allah, and His Rasool, and those who are believing, those who are establishing the Salat and are giving the Zakat while they are performing Ruku [**5:55**]*
      We shias literally have thousands of Narrations in our litrature that the 3rd part of this verse is revealed regarding None Imam Ali (pbuh). Now let us have a look towards the sunni Narrations.
      The Messenger of Allah declared: "It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. I am leaving for you two precious things and if you adhere both of them, you will never go astray after me. They are the Book of Allah and my progeny, that is my Ahlul-Bayt. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise)."
      Then the Messenger of Allah continued: "Do I not have more right over the believers than what they have over themselves?”People cried and answered: "Yes, O’ Messenger of God.”Then Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) held up the hand of ‘Ali and said: "Whoever I am his leader (Mawla), ‘Ali is his leader (Mawla). O’ God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those who are hostile to him."
      ألَسْتُ أولى بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم؟ قالوا بلى يارسول الله. قال: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه. اللهم وال من والاه و عاد من عاداه.
      Sahih Tirmidhi, v2, p298, v5, p63
      Sunan Ibn Maja, v1, pp 12,43
      Khasa’is, by al-Nisa’i, pp 4,21
      al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v2, p129, v3, pp 109-110,116,371
      Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1, pp 84,118,119,152,330, v4, pp 281,368,370, 372,378, v5, pp 35,347,358,361,366,419 (from 40 chains of narrators)
      Fada’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Hanbal, v2, pp 563,572
      Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v9, p103 (from several transmitters)
      Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhr al-Razi, v12, pp 49-50
      Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthur, by al-Hafiz Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, v3, p19
      Tarikh al-Khulafa, by al-Suyuti, pp 169,173
      al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, by Ibn Kathir, v3, p213, v5, p208
      Usdul Ghabah, by Ibn Athir, v4, p114
      Mushkil al-Athar, by al-Tahawi, v2, pp 307-308
      Habib al-Siyar, by Mir Khand, v1, part 3, p144
      Sawaiq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, p26
      al-Isabah, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v2, p509; v1, part1, p319, v2, part1, p57, v3, part1, p29, v4, part 1, pp 14,16,143
      Tabarani, who narrated from companions such as Ibn Umar, Malik Ibn al-Hawirath, Habashi Ibn Junadah, Jari, Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas, Anas Ibn Malik, Ibn Abbas, Amarah,Buraydah,...
      Tarikh, by al-Khatib Baghdadi, v8, p290
      Hilyatul Awliya’, by al-Hafiz Abu Nu’aym, v4, p23, v5, pp26-27
      al-Istiab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, Chapter of word "ayn”(‘Ali), v2, p462
      Kanzul Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v6, pp 154,397
      al-Mirqat, v5, p568
      al-Riyad al-Nadirah, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, v2, p172
      Dhaka’ir al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, p68
      Faydh al-Qadir, by al-Manawi, v6, p217
      Tafseer Durr al-Mansoor, Vol. 6, Pg. 383 - Online Link
      وَأخرج ابْن مرْدَوَيْه عَن ابْن مَسْعُود قَالَ: كُنَّا نَقْرَأ على عهد رَسُول الله صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم {يَا أَيهَا الرَّسُول بلغ مَا أنزل إِلَيْك من رَبك} أَن عليا مولى الْمُؤمنِينَ {وَإِن لم تفعل فَمَا بلغت رسَالَته وَالله يَعْصِمك من النَّاس}
      From Ibn Masood who said,
      "We used to recite in the times of the Prophet (S) like this, {"O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to You from Your Lord"}, 'That Ali is the Mawla (leader/chief) of the believers', {"If You do not do it then You have not Conveyed His message and Allah will protect You from the people" }(5:67)
      Asbaab al-Nuzul, al-Wahidi, Pg. 150 - Online Link
      لست نبيا (إنه لا ينبغي أن أذهب إلا) وأنت خليفتي في كل مؤمن من بعدي
      إسناده حسن ورجاله ثقات رجال الشيخين
      Narrated Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنه) that he said,
      The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) said to Ali (عليه السلام),
      'You are to me like Harun (عليه السلام) was to Musa (عليه السلام), except that you are not a Prophet, and you are the Caliph of every believer after me.' "
      Kitab al Sunnah, Ibn Abi Asim, Hadith 1188
      I joined the company of the Holy prophet with my father and heard him say: This caliphate will not end until there have been twelve Caliphs among them. The narrater said: the he(the prophet) said something that I could not follow. I said to my father: what did he say? He said: he has said: All of them will be from the Quraysh
      Sunni references:
      Sahih Muslim, Book 20, Hadith 4477, 4480
      Tabaraani and other scholars have narrated from correct chains on the authority of the Holy Prophet ((صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم).a.) who declared on the occasion of Ghadeer -
      اَللّہُمَّ وَالِ مَن وَالَاہُ وَعَادِ مَن عَادَاہُ… وَادرِ الحَقَّ مَعَہٗ حَیثُ دَارَ
      ‘O Allah! Befriend the one who takes him (Ali) as a Master and take him as an enemy who takes him (Ali) as an enemy…and turn the truth with him wherever he turns.’
      Mo’jam al-Awsat, vol. 5 p. 455 tradition 4,877
      When Imam ‘Ali, during the time of his caliphate and decades after the event of Ghadir, said to Anas bin Malik, the Companion of the Prophet (s): “Why don’t you stand up and testify what you heard from the Messenger of Allah on the day of Ghadir?” He answered, “O Amir al-Muminin! I have grown old and do not remember.”
      Thereupon ‘Ali said: “May Allah mark you with a white spot (of leprosy) unconcealable with your turban, if you are intentionally withholding the truth.” And before Anas got up from his place he bore a large white spot on his face.”
      sunni reference:
      • Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari, Kitab al-Ma’arif, (Cairo, 1353 AH), p. 251
      • Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Musnad, vol. 1, p. 119
      • Abu Nu‘aym al-’Isfahani ,Hilyat al-Awliya’, (Beirut, 1988), vol. 5, p. 27
      • Nur al-Din al-Halabi al-Shafi’i, al-Sirah al-Halabiyya, vol. 3, p. 336
      • Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-’Ummal, (Halab, 1969-84), vol. 13, p. 131

  • @Inforgraphy
    @Inforgraphy 7 лет назад +91

    The sunni guy choses adalah of sahabah over tawheed and gets defeated in the topic chosen by himself

  • @pressupuk
    @pressupuk 4 года назад +97

    As a Christian man I have to say as a person..I respect the blade runner shia for how he articulates himself and his knowledge and debating style

    • @valorousexasperater2560
      @valorousexasperater2560 4 года назад

      Check em out bro,

    • @valorousexasperater2560
      @valorousexasperater2560 4 года назад


    • @khandakerhasnain9839
      @khandakerhasnain9839 3 года назад +8

      We are not surprised 😂

    • @m6000000
      @m6000000 2 года назад +3

      U would be surprised if I tell you they have more gods than you in Christianity. you have three, they have 14

    • @THOAhlulBayt
      @THOAhlulBayt 2 года назад +1

      @@m6000000 prove it

  • @fernandotorres5730
    @fernandotorres5730 7 лет назад +100

    Abdul hamid spoke for 20 minutes and said nothing. He just waffled for 20 minutes. he didn't answer the question. no evidence. no proof. no referencing. just verbal waffle.

    • @abdulmumin6251
      @abdulmumin6251 3 года назад +4

      Abdul Hamid is not qualified to give any reference he doesn't know much.

    • @iqrar67
      @iqrar67 Год назад

      ​@@abdulmumin6251then why debate

  • @dextermorgan750
    @dextermorgan750 5 лет назад +103

    The Shi’a blade runner guy handed this guys ass to him, no wonder he tried attacking him later

    • @toxicego972
      @toxicego972 5 лет назад +3

      Hahaha ههههههههه

    • @marcs347
      @marcs347 4 года назад +2

      @العراقي الانباري ur following the shaitan, may Allah guide you

    • @captainhd9741
      @captainhd9741 4 года назад +2

      Tobi Hauer I wouldn’t call him someone who follows shaytan. If he is wrong he at least has the excuse on the day of judgment that the prophet (saws) never said “sahaba” or “Quran and sahaba” but instead said ahlulbayt and said that these 2 will never make us go astray if we hold onto them. This is one of the most narrated events just Google “hadith thaqalayn”. If he is wrong then he has a very good excuse for his misguidance so again, don’t say such offensive things to other people my respected brother

    • @marcs347
      @marcs347 4 года назад

      @العراقي الانباري if u are following 100% the Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet s.w.s then ur are the follower of Ahlul Bait , if you only doubt a separate letter of the Book of Allah, you the follower of Shaitan, May Allah guide You

    • @valorousexasperater2560
      @valorousexasperater2560 4 года назад


  • @Beznahaj110
    @Beznahaj110 5 лет назад +47

    Bruh, abdul hamid should be in some dodgeball tournaments, always dodging questions smh

  • @sharps8726
    @sharps8726 6 лет назад +33

    This was so freaking painful too listen too. Adbdul Hamid has no clue.

  • @MonsterTVchannel
    @MonsterTVchannel 6 лет назад +51

    Guy in green jumper wins

  • @nadeemsaiyed7579
    @nadeemsaiyed7579 7 лет назад +29

    Conclusion: Abdul Hamid didn't or can't prove Sahabas true definition or requirement to be a Sahabi from Quran and Sunnah

    • @salehjalal1378
      @salehjalal1378 Год назад +2

      التوبة (20) يقول الله تعالى: { الذين آمنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا في سبيل الله بأموالهم وأنفسهم أعظم درجة عند الله وأولئك هم الفائزون }

  • @SyedShah-in2rm
    @SyedShah-in2rm 7 лет назад +35

    "Yes they drunk, yes they committed sin but doubting them means doubting the Quran and the Sunnah". Listen to yourself. Please.

  • @businesshelptv4507
    @businesshelptv4507 6 лет назад +39

    The shia blade runner is way more educated than the salafi guy hamid. The debate is about making valid points and backing up statements which hamid cant do.

  • @pardipparmar8814
    @pardipparmar8814 5 лет назад +29

    Abdul Hamid is a liar and dodges the question if the point doesn't prove his way of thinking he will lie and lie.. this video is an excellent video and shows Abdul Hamids true colours.. share ppl and show the real colours of these so called Dawah ppl

    • @abumikail4046
      @abumikail4046 4 года назад

      Why did he expose your indian religion and your now out to get him back... lol

    • @pardipparmar8814
      @pardipparmar8814 4 года назад +3

      @@abumikail4046 I feel sorry for you my man..defending an out right racist then getting but hurt and trying to go after another religion..Abdul Hamid will be proud of you and if your not already part of his so called Dawah team then I'm sure he will take on a prat like you in no time

    • @abumikail4046
      @abumikail4046 4 года назад

      @@pardipparmar8814 Your indian im not so feel sorry for yourself... Lol

    • @pardipparmar8814
      @pardipparmar8814 4 года назад +1

      @@abumikail4046 You do believe that their is only one god right? Well I believe the same but I worship in the religion god chose me to follow from birth. The sooner you realise that their is no difference between you and me (apart from brain cells in this case) the better the world will be. UK out of many countries allows people to preach their religion in peace and you have that privilege so dont let your side down

    • @captainhd9741
      @captainhd9741 4 года назад

      Pardip Parmar Leave this racist alone. Using “indian” as derogatory description is just absolutely disgusting. If I didn’t know any matter I would have left Islam because of this racism and attributed it to the prophet of Islam (saws). Represent.

  • @1514_Momin
    @1514_Momin 7 лет назад +64

    When brother Zain was asking to debate on one thing Hamid is jumping on the other thing.. now when he is asking the clear definition of Sahaba, he is giving a vague answers - common.. talk some sense..
    And if you listen in between the video...Hamid said he is not prepare for Tawheed - what kind of a muslim if does not know Tauheed!! Zain and others with him are wise enough to respond to questions with wisdom and common sense in this debate and other debates as well..
    Now coming back to the Sahaba in questions... Shia Muslims will respect the Sahabas who were faithful during the life of Prophet (SAWS) and REMAIN faithful after the death of Prophet (SAWS) and support his family during all such Adversity.. Loyal Sahabas were for example... Salmaan-e-Farsi, Abuzar-e-Ghaffari, Ammar-ibne-Yaaser, Meesam-e-Tammaar...and many more..
    And Shias reject the Sahabas who became deviated, against and gave many problem to Prophet’s (SAWS) family i.e., AhlulBait(AS).. Among them were Muaviya (L) and his son Yazid(L), Marwaan (L), and many more....anyone will get plenty of answers or clarifications on all these deviated Sahabas about their filthy acts in the books of both Sunnis and Shias..
    To All people in humanity including Hamid and Everyone..Please lets remove the hatred from our hearts and mind and understand the teachings of Prophet (SAWS) and his AhlulBait(AS).. Listen to such debates or any such matters with open mind.. Hope this clarifies and justify..

    • @UrDaddy4Real
      @UrDaddy4Real 4 года назад

      It's funny you want people to stop hatred while slander people's revered figure in same breath. Kinda makes you a hypocrite.

    • @UrDaddy4Real
      @UrDaddy4Real 4 года назад

      @Google Account cursing or lanat is not truth. (When we curse) it's just a 'physical manifestation' of invisible hatred in one's heart.
      Let's give you an example
      i) A thief robbed me.
      ii) A thief (may he become blind) robbed me.
      The 'truth' part is only thief robbed me. The 'may he become blind' was just an emotional add-on. Not truth.

    • @UrDaddy4Real
      @UrDaddy4Real 4 года назад

      @Google Account This trick is used far too often now. Here's the answer to it
      Whatever Allah Almighty does or "Allah's Sunnah" as you call it, is NOT for us to copy. Allah creates life, gives death and will reward Jannat & Jahanum. Will you copy Allah? Will you create life, give death and pass judgments on people? Why not? Caz ur not ASKED to do that. That's Allah domain.
      Follow the Prophet That's what Allah asked you to do and our Prophet never cursed.

    • @Mustafa-hk6me
      @Mustafa-hk6me 2 года назад

      Shias reject , or also don’t like Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman. Don’t lie to public you neek dirty boy. Shia are mad backwards and Shiame is a another religion . They even pray different. And you are masters of amulets which is a straight ticket to hellfire

    • @salehjalal1378
      @salehjalal1378 Год назад

      My dear brother, I would like you to give me one proof from the Qur’an or hadiths about the hypocrisy of the Companions and the war against Ahl al-Bayt if you would be so kind.

  • @rose.t3
    @rose.t3 6 лет назад +72

    All these sunnis in the comments are actually defending this guy?? How can you not see ?!! Are you all blind ??? HE was the one running away! He ran away from TAWHEED !! It is actually crazy how you are all blindly following this guy ya Allah

    • @JohnSmith-hp7gt
      @JohnSmith-hp7gt 5 лет назад +3

      Shia hyde park runner ran away from Tawheed. Shia worship Zuljana (horse), call upon dead human beings for assistance, saying these are our intercessors. She mushriqeen of Mecca did not call themselves Muslims, but the Shia do, which is a problem.

    • @hamzasyed551
      @hamzasyed551 5 лет назад +10

      John Smith we wroship zuljinnah ? My lord brother we say kalma and as. A shia i will right now la illaha illilaho mohammed dur radullilah it is crazy on what measurements you will go to prove your self

    • @sabskilz5698
      @sabskilz5698 4 года назад +7

      John Smith we worship zuljanah? If people in the comments reading didnt know this was imam hussain (as) horse during the battle of karbala. We do not worship zuljana. Your knowledge of islam is so poor bro

    • @r.hossaini2522
      @r.hossaini2522 4 года назад

      John Smith I can just laughing at you for your stupidity 😂

    • @Rajanasarali
      @Rajanasarali 4 года назад

      @@JohnSmith-hp7gt iv been a shia all my life never have i seen or know of any shia who has worshipped zuljanah we worship allah alone and allah has no partners. In terms of intercession we believe all help is from allah nd allah alone.

  • @ghalibahmed6676
    @ghalibahmed6676 4 года назад +50

    is it just me or does everyone notice that Abdul Hamid is lowkey agitated when he is face to face with bayat al-ghadir because he knows he doesn't have a chance against them?

  • @LB_die_Kaapie
    @LB_die_Kaapie 7 лет назад +118

    As a Christian I've never seen a Muslim not willing to speak about his god. Very strange guy this Hamid.

    • @jolfc9602
      @jolfc9602 7 лет назад +4

      J .dV His a lightweight. Hamid cannot express himself proberley. If we have the heavyweights like Muhammad hijab, hamza, etc then it would be a better debate.

    • @syedshah3767
      @syedshah3767 7 лет назад

      J .dV he’s running away because if he talks about god then he will have to talk about ahlulbayt and then he will have to talk about the killers of ahlulbayt, he can’t do that as those people are radhiallah in his books

    • @bilalnizami3649
      @bilalnizami3649 6 лет назад +1

      you didn't understand because you are a christian. this is the debate of denomination same like catholics and protestants.

    • @warrenrozario5448
      @warrenrozario5448 6 лет назад +1

      J .dV Bro Zain is a very disciplined debater.

    • @sajms
      @sajms 6 лет назад +2

      J .dV you are a hypocrite shia

  • @toorani17
    @toorani17 5 лет назад +48

    As a shia i respect the sunni guy for debating alone in front of all of these shias. But in the end he didn’t prove anything and lost the debate

    • @AJ-ek7ht
      @AJ-ek7ht 5 лет назад +25

      He is a salafi not a sunni, and you shouldn’t respect him, he was literally exposed in one video praising innocent kids brutally murder in a mosque. Why? Because they were shia, and he believed they’re kafir and there death is “halal” to murder in cold blood.

    • @captainhd9741
      @captainhd9741 4 года назад +2

      Mister Lawrence Mad respect for you as a Sunni that mentioned that shooting event.

    • @AlmaaRoblox23
      @AlmaaRoblox23 3 года назад +1

      @@AJ-ek7ht Where is this video brother?

    • @agostocobain2729
      @agostocobain2729 2 года назад

      @@AJ-ek7ht he was raised Shia, he’s Iranian.

    • @agostocobain2729
      @agostocobain2729 2 года назад

      He converted Sunni

  • @latestupdatesoftheworld
    @latestupdatesoftheworld 7 лет назад +113

    Abdul Hamid was so obessed with winning the debate that he lost all his credibility in my eyes today. I am a sunni btw.

    • @MatthiasKhlerSenjiM
      @MatthiasKhlerSenjiM 6 лет назад +1

      "I'm a sunni" that's what every Shia says.

    • @latestupdatesoftheworld
      @latestupdatesoftheworld 6 лет назад +5

      Sᴇɴᴊɪ M. I am not a shia but that doesn't mean I will defend every sunni against shias be it unlearned sunniz. Bro Adnan would have had answers I am sure but Abdul Hamid was just being slippery here.

    • @Asad-2166
      @Asad-2166 6 лет назад +1


    • @diggerbarnes100
      @diggerbarnes100 6 лет назад


    • @kimiq
      @kimiq 6 лет назад

      I'm sorry for my short understanding., but I think Labbaik is respond for a calling. there for Labbaik come from two co factor togerther, the caller and the one who respond. since labbaik is a respond of calling from the caller, then act of the caller calling the respondent must come first, and calling act can occur if the caller is alive. If you said labbaik ya hussain, it can be justify if hussain radhiallahu anhu still alive.
      then i think it would be weird we said "at your service" for someone that already dead. Even with rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wa salam ALLAH taught the proper respond which is "sami'na wa atho'na" we hear and we obey, and this the better respond than labbaik ya rasulullah in now days.
      that's what i think

  • @hibazaidi3646
    @hibazaidi3646 4 года назад +40

    He said muwaiyah "razi allah tala anha"😂 and said "Ali" alone, this shows how much hatred they have of Imam ali alaehissalam in their hearts

    • @Radec913
      @Radec913 4 года назад

      That doesnt prove he hates ali (R.A).

    • @moibz2682
      @moibz2682 4 года назад +5

      Unlike the shias, we sunnis have no hatred for sahabas and cursing is not part of our religion

    • @hibazaidi3646
      @hibazaidi3646 4 года назад +7

      @@moibz2682 well it doesnt seem like that. Your ayesha cursed usman and called him kafir. When usman refused to give her amount from government taxes.

    • @hibazaidi3646
      @hibazaidi3646 4 года назад +5

      @Saama. My great grand parents wrote their lineage from centuries, I have proof. Do you have? Yeah siddiquis are the ones who brought 72 heads of Martyrs of Karbala to yazid court. May Allah's lanah be upon siddiquis and their children.

    • @hibazaidi3646
      @hibazaidi3646 4 года назад +10

      @Saama. Mola Ali a.s will not hate me, I will proudly go in front of him and I will tell him that I hated that woman who fought against you, I will proudly say I hated that man who slapped your wife(a.s) and paved the path for yazid to slaughter your children (a.s) then I will ask him for my maghfirat. Insh'Allah.

  • @abomahdihijazi
    @abomahdihijazi 6 лет назад +74

    That Sunni brother needs to be educated before he jumps into a discussion-- He clearly got owned

    • @ExcaliburSyed
      @ExcaliburSyed 5 лет назад +1

      At 9:50

    • @theguyy3593
      @theguyy3593 4 года назад +2

      @@JennaKovacs it's true, he doesn't possess correct Islamic knowledge, just embarrassing the sunni's.
      Knowledge proceeds dawah, don't go to the park and debate people if you don't have knowledge, simple.

    • @mehdi16ibrahim
      @mehdi16ibrahim 4 года назад +2

      I agree and I’m sunni!

    • @theguyy3593
      @theguyy3593 4 года назад +1

      @@mehdi16ibrahim yh bro I'm sunni too

    • @JennaKovacs
      @JennaKovacs 4 года назад

      @@theguyy3593 all you are is a sour shiaa, stop being sour.
      The blade runner? He was harassing me on fb, calling me on a private number like a complete and utter nutter, about a week ago, I have all the screenshots of the conversation.
      All because I know Hameed, he's still crying over how he ran out the park like a little princess, I take it you are one of them? I don't have any time for that

  • @user-bi8eu1pl9s
    @user-bi8eu1pl9s 6 лет назад +33

    'Some of the sabaha drank alcohol no problem ' ... whaaaaattr??😂😂😂😂. Are those examples of people you want to follow , those that go against Allah??? Allahu akbar

  • @oanabbas971
    @oanabbas971 4 года назад +8

    Moavia killed 1000 of sahaba but he is still admired by Sunnis

  • @nadeemgilani7318
    @nadeemgilani7318 6 лет назад +13

    wowww !! the shia killed abdul hamid.
    the points of the shia were wonderful great debate !

  • @TheZahidnaz
    @TheZahidnaz 5 лет назад +16

    This guy worked so hard on the topic of sahaba and prepared for a week just to embarrass Zain but in the end, false couldn't face the truth.

  • @elfarto1248
    @elfarto1248 4 года назад +12

    Why does Hamid expect the Shias to prove his own definition of what makes a Sahabi?

  • @haqqulyakeen4661
    @haqqulyakeen4661 7 лет назад +24

    The problem I find with all these people who are drowned in self show like, Muhammad hijab, Shimrani and abdul Hamid is when you discuss them any concept so instead of discussing the concepts they will jump to personalities because they know it is is easy to befool Sunnies as their emotions are attached to some people and they won't accept anything regarding them

    • @haqqulyakeen4661
      @haqqulyakeen4661 7 лет назад +2

      Sab Do.... I would really like to discuss about these things in detail but for some reasons I am not able to do so, the points you have raised is something that has been discussed for 1000 years in books but the problem is you would hardly go and read some Shia books where you will find explanations of everything, it is all because you people love to live in fools paradise and labeled yourself to be among those who will enter jannah without ever examining what you believe in, anyways if you really want to know about it I recommend you to read some books, may be you will find some here on this topic :Www.al-islam.org but before you go in detail please watch this video and don't look at who is speaking but what he is saying :m.ruclips.net/video/tr_q8SQwNKU/видео.html

  • @aligodson6351
    @aligodson6351 5 лет назад +20

    The sunni was shocked after his loss 😆😂

    • @amazon_Best_product-34-69-ZM
      @amazon_Best_product-34-69-ZM 3 года назад

      There is this false, bald Shiite, O owner of the channel, deliver this message to him, he said several lies in the last episode with his discussion of the Algerian, but the comments were closed and now I want to respond to him. First, there are two beliefs of the Sunnah Muhammad which say the five pillars of Islam are shahada, prayer and zakat and Fasting and Hajj, and the Shahada, the Shahada, add to her that Ali is the Wali of God, and this is a challenge to God, God does not need a guardian, they forbid zakat and take the fifth, God says that prayer was upon the believers a book that is timed and the Shiites collect prayers, we make pilgrimages to Mecca and their books say Hajj To Karbala is better than 100 arguments, although religion and legislation have ended in the farewell pilgrimage, the bald one said that the Messenger said Ali and his Shiites are the winners without evidence. How is this and the Messenger says in the Qur’an those who divide their religion are Shi’ites not in anything in the Qur’an and in the soul The time will tell Ali and the Shi’ites who are the winners. Were there sects at the time of the Prophet? Of course no, Razia said on Thursday, and it is a commandment that he did not recommend, meaning that it does not benefit anyone.
      You, because you did not find your belief in the Qur’an, and if there is a clear statement that the twelve imams are appointed by God and they must be followed, you come to lie about the nation of Muhammad, the nation of the billion and half of our victory of God, polytheists, your saying the Messenger is spelled out in your books of infidelity is not in our books, the authentic hadith The Messenger was going to write a will. Umar saw him very sick, so the Messenger said: He is sick and cannot be loved in him. He said: “We count the book of God, I know that annoys you.” The book of God is annoyed by you, because the Shi’ite doctrine says that the Qur’an is distorted and not an argument. He was there with him who came in the line of Umar and said no, so the Messenger said to them, Leave, if the commandment was important, the Messenger would have written it from a distance because the Messenger died after four or five days
      Umar based on the sermon of the Messenger in the farewell pilgrimage, in which he said today I have completed your religion and completed my blessing upon you, and the Messenger said: “There is nothing that will bring you closer to Heaven but I have shown it to you, and there is nothing that takes you away from Hell but I told you about it, you are talking about a will that you have not written I say that he would have recommended the followers of his companions, to say God, and the former are the first immigrants and supporters, and those who followed them with charity, may God be pleased with them and be pleased with him and prepare them gardens
      😂😂😂😂 Originally Al-Khadith does not serve the Shiites, Khadir Kham said, "Whoever you are his master, this is Ali, his master and he does not know a story. Ali and some of the Companions invaded Yemen, and upon their return there were those who quarreled with Ali over five spoils. When they returned, he went to the Messenger and complained to him." On the authority of Ali, the Messenger said that what he took from the five was less than his right. One of the companions said to the Messenger that he hates him because the Companions were frank and not pious, so the Messenger took them far from people to solve the problem, so he said to them the six first of the believers from themselves and they said no. Who, by God, is normal from his habits, hostility means hate, and loyalty means love, meaning the caliphate is not like us you lie, the messenger said the caliphate is the matter of a shura, he told them if the emigrants and the supporters met over a person and pledged allegiance to him he was the caliph and there is no support for this and the former and the first Among the immigrants, the supporters, and those who followed them with charity, he said that the companions returned to the people of the house, a liar. You follow the people of the house and the people of the house pledge allegiance to the companions and did not go out from them. Rather, it was a relationship by marriage, for example, the Prophet, the husband of his daughters to me, Othman married the daughter of Abu Bakr and Omar Ali, the husband of Umm Kulthum For Umar and the Messenger, their wives say: Who would you like his religion and his creation? Ali is pleased with a religion and kh Omar and comes to you, a Sabian Shiite who insults Umar, and they know that the great companions of the missionaries of henna Umar Abi Bakr Othman Ali Al-Hassan Al-Hussein, and the Messenger said if Umar walked in a valley, Satan would walk in another valley, the Messenger told Hassan that you would reconcile between two large sects of Muslims Al-Hasan pledged allegiance to Mu’awiyah for the sake of uniting the nation and the Shi’ites come to y

    • @soulfullvibes1354
      @soulfullvibes1354 3 года назад

      @@amazon_Best_product-34-69-ZM what are u talking bro, u don’t even know the basics😂
      Read sahih muslim, 5913 to 5919 hadees
      U don’t even know anything
      Trimdhi, abi dawood, maja, bukhari, everything the
      Ali is with haq and haq is with ali narrated by hazrat hafsa wife of prophet, u want more go and read ur books

  • @ibaguswaskito
    @ibaguswaskito 6 лет назад +5

    I am as Sunni always on Shia side while debates on Salafi-wahabi (who admit as Sunni)

  • @sibtaynkazmi2560
    @sibtaynkazmi2560 3 года назад +7

    Maybe you shouldn't be yelling in public: "I want zain. I want zain"

  • @3litepker
    @3litepker 6 лет назад +7

    26:50 is where it starts, please like so people don't need to waste their time on the semantics.

  • @calevy7099
    @calevy7099 7 лет назад +5

    Thanks to COE, we have the privilege each week of being eyewitnesses to a little bit of history and a lot of enlightening dialogue. Gratitude! 🙌🏽

  • @TheWorldOfMysteryy
    @TheWorldOfMysteryy 7 лет назад +45

    Abdul Hameed is disgracing his wahabism

    • @anonymousidentity2024
      @anonymousidentity2024 6 лет назад +3


    • @eternalphoenix4258
      @eternalphoenix4258 6 лет назад +4

      Wahabbism is a disgrace to Humanity. Wahabbism is what ISIS practices.

    • @Just_logic
      @Just_logic 5 лет назад

      Eternal Phoenix there is more to ISIS than what shallow minds like you think. Wait 4-5 years.

    • @eternalphoenix4258
      @eternalphoenix4258 5 лет назад +2

      @@Just_logic Death to the House of Saud and ALL others who murder innocent children. Death to the deranged ISIS fools who are only servants of the greatest coward(Iblis). 4-5 years.. lol.. this foolishness and ignorance has been happening for a long time and whenever it does there will be Shia of Ali to send all such ISIS cowards to meet their master Iblis in Hell. Ya ALI!!!

    • @Just_logic
      @Just_logic 5 лет назад

      Eternal Phoenix have a coke and a cake. I don’t get into a discussion with such minds. Do you have any idea how many people Dhia militiaman killed innocent people in the Middle East. Hizbollah is running thier business in selling drugs. And you want to preach to me about Shi’a??. I am not a Saudi. Moron. 😂😂🤪

  • @theguyy3593
    @theguyy3593 4 года назад +19

    Abdulhamid you don't have knowledge just stay home please, embarrassment to the sunis.

  • @calevy7099
    @calevy7099 7 лет назад +12

    The most tragic aspect of this is the 10 year old at bottom left learning the fine art of generational conflict. Sigh. 😔

  • @ayaarabi8530
    @ayaarabi8530 6 лет назад +11

    Shia for life❤️ Hamid kept going on around in circles and saying he didn’t say anything he did say

  • @TheZahidnaz
    @TheZahidnaz 5 лет назад +9

    12 minuttes in and the sunni brother already seem to be lost. Man, it doesn't matter you're sunni and shia, christian or jew, when you see two people arguing like this, all you need is not to be biased and you'll see that the sunni brother has no valid arguments and he doesn't know what's going on. He's just trying so hard to somehow maintain his repo on youtube and infront of the audience there.
    May god bless him to the right path.

  • @playstation9435
    @playstation9435 6 лет назад +3

    50 minutes Hamid spoke...10 minutes Zain spoke. I understood this:
    Hamid: Anyone who saw Prophet and died in that time is the Sahaba and sinless
    Zain: Anyone who was with Prophet and didn't violate the Quranic ayahs about raising voice over Prophet Muhammed SAW and didnt run away from battle grounds is a sahaba. Rest all are doubtful.
    All sane people, make your judgements!

  • @mohdsajidabbas8642
    @mohdsajidabbas8642 Год назад +2

    The Prophet said, "I'm leaving behind 2 things, The Quran and My Ahlul-Bayt, if you hold on to both these firmly, then you shall ever be successful."

  • @imanz4718
    @imanz4718 2 года назад +5

    May Allah reward Abdul Hameed for his patience and efforts to defend Islam. AMEEN

  • @jaunthemurshid
    @jaunthemurshid 5 лет назад +7

    never mess with shia of babul ilm mola Ali a.s

    • @MO-kc7th
      @MO-kc7th 4 года назад

      Hunter Squad

  • @tuahahussain9176
    @tuahahussain9176 6 лет назад +8

    If you analyse objectively you find Zain's definition of Sahaba(RA) to the spot on

    • @captainhd9741
      @captainhd9741 4 года назад

      He gave the Shia definition though. The Sunni definition is that all Sahaba are just and adil. If I am wrong about that then I apologise but it is how I have understood it.

    • @aliammar2926
      @aliammar2926 9 месяцев назад

      And you beleive that all companions of Prophet S.A.A.W were aadil and just?​@@captainhd9741

  • @mrazaiy2160
    @mrazaiy2160 6 лет назад +19

    Hamid doesn't know how to answer he is just talking nonsense.lol

    • @redgalaxy7686
      @redgalaxy7686 3 года назад

      im sorry, i think he meant he needs time and preparation to study about tawheed in shiah's context first. i dont think he has a problem to discuss about tahweed in sunni context. wallahuaa'lam

  • @zahrashah3493
    @zahrashah3493 7 лет назад +28

    He wasted 50minutes going back and forth but couldn’t prove his point 😴 zain took 15 minutes and proved his point from QURAN AND SUNNAH 😂

  • @MrTaloul
    @MrTaloul 6 лет назад +38

    the wahhabi was destroyed

    • @jewsciadid911fundisisalqee2
      @jewsciadid911fundisisalqee2 6 лет назад +4

      Talal Huss like always

    • @Redpirate88
      @Redpirate88 Год назад

      Shia kafir dog where is mahdi

    • @blademetalblade3053
      @blademetalblade3053 Год назад

      The funny thing ur thumb sucking a word invented by a British journalist their is no such thing as whabi or shia in islam my advise to you go to ur majalis and spank ur self like u always do

    • @MrTaloul
      @MrTaloul Год назад

      @@blademetalblade3053 This proves you do not even respect yourself andthe religion of islam..would the prophet speak to someone who wants to be engaged ? this is nonsense.....

    • @blademetalblade3053
      @blademetalblade3053 Год назад +1

      @@MrTaloul ur believe has nothing to do with islam beating your self is not islam ur calling ppl names tht don't exist in the religon u insult the companions and the wives of the prophet muhammad pbuh u think ppl like this deserve respect I don't think so m8 I think u should take a good look in the mirror before talking about respect m8

  • @TheVeganMuslim
    @TheVeganMuslim 6 лет назад +10

    All Abdul Hamid is doing, is beating around the bushes by repeating the same thing again & again, trying hard to anger the shia (specially Zain) - he made it clear that he's got personal issues with him at the beginning of the discussion and denying all the proof's provided by the Shia of Ali (as he's clearly in denial).

  • @hamidaryan7862
    @hamidaryan7862 6 лет назад +24

    Mashhalah shia brother ya ali madad we are the true path to get to jannat

    • @UnknownSend3r
      @UnknownSend3r 5 лет назад

      What does ya Ali madad mean

    • @deanblack4957
      @deanblack4957 5 лет назад +3

      Aris Totle it is a shirk statement

    • @ajc1753
      @ajc1753 4 года назад +3

      You dont even call upon Allah alone, you people are far from jannah because you go against the Quran and Sunnah, May Allah guide you jahil shias

    • @Ab-kh5nm
      @Ab-kh5nm 4 года назад +3

      Ajc 17 Quran and Sunnah? What basis do you have on that? If saying ya Ali is Shirk than does that mean Nabi Yacub’s (AS) children did in the quran as shirk as well, make up your mind

    • @azadmate955
      @azadmate955 4 года назад

      Aoodibillah you guys r on a mad one

  • @twenty_four24.
    @twenty_four24. 4 года назад +5

    When sunni debates I listen with open heart and mind. When Shia debates I listen with a open heart and mind. When Wahabi debates I have to clarify if his beliefs are aligned with those of ISIS but stay apprehensive about opening my heart and mind.

  • @ramanathdas7058
    @ramanathdas7058 6 лет назад +7

    So Abdul said that if you resist the Caliph of the time you’re a kaffer. Muawiya made war on Ali 3x

  • @hassanm110
    @hassanm110 6 лет назад +10

    The whole vid the sunni br didn’t answer the question the dude was asking. Bro just prove it from Quran and Sunnah.

  • @sharoneastwood.1025
    @sharoneastwood.1025 5 лет назад +11

    I spoke to soon about the bully in the hat as he's getting aggressive slowly he falling in to his true self. Give up beautiful calm man your dealing with a darkaged bully.

    • @abdulmumin6251
      @abdulmumin6251 3 года назад +1

      Sharon im sorry about this looney. Before he can preach about he needs to learn some manners and social skills.

  • @ankaboot8869
    @ankaboot8869 6 лет назад +4

    As a sunni, please don't take the brother's behaviour as an example for all of us sunnis. I'm embarassed quite frankly.

  • @khadimkhan228
    @khadimkhan228 6 лет назад +28

    Abdul hamid: Ali praise muawiyah in your book
    200 million Shia: hahaha

    • @twenty_four24.
      @twenty_four24. 4 года назад +4

      Mua'wiya cursed Ali
      Every sunni : hahahaha

    • @Ismail-fv8dq
      @Ismail-fv8dq 3 года назад

      @@yoyaboitaqtaqi4658 shias are so misguided. May Allah guide them.

    • @aliammar2926
      @aliammar2926 9 месяцев назад

      حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْعَزِيزِ يَعْنِي ابْنَ أَبِي حَازِمٍ، عَنْ أَبِي حَازِمٍ، عَنْ سَهْلِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، قَالَ: اسْتُعْمِلَ عَلَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ مِنْ آلِ مَرْوَانَ قَالَ: فَدَعَا سَهْلَ بْنَ سَعْدٍ، فَأَمَرَهُ أَنْ يَشْتِمَ عَلِيًّا قَالَ: فَأَبَى سَهْلٌ فَقَالَ لَهُ: أَمَّا إِذْ أَبَيْتَ فَقُلْ: لَعَنَ اللهُ أَبَا التُّرَابِ فَقَالَ سَهْلٌ: مَا كَانَ لِعَلِيٍّ اسْمٌ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ أَبِي التُّرَابِ، وَإِنْ كَانَ لَيَفْرَحُ إِذَا دُعِيَ بِهَا، فَقَالَ لَهُ: أَخْبِرْنَا عَنْ قِصَّتِهِ، لِمَ سُمِّيَ أَبَا تُرَابٍ؟ قَالَ: جَاءَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بَيْتَ فَاطِمَةَ، فَلَمْ يَجِدْ عَلِيًّا فِي الْبَيْتِ، فَقَالَ «أَيْنَ ابْنُ عَمِّكِ؟» فَقَالَتْ: كَانَ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَهُ شَيْءٌ، فَغَاضَبَنِي فَخَرَجَ، فَلَمْ يَقِلْ عِنْدِي، فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لِإِنْسَانٍ «انْظُرْ، أَيْنَ هُوَ؟» فَجَاءَ فَقَالَ: يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ هُوَ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ رَاقِدٌ، فَجَاءَهُ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَهُوَ مُضْطَجِعٌ، قَدْ سَقَطَ رِدَاؤُهُ عَنْ شِقِّهِ، فَأَصَابَهُ تُرَابٌ، فَجَعَلَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَمْسَحُهُ عَنْهُ وَيَقُولُ «قُمْ أَبَا التُّرَابِ قُمْ أَبَا التُّرَابِ»
      Sahih Muslim#6229
      The Book of the Merits of the Companions
      Status: صحیح
      What is your reply on this Hadith?

    • @aliammar2926
      @aliammar2926 9 месяцев назад

      حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ بَالَوَيْهِ، ثنا إِبْرَاهِيمُ الْحَرْبِيُّ، ثنا مُصْعَبُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الزُّبَيْرِيُّ، قَالَ: "" حُجْرُ بْنُ عَدِيٍّ الْكِنْدِيُّ يُكَنَّى أَبَا عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، كَانَ قَدْ وَفَدَ إِلَى النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، وَشَهِدَ الْقَادِسِيَّةَ، وَشَهِدَ الْجَمَلَ، وَصِفِّينَ مَعَ عَلِيٍّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَتَلَهُ مُعَاوِيَةُ بْنُ أَبَى سُفْيَانَ بِمَرْجِ عَذْرَاءَ، وَكَانَ لَهُ ابْنَانِ: عَبْدُ اللَّهِ، وَعَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ قَتَلَهُمَا مُصْعَبُ بْنُ الزُّبَيْرِ صَبْرًا، وَقُتِلَ حُجْرٌ سَنَةَ ثَلَاثٍ وَخَمْسِينَ ""
      [التعليق - من تلخيص الذهبي] 5974
      Al Mustadrak Hakim#5974
      And what will you say in this regard where Muawiyah gave order for the persecution of Hujr Ibn Udi R.A he was a companion of Rasool Allah S.A.A.W as well as a shia of Imam Ali A S he fought in Jamal and Sifeen from side of Imam Ali AS

    • @aliammar2926
      @aliammar2926 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@Ismail-fv8dqThere are also many other misdeeds of Muawiyah in your own books which I can qoute but these two are more than enough for opening your eyes. A person doing such cruel crimes and you still insist on calling him a sahabi yet it is evident that he became astray from the path of Prophet S.A.A.W

  • @theunknown163
    @theunknown163 6 лет назад +2

    As a young shia, through my whole life experiences, we have never partnered Allah with ANYONE! We respect the Imams because of the sacerfice they made for Islam. The enemies of Ahlal Bait wouldnt even share a drop of water to the bloodline of Prophet Muhmmad Pbuh. The children were dying of thirst and all the Imams fought thirsty and died thirsty because the enemies of Ahlal Bait denied them water. Imam Ali was stabbed in the head while making Prayer for Allah, and while it was stuck on his head he continued the prayer then when he was done he passed away Pbuh and his families tragic deaths.

  • @shahidkkn
    @shahidkkn 6 лет назад +1

    its amazing to hear that a shia wants to debate on tawheed with a sunni brother.

  • @msinco571
    @msinco571 6 лет назад +7

    Is it me but Shia have a much better energy I respect them more than the aggressive Sunni population. I’m not Muslims but just from objective observation shia are much better people it’s not even close

  • @AdamAntiumSI
    @AdamAntiumSI Год назад +2

    Holding a carrier (plastic) bag & having a worldly conversation is standard British practice 😂

  • @iramanhaider284
    @iramanhaider284 4 года назад +10


    • @yousefpalani5958
      @yousefpalani5958 4 года назад +1

      Stop worshipping ali or you will be in hell

    • @iramanhaider284
      @iramanhaider284 4 года назад +2

      @@yousefpalani5958 whos worshipping u idiot..jerk

    • @iramanhaider284
      @iramanhaider284 4 года назад +3

      @Ismail Saleh ur jahil from the quraish n aal e ummaya liar jerk..astagfirullah who worship imam Ali...

    • @iramanhaider284
      @iramanhaider284 4 года назад +2

      @Ismail Saleh so wht u called praying yazid n mwaviya...u false mukhalfeen of imam Ali...

    • @khalidsayfullah6830
      @khalidsayfullah6830 3 года назад

      Audhu Billah Shiatin

  • @rahimkarim8952
    @rahimkarim8952 6 лет назад +18

    I want to meet blade runner 💞🙌

  • @gokutech3671
    @gokutech3671 3 года назад +5

    As a Christian the Shia seem to have the truth

  • @anthonyhardley2178
    @anthonyhardley2178 6 лет назад +24

    the short muslim beat him bad, he makes a claim and cant back it up joker lol

  • @DiranzYT
    @DiranzYT 4 года назад +15

    Defend the honor Muyawia haha these people are lost haram. L3nata on him and his son yazid

  • @shughl1
    @shughl1 7 лет назад +88

    The Shi`i is asking a very simple question and yet Abdul Hamid still continues to not answer it. He continues to divert. Just answer the question. The whole point of Shi`ii people is that they are skilled debaters while Salafis are not unless they feel they have the upper hand. This is one of the reasons why we as Muslims have been commanded to avoid debates in religion. Someone who is more cogent and concise in his thinking - although wrong - will have a greater impact on the crowd and influence them. This is in the case of the Shi`ii man.
    Whereas the one that can express himself and thinks he's defending Islam fails due to the fact that he cannot express himself and answer very basic questions when pressed. This is the case of Abdul Hamid. Particularly telling was the fact that he said he was not prepared to discuss the topic of Tawhid, when Salafis always proclaim that the first affair they should call potential Salafis to is TAWHEED.
    Unfortunately Abdul Hamid neither understands his own religion nor is he able to put his ideas into discernible language and then he becomes frustrated when he is not understood. He really needs to step away from public speaking and research in detail.

    • @shughl1
      @shughl1 7 лет назад +8

      I don't know when they'll answer it. But people such as Abdul Hamid will not be able to have a developed and mature conversation that will put Shi`ii people in a position to ask and get answers to questions like this as long as he uses his incoherent way of discussion.
      Unfortunately in this instance, due to his presentation, someone who although was wrong but had better means of explanation was able to make his own position seem superior. I really do think Abdul Hamid should leave public speaking for some time just to organise his thoughts so he can better present more cogent arguments.
      It is when you meet different people that these sorts of things can happen when you don't understand what you believe, how to present it and how to present yourself in a way where the opponent can understand it. This is what really hurts him in fact. He might have some really good things to say but he doesn't know how to get it across.

    • @rubymunday3557
      @rubymunday3557 7 лет назад +1

      the quest ion is so simple that i wonder why the shi is asking it? what else is there to discuss about Tawheed. shia never seem to do tawheed only worship of Imam hussein and ali. and lastly the Holy prophet of islam.

    • @ibmlenovo1
      @ibmlenovo1 7 лет назад

      shughl1 Hamid did better in this part.

    • @shughl1
      @shughl1 7 лет назад +5

      I agree. He looked more poised but at some point someone lit the fire and he got all worked up and was all over the place again. He's got to switch from Raisin Bran to Wheatabix. He's getting way too much sugar and he's getting hyper.

    • @007VitaminD
      @007VitaminD 7 лет назад +7

      Hassan didnt pledge allegiance, he only made a treaty like Hudaiybiyya the Prophet did with KUFFAR. Ali didnt call him brother, and Muawiya was just acting like Muslim on outside, later his actions revealed when he declared war on the Muslims. But now he's in pits of HELLFIRE. Takbir!

  • @jackalphonso3526
    @jackalphonso3526 7 лет назад +84

    The guy was scared for some odd reason to discuss tawhid

    • @MrAlio84
      @MrAlio84 7 лет назад +15

      Jack Peaceful Last week the Shiite agreed to discuss Adala of Sahaba, but today he is doing taqiyya and said he didnt.

    • @yamanghazi
      @yamanghazi 7 лет назад +1

      a debate in tawhid is a one sided debate where sunni is questioning the tawhid of a shiaa

    • @khurramhussain440
      @khurramhussain440 7 лет назад +12

      A shia discussing tawheed 😂😂😂😂 that's a funny one. There's no point. They have no concept of tawheed

    • @Zulfiqarr
      @Zulfiqarr 7 лет назад

      Yeah genius, no concept of tawheed at all, when the first Usul ad-Din is Tawheed of Allah.

    • @amirhussain1449
      @amirhussain1449 6 лет назад

      Zain you like playing tricks you have distorted the religion

  • @UEveryThing
    @UEveryThing 7 лет назад +2

    Guys does Raza have a channel or an account on instagram ?????

  • @abomahdihijazi
    @abomahdihijazi 6 лет назад +6

    I love you zain wallahi!!

  • @LoBaller123
    @LoBaller123 7 лет назад +9

    When Abdul Hamed said We, the Sunnis, are the true Shias of Ali (RA) and the shias laughed, he should of asked them "As muslims, we all believe that Jesus Pbuh was a messenger of Allah amd not God or the son of God. Therefore, although the Christians mention Jesus more than we do and claim they are the lovers of Christ, We THE MUSLIMS are actually THE TRUE FOLLOWERS of Christ."

    • @lemortedbrian6070
      @lemortedbrian6070 2 года назад

      except we dont praise the enemies of jesus, while sunnis praise the people who fought imam ali and killed thousands of his companions and the caliphates that institutionalized cursing him in friday prayers. you cant praise the enemies of the ahlulbayt and claim to love them, its just basic logic..

  • @srmalik
    @srmalik 4 года назад +4

    Shia - 1 Salafi - 0. Shia wins. I’m a Sunni btw

    • @Warlock786
      @Warlock786 4 года назад +2

      Salafi are trying to divide the Ummah

    • @aleeilhaan2077
      @aleeilhaan2077 4 года назад +1

      @@Warlock786 salafi are those group created by US &UK

    • @Warlock786
      @Warlock786 4 года назад +1

      @@aleeilhaan2077 They were created by Saudis but heavily funded anf influenced by Western propaganda

  • @max1915
    @max1915 7 лет назад +67

    The Shia Muslim Is Way More Convincing

    • @bilalnizami3649
      @bilalnizami3649 6 лет назад +2

      reallyyy? hamid is just trying to avoid because he knows shias wanna make mess of tawheed over here. topic was adala of sahaba but shias came with questioning tawheed and this simply implicates that they came here in a group with planning to attack.

  • @CouncilofNiceEars
    @CouncilofNiceEars 7 лет назад +4

    Content, I know it's been said many a time but I gotta repeat. The camerawork is impeccable. Peace!

  • @aaaaaaa1
    @aaaaaaa1 7 лет назад +2

    37:16 Abdulrehman ibn Udays was a so called sahabi who gave allegiance under the tree who later went on to participate in the victory of Egypt became the General of the Army that attacked Uthman.

  • @h.h.m8225
    @h.h.m8225 4 года назад +6

    This was a debate about having a debate 😂

  • @momin4811
    @momin4811 7 лет назад +78

    Shias always win

    • @omarsafwan4209
      @omarsafwan4209 6 лет назад +1


    • @expertstaff4741
      @expertstaff4741 6 лет назад +1

      Amazing a bunch of people who whip themselves are claiming victory when you are the minority and badly outnumbered in your thought and logic

    • @syedmuhammadsibtain
      @syedmuhammadsibtain 5 лет назад +3

      Shia means truth and truth always wins

    • @omarsafwan4209
      @omarsafwan4209 5 лет назад +1

      Muhammad Sibtain nope bro. I hope you find the truth in ur heart someday

    • @syedmuhammadsibtain
      @syedmuhammadsibtain 5 лет назад +4

      @@omarsafwan4209 Dear brother ..... I have already found the truth about Shia. That's why I am saying Shia is the right way of ISLAM

  • @shakeelahmad4129
    @shakeelahmad4129 7 лет назад +14

    abdul hamid is finally bashed.

    • @iamzaheerul
      @iamzaheerul 5 лет назад

      I'm so amazed that these people don't have a bit of knowledge and ranting in comment section 😶

  • @BinaryTechnique
    @BinaryTechnique 3 года назад +2

    So this is the infamous video that shamsi said to him shia has to teach you about tawheed lol

  • @iam_ashhar
    @iam_ashhar 6 лет назад +4

    This video puts me in doubt about defination of Sahaba & their adalah as a sunni.Abdul Hamid don't debate if you don't have knowledge about the subject.You can't prove from Quran & Sunnah,poor!!

  • @princeaa4593
    @princeaa4593 6 лет назад

    Assalam... when will the tawheed debate video coming out?

    • @princeaa4593
      @princeaa4593 6 лет назад

      Content Over Everything Noted with thanks 👍

    • @blacksupermanrsa
      @blacksupermanrsa 6 лет назад +1

      Maybe non of these sunni's want to debate anymore with zain cuz the kid is very sharp.....

    • @princeaa4593
      @princeaa4593 6 лет назад

      habeeb adams I see 😂
      Looking forward for more of his debates

  • @pentz1
    @pentz1 7 лет назад +91

    Shia ALL DAY!!! #ShiaLove

    • @pentz1
      @pentz1 7 лет назад +5

      s313.....Shia Power! Love power. God Power!!!

    • @abbasjaffar7895
      @abbasjaffar7895 7 лет назад +2

      May u live long brother. Mashallah

    • @TheBatoorkhan
      @TheBatoorkhan 6 лет назад +2

      Muslim all day

    • @snickers7627
      @snickers7627 6 лет назад +1

      True Islam is the Shiat of Ali Ibn Talib. Shias are the follower of the prophets(pbup) BLOOD!

    • @hussainabdul8811
      @hussainabdul8811 6 лет назад


  • @hajrab.3477
    @hajrab.3477 Год назад +1

    just realised how lucky i am to have found the way to love the ahlulbayt. brother abdulhamed has knowledge but still he lives the persons who were enemies of the ahlulbayt.

  • @moarend8989
    @moarend8989 7 лет назад +81

    this abdul got smoked again...

    • @moarend8989
      @moarend8989 7 лет назад +3

      Krsone: So sorry oh blessed Amir, I will hold my tongue from now on. You have the absolute right to call me Munafiq cause you are wise and have all the knowledge and holy and righteous, I hope one day I could come close to your superiority over other men, so that I too can go around degrading people

    • @abbasjaffar7895
      @abbasjaffar7895 7 лет назад +1


    • @danishsulaiman3312
      @danishsulaiman3312 6 лет назад

      Mo Arend Sermon 144
      About this world and on innovation (bid`ah)
      O' people, you are, in this world, the target for the arrows of death. With every drinking there is choking and with every eating there is suffocation. You do not get any benefit in it except by foregoing another (benefit) and no one among you advances in age by a day except by the taking away of a day from his life. Nothing more is added to his eating unless it reduces what was there before. No mark appears for him unless a mark disappears. Nothing new comes into being unless the new becomes old. No new crop comes up unless a crop has been reaped. Those roots are gone whose off-shoots we are. How can an off-shoot live after the departure of its root?
      No innovation is introduced unless one sunnah is forsaken, keep away from innovations and stick to the broad road. Surely the old tested ways are the best and the innovated ones are bad.
      Nahjal balagha

  • @kaptaan_original
    @kaptaan_original 4 года назад +2

    first blade runner says, i'm not interrupting you but then proceeds to interrupt.

  • @JoePedro883
    @JoePedro883 5 лет назад +12

    16:07 abdul hameed wants to discuss muawiya’s honour. What honour does muawiya have? I want hardcore evidence from Sunni books that his father is actually Abu sofiyan.

  • @sahilhussain5665
    @sahilhussain5665 6 лет назад

    Can anyone pls tell me the name of the person whom they refer to as shiekh and is he involved in such debates

  • @sheerkhan8
    @sheerkhan8 6 лет назад +13

    Zain killed him 🙂

  • @user-bi8eu1pl9s
    @user-bi8eu1pl9s 6 лет назад

    This isn't the full debate , it's not even half , you've cut out the most important bit which was the debate over muawiyah , why??? What are you hiding

  • @Ali124hdkflc
    @Ali124hdkflc 3 года назад +4

    50:23 shows that guy in the white hat literally beat around the bush the entire time just to say he doesn't get it from the Quran or the sunna. Lol.

  • @rehmanbhatti1599
    @rehmanbhatti1599 7 лет назад

    Salam zain I wait for your videos every week....here from newyork.... thanks you for doing this

  • @nazshah3932
    @nazshah3932 7 лет назад +8

    Hamid is not ready for a tawheed discussion, cmon man

  • @hiraadieel6304
    @hiraadieel6304 7 лет назад +2

    the Prophet came as a mercy to mankind to establish the truth. the shia say he didnt affect the people around him

    @LIVERZ 7 лет назад +15

    The irony Shia wants to talk about tawheed but fails miserably when they call on to Ali r.a..

    • @007VitaminD
      @007VitaminD 7 лет назад +6

      Yet your man is scared to talk about it? I wonder why....hmm. Should be easy according to you.

    • @LIVERZ
      @LIVERZ 7 лет назад +1

      007VitaminD Understand what pure tawheed is then you'll figure out why he didn't bother with that topic with a shia..

    • @joeandreson5711
      @joeandreson5711 6 лет назад +4

      Ya Ali

    • @fatimazaidi7068
      @fatimazaidi7068 6 лет назад +1

      @@007VitaminD its like calling the wolf with these sunnis. Any rational argument with them and they'll shout 'TAUHEED'. Entire karbala was to protect tauhid. But yeah lets hear about tauhid from these ISIS, hamas supporting Muslims.

  • @lailahaillallah3215
    @lailahaillallah3215 5 лет назад +1

    Whoever causes division in Islam is no part of Islam
    Just check up on this brothers before arguing about being suni or Shia or whatever.
    I am a Muslim

  • @gX-sp3to
    @gX-sp3to 6 лет назад +3

    B runner win ... I’m happy I seen this video ...

  • @AshiqaliRatnani
    @AshiqaliRatnani 7 лет назад

    Abdul Hamid was going from Quran to Sunna to Aql to Ijmah of Scholars .. He was changing his position based on what the Shia was putting forth

  • @hmdchy
    @hmdchy 7 лет назад +6

    by looking at the comments, I can tell that a lot of sunnis do not know what
    shia believe and how "different" they are from the sunni muslims.

  • @thelion2087
    @thelion2087 2 года назад +1

    Alhumdillah for being a Shia follower of Ahalbayt. The Salafi ideologies needs to stop with their innovations. Asgferallah

  • @shhaba6519
    @shhaba6519 7 лет назад +36

    this sunny brother is defending the faith. god bless and reward him for his efforts in giving dawah and clearing up false beliefs

    • @supadupadutty
      @supadupadutty 7 лет назад +8

      What false beliefs did he clear up?

    • @alimohammed4709
      @alimohammed4709 6 лет назад

      What about the cloudy brudda?

    • @mrlegend3330
      @mrlegend3330 6 лет назад

      He's not Sunni, he's Wahabbi get it right bro.

    • @3litepker
      @3litepker 6 лет назад

      Mr Legend Sunni, Wahabbi, all the same thing.

  • @adamahmadbey714
    @adamahmadbey714 7 лет назад +2

    Quran 9:101 as presented by the blade runner, The verse does not speaks about muhajireen , it says among the arab , when it comes to muhajireen it is clearly specified, the verse 101 is not for abu bakr umar usman ali or any of the muhajireen, zain rizvi shia blade runner doesn't know arabic neither most of shias here, when god means muhajireen it is specific than rest of the arabs. 101 mentions arabs not muhajireen

  • @mohamoudgoth9461
    @mohamoudgoth9461 7 лет назад +7

    Blade runner good name, challenges people then tries to let someone else debate for him. The Shia cult is deranged.

    • @Rida_MCR1
      @Rida_MCR1 6 лет назад

      Mohamoud Goth it’s his brother Ali. Not just “someone else”.

    • @94mja
      @94mja 6 лет назад +1

      Mohamoud Goth
      because blade runner (zayn) want to talk about tawheed. The Sunnis are strange people. Be careful. Hamid is Terrorist and he prove it‘s self.

  • @annonymous3948
    @annonymous3948 3 месяца назад +1

    Dis iz deh wickedest one-sided soundclash pon Yuhtube. Shias soundsystem got bare gunshat and forwards each round...the salafi sunni soundsystem was broken and deh needle kept jumping!

  • @Mahdi-gg4tf
    @Mahdi-gg4tf 4 года назад +2

    اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ ال مُحَمَّدٍ