Sergei Prokofiev : Alexander Nevsky, Op.78 (Yuri Temirkanov / St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra)

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 305

  • @cmmorales777
    @cmmorales777 11 месяцев назад +29

    Sergei Eisenstein was an amazing filmmaker. Sergei Prokofiev was equally amazing as a composer.

  • @oddballmkiii9640
    @oddballmkiii9640 3 года назад +61

    Battle on the Ice just sounds epic…

  • @neodequate
    @neodequate 8 месяцев назад +9

    Хоть такого термина не существует, но когда я слышу произведения Сергея Сергеевича Прокофьева, на ум приходит выражение «композитор-монументалист». Его произведения на столько величественны и масштабны, что перед внутренним взором проносятся целые эпохи, цивилизации, стихии. Слава великому гению! Отдельное спасибо Юрию Хатуевичу Темирканову, Валерию Абисаловичу Гергиеву, Святославу Теофиловичу Рихтеру, и многим другим мастерам, благодаря таланту которых, музыка Прокофьева доступна широкой публике!

    • @Pilgrimm21
      @Pilgrimm21 18 дней назад

      Thank you for putting into words the profound feelings I always experience when listening to the compositions of composers such as Prokofiev, and so many others. Those are thoughts and feelings I have always had, but never had, or sought to have, the venue in which to express them. Many thanks to you for your revelations!

  • @GooglyEyedJoe
    @GooglyEyedJoe 4 года назад +226

    Where each starts:
    0:00 - Russia under the Mongolian Yoke
    3:21 - Song about Alexander Nevsky
    6:17 - The Crusaders in Pskov
    12:50 - Arise, Men of Russia
    15:15 - The Battle on Ice
    28:20 - The Field of the Dead
    34:20 - Alexander's Entry into Pskov

  • @jacekwierzbicki7442
    @jacekwierzbicki7442 4 года назад +64

    Genialna muzyka i jeszcze genialniejszy film. Pozdrowienia z Polski.

    • @TomTom-ez7vv
      @TomTom-ez7vv 2 года назад +5

      Wonderfully classic masterpease for the world to enjoy

    • @theyaregone
      @theyaregone 7 месяцев назад

      Djakuem! ❤

  • @sergiorizzi-k6n
    @sergiorizzi-k6n 7 месяцев назад +13

    Geniale Prokofiev! Le voci, e del coro, e della soprano, sono da sogno! Grazie!

  • @henningmidtgaardhanssen6035
    @henningmidtgaardhanssen6035 8 лет назад +88

    The most moving interpretation of "The field of the dead" I ever heard

    • @bennyrobertson
      @bennyrobertson 6 лет назад +14

      Totally agree. This mezzo perfectly captures the anguish of Russian women searching the field of the dead for the bodies of their loved ones. Heartbreaking - you don't have to understand Russian to feel that.

    • @phil2u48
      @phil2u48 4 года назад +7

      My heart (and "ear") belong to Ewa Podles. Nevertheless, I have listened to this numerous times and agree that it is a definitive interpretation.

    • @axelx4770
      @axelx4770 3 года назад +2

      That's a meaningless comment because nobody knows who you are, what other performances you have heard or what your benchmarks are for assessing their relative merits.

    • @danielburwasser60
      @danielburwasser60 2 года назад +3

      @@bennyrobertson wow. I cried at this one

    • @the_sheet
      @the_sheet Год назад

      @@axelx4770 love of music might be a starting point. It's subjective for sure

  • @irinamihajlovic9121
    @irinamihajlovic9121 6 лет назад +50

    Pozdrav iz Srbije. BRAVO!

  • @nnn-cv8tx
    @nnn-cv8tx 3 года назад +30

    Шедевры классической музыки, отличное исполнение симфонического оркестра и хора

    • @utoro5
      @utoro5 2 года назад +1

      Что иронично, написано это было в 1937-38 годах, уже при Советской власти.
      Классика вне времени!

  • @Алисасмерть
    @Алисасмерть 3 года назад +16

    I dont really understand people who click "dislike" on this kind of videos...

    • @sergeik4143
      @sergeik4143 10 месяцев назад +3

      Украинцы или поляки.

    • @paulhenner8914
      @paulhenner8914 5 месяцев назад

      Neither do I !

    • @jeffreymafereka9477
      @jeffreymafereka9477 Месяц назад +1

      People with little knowledge or none for the Art of Music and History... let's forgive them 😊

    • @jeffkardosjr.3825
      @jeffkardosjr.3825 Месяц назад


  • @michaelgadsby
    @michaelgadsby 4 года назад +26

    Field of the Dead is sung so heart-rendingly. What a deathly beautiful interpretation. If Ewa Podles sings it like she's channelling the blood-soaked earth of the battlefield, this is more like the icy wind shifting through the twisted carnage like a lonesome ghost, set against a barely moving sky with the sunrise but a sanguine smear.

    • @daflotsam
      @daflotsam Год назад +1

      I must say I've read your comment a few times. It's nearly as beautiful as the singing it's created to describe.

    • @michaelgadsby
      @michaelgadsby Год назад

      @@daflotsam that's very kind :)

    • @tbthomas5117
      @tbthomas5117 Год назад

      Spot-on. I had the pleasure of recording the whole thing, albeit, punctuated by dog-food commercials and sundry other garbage provided by RUclips. There should be a prohibition on interrupting music (orchestral in particular) with this awful detritus.

  • @franciscoespinozagamboa6490
    @franciscoespinozagamboa6490 7 лет назад +53

    Prokofiev; gran genio de la humanidad.

  • @cyrilignatiuskendrick6663
    @cyrilignatiuskendrick6663 Год назад +6

    I really love the way Ketevan Kemoklidze, Mezzo-soprano got underneath that song and brought it to life. Priceless!

  • @christopherbalchin9065
    @christopherbalchin9065 4 месяца назад +1

    I just opened this to hear Field of the Dead, so that's all I'm commenting on for now. How magnificent! Ketevan Kemoklidze, thank you.

  • @DonVanVliet
    @DonVanVliet Год назад +26

    The most important, innovative, terrifying, awesome soundtrack ever. Decades forward any other similar work in the history of cinema.

  • @sarunda2003
    @sarunda2003 Год назад +5

    Ovo smo pre mnogo godina pevali u Srbiji , hor Collegium musicum i Krsmanac. Kakvo veličanstveno delo i kakvo savršeno izvodjenje !❤❤❤

  • @alexandrbarr6614
    @alexandrbarr6614 5 лет назад +29

    Как без этого произведения жить Русскому человеку я не представляю!!!

    • @foul-weatherjack6955
      @foul-weatherjack6955 4 года назад +3

      Никак, только нерусь и вырусь скалится, а мы слушаем и радуемся, потому что мы русские, какой восторг!

    • @ЛюдмилаАфанасьева-т2ь
      @ЛюдмилаАфанасьева-т2ь 4 года назад +2

      Привет друже из казахстана, мы русские из далика любим Россию предков землю святой Руси!😘😘😘😘🙋‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️❤❤❤❤❤❤🖐

    • @foul-weatherjack6955
      @foul-weatherjack6955 4 года назад +2

      @@ЛюдмилаАфанасьева-т2ь Северный Казахстан - русская земля, надеюсь, вас там местные аборигены не притесняют. Даст Бог, может и воссоединимся когда-то. Россия многое потеряла за последний страшный век, но пока в нас всех бьётся сердце и в огненных жилах течет наша русская кровь, пока мы храним нашу святую и праведную веру Христову, пока мы чувствуем под ногами нашу почву, мы живы и не потеряны для мира, связаны единой великой судьбой.

    • @ЛюдмилаАфанасьева-т2ь
      @ЛюдмилаАфанасьева-т2ь 4 года назад +5

      @@foul-weatherjack6955 Мы чтим своих русских предков и уважаем и любим. Народы другой национальности тоже уважаем и нас никто не обежает, всё хорошо спасиба.

    • @ОльгаАбросимова-з3у
      @ОльгаАбросимова-з3у 3 года назад +3

      @@foul-weatherjack6955 , фу, националисты.((( Мне нравится музыка, но я против любой войны.

  • @mariorubinacci5046
    @mariorubinacci5046 4 года назад +12

    una musica eccezionale senza tempo unita al film "Alexander Newsky" un gioiello.

  • @НатальяВиноградова-г1р


  • @Анастасия-с6и8ч
    @Анастасия-с6и8ч 6 месяцев назад +2

    Какая прекрасная музыка! Нет слов!!!

  • @hamida4634
    @hamida4634 11 месяцев назад +4

    Браво! Браво! Браво! Брависсимо! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💐💐💐💐✨👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @pascalbondis2559
    @pascalbondis2559 4 года назад +18

    Incroyablement beau. Un concert extraordinaire pour cette œuvre en dehors du temps ! La mezzo est époustouflante !

  • @pelayosquared
    @pelayosquared 3 года назад +11

    The rendition of The Field of the Dead is haunting and beautiful. Thank you.

  • @Williamhoustra
    @Williamhoustra Месяц назад

    Très belle interprétation ! Alexandre Nevsky est dans ma collection de DVD que j'ai toujours plaisir à revoir.

  • @valdemarrempen7095
    @valdemarrempen7095 5 лет назад +30

    Удивительно то, с каким глубоким смыслом исполнили Оп.78 великолепные мастера: Кетеван Кемоклидзе, Хор Санта-Сицилия и музыканты Петербургской Филармонии. Так настроить огромный коллектив и исполнить гениальную музыку Сергея Сергеевича Прокофьева мог только Юрий Хатуевич Темирканов, - гениальный художник, человек в доме которого в давние годы гостил сам композитор и, прежде всего, - человек мальчиком встретивший так кошмар войны, человек исключительной силы духа, великой души. Спасибо !

  • @arthurtenwolde790
    @arthurtenwolde790 4 года назад +37

    Extraordinary, very moving performance. Knowing the masterpiece from live amateur concerts, THIS is how the music sounded in my mind then - and now we can listen to it. Incredible also that the powerful emotions come through even though this is a recording. Imagine how it must have affected the live audience :)

  • @ricohsil6261
    @ricohsil6261 4 года назад +16

    Женская партия в мёртвом поле , пожалуй одна из самых лучших ...

    • @ОлегЛесков-у8о
      @ОлегЛесков-у8о 3 года назад +1

      Основная часть - Битва на льду - всё-таки сложнее и мощнее с точки зрения партий оркестра

  • @shakespeareescueladeactore9478
    @shakespeareescueladeactore9478 4 года назад +16


  • @DucksDeLucks
    @DucksDeLucks 4 года назад +6

    Wonderful performance and sound. Best since my 1960s Nonesuch recording.

  • @e.h.escobedo7783
    @e.h.escobedo7783 8 лет назад +34

    This is an extraordinary performance. The singer really transmits the sentiment in The Field of the Dead, which even has a noticeable effect on the musicians near her.

    • @mianom
      @mianom 3 года назад

      You have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever played a musical instrument?

    • @e.h.escobedo7783
      @e.h.escobedo7783 3 года назад +8

      As a matter of fact, I can play the piano, the guitar and sing. I have composed several pieces myself.
      You, on the contrary, attack a random comment on RUclips without providing any evidence of technical issues on the interpretation, or even a contrasting argument that we could learn from.
      And even if you had the arguments, you have no right to contest or derive ad hominem statements from my personal appreciation for this piece or its interpretation, you little-minded, little person.

  • @michelebarbieri4932
    @michelebarbieri4932 Год назад +4

    03:21 Bella - bella da piangere! Красивая - хочется плакать!
    А и было дело на Неве-реке,
    На Неве-реке, на большой воде.
    Там рубили мы злое воинство,
    Злое воинство, войско шведское.
    Ух, как бились мы, как рубились мы!
    Ух, рубили корабли по досточкам.
    Нашу кровь-руду не жалели мы
    За великую землю русскую.
    Где прошел топор, была улица,
    Где летело копье - переулочек.
    Положили мы шведов, немчинов,
    Как ковыль траву на сухой земле.
    Не уступим мы землю русскую.
    Кто придет на Русь, будет насмерть бит.
    Поднялася Русь супротив врага;
    Поднимись на бой, славный Новгород!

  • @luiscaprara3504
    @luiscaprara3504 7 месяцев назад +2

    Quando fui assistir ao filme de Eisenstein, naquele dia havia comprado o disco com a trilha.
    Os amigos que foram comigo se encantaram por que eu já tinha os traços do que seria o roteiro do filme.
    Não nos esqueçamos de que está grande obra fez parte do esforço de guerra contra o nazismo.
    O encontro de dois gênios a partir de duas obras grandiosas.
    PS.:Meu disco com a obra é em vinil.
    Os corais Russos são estupendos!

  • @ronmcgill9366
    @ronmcgill9366 2 года назад +2

    It's just superb! When combined with the film, even more so!

  • @Freebirdshearth
    @Freebirdshearth 7 лет назад +207

    It is nothing short of a sin to intersperse these horrid ads in the midst of this magnificent performance.

    • @Nina-ny4mw
      @Nina-ny4mw 6 лет назад +19

      one word: adblock

    • @dirkjaekens5164
      @dirkjaekens5164 6 лет назад +2

      Skripachka could change that by deleting the breaks, but maybe he/she is more interested in add revenues.

    • @jforozco12
      @jforozco12 5 лет назад +10

      I would understand if this was the orchestra channel and the ad money would go to support the rendition of this awesome music but its just some guy uploading somebody else's work and getting money for it, also it would be better if they limit the ads to the start and or ending of the video

    • @user-tl4fi6oy8d
      @user-tl4fi6oy8d 5 лет назад +4

      adblock all day every day

    • @DucksDeLucks
      @DucksDeLucks 4 года назад +4

      @@paulhenner8914 Why do you expect to get everything for free? It took WORK to create this, not just on Prokofiev's part but on the part of RUclips employees. IF you don't like ads sign up for RUclips Red for only $10 a month. Isn't Prokofiev worth that?

  • @hamida4634
    @hamida4634 11 месяцев назад +1

    Спасибо за запись! Браво! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹✨👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @elmiramuradova561
    @elmiramuradova561 Год назад +4

    Все прекрасны и композитор,и дирижёр,и оркестр ,а главное музыка❤❤

  • @rubenskiii
    @rubenskiii 7 лет назад +13

    I love this version, best i have found untill now.

  • @jeffreymafereka9477
    @jeffreymafereka9477 10 месяцев назад +5

    Beautiful... Russia... Beautiful sound great art. 🇷🇺🇿🇦

  • @irinamihajlovic9121
    @irinamihajlovic9121 4 года назад +4


  • @the_sheet
    @the_sheet 2 года назад +2

    Listening to this masterpiece, my mind drifts off to the great battles of war, indeed to the final battle yet to be waged.

  • @marlidarochagaldino849
    @marlidarochagaldino849 5 лет назад +4

    Magnífico!!... maravilhosa cantata, fantástico poder apreciar uma jóia musical de um gênio chamado Prokofiev.

    • @jzpatelut
      @jzpatelut 5 лет назад

      THANKS jzpatelut...

  • @roymayh3819
    @roymayh3819 3 года назад +8

    The mezzo is tremendous, great job, this is a difficult piece, impressive

  • @MD-md4th
    @MD-md4th 3 года назад +10

    13:35 makes me wish I were Russian. Goosebumps!

  • @ricohsil6261
    @ricohsil6261 5 лет назад +21

    Prokofiev genius

  • @Richard-b5r9v
    @Richard-b5r9v Год назад +1

    Battle on the Ice has that Relentless driving percussive pulse about it

  • @juliencauchois3425
    @juliencauchois3425 5 лет назад +4

    Superbe concert !

  • @tbthomas5117
    @tbthomas5117 Год назад +1

    Magnificent! Bring this [Nevsky] to America -- Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado!!!

  • @atoakim
    @atoakim 7 лет назад +19

    Non posso sentire la cantata dei morti, senza brividi, e piango. Questa musica profetica di Prokofiev, ci costringe a ricordare i ventisette milioni di morti russi, civili e soldati, trucidati dalle truppe nazifasciste mandate ad aggredire l'URSS, dalla congiura occidentale architettata e condotta a termine a Monaco nel 1938 (trasformata per fortuna da Stalin in una guerra tra di loro). Grande amato Popolo Russo non dimenticheremo!!

    • @edoardozampetti4601
      @edoardozampetti4601 9 месяцев назад +1

      Questo canto dei morti lo sentiranno i soldati della Nato se oseranno varcare Kaliningrad

    • @gordonsmith8899
      @gordonsmith8899 5 месяцев назад

      What "Western conspiracy" are you referring to? The only conspiracy known to history, is the 1939 Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact - an Eastern conspiracy between Hitler and Stalin that led to the occupation of Poland.

    • @michelebarbieri4932
      @michelebarbieri4932 3 месяца назад

      Bravo atoakim!

  • @carujo33
    @carujo33 3 года назад +4

    ¡Impresionante esta música!

  • @juancarlossaldias855
    @juancarlossaldias855 2 года назад +2

    Tremenda obra maestra, una delicia para los oídos.!!

  • @Eldarion72
    @Eldarion72 4 года назад +3


  • @paolavargas5399
    @paolavargas5399 7 месяцев назад +1

    Magnificent !

  • @davidsimpson9647
    @davidsimpson9647 9 лет назад +106

    God bless Mother Russia,peace from Scotland

    • @ilyalarin911
      @ilyalarin911 4 года назад +10

      God bless Scotland! With best wishes from Moscow Russia.

    • @Алекс-к4х
      @Алекс-к4х Год назад

      Русский народ - европейский! Мы за мир в Европе! Но Украина это монстр, её надо уничтожить, ради жизни. И мы это сделаем!!!

  • @stefanrauch8933
    @stefanrauch8933 8 лет назад +25

    This is surely one of the best renditions of this masterwork-breathtaking!!!!

  • @KOSA1573
    @KOSA1573 7 лет назад +12

    хорошее исполнение. very best.

  • @vincentwilson7679
    @vincentwilson7679 8 лет назад +3

    Agree with you Henning and as regards the Cantata an excellent rendition of this classic

  • @michaeldoyle6702
    @michaeldoyle6702 6 лет назад +6

    Check out 27:09 and the next minute. Beautiful recapitulation of the themes played. Warm and seductive.

  • @Ernesticoful
    @Ernesticoful 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @kazpfster
    @kazpfster 4 года назад +2

    absolutely a genius work,,,,,

  • @jerryengelbach
    @jerryengelbach 6 лет назад +5

    Thank you for uploading this. It was a tremendously moving performance, especially the mezzo singer, who brought tears to my eyes. My only caveat is that the enormous size of the forces made for some muddiness in the sound, as well as the difficulty of keeping all the players precisely in sync.

    • @tbthomas5117
      @tbthomas5117 Год назад

      Please spare us your nuances -- the conductor was outstanding! (And BTW, when horses and/or men clad in armor fall through broken ice, there's bound to be a little muddiness !;)

    • @jerryengelbach
      @jerryengelbach Год назад

      @@tbthomas5117 Art is about nuances. I’ve heard many performances of this work, all different. You can disagree with me, but I won’t withhold my own opinion.

  • @vasyakurolesov633
    @vasyakurolesov633 6 лет назад +43

    Вставайте люди РУССКИЕ !!!

    • @paulhenner8914
      @paulhenner8914 5 месяцев назад

      YES..........Get up and throw of the Putin yolk ! !

  • @ТатьянаБондаренко-ц7р
    @ТатьянаБондаренко-ц7р 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @Leonidasmavrole
    @Leonidasmavrole 2 года назад +2

    Real masterpiece!!!

  • @daltonagre
    @daltonagre 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great art doesn't gets older. I live in Brazil.

  • @DavidPerez-wd6tx
    @DavidPerez-wd6tx Месяц назад

    Woow, bellísima obra, maravillosa interpretación todo el coro la orquesta y su gran direcció Russia,viva Orokofiev.❤🎉🎉

  • @ronmcgill9366
    @ronmcgill9366 2 года назад

    P.S. Then the choreographed entry of the soloist, walking mysteriously from the right, through the orchestra, singing, then leaving, again equally mysteriously, to the left. Phenomenal!

  • @lacufd
    @lacufd Год назад +1

    Excelente, épica, muy bella.

  • @brucewallace2
    @brucewallace2 7 лет назад +7

    This is just so brilliant. Who said cinematic music wasn't art?

    • @nicholasmanila
      @nicholasmanila 6 лет назад +2

      Bruce Wallace pretty sure no one has ever said that

    • @dabedwards
      @dabedwards 4 года назад

      @@nicholasmanila I think he meant "great art", and this prejudice still exists (less so, now), despite music like this, and the film music of Vaughan Williams, Shostakovich and Walton being the equal to much "pure music" of the concert hall.

    • @JulioLeonFandinho
      @JulioLeonFandinho 2 года назад

      normally movie scores don't have to work without the images, but sometimes it happens like this one... basically because it's a rearrangement Prokofiev made from the film score. He gave it a cantata form which makes all this music coherent and comprehensible...
      in a typical movie score you have musical fragments to accompanying scenes, if you listen to that at once it doesn't make much sense.
      put it together again with the movie and it works

  • @mvps2060
    @mvps2060 2 года назад +3

    In modern times the best music has been composed for movies . This is the best of the best. What can compare ?

  • @ОлегЛесков-у8о
    @ОлегЛесков-у8о 3 года назад +6

    18:25 Prokofiev is genius

  • @ИгорьДымченко-к9л
    @ИгорьДымченко-к9л 3 месяца назад

    Prokofiev is Real Master of Orchestration.

  • @ИгорьДымченко-к9л
    @ИгорьДымченко-к9л 3 месяца назад

    Great performance.

  • @CULTsectary
    @CULTsectary 2 года назад +1


  • @kvetoslavatusjakova9168
    @kvetoslavatusjakova9168 Год назад +1


  • @JimSmithInChiapas
    @JimSmithInChiapas 6 лет назад +26

    I'm not a fan of vocals in symphonies, so I tend to mentally block out the "Field of the Dead" when I'm listening to this piece. But about 20 seconds into Ketevan Kemoklidze's rendition, I just had to put aside my work to listen. 'Nuff said.

    • @dinoottocento2626
      @dinoottocento2626 2 года назад +1

      Togliere la dolcezza delcanto del campo dei morti al corpo dell'alexander nevskij sarebbe come togliere le immagini relative del film di Eisensteijn. Come togliere il canto di Solveyg dal Peer Gint. E via elencando.

  • @JusupovaLilya
    @JusupovaLilya 11 месяцев назад

    I m listening to this music for the second day and the theme in the beginning inspires me with fear about Asian nomads like how horrible they could be at that medieval time.😨
    And I think Prokofiev could describe it great⚡
    Well that's great work of him🔥

  • @tgamirov
    @tgamirov 3 года назад

    This has changed my perspective on my beloved 1982 Conan the Barbarian soundtrack. This one is the daddy.

  • @jeffreymafereka9477
    @jeffreymafereka9477 10 месяцев назад

    The Mezzo 👌❤️🌹

  • @YThome7
    @YThome7 8 лет назад +6

    Splendid! Even for 21 century Prokofiev is so modern. Is it Phyladelphia orchestra? Tuba is superhuman. It is a messenger, not a musician. The idea of Alexander Nevsky, was communicated to Russian people just in time: both through music and visually through the movie. This idea no matter how historically accurate saved Russia from United Nazi Europe in 1941-1945. Is it still alive? What does this music tell to modern Russians?

    • @jzpatelut
      @jzpatelut 8 лет назад +2


    • @voronion
      @voronion 5 лет назад +2

      This is Saint Petersburg orchestra.

    • @ТатьянаБондаренко-ц7р
      @ТатьянаБондаренко-ц7р 7 месяцев назад +1

      Это оркестр СПетербургской филармонии и главный дирижер Ю. Темирканов.

  • @albertbrancato2586
    @albertbrancato2586 5 лет назад +1

    Oh !!! And the finale !!!!

  • @gpcrawford8353
    @gpcrawford8353 7 месяцев назад

    Prokofiev was a student of Rimsky-Korsakov at St Petersburg conservatory though he didn’t like his method of teaching. Never the less he clapped till his hands were sore at the premiere of Invisible city of Kitzeh.

  • @apoxuy
    @apoxuy Год назад +1

    RIP Maestro

  • @jzpatelut
    @jzpatelut 8 лет назад +9

    EXCELLENT...!!!!!..EXCELLENT...EXCELLENT INDEED...!!!!!!!...jzpatelut..

  • @ArcturusOTE
    @ArcturusOTE 2 года назад +5

    I still can't believe HOI4 mods brought me here
    Nevertheless, what a blast of a composition and performance

  • @alexplotkin3368
    @alexplotkin3368 Год назад

    Nice job on 'Arise People of Russia'. You could see the energy of the chorus as they recited the text.

  • @geishaz1
    @geishaz1 4 года назад +3

    Гениально!! Супер!!😂

  • @lynx1061
    @lynx1061 2 года назад +2


  • @jzpatelut
    @jzpatelut 5 лет назад

    9 PM FRI 5TH.JUL.2019 !!!! THANKS FOR VIDEO....jzpatelut...

  • @daflotsam
    @daflotsam 6 лет назад +6

    Too bad, the ads are driving to wait until I get home to put my CD on.
    It's a bit asinine to riddle such a moving performance with advertisements.

  • @marcparella
    @marcparella 7 лет назад +5

    The 9th Symphony of the 20th Century.

  • @jagpilot2
    @jagpilot2 4 года назад +3

    I will never buy any of the products shown in those galling advertisements which were as welcome to this performance as were the Teutons to Novgorod.

  • @manuelpinovillalba197
    @manuelpinovillalba197 11 месяцев назад

    Maravillosa ejecución y gran y magnífica voz de la mezzo-soprano.

  • @Canimals4Life
    @Canimals4Life Год назад

    16:54 For If You Wanna Skip The Rest And Get On To The Good Stuff.

  • @tserkoslavjanskij
    @tserkoslavjanskij 6 лет назад +10

    The persons who insert the adverts have no musical sense. If they did, they would insert the adverts between movements, not during a movement. I, for one, will not buy any of the products listed and wish I had the patience to write the CEO of each company whose advert interrupts the performance. Shame on you, Google, who own RUclips! The placement of adverts vitiates the cultural value and enjoyment of the music you make available!

    • @kevincorcoran6493
      @kevincorcoran6493 6 лет назад +1

      They are incompetent fools.

    • @tserkoslavjanskij
      @tserkoslavjanskij 6 лет назад +3

      @@kevincorcoran6493 Incompetent, no doubt; fools, I doubt. One would have thought that someone in RUclips's marketing department had read and thought about our criticisms, s/he would have arranged the necessary changes in ad placement. After all, we're constrained to view the ads; why not make our further viewing & listening a more pleasant experience?
      Some people work as if they were automatons, not programmed to have an appropriate monitor function. Then too, how often in the US, esp. at certain levels of gov't or business, those responsible for some tragic or potentially catastrophic error go scot free.
      Shakespeare tells us that things without remedy should be without regard. For many of us, alas, telling the difference isn't all that easy.
      If you as an individual lack influence, the best way to effect change appears to work with a mass movement. Cf. the recent protests in Paris over President Macron's proposed increase in fuel taxes. As of this writing it's been postponed, if not abandoned. Score one for the farmers, blue collar workers, et al.

    • @tonylogan4092
      @tonylogan4092 4 года назад

      @@tserkoslavjanskij It should be so easy to just overthrow the trillion dollars plus corporate littering industry of advertising. And then you have all the brainwashed zombies who will defend the trash makers as they trash out the entire planet....

    • @peterbelanger1199
      @peterbelanger1199 10 месяцев назад

      I get to watch and listen to brilliant performances for free. For this I have to watch a few seconds of ad before hitting skip. Look around you; everything you have was advertised, including the phone in your hand. Lighten up.

    • @victorhernanparedeslopez3636
      @victorhernanparedeslopez3636 9 месяцев назад

      I agree

  • @jeffreymafereka9477
    @jeffreymafereka9477 9 месяцев назад

    Mezzo ❤️

  • @jzpatelut
    @jzpatelut 8 лет назад +1


  • @kazpfster
    @kazpfster 3 года назад +1

    Extra ordinary !!!!!

  • @joseveintegenario-nisu1928
    @joseveintegenario-nisu1928 Год назад

    The most peculiar in this magnificent music would be that is an anti-german propaganda, released when the soviet presse spoke about 'The two big European workers' parties, the communiste party of soviet union, and the nazi party', but, no doubt, Eisenstein, maker of this movie, is an hebrew surname.
    Gesund +

  • @YThome7
    @YThome7 8 лет назад +2

    Mezzo-Sorano Ketavan Kemoklidze is rather convincing, even though probably non-Russian but very good and convincing, seemed to understand the meaning of words.

    • @phrababushkath2350
      @phrababushkath2350 7 лет назад +5

      She's Georgian

    • @zinam5795
      @zinam5795 6 лет назад +3

      She's a Georgian, with very good voice ! Her generation was in the USSR,means - exelent education with Russian language...BRAVO for Italian chorus,too...

  • @michelebarbieri4932
    @michelebarbieri4932 3 месяца назад

    La mezzosoprano si chiama Ketavan Kemoklidze. Grande!