120" with such high miagnification and that aperture? I stay at 50" with 3000mm focal lenght and 8 inches aperture to been sure to avoide blurring problems. Do you think can I push it further? in 50" the rotation is pretty visible I thing more than 0.5 arcsecond wich is the resolution of my scope. Your scope can solves details half tinier than mine scope plus the highest magnification. Why 120" is your choice if I can ask you? Well, in any case your images speak by themself. Congrats.
Thanks!, For my planetary photography, I use an ASI462MM sensor, with a composite F of 38 and a composite focal length of 15 meters. I zoom in much bigger than most other people. We believe that this size is necessary to make maximum effective use of the telescope and sensor.
おはようございます。私はこのシーイングで良くディティールが描写できたと思っています。もっと色合いなど出て欲しいのですが難しいです。ありがとうございます。 bonjour. Je pense que j'ai pu bien saisir les détails avec cette vision. J'aimerais voir plus de nuances, mais c'est difficile. merci.
120" with such high miagnification and that aperture? I stay at 50" with 3000mm focal lenght and 8 inches aperture to been sure to avoide blurring problems. Do you think can I push it further? in 50" the rotation is pretty visible I thing more than 0.5 arcsecond wich is the resolution of my scope. Your scope can solves details half tinier than mine scope plus the highest magnification.
Why 120" is your choice if I can ask you?
Well, in any case your images speak by themself. Congrats.
Thanks!, For my planetary photography, I use an ASI462MM sensor, with a composite F of 38 and a composite focal length of 15 meters. I zoom in much bigger than most other people. We believe that this size is necessary to make maximum effective use of the telescope and sensor.
はい、空があまり役に立っていないことがシーケンス上ではっきりとわかりますが、それでも詳細がたくさんあり、特に 2 つの赤道帯の間の強い流れは、私にはそう思われます。
bonjour. Je pense que j'ai pu bien saisir les détails avec cette vision. J'aimerais voir plus de nuances, mais c'est difficile. merci.
Is it shot in early morning?
Thanks!, This was taken around 4:00 am Japan time, when the morning twilight began.
planeta que nao gira kk ou seja nao tem vida
Júpiter gira aproximadamente a cada 10 horas. O padrão visível é gasoso e acredita-se que seja desprovido de vida.