Tenets of Liberal Humanism - Part I

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 48

  • @Hannath1802
    @Hannath1802 2 года назад +1

    According to liberal humanism good literature is of timeless significance.

  • @ItsmeArshak
    @ItsmeArshak 2 года назад +1

    Liberal humanism - tenets:good literature is timeless significance,literary texts contain its own meanings,close verbal analysis of text, continuity is important in literature,individuality possessed within each of us,purpose of literature is to enhancement of life and propagation of humane values,no superfluous form

  • @alihyder1851
    @alihyder1851 2 года назад +1

    No such video is to be found on RUclips. such clear and deep explanation. Thanks alot mam. I have a paper of critical Approaches, BA English .

  • @feangelroseanto7004
    @feangelroseanto7004 2 года назад

    Liberal Humanism- tenets good literature is of timemless significane.Literary texts contain it's own meaning within itself.

  • @feamrithawilson4450
    @feamrithawilson4450 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism tenets - good literature is of timeless significance, literary texts contain it's own meaning itself, close verbal analysis of the text, continuity

  • @kavyamolts7591
    @kavyamolts7591 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism tenets are : good literature is timeless, literary text contains its own meaning, human nature unchanging, individually etc

  • @fedevikavd6095
    @fedevikavd6095 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism tenets :
    1. Good literature is of timeless significance.
    2. Literary texts contain its own meaning within itself .
    3. Close-verbal analysis of text .
    4. Continuity-nature of literature.
    5. Individuality- unique essence .
    6. Purpose of literature.
    7. Fusion of form and content.

  • @sanjanaks8224
    @sanjanaks8224 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism - tenests
    * Good literature is of timeless significance
    * Literary texts contain its own meaning within itself
    * Close - verbal analysis of text
    * Continuity
    * Individuality

  • @denshadavis1926
    @denshadavis1926 3 года назад

    Literary text contain its own meaning within itself. So one need not want to look into other external factors/context.

  • @feangeljose5290
    @feangeljose5290 2 года назад

    According to liberal humanism any literary work that can stand the test of time or that can move beyond the limitations of age in which it was written such literature

  • @femuhsinap.m8884
    @femuhsinap.m8884 2 года назад

    For liberal humanist the literary text contains it's own meaning with in itself.And there no need for searching external factors or contexts .

  • @jayalakshmijayan9220
    @jayalakshmijayan9220 3 года назад

    In liberal humanist, literary texts contains it's own meaning within itself. There is no need searching for other factors. Because it's contain within the text.

  • @feinduvr9612
    @feinduvr9612 2 года назад

    Tenets of literary humanism
    *Good literature is of timeless significance
    *Literary texts contain its own meaning with in it self
    *Close-verbal analysis of texts
    * Individuality possessed with each of us
    *purpose of literature
    *Fusion of form and content.

  • @fenaviakk4994
    @fenaviakk4994 2 года назад

    For liberal humanist the literary text contains it's own meaning within itself.And there is no need for searching external factors or contexts .

  • @mariyageorge9895
    @mariyageorge9895 2 года назад

    Tenets of Liberal humanism -
    * Good literature is of timeless
    * Literary texts contain its own meaning within itself .
    * Close verbal analysis of text
    * Continuity rather than innovation
    * Individuality

  • @ruthkokkattshigyfe8764
    @ruthkokkattshigyfe8764 3 года назад +1

    According to Liberal humanism any literary work that can stand the test of time or that can move beyond the limitations of age in which it was written such literature is said to be good literature.

  • @Devikamr1221
    @Devikamr1221 2 года назад

    Liberal Humanism - Tenets
    • Good literature is of timeless significance
    • Literary texts contain its own meaning within itself
    • close verbal analysis of text
    • Continuity
    • Individuality possessed within each of us.
    • purpose of literature
    • Fusion of form and Content

  • @niksalaiju6535
    @niksalaiju6535 2 года назад

    There are several principles of liberal humanism in literature and one of the principle is individualism.
    Individualism means uniqueness, the unique essence of a particular person. The idea and thoughts of a person can develop but can't transform the unique essence.

  • @fegayathri851
    @fegayathri851 2 года назад

    According to liberal humanism one have to detach seperate a literary text from its context they only need to study the text, to focus only on the words in the text.

  • @AmrithalakshmiKMFE
    @AmrithalakshmiKMFE 3 года назад

    For liberal humanist the literary text contains its own meaning with in itself. And there is no need for searching external factors or contexts.

  • @ayswaryasunilkumar1246
    @ayswaryasunilkumar1246 2 года назад +1

    Tenets of literary Humanism
    * Good literature is of timeless significance
    * Contexts, background of the work should be detached when studying the literature.
    * Close verbal analysis
    * Continuity rather than innovation
    * Individuality can be changed but not transformed.

  • @apoorvarajeev7141
    @apoorvarajeev7141 3 года назад

    Characters can undergo a delevelopment in their individuality but not a complete unbelievable transformation because the unique individuality essence can transcend social and political influences but cannot fully transform

  • @sandraradhan5253
    @sandraradhan5253 2 года назад

    Liberal Humanism tenets
    * Good literature is timeless
    *literary text contains its own meaning
    *Human nature unchanging
    *Form and content fused

  • @besteenamathew327
    @besteenamathew327 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanism individuality of a character Will not undergo sudden changes but it can developed

  • @shahmatsfe6592
    @shahmatsfe6592 3 года назад

    Nature of literature give more prominence to the aspect of continuity in literature rather than innovation. That is something connects with human nature is essentially unchanging .

  • @fesnehakj619
    @fesnehakj619 2 года назад

    Tenets Of Liberal Humanism
    *Good literature is timeless.
    *Literary text contains it's own meanings.
    *Close verbal analysis of text.

  • @Arya_krishna
    @Arya_krishna 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism tenets :-
    * Good literature is timeless
    * Literary text contains its own meaning
    * Human nature unchanging
    * Individuality
    * Form and content fused
    * Continuity

  • @nubeenaamisrin7132
    @nubeenaamisrin7132 2 года назад

    Liberals Humanism Tenets:- Good timeless significance.its own meaning within itself and close verbal analysis of text. Human nature is essentially unchanging.

  • @siyaabi8374
    @siyaabi8374 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanist, the literary texts should be separated from all the pre-contexts and it should be studied in an isolation in which we should mainly focus on the words with in the text.

  • @miniajayan5685
    @miniajayan5685 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanism, separate literary text from all the external facts (no need of anylysis personal background of writer and the social context on that era) and context..and only need analysis of words within the text.

  • @alishapjfe404
    @alishapjfe404 3 года назад

    Liberal humanism focus on individuallity something possessed with in its part of unique " essence " individuallity can change , develop can't transformed.

  • @miznaknfe3496
    @miznaknfe3496 3 года назад

    Individuality possessed within each of as.the individuality can change develop,can't be transformed.

  • @aureasabu3896
    @aureasabu3896 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanism individuality of a character will not undergo sudden changes but it can be developed

  • @mariachanchal3669
    @mariachanchal3669 3 года назад

    For liberal Humanist, human nature is essentially unchanging.

  • @shaliniks4675
    @shaliniks4675 3 года назад

    A liberal humanist focus on the aspect of individuality. Individuality can change and develop, can't be transformed

  • @satgirl5739
    @satgirl5739 2 года назад

    Individuality possessed within each of us. Individuality can change and develop can't be transformed

  • @aswathysunil2334
    @aswathysunil2334 2 года назад

    Liberal humanism is close verbal analysis of text.

  • @raseena5806
    @raseena5806 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanists individuality is something which can be change and develop but it couldn't be transformed.

  • @aparnak711
    @aparnak711 3 года назад

    The liberal humanist gave more prominence to continuity in literature rather than innovation. And liberal humanist connects it with human nature, because human nature is unchanging in nature.

  • @deepthybabu8205
    @deepthybabu8205 3 года назад

    Liberal humanist Literary text contains its own meaning with in itself. Need not look in to any other external factors or contexts in which this work written.

  • @mariyapathrose1010
    @mariyapathrose1010 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanist, we have to focus on only the words which are given within the text.

  • @feamrithawilson4450
    @feamrithawilson4450 2 года назад

    According to liberal humanism literature give importance to author

  • @aleenamolp.p4496
    @aleenamolp.p4496 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanist text should separated from the context and study it in a isolated way.

  • @deepthymariya5946
    @deepthymariya5946 3 года назад

    According to liberal humanisam literature give importance to author...

  • @amruthakrishna6414
    @amruthakrishna6414 2 года назад +1

    For liberal humanist the literary text contains it's own meaning within it self.And there is no need for searching external factors and contexts.

  • @feashikanasrinvn1136
    @feashikanasrinvn1136 2 года назад

    Liberal humanist Literary text contains its own meaning with in itself. Need not to look in to any other external factors or contexts in which this work written.