So nice to hear all this Revelation of the prophecy in the book of Daniel..thank you Pastor Stephen Bohr for are appointed of our Almighty God to preach his word..God Bless you in Jesus name..
beginning around the 28 minute mark to the end is awesome....blows away desmond ford & his followers nonsense against the investigative judgment..... every Adventist should learn is pure, 100% TRUTH
Thank you Ps Stephen Bohr, for this brilliant translation. A true Sabbath Divine Message from On High. Amen and Amen Fear God and give Glory to Him. Amen and Amen.
Unfortunately, the video says very little about Daniel 12 and therefore the title should be changed as it is misleading. Speakers usually avoid interpreting the 3 prophetic periods of Daniel 12 for a reason. The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to the two long prophetic time periods (1290 and 1335 years) found in Daniel 12:11-12, are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period. However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and “seal the book until the time of the end” clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent. Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. Obviously, he wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return. Adventist interpreters suggest 508 AD as the starting date for both prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12. At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favour of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 years). If we start the 1335 days (years) at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14. The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn’t seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a most convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”. A more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 597 BC. According to the SDA Bible Commentary and numerous other sources, in 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and plundered the temple (2 Kings 24). Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves (2 Maccabees 2:4-8). In addition, we also read that Nebuchadnezzar “carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14). Due to Israel’s continual sin, the temple was plundered, deprived of the ark, God’s presence, and priests. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end and the temple practically ceased to exist. This event seems to be a more convincing fulfilment of “abolishing (taking away) the daily sacrifice” (Daniel 12:11) `than the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy. Now, having established 597 BC as the start date for the first long prophetic period of 1290 years (Daniel 12:11), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11? Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11. Various reliable historical sources confirm that the year 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock (1, 2, 3). This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11) because a pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple. Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12 and deal with the second period. Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12). Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return. What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period? When we add 1335 years to 692 AD, it leads us to the year 2027 AD! This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end-time context and the scenario of Daniel 12 much better: 1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it). 2) The abomination of desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock was built on the temple ground in 692 AD). 3) After the Abomination (692 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” leading to the year 2027 and the deliverance of the persecuted Christians, the return of Christ, and the resurrection of all true believers, including Daniel). The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12, and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon. read more: "Can Christ Return in 2027"
I find the arguments against a literal redition of 1260, 2290, 1335 days of Dan 12 quite weak. As students, we need to look at both possibilities. The spkr only looked at one.we should not be too sure where prophecy is concerned esp if there are alternative ways to interpret.
This is the best commentary on vss. 11, and 12, that I could find--it makes sense to me. DANIEL 12:11,12 FROM THE 7TH DAY ADVENTIST COMMENTARY End of verse 11: A thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12. Blessed is he. The time periods of A thousand two hundred and ninety days. This time period is mentioned in close connection with the “time, times, and an half” (v. 7), or 1260 days, and the events to occur at the end of these periods are presumably identical. It seems reasonable to understand, then, that these two periods cover approximately the same historical era. The excess of the 1290 over the 1260 is probably to be understood in view of the fact that the beginning of the 1290 days is focused on the taking away of the “daily sacrifice,” preparatory to the establishment of the “abomination.” Those who hold to the view that the “daily” represents “paganism” (see on ch. 8:11) subtract 1290 from 1798 and arrive at the date 508. They see in the events surrounding this date, such as the conversion of Clovis, the king of the Franks, to the Catholic faith, and in the victory over the Goths, an important stage in the establishment of the supremacy of the Catholic Church in the West. Those who hold to the view that the “daily” refers to the continual priestly ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary and to the true worship of Christ in the gospel age (see on ch. 8:11) find no satisfactory explanation of this text. They believe that this is one of those Scripture passages on which future study will shed further light. Waiteth. This implies that the following prophetic period may be expected to continue beyond the end of the 1290 days. If the 1290 and the 1335 days begin at the same time, the latter period reaches to the year 1843, a significant date in relationship to the great advent awakening in America, generally known as the Millerite movement. Nichol, F. D. (Ed.). (1977). The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Vol. 4, p. 881). Review and Herald Publishing Association.
@JoAnne Brown Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen, p. 208 Title: To the Church in Brother Hastings' House One week ago, last Sabbath, we had a very interesting meeting. Brother Hewit from Dead River was there. He came with a message to the effect that the destruction of the wicked and the sleep of the dead was an abomination within a shut door that a woman Jezebel, a prophetess had brought in and he believed that I was that woman, Jezebel. We told him of some of his errors in the past that the 1335 days were ended and numerous errors of his. It had but little effect. His darkness was felt upon the meeting and it dragged.
The "daily" is part of a key to unlock prophecies. Without correct interpretation Daniel 12 can't be understood. In Daniel the "Daily" is used as a noun. It's not a adverb like in leviticus "daily sacrifice " In Daniel Sacrife does NOT belong, EGW states this. Daily simply means "power" or " like scepter of power"
If you have a KJV Bible, a humble heart, patience and a willing to learn, this message is simple to understand. The reason why some ppl don’t get it, is because they’re not fully connected to God. Jesus told Habakkuk 2:2, “write the vision, and make it PLAIN. It’s not plain because ppl get in there own way to understand. It’s like putting the cart before the horse smh. Praise Jesus 🤩👑😇🙌
@Elijah Marshall ! Jesus told Habakkuk to make it plain in a CHART, which was fulfilled in 1843 by Charles Fitch, with a mistake on it. But EGW wrote, it was Lord's will that there be a mistake, to try them in the fiery furness of Gold..
The saints will hold their power to testify in a time, times, and half a time or 1,260 days of years prophecy, a thousand bright years. As a result of these appointed times, many will be purified, made spotless and refined but none of the wicked will understand. Then after that, the daily sacrifice or the intercession for sinners will be removed and from that time, there will be 1,290 literal days before the rise of the abominable one once again in the holy land as the sign of the start of the final persecution against the people of God. Blessed and holy are those who waits and reaches the end of another 1,335 literal days.
the 1290 deals with clovis laying the foundation for setting up the papacy in 508 AD..1335 takes you to the year 1843 which is the time the millerites thought Christ was coming to this earth, they both start from 508 AD
Pastor Bohr, do you believe the Clovis explaination of Daniel Chapter 12. I believe I understand the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 12 very well and it is not about some abstract king who converted from Paganism to Catholicalism in 508 A.D.. Daniel 12 is a warning for the last day church about the close of human probation. God told Noah and Lot when probation would close and He never changes. The daily being taken away refers to the daily administration of Christ as our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary (Leviticus Chapt 4), when this is taken away probation closes(Revelation 15:8). The abomination of desolation is the same abomination that caused the destruction of Solomons temple which caused Daniel and the other jewish youth to be carried away into Babylon in 605 B.C. This was described as the worst abomination of Ezekial 8:16. Sun worship was the worst abomination shown to the prophet Ezekial, today it is worship on the day of the sun. Therefore, what Christ is telling us in Matthew 24:15 is when we see a Sunday law enforced(abomination of desolation) to stand in the holy place(do not sin probation is closed). So what Daniel 12 is telling us is from the setting up of a Sunday Law(global climate change agreement of Nov 4th 2016) until probations close (daily taken away) will be 1290 literal days(literal because of Rev 10:6 or time no more). the Sunday law should be enforced and probation should close on May 17, 2020.
The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to the two long prophetic time periods (1290 and 1335 years) found in Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available), are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period. However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and “seal the book until the time of the end” clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent. According to Strong’s concordance, the word “end” used here refers to extremity, border, final, and edge. Therefore, the time periods found in Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) should refer to the end of the world’s history and not merely the year 1843. In addition, Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. Obviously, he wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return. Adventist interpreters suggest 508 AD as the starting date for both prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favour of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) and Ezekiel 4:6Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 years). If we start the 1335 days (years) at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn’t seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a most convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”. A more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 597 BC. According to the SDA Bible Commentary and numerous other sources, in 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and plundered the temple (2 Kings 24). Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves (2 Maccabees 2:4-8Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). In addition, we also read that Nebuchadnezzar “carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). Due to Israel’s continual sin, the temple was plundered, deprived of the ark, God’s presence, and priests. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end and the temple practically ceased to exist. This event seems to be a more convincing fulfilment of “abolishing (taking away) the daily sacrifice” (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) `than the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy. Now, having established 597 BC as the start date for the first long prophetic period of 1290 years (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)? Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). Various reliable historical sources confirm that the year 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock (1, 2, 3). This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) because a pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple. Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) and deal with the second period. Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return. What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period? When we add 1335 years to 692 AD, it leads us to the year 2027 AD! This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end-time context and the scenario of Daniel 12 much better: 1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it). 2) The abomination of desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock was built on the temple ground in 692 AD). 3) After the Abomination (692 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” leading to the year 2027 and the deliverance of the persecuted Christians, the return of Christ, and the resurrection of all true believers, including Daniel). The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available), and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon. read more: "Can Christ Return in 2027"
In our ignorance God winks at us therefore i will assume that Daniel Clarke, Daniel Kim are ignorant. Please follow these scriptures, the 2300 prophecy according to daniel. Daniel 8:14 unto 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleaned. The going forth of the commandment to rebuilt Jerusalem Daniel 9:25. 457Bc Artexerxes, king of persia, commanded the restoration and rebuilding Jerusalem Daniel 9:25, Ezra 7:11-26, 4:11-16 jerusalem was finish 408Bc the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem was finish 49yrs daniel 9:25. A.D 27 Jesus anointed with the Holy spirit at His baptism and began to preach and teach( matthew 3:16 ; Acts 10:38) from 457 Bc to Christ anointed was 69 weeks or 483yrs ( Daniel 9:25). A.D 31 Messiah cut off in the middle of the (final) week ( i.e the last seven years of the 490 yrs period) after 3 1/2 years Daniel 9:27; matthew 27 : 50,51) the remaining 31/2 yrs of the 70 weeks bring us to the close of the Jews probation 490 yrs AD34. The remaining 1810yrs add to 34ad reaches 1844 AD end of the 2300 cleansing of the Heavenly sanctuary Daniel 8:14 Revelation 14:7 Hebrew 4:14. Ad 1844 the three Angel message was herald the world REvelation 14:6-12. This were revelation 10: 8-11, daniel 12 :4comes in play, the six trumpet the reformation of the sabbath Revelation 14:6-12. Please search the scripture because they testify of Jesus christ our only medium of eternal life. Don't be willfully ignorant study to show thyself approve.
The 1290 and 1335 are built around the the 1260, beginning in 538 AD, ending in 1798. Some hold that the 1335 taken from 508 ends in 1843--a significant event in Adventist theology. Of course all time prophecies begin with the 2300 in 457 BC and ending in the fall of 1844. I want to see what pastor Bohr says here. I've never known him to be wrong--or engage in speculation.
Stephen Bohr explains very well so many things in this presentation but he does not reveal with what dates do the prophetic periods of the 1290 and the 1335 days coincide. Therefore I think that the title of this presentation is misleading.
In 1850 Ellen White said the 1335 were not ended. This is 7 years after our actual believe that it ended in 1843. How do we explain this????? Pastor Bohr opposes any prophecy of time beyond 1844. That is the reason he won't even talk about it. It is not because he ran out of time. It is purposely done. He still a great pastor but this new light has not been accepted yet. When it finally does he will move forward stronger. Let's all pray for him.
PP 580 Honored by men with the responsibilities of state and with the secrets of kingdoms bearing universal sway, Daniel was honored by God as His ambassador, and was given many revelations of the mysteries of ages to come. His wonderful prophecies, as recorded by him in chapters 7 to 12 of the book bearing his name, were not fully understood even by the prophet himself; but before his life labors closed, he was given the blessed assurance that “at the end of the days”-in the closing period of this world’s history-he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place. It was not given him to understand all that God had revealed of the divine purpose. “Shut In the Lions’ Den 581 up the words, and seal the book,” he was directed concerning his prophetic writings; these were to be sealed “even to the time of the end.” “Go thy way, Daniel,” the angel once more directed the faithful messenger of Jehovah; “for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.... Go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:4, 9, 13. As we near the close of this world’s history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand our special attention, as they relate to the very time in which we are living.
While a lot of what Pastor Bohr explains is true, he doesn't seem to grasp that the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days in Daniel 12 are obviously literal time at the end.
Jax Cover The Bible gives the times in several places, and there is no hint of them being symbolic. One of the greatest evidences tho, is that Jesus worked for 3 1/2 years, and the 144,000 will live like Jesus.
From my understanding, prophetic time is to be calculated literally only when Jesus will literally/physically be there at that time. Other than that, time is calculated prophetically, a day for a year. For example, the 1,000 years of the millennium are calculated literally because we will be physically with Jesus. But the 1260, 1290, 1335 are symbolic because Jesus is not physically with us on earth during those events. Those were already fulfilled.
Jax Cover That is a new one on me, Jax. I find that incredible tho, as Jesus spent days/years with his disciples, and there was no day-for-year principle involved at all. . Daniel and Revelation are both in agreement that there will be a final 3 1/2 years/1260 days, 42 months period of time. That also agrees with the actual amount of time Jesus spent working as a human here on this earth.
+earlysda But that is just my point. There is no day-year principle involved when Jesus is physically present because he IS the literal. Time is literal when he is physically present, so the day-for-a-year principle is not necessary then. It is when the Holy Spirit is ministering in Jesus' behalf, that prophetic time is symbolic. The 1260 years transpire when Jesus is in heaven and not with us literally on earth, so they are to be calculated symbolically: a day for a year. Now, there is an actual parallel, though, that Jesus ministered 3.5 literal years, and Satan ministered 3.5 symbolic years (= 1260 literal years). From 538AD to 1798AD. But that is just a parallel, and does not change the rules of prophetic interpretation.
No its not labelled well. These are not false prophecies. These things are in the Bible. Daniel 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto *two thousand and three hundred days*; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. *2300 years prophecy* Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a *thousand two hundred and ninety days*. *1290 years prophecy* Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the *thousand three hundred and five and thirty days*. *1335 years prophecy* The term "2300 years prophecy" (from Daniel 8) is very closely associated with the term "investigative judgement" (The day when the Jewish sanctuary was cleansed was judgement day - Lev 16). The 1290 and 1335 year prophecies are given in Daniel 12. Surely it can be acknowledged that these things are in the scriptures.
@Andrew Me ! You fool! 1290 days and 1335 days prophecies are the part of the 2300 days prophecy, the longest prophecy in the Bible. Do not open your mouth against, unless you know what is the real.
@Ron Sagmuller ! How you will explain a elephant, when you have only seen its one leg? You will, probably, explain: a elephant is like a tree stump. You have just heard this sermon of his; why not you will say 1260, 1290 & 1335 are not a part of 2300 days prophecy? They are, indeed, part of 2300 days prophecy. Listen to his all sermons. Do not grant.
if you want a really nice interpretation of the Book of Daniel, perhaps finally unraveling the mysteries, try the facebook page "book of daniel, revealed". this video is interpreting towards a protestant bias. cute, but just not right.
Per the bible the 1st of Cyrus occurs in 455 BCE. The Persian timeline was revised by the Persians. It is 82 years more than what the Bible's timeline is. The Neo-Babylonian Period was reduced by 26 years. Here are the corrections: ABSOLUTE DATING: Date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. Add 70 years back to year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II, the year of the last deportation in 525 BCE. Go back 4 more years to year 19 for the fall of Jerusalem in 529 BCE. REMOVING 82 FAKE YEARS FROM THE PERSIAN PERIOD: Remove 1 co-rulership rule for Kambyses with his father, Cyrus. Remove 30 years from Darius I (6 vs 36) Remove 30 years from Artaxerxes II (17 vs 47) Remove 21 years from Xerxes/Artaxerxes since they were the same king. Xerxes faked his death for political reasons and claimed Artaxerxes was his son, but they were the same king. The Babylonian records were have today are thus revised to hide this. This removed 82 years from the Persian Period. Thus the return in 537 is correctly re-dated to 455 BCE RESTORING 26 YEARS TO THE NEO-BABYLONIAN PERIOD Per the Bible there are 70 years from year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II to the 1st of Cyrus. The original dates were 525 to 455 BCE. In the revised timeline this period is 26 years too short, dated from 582 to 538 BCE, a period of only 44 years. (70 - 44 = 26 years). Here is where you restore those 26 years. 2 years for Nebuchadnezzar II (47 vs 43) 16 years for Evil-Merodach (18 vs 2) 2 years for Nabonidus (19 vs 17) 6 full years for DARIUS THE MEDE prior to Cyrus coming to the throne (6 vs zero) This restores the 26 years removed from the Babylonian records. This revised timeline became the popular timeline and then the official timeline later on. It may have been considered too difficult and too much of a scandal to make these corrections before, but now that we have to see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we have to use the Bible's timeline and the original timeline before the revisions for these periods. If these corrections are not made then you cannot correctly understand the bible's chronology. The corrected timeline can be easily corrected and must be coordinated with several astronomical events (eclipses) that confirms the original timeline.
The 70 weeks prophecy begins in 455 BCE, which is "when the word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem" which some interpret to have been fulfilled when the Jews first returned and began to rebuild in the 1st of Cyrus. Others think it fulfills the 20th of Artaxerxes. The secular 445 BCE date is adjusted back ten years based on archaeological evidence of a co-rulership between Darius I and Xerxes. But now, the VAT4956 confirms the original year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II was in 511 BCE. That means year 23 falls in 525 BCE, the last deportation, which is exactly 70 years prior to the return in the 1st of Cyrus, which would fall in 455 BCE. So the VAT4956 confirms the Bible's timeline is true.
+Jax Cover Archaeology and historical records show all the kings and battles of media/persia and were accurately able to confirm dates according to recorded eclipses that can be plotted even to our time.
ROFL! Not so. Look up the "Delian Problem" and it will claim that Plato was consulted in the 2nd year of the Peloponnesian War. Here's that quote: "Doubling the Cube, the most famous of the collection, is often referred to as the Delian problem due to a legend that the Delians had consulted Plato on the subject. In another form, the story asserts that the Athenians in 430 B.C. consulted the oracle at Delos in the hope to stop the plague ravaging their country. They were advised by Apollo to double his altar that had the form of a cube. As a result of several failed attempts to satisfy the god, the pestilence only worsened and at the end they turned to Plato for advice." Plato wasn't born until 428 BCE. So when Xenophon revised the Greek timeline, it ended up pushing the PPW 2 years before Plato's birth. So you can believe all you want there was no revisionism during the Persian Period. It's just not true. Wikipedia: "Plato (/ˈpleɪtoʊ/; Greek: Πλάτων Plátōn pronounced [plá.tɔːn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece.." So YOUR history means Plato was consulted 2 years before he was born. Sorry, I can't accept that.
Stephen Bohr, please check this out. Daniel 1234, 7,8. 5,6, 9, 11, 10 12. Shalom. Those who teach that Daniel 2 and 7 Parallel, do not understand Daniel 2.
im so sad, about the music they using drums, it is true that even inside our church the enemy was over controlled. They sing like worldly singers, are they SDA? why they allow them to sing..
The 4th kingdom is the Islamic empire. The 4 wing of the third best are the four kingdoms that came after Greece from the same area; the Seleucid, the Byzantine, the Ottoman and now the Turkish. It is out of this nation the anti-Christ will come from. 666 in Greek is the same letters as Arabic ""in the name Allah". Time is shorter than you think. September 23rd the sign of revelations 12 will appear.
the creator is antichrist because the creator give the law and jesus destroy the law Elohim say to have the Sabbath and jesus I am the lord of Sabbath , jesus is similar with the satan in garden of eden , Elohim ask not to eat,..... satan ,yes eat (in the garden of eden () , Elohim ,sex must only with wife jesus do not sin anymore for sin Elohim will put you thru the fire read psalm 26;2 and that fire will make you pure , go to rabbi tovia singer on you tube he will help you to get out from the new testament the Roman book
So nice to hear all this Revelation of the prophecy in the book of Daniel..thank you Pastor Stephen Bohr for are appointed of our Almighty God to preach his word..God Bless you in Jesus name..
beginning around the 28 minute mark to the end is awesome....blows away desmond ford & his followers nonsense against the investigative judgment..... every Adventist should learn is pure, 100% TRUTH
Jane20121985 Follow Jesus. And he’ll let you know who is his messenger and Stephen Bohr is one of them
Thank you Ps Stephen Bohr, for this brilliant translation. A true Sabbath Divine Message from On High. Amen and Amen Fear God and give Glory to Him. Amen and Amen.
Unfortunately, the video says very little about Daniel 12 and therefore the title should be changed as it is misleading. Speakers usually avoid interpreting the 3 prophetic periods of Daniel 12 for a reason.
The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to the two long prophetic time periods (1290 and 1335 years) found in Daniel 12:11-12, are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period. However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and “seal the book until the time of the end” clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent.
Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. Obviously, he wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return.
Adventist interpreters suggest 508 AD as the starting date for both prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12. At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favour of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 years). If we start the 1335 days (years) at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14.
The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn’t seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a most convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”.
A more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 597 BC. According to the SDA Bible Commentary and numerous other sources, in 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and plundered the temple (2 Kings 24). Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves (2 Maccabees 2:4-8). In addition, we also read that Nebuchadnezzar “carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14).
Due to Israel’s continual sin, the temple was plundered, deprived of the ark, God’s presence, and priests. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end and the temple practically ceased to exist. This event seems to be a more convincing fulfilment of “abolishing (taking away) the daily sacrifice” (Daniel 12:11) `than the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy.
Now, having established 597 BC as the start date for the first long prophetic period of 1290 years (Daniel 12:11), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11?
Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11. Various reliable historical sources confirm that the year 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock (1, 2, 3). This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11) because a pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple.
Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12 and deal with the second period.
Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12).
Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return.
What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period?
When we add 1335 years to 692 AD, it leads us to the year 2027 AD!
This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end-time context and the scenario of Daniel 12 much better:
1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it).
2) The abomination of desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock was built on the temple ground in 692 AD).
3) After the Abomination (692 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” leading to the year 2027 and the deliverance of the persecuted Christians, the return of Christ, and the resurrection of all true believers, including Daniel).
The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12, and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon.
read more: "Can Christ Return in 2027"
That special music was powerful. Their voices are very full and the range is incredible!
Thank you pastor bohr God bless you for eternity Amen!!!!
Im so blesed with sarmon of pr steven bohr
I am Blessed in God I owe my life. ❤🙏 Thankyou Pastor Bohr.
Actual lesson begins at 10:15
I find the arguments against a literal redition of 1260, 2290, 1335 days of Dan 12 quite weak. As students, we need to look at both possibilities. The spkr only looked at one.we should not be too sure where prophecy is concerned esp if there are alternative ways to interpret.
This is the best commentary on vss. 11, and 12, that I could find--it makes sense to me.
End of verse 11:
A thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12. Blessed is he.
The time periods of A thousand two hundred and ninety days. This time period is mentioned in close connection with the “time, times, and an half” (v. 7), or 1260 days, and the events to occur at the end of these periods are presumably identical. It seems reasonable to understand, then, that these two periods cover approximately the same historical era.
The excess of the 1290 over the 1260 is probably to be understood in view of the fact that the beginning of the 1290 days is focused on the taking away of the “daily sacrifice,” preparatory to the establishment of the “abomination.” Those who hold to the view that the “daily” represents “paganism” (see on ch. 8:11) subtract 1290 from 1798 and arrive at the date 508. They see in the events surrounding this date, such as the conversion of Clovis, the king of the Franks, to the Catholic faith, and in the victory over the Goths, an important stage in the establishment of the supremacy of the Catholic Church in the West.
Those who hold to the view that the “daily” refers to the continual priestly ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary and to the true worship of Christ in the gospel age (see on ch. 8:11) find no satisfactory explanation of this text. They believe that this is one of those Scripture passages on which future study will shed further light.
Waiteth. This implies that the following prophetic period may be expected to continue beyond the end of the 1290 days. If the 1290 and the 1335 days begin at the same time, the latter period reaches to the year 1843, a significant date in relationship to the great advent awakening in America, generally known as the Millerite movement.
Nichol, F. D. (Ed.). (1977). The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Vol. 4, p. 881). Review and Herald Publishing Association.
In 1850 Ellen White said the 1335 were not ended. This is 7 years after our actual believe that it ended in 1843. How do we explain this?????
@JoAnne Brown Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen, p. 208 Title: To the Church in Brother Hastings' House
One week ago, last Sabbath, we had a very interesting meeting. Brother Hewit from Dead River was there. He came with a message to the effect that the destruction of the wicked and the sleep of the dead was an abomination within a shut door that a woman Jezebel, a prophetess had brought in and he believed that I was that woman, Jezebel. We told him of some of his errors in the past that the 1335 days were ended and numerous errors of his. It had but little effect. His darkness was felt upon the meeting and it dragged.
The "daily" is part of a key to unlock prophecies. Without correct interpretation Daniel 12 can't be understood.
In Daniel the "Daily" is used as a noun. It's not a adverb like in leviticus "daily sacrifice "
In Daniel Sacrife does NOT belong, EGW states this.
Daily simply means "power" or " like scepter of power"
Amen great word of God bless,3ABM
Hreat message. A real blessing to us the new guys
If you have a KJV Bible, a humble heart, patience and a willing to learn, this message is simple to understand.
The reason why some ppl don’t get it, is because they’re not fully connected to God.
Jesus told Habakkuk 2:2, “write the vision, and make it PLAIN. It’s not plain because ppl get in there own way to understand. It’s like putting the cart before the horse smh. Praise Jesus 🤩👑😇🙌
@Elijah Marshall ! Jesus told Habakkuk to make it plain in a CHART, which was fulfilled in 1843 by Charles Fitch, with a mistake on it. But EGW wrote, it was Lord's will that there be a mistake, to try them in the fiery furness of Gold..
God be praised 🙏🏾🙏🏾
The saints will hold their power to testify in a time, times, and half a time or 1,260 days of years prophecy, a thousand bright years. As a result of these appointed times, many will be purified, made spotless and refined but none of the wicked will understand.
Then after that, the daily sacrifice or the intercession for sinners will be removed and from that time, there will be 1,290 literal days before the rise of the abominable one once again in the holy land as the sign of the start of the final persecution against the people of God.
Blessed and holy are those who waits and reaches the end of another 1,335 literal days.
Thank You Pastor Stephen Bohr. For Sharing This Inspiring Message. I Have Learn A Great Lot. May God Continue To Bless You. 🤗🤗🤗🤔🤔
the 1290 deals with clovis laying the foundation for setting up the papacy in 508 AD..1335 takes you to the year 1843 which is the time the millerites thought Christ was coming to this earth, they both start from 508 AD
In 1850 Ellen White said the 1335 were not ended. This is 7 years after our actual believe that it ended in 1843. How do we explain this?????
Pastor Bohr, do you believe the Clovis theroy of Daniel chapter 12
Adventism's obsession with the book of Daniel, is there any explanation for the first chapter of Daniel's contemporary, Ezekiel?
Pastor Bohr, do you believe the Clovis explaination of Daniel Chapter 12. I believe I understand the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 12 very well and it is not about some abstract king who converted from Paganism to Catholicalism in 508 A.D.. Daniel 12 is a warning for the last day church about the close of human probation. God told Noah and Lot when probation would close and He never changes. The daily being taken away refers to the daily administration of Christ as our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary (Leviticus Chapt 4), when this is taken away probation closes(Revelation 15:8). The abomination of desolation is the same abomination that caused the destruction of Solomons temple which caused Daniel and the other jewish youth to be carried away into Babylon in 605 B.C. This was described as the worst abomination of Ezekial 8:16. Sun worship was the worst abomination shown to the prophet Ezekial, today it is worship on the day of the sun. Therefore, what Christ is telling us in Matthew 24:15 is when we see a Sunday law enforced(abomination of desolation) to stand in the holy place(do not sin probation is closed). So what Daniel 12 is telling us is from the setting up of a Sunday Law(global climate change agreement of Nov 4th 2016) until probations close (daily taken away) will be 1290 literal days(literal because of Rev 10:6 or time no more). the Sunday law should be enforced and probation should close on May 17, 2020.
The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to the two long prophetic time periods (1290 and 1335 years) found in Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available), are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period.
However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and “seal the book until the time of the end” clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent. According to Strong’s concordance, the word “end” used here refers to extremity, border, final, and edge. Therefore, the time periods found in Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) should refer to the end of the world’s history and not merely the year 1843. In addition, Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. Obviously, he wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return.
Adventist interpreters suggest 508 AD as the starting date for both prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favour of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) and Ezekiel 4:6Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 years). If we start the 1335 days (years) at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14Open in Logos Bible Software (if available).
The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn’t seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a most convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”.
A more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 597 BC. According to the SDA Bible Commentary and numerous other sources, in 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and plundered the temple (2 Kings 24). Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves (2 Maccabees 2:4-8Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)). In addition, we also read that Nebuchadnezzar “carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)).
Due to Israel’s continual sin, the temple was plundered, deprived of the ark, God’s presence, and priests. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end and the temple practically ceased to exist. This event seems to be a more convincing fulfilment of “abolishing (taking away) the daily sacrifice” (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) `than the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy.
Now, having established 597 BC as the start date for the first long prophetic period of 1290 years (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)?
Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). Various reliable historical sources confirm that the year 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock (1, 2, 3). This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) because a pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple.
Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) and deal with the second period.
Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)).
Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return.
What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period?
When we add 1335 years to 692 AD, it leads us to the year 2027 AD!
This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end-time context and the scenario of Daniel 12 much better:
1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it).
2) The abomination of desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock was built on the temple ground in 692 AD).
3) After the Abomination (692 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” leading to the year 2027 and the deliverance of the persecuted Christians, the return of Christ, and the resurrection of all true believers, including Daniel).
The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12Open in Logos Bible Software (if available), and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon.
read more: "Can Christ Return in 2027"
In our ignorance God winks at us therefore i will assume that Daniel Clarke, Daniel Kim are ignorant. Please follow these scriptures, the 2300 prophecy according to daniel. Daniel 8:14 unto 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleaned. The going forth of the commandment to rebuilt Jerusalem Daniel 9:25. 457Bc Artexerxes, king of persia, commanded the restoration and rebuilding Jerusalem Daniel 9:25, Ezra 7:11-26, 4:11-16 jerusalem was finish 408Bc the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem was finish 49yrs daniel 9:25. A.D 27 Jesus anointed with the Holy spirit at His baptism and began to preach and teach( matthew 3:16 ; Acts 10:38) from 457 Bc to Christ anointed was 69 weeks or 483yrs ( Daniel 9:25). A.D 31 Messiah cut off in the middle of the (final) week ( i.e the last seven years of the 490 yrs period) after 3 1/2 years Daniel 9:27; matthew 27 : 50,51) the remaining 31/2 yrs of the 70 weeks bring us to the close of the Jews probation 490 yrs AD34. The remaining 1810yrs add to 34ad reaches 1844 AD end of the 2300 cleansing of the Heavenly sanctuary Daniel 8:14 Revelation 14:7 Hebrew 4:14. Ad 1844 the three Angel message was herald the world REvelation 14:6-12. This were revelation 10: 8-11, daniel 12 :4comes in play, the six trumpet the reformation of the sabbath Revelation 14:6-12. Please search the scripture because they testify of Jesus christ our only medium of eternal life. Don't be willfully ignorant study to show thyself approve.
The 1290 and 1335 are built around the the 1260, beginning in 538 AD, ending in 1798. Some hold that the 1335 taken from 508 ends in 1843--a significant event in Adventist theology. Of course all time prophecies begin with the 2300 in 457 BC and ending in the fall of 1844. I want to see what pastor Bohr says here. I've never known him to be wrong--or engage in speculation.
58 minutes. What about chapter 12?
Rekha Yesudas type in His name Stephen Bohr revelation 10. Jesus led me to this truth.
Stephen Bohr explains very well so many things in this presentation but he does not reveal with what dates do the prophetic periods of the 1290 and the 1335 days coincide. Therefore I think that the title of this presentation is misleading.
In 1850 Ellen White said the 1335 were not ended. This is 7 years after our actual believe that it ended in 1843. How do we explain this?????
Pastor Bohr opposes any prophecy of time beyond 1844. That is the reason he won't even talk about it. It is not because he ran out of time. It is purposely done. He still a great pastor but this new light has not been accepted yet. When it finally does he will move forward stronger. Let's all pray for him.
PP 580
Honored by men with the responsibilities of state and with the secrets of kingdoms bearing universal sway, Daniel was honored by God as His ambassador, and was given many revelations of the
mysteries of ages to come. His wonderful prophecies, as recorded by him in chapters 7 to 12 of the book bearing his name, were not
fully understood even by the prophet himself; but before his life labors closed, he was given the blessed assurance that “at the end
of the days”-in the closing period of this world’s history-he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place. It was not given him to understand all that God had revealed of the divine purpose. “Shut
In the Lions’ Den 581
up the words, and seal the book,” he was directed concerning his prophetic writings; these were to be sealed “even to the time
of the end.” “Go thy way, Daniel,” the angel once
more directed the faithful messenger of Jehovah; “for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.... Go thou thy way
till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy
lot at the end of the days.”
Daniel 12:4, 9, 13.
As we near the close of this world’s history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand our special attention, as they relate to the very time in which we are living.
While a lot of what Pastor Bohr explains is true, he doesn't seem to grasp that the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days in Daniel 12 are obviously literal time at the end.
+earlysda : Why do you say that they are literal times at the end?
Jax Cover The Bible gives the times in several places, and there is no hint of them being symbolic. One of the greatest evidences tho, is that Jesus worked for 3 1/2 years, and the 144,000 will live like Jesus.
From my understanding, prophetic time is to be calculated literally only when Jesus will literally/physically be there at that time. Other than that, time is calculated prophetically, a day for a year. For example, the 1,000 years of the millennium are calculated literally because we will be physically with Jesus. But the 1260, 1290, 1335 are symbolic because Jesus is not physically with us on earth during those events. Those were already fulfilled.
Jax Cover That is a new one on me, Jax. I find that incredible tho, as Jesus spent days/years with his disciples, and there was no day-for-year principle involved at all.
Daniel and Revelation are both in agreement that there will be a final 3 1/2 years/1260 days, 42 months period of time. That also agrees with the actual amount of time Jesus spent working as a human here on this earth.
+earlysda But that is just my point. There is no day-year principle involved when Jesus is physically present because he IS the literal. Time is literal when he is physically present, so the day-for-a-year principle is not necessary then. It is when the Holy Spirit is ministering in Jesus' behalf, that prophetic time is symbolic. The 1260 years transpire when Jesus is in heaven and not with us literally on earth, so they are to be calculated symbolically: a day for a year. Now, there is an actual parallel, though, that Jesus ministered 3.5 literal years, and Satan ministered 3.5 symbolic years (= 1260 literal years). From 538AD to 1798AD. But that is just a parallel, and does not change the rules of prophetic interpretation.
THIS VIDEO IS VERY MISLABELLED! This video is ABOUT THE *2300 years* prophesy, NOT THE *1290 and 1335 years*.
No its not labelled well. These are not false prophecies. These things are in the Bible.
Daniel 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto *two thousand and three hundred days*; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
*2300 years prophecy*
Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a *thousand two hundred and ninety days*.
*1290 years prophecy*
Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the *thousand three hundred and five and thirty days*.
*1335 years prophecy*
The term "2300 years prophecy" (from Daniel 8) is very closely associated with the term "investigative judgement" (The day when the Jewish sanctuary was cleansed was judgement day - Lev 16). The 1290 and 1335 year prophecies are given in Daniel 12.
Surely it can be acknowledged that these things are in the scriptures.
@Andrew Me ! You fool! 1290 days and 1335 days prophecies are the part of the 2300 days prophecy, the longest prophecy in the Bible. Do not open your mouth against, unless you know what is the real.
Please change your title, nowhere in this presentation does he even mention the 1290 and 1335.
He has other teachings where he mentions those numbers too just keep searching his sermons and you will see God bless!!!!!
@Ron Sagmuller ! How you will explain a elephant, when you have only seen its one leg? You will, probably, explain: a elephant is like a tree stump.
You have just heard this sermon of his; why not you will say 1260, 1290 & 1335 are not a part of 2300 days prophecy? They are, indeed, part of 2300 days prophecy.
Listen to his all sermons. Do not grant.
if you want a really nice interpretation of the Book of Daniel, perhaps finally unraveling the mysteries, try the facebook page "book of daniel, revealed". this video is interpreting towards a protestant bias. cute, but just not right.
This is so disappointing. Anyone who puts dates and times into the text as an assumption is looking to fail. How unfortunate!
Still waiting for this battle vs Satan
Government ran by satanists no?
So how is Bible factual
Or maybe it just ain't happen yet
How's Jesus or st Michael defeat Satan if Hollywood cia and the white house full of the satanic spirit and ways who ain't supposed to be alive anymore
Answer me Merlin answer me
Must be the magicK
Per the bible the 1st of Cyrus occurs in 455 BCE. The Persian timeline was revised by the Persians. It is 82 years more than what the Bible's timeline is. The Neo-Babylonian Period was reduced by 26 years. Here are the corrections:
Date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. Add 70 years back to year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II, the year of the last deportation in 525 BCE. Go back 4 more years to year 19 for the fall of Jerusalem in 529 BCE.
Remove 1 co-rulership rule for Kambyses with his father, Cyrus.
Remove 30 years from Darius I (6 vs 36)
Remove 30 years from Artaxerxes II (17 vs 47)
Remove 21 years from Xerxes/Artaxerxes since they were the same king. Xerxes faked his death for political reasons and claimed Artaxerxes was his son, but they were the same king. The Babylonian records were have today are thus revised to hide this. This removed 82 years from the Persian Period. Thus the return in 537 is correctly re-dated to 455 BCE
Per the Bible there are 70 years from year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II to the 1st of Cyrus. The original dates were 525 to 455 BCE. In the revised timeline this period is 26 years too short, dated from 582 to 538 BCE, a period of only 44 years. (70 - 44 = 26 years). Here is where you restore those 26 years.
2 years for Nebuchadnezzar II (47 vs 43)
16 years for Evil-Merodach (18 vs 2)
2 years for Nabonidus (19 vs 17)
6 full years for DARIUS THE MEDE prior to Cyrus coming to the throne (6 vs zero)
This restores the 26 years removed from the Babylonian records.
This revised timeline became the popular timeline and then the official timeline later on. It may have been considered too difficult and too much of a scandal to make these corrections before, but now that we have to see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we have to use the Bible's timeline and the original timeline before the revisions for these periods. If these corrections are not made then you cannot correctly understand the bible's chronology.
The corrected timeline can be easily corrected and must be coordinated with several astronomical events (eclipses) that confirms the original timeline.
How does the Bible show that the 1st of Cyrus is in 455BC?
The 70 weeks prophecy begins in 455 BCE, which is "when the word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem" which some interpret to have been fulfilled when the Jews first returned and began to rebuild in the 1st of Cyrus. Others think it fulfills the 20th of Artaxerxes. The secular 445 BCE date is adjusted back ten years based on archaeological evidence of a co-rulership between Darius I and Xerxes.
But now, the VAT4956 confirms the original year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II was in 511 BCE. That means year 23 falls in 525 BCE, the last deportation, which is exactly 70 years prior to the return in the 1st of Cyrus, which would fall in 455 BCE. So the VAT4956 confirms the Bible's timeline is true.
+Jax Cover Archaeology and historical records show all the kings and battles of media/persia and were accurately able to confirm dates according to recorded eclipses that can be plotted even to our time.
ROFL! Not so. Look up the "Delian Problem" and it will claim that Plato was consulted in the 2nd year of the Peloponnesian War. Here's that quote:
"Doubling the Cube, the most famous of the collection, is often referred to as the Delian problem due to a legend that the Delians had consulted Plato on the subject. In another form, the story asserts that the Athenians in 430 B.C. consulted the oracle at Delos in the hope to stop the plague ravaging their country. They were advised by Apollo to double his altar that had the form of a cube. As a result of several failed attempts to satisfy the god, the pestilence only worsened and at the end they turned to Plato for advice."
Plato wasn't born until 428 BCE. So when Xenophon revised the Greek timeline, it ended up pushing the PPW 2 years before Plato's birth. So you can believe all you want there was no revisionism during the Persian Period. It's just not true.
Wikipedia: "Plato (/ˈpleɪtoʊ/; Greek: Πλάτων Plátōn pronounced [plá.tɔːn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece.."
So YOUR history means Plato was consulted 2 years before he was born. Sorry, I can't accept that.
+Charlie Smith did you say "B.C.E."? Why would a "Christian" use such PC nonsense when u don't have to? It's O.K. to say "B.C."...
You were right on Q till 13:55, but then everything went amuck...durn it
Did not like it thought the song sounds nice, is is not suitable for praising Jesus, it just sounds like any other sound of the word into a concert
Stephen Bohr, please check this out. Daniel 1234, 7,8. 5,6, 9, 11, 10 12. Shalom. Those who teach that Daniel 2 and 7 Parallel, do not understand Daniel 2.
im so sad, about the music they using drums, it is true that even inside our church the enemy was over controlled. They sing like worldly singers, are they SDA? why they allow them to sing..
You sound like a true pharisee.
The 4th kingdom is the Islamic empire. The 4 wing of the third best are the four kingdoms that came after Greece from the same area; the Seleucid, the Byzantine, the Ottoman and now the Turkish. It is out of this nation the anti-Christ will come from. 666 in Greek is the same letters as Arabic ""in the name Allah". Time is shorter than you think. September 23rd the sign of revelations 12 will appear.
Rome never crushed the Persians, it never occupied Babylon, Rome can not be the fourth kingdom. Read Daniel 2:40.
Tommy Severt , Rome came after Greece
You need to know history. Rome took power after Greece, until the fall of the Roman Empire, then power was given to Papal Rome
This pastor is out of scripture understanding, the end is not the end until is the end. Jesus Christ is the Emanuel GOD in flesh.
Joe rye , no! U r
Immanuel and Jesus is God and his son in one body. Jesus is not God.
the creator is antichrist because the creator give the law and jesus destroy the law Elohim say to have the Sabbath and jesus I am the lord of Sabbath , jesus is similar with the satan in garden of eden , Elohim ask not to eat,..... satan ,yes eat (in the garden of eden () , Elohim ,sex must only with wife jesus do not sin anymore for sin Elohim will put you thru the fire read psalm 26;2 and that fire will make you pure , go to rabbi tovia singer on you tube he will help you to get out from the new testament the Roman book
15:18. Outa here. False teacher!!!!!!
Im a sda he all wrong, do not believe he .the 1260 1290 1335 are not in the 2300 day. all wrong
Yes they are if you are so sure explain your self not just disagree
@Keith Bandy ! He is right; but you are wrong. 1260, 1290 & 1335 prophecies are the part of the longest prophecy of 2300 days.