صدق أو لا تصدق؟-54🤷🏻♀️| أفضل طريقة✔️ لتعليم الانجلش English
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- How long have I been asleep?
منذ متى وأنا نائم
Are you still there?
هل مازلت هناك؟
Let me rephrase the question.
اسمح لي أن أعيد صياغة السؤال
I had a dream about you last night.
حلمت بك ليلة أمس.
Every problem has a solution.
كل مشكلة لها حل.
q-I had a dream about you.
حلمت بك
q- I had a dream about your sister.
حلمت بأختك.
q- He had a dream about me in a white dress.
كان يحلم بي في ثوب أبيض.
You can count on me.
يمكنك الاعتماد علي.
أنا بشكرك جداً جداً يا أستاذ. على الاستمرار وتوضيح الترجمه بالعربي بارك الله فيك وفديوات مفيداً جداً وجمل عن الحياه اليوميه وهذا الي أحتاجه لأن انا عايشه في أمريكا
والله احلي حاجه بحبها في دروسك يا مستر ان دمك خفيف وروحك حلوه اووي .. وبتديني طاقه مش طبيعيه ربنا يزيدك علم ومحبه اكتر واكتر💖💖💖
Let me rephrase the question
Why are you still here
جزاك الله خيرا على هذا الجهد الكبير وزادك الله في العلم والقدر وجعل الله هذا العمل في ميزان حسناتك كعلم ينتفع به
بارك الله فيك استاذ محمد... اعترف لك انني بدأت افهم الآن مايقوله المتحدثون الاصليون بنسبة مشجعة...بالفعل عرفت الآن ان التكرار مفتاح سحري للفهم .
بجد مفيد جدا . خاصتا بعد شرحك و كتابتك لجمله . جزاك الله عنا كل خير .
يا مساء الخير يا استاذ الخير
يا محمد الله يسعدك ويوفقك.
انا ممنونتك
سائرون بقوة نحو مليون مشترك للقناة الرائعة ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
وشكرا لك تحياتي و تقديري واحترامي ماشاء لله عليك يا مستر كلامك جميل جدا وشرحك الرائع أكثر من جميل وخفت دم وحس الدعايه
You have created to teach English language thank you so much
اللهم يوفقك استاذ محمد
ربي سبحانه وتعالي يسعدك
1-Don’t be late
2-I’m sorry I ‘m late
3-Be late to school
4-what took you so long
5-why are you late 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃
ربي يسعدك دنياي واخره ويحفظك ربي اسله أن يرزقك من واسع فضله وبل ف خاطرك يا محمد سلام
You are great a person my teacher
Excellent episode
احلي قناة
احلي معلم
احلي تعلم
فعلا اسم علي مسمي ، متعة التعليم
1. Don't be late.
2. Sorry I'm late.
3. I'll be late for school.
4. What took you so long?
5. Why are you late?
شكرا لك 🌺
أفضل اسلوب تعليمي
بالتوفيق والنجاح الدائم أخي الكريم 👍🌹💞👍
الله يبارك فيك أخي الكريم يعتيك الف صحه والعفية وشكرن شكرن شكرن جزيلا 🙋 🙋 🙋 🙋 👍 👍 👍 👍 💖 💛 💚 💙 👌 👌 👌 😍 😍 😍
Please, don't be late.
Sorry, I'm late.
Why were you late ?
I was not late .
Why are you late ?
I'll be late at school. Thank you very much for this lesson, we appreciate what you are doing for us .thank's ❤
فيني اسألك
@@saidaka2568 أهلا وسهلا بك أخي المحترم .
ما هو سؤالك ؟
اسلام عليكم. 👍
شكرا على كل ماتقدمه بارك الله فيك
You are very good teacher 👍👍👍
I assure you Sir , that all of us make good use of all that it offer to us as knowledge about the English language .
I'm so happy with your teaching method and iam grateful. ❤
You can count on me
Don't be late
I'm sorry,I'm late
I'm going be late about the scole
What took you so long ?
Why are you going be late ?
I had a dream about you
Let me rephrase the question
I had a dream about you sister
Are you still there ?
Mother how long have I been aseelp ?
Do you still there ?
I will late for school.
Why are you late?
@@KHALIDKHALID-zp2jn Thank you so much
I am going to be late about the school
ever problem has a solution
1-I had a dream about you last night
2-you can count on me
3-How long have I been asleep
4-Every problem has a solution
5-Let me rephrase the question
6-why are you still here
1-I had a dream about you
2-Let me rephrase the question
3-I had a dream about your sister
4-you can count on me,sir-cool
5-Are you still there
6-He had a dream about me in a whit dress
7-How long have I been asleep
وشكرا لك يا محمد سلام معرش ارسل ورده
1. Don't be late
لا تتأخر
2. Sorry i'm late
آسف تأخرت
3. I'll be late for school
سوف اتأخر على المدرسة
4. What took you so long
ما الذي أخرك
5. Why are you late
لماذا تأخرت
I am confused between these two sentences
Which of them is correct
1 - I'll be late for school
2 - I'm gonna be late to school
شكرا على المجهود و شكرا على هذه القناة الرائعة
Thanks a lot
ever problem has a solution.
👍تمام كدا
شكرا جزيلا على فيدوهات الاختبار هكذا اسهل ربنا يحفظك✨✨✨✨
انسان جميل خفةدم مع احترام مع تركيزوطريقةتجنن في التعليم برافووووووشكرالتعبك عشانا
مستر محمد ادامك الله في حياتنا ونفع بك نفسي حضرتك تشرح الاختصارات زي اول الفديوز والحلقات القديمه ارجوك كنت بستفاد جداا
عااشت ايدك 🌺
جزاك الله خير
أسعدك الله كما تسعد العالم بكل جديد كله في ميزان حسناتك عند الله انشاء الله
فاهمين كويس يا وحش استمر
Thank you so much for you
1_dont be late
2_sorry,to be late
3_i'll be late of the school
4_How took you so long
5_why are you so late
يعطيك الصحة استاذ
تحية لك من الجزائر
Every problem has asolution,
Every problem has asolutin
lhad a dreeam about your last night
don't hing up
Ihad adreem about yoy last night
you can count on me
يمكنك الاعتماد علي
how long have I been slip
Every problem has asolution
👍 عمل رائع
This is great 🌹🌹🌹
1 - please don’t be late
Once a day every day perfect English is on your way.
1. Don't be late
2. Sorry l'm late or sorry to be late
3. I'm gonna be late for school
4. What took you so long
Why are you so late
1- I had a dream about you last night.
. حلمت بك ليلة أمس
2- You count on me.
. يمكنك الاعتماد علي
3- Were you sleeping?
؟ هل كنت نائما
4- How long have I been asleep?
منذ متى وأنا نائم؟
5- Every problem has a solution
كل مشكلة لها حل
6- Let me rephrase the question.
اسمحوا لي أن أعيد صياغة السؤال
7- Why are you still here?
لماذا ما زلت هنا؟
Thanks a bunch, my Teacher
باستطاعتك ان تعتمد عليه
1- Dont be late-- لا تتأخر
2-sorry to keep you waiting -آسف على التأخير
3- Ill gonna be late for school - سوف أتأخر عن المدرسة
4- what took you so long -ما الذي أخرك كثيرا
5- why are you late- لماذا انت متأخر
Thanks alot!
- Do not be late
- Sorry for being late
- I'm going to be late for school
- What made you late
- why are you late
Every problem has asolution
Let me rephrase the question
Why are you still here?
Don't be late
sorry , Im late
I will be late for school
What took you so long
Why are you late
Thank you very much sir
شكرا ليك ❤️❤️❤️
Bless you
1.don't late 2. Sorry , I'm so later to you . 3. I 'll later to school . 4. What is reason later you ? 5.why are you later ?
God you are god in inglish
ربي يسعد قلبك يا مستر محمد سلام كا زوج ولا عازب
1- don't be late 2- I'm sorry, I have been late 3- I'm going to be late 4-what took you so long? 5-Why are you late?
2- sorry for my late
I had a dream about you last night.
You can count on me.
How long have I been asleep?
Every problem has a solution.
Let me rephrase the question
Why are you still here?
Don’t patronize me ارجو شرح هذه الجملة من ناحية النطق
لو انك تقول الجمله بصوتك وبشكل بطيء افضل من تكرارها كثيرا من الفلم لان صوتك اكثر وضوحا واكثر متعه
يااستاذ محمد انا اريد ان اتعلم من خلاال قناتك ارجوك من وين أبدأ رحت لقوائم التشغيل وجدت فيها المسوى الثاني ولم اجد الاول وهناك قائمة اسمها انجليزي من الصفر وهناك قوائم عديدة يا ريت لو تعملنا فيديو تتكلمنا فيه كيف نبدأ من وين نبدأ من اي قائمة قناتك حقيقة جميلة وسهلة وممتعة ياريت ترد علية وانا شاكرلك كثيرا بارك الله فيك .
1 don't be late
2 i'm sorry, i'm late
3 i'm going be late to school
4 why took you so long
Why are you late?
1-Don't be late?
2-sorry,I'm late.
3-I'm going to be late for school.
4-Why did you come late?
5-Why are you late?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وكل عام وانتم بخير
من فضلك اشرح لي نطق هذه الجمله مع شكري وعرفاني لك
Don’t patronize me
Featured episode 🧚♀️
Mother how long have i been asleep,
I had a dream about you last night.
You can count on me!
How long have i been asleep?
Every problem has a solution.
Let me rephrase the question.
Why are you still here?
Don’t be late
Sorry I am late
What took you so long?
Are you still there?
He had a dream about me in a white dress
I had a dream about your sister
انا جديدة معاك عالقناة.عايزاك تدلني حبتدي من وين .وكيف اعمل بالخطوات.وشكرا لك كثير لان طريقة التعلم عجبتني وعايزة اتعلم على طريقتك.
I has a dream about you last night
You can count on me
How long have I been asleep?
Every problem has a solution
Let me rephrase the question
Why are you still here ?
Evry problemas has solcion
I'm still there
You can count on meيمكنك الاعتماد على
انا مبسوطه جدا بس كنت مريضه م سجلت رابط zoom عاوزه مدفوع الاجر
You can count on me my teacher
You can count on me, sir
mother how long have I been asleep?
Every problem has a solution.
every problem has a solution !
I Had a Dream about you Last night
You can Count on me
How long have i been asleep
Every Problem has a solution
Let me rephrase the question
Why are you still here
I had dream about you last night.
2-you can count on me.
3-how long have i been asleep.
4-Every problem has a solution.
5-Let Me rephrase the question.
6-why are you still here?
7-don't be late
I'm sorry i'm late
We're gonna be late
Sorry I late
I'll be late for school
Whate did you delay
It took so long time
How long have ibeen asleep
every problem has a solution