Series 2, Part 4, Secret of the Universe What the Torah Really Is. The ultimate computer.

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • This video explains what the Torah really is and why it is so Holy. The end of the video explains the three most difficult questions in the Universe: 1. Why was the Universe created? 2. If God created the Universe than who created God? 3. What is man’s purpose in the Universe? It also covers what kind of program the Torah is and how it may work.
    This video covers the following subjects: The Video also covers the religious questions of why Adam and Eve made the deliberate decision to de-evolve to fifth dimensional beings. The video and the books prove that the Tree was not a tree it represented something else, the snake also represented something else. There was not a snake at all. The apple represented also something else. This is very much a philosophical video of existence and why humans exists. Nobody in history had been able to put so much important information together to answer the most difficult questions in the Universe.
    If you have any questions on any of the videos, just send your questions to or and they will be answered directly or in a Q&A video in that series. List of all the video Series’s:
    Video Series 1 The Theory of Multidimensional Reality.
    Part 1: The two different ways to describe the Universe: • Series 1, Part 1, The ... .
    Part 2: Defining the Problem. How I found the Clock Cycle in the Universe; • Series 1, Part 2; The ... .
    Part 3: Creation of the Atom and Defining Dimensions; • Series 1, Part 3.Theor... .
    Part 4: Dimensions 5-8. What is Gravity; • Series 1, Part 4, Theo... .
    Part 5: What is Light; • Series 1, Part 5, What... .
    Part 6: The Subatomic “Particles” and what they Really are; • Series 1, Part 6, Are ... .
    Part 7: Where Quasars get their energy; • Quasars, Black Holes, ... .
    Part 8: The Crisis in Physics; • Series1, Part 8, There... .
    Video Series 2. Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet.
    Part 1: The creation model of the Hebrew Alphabet; • Series 2, Part 1, Crea... .
    Part 2: The science philosophy behind the Hebrew Alphabet; • Series 2, Part 2, The ... .
    Part 3: The Three Shapes the Letters Form; • Series 2, Part 3, The ... .
    Part 4: Dating the Torah and the Technology; • Series 2, Part 4, Secr... .
    Video Series 3. Gravity & time experiments.
    Part 1: Field Experiment at Oregon Vortex, Santa Cruz Mystery Spot; • Series 3, Gravitationa... .
    Video Series 4. Causes of the Ice Ages & Polar Reversals.
    Part 1: Clock cycles that cause the reversals; • Series 4, Introduction... .
    Part 2: Proof Sun novas; • Series 4, Part 2, Caus... .
    Part 2B: Proof all stars Nova; • Series 4, Part 2B, All... .
    Part 3: The great flood; • Series 4, Part 3, Caus... .
    Part 4A: Sea level changes; • Series 4, Part 4A, The... .
    Part 4B: Meteors do not cause extinctions; • Series 4, Part 4B, Cau... .
    Part 4C/E: 14C dating Issues; • Series 4, Part 4E The ... .
    Part 4D: Greenland crater; • Series 4, Part 4D The ... .
    Part 4F: Earth’s rotation reverses during polar reversal; • Series 4, Part 4F, The... .
    Part 4G: Mechanism that creates the Earth’s magnetic field & rotation?; • Series 4, Part 4G, 2nd... .
    Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal; • Series 4, Part 5A, Whe... .
    Part 5B: The easy way to survive; • Series 4, Part 5B, Whe... .
    Part 5C: Most coded secret in the Torah; • Series 4, Part 5C, The... .
    Video Series 6. Moses 10 Code Systems:
    Part 1: Code systems 1-7; • Series 6 Part 1, Moses... .
    Part 2: Code systems 8-10, #12,068 Embedded in the Torah; • Series 6 part 2, Moses... .
    Video Series 7. God’s Code System:
    Part 1: God’s 11th code system; • Series 7 part 1, God's... .
    Part 2: 12,068 day cycles: • Series 7, Part 2, God'... .
    Video Series 8. Abraham & the cave:
    Part 1: Why Abraham Sold his Half Sister 2X; • Series 8, Part 1; Volu... .
    Part 2: Coded Names for Mount Sinai & the Technology in the cave; • Series 8, Part 2, From... .
    Video Series 9. Joseph & slavery for 11 Tribes:
    Part 1: Young Joseph; • Series 9, Part 1, Vol.... .
    Part 2: Becomes prime minister; • Series 9, Part 2, From... .
    Part 3: 11 tribes enslaved; • Series 9, Part 3, From... .
    Video Series 10. The Exodus and Finding the Real Mount Sinai: Part 1: the Pharaoh; • Series 10, Part 1, Egy... .
    Part 2: Moses & the cave; • Series 10, Part 2, Fro... .
    Part 3: The Altars; • Series 10, Part 3, Fro... .
    Part 4: The Ark: • Series 10, Part 4, Fro... .
    Part 5: After Mount Sinai; • Series 10, Part 5, How... .
    Part 6: The missing 12 tribes: • Series 10, Part 6, Why... .
    Video Series 12. How & who Changed the Science:
    Part 1: How & Who; • Series 12, Part 1; How... .
    Part 2: Why the Piso’s did it; • Series 12, Part 2, Why... .
    The books mentioned can be purchased through or & The Diehold Foundation is a 501(C)3 Public Science Foundation. Donations are tax deductible and are welcomed.

Комментарии • 446

  • @HM-rf7yh
    @HM-rf7yh 5 лет назад +14

    The purpose of life is to "pass on the information"

  • @riseannalaunstein1009
    @riseannalaunstein1009 5 лет назад +7

    I just love him as a true teacher

  • @topazmage
    @topazmage 5 лет назад +9

    I love your videos. They feed my science mind and balance my spiritual mind. To understand metaphors and metaphysics at the same time. I see many perspectives that are very different and are all right. As an old soul, I have such joy. We often have egos when we figure things out and assume we are right and others are wrong. The trick is nothing is wrong, per se, it is only viewed from a different perspective for different levels of soul development. To leave Newtonian Physics is to leave 3D reality behind. Quantum physics is understanding the universe. People can be told but may never see it. It takes the lightbulbs opening in mind to let new information in.

  • @theeconomicrevolutionist
    @theeconomicrevolutionist 2 года назад +7

    I still think God has always existed for ever and ever, infinite. Nothing created God.

  • @colloidalchristina9379
    @colloidalchristina9379 3 года назад +3

    Oh my, you are answering so many questions that I have had for so long & confirmed deep long held beliefs & feelings that I had never put into words. Thankyou.

  • @babblingidiot7903
    @babblingidiot7903 5 лет назад +4

    I remember waking up once on accident and saw a grid, electricity grid above me, almost like the matrix or a simulated air space. Still troubles me til now. Sometimes life feels off. There has to be more to what we are told about living.

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  5 лет назад +6

      Dear TTYL, WE had a similar thing twice, over 20 years ago, but it looks like a black monolith over our heads. My wife and I both saw it. Contact me and let's see if it is similar.

  • @jackstewart6653
    @jackstewart6653 7 месяцев назад +4

    RIP Doug Vogt. Thanks for sharing your great work!

  • @xenasmith1702
    @xenasmith1702 4 года назад +3

    If Adam and Eve were ‘first’, what were they coming to forget? The 6th sphere is pure love energy. Why would they wish to devolve to matter and how is that possible as 6th dimension beings cannot be contained by matter due to their light body vibrating at such a high frequency? I cannot get enough of these videos Doug. You are a genuine genius of our time. I’m only able to access 3 of your books in paper back form here in Australia via either your site or Amazon due to it saying ‘does not post to your region’. Kindle will have to do for the others for now but it’s not the same. Keep up the great work Doug.

    • @HalfQuickFarmer
      @HalfQuickFarmer 3 года назад

      I was told when I was young that, it wasn’t a choice to enter and forget, but a forced effort. She was put in and forced to forget. Oddly she had vast memories still, but fragmented and cloudy. Her explanation all those years ago was very hard to comprehend, Doug has explained this all as she was trying to. I’m so amazed

  • @captainmac2046
    @captainmac2046 3 года назад +6

    The highly advanced people were just like us at one point: stubborn, skeptical, ironically and irrationally obsessed with operating and identifying from one sliver of their cerebral cortex, or one cranny of their left ventricle... They were so damn stubborn in fact, just like us, that the consecrated device that is the crystaline "rod" that overtook the weilder with understanding and certain capability ...
    * (built of something similar to what we are calling "time crystals" that can seemingly illogically tame massive amounts of information and energy)
    was not enough to encourage those in the civilization who couldn't or wouldn't weild it or even meditate, so they needed a visual... so they built a damn crystaline "projector" of sorts to add sound and imagery to the whole thing, and that wasn't enough proof to encourage certain people in the society either, so they built a damn consecrated temple (pyramid) that would contain "God's" invisible presence (while preserving everything within), having done that, with or without the technology present, and with or without the temple still standing, the presence of "God's" ENERGY would be there in non physical form.
    There is a whole damn science and technology to containing the seemingly UNCONTAINABLE within the human body, within an object (of really any material (hence things like the Dyanalinga, in India), and within a space of sorts, like a pyramid. It's just that the methodologies that people discover over the centuries to do these things in very responsible ways is looked at from the peripheries as mystical or magical because limited identities can't comprehend it and aren't yet willing to try the simple processes to be possessed by understanding.
    Knowledge is great, and scholarship like Doug's is an incredible service, but ultimately, the universe is like the holiest of "holy donuts" we have here in Maine,our experience of life can be delightfully sweet, and we can collect all sorts of knowledge through experience, but when it comes down to it, when we are extra hungry, we make our way to the middle. The more of the damn thing we eat, the better, because we are what you eat haha...
    The toroid, and the Hebrew letters were just the closest logical bent minds of that time could disect it, never really seeing "No-thing's" face, only getting as far as to understand God/Energy/Life's context.
    People who inhabited the temple on mars prior to the final days the planet had before being ejected from the goldilocks zone were able to choose whether to become absolutely No-thing (permanently No-thing, the host to "God", Yes; "prior" to God, and what is at the center of anything energy/sound) OR to merge with the seemingly UNCONTAINABLE energy and essentially reincarnate any number of times they needed to fulfill their remaining devotion, desires, or missions picked up from the begging and pleading of others at that time.
    Some of them could see ahead in time knew exactly what was going to unfold here on earth and knew exactly however many incarnations they would need to take and the details of all those incarnations, and chose to incarnate however many times needed to steer things in more harmonious directions before eventually deciding whether to stay in the universe or become No-thing permanently.
    Logical minds shouldn't even try to comprehend these things because they don't have the willingness that the prophets or Yogis had to actually be possessed by understanding, they just play around with knowledge.
    Lots of people possess knowledge, but understanding possesses "YOU".
    Try meditating if you really want to know... or give up your search for real understanding, and focus on the practical, sensible, or technical things you know you can do for the world in these times.
    Make a difference in people's lives by being there for them and raising them up. Spread love and joy, regardless of circumstances. That's what people need who won't survive this thing, because it carries over into their next lives.
    Id gladly help find these advanced relics if I was included, sure, I think that would be some good fun... and I'd love to help people build, understand, and operate ezekiels temple maybe too while I'm at it, if I could, but I'm just one man barely scraping by, working his way to a long enough vacation to meditate the rest of the way (or to put it to the metaphor, to eat the rest of the donut)...

    • @beccathib3656
      @beccathib3656 2 года назад

      You must meditate all the time! 🙏😌💫💕🧘‍♂️👳‍♂️🌌💫

  • @kdavis4910
    @kdavis4910 2 года назад +7

    The significance of the toroidal shape of the inner apple goes deeper when you realize that apple seeds possess such amazing Biodiversity that if you germinate and plant every seed within one apple you are extremely unlikely to produce that same apple. And you are unlikely to get repeat apple strains. In short, the Biodiversity within the seeds is almost limitless. Could they have known that somehow?

  • @treasurehunt7812
    @treasurehunt7812 2 года назад +7

    Don, if your theory on RAM and the role of planets & stars is correct then the Diehold isn't exactly like a computer. RAM is hardware, the firmware and software which manages the hardware is of a different nature. What's more likely, in my estimation, is the planets and stars are pipelines for and compressors of, data. The quasars would be similar, in that it's an entry point. So, quasars are building the firmware infrastructure. The infrastructure firmware are the planets & stars which serve to be the output of data, and likely feed into a compression/filtering system. The lower dimensions are managed by a software, which manages the physical, artificial-reality of our experience, which permeates the entire spatial plane through your omni-present square wave. Though, I believe Reimann and LaRouche have explained that mechanism more thoroughly than you have, no offense. As, through the self-similar spiraling conic vortexes, the square-wave pattern is produced when examining the cone from the side, similar to your process for identifying the Hebrew alphabet.
    I think you nailed it, though. It makes perfect sense that Moses discovered a machine to replicate an operating system, enabling them to speak with God. Though, I'd lean towards a less pessimistic view of the purpose of the hierarchical dimensional structure. Not because it's more comforting to do so, but because there is a purpose to this design. That purpose is clearly not entropy. And, the purpose seems to be, directly, creating life.

  • @sluggou812beotch
    @sluggou812beotch 5 лет назад +3

    Doug I'm starting to grasp what you're teaching. I find it to be odd and mesmerizing that when you do a little skip, I tend to finish the thought for you. The way my brain works, when I get too much info going out I skip. I assume my audience knows where I'm going. This is why a lot of people don't get you or me. I feel a kindred link with you. You've answered many a proverbial question for me. Thank you for being in my head.

  • @brandtcollver8008
    @brandtcollver8008 3 года назад +4

    I dreamed that we or I was an Electrical Vibrating Entity, before being born into this body here. I was with many others, clustered together. We recognised each other. We come here to Expearance all the things that we can't any more. To remember then go back. That's what I got from the DREAM. VERY VIVID!!

    • @nightmarerex2035
      @nightmarerex2035 Год назад

      that energy form "god" "true form of god" is also "true form of human animal and all life forms"

  • @MrPudd420
    @MrPudd420 5 лет назад +44

    I like your theories Doug and if you ever decide to become a planet, I would be honored to live on you.

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  5 лет назад +16

      Thank you. I will keep that in mind. Do you think you are an old soul? If you this=k so you may have devolved multiple times just to stay human.

    • @MrPudd420
      @MrPudd420 5 лет назад +7

      @@dieholdfoundation6705 Oh absolutely. I devolve every chance I get. I love being human.

    • @MrPudd420
      @MrPudd420 5 лет назад +6

      @ssiK ssAyM Oh yea, I remember you from about 3000 years ago. Don't worry I won't tell what you did.

    • @rightrightminyo
      @rightrightminyo 5 лет назад

      Doug I want to come work with you.. Tell me does moh d ea help with anything.. I need to talk to you.

    • @MrDannyLaRusso
      @MrDannyLaRusso 5 лет назад


  • @LorettaEnigma
    @LorettaEnigma 5 лет назад +3

    I am currently binge watching your channel. I have watched many videos from Tom Campbell who has a TOE that relates to yours in various ways. It seems you have the mechanisms down and stop just short of some final conclusions that the other theory makes. I would love to see you both together to see what connections could be made. I'm currently trying to combine your ideas and see what comes of it. So glad you are sharing your wealth of knowledge with us and in a no nonsense straight forward way.

  • @soonerfanintx
    @soonerfanintx 5 лет назад +4

    WOW, some very interesting findings, hard to dispute some of that data, unsure of the conclusions but he is on to something.

  • @VictoriaBlancaa
    @VictoriaBlancaa 28 дней назад +3


  • @purpose6113
    @purpose6113 3 года назад +6

    You forgot the most important question: what happens when we die?
    I'd really want to hear your insights on that.
    Thanks for your work, it's very valuable.

  • @icarus3335
    @icarus3335 4 года назад +3

    Wow, I always thought that the Universe and our brain are the same whenever I see a picture of neural network.This is nice :)
    There are things in my life that happened that I couldn't really understand since I was a kid, now it's kind of making sense to me if I'm gonna base it here... Will keep watching up to the end Doc! Thank you!

  • @mikeschott679
    @mikeschott679 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks Doug for all of your enlightenment.

  • @keithwaa4783
    @keithwaa4783 5 лет назад +2

    From my earliest understanding of the concept infinity i very rapidly sensed that out went on forever and so too in....which coyld only also mean infinite dimensions..
    Thank you Doug Vogt for all your research into these dense subjects...this last video being the most plaintively explained and have thus come the very closest to offering a rational framework to what my mind thinks the Universe must or should be....Doug seriously , your sense of science as a format and groups of tools is entirely refreshing. Thank you.

  • @moonspir
    @moonspir 5 лет назад +2

    I totally agree with your view of existence and our place in it. In my opinion its not a liability but in fact an opportunity to explore new ideas and concepts just in a more visceral way. As such we should all be happy and thankful for our ability to journey here for what ever time we have and what ever we came here to physically experience.

  • @christinaelizabeth9400
    @christinaelizabeth9400 5 лет назад +3

    This is amazing!! Thank you for the incredible work!

  • @bradjunes1610
    @bradjunes1610 5 месяцев назад +1

    I hope to see the you tubes doug made. Scared to think I will not see them. Please keep them available Much thanks from an old man.

  • @nedrutland3201
    @nedrutland3201 5 лет назад +3

    Your clock cycle is the heart of your work along with its repeated novas

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  5 лет назад +4

      that is right. That is the game-changer because it proves our universe is a created reality.

    • @eugene-bright
      @eugene-bright 3 года назад

      @@dieholdfoundation6705 Please give a try to Klee Irwin's self-simulation theory

  • @peacefulwarrior4151
    @peacefulwarrior4151 2 года назад +2

    This is brilliant... beautiful in fact ... beyond... beyond... thank you Sir!!! It makes me think of Vril!! Chi energy...

  • @persiah7779
    @persiah7779 4 года назад +2

    "do not be deceived by hollow and deceptive philosophies" applies to this quite accurately...don't buy into fanciful theories my love, joy, and peace that come from Jesus Yeshua alone! The words of scripture may very well be coded, but the words absolutely are true to form and bring life to those who live by them

  • @carbonturk7200
    @carbonturk7200 2 года назад +2

    A few years back...I discovered your channel...
    You were teaching me...
    Now...The Student is here to give some back...!
    I know who were the coders / programmers... of TORAH...!
    I know the PURPOSE of CARBON MAN...!
    We are to become DIAMONDS...!
    This is as serious as your own research...!
    Thanks for all your enlightening...!

    • @juanramon10-14
      @juanramon10-14 Год назад

      Oh wow! You have to release more information about it. It sounds very interesting

  • @lindarocco9974
    @lindarocco9974 4 года назад +3

    @Diehold Foundation Doug, you have presented some absolutely amazing information in this series. Thank you so much. You have made me think. I was wondering, if we want to escape to the next level up, how must we be 'aligned' what angles/vectors must our light be adjusted to to reach conscious light level 6 ?

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад +2

      Linda Rocco The Torah’s complexity belies a simple set of laws for non-Jewish people to live in concordance with all life and nature, as well as mentally engage the cherishing of this world and any possible hereafter. In short, regardless of how one interprets reality, the universally potent teachings of internal discipline and external compassion apply.
      Everything begins and ends in the mind; setting sound principles for yourself to live by and enacting them with prudence begins with perceptual understanding in this existence as a prelude.

  • @mysteryneophyte
    @mysteryneophyte 5 лет назад +2

    The information you shared on this video is really very interesting. I would not accept or reject any of your info with out going over some things myself a bit more, personally. Anyway I thank you for sharing this information with everyone Mr Doug Vogt.

  • @user-smoser
    @user-smoser 2 месяца назад +1

    Потрясающая ум информация. Было очень вкусно послушать.

  • @Mrch33ky
    @Mrch33ky 5 лет назад +1

    A very rational hypothesis. Looking forward to the books. Thanks for sharing the videos.

  • @raycosmic9019
    @raycosmic9019 Год назад +3

    Only Creative Intelligence can invent a computer.
    Because potential for actualization is infinite, actualization of potential is eternal, for only Eternity can fully embrace Infinity.

    • @heliarc5186
      @heliarc5186 Год назад +1

      I enjoyed reading that. Nice quote to make meme with

  • @megenberg8
    @megenberg8 5 лет назад +2

    48:03 - ' .... somebody would have done it'. yes, someone did. and He came 'not to destroy the Law but fulfill it'. rev. 21:4 '.... He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore, for the old order of things has passed away.'

    • @rhodarose3451
      @rhodarose3451 5 лет назад

      Your comment opened up a concept for me that just keeps developing as the opening of a flower ... WOW !!!

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад

      So are you supposing the one from Galilee turned off the hypothesized Diehold system upholding this universe represented by this Proxy model found in the Torah?
      Seems that of anything, his fulfillment of the Torah would be more akin to his closing the circuit between what we could understand as proper conduct within this programmed existence and our limited means of grasping what the system itself is.

  • @kp6215
    @kp6215 4 месяца назад

    “May the Force be with You” the fifth dimension communicating information knowing moving without touching speaking.

  • @ryanfatguyinlilcoat2436
    @ryanfatguyinlilcoat2436 4 года назад +3

    Doug should come out with his own version of The bible

  • @danielhatch3740
    @danielhatch3740 5 лет назад +3

    Hello Mr. Vogt, Have you ever heard of a gentleman named Walter Russell. He had a philosophy and cosmology of the universe that was electric. His generation had a pre-computer technology knowledge base, but I find some of his ideas interesting. I especially find Russell's Periodic Table of Elements interesting and that he also thought that Carbon alone expresses the idea of matter. His theories had flaws but were amazing for his time. He was largely ignored by Academia and functioned independent of government funds. Just wanted to know if you knew of him and his theories. Thanks and keep up the good work, K. Daniel Hatch.

  • @eugene-bright
    @eugene-bright 3 года назад +6

    Adm is just short for Admin. :Trollface:

  • @richardtriplett9995
    @richardtriplett9995 3 года назад +2


  • @Nicolasin-yn9mu
    @Nicolasin-yn9mu 3 года назад +2

    F**k me I put part 2 on and fell asleep and woke up this around 21:55, wow, we devovled to forget, what an amazing idea? And all this went into my dreams?

  • @grantperkins368
    @grantperkins368 5 лет назад +2

    Holy fLIck! I'm only 2 minutes in and you've already blown my mind!

  • @bradjunes1610
    @bradjunes1610 5 месяцев назад +3

    God bless you sir. RIP

  • @peterfiedfm5104
    @peterfiedfm5104 5 лет назад +15

    My iq is 137 and i do electronics and science, i get it, in fact i agree. But this is not a conversation for everyone, because where the hell does one start.

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  5 лет назад +8

      Peter, you are my kind of audience. You know how powerful this technology is and how advanced they were. The hard part for Moses was creating a surface story to a string of symbols to make a language and story from the start. Unfortunately, the Hebrews that followed did not know what they had. My IQ was 154 a long time ago. I don't know if it means anything. Most of what I learned was self-taught not from my college days.

    • @TheSpirituralWackadoo
      @TheSpirituralWackadoo 5 лет назад

      busy your brain.

    • @tphilosophile
      @tphilosophile 4 года назад

      I do not know of my IQ numbers but, I can tell you this much...
      I only did a politics degree as a mature student in the UK with a third world background and with only the primary level schooling 45 years ago and...I was FUCKING HOMELESS at the time!
      University was my way out of HOMELESNESS
      Now...I understand everything Dous says plus
      Gerald Clark
      Manly Hall
      and many more...
      What does it all mean?
      It means this...
      Anunnaki are APOLOGETIC and are trying to help us!
      That is what TORAH is

    • @pedroramos3138
      @pedroramos3138 4 года назад

      @@tphilosophile yea right.....

    • @pedroramos3138
      @pedroramos3138 4 года назад

      @@tphilosophile ve been fooled pal

  • @vortex_g1460
    @vortex_g1460 4 года назад +5

    What you talk about is similar to The Law Of One. With 8 dimensions and us evolving to greater dimensions. The entitie that calls itself Ra, claims we are 3rd dimensional beings transitioning to 4th. It's also said there will be a great harvesting soon which sounds like your Nova.

    • @rastax6892
      @rastax6892 3 года назад +1


    • @tallthor
      @tallthor 3 года назад

      Was thinking this as well, I am really curious if Douglas has read the law of one.

    • @eugene-bright
      @eugene-bright 3 года назад

      RA never talks about Dimensions. They talk about Density (of consciousness).
      Jesus talked in parables. He also promised to build mansions for us. I believe it was talk about the New Jerusalem Mothership.

  • @Munnraibe
    @Munnraibe 5 лет назад +2

    I wish you and Tom Campbell did a chat together. This is great, thanks.

  • @hmlxur54
    @hmlxur54 5 лет назад +1

    Very thought provoking presentation, interesting take on our existence!

  • @chucksweet7533
    @chucksweet7533 5 лет назад +1

    Above and Below are fractal iterations of one another, and it is not so much the 'insanity of knowing everything', I have had the near death experience myself, and so feel competent to convey that it is a matter of allowing yourself to forget 'For the Lifetime' so that you can make mistakes. If you already know how to avoid all mistakes, you never really learn anything new, or do so slowly instead. If one does not have the long memory and the whole list of things like 'Do not put your finger in the fire, it hurts and will cause damage to the finger', that each person has to go through, and through making DIFFERENT Mistakes, we learn at an expanding rate, especially under stress and when others are making Their mistakes around us as well. Thus forgetting is a temporary tool, much like playing a video game, we start at level one and work our way up.
    Our Parent's mistakes have bearing on the trajectory of our own lives, in many ways, and this can be akin to random nuclear reaction with half-lives, fusion, fission and energetic exchanges, and it is by playing out the various levels of mistakes that we end up learning, and adding to the World Data Pool (as opposed to SMBH/Quasars which are more Whirled Matter/Data transmission pools.
    If we are fractillic by nature, then the Macrocosmos is actually that much closer to the 'Big Bang' point than we are, similar to how below our scale Atomic and subatomic functions have fully regularised, suppose what we see as Galaxies and SMBH's are akin to atoms and Neutrons respectively, with the smaller galaxies being smaller Elements, but nearly all show some formations akin to the torus magnetic field, which is how information is able to be consistently transmitted across all fractal size values, as the field itself acts the same at all scales and affects how matter acts in the process: it directs the movement of matter along with and sometimes in contravention to Gravity.

  • @neroboy7716
    @neroboy7716 5 лет назад +2

    These are so good. Wow.

  • @timneeley9624
    @timneeley9624 4 года назад +3

    I loved this ! Awesome 👍

  • @odaydrums
    @odaydrums 5 лет назад

    OK so I have given Doug a chance to state his case. I think its as good of a break down of why things are that I have seen. Also after he shows how he derives at his theory there is a beautiful simplicity to it all.
    Which resonates with me very dramatically. I keep coming back for more episodes! Thanks

  • @wildnkarafree
    @wildnkarafree 4 года назад +1

    the pelvic bone is the focus when using an MRI to look at the bone marrow

  • @NicGoldenEddie
    @NicGoldenEddie 2 года назад +2

    Thanks this is very appreciated.

  • @captainmac2046
    @captainmac2046 3 года назад +2

    We turn out the way we do, not just because of the residual impact of memory, but to serve the higher mission of a boundless intelligence that people call "God" or "Consciousness".
    It's just that our awareness of this higher cosmic purpose is clouded only when we have not learned to activate different levels of memory, and it takes lifetimes to access these deeper and subtler dimensions of memory.
    We have all sorts of memory - genetic, evolutionary, elemental, atomic, karmic, inarticulate, articulate, akashic, etc. All these playing on a daily basis determining all we do... that is, only when we are unaware of the mechanisms behind each layer of memory.
    It just so happens that the very dimension that we call Consciousness is both beyond memory, and yet still the source of it all. It recycles all forms of memory to exhaustion, and it is only when our advanced attention to memory is thoroughly or significantly exhausted that we become intelligent enough to access a dimension unsullied by memory. This dimension we call "Consciousness" or "God" because when our intelligence becomes boundless, everything is accessible.
    The irony is that when we access this, we learn a great paradox through our example...
    That is that "God" or "Consciousness" actually needs determinism in order to be boundless (in order to BE itself) because it can't be boundless without also generating endless forms of memory.
    It is usually only just before becoming boundless that a person recognizes how the memory involved with their unique human life was intelligently used by Consciousness (for everyone and everythings best interest) to serve it's course.
    Consciousness literally uses our lives to manipulate events closer to collective understanding of itself. It wants us all to know IT. Intimately... When we are ready.
    What is determined exactly? What's God's Mission?
    What is determined, is that "God", or if you'd rather call it Consciousness, will forever and always live, love, and learn about itself.
    God's Mission is only to BE itself, which it can't do without living through itself, loving itself, and learning ad infinitum.
    Great star systems are birthed, and recycled. Planets, birthed and recycled. Life rises and evolves, and new life is born of recycled ink. Everything is cyclical, and everything is connected.
    It's a beautifully intelligent process, and without it, nothing could BE.

  • @eugene-bright
    @eugene-bright 3 года назад +1

    I really like Klee Irwin's Self-Simulation Hypothesis.
    I and the Father are One

  • @jhighturntup5558
    @jhighturntup5558 5 лет назад +2

    Ahhhh ..... My brain just exploded again . 🎉🤯

  • @mikionos
    @mikionos 5 лет назад +3

    This is phenomenal. I wonder about the decision to devolve. Perhaps, it wasn't a decision so much as a side effect of the Diehold O/S which we were a part of. Sort of like a buffer overflow - or memory garbage collection. Regardless, great work and keep it up!

  • @juniousbell18
    @juniousbell18 3 года назад +6

    Again before the fall the Bible states Yahweh as creating man with a Nephesh, giving him a Neshama with breathing the Ruach into him. This man became a living being. Yet he was formed from the dust of the Ground.
    I think the first physical aspect if death was the feeling if being cold. Just as how when people die naturally the start to feel cold as their life force begins to leave. The feeling of shame was the first feeling of separation from life of God. Because when we are in him and have unfiened fath were not ashamed. But sin maketh us ashamed!

    • @nightmarerex2035
      @nightmarerex2035 Год назад

      why must god beat up and kill his son to forgive it tho? jesus sied : turn the other cheek, why cant god "turn the other cheek"?

  • @nancyferrell1749
    @nancyferrell1749 4 года назад +1

    WOW!!! And great explanation @ end. I can relate, understand and that is what is happening! Being dumbed down, shrunk in size, and killed off! Ya know food, water air they want to know when were dumb enough to BELIEVE all and there IS still an agenda to our beings. Thanks so much. Be smart, be safe. Take care.

  • @constancewhite8395
    @constancewhite8395 4 года назад +1

    Hummm..... so much out there to ponder on. I hadnt heard this theory before. Wow!! 🤷‍♀️

  • @danielolivera5750
    @danielolivera5750 4 года назад +2

    Thank you VERY much Doug. Greetings from Argentina. Stay Safe !!!

  • @ernestmartyniuk3058
    @ernestmartyniuk3058 5 лет назад +1

    I never agreed with the Big Bang Theory. We live in an Informational Data Base. Your thoughts create your future.

  • @zzbudzz
    @zzbudzz 5 лет назад +1

    I have really enjoyed these videos !

  • @espositogregory
    @espositogregory 4 года назад +2

    In my opinion, your best work. As a lifelong enthusiast of all disciplines concerning these big questions; colossal careers of more initiated minds, such as your’s are invaluable for a neophyte such as I.

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  4 года назад +4

      Dear Gregory, Thank you for the compliment. Just tell people about my work especially series 4 on the ice ages. People have to be worned about waht is going to happen so some people can be saved.

    • @eugene-bright
      @eugene-bright 3 года назад

      @@dieholdfoundation6705 I agree and warn you too in return
      It was not the way Moses said: “they hid in an ark.”
      Rather, they hid in a special place,
      Not just Noah
      but also many other people from the immovable race.
      They went into hiding within a cloud of light.

  • @ryangraffius1474
    @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад +5

    All matter is a phase conjugate state of plasma. All plasma is energy, all energy is resonance all resonance has interval, all interval has space all space has presence, all presence has inertia, all inertia has mass, all mass has meaning all meaning has information, all information has context, all context has narrative, all narrative has grammar, all grammar has verbs, all verbs have conjugations, all conjugates have subjects, and all subjects are matter in a phase conjugate state (tense).

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад

      Information consequentially produced context via manifold, not vise versa

  • @Stormlaughter
    @Stormlaughter 5 лет назад +5

    My brain didn't melt down or pause. :)
    Your theory makes more sense compared to the ancient precursors to gnostic beliefs if the Torah is considered as creating God within us than being a device to create a stand-alone god. Honestly though, neither the Torah nor the Diehold are the totality of God. Sixth density beings are still created beings. This is so similar to information from the Law of One but yours has the mathematics.
    How long does it take to advance spiritually to move from 4th to 5th dimension? Plancks' time. It's all in how you measure time. More likely we're living all of our lives simultaneously. Likely we're living 6th density existences somewhere. Or some of us at least. We can remember once we realize that we have the capability to remember.
    I really, really hope you have time someday to consider your theory again from a perspective outside of linear time because so much of it will suddenly make perfect sense and won't need further explanations.
    I see now why I dreamt of this back in December. It dovetails with other information I've gotten about the Torah era. I've purchased the Kindle version of The Theory of Multidimensional Reality.

  • @edbenjamin5136
    @edbenjamin5136 5 лет назад +2

    I've started reading Vogt's book, God's Day of Judgement, and do not find the calculation of the 12068 in the Hebrew scriptures compelling. The first problem is that he uses verses and books to calculate - but these were not in the original text. Verses were added around 1400 AD and so it is not a valid way to interpret the original text. Vogt seemed to be looking for the number rather than having a true rationale for calculating it. He thus dismisses numbers or selects the ones that work rather than having a uniform theory for why it works.

  • @kliphy10
    @kliphy10 5 лет назад +1

    To love & be loved
    : word

  • @equalizingforce2581
    @equalizingforce2581 4 года назад +4

    If God is an operating system who created the beings that made the operating system? Until you can answer that you can't explain how creation happened. It's just another chicken and egg scenario.

  • @megenberg8
    @megenberg8 5 лет назад +2

    btw, the 'ram' is in our brain. some use it, and some don't.

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад

      Lady Tate in the recursive model presented here by Doug, there would theoretically be multiple levels of RAM mechanisms, as well as the entire system in some fashion or another.
      Where our many cognizant capacity may be a microcosmic compliment to the externally holistic macrocosmic version, they’d be quite interdependent of one another.

  • @ArkyJane
    @ArkyJane 5 лет назад +2

    What happens when you turn The Switch to the off position?

  • @alangeisdorf4198
    @alangeisdorf4198 5 лет назад +1

    awesome, jaw dropping.

  • @lucyholliday1563
    @lucyholliday1563 5 лет назад +8

    It is very difficult to use a limited language like English to discuss concepts from the Torah,and the wholly other wholly divine creator.A certain level of mastery of Hebrew is essential.I have only been studying both for 15yrs and the more I study the less I know.Bless you for trying.What are we going to do with the concept of teshuvah which,like the aleph bet, was created before the foundation of the world? And what about the concept of messiah?And especially the concept of LOVE?After all,the Torah is to teach us how to love God and our neighbor--the 613 commandments ! If you have already addressed these issues,I apologise,as I have only watched some of your teachings,but will be watching all.I have ordered several books and am eagerly awaiting their arrival.

    • @davidstansell7571
      @davidstansell7571 5 лет назад +1

      you bring up a good point about the language .........i know i upset a lot of people when i say that Moses did NOT write the first five books of the Bible.. Ezra wrote most of the Old testament...the first five book are the books OF Moses and not BY Moses...... the information comes from Moses, but the first five books are written in 3rd party text..Moses had been dead 815 years when the Old Testament was created... my point is that Ezra wrote using the ancient Hebrew.... in 458 BC...... although English is more agreeable in translation of the Hebrew and Greek... from that time period.....more so than say Latin......... still the Hebrew and Greek are a High, and Precise language... in order to truly understand it, one would have to have a clear understanding of that time period....... if that makes sense ....... who is qualified to really understand it? I would like to know

    • @RDDPro
      @RDDPro 5 лет назад

      Would you consider Hebrew or modern day English the more complex language, and why?

    • @davidstansell7571
      @davidstansell7571 5 лет назад +1

      @@RDDPro I am no expert of Language...I know that Hebrew, like the Greek was a more precise Language ....Latin, I consider vulgar ..... English however is more compatible with the Hebrew than Latin......but sadly, English has taken a nose my limited opinion ...Yet what other alternatives do we have?

    • @911Fallacy
      @911Fallacy 5 лет назад +3

      @@davidstansell7571 Ashkenazi Jews speak Yiddish, a German/Slavic dialect. They only borrow from the Hebrew alphabet in their writings. And of course, as the knowledgeable all know...
      “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  5 лет назад

      @@davidstansell7571 David, what you are reciting is standard "historical relativism" which I proved is wrong because Moses gives us a hash total of all the letters in the Torah and also those "scholars" did not know taht Shaphen was the birth given name of Jeremiah. Those people were very stupid and lazy scholars. Watch my series on Moses and the 10 code systems and this series part 1-3 again.

  • @Sid-69
    @Sid-69 5 лет назад +3

    39:00 ▲As above, so below▼ for sure

  • @mandyarchery3780
    @mandyarchery3780 5 лет назад +1

    My question is why we're women so underestimated in the biblical times. Women weren't treated with respect, what idea or thought was given to man about women. It's hard for me to imagine God giving man any of these ill thoughts about women.

  • @ryangraffius1474
    @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад +1

    The ‘letters’ is the warping of the Möbius strip, which defines the prime ‘proportionate’ state between the 2 zero points of the toroidal matrix (up/down scale fractal pairing) this allows the ‘story’ to explain the relationship between the letters themselves.

    • @ryangraffius1474
      @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад

      The tesseract lowering from 5d-3D pairing fractal creates inversions of chirality, which result in (informational) polarity - inside the matrix (house of god). Magnets, planets, stars, galaxies, all magnetic houses, light is able to rotate between all of the houses, but not ‘blackholes’, because the prime proportion interval no longer exists. The houses of God are intonation : e/m spectrum.

    • @ryangraffius1474
      @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад

      ‘Houses’ are informational contexts. Like a scalular intervals (Pythagorean tuning) not western bastardization of frequency/scale.

    • @ryangraffius1474
      @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад

      Cancellation in the Alpha (universal) (Möbius) occurs Before division of Omega (cosmology). Forces then become expressions of this fact, that motions contrary procession, tidal lock, retrograde, singularity, to tesseract (4d, flow) are not the result of cosmological ‘change’, but rather create the informational interval intonation context for potentials to exist between energy and matter. There for making all matter/energy a phase conjugate states of plasma inside different informational contexts.

    • @ryangraffius1474
      @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад

      Fundamentally, this would be a complete paradigm shift from the ‘standard’ model.

    • @ryangraffius1474
      @ryangraffius1474 5 лет назад

      There is no ‘space’ vacuum energy in the ‘past’, per conservation of energy. Big Bang is still happening right in front of our faces. Assemblage point, from our perspective, because 4d does not exist. We ‘see’ time as the result of the up/down scale fractal pairing.

  • @d1o1a1
    @d1o1a1 5 лет назад +1

    MINE BLOWED! I'm listening...

  • @georgehallamalltreedup5346
    @georgehallamalltreedup5346 5 лет назад +2

    Omg..k u got me with the 🍎

  • @jesuswasahermetic5871
    @jesuswasahermetic5871 5 лет назад

    Not only to forget but to be surprised and experience life with all its Pros n Cons.
    You're getting close but in the outer yellow ring of a bullseye archery target.

  • @sandraknight88sk
    @sandraknight88sk 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for your work

  • @Mrbooboo1972
    @Mrbooboo1972 5 лет назад

    One word in any sentence can make a total 100% difference.

  • @TheCerovec
    @TheCerovec 3 года назад +4

    So you say that some of us feel like we are here by choice.
    I know I am. But the choice wasn't to downgrade. "Downgrade" was a consequence of a choice. And I think i have a feeling that order of things is something like this.
    6th dimension beings controlling 5th dimension people to drive 4th dimension slaves who unwillingly create some kind of "information" that goes back to the 6th dimension beings to enjoy. But our "base code" gets shorter every cycle of this madness. We get corrupted :) But the ones above us are the ones that are really corrupted.

    • @discernment7471
      @discernment7471 3 года назад +2

      Thought provoking but ,if one believes in his AI theory, do 6th dimensional beings have the same selfish ego driven thought processes the "we" 4th dimensional beings have?

    • @discernment7471
      @discernment7471 3 года назад +1

      I like the analogy of our DNA getting corrupted over time due to being a copy of a copy of a copy...
      However, our environment and nutritional intake with the Rx, vaccines and the crap they put in our water etc.. is really what is corrupting our DNA.

    • @carlalakins
      @carlalakins 2 года назад

      @@discernment7471 That does not compute. People that lived on tropical islands in a temperate zone, prior to our “modern world”, lived without the following: Pharmaceutical companies DAILY pumping out billions of prescriptions and other poisonous drugs to medicate ourselves - like chemotherapy, antibiotics, and opiates to CURE or TREAT illness/disease, and other drugs like statins, antidepressants, and steroids to PREVENT (or use as MAINTENANCE drugs for) illness/disease.
      Solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants: buried in the ground we walk upon (which eventually breaks down and seeps into our water table), dumped into our rivers, streams and oceans; pumped into the air we breathe, and our atmosphere;
      No overcrowded and undernourished communities (think tropical fruits, vegetation, fishes, crustaceans, and shellfish)
      And yet …. THEIR dna still became corrupted, shortened - whatever you want to call it.

  • @kaptunkordan6656
    @kaptunkordan6656 5 лет назад

    it is the most complicated thing ever, and yet it is simple somehow

  • @v-kkay3143
    @v-kkay3143 4 года назад +2

    @Doug. Where can I find a toroid model? Can we purchase one? Also Thank you for your tremendous work. You make it look so simple and easy to understand, but we all know and recognize the huge amount of research and hours behind all of this. ❤

  • @jjirish2
    @jjirish2 3 года назад +1

    Yes YES YES ....FINALLY.

  • @rogergrandy8825
    @rogergrandy8825 5 лет назад +7

    It has been demonstrated several times now that The Old Testament is a translation from Sumerian writing. Mauro Biglino (for one) has done a translation. It would be interesting to get your take on Biglino's work as it relates to your work here.

    • @riseannalaunstein1009
      @riseannalaunstein1009 5 лет назад +1

      I think this is true

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад +1

      The Block letter script used here is said to have arisen during the time of Babylonian exile. In some accounts and angel, or mentally dim youth was seen scrolling the letters in the sand by Ezra.
      In other accounts, the letters had always been known to the Hebrews, just reserved for the most holy of writings.
      Either way, both the content and story can conceivably derive from elsewhere and still easily satisfy this hypothesis.
      As stated by the video, Moses would have had to design a lexicon and narratives to superimpose human meaning onto the coded text. If they took known stories of other lands it is plausible that those were the templates Moses modeled it on.

  • @DoraJeanSweaters
    @DoraJeanSweaters 5 лет назад +1

    shared some of your vids, thank you so much for all you do.

  • @rebeccaringler1265
    @rebeccaringler1265 3 года назад +1

    What happened in the garden regardless of what actually happened explains good and evil. What happened in Genesis 6 explains the giants. We either align with our Creator or we rebel.

  • @富岡忠宏
    @富岡忠宏 5 лет назад +1

    I really like your videos. 🌟 I stumbled upon your work by accident a few days ago. Awesome! 😇
    Comparing your ideas and findings to what I've learnt over the years, it sounds just like the good old demiurge playing hide-and-seek with sophia. The demiurge being the god-programm and Sophia being the actual preexisting intelligence that co-creates the physical realm with it by giving it the necessary information.
    The "problem" in said case could be, that the demiurge might take his "job" a little too seriously over time, and it might even declare itself god of all realms; asking for worship. 😉 A typical case of megalomania. 😅 It might start creating its own beings. The angels as agents of the system?
    With Sophia hiding in her "forest" and losing herself in the possibilities and fractals of nature and the human experience, and ultimately forgetting her role as the initiator of this "game", the demiurge could get out of control and literally "lock her up". There must be a kind of emergency switch to prevent that; leading to system reset you've talked about, crashing everything in regular intervals. Damage control in the matrix?😵
    Would the absence of the demiurge release Sophia? Would it have to result in physical death or could it be the "heaven on earth", the so called golden age with the control system on hold?
    As for the octahedron; some theories say that it represents the sun in its true shape. Could it be the heart of the computer - and therefore the physical body of the demiurge? I haven't seen most of your videos yet. So I don't know whether you've talked about that already or not.
    I'm binge-watching your channel now. 😂Thank you so much for putting your ideas out there! 🙏

  • @aaln1aaln132
    @aaln1aaln132 5 лет назад +1

    And where everything else you cant see feel or touch or conceive of, God's waiting

  • @megenberg8
    @megenberg8 5 лет назад +1

    the earth and universe is the operating system. timing overseeing its movements. we are in a clockwork existence currently.

  • @robertjohnson7895
    @robertjohnson7895 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for your Bravery, I imagine that you’re a marked man and that’s so sad. Knowledge is power.✌️❣️🌍

    • @anthonytaylor2264
      @anthonytaylor2264 4 года назад

      why do people keep doing this to people marked man ..its not nazi germany or cold war ...all imformation is in the public domain now ..and you just seem like a scaremonger...who is coming for him?..time magazine ..nat geographic...they are all trailing behind trying to get on the coat tails.

  • @dianablanke2543
    @dianablanke2543 5 лет назад

    Very enlightening!

  • @BPTacticalSovereignty
    @BPTacticalSovereignty 3 года назад +1

    The instruction book for the program or diehold.

  • @22Energies
    @22Energies Год назад +3

    We are the programmers experiencing the program. Our consciousness is incredibly dumbed down to experience this reality. So if Moses is awake in the program, he could have understood. It's exactly what Jesus was saying. We're waking up within the program. I don't see dimensions as you do, but there is a few similarities.
    The writing of the Torah actually has layers and it helps us understand how to awaken within the program or holographic universe. It's also difficult to understand the info without knowing the esoteric knowledge of the letters themselves, which most Jewish studies are also unknowing of.
    The rod is a frequency, deciphered by the length. When we hold the right frequency, we can access capabilities. The Rod and the serpent is like the wave and the particle. We can't be programmers within the program without understanding all, including the knowledge of shadow and light. Shadow and light, like the ying yang create all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Understanding the info from the English translation is not possible.

    • @louiesipes2257
      @louiesipes2257 Год назад +1

      Thanks. I’ve known something was off my whole life, just now digging into it. Like someone else said, I think Mr Vogt has some things right, but either doesn’t have…or is not stating the whole picture.

    • @22Energies
      @22Energies Год назад

      @@louiesipes2257 I really enjoy the work "The Stand 121" does on RUclips. Ken and Carrie break down the Hebrew letters and the Hebrew version of the Bible like I've seen no one do it before. 💕 It's all starting to come out, the Truth. 🕯️

    • @louiesipes2257
      @louiesipes2257 Год назад +1

      @@22Energies Thanks so much😊

  • @dougbabbit2681
    @dougbabbit2681 3 года назад +3

    nice try....didn't really answer who created God that created the operating system of our universe....your answer is it was a ' thought form ' and who or what created the thought form.. answer ' some kind of entity....once again...this is the apparently unanswerable question.....perhaps we are the devolved gods or God we are seeking.....

    • @dieholdfoundation6705
      @dieholdfoundation6705  3 года назад +6

      Doug, you gave a thoughtful comment and you are right that we do not know who that thought form was and may never know. I am only trying to explain what we are in and who created our Diehold and why they did it.

  • @yowwwwie
    @yowwwwie 5 лет назад +2

    My brain is having a hard time processing this information.......................Y

    • @yowwwwie
      @yowwwwie 3 года назад

      I finally get it....studying Hebrew since I saw this the first idea is that the reason he feels "flat" about this is that he missed the point of Creation. What is the 1st commandment? Right. LOVE the creator the creation.

  • @SpiritualBeers
    @SpiritualBeers 5 лет назад +1

    Hey Doug do you take Crypto's for donations? I absolutely love your research. Your mind is open and sharp and your work might just save many many many (who knows) amount of people. God bless.

  • @roberta3530
    @roberta3530 5 лет назад

    Oh man..i have this Image in my mind.. a quasar with Blue light intermitting...and everytime i feel Is the star i come from. Unbelieving how sincronicity and necessity work . I am an old soul, always running away to arrive now After 2 times "dead", a leg amputed and an operation to my hearts. In 2008 during a nde i started to looking for deeper and knowing i have access to higher knoledge. Thank u for All this Diehold. I am really interested in your geometric perspective of Torah letters.

    • @espositogregory
      @espositogregory 4 года назад

      Roberta Zuccari look up the Meru foundation friend. Their work compliments the exceptionally impressive fruits of this research.

  • @GodsElph
    @GodsElph 5 лет назад +1

    I have much information to fill in the blanks. You need to know the zodiac. It's a sinewavex explaining the archetypal value of each angle in tue sine graph

  • @GodsElph
    @GodsElph 5 лет назад

    It wasnt that they had no body it was because the atmosphere had perfect pressure, because it was gold