“Creatio Ex Nihilo” by Karl Coke PhD TPI Head Chancellor

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024
  • Preface
    The purpose of “New Atheism” physicists is
    to prove that God does not exist by using modern scientific methods and discoveries. While
    the study of our universe has had a history of
    false conclusions, science has more recently
    been accurate and insightful. However, “new
    atheists” are more comfortable attacking God
    and His theologians rather than producing accurate scientific discoveries.
    One example: “New Atheism” theoretical
    physicist, Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, former
    Arizona State University professor, wrote on
    pages xxiv to xxv of his Preface to his book,
    A Universe From Nothing, “I am tempted to
    retort here that theologians are experts at nothing. ... But therein, in my opinion, lies the intellectual bankruptcy of much of theology ...
    Surely, invoking “God” to avoid difficult questions of “how” is merely intellectually lazy.”
    This theological booklet deals with “how.”

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