They make a nice barricade, since they'll attack the turrets before the soldiers. This has saved the soldiers from massive hordes a few times. At this point I'm pretty rich on spare turrets and materials for making more, so even if I can't repair some it's not a big deal.
boy what a target rich environment in the control room @40:00
Always tuck all your sentry guns as far away from the doors... Them critters are fast... And jumpy...
They make a nice barricade, since they'll attack the turrets before the soldiers. This has saved the soldiers from massive hordes a few times. At this point I'm pretty rich on spare turrets and materials for making more, so even if I can't repair some it's not a big deal.
Wow those cultist were dumb
Because of their idiot patrol routes? Or because of their worshipping of the xenos?
@@GamingWithEckerson Walking directly into fire