Dreams: God’s Super-Hero’s Ready; Fallen Angels Ready; Three In-Gatherings (Harvests/Raptures)

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • In this video, I share a dream I was given on July 23, 2024, which speaks of God’s preparation of His “superhero“ people being made ready. I was also shown that the fallen angels are ready (for a battle). In conclusion, I share biblical truth supporting three in gatherings of God’s people and how to “qualify” or “be counted worthy” for the first in-gathering.
    LINK to Last Days RUclips Video (Brandon’s Vision of the Tribulation): • Jesus took me to the T...
    How To Know Jesus Christ as Your Lord & Savior:
    There was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him. Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. . . Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” [John 3: 1-3 & 5]
    When we are born into this world, our spirit man is dormant. In order for our spirit man to come alive, or to be “born again,” we need to come into a relationship with Father God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Under the new Grace covenant, the Apostle Paul tells us HOW: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” [Romans 10: 9-10]. To confess in the Greek here means to agree or concede, and the word Lord in the Greek means to give someone deciding power over your life. In other words, the plan of salvation requires that a person both believe in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to cover their sins, AND he/she must come into agreement with the Lord Jesus Christ, surrendering his/her life to His Lordship, His leading and guiding from that point forward.
    Jesus said, “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” [Luke 9:23] This means that a Believer/Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is willing to deny his/her flesh [sin] DAILY in order to embrace the Lord’s agenda. It is not easy, but it is worth it. And the Lord has supplied us with a provision of power, His Grace, to enable us to live the life He calls us to. It is not by our own works or power that we come into salvation in Christ Jesus, but by His shed blood alone, and our willingness to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. As the Apostle Paul explains, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves. It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.” [Ephesians 2: 8-9]
    Do you want to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? It is not the words you pray that will save you, but it is the attitude of your heart. Do you admit that you are a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness? Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and that He was raised from the dead in order to make a blood atonement for your sins? Will you surrender you life to Jesus Christ, laying down your own will and agenda to embrace the will of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you ready to participate in a DAILY relationship with Father God and Jesus Christ in accordance with John 17:3? If you have answered YES to all of these questions, then I encourage you to pray a prayer now, something like this. . .
    SALVATION PRAYER: Father God, I recognize that I am sinner in need of forgiveness. I ask that you would cover my sins now with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that Jesus would come into my life now. I surrender my life to Jesus and acknowledge that He is now Lord of my life. I ask that you would guide me into your perfect will and plan for my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen Salvation is free, but it was not cheap. And choosing to follow Jesus is simple, but it is not easy. And anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.
    CONTACT INFORMATION: If you would like to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me at: Midnight-Hour-Oil@ma.rr.com. Please allow a minimum of 3 to 5 days for email requests requiring a response. Thank you & God Bless You, Melissa (Midnight Hour Oil)
    Please subscribe to my other channels in the event this platorm is ever dissolved:
    RUMBLE LINK: rumble.com/Mid...
    IConnectFX LINK: Midnight Hour Oil Platform: iconnectfx.com...

Комментарии • 362

  • @needhelpwaquaregiadrop562
    @needhelpwaquaregiadrop562 Месяц назад +23

    I was praying for the last couple of years for God to wake my mother up. I specifically asked if he would go to her in a dream. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I asked God if I'm on the right track believing in the rapture. About a week after I prayed that, my mother says that she has had a dream. She told me she was in twilight sleep and that angels visited her. They asked if she was ready. She said yes and she told me she felt as if they had wrapped their wings around her and hugged her. Then before they left, they said one thing, SOON. I'm blown away because God answered my prayer. Not only that there is no way she would have known what the word SOON means to a watchman. I feel God answered my prayer at the same time.

    • @angelafirst38
      @angelafirst38 Месяц назад

      It is soon but this is in God's timeline and no one will know the hour or the day or the year. Your mother just as you are in the Our Fathers thoughts and Yeshua/Jesus knows who his faithful are. God be with you.

    • @needhelpwaquaregiadrop562
      @needhelpwaquaregiadrop562 Месяц назад

      Thank God he promised we would know when it is coming though.

  • @deliaturner6086
    @deliaturner6086 Месяц назад +24

    Please Lord, help us, to be found worthy ❤🙏

  • @keithdavis4683
    @keithdavis4683 Месяц назад +27

    All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    • @Jesus_is_Lord_316
      @Jesus_is_Lord_316 Месяц назад +3

      Yes, those who truly call out from their hearts.
      Matthew 15:8 - This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

    • @slopez1901
      @slopez1901 Месяц назад

      My brother called on the name of the Lord and got on his knees at work and asked Jesus to forgive him of his sins and then committed suicide a month later is he in heaven?

    • @charlesbalch2581
      @charlesbalch2581 Месяц назад

      @@keithdavis4683 but not all are raptured

    • @charlesbalch2581
      @charlesbalch2581 Месяц назад

      @@slopez1901 demons got to him and clouded his mind. Maybe maybe not it depends on what’s happening

    • @charlesbalch2581
      @charlesbalch2581 Месяц назад

      Demons come after all true followers of god and Christ Jesus. They either train you to leave god or push you to destroy their power

  • @watchwomanforjesus1113
    @watchwomanforjesus1113 Месяц назад +31

    I've been telling about 3 harvest for a long time! I got this a long time ago and no one would believe it! I've gotten many revelations on it! Many confirmation! God does everything in 3s! Thank you for this awesome confirmation! ❤️🙌

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      Gunnar had a vid on the mikvah but in his vid he saw 14 ppl only so who knows but he's got vids too

    • @nealcorbett1149
      @nealcorbett1149 Месяц назад +2

      Absolutely correct. Threes and thirds.

    • @teresalovelace6748
      @teresalovelace6748 Месяц назад +2


    • @RoRich-dw7ed
      @RoRich-dw7ed Месяц назад +2

      Yep! The harvest is always first fruits, main harvest and gleanings. 3 parts of the harvest. When I spent time in Iowa farmland in 2017, the Lord showed me so much in scripture.

    • @LilyG153
      @LilyG153 Месяц назад +1

      Brenda weltner teaches on this three Raptures

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +12

    Women are wonderful spirit warriors and you are such a good example.

    • @JesusisGOD-dq2si
      @JesusisGOD-dq2si Месяц назад

      Paul the Apostle warns that women are also deceived more easily.....Eve being the main example....

  • @bluewren1654
    @bluewren1654 Месяц назад +29

    Your title caught my attention. About 5 years ago I received a very detailed dream. At one point there was a Batman type suit I had to put on at a particular point. Instead of the Batman logo, it had abs. Let the harvest begin. My suffering has been loss of my teenage daughter and currently battling metastatic breast cancer. Maranatha.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRASGRESSION OF HIS LAWS WE MUST THEN KEEP HIS LAWS. THE cHURCH AND mELLISA LIE. sHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, god deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem or he will stop your coiuntry from receiving rain. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LSWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH.

    • @onmykneesforYehova
      @onmykneesforYehova Месяц назад +2

      Hello my mom and auntie had it too. Do you know fasting can help? I dry fast each week now, it is known to burn up cancer. Also I have a receipe with food from the grocery store that will heal nearly everything. Also do you know about coffee enemeas ? This pulls the toxins out of the liver and everywhere else. Also stopping all vegetable oils is recommeneded because they feed tumors. I got my mom off her death bed.
      I am 58 and since I started dry fasting a couple of months ago and going on a mostly fruit and vegtable diet my energy has increased and strength has increased. I was surprised. I live in Jordan and today we went to the baptism site, Dead Sea and mineral baths (I yelled at the security guards for smoking - I got away with it too, but our pastor took me aside to be careful because we were right on the border with Isreal at the baptism site and security is nothing to mess with - well I do). I was the oldest one and half of them were zonked out but I am home now and still have a lot of energy. The fasting and diet really helps. Also drink more water. Also stop coffee especailly all that nestle stuff - it causes cancer.
      If I can help, let me know. I wrote a book about all the things I did for detox. I can give it to you.
      May God bless you.
      I start another dry fast tomorrow. Dry fasting is no food and no water and lots of Bible and prayer and worship. I do it two days each week - more or less.

    • @onmykneesforYehova
      @onmykneesforYehova Месяц назад +2

      I'm sorry for loosing your daughter. I'm sure you can't wait to see her again.

    • @beadwired
      @beadwired Месяц назад

      Praise God!! All glory to God! I’ve been wanting to start fasting on a weekly basis…

    • @rachelqueen7310
      @rachelqueen7310 Месяц назад

      I'm praying for you 💕

  • @juliagregory192
    @juliagregory192 Месяц назад +18

    He's giving us time to try and turn as many hearts to him as we can! God bless you.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRAcHURCH AND mELLISA. sHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, god deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem or he will stop your coiuntry from receiving rain. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LSWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH.

  • @jeanetteshawredden5643
    @jeanetteshawredden5643 Месяц назад +8

    I heard this same teaching at least 15 years ago, and it seemed Biblically accurate to me - it also explains the 3 rapture positions held by people (pre-mid-post tribulation).

  • @brianharrington2670
    @brianharrington2670 Месяц назад +20

    He has been preparing me as well Melissa, you are very accurate. Now is that time. God has been urging me to have the mind of Christ.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRAcHURCH AND mELLISA. sHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, god deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem or he will stop your coiuntry from receiving rain. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LSWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH.

  • @RShaw-cg8uc
    @RShaw-cg8uc Месяц назад +8

    Sweet sister Melissa, I have been subscribed to your channel for a few years now but normally don't tend to comment. However, I would like to thank you for your many inspiring messages as well as your excellent insight in the Word of God! You present the many dreams, visions and spiritual insights which the Lord reveals to you so very gracefully and with great clarity! God has truly blessed you with a wonderful teaching gift and I am very happy and thankful that God led me to your channel!! Sending MUCH love your way from across the ocean sweet Melissa!! Your sister in Christ Rian from Venlo in the Netherlands.

  • @randymodisete4743
    @randymodisete4743 Месяц назад +5


  • @charellewilson9786
    @charellewilson9786 Месяц назад +15

    Haven't been here in a long while, Melissa! One: Congratulations on your subscriber base! Two: So happy you are readying people for the interim between when God, HIMSELF, comes to our rescue and the days left until Jesus comes for us. I'm 64 years old and chomping at the bit! Hallelujah, church! What a time to be alive!
    I believe WE are the superheroes! The believers who are willing to allow Holy Spirit to work miracles, signs, and wonders through them as Father God guides Him are going to be the LIGHT of the world!!! Jesus told the disciples it would be better when He goes because the Helper would come. And that we would do even more supernaturally than even He did. I get it now! If ALL of us are willing to let Holy Spirit use us... 🤯🥳 THAT's how we become the unblemished bride!!!

    • @charellewilson9786
      @charellewilson9786 Месяц назад +2

      Don't take MY word for it though. :) Check in with Father God. He'll confirm if it is true.

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 Месяц назад

      The rapture is not a bible teaching​@@charellewilson9786

  • @watchwomanforjesus1113
    @watchwomanforjesus1113 Месяц назад +22

    Great great great confirmation for me dear sister! I've been telling about 3 harvest for many years and have lost a lot of subscribers and things due to this! So great to hear your confirmation! Blessings dear sister!

  • @dinahnegron9448
    @dinahnegron9448 Месяц назад +2

    This is a great teaching. Hoping and praying to be found counted as worthy to escape ALL of the tribulation. Amen!!

  • @WhoIsWise444
    @WhoIsWise444 Месяц назад +10

    Thank you so much Melissa. You have always been a beacon of wisdom for me and I look forward to when you post on here. Your videos many times speak personally to me and come at the right moments in my life when some correction may be needed. I believe to Lord uses you to speak to me. God Bless you.

  • @uh-reebs
    @uh-reebs Месяц назад +5

    I think it's really fascinating how I recently started praying that I am worthy to be caught up in the barley harvest (not my exact words but the Lord knows my intent) and then I come here and learn the scripture that backs that action up! Talk about a confirmation!! I'm reading the Bible but I haven't gotten that far yet!

  • @walkingwithmessiah8959
    @walkingwithmessiah8959 Месяц назад +3

    Wow. I have been having dreams for the last few years of being in a boot camp type of place. And also graduating.
    About 2-3 weeks after October 7th I had a dream I was in Israel(I have Jewish ancestry) and I was wearing an IDF uniform. I was being put through another boot camp quickly, and I said, I’ve already been through boot camp, and I was upset about it. Then suddenly I felt weapons of mass destruction pointed towards all Israel, and I became a little frightened. I see a man 7ft tall. I am 5’10 and I barely came to His waist. He was wearing a white shirt. I hugged Him and He embraced me back. I felt safe. Then He started putting on all the military gear and I knew everything would be ok.
    The last few years have been honestly heart wrenching for me in the spiritual warfare department. I have wept and cried everyday for the last 7 years.

    • @MidnightHourOil
      @MidnightHourOil  Месяц назад +1

      Sounds like God has been preparing you for a spiritual promotion. Hang in there!!

  • @daughteroftheking_Angel144
    @daughteroftheking_Angel144 Месяц назад +8

    Yes 💯 confirming this with what the Father has showed me 🙏🏼🙌🏽🥰

  • @jjboyeshua5795
    @jjboyeshua5795 Месяц назад +4

    Excellent teaching Melissa...I'm a little shocked at some of the comments here about false doctrine, erroneous beliefs, etc. Many have been distracted and deceived as scripture warns would happen in these last moments before we are taken. It confirms your message.
    Amen to your dream and explanation! It was a major confirmation to me, as this is EXACTLY what God has shown me and others all this year in our weekly international prayer group...God has been training, causing us to exercise our spiritual muscles, burning out impurities, and urging to come up to the next level. The purpose it laid out in your dream. Hallelujah!
    Thank you for sharing this today! What an exciting time to be here!

  • @merranprior5801
    @merranprior5801 Месяц назад +6


    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @karenjessup810
    @karenjessup810 Месяц назад +10

    Very plausible that there is a harvest more than once of different categories. Tim Foster pointed this out long ago.

    • @watchwomanforjesus1113
      @watchwomanforjesus1113 Месяц назад +2

      Yes thank you! He shared me channel as confirmation of this! He's great!

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @angela-x6s
    @angela-x6s Месяц назад +7

    Thank You So Much Melissa. Yes, I Believe There Are 3 Harvest Also. When God Gives Us The Holy Spirit We Must Learn To Be Obedient And Do The Things Of Our Lord And Also Have A Relationship With Him. Love And Blessings To You And Everyone On This Channel!!

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @glynissbolling4933
    @glynissbolling4933 Месяц назад +3

    Yes, three harvests! This makes perfect sense as to who stays and who goes etc. I see many people arguing about pre mid and post Tribulation Rapture and also that there won't be a Rapture at all. The children are telling the truth re: their dreams; the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them! Thank-you sister Melissa, Jesus bless you and your family.💕

  • @maxknight4709
    @maxknight4709 Месяц назад +5

    Yes, well explained. 3 raptures. Amazing when you study the Bible and discover these jewels. Ask for wisdom and understanding and God will lead you to all that. Always praying to be worthy to go.❤

  • @TROSE-xi6xj
    @TROSE-xi6xj Месяц назад +6


  • @clairemontanaro4985
    @clairemontanaro4985 Месяц назад +8

    I agree with this. God has shown me he is using the witches next to me to train me. Nothing has been easy, not for years.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @robdonahue9548
    @robdonahue9548 Месяц назад +3

    Calm spirit of God's Wisdom & Truth.

  • @user-my2xi3ix6p
    @user-my2xi3ix6p Месяц назад +3

    God is building an army of people who are willing to cross cultural boundaries, denominational boundaries, who are equipped to minister deliverance to hurting to deeply wounded people and war in the spiritual realm, and who are instantly obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. BWR

  • @patrickriley1664
    @patrickriley1664 Месяц назад +9

    dream 1: I saw a very large tent packed with people. So much so, that the walls were being pushed out. Dream 2: I saw a pickup moving out. It's box was packed with people. I then woke up. Time: 1:53.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

    • @rachelqueen7310
      @rachelqueen7310 Месяц назад

      153 fish

    • @patrickriley1664
      @patrickriley1664 Месяц назад +1

      @@rachelqueen7310 The tent was full, the truck was full, the net was full.

    • @angelafirst38
      @angelafirst38 Месяц назад +1

      These are warnings for you to prepare for what will come. The first is your own intuition telling you that a disaster will come and many will seek shelter to save themselves where the tent will be overflowing.The second is the clean up after the event. You need to prepare to make ready for this event and protect loved ones. To keep your strength, trust and faith in God. The harvest will come and those who love Yeshua and follow God's commandments will be saved. This event you must be ready and prepared as this will be sooner than you think depending where you are situated as the world is being judged. This is coming in waves to every corner of the world and none will be spared. Revelation.

  • @pattyredder7797
    @pattyredder7797 Месяц назад +8

    Thank you for sharing Sister Melissa❤️🙏🏻

  • @mscraig5147
    @mscraig5147 Месяц назад +1

    This finally makes sense out of why I have ALWAYS seen 2 separate harvests in scripture and left the understandiing or meaning of it up to Father. Thank you! 💕

  • @jeremiahkirby6552
    @jeremiahkirby6552 Месяц назад +28

    Father gave me a waking vision of in the clouds, HE let me see how FEW have a relationship with Jesus. In the clouds it looked big enough for hundreds maybe thousands. That means MANY are "Christian" by name ONLY. Call out to Jesus before it' too late. Experiencing the pestilence is a choice just like HELL is a choice we make.

    • @mongo0se338
      @mongo0se338 Месяц назад +3

      I'm so happy to see you Jeremiah. I was wondering why I hadnt seen you in comments for a good while. Hope all's well Brother. Blessings

    • @jeremiahkirby6552
      @jeremiahkirby6552 Месяц назад +4

      @@mongo0se338 Hey there! I miss the old days. RUclips watches me and deletes my comments. Plus Father showed me how few are going in the rapture so I had to switch over to warning. Thanks for commenting, it's nice to hear from you. I miss everyone. I'm well but the radiation I had to the ears and brain 31 years ago is coming back and making life harder. Usually can hear my heartbeat as soon as I wake up. A lot of channels have blocked me too. I can see the comment but no one else can. How are you?

    • @jeremiahkirby6552
      @jeremiahkirby6552 Месяц назад +2

      @@mongo0se338 Had 3 strokes before I turned 40, 44 now. Strokes are weird.

    • @jeremiahkirby6552
      @jeremiahkirby6552 Месяц назад +3

      @@mongo0se338 Father let me walk the clouds in a glorified body. I've NEVER felt better and that bag of burden I drag with me was GONE. I was set free. Felt light enough like I could fly. Just a taste. Absolute no worries. I was there alone.

    • @donnakeizer1468
      @donnakeizer1468 Месяц назад +6

      Many are called few are chosen.

  • @rogervoke5179
    @rogervoke5179 Месяц назад +6

    Amen sister in Yeshua , Almighty Yahwey and Holy Spirit !!!!

  • @peacefulstreams745
    @peacefulstreams745 Месяц назад +4

    🔥 Glory HalleluYah 👏❤

  • @Lampstand144
    @Lampstand144 Месяц назад +4

    Amen! The Lord spoke to me one night through the Holy Spirit. I was thinking about the rapture and asking God “Lord which one is it? Pre mid or post.?” I heard the words “it’s all three”. Then I asked for confirmation and I found only one other person teaching on 3 raptures and that is a lady by the name of
    Brenda Weltner. She has some very detailed timelines that are pointing at the Feast Days of the Lord. Back when I was a young teenager, we used to keep the feast days and I always thought those days were a timeline of the last days.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      Brenda is wrong with timeline, very I can say this because I prayed on a certain subject around it and it doesn't fit. Gog and Magog is last and all 144 work at same time so per 3 raptured yup but I think is more like either leaders and worthy or leaders then 144 and worthy, then greatest harvest

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      ​@@newworldodor4648you do realize there are saved people all around the world and while laws are important God leads people, He doesn't force you or make you do things cold turkey and if you Got a character flaw, He can break addictions in a day if wants but a character change, He purposely does over time. You give abortion etc as an example but you realize no matter what civilians believe the country leaders ruin it. Plus you forgot the fact each country has a principality over it. So yea again watering things down to say belief alone works is wrong but how do you know some ppl on yt don't cryptically talk on 144? We all know not everybody is 144 and also if you were a 144 channel only you'd not have that many vids and if you didn't do it right yt would pull your vids if you are responding to ppl that think will go in first rapture but won't, there's lots of those. It's not that with rapture we get as believe, sometimes we believe in a thing because we had it first, well if you believe in pre existence theory that is. So we all know 144 go in earliest waves of leaving, let's pretend a 144 person was never told they were 144 but God said they leave in first rapture and minister to ppl in trib, could said person not take these two data points and figure out they are 144? Also oh I'm scared of us and I live here and I can't word how much trouble we in. But then those saved here, is it not a testament of God's mercy? We all need mercy but if we are all unique some may need differing portions

  • @carinarigas947
    @carinarigas947 Месяц назад +4

    Thank you sister, blessings in Yahusha’s name to you and your loved ones. 🤍

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +2

    In prayer time the lord reminded me pray to be accounted worthy as with anything else that you pray according to his will it is then done. So then he does the things to make sure you are accounted worthy.

  • @coffeegurl219
    @coffeegurl219 Месяц назад +5

    Wow amazing thank you 🙏🏽 ❤

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @chantal3138
    @chantal3138 Месяц назад +1

    A few nights ago I had several dreams about that, someone else also had his kind of dream. AMEN, praise the Lord🙏🏼

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +1

    I see your videos are being viewed much more I thank the lord for this and have prayed earnestly for it. I do a special work for the lord and so many things are so different than what our people realize and your always on them stay the course sister

  • @abrahamg4128
    @abrahamg4128 Месяц назад

    Something was telling to watch this. No matter how many times i lost track. Or couldn't comprehend. I finally got today Bruh, when she said Brandon and Last of Days. I just learned his name this week. And I've been watching his RUclips channel since last year. Thank God it ticked.

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +2

    Wonderful anointed words

  • @Joniyah444
    @Joniyah444 Месяц назад +7

    Very cool ❤God has shown you this. You are correct 🎉there are 3

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 Месяц назад

      @@Joniyah444 At matthew 24:29,30 there it describes Jesus as coming on the clouds with great glory after the tribulation not prior as many believe will be there escape from the coming destruction of the wicked?.How can this be?

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

    • @nealcorbett1149
      @nealcorbett1149 Месяц назад

      @@mikepiccolo32 After the tribulation "of those days". The great tribulation is NOT the 70th week (although it encompasses it.)

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 Месяц назад

      @@nealcorbett1149 meaning what?

    • @nealcorbett1149
      @nealcorbett1149 Месяц назад

      @@mikepiccolo32 Meaning the rapture is neither pre, mid or post tribulation but rather some days after it has begun.

  • @nealcorbett1149
    @nealcorbett1149 Месяц назад +3

    Each harvest has 3 parts: Firstfruits, Main harvest, Gleanings. The timing of the 3 main harvests (barley, wheat, grape) are at the 6th seal, 6th trumpet and 6th vial. The first two are preceeded by a great earthquake (megale seismos). The last one, "behold I come as a thief..." is followed by a great earthquake. You DON'T want to be a grape.

    • @angelafirst38
      @angelafirst38 Месяц назад

      True but not complete. The unveiling has begun and the cleansing too which is like a wave that moves around the world that will touch all the land and seas until it is completed. One thousand years of peace will follow under the rule of God and Yeshua/Jesus. The renewed earth and a new begining as in the time of the garden of eden. Heaven will be the place for many who have kept their faith and been true to God and Yeshua/ Jesus. After the thousand years the evil has a way of seeping in and so it begins again to challenge humanity for this event is not new. Revelation has shown this and even Yeshua /Jesus has told us the key to this knowledge has been hidden by the {pharisees} The 7th is weapon of indignation such as a nova from the sun.

    • @TammyCole-m3k
      @TammyCole-m3k Месяц назад +1

      Grape ?

    • @angelafirst38
      @angelafirst38 Месяц назад +1

      @@TammyCole-m3k Yes odd as it was used as an analogy . However humans are not grain or fruit but having said that on the side of humour rather a grape than grain as the grain is smashed as it is gound and the grape is just sqaushed:}. Looks like there is another solar flare one of four coming this week hitting the earth? Sounds like more plate disruption and storms are on their way. Time for spiritual connections kindness and love. Here it is hotter than usual in the UK. God be with you.

    • @TammyCole-m3k
      @TammyCole-m3k Месяц назад +1

      @@angelafirst38 You could be here in Georgia ( USA) LOL extremely hot summers.

    • @angelafirst38
      @angelafirst38 Месяц назад

      @@TammyCole-m3k Probably would be too hot for me, much prefer a cooler climate on the mountain here, just pasture land. Our summer now is at most 25c if lucky:}!

  • @angelicwarrior4133
    @angelicwarrior4133 Месяц назад +1

    Shalom ! This is encouraging. New Sub. GOD IS WITH YOU

  • @SCMK7605
    @SCMK7605 Месяц назад +1

    I have been given the 3 Harvest as well. The Lord planted barley in my garden for two years and taught me through the growth, and the harvesting process. Brenda Weltner does an amazing job explaining this scripturally as well.

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      Not the timeline, Brenda says gog and Magog happen twice and 2 groups 144 work diff times, there are two groups 144 but they work same time

    • @SCMK7605
      @SCMK7605 Месяц назад

      @@AshePBlack It will be interesting to see how everything plays out. Lots of ideas from many believers, but none know the full picture....we each have a piece of the puzzle. God is God and his thoughts are not our thoughts and his plans are not our plans. We just trust in Him and stay in his word while seeking to know Him better.

  • @randymodisete4743
    @randymodisete4743 Месяц назад +2


  • @anolinjoseph5258
    @anolinjoseph5258 Месяц назад

    My dream was Jesus showed me the Last Supper a few days back & after a few more days again saw the same dream. The Last Supper. Be ready for the rapture, both of the dreams Jesus said

  • @abrahamg4128
    @abrahamg4128 Месяц назад

    Bruh, when she Brandon and Last of Days. I just learned his name this week. And I've been watching his RUclips channel since last year. Thank God it ticked.

  • @Vyt4s1993
    @Vyt4s1993 8 часов назад

    Lord God told me 2024 September 6th: What I prepared for those that Love Me (Jesus Christ) as you say "It will blow your mind off" especially when it comes to combat equipment you will be so surprised and pleased
    it will make fighting demons like walk in the park!

  • @globetrotter8888
    @globetrotter8888 Месяц назад +3

    I have sensed in my spirit the last couple of years that there indeed are 3 raptures. This makes sense for Christians being on different levels in their walk with the Lord and it also confirms that we receive what we believe. Those Christians who believe there is no rapture will be 3rd. Those who believe in mid-Trib rapture will find it so. Those of us who believe we qualify for the first, the pre-trib rapture, will most likely be right also. I used to be confused about this but recently it has become very clear to me. I totally agree with you, Melissa! Thanks for talking about this topic. 🎉 😇

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

    • @wildrover9650
      @wildrover9650 Месяц назад

      Geez dude. There are only two resurrections. The first has to be attained to. That is what Paul was talking about in philipians 3. The first resurrection happens at the tail end of the tribulation. America christians will experience persecution and martyrdom. We must endure till the end to be saved. Most pretrib believers will fall away because they have not even psychologically prepared themselves for suffering. The second resurrection is at the end of the millenium. Most christians will be raised up on that one. It is a false teaching that all people go to the lake of fire at the second resurrection. First resurrection is for the elect, the overcomers they will rule with CHRIST in His Kkngdom.

    • @shirleypacai9565
      @shirleypacai9565 Месяц назад

      ​@@newworldodor4648This is The New Covenant we are living in since 2,000 years ago! Where have you been? Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again on the 3rd. Day to forgive us and redeem us from sin and death. We go by what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross, His last words were "IT IS FINISHED" which means all of our sins are forgiven and forgotten by God Almighty through Grace by Faith in Jesus Christ's blood that He shed on the Cross. NO WORKS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SAVED! Just believe in The finished work of Jesus Christ who was the lamb slain once and for all for everybody who Believes and repents. Our sins are Blotted out of we Believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and receive Him as our personal Savior. Please read The Gospel of Christ; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 , John 3:16, John 14:6 that's the foundation we stand on , not the Torah. The Torah is Old Testament for the Jewish people before Christ was born and died. Start Reading The New Testament because that's the part we are living in today; both for the Jewish people and the Gentiles alike. God's Blessings upon you

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      It's not about what people believe, it's about jobs and if worthy. God decides who goes when. I mean I can believe sky is green but it never will be unless they spray chemicals

    • @wildrover9650
      @wildrover9650 Месяц назад +1

      The First and Second Resurrection. That is it.

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +2

    Amen amen and amen.

  • @pedromanuelllinaresaragone8855
    @pedromanuelllinaresaragone8855 Месяц назад +3

    Totalmente de acuerdo en la cuestión de los raptos, de hecho, sigo un canal que lo a recibido en profecía. Un saludo desde España.

  • @palmer3977
    @palmer3977 Месяц назад

    Thank you Melissa & God bless you & your family.

  • @anamericanpatriot5230
    @anamericanpatriot5230 Месяц назад

    Thank you Melissa
    praise GOD, and JESUS Amen

  • @valenciawalker6498
    @valenciawalker6498 Месяц назад

    Amen 🙏🏽🤍🕊️🙏🏽 I was thinking about this recently how the fallen would appear and try to camolifologue themselves as saviors in this age. God bless 🙏🏽🕊️🤍🕊️🙏🏽

  • @carolynclearwater2999
    @carolynclearwater2999 Месяц назад

    Love your message today. The three harvests mskes perfect sense and resonates with me. Could you PLEASE up your volume? Thank you!!!

  • @SnowyLeopard007
    @SnowyLeopard007 Месяц назад

    Thank you for that wonderful blessing.

  • @Horses7878
    @Horses7878 Месяц назад +2

    144,00 going to be taken first to prepare to led the last harvest 🙂. I believe in 3 departures too.

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      THEY WILL WITNESS TO THE ENTIRE WORLD ABOUT WHAT THEY MUST AGREE WITH TO BE SAVED OR GO TO HELL. ONE LAST CHANCE. The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      Yup that is it, I actually had Gunnar old channel pop in my vid suggestions, good words there too

    • @vpmema
      @vpmema Месяц назад

      I was taught 3, the pre trib is first, the 144,000 -2nd. Witnesses 3rd.

  • @teresalovelace6748
    @teresalovelace6748 Месяц назад +1

    Malachi 3:17-18 I believe is also key, that we must be fully aligned with FATHER'S WILL and Mindblowing PLAN of Salvation HE IS about to execute; to SERVE, our lives on the brazen altar with nothing left of self, fully aligned with JESUS AND FATHER, with only the all consuming need and desire to be a noble vessel fit for ADONAI'S use. What Glory, what Honour to Love and to Serve THE KING OF KINGS. I cannot wait to see this GLORIOUS PLAN of THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH unfold. Habakkuk 1:5, Isaiah 45:8, Matthew 22 The Wedding Banquet verses 8-10 and Luke 14:12-24. Love you sister, Peace and strength in THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  • @krissymiller5414
    @krissymiller5414 Месяц назад

    Thank-you for sharing this critical information

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад

    As always sister as always the lord giving you the truth and you willing to speak it. Tx you so much sister not only are you saving souls you are causing some to not be left behind in the rapture

  • @kellysampson9744
    @kellysampson9744 Месяц назад

    You are spot on ..Brenda weltner talks about the 3 raptures

  • @jamessist339
    @jamessist339 Месяц назад +2

    Scary, all humans are sinners even the strongest Christians. God help us be worthy

  • @lordorcas9344
    @lordorcas9344 Месяц назад

    Thanks Melisa please pray for me and my family to overcome evils ❤ Amen

  • @AlamarMeraglim
    @AlamarMeraglim Месяц назад

    Woke this morning 🌄 stepped outside heard the word ..
    This coy smile voice
    @6:48 am

    • @AlamarMeraglim
      @AlamarMeraglim Месяц назад

      At 7:26 HARPAZO in your transcript says..
      Accounted Worthy..
      Woohoo 🎉🙌

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +1

    Amen. Salvation is free. The rapture you must qualify you must be accounted worthy. In Hebrew pray always based on how you live your life you are found deserving to escape. The half left are shocked totally shocked. The new gospel live as you will The lord doesn't care no he really does. Fear the lord, be holy, respect his holiness and Righteousness.

  • @lisetribeagape9058
    @lisetribeagape9058 Месяц назад

    Hi Melissa..
    Thank you for always calmly presenting things .. I get a sense of peace when I hear your voice.
    Heard another watch person talk about the three harvests as well.
    Dr Barry Awe. (Not sure if thats spelled correctly).
    Its not just him there is another one as well who had a near death experience and I forget his name .
    I wish i had you for a sister or family member to have prayers with you are really a blessing .
    Thank you Maranatha
    In Christ Jesus we have our hope

  • @taniamendes5945
    @taniamendes5945 Месяц назад

    Dear Meliss, thank you for sharing this word with us.❤

  • @jofrances2318
    @jofrances2318 Месяц назад +1

    Another scripture that lines up with what you are saying is Luke 12:35-37. It says "be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding," (NKJV) which indicates that the bride has already been taken up and the wedding has already taken place. Then he speaks of them watching in the 2nd or 3rd watch in verse 38.

  • @thenatsarimway
    @thenatsarimway Месяц назад +1

    Matthew 13 v 49 and on - Angels harvesting evil on earth.

  • @scottparks4832
    @scottparks4832 Месяц назад +1

    For those who say the rapture is an escape yes that's what it is meant to be . I spent a career fighting and this is how I ended up doing what I call special work for the lord. I've seen society's in total breakdown and people including our people have no idea of the reality of such a thing. I tell my church people you have no ldea you certainly do not want to be around for the tribulation period.

  • @piena4
    @piena4 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you dearest Melissa for the words you share with us. Loves you too.❤ follower of Jesus Christ Christina.

  • @Jesus_is_Lord_316
    @Jesus_is_Lord_316 Месяц назад

    Amen!! Salvation is a free gift that cannot be earned or qualified for.
    Being counted worthy to escape in the Rapture is something we can qualify for (by God’s grace and our obedience).
    Heavenly rewards (not salvation) can be obtained, or lost.
    1 Corinthians 9:24 - Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

  • @Waiting4Jesus2come
    @Waiting4Jesus2come Месяц назад

    Thank you.
    Brenda Weltner also teaches 3 raptures.

  • @stevengreenwade4802
    @stevengreenwade4802 Месяц назад

    You definitely right Yahuwa has a plan!

  • @dannyellison6455
    @dannyellison6455 Месяц назад

    Thank you my sister for conforming that dream that the lord gave me the other night that I put the mantle on

    • @dannyellison6455
      @dannyellison6455 Месяц назад

      Jesus keep blessing my sister Melissa the oil girl

  • @CmdSoda
    @CmdSoda Месяц назад

    You need to move your cupboard a little bit to the right. Then it's in balance with beautiful candles.🕯🕯

  • @Franklin-qn5xj
    @Franklin-qn5xj Месяц назад

    It's almost time for the second helper to rise✝️🔯✝️🔯

  • @lawrencefoster5608
    @lawrencefoster5608 Месяц назад

    As the called we are in a merit relationship to, the treasure Jesus spoke about to the rich man.

  • @devionl5487
    @devionl5487 Месяц назад

    Amen sister! 🙏🏾

  • @lindawatmore3321
    @lindawatmore3321 Месяц назад +1

    I was given Jeremiah 1 to unlock the gate and the troubles surrounding Israel right now and how nations and kingdoms are going to surround Israel with unity in the people are represented as Isreal and not just the Country. It’s the holy war of our enemies against our truth is the Real Love of the Lord Jesus Christ and not the dark false promises of the world kingdom of darkness rising from the inside of the earth to fulfill the purpose of Jesus Christ and revelation of the Holy Bible. Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏

  • @MB-sg8dx
    @MB-sg8dx Месяц назад

    Thanks for putting this great teaching together Melissa

  • @kristolball
    @kristolball Месяц назад

    Thank you very much for your continued faithfulness, Melissa. I would love if you also had a Telegram Channel :)

  • @jules8910
    @jules8910 Месяц назад

    Thank you for sharing such a wise and encouraging word.
    God Bless Melissa

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 Месяц назад

      @@jules8910 At matthew 24:29,30 there it describes Jesus as coming on the clouds with great glory after the tribulation not prior as many believe will be there escape from the coming destruction of the wicked How can this be?

    • @newworldodor4648
      @newworldodor4648 Месяц назад

      The PRIZE is eternal life. -I am the WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. The truth is defined as the law and the light and iniquity is sin defined as those who break the TORAH . see 1st john 3:4. Acts 5:29-33 and Luke 24:47 make it clear that "we must preach repentance in ORDER TO RECEIVE FORGIVNESS OF SINS" . sINCE SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF HIS LAWS, THE CHURCH AND MELLISA.ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN. SHE HAS BEEN WARNED BEFORE AND THINKS IN THE IMAGINATION OF HER HEART THAT WE CAN SIN, SIN, SIN, BREAKING GOD'S LAWS AND STILL BE FORGIVEN. Christ told us all the time that we must repent. Since sin is the breaking of his laws, one must begin to keep his laws, and when you do this, God deems this as righteousness. if you are without righteousness, you are as filthy rags and he will spew you out. You will not even like heaven or new Jerusalem if you don't like to follow his laws and feastdays. In rev it says that a representative from every country must go 3 times to Jerusalem each year or he will stop your country from receiving rain for a full year. MELLISA WANTS YOU TO HAVE NO RAIN, BE LAWLESS (DARKNESS) AND GO TO HELL!!! WAKE UP AND STOP LISTENING TO THE CHURCH OF S.A.TAN. PS119:1-3 MAKES IT CLEAR. PS119:53 DEFINES THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY HIS LAWS AS THE WICKED!!! GOOD IS DEFINED AS TORAH PS119:39. THIS IS THE NARROW PATH THAT FEW ARE ON. EVERYONE IS ON THE MELLISA PATH OF BELIEVING THEY CAN IGNOR HIS LAWS AND BE SAVED. JESUS SAID, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), I NEVER KNEW YOU. pS 119:44-45, 142, JOHN 14:15, PRO 6:23, WAKE UP!!! LAZY PEOPLE WHO THINK GOD IS A FOOL. THAT'S WHY HE GAVE YOU GOVERNMENTS WHO HAVE MILLIONS OF LAWS, TO TRY TO SHOW YOU HIS 623 LAWS ARE NOTHING. THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE SHABBATH WILL RECEIVE A MARK!!! MATT 7:20-26 MATT 5 AND 6. GROW UP!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL MELLISA IF YOU KEEP ON THIS B.S. PATH. You are on the wide path that leads to destruction. The people said to JESUS as they wondered why they were rejected, “did we not cast out demons in your name and heal the sick?”, and he said, depart from me you workers of darkness, iniquity. Darkness is lawlessness and light is the laws of God. But they loved darkness rather than light, depart from me!!! What do you think the Solar Eclipse means??? He is telling you that you are a nation of darkness, lawlessness, his laws, his featdays, his Shabboth days, not your EASTER OR CHRISTMAS. S.A.TAN has you all blinded as you love your ears to be tickled telling you thst you can do what S.A.TAN wants you to do, go have your sex, abortions, murderers,, eat the wrong foods, yes piss god off and surely as a good father of a house he will reward you for disregarding ALL HE BELIEVES IN AND ALL HE DEMANDS YOU TO PERFORM. YEP, SATAN HAS YOUR ASSES.

  • @ashleyreimer9756
    @ashleyreimer9756 Месяц назад +1

    Brenda Weltner is a great resource on RUclips who also studies and discusses 3 gatherings and completes extremely thorough studies on Revelation.

    • @germchow
      @germchow Месяц назад

      I was just going to comment about Brenda!

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      But she's wrong on timeline and there aren't two gog and Magog and all 144 are in trib period even if it is 2 groups or 288

  • @pauladybwad450
    @pauladybwad450 Месяц назад

    Thank you ❣ 😊

  • @Barbpriestley37
    @Barbpriestley37 Месяц назад

    I Pray God Helped me To get Back in my son Jason Life I am a Mother Please Need Prayers Thank you Thank you Encouragement and message and God bless you thank to Message

  • @angelsamoungus2630
    @angelsamoungus2630 Месяц назад

    Thank you, God!!!
    Thank you for sharing 💗 😊

  • @Vyt4s1993
    @Vyt4s1993 7 часов назад

    First roots of the wheat I still remember I had vision one of first visions where I receive Glorified body all shining in gold yellow bright, robe of righteousness and seal of living God on forehead and walking from my room down bellow to guest room and there was my sister with my mother and fear felt on them they felt on knees while same time next to them I saw demons that were opressing them, I said to them, do you want to get saved, sister told yes I was telling confession to God in Jesus name so she would get safed yet through mother demon tried to withold her saying by my mom lips "dont do that" to my sister and it was time for me to fly... also I had around me circle of light wherever I walked light following my motion in real time shining my path and I was able to see through walls and sense spirits either good of evil ones, felt no fear, but peace of the Lord God and presence of Jesus Christ even when in whole house was pitch black dark no light was shining. Praise be the Name of the Lord this messge from you Melissa is confirmation that Lord indeed showed me that chaning of bodies process moments before rapture 🐑

  • @LoveconQuersall73
    @LoveconQuersall73 Месяц назад

    I am just a sinner who tries his best to do as I am called to do . Thank you .Papa Abba Jesus. Father Son Holy Spirit Amen and Amen ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @Phnx3218
      @Phnx3218 Месяц назад +3

      You are not just a sinner! You are a son or daughter of the most high God in Jesus Christ. Much of the body of Christ remains locked in a place of mistaken identity and weakness, and it is like a glass ceiling.
      We are sons and daughters who may still sin, but our identity has been transformed. I encourage you to ask Holy Spirit about your identity and He will never tell you “you’re just a sinner”. Shalom to you!

  • @CuriosityOfAbstractivity
    @CuriosityOfAbstractivity Месяц назад

    do you remember what the suits looked like when they were putting it on? Also, do you remember what you were telling the gym members in that room before they put the suits on?

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Месяц назад

    Yes, i have also always believed there would be a pre- a mid- AND a post-Trib rapture or harvest, yes…

  • @AnilVerma-hs5oi
    @AnilVerma-hs5oi Месяц назад +1


  • @charlesbalch2581
    @charlesbalch2581 Месяц назад

    I was raised with dreams of taking down demons with gods given power as in having dreams like this and fighting with armor and gods might many a times I succeeded and grew wise in wars. I feel like I’m not the bride though but will be given a new body to fight the evil of this world in tribulation seasons.

    • @AshePBlack
      @AshePBlack Месяц назад

      The 144 is the bride and does as you say, ppl do replacement theology but 144 are part of bride

  • @jordanfalkowski6924
    @jordanfalkowski6924 Месяц назад

    Seems i was dreaming and woke all sweaty. I was fixing dinner or something and was asking some delivery guy about a part i wanted. Then i was tapping my fingertips on my thumb like counting monday and drawing a backwards looking Z in the air. Kinda weird dream

  • @shawnblaylock5956
    @shawnblaylock5956 Месяц назад

    Here’s a good one from Paul, speaking of the multiple events. Escape then Rapture….
    “It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) how that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities. For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Especially verse 2 and 3
    Above 14 years!
    There are lesser tribulations of 7years BEFORE THE FINAL 7 years of Jacob’s trouble!
    14 years total.
    Did you catch that? Caught up….to the 3rd Heaven! That’s the very Throne Room of GOD!
    The Bride - the wedding)
    “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Then the next event is like the first…but different! This “man” (or group) was caught up to PARADISE! Not the third heaven.
    (Wedding party - the guests)
    “And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) how that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @marcchabot7737
    @marcchabot7737 Месяц назад

    Very awesome teaching. Rather than the barley and wheat harvests, I believe the first fruits of the rapture would actually represent the in-gathering on the Harvest of New Oil. This Harvest coincides with the Feast of Trumpets which many scholars place as the appointed time for the rapture anyway. Feast of Trumpets has a series of 100 trumpet blasts and the 100th one is the last trump.
    True, the New Wine Harvest represents the ingathering of the grapes of wrath, however, it is more placed for the Christian when the Holy Spirit came. New wine wasn't preserved until The wheat harvest. The Day of Pentecost (new wine) and grapes of wrath is the same calendar day. 3,000 died when Moses threw down the two tablets, and 3,000 were saved when they were accused of being drunk on new wine at the 3rd hour (Acts 2:13 ESV). This is the day the virgin bride accepts the cup of new wine from the groom. This is very important to accept it. If she is idolatrous she receives a cup of his wrath. The barley harvest represents Jesus' resurrection from the dead. The wheat harvest represents Jesus being carried into heaven. During this feast (Feast of Weeks) old wine is poured out on to the ground. Old wine is old covenant. The new wine (New Covenant) bursts the old wine skins (old covenant). Barley and wheat together make bread. Jesus is the Bread of Life. He e is the first-fruits of the resurrection. Therefore, out of the three in-gathering harvests, grain, wine, and oil, the Harvest of New Oil is the one that hasn't been fulfilled yet, which is the harvesting of the saints--those filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit. Five were ready. Five were not.

  • @chaimomma9198
    @chaimomma9198 Месяц назад

    The prize is living a life of honor to God through Jesus Christ. The Rapture will take those not watching but are born again “like a thief” there’s no works lest any man should boast.

    • @chaimomma9198
      @chaimomma9198 Месяц назад

      But we are not unaware so it will not surprise us. ❤

  • @lordorcas9344
    @lordorcas9344 Месяц назад +1

    Je t’aime Jésus mon amour ? Je bénie ton nom saint et glorieux , je t’adore merci pour la vie sauve car tu m’a aimée avant la fondation du monde ❤✝️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🌹🇮🇱