Dont set up individual Keys for every action as most type of munitions have very different keybinds you need to hit, while some are the same. Use weapon selector and stack keybinds on the same keys where you can. If you dont have any available keybinds that are comfortable to use, make another set of keybinds. you can save and load keybind presets in the bottom left of the controls screen. I have 2 different ones. One for Air 2 Air combat with radar bindings with some ground munition keybinds stacked there if i run multirole, then use weapon selector. The other one for Air 2 ground exclusively, with the exception of the IR missile.
Nice to see the Corsair II get some love, it and the F-105 are my personal favorite Vietnam Era Aircraft. The new A-7K variant does look pretty good, just sucks that it’s added during the age of the Pantsir.
Yes and no, it’s quite frankly one of the best CAS aircrafts for US right now, if not in top tier in general, it’s non afterburning, Carrie’s a decent amount of counter measures, climbs well, and the combo of the thermal targeting pod and 6 mavericks means if you really want you can just yeet things from 12000m in the air from far enough away that even the pantsir can’t touch you, it’s tricky to learn CAS at top tier but from my experience using it in my 11.3 lineup, it’s beyond good and highly underrated, not to mention having AIM-9Ls really helps it defend itself without having to commit to a dogfight that will likely end in you being killed by a SAM, I’m honestly glad not too many people bothered to grind it, makes it feel more special when I see a friendly also using it
I really like and prefer the twin seat look on this variant, but I'd hope to see one in the tech tree since I don't usually enjoy WT events or buying vehicles from them.
A-7D and A-7E are both in the tech-tree and offer this sort of gameplay. They do not have a tandem seat configuration, nor the army air force female refueling port, however, the A-7K was specifically a trainer aircraft for the air national guard and thusly the rear cockpit was just for the teacher and the front was for the student. It would not be like in an F-4 Phantom II or F-14 Tomcat, in which the rear seat was for the weapons systems officer.
the amount of time needed to grind vehicles makes it worth it to just buy ones you like depending on the country, in the us i know for certain its a more valuable to buy a premium than grind the tech tree for the tech tree variant.
@@GumMonster1 I figured it was something like that and while I can easily get the others, I just like the look of the cockpit so much lol. If it's cheap I'll get it.
been busy with work and this is probably a bit late by now but I just want to congratulate you on the 50k subs Hunter:D Lovely video as always and keep up the great work! Really enjoyed this one!
I really enjoyed the background music in this one! 🤘 (tho a wee bit quiet, at times) And obviously the god-like skills as CAS will always entertain, you absolute monster
A-7D at 10.3 is a beast now, I regularly walked home with 5-6 kill both ground and air. Also with introduction of Hi-drag bombs mk82 snake eye, it can safely blanket bomb a zone with high speed super low altitude and assault fuse.
@@covenantslayergaming6362 while agree with you that anything with 9L belongs in 11.0, that doesn’t track with how gaijin has balanced planes with 9Ls being the tornado ids was added at 10.7, the a10 is at 10.0, alongside the a6e.
Comparable to the frogfoot??? This has a thermal pod with several tv guided weapons compared to the su25s 2 laser guided weapons with an incredible shitty designator.
@@emilelerate6454 Yes, I also think all those should be moved up on accordance with all aspect missiles not belonging anywhere near early to mid cold war. Same with r60m's. A-6E is an utter warcrime where it's at, I don't understand for the life of me why it's so low. Main issue is compression in my eyes.
I grinded long and hard for this thing when the event was still going strong, it's a nice change of pace from the A-10A Early, which I bought back when it first released in Winds of Change, and one hell of a looker on top of that. It's actually quite fun to mess around with in Air Arcade (If the hordes of F-14s don't sling 10 bajillion Sparrows in the first 10 seconds of the match lol), it's an absolute unit if you're left unopposed.
I knew the thermal pod would work will with Mavs. Too bad this event is such a damn grind and I barely have anytime to play it this season. I wanted this for CAS so bad.
13:12 oh my, did you climb above the pantsir’s missile elevation range? If so that was genius. Or did that player just completely whiff the shot on you?
I've been watching you faithfully every day before work and every night after work. I wanna say thank you for making me understand War Thunder more, how to deal with maps differently and how to collectively gain more smarts during matches. I feel more confident and I've been achieving more kills per match. You've brought me knowledge as well as entertainment. Thank you for your videos sir. Happy Hunting! I hope to meet you in battle one day!
Great video! Im really tempted to buy it simply because im a whore for Mavericks. GBU-8's are insanely good but theres just something different for the Mavs. How they go off the rail, the sound, the trail they leave. It just feels so powerful to see them filling the sky and then hammering down on the enemy. Also Mavericks are the best for the enemy heli spam. Its sad that the A7K is not 10.7, which would be an insta buy for me. A7E should also get its Mavs. Maybe i will get it and suffer to spade it.. not sure yet.
Can someone please find me a video where Hunter does not land so gracefully at base? This man is still beasting it. Hunter is love, Hunter is life. 🙏 ❤
hunter, have you noticed now with GBU8 sometimes the bomb loose the velocity and fall down before the target, for exemple I can't drop from 15 km anymore, have you experienced that?
I tried it after your comment with F-16, I still can do it even from 4500m altitude and 20km distance, you need to be fast my friend .. around Mach 1.2
As usual flawless cas play. I got the qn506 and have 1 more certificate so far so hopefully I can get another 2 shortly to get this vehicle the flir pod will Def help instead of the f4e I'm useing because useing that thing is rough
@ShminkyDinky yeah dude sorry to tell you I have the qn already and now have 2 certificates for the A7K just one to go at this point for GP I'll get a 7th certificate for the little Italian thing lol just to have it I have a feeling one day it will come in handy
Hey Hunter just curious if you checked out the song I mentioned a week or two ago; Tocatta by Sky? I listen to it usually when I’m in air rb and it’s dusk or nighttime
Which vehicle coupon do you think will have more value over time? I was thinking the a7k because way less people will redeem for it, similar to the au-1
Arguable, A-7E has walleye ER (extended range) bombs which glide insanely well, and is at 10.7 which after the next br changes will probably be one of the best brs for usa, but the a7k has aim9ls and mavericks, so its really up to personal br preference.
Yes/no, it depends on how you use them mainly. Generally yes, the A-7K is better than the A-7E. The pros and cons I can quickly come up with of the A-7K compared to the A-7E are as follows (of course only taking ground RB into account, in air RB both quite suck and comparing them doesn't make one of them actually good in absolute terms). Pros: - AIM-9Ls, big plus to not require a rear aspect angle on enemy planes to launch a missile, alleviating some of the flight performance issues. The missile also just turns better so you can have worse launches and still hit. - Mavericks, you get to carry a lot of them (up to 6) and they have up to 6km distance of tracking range, which is very nice. Also really good against helicopters. - Small pro/con, GBU-8s have larger explosive radius than the walleyes, but it most of the time doesn't matter that much. They are heavier too, so they worsen your flight performance more as well at that cost. Cons: - Less guided bombs, guided bombs have more range than mavericks when dropped with speed, making them pretty great against SPAA using bomb tossing. Bombs are also much harder for SPAA to shoot down and impossible to shoot down if they use proxy ammo/missiles. - BR, 10.7 and 11.0 might not sound much of a difference, but current matchmaker is rather kind to 10.7 compared to 11.0. Currently 10.7 faces a lot of full downtiers (although the crafting event right now screws up matchmaking a little bit, but it's temporary).
You should be a fighter pilot instructor in real life 😊 Stunning content as usual my dear Hunter 👍 An advice, which gameplay mode or vehicles u used to grind it so quickly? I so need that A7K & end up barely having enough score daily 😫 Can we use boosters to speed things up? 😊
whats ur opinion on A7K ? I just got it today and i launch 2 mavricks at the same time for 1 spaa . I think with laser + mavricks is the best way to fight cancer russia SPA at the moment its OP
@@Hunter_i86 Suggestion for a TGP (pave tack, which has FLIR) for the F-4E have been passed to the devs before (but that means nothing), but overal I've heard conflicting information. But this is what I make out of it all: Gaijin doesn't want to update the current F-4E with newer weapons, but they are looking into (F-4E) phantom variants for the US that carry laser guided bombs (and with that also implies a targeting pod). The second part comes from the Russian WT forum. The answer is pretty vague, but I imagine this just means you will have to spend yet another 400k RP and millions of SL to unlock the same plane but with TGP. Riveting... I feel US might get something with decent/good flight performance and TGP next update, but this feeling is absolutely based on nothing other than that they can't leave US without such capability forever, even multiple minor nations have it. So Gaijin clearly has to up their US bias so to speak (of course bias is bad, but since Gaijin has shown to absolutely not care I give it a good chance US will get something like that next update).
@@Wotplaya4 the best part about the American F4E in game is that it never existed in the configuration that we have from my knowledge, it instead is a combination of multiple different blocks of the F4E
It depends my friend, on many things .. what do you like more; Tanks or planes, USA or China, do you have other Corsair planes? Pretty much your call, QN506 is not OP but kinda unique with F&F missiles, and Corsair has Mavs + TGP which makes it kinda unique too compared to other Corsairs.
Hi Hunter, I've got a question for you. Which vehicle do you think is better to acquire for this workshop event. The A-7K or the QN506? I'm still deciding between the two of them both and I'm having a hard time picking.
Hello my friend, yeah it is hard to decide to be honest, QN-506 is not OP but unique because first ground vehicle with F&F missiles, and A-7K is just another Corsair but it has Maverick B with TGP. I think I would choose A-7K because I play USA more than China.
I have been having trouble locking up targets using my laser guided bombs, I know that the German tornado can lock up ground targets, could I get a keybind or a control scheme?
It's a slick upgrade, all aspect AAMs and AGMs with a FLIR pod. I just couldn't justify 50 bucks for something that just gets smacked around by a completely out of place red AA system that has been proven to be severely overtuned in game as opposed to its real life counterpart
@@Hunter_i86 perhaps you can play it again sometime it’d be nice for it to get some recognition even tho it’s not the best mig to use especially at the br it sits at.
I still yearn for the day the A-7E can get its mavericks as well. But that most likely would warrant an uptier, AGM-65Fs are stronger but it carries less. Mavericks are just really nice against helicopters and Russia has plenty of Ka-50 spawns pretty much every game. At the same time, a better frame altogether would be preferable. Also I noticed that the A-7K actually saves the target stabilized point when exiting the TGP, the A-7E doesn't do that and it's really annoying to reposition the camera every time. I think the TGP on the A-7E is the only one which doesn't do this... I'm guessing it's a bug similar to how right now the A-7K doesn't have any zoom levels. Would be nice for TV muntions without TGP to save the targeting point when exiting the camera as well.
The only reason Gaijin put A-7K at 11.0 is AIM-9L, the eternal problem of WT .. same BRs for two RB modes. Also, tip: saves the target stabilized point is an option called Seeker Auto Stab which should be disabled.
@@Hunter_i86 Thanks! I didn't know that was an option... now is there a way to make that point never go away? Or is it just simply slaved to the TV seeker/ TGP if you have one equipped. For instance if you don't have TV/TGP you can put a target stabilization point somewhere and it always stays there no matter the orientation of your plane. It would be handy for saving the position of a SPAA for instance. Also I think it's not just due to AIM-9L. Gaijin just seems to be scared of bundling mavericks and TGP together so they only reserve that for high BR. A-6 and A-10 early are both 10.0 and have AIM-9L so it can't be just due to the AIM-9L, but rather having TGP + Mavericks first and AIM-9L second.
Which one would you say is more worth it Hunter. The QN506 or the A-7K. I play both China and US btw, so it’s kinda conflicting for me. Edit: or would you recommend selling one of them (probably the A-7K because it’s selling for more) and get something else
youre not asking me but id sell them and get a top tier prem or 2 during a sale or save up gjn from multiple events like this and get one of the stupid rare vehicles thats me personally, maybe you'll like the a7k or budget terminator
@@cali2648 that, or I could get an older event vehicle like the US Merkava Mk3D or something like that. I got a few other event vehicles I’m waiting to sell too
theres a few dumb ones you could get like the BI, KV 220, Heavy no. 6 etc which would get you your moneys worth though idk if you play japan or russia im not really sure about the merkava, it's expensive so you might wanna think twice before getting it
Can be used in the lineup with F-4E, both are 11.0 now .. and also F-4E is fighter and A-7K is attacker so SP will not get doubled when using one of them, which one to use in the battle? It depends on the situation .. let's say you are playing Fulda map, spotting tanks with F-4E with no thermal is difficult in this map .. you can use A-7K thermal TGP to spot better and launch multiple Mavericks without switching camera views. If you have A-7E and you are happy with Walleye ER then no need for A-7K .. you can sell it. I don't care much about AIM-9L because I don't play Air RB.
Great Job Man, I watched you for so long now, and the content is priceless. 🎉 Also I’m in the US grind for ground units and air, What 2 premiums should I buy for both Tanks and Aircraft?
xm1-gm for sure and for planes well it depends on your skill level, if you've never played top tier air for the love of god do not get the f4-s and be a fucking bomb truck in ARB it's so useless but if you're already proficient in radar you can easily get some good kills with it, and if not then get the a6-e tram and farm AI units in sim mode you can get crazy amounts of RP like that cause of the laser guided ordnance, if you want to do neither then I recommend the f5-c for the fact that you can easily pull off 4-5 kill games if you aren't stupid and then ofc there's the a10 early which is at a perfect air sim BR and you're able to do some great CAS with the GBU's when you play it in GRB
Depending on your br I recommend the xa38 for grinding air as it’s also good in ground up through 6.0 if you already have past that then the most economical option in my opinion would be slapping a talisman on the f4c and bombing with it I finished the entire us tech tree that way in a couple weeks and for ground I would go with depending on BR the t14 and if your past that then I would go for the m1128 Wolfpack
Thanks a lot my friend, personally I usually go for the iconic vehicles over the best vehicles .. so I might choose Stryker & A-10. A-6E Intruder is a great and unique choice for the BR in ground RB, it is the only US jet with laser guided bombs.
You dont need to dedicate too much time to it. You can get the plane easy enough just playing normally. Basically just a few extras buttons to press in between rounds.
@@_Addi_ I agree. I’m nearly halfway to getting the a7f. Still a little grind though, but just having fun while doing it. Warthunder is about the journey.
I wonder how many games it takes you until you get one like this. I mean where is the enemy anti air ?>< If I jump into a round I get killed by a Pantsir like 5 seconds after I spawned or 3 spaas just waiting for me ^^"
By the way, Hunter can you make the video about keybinds + what button step by step to do each CAS armament in ground pound run? Thank you
Just use weapon selector and same keys
Would love to see it
Yeah that would be awsome
Dont set up individual Keys for every action as most type of munitions have very different keybinds you need to hit, while some are the same.
Use weapon selector and stack keybinds on the same keys where you can.
If you dont have any available keybinds that are comfortable to use, make another set of keybinds. you can save and load keybind presets in the bottom left of the controls screen.
I have 2 different ones. One for Air 2 Air combat with radar bindings with some ground munition keybinds stacked there if i run multirole, then use weapon selector.
The other one for Air 2 ground exclusively, with the exception of the IR missile.
Nice to see the Corsair II get some love, it and the F-105 are my personal favorite Vietnam Era Aircraft.
The new A-7K variant does look pretty good, just sucks that it’s added during the age of the Pantsir.
Yes and no, it’s quite frankly one of the best CAS aircrafts for US right now, if not in top tier in general, it’s non afterburning, Carrie’s a decent amount of counter measures, climbs well, and the combo of the thermal targeting pod and 6 mavericks means if you really want you can just yeet things from 12000m in the air from far enough away that even the pantsir can’t touch you, it’s tricky to learn CAS at top tier but from my experience using it in my 11.3 lineup, it’s beyond good and highly underrated, not to mention having AIM-9Ls really helps it defend itself without having to commit to a dogfight that will likely end in you being killed by a SAM, I’m honestly glad not too many people bothered to grind it, makes it feel more special when I see a friendly also using it
My friends flew that exact A-7K from the 198th TFS, PR ANG. Pretty cool.
Very cool
I really like and prefer the twin seat look on this variant, but I'd hope to see one in the tech tree since I don't usually enjoy WT events or buying vehicles from them.
A-7D and A-7E are both in the tech-tree and offer this sort of gameplay. They do not have a tandem seat configuration, nor the army air force female refueling port, however, the A-7K was specifically a trainer aircraft for the air national guard and thusly the rear cockpit was just for the teacher and the front was for the student. It would not be like in an F-4 Phantom II or F-14 Tomcat, in which the rear seat was for the weapons systems officer.
the amount of time needed to grind vehicles makes it worth it to just buy ones you like depending on the country, in the us i know for certain its a more valuable to buy a premium than grind the tech tree for the tech tree variant.
@@GumMonster1 I figured it was something like that and while I can easily get the others, I just like the look of the cockpit so much lol. If it's cheap I'll get it.
@@thesauceguy1809 how much is it/ how do you get it now
@@lazarusmagellan2367 Bout $50 , on the gaijin market (pc only)
I just really like how this plane looks, it has a very "star wars" like vibe with the two seat configuration
Everyone who entered C was slaughtered
Love ya vids Hunter !
Hunter playing: makes it look easy. When i play A7k, uncle pantsir is there and shoots my a7 within 20 sec of spawning.
Uncle Pantsir haha
"getting older I guess" I went from Happy to Immediate Depression
Haha sorry my friend
I love this type of video, keep up the good work. Hopefully we get the F-111 and or AV-8B next update.
I hope so too! thanks :)
been busy with work and this is probably a bit late by now but I just want to congratulate you on the 50k subs Hunter:D
Lovely video as always and keep up the great work! Really enjoyed this one!
least parasocial fan
Thanks so much my friend, I appreciate it :)
I really enjoyed the background music in this one! 🤘 (tho a wee bit quiet, at times) And obviously the god-like skills as CAS will always entertain, you absolute monster
Yeah I didn't want to increase the volume, was afraid to be annoying to some viewers, thanks a lot :)
Me too! Little fun fact: 4:43 song is based on Gianni Morandi - Un mondo d'amore.
Exactly who I was waiting for to make a video on this aircraft, good hunting hunter
Thanks a lot brother, happy to please :)
congrats on your 50k subs! You can go higher hunter. Keep smashing the enemy forces.
Thanks a lot my friend, I appreciate all the support :)
I just love your smooth and chill gameplay brother 🌹 keep up the good work 👍
Thanks a lot my friend :)
A-7D at 10.3 is a beast now, I regularly walked home with 5-6 kill both ground and air. Also with introduction of Hi-drag bombs mk82 snake eye, it can safely blanket bomb a zone with high speed super low altitude and assault fuse.
This thing needs either thermal mavericks or a large lowering in BR it’s literally comparable to the frogfoot atm
All A-7's are overtiered for some reason.
@@jcd2020 Id wager the a-7d and e are fine but the k needs some actual weapons. It doesn't belong where it is but shouldn't go any lower due to 9L's.
@@covenantslayergaming6362 while agree with you that anything with 9L belongs in 11.0, that doesn’t track with how gaijin has balanced planes with 9Ls being the tornado ids was added at 10.7, the a10 is at 10.0, alongside the a6e.
Comparable to the frogfoot??? This has a thermal pod with several tv guided weapons compared to the su25s 2 laser guided weapons with an incredible shitty designator.
@@emilelerate6454 Yes, I also think all those should be moved up on accordance with all aspect missiles not belonging anywhere near early to mid cold war. Same with r60m's. A-6E is an utter warcrime where it's at, I don't understand for the life of me why it's so low. Main issue is compression in my eyes.
What a soothing video!
I grinded long and hard for this thing when the event was still going strong, it's a nice change of pace from the A-10A Early, which I bought back when it first released in Winds of Change, and one hell of a looker on top of that. It's actually quite fun to mess around with in Air Arcade (If the hordes of F-14s don't sling 10 bajillion Sparrows in the first 10 seconds of the match lol), it's an absolute unit if you're left unopposed.
Was waiting for your take on this bad boy 😎
I’m about to get that very soon. Nice gameplay as always.
u made me to make the choice for the reward at this event , nice videos keep it up
Glad I could help, thanks :)
You're a genius dude 👏👏
Hi Hunter, good video, you even make it look like the top has it, it's easy and fun 😀
Hello, thanks a lot :)
I knew the thermal pod would work will with Mavs.
Too bad this event is such a damn grind and I barely have anytime to play it this season.
I wanted this for CAS so bad.
5:43 thank you... 🥲😂
Sorry lol
An ultimate air support tutorial!💪
13:12 oh my, did you climb above the pantsir’s missile elevation range? If so that was genius. Or did that player just completely whiff the shot on you?
good job dude, as I said - a top pilot)) thanks for the video and greetings from Ukraine✌️
Thanks a lot! :)
hunter makes everything OP
poor tunguska he had no chance 4:37
4:34 tunguska had no chance to defend itself, pretty much it's gameplay since the nerf
Good Flying! Do you use a stick or mouse?
Keyboard and mouse, thanks a lot ..
I've been watching you faithfully every day before work and every night after work. I wanna say thank you for making me understand War Thunder more, how to deal with maps differently and how to collectively gain more smarts during matches. I feel more confident and I've been achieving more kills per match. You've brought me knowledge as well as entertainment. Thank you for your videos sir. Happy Hunting! I hope to meet you in battle one day!
Thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm very happy to help .. nice to meet you my friend :)
3:00 Soviet main tries not to go in the same camp spot twice
Difficulty: impossible!
Great video! Im really tempted to buy it simply because im a whore for Mavericks. GBU-8's are insanely good but theres just something different for the Mavs. How they go off the rail, the sound, the trail they leave. It just feels so powerful to see them filling the sky and then hammering down on the enemy.
Also Mavericks are the best for the enemy heli spam.
Its sad that the A7K is not 10.7, which would be an insta buy for me. A7E should also get its Mavs.
Maybe i will get it and suffer to spade it.. not sure yet.
You make it look so easy Hunter! 😂
Thanks Turny, I hope everything is good with you :)
@@Hunter_i86 It is, and you my friend!
Also that first kill - you are locking that pantsir or just making laser target?
The used missile is Maverick, it is fire and forget TV guided missile so it doesn't need laser .. I'm locking and firing.
@@Hunter_i86 that shot looked wierd for me - but that War Thunder I guess :D Locking with mavericks can be totaly difficult for me at the times
Wowww Puerto Rico livery so cool, it’s costum or is the actual livery?
It is the standard camo :)
@@Hunter_i86 dammm so nice I didn't know that event was there
i hope they add next update more jets with thermal pod or just targeting pods
It would have to fit the Role of the aircraft Historically but yea, Me too.
Agreed,i would like to have one for the mig27
@@stevenortiz9008 bruh 😭😭😭😭😂 of course a mf would say that
Be honest with us Hunter, how many times did you die to Panstir's?
Less than wing overload break with this plane lol
time to remember an old vulkan sound...
Video with tech tree Z19 anytime soon??? Gonna get it soon gotta learn how to use that radar
Best skilled player in this game
WOW! Thanks man :)
Can someone please find me a video where Hunter does not land so gracefully at base? This man is still beasting it. Hunter is love, Hunter is life. 🙏 ❤
Thanks a lot my friend, I love landing in ground RB :D
Stay wonderful
is it the pod that makes you stay on the aiming mode?
because mine on the f-16aj keep moving me to the cockpit after sending one agm-65b
Yes, the targeting pod.
Awesome video!
Thanks :)
Nice Video, does this Vehicle feels better then the Other A7´s (without the Aim9L Opinion)
Maverick B + Thermal TGP, that's the unique about it. Thanks :)
@@Hunter_i86 true but, No Afterburner + Flaks with 10km Range on this BR so no Speed = much much more time for a AA kill
hunter, have you noticed now with GBU8 sometimes the bomb loose the velocity and fall down before the target, for exemple I can't drop from 15 km anymore, have you experienced that?
I tried it after your comment with F-16, I still can do it even from 4500m altitude and 20km distance, you need to be fast my friend .. around Mach 1.2
@@Hunter_i86 i forgot to precise, it happened with the f4E, Indeed with F16 its ok
@@GloBlue Doable with F-4E too if you were fast enoughвидео.html
@@Hunter_i86 thanks ;)
As usual flawless cas play. I got the qn506 and have 1 more certificate so far so hopefully I can get another 2 shortly to get this vehicle the flir pod will Def help instead of the f4e I'm useing because useing that thing is rough
How you already got 3 certificates?
pretty sure you can only get the QN or the A7k and the french vehicle, can’t get both of the rarer vehicles
You are limited to the amount of supplies you can get it's impossible to get another top tier one without buying the parts needed
@@FreakishWizardthegamingwizard yeah dude I'm Def paying for the parts here and there
@ShminkyDinky yeah dude sorry to tell you I have the qn already and now have 2 certificates for the A7K just one to go at this point for GP I'll get a 7th certificate for the little Italian thing lol just to have it I have a feeling one day it will come in handy
Hey Hunter just curious if you checked out the song I mentioned a week or two ago; Tocatta by Sky? I listen to it usually when I’m in air rb and it’s dusk or nighttime
Which vehicle coupon do you think will have more value over time? I was thinking the a7k because way less people will redeem for it, similar to the au-1
Hopefully when the f18 comes it'll be sead capable
Is there a reason you use "Periodic Countermeasure Release (on/off)" instead of the "Fire Countermeasures" option?
Yes, one button works for both ..
@@Hunter_i86 But the periodic release requires two clicks to drop 1 set of flares instead of 1 set of flares per click?
ok so techtree one when?
or we just have to wait for F15
I like that plane :)
Hey Meelix :)
@@Hunter_i86 Hellooo :DD
Nice is the A7k better than the A7e?
Arguable, A-7E has walleye ER (extended range) bombs which glide insanely well, and is at 10.7 which after the next br changes will probably be one of the best brs for usa, but the a7k has aim9ls and mavericks, so its really up to personal br preference.
Yes/no, it depends on how you use them mainly. Generally yes, the A-7K is better than the A-7E. The pros and cons I can quickly come up with of the A-7K compared to the A-7E are as follows (of course only taking ground RB into account, in air RB both quite suck and comparing them doesn't make one of them actually good in absolute terms).
- AIM-9Ls, big plus to not require a rear aspect angle on enemy planes to launch a missile, alleviating some of the flight performance issues. The missile also just turns better so you can have worse launches and still hit.
- Mavericks, you get to carry a lot of them (up to 6) and they have up to 6km distance of tracking range, which is very nice. Also really good against helicopters.
- Small pro/con, GBU-8s have larger explosive radius than the walleyes, but it most of the time doesn't matter that much. They are heavier too, so they worsen your flight performance more as well at that cost.
- Less guided bombs, guided bombs have more range than mavericks when dropped with speed, making them pretty great against SPAA using bomb tossing. Bombs are also much harder for SPAA to shoot down and impossible to shoot down if they use proxy ammo/missiles.
- BR, 10.7 and 11.0 might not sound much of a difference, but current matchmaker is rather kind to 10.7 compared to 11.0. Currently 10.7 faces a lot of full downtiers (although the crafting event right now screws up matchmaking a little bit, but it's temporary).
I like how all the enemy had to do was spawn spaa but nah they just play as if you dont exist 😂😂
I don't think I'm gonna be able to get mine in time 😕
You should be a fighter pilot instructor in real life 😊
Stunning content as usual my dear Hunter 👍
An advice, which gameplay mode or vehicles u used to grind it so quickly? I so need that A7K & end up barely having enough score daily 😫
Can we use boosters to speed things up? 😊
Thanks a lot Robert .. I didn't grind it my friend, this is just a test drive from Gaijin to content creators.
Use Mobile Infantry mode for grinding, its the best mode.
Noted Hunter :)
What do u think about the XM1-GM? Worth buyin during this spring sale? Massive sale on this vehicle today
"Chat Spamming"
Gaijin should really change that
Hunter what is the best way to dodge spaa missiles?
Notch in a dive, like dodging a Fox 1 missile.
Thank you! Next step is trying to see them with my playstation render distance lol
whats ur opinion on A7K ? I just got it today and i launch 2 mavricks at the same time for 1 spaa . I think with laser + mavricks is the best way to fight cancer russia SPA at the moment its OP
once the f4e gets its targetting pod and laser guided weapons this aircraft will be obselete
USA might get a new Phantom with TGP, that's what I heard here and there .. but it might be just a rumor.
@@Hunter_i86 Suggestion for a TGP (pave tack, which has FLIR) for the F-4E have been passed to the devs before (but that means nothing), but overal I've heard conflicting information.
But this is what I make out of it all: Gaijin doesn't want to update the current F-4E with newer weapons, but they are looking into (F-4E) phantom variants for the US that carry laser guided bombs (and with that also implies a targeting pod). The second part comes from the Russian WT forum. The answer is pretty vague, but I imagine this just means you will have to spend yet another 400k RP and millions of SL to unlock the same plane but with TGP. Riveting...
I feel US might get something with decent/good flight performance and TGP next update, but this feeling is absolutely based on nothing other than that they can't leave US without such capability forever, even multiple minor nations have it. So Gaijin clearly has to up their US bias so to speak (of course bias is bad, but since Gaijin has shown to absolutely not care I give it a good chance US will get something like that next update).
@@Wotplaya4 the best part about the American F4E in game is that it never existed in the configuration that we have from my knowledge, it instead is a combination of multiple different blocks of the F4E
Lets be honest now. This or Phantom F4E? I'd take Phantom every time.
hunter would you reccomend the QN506 or the A-7K i dont know which one to get
It depends my friend, on many things .. what do you like more; Tanks or planes, USA or China, do you have other Corsair planes? Pretty much your call, QN506 is not OP but kinda unique with F&F missiles, and Corsair has Mavs + TGP which makes it kinda unique too compared to other Corsairs.
So was that a yes or no?
Omg I can't wait for F15s, F16s and F18s to get targeting pods with mavericks! :)
Pave penny gbu8 ftw! Lul
How much longer left to grind this event? I need this airplane without a doubt.
Hi Hunter, I've got a question for you. Which vehicle do you think is better to acquire for this workshop event. The A-7K or the QN506? I'm still deciding between the two of them both and I'm having a hard time picking.
Hello my friend, yeah it is hard to decide to be honest, QN-506 is not OP but unique because first ground vehicle with F&F missiles, and A-7K is just another Corsair but it has Maverick B with TGP. I think I would choose A-7K because I play USA more than China.
I hope this thing gets its radar.
What are the differences between both aircrafts?
I have been having trouble locking up targets using my laser guided bombs, I know that the German tornado can lock up ground targets, could I get a keybind or a control scheme?
These are not laser guided bombs, they are TV. Lock guided bomb button.
It's a slick upgrade, all aspect AAMs and AGMs with a FLIR pod. I just couldn't justify 50 bucks for something that just gets smacked around by a completely out of place red AA system that has been proven to be severely overtuned in game as opposed to its real life counterpart
Have you ever made a video on the German mig29bn?
MiG-29 or MiG-23BN?
Why I get those confused together I have no answer for that..but I meant the 23bn apologies.
@@Allahster Only this one time I thinkвидео.html
@@Hunter_i86 perhaps you can play it again sometime it’d be nice for it to get some recognition even tho it’s not the best mig to use especially at the br it sits at.
Q: whats your way to go for an aircraft in Ground RB? Scout/Light tank or medium tank?
I was using Stryker mostly to spawn A-7K :)
@@Hunter_i86 and what would it be in russian high tier?
I’ve been grinding every day and I am barely close to sending my first shipment for this thing… gonna tak me ages to get this
If you are low rank then try grinding the mech event, you get points easier + multiplier. I’m grinding it out with naval and air rb.
I still yearn for the day the A-7E can get its mavericks as well. But that most likely would warrant an uptier, AGM-65Fs are stronger but it carries less. Mavericks are just really nice against helicopters and Russia has plenty of Ka-50 spawns pretty much every game. At the same time, a better frame altogether would be preferable.
Also I noticed that the A-7K actually saves the target stabilized point when exiting the TGP, the A-7E doesn't do that and it's really annoying to reposition the camera every time. I think the TGP on the A-7E is the only one which doesn't do this... I'm guessing it's a bug similar to how right now the A-7K doesn't have any zoom levels. Would be nice for TV muntions without TGP to save the targeting point when exiting the camera as well.
The only reason Gaijin put A-7K at 11.0 is AIM-9L, the eternal problem of WT .. same BRs for two RB modes. Also, tip: saves the target stabilized point is an option called Seeker Auto Stab which should be disabled.
@@Hunter_i86 Thanks! I didn't know that was an option... now is there a way to make that point never go away? Or is it just simply slaved to the TV seeker/ TGP if you have one equipped. For instance if you don't have TV/TGP you can put a target stabilization point somewhere and it always stays there no matter the orientation of your plane. It would be handy for saving the position of a SPAA for instance.
Also I think it's not just due to AIM-9L. Gaijin just seems to be scared of bundling mavericks and TGP together so they only reserve that for high BR. A-6 and A-10 early are both 10.0 and have AIM-9L so it can't be just due to the AIM-9L, but rather having TGP + Mavericks first and AIM-9L second.
It needs the maverick D and 10.7 BR. I rather use my F4E at 11.0.
How do you get in a plane so early in a match
hmmm Stryker rush cap zone, scout a target and kill another haha. Just normal playing :)
the CAS king!
The toxic king
Nice Video
what do you think is better a-7k or that Chinese tank?
from the perspective of fan gameplay of course. not farming
A-7K I think
@@Hunter_i86 thank you
Which one would you say is more worth it Hunter. The QN506 or the A-7K. I play both China and US btw, so it’s kinda conflicting for me.
Edit: or would you recommend selling one of them (probably the A-7K because it’s selling for more) and get something else
youre not asking me but id sell them and get a top tier prem or 2 during a sale or save up gjn from multiple events like this and get one of the stupid rare vehicles
thats me personally, maybe you'll like the a7k or budget terminator
Maverick = fun
QN fire and forget = barely work
@@paulbrown3302 yeah, but they might fix them in the future
@@cali2648 that, or I could get an older event vehicle like the US Merkava Mk3D or something like that. I got a few other event vehicles I’m waiting to sell too
theres a few dumb ones you could get like the BI, KV 220, Heavy no. 6 etc which would get you your moneys worth though idk if you play japan or russia
im not really sure about the merkava, it's expensive so you might wanna think twice before getting it
Overall thoughts hunter?
Can be used in the lineup with F-4E, both are 11.0 now .. and also F-4E is fighter and A-7K is attacker so SP will not get doubled when using one of them, which one to use in the battle? It depends on the situation .. let's say you are playing Fulda map, spotting tanks with F-4E with no thermal is difficult in this map .. you can use A-7K thermal TGP to spot better and launch multiple Mavericks without switching camera views. If you have A-7E and you are happy with Walleye ER then no need for A-7K .. you can sell it. I don't care much about AIM-9L because I don't play Air RB.
@@Hunter_i86 yea I’m not a fan of air rb but this was helpful thanks hunter!
I guess an HD FLIR Pod would be too powerful eh
Is there a difference between the K and E variant? If yes what is there to know?
K is heavier, gets Mavricks and Pod, 9Ls. Other than that the same
K is supposed to have a radar which it currently doesnt for some reason
Maverick + TGP, and AIM-9L.
U show this to gaijin and they will say: nah 11:0 is fine for this aircraft
They depend on stats mainly
@@Hunter_i86 well they better lower its BR bc I want to play it but I cant bc it’s BR is too high.
طائره جميله ورشيقه وادائك سوه منها مجرم لايرحم😅
Good SEAD, brother
Thanks 👍
Great Job Man, I watched you for so long now, and the content is priceless. 🎉
Also I’m in the US grind for ground units and air,
What 2 premiums should I buy for both Tanks and Aircraft?
xm1-gm for sure and for planes well it depends on your skill level, if you've never played top tier air for the love of god do not get the f4-s and be a fucking bomb truck in ARB it's so useless but if you're already proficient in radar you can easily get some good kills with it, and if not then get the a6-e tram and farm AI units in sim mode you can get crazy amounts of RP like that cause of the laser guided ordnance, if you want to do neither then I recommend the f5-c for the fact that you can easily pull off 4-5 kill games if you aren't stupid and then ofc there's the a10 early which is at a perfect air sim BR and you're able to do some great CAS with the GBU's when you play it in GRB
Depending on your br I recommend the xa38 for grinding air as it’s also good in ground up through 6.0 if you already have past that then the most economical option in my opinion would be slapping a talisman on the f4c and bombing with it I finished the entire us tech tree that way in a couple weeks and for ground I would go with depending on BR the t14 and if your past that then I would go for the m1128 Wolfpack
Thanks a lot my friend, personally I usually go for the iconic vehicles over the best vehicles .. so I might choose Stryker & A-10. A-6E Intruder is a great and unique choice for the BR in ground RB, it is the only US jet with laser guided bombs.
That plane looks amazing for CAS, unfortunately the crafting event is not worth the time
You dont need to dedicate too much time to it. You can get the plane easy enough just playing normally. Basically just a few extras buttons to press in between rounds.
@@_Addi_ I agree. I’m nearly halfway to getting the a7f. Still a little grind though, but just having fun while doing it. Warthunder is about the journey.
Is that a Puerto Rico flag?
RIP that T-50
Hunter really told the city-folk with the fancy Russian spaa and expensive anti-air missiles "welcome to Sneeds SEAD and DEAD" and SEADed all over him
Eres un grocero jugamdo! que nivel.
which vehicle do you think will be worth more on the marketplace? A-7K or QN506?
QN got so much negative feedback from famous creators so A-7K might hit a higher price. Not sure though.
Music in background?
Takno Free Music channel
I wonder how many games it takes you until you get one like this. I mean where is the enemy anti air ?>< If I jump into a round I get killed by a Pantsir like 5 seconds after I spawned or 3 spaas just waiting for me ^^"
Literally first run in the video there was a Pantsir out there and launched a missile at me.
man? how long they will keep the chat cooldown bruh?
Very silly rule