
  • Опубликовано: 11 апр 2024
  • ※本動画の言語は同時通訳音声による日本語です。
    • In the Turbulent Inter...
    <収録日・Recording date> 
    Monday, March 18, 2024
    ボニー・グレイザー氏(米国ジャーマン・マーシャル基金 インド太平洋プログラム マネージング・ディレクター)
    Ms. Bonnie Glaser (Managing Director, Indo-Pacific Program, German Marshall Fund)
    兼原信克 笹川平和財団常務理事
    Mr. Nobukatsu Kanehara (Executive Director, Sasakawa Peace Foundation)
    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation and the institutions to which the participants belong.
    オーストラリアのシドニーにあるローウィー研究所の非常勤研究員、パシフィック・フォーラムのシニア・アソシエイト、アジア太平洋安全保障協力会議米国委員会理事、外交問題評議会および国際戦略研究所メンバー。 ボストン大学で政治学の学士号、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学高等国際問題研究大学院で国際経済学と中国研究の修士号を取得。 国防総省や国務省など、さまざまな米政府機関でコンサルタントを務め、CSISでは、中国研究フリーマン・チェアシニア・アドバイザー、国際安全保障プログラムのシニア・アソシエイト、アジア担当シニア・アドバイザーとチャイナ・パワー・プロジェクトのディレクター、1997年には国防総省の国防政策委員会中国パネルのメンバーを務めた。Washington Quarterly、China Quarterly、Asian International Securityなどの多数の学術誌や政策誌のほか、ニューヨーク・タイムズやウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルなどの有力紙、アジアの安全保障に関するさまざまな編著書などでの幅広い執筆活動でも活躍している。
    Bonnie S. Glaser
    Managing director of Indo-Pacific program, German Marshall Fund of the United States
    She is also a nonresident fellow with the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia, and a senior associate with the Pacific Forum. She is a co-author of US-Taiwan Relations: Will China's Challenge Lead to a Crisis (Brookings Press, April 2023). She was previously senior adviser for Asia and the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Glaser has worked at the intersection of Asia-Pacific geopolitics and US policy for more than three decades. From 2008 to mid-2015, she was a senior adviser with the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, and from 2003 to 2008, she was a senior associate in the CSIS International Security Program. Prior to joining CSIS, she served as a consultant for various U.S. government offices, including the Departments of Defense and State. Ms. Glaser has published widely in academic and policy journals, including the Washington Quarterly, China Quarterly, Asian Survey, International Security, Contemporary Southeast Asia, American Foreign Policy Interests, Far Eastern Economic Review, and Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, as well as in leading newspapers such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal and in various edited volumes on Asian security. She is currently a board member of the U.S. Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific and a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. She served as a member of the Defense Department’s Defense Policy Board China Panel in 1997. Ms. Glaser received her B.A. in political science from Boston University and her M.A. with concentrations in international economics and Chinese studies from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
    兼原 信克
    笹川平和財団 常務理事同志社大学 特別客員教授
    1959 年山口県生まれ。東大法学部卒業後、外務省入省。条約局国際法課⻑、北⽶局⽇⽶安全保障条約課⻑、総合外交政策局総務課⻑、欧州局参事官、国際法局⻑などを歴任。国外では欧州連合、国際連合、⽶国、韓国の大使館や政府代表部に勤務。2012 年発足の第二次安倍政権で、内閣官房副⻑官補(外政担当)、国家安全保障局次⻑を務める。2019 年退官後、2020 年より同志社大学特別客員教授。2023 年より笹川平和財団常務理事。2015 年仏政府よりレジオンドヌール勲章を受勲。
    Nobukatsu KANEHARA
    Nobukatsu Kanehara served as Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from 2012 to 2019. In 2013, he became the inaugural Deputy Secretary-General of the National Security Secretariat, a role which he held until his retirement from government service in 2019. He also served as Deputy Director of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office. Mr. Kanehara’s role in the Cabinet built on a distinguished career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he served in a number of notable positions, including Director-General of the Bureau of International Law, Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Policy Bureau, Ambassador in charge of the United Nations and Human Rights. He served abroad as Deputy Chief of Mission in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and Political Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Washington. He was decorated by the president of the Republic of France with l’Ordre de la Legion d’Honneur.
    【Related Links・関連リンク】
    <日米関係インサイト/Insights into Japan-U.S. Relations (Website)>
    (English) www.spf.org/jpus-insights/en/
    <SPF日米グループページ・Web page of Japan-U.S. Program, SPF>
    (日本語) www.spf.org/programs/jpus/
    (English) www.spf.org/en/programs/jpus/
    #中国、#台湾、#米中関係、#日米同盟 #国際秩序

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