Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray are the two public intellectuals I have most respect for. Why? They express their concerns with an unusual degree of courage despite it being very difficult at times in today's climate. Throughout the western world Islam is gaining formal and informal footholds which place unique strains on society. In formal terms as the migration crisis has been catastrophically managed by most nations and the European union in particular our natural impulse is to respond with kindness and empathy. But whilst compassion is a virtue it becomes a vice when we ignore real concerns about the volume and rate of migrants being admitted and the values many of them endorse. The rate is such that assimilation is nigh on impossible. Germany is the most egregious case in point with 1.2 million migrants now dependent on government subsistence in the last year. Too many of them do not come from nations with a commitment to freedom of speech, respect for women, equality for homosexuals and the freedom to leave their religion. Any concern expressed about Islam at all is met with the meme Islamophobia which is invoked to rebuff any criticism even when perfectly justified. Since this discussion (with Steyn) much has happened concerning Islamic terrorism particularly in Europe. A series of terrorist attacks in the UK this year, attacks in Germany and very severe attacks in France killing over two hundred people within the last two years have rocked all decent people. It is no coincidence that Islamic terrorism is affecting so many countries throughout the world now and there is a marked increase in illiberal Islam even when terrorism may not be severe. Poland has refused to take migrants this year having seen all the problems young male Muslims have brought with them from their own countries. Poland does not have an Islamist violence problem. Indonesia was once the country pointed to by Islam apologists as a great example of the largest Islamic democracy. Not any more. This year we have seen creeping sharia and public floggings for adultery or blasphemy. The same is true in Pakistan. My biggest concern is that too many liberals defend intolerance. When it comes to freedom of speech or blasphemy laws we must not give in an inch. Every time we give in the intolerant and illiberal win. When we fail to show the Danish cartoons or the Charlie Hebdo publication we are saying to the terrorists 'you have won. Your blasphemy laws are in place'. For too long too little has been said and done to defeat the extremists. They are gaining ground each time we fail to defend our values. Thankfully Steyn, Murray and a few others are still talking about these very serious concerns. We need more people like them with the courage to keep standing up for our values.
Such a comprehensive summary of the problems with Islam, Edward, so beautifully and rationally expressed. I am in complete agreement with you. We definitely need to make an assertive stand for our Western Civilization. I am 72 now, but when I was in my twenties and thirties, I travelled widely, principally in third world countries, in the 1970s and 1980s, and I saw Islam for myself, in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. It was bad enough then, but we had few Islamics in our own countries, and Islam was not as radical as it is now in any of these countries. I was stoned (with large rocks) in the Swat valley of Pakistan, and in the city of Meshad, in eastern Iran. I was lucky that I was not hit on the head, and survived the experience, twice! As a lone Westerner at the time this happened, I was not at all provocative or threatening, just walking, with my camera, in the country in Swat, and in the city in Meshad, and conscious that the Islamics did not like to be photographed, because images of animal or human life were regarded as blasphemous, and, as a man, I was quite adequately dressed, and not gay. Even Turkey, as it was then, seemed like reaching civilization, after such experiences. In the Swat, some country people invited me into their home, and although I was cautious, I accepted the invitation and joined them. The conversation soon became a bit menacing: what are you doing in this country, and so on. I told them I was travelling across Asia to learn about other countries and people. In response, I was told, we can kill you, and nobody will ever know. They said: you must be very rich, to be travelling so far. I said no, I have saved my money from my job for five years to be able to afford it; I'm not at all rich. That was disturbing enough, but the conversation then turned even uglier. I was getting fearful for my life, and said to them, well, I guess I should go, and they said: yes. I got up and walked out the door, and in a few seconds, the rocks started to fly, a few very close to my head. In fact, I felt so angry at this, that I refused to run, and just kept walking back towards town. I was hit several times in the body, and had severe bruising from the blows. The atmosphere of an Islamic country was stifling, and even then, the clothing for women was oppressive. The incident in Iran was similar, but the rocks started to fly without any words being said. I can only speculate that I must have been walking too near to some sacred place. Islam is the antithesis of the West, and I am fearful for the future of this wonderful and unique civilization of ours, with the differential birthrates, particularly in Europe, the home of our civilization, the guests will soon outnumber their hosts, and take over the house.
RESPECTED Mark Steyn, May LORD bless you and your friends, family, working team and you please read below and pray for Christians living in Muslims Countries and do support us after reading below message. Stay blessed
I love listening to Mark Steyn and reading his articles. I am dying to read 'America Alone'. But I didn't know much about him, so I appreciated this video since he talked a bit about his history. Thank you.
Thanks for the fresh air! It's encouraging, even exciting that this level of observation and articulation is alive and holding forth! Your AMERICA ALONE is a book we want to give everyone we know! More relevant and uncomfortable truth than the current popular campaigns are presented in the most engaging style. We need to turn up the factual education and get off our whining & incomplete emotional tyrades, we lucky Americans!!
Mrs. Merkel has been like a teenager with "her own money." Not needing to pay " rent and food," [Read here as contribute to NATO] she has spent her money on bringing Middle Easterners and Africans (primarily) into Germany rather than paying the basic bills. (This comment is prompted by Steyn's musings about France and Germany, starting at around 24:00) Interesting to hear this conversation 10 years after it was made--even if only by waking up to it by "linked random play" means! Steyn has been saying that he was talking about the effects on the continent for a long time. He was right!
All those who criticise Mark especially his book America Alone have got it so wrong. He is spot on. I lived in London for 40 years and travelled to a load of other cities. Islamisation is fast increasing and funded by the Saudis. More mosques and Madrassahs preaching hatred of the indigenous British. As witnessed by some of my muslim friends who had heard people in their community speaking about it. The huge birthrate amongst the muslim population. Arseholes like Anjem Choudhury and the like shouting their crap on the streets. No need for terrorism they will just outbreed us.
Serious kudos to the University of California for allowing the great Mark Steyn an opportunity to communicate truthful common sense about Islam. If Mr. Steyn were an American citizen running for President of the United States, he'd earn my vote in an instant.
Impressive Mr Mark Steyn. You lucid and well articulated commentary is so powerful that its swayed indian liberal like me. You are so absolutely right we have so much liberal "turn the other cheek" secular views in india that its insulting. I agree Islam needs moderation by external forces like hinduism or christianity or pop culture to soften its shart edges based on the political idealogy that islam really is. Thank you Mr Steyn. amazing observations and absolute truth spoken.
I dont have enough space and knowledge of English language to fully describe what I have in mind concerning current and near future changes. I can only add that I see Mark Steyn as a charismatic speaker with a mission, but not his own mission. He is either very brave to discuss complex issues so simplistically or just does his job(one of many in that case). Thats only my opinion.
Great site! I posted a long diatribe about how great that site is and how pathetic the detractors of brave Israel is, but the page said their was a processing error. All good material Justice!
I was born, ehunter, in Northern Rhodesia, where my father, an Irishman, practised medicine at the behest of the British Foreign Service. My aunt was a teacher in Kenya for 30 years. I am very well acquainted with the blind narcisssism and general depravities of Empire.
Hundreds of historians and other commentators have elaborated on that basic fact. I don't say the matter is free of controversy, but there are a great many leading lights of the former colonies who have expressed a reserved admiration and gratitude for the democratic institutions installed under British colonial rule. For example, read the recent speech of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, appearing in print under the title "India's experience with Britain had benefits too".
My grandfather's sister, who remained in Crimea for Stalin and Molotov's purges, one day went to the local church and finding it locked (it was converted into a granary used by the Russians to store the Ukrainians' grain before hauling it all off to Russia), went behind it to offer her prayers. She was discovered by Russian soldiers who broke both her arms (for clasping her hands) and both her legs (for kneeling), and sent her to Siberia. Miraculously she survived the Gulags and returned.
"I'm going to cite you the Buddha's view on a creator god" In all sincerity, thank you for sharing that. Even if I don't agree on all points, I find Buddha's teachings interesting and moderately enlightening. If I did not have access to the teachings of Christ Jesus, I might be tempted to be satisfied at that. But having dined at a King's feast, the fair of the street vendor no longer satiates my appetite for knowledge and truth.
@idlepink17 are you aware of anthony flew? the professor of philosophy/ athiest and his conversion to theism? it was several years ago, but news travels slow here. he said that it was the overwhelming complexity of the human body that finally did it for him.
@somedude221 Well from someone who is particularly conservative and also loves Mark Steyn, here's hoping you'll join us sooner rather than later. You're on the right track. : )
In Israel, Arabs have full civil rights. They serve in the parliament, the judiciary, the military (voluntarily), they become actors, singers, models, sports stars. The Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza say openly that their goal is not to live equally with Jews in a democratic state, but to defeat and evict the Jews from the region. To keep your army close to such people until they become willing to accept your existence does not constitute apartheid. It's just survival and common sense.
Hey, Seis, in your listing of men of faith, you forgot to mention Sir Isaac Newton, scientist and mathematician extraordinaire! (And inventor of calculus, my to my dismay as a student; of course Leibniz would take issue with that)
16:30 He's referring to Night Train here. And of course he's right. Amis, though a brilliant writer, has a bit of a tin ear somehow. See also the appalling email sections in Yellow Dog.
Zen is usually taken from "Zen Buddhism", the Japanese variant (Bukkyou). Having conversed many long hours with Zen Buddhist monks, I can tell you that there is very little theology and it's better characterized as a philosophy, more akin to Dao (Taoism) or Gongfu (Confucianism) than the Bhodisatva or Hinduism on the Indian sub-continent. There are certainly religious variants such as Nichiren, but when Westerners refer to "Zen", it's usually a philosophical reference (and attraction).
Steyn is brilliant. His book America Alone is brilliant although I have less and less faith in America being around in anything resembling its present form for more than another generation or two.
No, hemmo, I just posted a statement. It was not a response to anyone's comment. You replied (apparently spoiling for a lengthy and tedious argument), and "game was on".
Why are the Israelis not an honest peace partner? Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians a fully sovereign, fully independent state on over 95% of the West Bank and Gaza. All he wanted was a small buffer zone and a genuine peace. Israel's borders would have been almost indistinguishable from those of 1967. Arafat not only rejected this deal, he actually launched an intifada. And that was only Barak's offer. There have been half a dozen others, almost equally generous.
Joseph Stern Yassar Arafat.........without doubt a half witted fool who led 'his people' for forty years............ The rest of the world elected presidents, prime ministers, governments etc and promoted any number of policies on behalf of their people and the world at large, during this period. .....and where did Arafat lead 'his people' during the same period.......? Well, absolutely nowhere..........not even into the wilderness..! James Hennighan Yorkshire, England
it's interesting watching this now, after defending Mark in an essay a year ago or so, after the whole article debate happened. I'm not really a conservative either, or even share the views he expressed in that article.
You guessed wrong. I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say that the Arab citizens of Israel have the full range of civil rights that any citizen of any democratic country has. The Israelis don't set a quota of Arab parliamentarians, and don't select friendly Arab politicians to fill those slots. Arab citizens are free to run for parliament, to raise money, to campaign, and to be elected as individual Israelis --- with no interference from the state. How is that apartheid? It just isn't.
@Halo4Lyf: Besides there are two other factors: Any uprising against these small forces would cause the Invasion of large American armies; just like the Romans did have only 1,000 legionnaires in Gaul, but the Celts there knew that there were six full legions standing at the frontier to Germany; not only protecting the Rhine border but also subduing any hopes for an insurrection; and there is the nuclear weapons menace; which Japan had the experience as a bitter reality.
The Oxford English Dictionary doesn't have a listing for neo-liberal. However, delphantom used the term neo-Liberal with a capital "L"; "Liberal" has everything to do with the American left, "neo" or otherwise.
hemmo: This is the last time I'll ask you this question (why do I feel like your new play toy/punching bag?) What is your goal in this conversation? Are you trying to persuade? It's not working, and it's called an impasse. Any suggestions? Should we walk up to the net and shake hands like proper atheist/theists?
He does have some interesting points, but I believe that world is destined to experience much bigger, deeper and complex changes then he managed to grasp. With no intention to offend, presented ideas remind me of some sophisticated cowboy.
Yes, scientists are human beings the last time I checked, and they are equally afflicted with human drives, like the need for notoriety, fame, acknowledgment, greed, and so on. Scientists compete with each other for breakthroughs in their given fields, they need salaries, recognition for their work: all very human drives.
Sir, I would look into the website frontpagemagdot com that discusses daily about the issues with Muslims in the US and CAIR, a major islamic organisation. I felt like you before I opened my eyes and saw what was really going on.
True, I visited India last year. You would be surprised what is still working that was left over by the British. The main reason why India is booming is all the outside investments.
"With classical physics, things are quite simple, but when it comes to quantum physics, things get extremely complicated" On this I beg to differ. Classical physics still govern the properties and behaviors of all that we have discovered in the realm of Quantum physics and we are not so far from merging our conclusions therefrom into simply, "physics". The human mind can better comprehend models adjusted in scale, so we may continue to learn and understand from Quantum versus Classical models.
This was posted here just over five years ago,so the vid itself has to be at least that old.Steyn's book was incredibly prescient.Any belief system, any one,ANY one,that will not tolerate the existence of disagreement is anti-Liberty,anti-Life.
I do not mean to suggest that the Palestinian Arabs never had a legitimate claim to the land on which their forefathers lived and toiled. The simple fact of their long history in the region gave them that legitimacy from the start, with no need of legal documentation of land ownership (of which precious little has ever existed). However, the point remains that the mass immigration of Jews into Palestine, and the building up of the pre-state Jewish institutions, was an entirely legal process.
"in your listing of men of faith, you forgot to mention..." Yah, and I also forgot to mention Trofim Lysenko and Joseph Mengele, men of great faith and devotion to their fellow beings:)
For an entry point into the genomic data, you may begin with the following paper of Hammer MF, Redd AJ, Wood ET, et al., from June 2000: "Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (12): 6769-6774. The bibliographical information at the end of that paper will suggest some further directions of examination.
The genomic data in particular leave no room for doubt. Today's Ashkenazim bear the highest genetic likeness to West Europeans, centered on lower Germany, and on the Y-chromosomal line, bear the full complement of J-haplotype genetic markers which characterize the peoples of the Levant (today's Syrians and Lebanese, who by now also have significant admixture from the Arabian Peninsula). None of the Central Asian genetic markers one would expect on the Khazar hypothesis have in fact been found.
No, "argument ad populum" would only make sense if I had claimed, "X percent of the human population believes in God." My point is that science and faith can actually have a symbiotic and fruitful relationship.
He is right on many points, but wrong on the largest. Christianity gave rise to Europe and America. It was Christianity which was the focal point of England spreading her borders. I am shocked that he just left this entire element out of the equation. As Christianity declines in the western world, so does western culture. There is an obvious correlation. You erode the foundation from which an objective standard rest, and you are left with might makes right and liberal subjectivism. This is the true decline of civilization. Thus the house of cards comes crashing down. Steyn's biggest problem is that he only addresses the cards, never the table the cards are built on. The oldest magic trick in the book. But as he said, he hates Christianity just as much as Islam, thus the blind eye to the painfully obvious.
Absolutely right! I see it too but not only with Mark Steyn but so many of these commentators. They can think of everything but the one thing that works: repentance toward God, with faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Because when God's power comes in, things get fixed in ways nobody could have anticipated. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance." Psalm 33:12 "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalm 9:17 ^^Isn't this what we're seeing today? Is our nation blessed or is it being turned into hell? Do we acknowledge and serve the LORD or are we those descendants of Christians who are forgetting the True and Living God?
Where did he say that he "hates Christianity"? I thought he was a Christian! Not particularly devout perhaps, but I've always heard him say things quite sympathetic towards Christianity
Joshua Hults: America’s founders where mostly either Protestant Christian or Deist. Catholic Christians (?) would never ever ever have created what WAS created!
@Halo4Lyf: Though the American cannot hope to receive much auxiliary forces from Japan or Germany, as the people there have little interest of going to war for the American goals and any constraint would unveiled the true nature of the American rule; so the French conquest of Germany under Napoleon was of much greater worth, as he could raise huge numbers of troops from his German vassal states; but still as an American, the least think I would do is demanding the withdrawing of these troops.
Mark Steyn does a better job 'writing for the world' than any other commentator alive today!
Mark Steyn, I could and do listen for hours. Sane analysis, realisation, foresight and by God we need more like him and Douglas Murray in these times.
I love the combo Mark & Andrew usa together in 🗣 genius. 🎭USA 🇺🇸 👏
He's on a channel in Britain 🇬🇧 now GBnews he's brilliant
I love these old Mark Steyn videos. The older comments are always indignant but the newer ones grudgingly concede that he had a valid point.
Steyn is such a brilliantly spoken man.
I truly love Mark & every knowledgeable word that flows from his mouth. 👄 🇺🇸 👏
I could listen to Steyn for hours.
Mark really nailed the Canadian perspective on America, the outsider looking through the shop window! Well said!
Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray are the two public intellectuals I have most respect for. Why? They express their concerns with an unusual degree of courage despite it being very difficult at times in today's climate. Throughout the western world Islam is gaining formal and informal footholds which place unique strains on society. In formal terms as the migration crisis has been catastrophically managed by most nations and the European union in particular our natural impulse is to respond with kindness and empathy. But whilst compassion is a virtue it becomes a vice when we ignore real concerns about the volume and rate of migrants being admitted and the values many of them endorse. The rate is such that assimilation is nigh on impossible. Germany is the most egregious case in point with 1.2 million migrants now dependent on government subsistence in the last year. Too many of them do not come from nations with a commitment to freedom of speech, respect for women, equality for homosexuals and the freedom to leave their religion. Any concern expressed about Islam at all is met with the meme Islamophobia which is invoked to rebuff any criticism even when perfectly justified. Since this discussion (with Steyn) much has happened concerning Islamic terrorism particularly in Europe. A series of terrorist attacks in the UK this year, attacks in Germany and very severe attacks in France killing over two hundred people within the last two years have rocked all decent people. It is no coincidence that Islamic terrorism is affecting so many countries throughout the world now and there is a marked increase in illiberal Islam even when terrorism may not be severe. Poland has refused to take migrants this year having seen all the problems young male Muslims have brought with them from their own countries. Poland does not have an Islamist violence problem. Indonesia was once the country pointed to by Islam apologists as a great example of the largest Islamic democracy. Not any more. This year we have seen creeping sharia and public floggings for adultery or blasphemy. The same is true in Pakistan. My biggest concern is that too many liberals defend intolerance. When it comes to freedom of speech or blasphemy laws we must not give in an inch. Every time we give in the intolerant and illiberal win. When we fail to show the Danish cartoons or the Charlie Hebdo publication we are saying to the terrorists 'you have won. Your blasphemy laws are in place'. For too long too little has been said and done to defeat the extremists. They are gaining ground each time we fail to defend our values. Thankfully Steyn, Murray and a few others are still talking about these very serious concerns. We need more people like them with the courage to keep standing up for our values.
Such a comprehensive summary of the problems with Islam, Edward, so beautifully and rationally expressed. I am in complete agreement with you. We definitely need to make an assertive stand for our Western Civilization. I am 72 now, but when I was in my twenties and thirties, I travelled widely, principally in third world countries, in the 1970s and 1980s, and I saw Islam for myself, in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. It was bad enough then, but we had few Islamics in our own countries, and Islam was not as radical as it is now in any of these countries. I was stoned (with large rocks) in the Swat valley of Pakistan, and in the city of Meshad, in eastern Iran. I was lucky that I was not hit on the head, and survived the experience, twice! As a lone Westerner at the time this happened, I was not at all provocative or threatening, just walking, with my camera, in the country in Swat, and in the city in Meshad, and conscious that the Islamics did not like to be photographed, because images of animal or human life were regarded as blasphemous, and, as a man, I was quite adequately dressed, and not gay. Even Turkey, as it was then, seemed like reaching civilization, after such experiences. In the Swat, some country people invited me into their home, and although I was cautious, I accepted the invitation and joined them. The conversation soon became a bit menacing: what are you doing in this country, and so on. I told them I was travelling across Asia to learn about other countries and people. In response, I was told, we can kill you, and nobody will ever know. They said: you must be very rich, to be travelling so far. I said no, I have saved my money from my job for five years to be able to afford it; I'm not at all rich. That was disturbing enough, but the conversation then turned even uglier. I was getting fearful for my life, and said to them, well, I guess I should go, and they said: yes. I got up and walked out the door, and in a few seconds, the rocks started to fly, a few very close to my head. In fact, I felt so angry at this, that I refused to run, and just kept walking back towards town. I was hit several times in the body, and had severe bruising from the blows. The atmosphere of an Islamic country was stifling, and even then, the clothing for women was oppressive. The incident in Iran was similar, but the rocks started to fly without any words being said. I can only speculate that I must have been walking too near to some sacred place. Islam is the antithesis of the West, and I am fearful for the future of this wonderful and unique civilization of ours, with the differential birthrates, particularly in Europe, the home of our civilization, the guests will soon outnumber their hosts, and take over the house.
Yes. Well said Sir.
WOW. I really, really like this guy's philosophies. His arguments are impossible to ignore, and if you do, you do at your own peril.
Nice to see such an intelligent and comprehensive interview of the wonderul Mark Steyn.
13 years later so much has changed.
RESPECTED Mark Steyn, May LORD bless you and your friends, family, working team and you please read below and pray for Christians living in Muslims Countries and do support us after reading below message. Stay blessed
A man of courage incorruptibility and integrity
Harry is such a brilliant interviewer. Never any histrionics or confrontation and a gentleman from head to toe.
My absolute favorite Rush substitute host!! Go Mark!!!
Mark steyn is the greatest.
Great interview and an even greater book! Every man and woman in the Western world should read his book it is informative and absolutely entertaining.
I love listening to Mark Steyn and reading his articles. I am dying to read 'America Alone'.
But I didn't know much about him, so I appreciated this video since he talked a bit about his history. Thank you.
always very eloquent
Thanks for the fresh air! It's encouraging, even exciting that this level of observation and articulation is alive and holding forth! Your AMERICA ALONE is a book we want to give everyone we know! More relevant and uncomfortable truth than the current popular campaigns are presented in the most engaging style. We need to turn up the factual education and get off our whining & incomplete emotional tyrades, we lucky Americans!!
Mark is on no narrow tightrope......he is on a very wide and firm plank....!
James Hennighan
Yorkshire, England
Mrs. Merkel has been like a teenager with "her own money." Not needing to pay " rent and food," [Read here as contribute to NATO] she has spent her money on bringing Middle Easterners and Africans (primarily) into Germany rather than paying the basic bills. (This comment is prompted by Steyn's musings about France and Germany, starting at around 24:00) Interesting to hear this conversation 10 years after it was made--even if only by waking up to it by "linked random play" means! Steyn has been saying that he was talking about the effects on the continent for a long time. He was right!
Great discussion Mark.
Thanks for posting this video. Excellent. Mark Steyn is right on!
Wow! Listening to this in 2019, Mr Steyn is prescient re: Brexit & the utter failure, complacency & non-responsiveness of the political class
For real. No way would he get invited there now. To bad really. They could learn a lot from him.
All those who criticise Mark especially his book America Alone have got it so wrong. He is spot on. I lived in London for 40 years and travelled to a load of other cities. Islamisation is fast increasing and funded by the Saudis. More mosques and Madrassahs preaching hatred of the indigenous British. As witnessed by some of my muslim friends who had heard people in their community speaking about it. The huge birthrate amongst the muslim population. Arseholes like Anjem Choudhury and the like shouting their crap on the streets. No need for terrorism they will just outbreed us.
Planned Parenthood helps them
Britain is fucked. Very sad.
Then they take over and the Brits will become thier slaves. Islam is a very dangerous Religio-political barbaric force
Mark Steyn is awesome. I'm not even particularly conservative and he's totally awesome.
Serious kudos to the University of California for allowing the great Mark Steyn an opportunity to communicate truthful common sense about Islam. If Mr. Steyn were an American citizen running for President of the United States, he'd earn my vote in an instant.
Impressive Mr Mark Steyn. You lucid and well articulated commentary is so powerful that its swayed indian liberal like me. You are so absolutely right we have so much liberal "turn the other cheek" secular views in india that its insulting. I agree Islam needs moderation by external forces like hinduism or christianity or pop culture to soften its shart edges based on the political idealogy that islam really is. Thank you Mr Steyn. amazing observations and absolute truth spoken.
Great stuff 👏
This is 14 years ago remember
I downloaded it to watch later. Thanks.
Ahhh for more of this broadly educated clear thinking articulate participation in today's world!
I dont have enough space and knowledge of English language to fully describe what I have in mind concerning current and near future changes.
I can only add that I see Mark Steyn as a charismatic speaker with a mission, but not his own mission. He is either very brave to discuss complex issues so simplistically or just does his job(one of many in that case).
Thats only my opinion.
Great site! I posted a long diatribe about how great that site is and how pathetic the detractors of brave Israel is, but the page said their was a processing error. All good material Justice!
I was born, ehunter, in Northern Rhodesia, where my father, an Irishman, practised medicine at the behest of the British Foreign Service. My aunt was a teacher in Kenya for 30 years. I am very well acquainted with the blind narcisssism and general depravities of Empire.
Hundreds of historians and other commentators have elaborated on that basic fact. I don't say the matter is free of controversy, but there are a great many leading lights of the former colonies who have expressed a reserved admiration and gratitude for the democratic institutions installed under British colonial rule. For example, read the recent speech of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, appearing in print under the title "India's experience with Britain had benefits too".
The concept of "all you need is love is exactly what gets you through 'exceptional circumstances.'
Gotta love Steyn! Woo hoo!
I like the way Harry Kreisler opened the chat with Mark. I always like to know some of the personal data.
Good one, ehunter2. The church of oprah weekdays at 4pm (not just one day a week).
My grandfather's sister, who remained in Crimea for Stalin and Molotov's purges, one day went to the local church and finding it locked (it was converted into a granary used by the Russians to store the Ukrainians' grain before hauling it all off to Russia), went behind it to offer her prayers. She was discovered by Russian soldiers who broke both her arms (for clasping her hands) and both her legs (for kneeling), and sent her to Siberia. Miraculously she survived the Gulags and returned.
Respect and it’s all trueeee
Love that Mark Steyn!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you recommend any books on this? Meaning the Arab Muslims involvement in the slave trade.
Thank you in advance.
No, he's MY hero! :)
Same here. I'm a moderate and I think Mark Steyn is great.
"I'm going to cite you the Buddha's view on a creator god"
In all sincerity, thank you for sharing that. Even if I don't agree on all points, I find Buddha's teachings interesting and moderately enlightening. If I did not have access to the teachings of Christ Jesus, I might be tempted to be satisfied at that. But having dined at a King's feast, the fair of the street vendor no longer satiates my appetite for knowledge and truth.
Cheers, you too!
If only the venue for this conversation could have been an old pub with some Guinness or Smithwicks on the table. ;-)
are you aware of anthony flew? the professor of philosophy/ athiest and his conversion to theism?
it was several years ago, but news travels slow here.
he said that it was the overwhelming complexity of the human body that finally did it for him.
@somedude221 Well from someone who is particularly conservative and also loves Mark Steyn, here's hoping you'll join us sooner rather than later. You're on the right track. : )
Wow and now we watch on our TV heere in UK. What interests me I do not detect an American/ Canadian accents
It takes cajones to make that statement, even though you are totally correct. Thanks for vocalizing my thoughts. Viva culture of life!
The UC Berkeley community must have LOVED having Steyn there.
In Israel, Arabs have full civil rights. They serve in the parliament, the judiciary, the military (voluntarily), they become actors, singers, models, sports stars. The Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza say openly that their goal is not to live equally with Jews in a democratic state, but to defeat and evict the Jews from the region. To keep your army close to such people until they become willing to accept your existence does not constitute apartheid. It's just survival and common sense.
I have been to Jordan. You are correct.
Mark Steyn went to school in England. He actually used one of JRR Tolkien's textbooks. :p
Just a thought, but where did the 'creators' of our historical megaliths go? (To the MOON?).
You forgot to mention Cleveland.
Nice guy good to see a Canadian comedian making it in the states.
Hey, Seis, in your listing of men of faith, you forgot to mention Sir Isaac Newton, scientist and mathematician extraordinaire! (And inventor of calculus, my to my dismay as a student; of course Leibniz would take issue with that)
He's referring to Night Train here. And of course he's right. Amis, though a brilliant writer, has a bit of a tin ear somehow. See also the appalling email sections in Yellow Dog.
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
Dr. Carl Sagan
Please explain the "morality that was founded well before any mind-numbing religion".
What is its basis?
Zen is usually taken from "Zen Buddhism", the Japanese variant (Bukkyou). Having conversed many long hours with Zen Buddhist monks, I can tell you that there is very little theology and it's better characterized as a philosophy, more akin to Dao (Taoism) or Gongfu (Confucianism) than the Bhodisatva or Hinduism on the Indian sub-continent. There are certainly religious variants such as Nichiren, but when Westerners refer to "Zen", it's usually a philosophical reference (and attraction).
Steyn is brilliant. His book America Alone is brilliant although I have less and less faith in America being around in anything resembling its present form for more than another generation or two.
I’m shocked that UC Berkeley invited him. Credit to them
very well said, i tip my hat to you sir
Question: Where's the oil, I could use it.
I love the "Deepak Chopra" Koran-rewrite comment around 47:17. Super awesome.
No, hemmo, I just posted a statement. It was not a response to anyone's comment. You replied (apparently spoiling for a lengthy and tedious argument), and "game was on".
Read America Alone!, no, better Listen to he audio book, this Steyn guy is as funny as wise.
Read his articles on his website -- B.A. or not, he is obviously incredibly knowledgeable, articulate and intelligent.
Why are the Israelis not an honest peace partner? Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians a fully sovereign, fully independent state on over 95% of the West Bank and Gaza. All he wanted was a small buffer zone and a genuine peace. Israel's borders would have been almost indistinguishable from those of 1967. Arafat not only rejected this deal, he actually launched an intifada. And that was only Barak's offer. There have been half a dozen others, almost equally generous.
Joseph Stern
Yassar Arafat.........without doubt a half witted fool who led 'his people' for forty years............
The rest of the world elected presidents, prime ministers, governments etc and promoted any number of policies on behalf of their people and the world at large, during this period.
.....and where did Arafat lead 'his people' during the same period.......?
Well, absolutely nowhere..........not even into the wilderness..!
James Hennighan
Yorkshire, England
it's interesting watching this now, after defending Mark in an essay a year ago or so, after the whole article debate happened. I'm not really a conservative either, or even share the views he expressed in that article.
@foamulator Is Christianity any different to you?
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
Albert Einstein
You guessed wrong. I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say that the Arab citizens of Israel have the full range of civil rights that any citizen of any democratic country has. The Israelis don't set a quota of Arab parliamentarians, and don't select friendly Arab politicians to fill those slots. Arab citizens are free to run for parliament, to raise money, to campaign, and to be elected as individual Israelis --- with no interference from the state. How is that apartheid? It just isn't.
@Halo4Lyf: Besides there are two other factors: Any uprising against these small forces would cause the Invasion of large American armies; just like the Romans did have only 1,000 legionnaires in Gaul, but the Celts there knew that there were six full legions standing at the frontier to Germany; not only protecting the Rhine border but also subduing any hopes for an insurrection; and there is the nuclear weapons menace; which Japan had the experience as a bitter reality.
The Oxford English Dictionary doesn't have a listing for neo-liberal. However, delphantom used the term neo-Liberal with a capital "L"; "Liberal" has everything to do with the American left, "neo" or otherwise.
hemmo: This is the last time I'll ask you this question (why do I feel like your new play toy/punching bag?)
What is your goal in this conversation? Are you trying to persuade? It's not working, and it's called an impasse. Any suggestions? Should we walk up to the net and shake hands like proper atheist/theists?
Or maybe he means the Thomas Jefferson who stated,
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
He does have some interesting points, but I believe that world is destined to experience much bigger, deeper and complex changes then he managed to grasp. With no intention to offend, presented ideas remind me of some sophisticated cowboy.
Yes, scientists are human beings the last time I checked, and they are equally afflicted with human drives, like the need for notoriety, fame, acknowledgment, greed, and so on.
Scientists compete with each other for breakthroughs in their given fields, they need salaries, recognition for their work: all very human drives.
Sir, I would look into the website frontpagemagdot com that discusses daily about the issues with Muslims in the US and CAIR, a major islamic organisation. I felt like you before I opened my eyes and saw what was really going on.
It's either that or Murphy's Irish Stout for me~ =)
19:22 That should read: Mark Steyn Honorary American!
Steyn may agree with Moore on the industrial elites. I have not heard anyone ask Steyn on this.
True, I visited India last year. You would be surprised what is still working that was left over by the British. The main reason why India is booming is all the outside investments.
"With classical physics, things are quite simple, but when it comes to quantum physics, things get extremely complicated"
On this I beg to differ. Classical physics still govern the properties and behaviors of all that we have discovered in the realm of Quantum physics and we are not so far from merging our conclusions therefrom into simply, "physics". The human mind can better comprehend models adjusted in scale, so we may continue to learn and understand from Quantum versus Classical models.
This was posted here just over five years ago,so the vid itself has to be at least that old.Steyn's book was incredibly prescient.Any belief system, any one,ANY one,that will not tolerate the existence of disagreement is anti-Liberty,anti-Life.
I do not mean to suggest that the Palestinian Arabs never had a legitimate claim to the land on which their forefathers lived and toiled. The simple fact of their long history in the region gave them that legitimacy from the start, with no need of legal documentation of land ownership (of which precious little has ever existed). However, the point remains that the mass immigration of Jews into Palestine, and the building up of the pre-state Jewish institutions, was an entirely legal process.
Hello 240p.. We meet again!..
STFU.. Fucking gobshite
answer me this one question, what is the need for a jewish state or an ethnic state in general
Perhaps as a balance to muslim ones.
"in your listing of men of faith, you forgot to mention..."
Yah, and I also forgot to mention Trofim Lysenko and Joseph Mengele, men of great faith and devotion to their fellow beings:)
For an entry point into the genomic data, you may begin with the following paper of Hammer MF, Redd AJ, Wood ET, et al., from June 2000:
"Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (12): 6769-6774.
The bibliographical information at the end of that paper will suggest some further directions of examination.
The genomic data in particular leave no room for doubt. Today's Ashkenazim bear the highest genetic likeness to West Europeans, centered on lower Germany, and on the Y-chromosomal line, bear the full complement of J-haplotype genetic markers which characterize the peoples of the Levant (today's Syrians and Lebanese, who by now also have significant admixture from the Arabian Peninsula). None of the Central Asian genetic markers one would expect on the Khazar hypothesis have in fact been found.
No, "argument ad populum" would only make sense if I had claimed, "X percent of the human population believes in God."
My point is that science and faith can actually have a symbiotic and fruitful relationship.
He is right on many points, but wrong on the largest. Christianity gave rise to Europe and America. It was Christianity which was the focal point of England spreading her borders. I am shocked that he just left this entire element out of the equation.
As Christianity declines in the western world, so does western culture. There is an obvious correlation. You erode the foundation from which an objective standard rest, and you are left with might makes right and liberal subjectivism. This is the true decline of civilization.
Thus the house of cards comes crashing down. Steyn's biggest problem is that he only addresses the cards, never the table the cards are built on. The oldest magic trick in the book. But as he said, he hates Christianity just as much as Islam, thus the blind eye to the painfully obvious.
Joshua Hults This is incorrect, I would suggest for your consideration that you take a look at Thomas Pangle's writings on John Locke and Montesquieu
Absolutely right! I see it too but not only with Mark Steyn but so many of these commentators. They can think of everything but the one thing that works: repentance toward God, with faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Because when God's power comes in, things get fixed in ways nobody could have anticipated.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance." Psalm 33:12
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalm 9:17
^^Isn't this what we're seeing today? Is our nation blessed or is it being turned into hell? Do we acknowledge and serve the LORD or are we those descendants of Christians who are forgetting the True and Living God?
Where did he say that he "hates Christianity"? I thought he was a Christian! Not particularly devout perhaps, but I've always heard him say things quite sympathetic towards Christianity
Joshua Hults: America’s founders where mostly either Protestant Christian or Deist. Catholic Christians (?) would never ever ever have created what WAS created!
@Halo4Lyf: Though the American cannot hope to receive much auxiliary forces from Japan or Germany, as the people there have little interest of going to war for the American goals and any constraint would unveiled the true nature of the American rule; so the French conquest of Germany under Napoleon was of much greater worth, as he could raise huge numbers of troops from his German vassal states; but still as an American, the least think I would do is demanding the withdrawing of these troops.