They gave him some fantastic dark humor that really gives some insight to his character and how he viewed the politics and game of the work. "Bunny, you cocksucker, I got to give it to you, a brilliant idea. Insane and illegal, but stone fucking brilliant nonetheless. After all my putting my foot up people’s asses to decrease the numbers, he comes in and in one stroke, gets a fucking 14 percent decrease. Fucking shame it’s gonna end our careers, but still."
Every goddamn time I make a strong observation in any youtube video, I first scroll down to see, if anyone made and commented the same observation, just in better words. That is exactly how McNulty looks like, or like a kid that fucked up big time and is creeping in home in expectation of whoopin' le grande. I dont know if it's great acting, or if it's just Dominic West himself. He also looks smaller, like Louis De Funes in one of the movies from his Troops series, where he gets berated hard by his adjudant Gerber.
It's the face of a man who has lost the moral high ground. The entire series McNulty is the good cop. He has his shit in his personal life but he was a better police than the "bosses". He has the face of a man disappointed in himself.
It took me until just now to realize what McNulty did in the show context. He "juked the stats", but he juked them in the opposite direction. Making suicides and accidents into murders. He basically did what all his superiors were doing, he just did it backwards. That's made this whole situation extra ironic.
I always wondered how McNulty never shat his britches from that stare (he got it many times during this show) and then I realized he must have been shitfaced each time.
Shit how did he not shit brix as a Actor seeing another Actor look at him that way? That state is so God damn real it practically reaches out of the screen!
That hospital scene in season1 was incredible, I was definitely already loving the show but that scene had me hooked. Also loved how Rawls was in that gay bar and they just never address that again lmao
@@kevinhillary4057yeah, chekhov's gun plot writing style kinda makes everything unrealistic, these small details that go nowhere make the show feel like real life
not quite true, theres a scene later where mcnultys sargeant (i forgot the name) is in the toilet, reads rawls sucks cock on the wall and laughs about it, indicating that people know
I think he was half proud and half disappointed. He knew the mayor let them all down and admired the ingenuity to make something right but at the same time thinking just be a cop not a hero.
@@shahidulkhan9566 He's a brilliant piece of character work. Exactly like you said, very aware of the big picture but also majorly concerned with looking out for #1 (himself and his department). So many of the leadership roles on the show were written this way but they really knocked it outta the park with Rawls.
0:22 .. That interrogation room door opens and Rawls fills the screen with that posture and that expression on his face. Wonderful direction and cinematography. The Wire is just the best.
I was genuinely concerned Daniels *WAS* going to punch McNulty. Daniels looked like he wanted to McNulty the kind of shellacking that would make Bird realize he got off easy.
But at the same time, he left the door open. Daniels once stole money, he knows what it's like to go native. He could have scored all sorts of points from burning McNulty but he didn't because he understands. This is the stare that a 40 year old employee gives to a 30 year old employee. "Brother, you fucked up but I understand it. I still have to burn you for this shit."
What I find interesting about this scene is that Rawls is most enraged not by McNulty's admissions of guilt, or the fact that a copycat killer is on the loose, but by McNulty's repeated assertion that it wasn't about the money. He looked ready to punch McNulty for trying to take the high ground and claim he wasn't corrupt.
Well of course! McNulty's dirty as hell in his own way, just like everyone on the show is dirty. Only difference is McNulty's so wrapped up in his own self-righteousness that he acts like he's above everyone. Rawls is a scumbag too but when he's caught McNulty out and McNulty is still throwing his incorruptibility in Rawls' face, I'm surprised McNulty DIDN'T get punched.
JimmySteller Rawls was coaching McNulty there. If shit hits the fan McNulty has to fall how they tell him. That he manipulated the case to get more overtime, had a gambling problem, child was all because of the money. No talk of a copycat, nothing about a fake serial killer, or marlo... any of that would be very embarrassing for the PD and Carcetti.
@@chrisgino3906 but why would mcnulty be willing to take the fall what kind of leverage does rawls have that will make mcnulty wanna not fuck rawls over??
He is coaching him into an financial motive. Daniels does something similar with Prez after he shoots the cop, give him a line to repeat. 'You shouted police, right?'
the funny thing is, Rawls still DIDN'T get it that McNulty - and Freamon - pulled this scheme not for the money but for the legitimate reason of getting Marlo and his crew. He kept threatening that they'll never see any OT like as though that mattered.
therealist811 love in season 1 when Jimmy pisses off then major rawls (can't remember how exactly) but rawls comes out & trashes jimmy's desk... While landsman looks on & tells him that it's the wrong desk & Jimmy sits over there.... Bahahaha
When the door opens and you see Rawls standing there, it reminds me of seeing Darth Vader waiting for Han Solo in the dining room of Cloud City. It sort of catches you off guard.
Where you ever in a room with the Superintendent though? I'm a cop as well, it's one thing to get yelled at by a Sargent or a Lieutenant, but our roll call one time was chewed out by our district commander and you could hear a pin drop. And the commander was a natural leader as well, not some meritorious promoted commander that nobody respected.
Suutari4 funny thing is they both worked for a time. Damn shame that Baltimore is such a shitty city and the police department so corrupt and inept that they had to break the law to solve crime problems. Basically becoming crooks to stop crooks what it boils down to.
McNulty, one of the best real person characters of any TV series. He had a stubborn drive. Hung out with him at my local bar in NYC when he visited on a quiet Saturday afternoon. Actor seemed like a good dude, glad to pose for pic and chat for a few minutes. Was happy to hear he was appreciated from the Wire, even if long ago.
Say what you will about McNulty, but he did put down that last case and got the mentally disturbed killer off the streets in like three minutes of detective work.
@@Raphie009 no way. Lester was "The Wire". He literally had to teach everyone about wiretaps. He brought Avon into the light. He discovered the vacant murders. He put the screws to Clay Davis. He made the fake serial killer bullshit a bit more believable. He worked Marlo to the end. McNulty was good but his best skill was crying to a judge or a newspaper when he didn't get his way. He was no better than Bunk but Bunk wasn't a boat rocker.
@@godspeedelijah Like Digital bath said lol McNulty's ideas like building a case against Avon and starting the serial killer thing, while Lester was able to execute it further..So McNulty did more than just whine to the judge lol
Love the contrast between Rawls exit (finger in in McNulty's face, quick step out and door close) and Daniels' exit (death stare, slow and deliberate walk, only breaks eye contact at the last possible moment).
@@bryan_737 3 years too deep but I wasnt referring to him saying it or not just found it kinda sad that everything Daniel's and McNulty went through together there bond and this was there last conversation or lack thereof
@@euclidesoliveira3034 it doesn't even matter. He might have just been curious and enjoyed flirting with the idea of it without actually cheating on his wife or anyone. Maybe he did. Either way who cares.
Rawls is really surprised that it wasn't about the money, as if it escapes his comprehension that there are people who actually do the job to solve cases -- like McNulty and Freamon. However, the latter two were fired and dudes like Rawls who would sell their mother for a promotion while not genuinely caring about the actual police work become Superintendent.
I have been watching this video since years and always look for your comment. Amazing job of noticing that. Rawls wanted it to be "about the money" and couldn't swallow that it actually wasn't. It clearly shows in how he walks out of the room.
Can’t help but disagree. I think what made Rawls even more mad is the fact that Mcnulty claims that it isn’t about the money. He doesn’t believe him. At least that’s how I saw it. But it’s probably because a guy like Rawls would only ever do something like this for the money.
stuckonautomatic Yeah. In Rawls’ mind, McNulty not doing this for the money showed that he wasted everyone’s time, money and resources for his own pleasure. Which is why McNulty reassuring “It’s not about the money” made him even more furious, and inches away from putting hands on him, but he instead proceeds to tell him to finish what he started, or else. Although taken too far, McNulty’s plan actually brought some of the most heinous killers in Baltimore to justice, but the bosses are only concerned about covering their asses, stats and politics.
Going to disagree, I don’t think the angry reaction was because Rawls thought it was about the money and relates to his own motivations. I think his anger was that 1) whether it was about the money or not the money was still spent, and Jimmy’s response seems to disregard this as totally irrelevant. From a managerial perspective money is closely scrutinised and accounted for in any large government organisation. It’s McNulty’s ignorance of the wider consequences of what he did. 2) It’s the petulance of Jimmy’s response - his stubbornness in face of the situation he’s in. He’s done. Finished. And yet he’s still arguing the small detail when really the managers in the room are dealing with the fall out re the bigger picture. 3) it’s back to the first foundations of McNulty and Rawl’s mutual hatred for each other - the lack of respect for the chain of command. Rawls is expecting McNulty to do the decent thing - shut up, nod, and fall on his sword, but as Rawls puts to him in the final episode “you are a **** hair away from indictment and you see fit to argue with me.”
McNulty shit himself. A Rawls that is so pissed that he actually sounds kind of calm. A Daniels standing in the cut staring a hole into your soul. They both looked liked they were doing everything in their power not to swing on his silly ass
rawlins delivers the funniest line of the season here..."you're not killing them yourself,mcnulty at least assure us of that" ..john doman was expertly cast...every scene he was in was a treat....hahahaha
I always liked the idea that part of why Rawls hates McNulty so much throughout the series is that McNulty reminds him of a young version of himself when he had ideals, before he chose to climb the careerist ladder.
@@Shamino1 Campus Police have Detectives/Investigators too. Just about every law enforcement agency in the USA has some type of investigative division.
Man, Rawls is one of my FAVORITE “police captain characters” in any form of media. He just has this way about him when he confronts you where you’re not entirely sure if you should be LAUGHING WITH HIM or SHITTING YOUR PANTS IN TERROR.
What I love most about this scene is before when McNulty is questioned by the bosses he had a smug indifferent defiant attitude to him..this time he just has total fear in his eyes and is looks like he is about to shit his pants.
Good old Rawls. He hates McNulty so much that he starts with the worst case scenario that McNulty might actually be a serial killer. He is visibly relieved when McNulty denies it.
How did so many amazing actors in The Wire not go on to be absolute stars? Rawls, Siim Charles, Marlo, Landsman, Poot, Bodie, Michael, Wee-Bey, Namond, Chris? I don't get it, all of these actors were straight up amazing and yet look at the schmucks that we have to put with half the time? All very strange.
I’m a 32-year-old man that feels like a child about to get an ass whipping every time Daniels delivers one of those death stares. That shit is intimidating without him even needing to speak
I love when Rawls walks toward McNulty and the look on McNulty's face the closer he gets. He honestly doesn't know if Rawls is going to hit him or not. For the first time in the whole show, McNulty is truly humbled. He has the look of a man who knows it's all his fault...
What I loved and hated about this show was that there are superiors in the police, sheriffs and corrections department that do the same shit Rawls and Daniels do........smh skim the stats but boy let one of their underoos do the same thing
like when politicians steal/do dirty it’s “politics” and “normal” but when someone of a lower level does it it’s ”criminal” and ousted from society the hypocrisy is subtle
The ironic thing was McNulty was asked put his last case down, and it was a stone cold who dunnit. And he put it down in under 12 hours, proving that he was indeed natural police. He was just as good as Freamon as a detective. Not as intricate, but obsessive.
@@basti2955 That's the fucked up thing. I've worked in government, nothing as extreme as Baltimore PD, but near enough to recognize Rawls, Valcheck and Burell are all types you encounter in any large bureaucracy. Of them, Rawls is actually your best case scenario for a boss. Compared to a vicious little hack like Valcheck, or a slimy fuck like Burell? Rawls is someone you can live with and actually get some decent work done. He recognizes good work, he's competent, he doesn't fuck people without good reason, and as the man said "When I fuck you over, you'll know it. You'll be so goddamn certain, you won't need to ask the question." Which is honestly better than being stabbed in the back. Daniels is another type, but he's a type that is always held back by actually caring about the work and not playing the game. If you find a highly placed Daniels, they are always fucking brilliant people, because they need to be to overcome the handicap of caring. They tend to burn out though, as would have happened to Daniels had he not caught some lucky breaks.
@@Sarcasmiccc He was compliant in every lie and scheme his superiors pulled, though, including THIS last scheme the Carcetti ordered to keep going. Don't over-hype him.
Rawls was smart as hell. He knew everything and could be a force for good and evil. He figured out the game and knew how to move the pieces around on the board. 😂😂😂
This was easily the best-case scenario for Jimmy. Not only does he not get charged with felonies and go to prison, but he doesn't even lose his job right away. He gets to keep earning a paycheck AND finish his Marlo case, then retire and go bang Beadie for the rest of his life. Pretty good deal, all things considered.
It’s a pity how McNulty and Daniels’ relationship completely derailed by the end of the show. Daniels gave McNulty too many second chances, and McNulty always took advantage of that to do something bad and make Daniels look like a fool. I know many fans are angry at Kima, for having informed on McNulty and Freeman, but the sad truth is that if they had gotten away with this fake serial killer situation, they would have done it again and worse. It wound the stop until both went to jail.
Not really you can see by the end of show Mc nulty realises that there is no point in doing this anymore, He had his Mc nulty moment he was always dreaming of but instead of being happy that he captured marlo stanfield he just feels sad and he was sorry he did it also, You can see this when he talks to the sun reporter or when he talks to Lester.
@@varadsalunkhe9008he only had this “McNulty moment” you mentioned because he was one inch away from being arrested, sent to jail, be r@ped by inmates, ruin his entire life, so that he could prove how he could dupe the system. If he had gotten away, he’d do something stupid again.
Interesting parallels between McNulty and Frank Sobotka. Both were unable to help those around them through proper channels and had to resort to breaking the rules. At least McNulty was protected by bureaucracy and didn't suffer the same fate as Frank.
The fact which gave this scene so much tension is SO MANY people have been beaten brutally by police in this room, and I don't think Daniels would stop Rawls from kicking Jimmy within an inch of his life. Hell, he might join in.
The dynamic between McNulty and Daniels is so interesting. Both have their share of dirt, but theyre like chaotic good vs lawful good. Daniels was insubordinate by being lawful, refusing to juke the stats. McNulty will bend for his idea of the greater good by any means necessary.
What some seem to miss is Daniels holier-than-thou act. He's always about being straight, not overstepping the rules, yet from the beginning his superiors always had leverage over him. So at least he was crooked at some point. Yet he judges others like he got a white and untainted vest.
He was young and it was his entire unit that he was in at the time. The entire unit was skimming drug money and distributing it among the detectives of that unit. It wasn't like he was actively on the take and he regretted it. It also was 20+ years before the first season.
@@johnnydoeing9133 - You're forgetting Daniels getting Prez out of the shit for partially blinding a kid because he felt like it. The perfect bookend to that, is the kid telling Daniels to go fuck himself when Daniels tries to go all mentor on the kid. There is no pure evil or pure good in the world. That's the main theme of the show.
@@speedyspooley The best part is Daniels getting Prez, Carver, Herc out of the shit, and then later on Carver writing up his subordinate because of his aggression. Shows the change in Carver.
"You're not killing them yourself McNulty, at least assure me of that." LMAO that's such a 'Rawls thing' to say.
They gave him some fantastic dark humor that really gives some insight to his character and how he viewed the politics and game of the work.
"Bunny, you cocksucker, I got to give it to you, a brilliant idea. Insane and illegal, but stone fucking brilliant nonetheless. After all my putting my foot up people’s asses to decrease the numbers, he comes in and in one stroke, gets a fucking 14 percent decrease. Fucking shame it’s gonna end our careers, but still."
The look on McNulty face when asked that is hilarious
Oh, Rawlsy 😆
True...let's not forget Rawls was in the gay club when Lamar was looking for omar....that was completely overlooked!!
The way Daniels just glares at McNulty as he leaves the room is visceral. Rest in peace, Lance.
finished The Wire not too long ago, always liked Lt Daniels and the actor that played him RIP🤍
Lance Reddick had a glare that could dissipate hurricanes and make gods themselves shift uncomfortably while looking at the ground
His glare was his signature punchline
I felt like I'm the one who did that shit
It's always funny that Mcnulty looks like a teenager who just got in trouble for skipping class.
+ElegeantFencer "What the fuck did I do?!" -McNulty
+ChaoYun Lmfao!!!!! That was him?? haha!! Didnt even notice.
Every goddamn time I make a strong observation in any youtube video, I first scroll down to see, if anyone made and commented the same observation, just in better words. That is exactly how McNulty looks like, or like a kid that fucked up big time and is creeping in home in expectation of whoopin' le grande. I dont know if it's great acting, or if it's just Dominic West himself. He also looks smaller, like Louis De Funes in one of the movies from his Troops series, where he gets berated hard by his adjudant Gerber.
It's the face of a man who has lost the moral high ground. The entire series McNulty is the good cop. He has his shit in his personal life but he was a better police than the "bosses". He has the face of a man disappointed in himself.
He also tried to kill The Punisher, can't forget that.
It took me until just now to realize what McNulty did in the show context. He "juked the stats", but he juked them in the opposite direction. Making suicides and accidents into murders.
He basically did what all his superiors were doing, he just did it backwards. That's made this whole situation extra ironic.
You just realized that?!? He says he juked them to go with the concerns he felt were priority
@@dann6065 ngl i didnt think about it like that, the backwards part
@@naruto1coolestfan yh, me too. Its definitely a 'oh yeahhh!' realisation.
you legend! never made that connection
The Cedric Daniels stare, it could cut metal in half
mickser101 That's what Rhonda was looking up at in bed for the last few seasons.
the stare that he learned from Lester! lol
@@v8Buster87 i am assuming Daniels knew all along he should have got rid of mcnulty in season one. all this crap was nothing new to him
How would he have been able to get rid of him before this?
Daniels is flexing his eyes even harder than his abs.
The Daniels death stare is fucking brutal.
"I'm the father you never had, and I don't ever want to be disappointed by you again."
+rideordie lol
rideordie I read that Daniels voice
Daniels went to bat to get McNulty back on his team, and McNulty's off-the-grid stunts betrayed him.
@@paulwartenberg8479 Well intentioned fuck ups, do that
Daniels stare: "Every time I think you can't fuck up any worse, you surprise me."
+Ted87 I thought it was the "This is BULLLLSHIT!" look
I always wondered how McNulty never shat his britches from that stare (he got it many times during this show) and then I realized he must have been shitfaced each time.
Shit how did he not shit brix as a Actor seeing another Actor look at him that way? That state is so God damn real it practically reaches out of the screen!
He's like the Michael Jordan of breaking the rules.
The Rawls-Mcnulty dynamic was one of my favorite relationships in the show. Such a hilarious duo.
00:23 that look...
That hospital scene in season1 was incredible, I was definitely already loving the show but that scene had me hooked. Also loved how Rawls was in that gay bar and they just never address that again lmao
@@kevinhillary4057yeah, chekhov's gun plot writing style kinda makes everything unrealistic, these small details that go nowhere make the show feel like real life
not quite true, theres a scene later where mcnultys sargeant (i forgot the name) is in the toilet, reads rawls sucks cock on the wall and laughs about it, indicating that people know
I love Rawls’ morbid curiosity at how McNulty actually pulled this off
Sort of similar to his reaction when he found out about Hamsterdam.
It's not morbid curiosity lol, it's actually pretty fucking important information.
I think he was half proud and half disappointed. He knew the mayor let them all down and admired the ingenuity to make something right but at the same time thinking just be a cop not a hero.
@@shahidulkhan9566 He's a brilliant piece of character work. Exactly like you said, very aware of the big picture but also majorly concerned with looking out for #1 (himself and his department). So many of the leadership roles on the show were written this way but they really knocked it outta the park with Rawls.
@@missbelled6700 Rawls was different to all the leaders, while he did play the game his main goal was to do his job.
Lance Reddick was such an immense talent. RIP
Gone way too soon.
Nobody stares like him
He died?! Holy shit...
@@JJwest118 please tell me you're not saying it was the vaccine that killed him. please tell me you're not that stupid.
@@JJwest118don’t even make that fucking insinuation. It’s a disgrace to him. Fuck you
0:22 .. That interrogation room door opens and Rawls fills the screen with that posture and that expression on his face. Wonderful direction and cinematography. The Wire is just the best.
It's fucking sweet
Rawls always look like he wants to punch mcnulty in the face 😂😂😂
because he does
Or fuck him
These are for you McNulty
I was genuinely concerned Daniels *WAS* going to punch McNulty.
Daniels looked like he wanted to McNulty the kind of shellacking that would make Bird realize he got off easy.
"you are not killing them yourself" lmao best line in the entire series.
I always laughed at "Fuck what you know now."
I kind of expected another "these are for you" from Rawls
If Daniels wasn't in the room you can be sure those fingers would've been accompanied by their eight buddies
Defined Boundary Yall always go to fucking far🤦🏽♀️ Best line in the entire series 🤷🏽♀️😒
Jacque Renee right lmao the BEST line? REALLY??
Daniels' stare is mortifying.
Thats why he is the man...
Rawls, I mean.
They gave his ass enough mf chances he even stated to Daniels that hell be fine working another case
But at the same time, he left the door open.
Daniels once stole money, he knows what it's like to go native. He could have scored all sorts of points from burning McNulty but he didn't because he understands.
This is the stare that a 40 year old employee gives to a 30 year old employee. "Brother, you fucked up but I understand it. I still have to burn you for this shit."
Shit burns a hole through the universe
What I find interesting about this scene is that Rawls is most enraged not by McNulty's admissions of guilt, or the fact that a copycat killer is on the loose, but by McNulty's repeated assertion that it wasn't about the money. He looked ready to punch McNulty for trying to take the high ground and claim he wasn't corrupt.
Well of course! McNulty's dirty as hell in his own way, just like everyone on the show is dirty. Only difference is McNulty's so wrapped up in his own self-righteousness that he acts like he's above everyone. Rawls is a scumbag too but when he's caught McNulty out and McNulty is still throwing his incorruptibility in Rawls' face, I'm surprised McNulty DIDN'T get punched.
JimmySteller Rawls was coaching McNulty there. If shit hits the fan McNulty has to fall how they tell him. That he manipulated the case to get more overtime, had a gambling problem, child was all because of the money.
No talk of a copycat, nothing about a fake serial killer, or marlo... any of that would be very embarrassing for the PD and Carcetti.
You right bro. Makes mcnulty tru police
@@chrisgino3906 but why would mcnulty be willing to take the fall
what kind of leverage does rawls have that will make mcnulty wanna not fuck rawls over??
He is coaching him into an financial motive. Daniels does something similar with Prez after he shoots the cop, give him a line to repeat. 'You shouted police, right?'
The way McNulty shakes his head at the start is like a little kid being asked if they ate cookies.
"The longer this goes on... the worst the payback will be!" Rawls could always deliver a threat.
And then Jimmy solves it in a minute. :)
the funny thing is, Rawls still DIDN'T get it that McNulty - and Freamon - pulled this scheme not for the money but for the legitimate reason of getting Marlo and his crew. He kept threatening that they'll never see any OT like as though that mattered.
The first line takes the cake.
damn right and spot on!!!
"You're not killing them yourself McNulty? At least assure me of that."
therealist811 love in season 1 when Jimmy pisses off then major rawls (can't remember how exactly) but rawls comes out & trashes jimmy's desk... While landsman looks on & tells him that it's the wrong desk & Jimmy sits over there.... Bahahaha
@@mattme2789 Lmao, I forgot all about that, thank you
@@CrazyMunky84 absolute best line
Still the best cop/crime show ever to grace the airwaves.
Hands down.
Best show of any show in history in my opinion.
When the door opens and you see Rawls standing there, it reminds me of seeing Darth Vader waiting for Han Solo in the dining room of Cloud City. It sort of catches you off guard.
That's a perfect analogy. I got that vibe as well
Yes it does. !!
That's the thing, you could see the look on all of the detectives faces like, "Oh $hit, what did he do?"
And when the door closes and he's framed by the window and the mesh... that's one outstanding shot!
It really is
Oh man, if I got called into a room so I had to answer to Rawls and Daniels, I'm 100% sure I'd piss myself.
first time I watched this I was genuinely expecting rawls to beat the shit out of mcnulty
Borkborkwoof that’s probably why he had Daniels in the room, to prevent him from doing exactly that.
Lex Express oh I have been in a room with my superiors before(I’m also in law enforcement) but nothing too serious
Where you ever in a room with the Superintendent though?
I'm a cop as well, it's one thing to get yelled at by a Sargent or a Lieutenant, but our roll call one time was chewed out by our district commander and you could hear a pin drop.
And the commander was a natural leader as well, not some meritorious promoted commander that nobody respected.
I’d probably have a stroke.
'Oh yeah, the mayor knows your name!' lol
"The fuck did I do?"-McNulty
Just when I tought Colvin's experiment must be most over the top chemes in this series McNulty pulls this one out.
Suutari4 funny thing is they both worked for a time. Damn shame that Baltimore is such a shitty city and the police department so corrupt and inept that they had to break the law to solve crime problems. Basically becoming crooks to stop crooks what it boils down to.
When it comes to prohibition, needing to break the law shows flaws in the law itself.
It would never have gone as far as it did if the reporter hadn't been corrupt enough to amp it up.
Once again, it shows how corrupt the city is.
Legalizing drugs is actually what we should do. Name one benefit to the community which comes from the War on Drugs.
All things considered I think Mcnulty was relieved that he only had to listen to a speech from Rawls and a death stare from Daniels.
McNulty, one of the best real person characters of any TV series. He had a stubborn drive. Hung out with him at my local bar in NYC when he visited on a quiet Saturday afternoon. Actor seemed like a good dude, glad to pose for pic and chat for a few minutes. Was happy to hear he was appreciated from the Wire, even if long ago.
R.I.P Lance Reddick 1962-2023.
How good was Rawls in the following 3 scenes -
1. This one.
2. With McNulty after Kima got shot.
3. When he realised Bunny had "legalised drugs".
"Jesus Christ you knit can't you see what he's done!?"
Don't forget the gay bar scene too.
John Moss I wonder how many "true fans" missed it.
John Moss am I missing something here? what 'gay bar' scene?
mprsv1 I'll ell you if you wanna know, but you obviously missed it son. You've seen the whole series?
Say what you will about McNulty, but he did put down that last case and got the mentally disturbed killer off the streets in like three minutes of detective work.
McNulty was a lot of things...but he was indisputably the best detective to ever work the halls of BPD.
@Leago Mnguni "You right..." - Fat-Face Rick
@Leago Mnguni mcnulty had the ideas, lester was the brain to execute it
@@Raphie009 no way. Lester was "The Wire". He literally had to teach everyone about wiretaps. He brought Avon into the light. He discovered the vacant murders. He put the screws to Clay Davis. He made the fake serial killer bullshit a bit more believable. He worked Marlo to the end. McNulty was good but his best skill was crying to a judge or a newspaper when he didn't get his way. He was no better than Bunk but Bunk wasn't a boat rocker.
@@godspeedelijah Like Digital bath said lol McNulty's ideas like building a case against Avon and starting the serial killer thing, while Lester was able to execute it further..So McNulty did more than just whine to the judge lol
Love the contrast between Rawls exit (finger in in McNulty's face, quick step out and door close) and Daniels' exit (death stare, slow and deliberate walk, only breaks eye contact at the last possible moment).
J-F Bradley daniels leaves the door open...
Rawls had to hit the men's room quick to rub a last one out on McNulty. I know I would've.
@@naeemahmed2748 he never said Daniels closed it.
@@bryan_737 3 years too deep but I wasnt referring to him saying it or not just found it kinda sad that everything Daniel's and McNulty went through together there bond and this was there last conversation or lack thereof
@@naeemahmed2748 I saw it was 3 years ha. So youre referring to him leaving the door open in their relationship?
Damn just watching this scene literally yesterday. RIP LANCE RIDDICK 🕊️
"I'm into some kinky sh*t now and again but chewing on a homeless fella!?!" - Rawls
He was spotted at a gay bar in season 3 but that storyline was never touched again
I'm glad they never touched it again. Seeing Rawls in that bar, knowing he's a closeted homosexual, explains so much about him.
@@euclidesoliveira3034 it doesn't even matter. He might have just been curious and enjoyed flirting with the idea of it without actually cheating on his wife or anyone. Maybe he did. Either way who cares.
But his lipstick was found on Carlo's cock
When Daniels stares angrily, it feels like he is looking into your soul or some shit. It's so uncomfortable lol.
2:30 Perfect sound design there. You hear someone talking about over time.
Rawls is really surprised that it wasn't about the money, as if it escapes his comprehension that there are people who actually do the job to solve cases -- like McNulty and Freamon. However, the latter two were fired and dudes like Rawls who would sell their mother for a promotion while not genuinely caring about the actual police work become Superintendent.
I have been watching this video since years and always look for your comment. Amazing job of noticing that. Rawls wanted it to be "about the money" and couldn't swallow that it actually wasn't. It clearly shows in how he walks out of the room.
Can’t help but disagree. I think what made Rawls even more mad is the fact that Mcnulty claims that it isn’t about the money. He doesn’t believe him. At least that’s how I saw it. But it’s probably because a guy like Rawls would only ever do something like this for the money.
stuckonautomatic Yeah. In Rawls’ mind, McNulty not doing this for the money showed that he wasted everyone’s time, money and resources for his own pleasure. Which is why McNulty reassuring “It’s not about the money” made him even more furious, and inches away from putting hands on him, but he instead proceeds to tell him to finish what he started, or else. Although taken too far, McNulty’s plan actually brought some of the most heinous killers in Baltimore to justice, but the bosses are only concerned about covering their asses, stats and politics.
Going to disagree, I don’t think the angry reaction was because Rawls thought it was about the money and relates to his own motivations. I think his anger was that 1) whether it was about the money or not the money was still spent, and Jimmy’s response seems to disregard this as totally irrelevant. From a managerial perspective money is closely scrutinised and accounted for in any large government organisation. It’s McNulty’s ignorance of the wider consequences of what he did. 2) It’s the petulance of Jimmy’s response - his stubbornness in face of the situation he’s in. He’s done. Finished. And yet he’s still arguing the small detail when really the managers in the room are dealing with the fall out re the bigger picture. 3) it’s back to the first foundations of McNulty and Rawl’s mutual hatred for each other - the lack of respect for the chain of command. Rawls is expecting McNulty to do the decent thing - shut up, nod, and fall on his sword, but as Rawls puts to him in the final episode “you are a **** hair away from indictment and you see fit to argue with me.”
@@APackOfNinjas is it just me or did you say you were going to disagree and then proceed to agree?
McNulty shit himself. A Rawls that is so pissed that he actually sounds kind of calm. A Daniels standing in the cut staring a hole into your soul. They both looked liked they were doing everything in their power not to swing on his silly ass
That Rawls opening line had me pissing my pants laughings. Pure brilliance.
Gotta love Norris's You are a dead man walking stare and shoulder hunch.
He looked like he wanted to offer a 'last cigarette' to McNutty :))
It's great cuz Norris in real life was actually BPD Commissioner and MSP Superintendent before he got popped by the US Attorney in real life.
@ Lavern Davis jr - But this is BaItimore, gentIemen. The gods wiII not save you!
McNulty looked like he was glad no asked him to go get a switch at the end of this scene.
'Fuckin' McNulty'll be walkin' a foot post on the West-'
Jay Landesman
Hahaha the background dialogue on this show was hilarious
Poor Bunk. He has to wait outside while they have a meeting in his office.
RIP Lance Reddick, one of the fiercest gazes ever
rawlins delivers the funniest line of the season here..."you're not killing them yourself,mcnulty at least assure us of that" ..john doman was expertly cast...every scene he was in was a treat....hahahaha
I always liked the idea that part of why Rawls hates McNulty so much throughout the series is that McNulty reminds him of a young version of himself when he had ideals, before he chose to climb the careerist ladder.
That’s an interesting take. I like it, feels true.
The show doesn’t give us anything to know about a young Rawls. Tf are you even talking about
You can almost hear McNulty's sphincter tightening when Rawls comes off that wall at 1:32.
well observed and heard
If you listen extremely carefully, at the very end like 2:32 you can hear someone say, “fuckin mcnulty will be walkin foot again in the western”
I know Daniels’s death stare is pretty lethal. But man…..Bill Rawls was beyond pissed.
0:42 You can tell he was trying to hold in his laughter.
Rawls always had the funniest lines.
Bunk was probably second.
TehMorbidAtheist Landsman has his moments too
You are a gaping asshole mcnulty! Haha
“I don’t care if he was speaking mandarin with a cocksuckers lisp”
Classic Rawls.
The other way atound
Herc had some decent ones too
That scene was so perfect, I felt like I was in trouble!
After he left the Baltimore Police Department, his friend Agent Fitzhugh hooked him up with something. He was all right.
Nah he was done
@@pimpetigo he can always move to another state and become a campus cop. University Police have extremely low standards.
@@willia3r Bro he could become a full Det. in another city. They shuffle shit cops around like Churches shuffle around shit priests.
@@Shamino1 Campus Police have Detectives/Investigators too.
Just about every law enforcement agency in the USA has some type of investigative division.
@@willia3r Nothing I stated argues otherwise.
Between Rawls' berating and Daniels' glaring, I don't know how Jimmy didn't just burst into flames.
A masterclass in acting. The way Daniels gets himself situated in the room with his little shuffle turn is fantastic.
Between that and the death glare, he’s doing everything in his power to make McNulty uncomfortable.
Man, Rawls is one of my FAVORITE “police captain characters” in any form of media.
He just has this way about him when he confronts you where you’re not entirely sure if you should be LAUGHING WITH HIM or SHITTING YOUR PANTS IN TERROR.
"Your not killing them yourself mcnulty jat least assure me of that?" Best line worth watching all 5 series! Lol
Mcnulty always said fuck the chain of command even from the 1st episode when rawls snapped out had me 😂😂😂
What I love most about this scene is before when McNulty is questioned by the bosses he had a smug indifferent defiant attitude to him..this time he just has total fear in his eyes and is looks like he is about to shit his pants.
Hate that I relate to this scene. Reminds me of being kicked out the Air Force, Daniel’s stare sits in my head like a bad poker beat.
Daniels' stare is scarier than Chris and Marlo's.
Good old Rawls. He hates McNulty so much that he starts with the worst case scenario that McNulty might actually be a serial killer. He is visibly relieved when McNulty denies it.
Perry Choi was a sarcastic joke from rawls
"You're not killing them yourself, McNulty, at least assure me of that." lol.
Everyone talks about Avon vs Marlo, Avon vs Omar, Omar vs Marlo, but McNulty vs Rawls was the best feud on the show 😂
How did so many amazing actors in The Wire not go on to be absolute stars? Rawls, Siim Charles, Marlo, Landsman, Poot, Bodie, Michael, Wee-Bey, Namond, Chris?
I don't get it, all of these actors were straight up amazing and yet look at the schmucks that we have to put with half the time?
All very strange.
You can hear guys talking in the background in the end. 😂 “it’s about the overtime. F-ing McNulty’s going to find himself on foot patrol
I’m a 32-year-old man that feels like a child about to get an ass whipping every time Daniels delivers one of those death stares. That shit is intimidating without him even needing to speak
I love when Rawls walks toward McNulty and the look on McNulty's face the closer he gets. He honestly doesn't know if Rawls is going to hit him or not. For the first time in the whole show, McNulty is truly humbled. He has the look of a man who knows it's all his fault...
2:06 - Me when my GF asks what she should do with the shaft.
you can feel the stress of this job through the screen
The time mcnulty didn’t have to ask “the fuck did I do?”
What I loved and hated about this show was that there are superiors in the police, sheriffs and corrections department that do the same shit Rawls and Daniels do........smh skim the stats but boy let one of their underoos do the same thing
like when politicians steal/do dirty it’s “politics” and “normal” but when someone of a lower level does it it’s ”criminal” and ousted from society the hypocrisy is subtle
The ironic thing was McNulty was asked put his last case down, and it was a stone cold who dunnit. And he put it down in under 12 hours, proving that he was indeed natural police. He was just as good as Freamon as a detective. Not as intricate, but obsessive.
0:14 you never want to see someone give you that expression before you meet up with the bosses.
1:21 that wistle in the middle of the word "Stanfield" always cracks me up, such an important scena and I cpuldn't help myself
Mcnulty knew not even his trademark "What the fuck did I do?" line could save him.
"Down the road when we settle on this...and we WILL settle on this." cold as ice
Rawls sounding like a reasonable guy...😂
Rhetorical AND reasonable.
Rawls has one hell of a way with words. Great acting.
Rawels should have gotten a spinoff
As much as they had problems, I think Rawls and Daniels were the perfect command team.
Plowbeast Agreed!
you definetly didn’t understand the whole point of the show if you think Rawls was a good commander.
@@basti2955 rawls wasnt the issue, the issue was the system itself. all rawls did was play his position and politics
@@basti2955 That's the fucked up thing. I've worked in government, nothing as extreme as Baltimore PD, but near enough to recognize Rawls, Valcheck and Burell are all types you encounter in any large bureaucracy. Of them, Rawls is actually your best case scenario for a boss. Compared to a vicious little hack like Valcheck, or a slimy fuck like Burell? Rawls is someone you can live with and actually get some decent work done. He recognizes good work, he's competent, he doesn't fuck people without good reason, and as the man said "When I fuck you over, you'll know it. You'll be so goddamn certain, you won't need to ask the question." Which is honestly better than being stabbed in the back.
Daniels is another type, but he's a type that is always held back by actually caring about the work and not playing the game. If you find a highly placed Daniels, they are always fucking brilliant people, because they need to be to overcome the handicap of caring. They tend to burn out though, as would have happened to Daniels had he not caught some lucky breaks.
@@Sarcasmiccc He was compliant in every lie and scheme his superiors pulled, though, including THIS last scheme the Carcetti ordered to keep going. Don't over-hype him.
Going back and rewatching the relationship between McNulty and Rawls is completely hilarious
Rawls was smart as hell. He knew everything and could be a force for good and evil. He figured out the game and knew how to move the pieces around on the board. 😂😂😂
This was easily the best-case scenario for Jimmy. Not only does he not get charged with felonies and go to prison, but he doesn't even lose his job right away. He gets to keep earning a paycheck AND finish his Marlo case, then retire and go bang Beadie for the rest of his life. Pretty good deal, all things considered.
“Fuck what you know now!”
That moment is what Rawls cuts the shit and gets to it.
It’s a pity how McNulty and Daniels’ relationship completely derailed by the end of the show. Daniels gave McNulty too many second chances, and McNulty always took advantage of that to do something bad and make Daniels look like a fool. I know many fans are angry at Kima, for having informed on McNulty and Freeman, but the sad truth is that if they had gotten away with this fake serial killer situation, they would have done it again and worse. It wound the stop until both went to jail.
Not really you can see by the end of show Mc nulty realises that there is no point in doing this anymore, He had his Mc nulty moment he was always dreaming of but instead of being happy that he captured marlo stanfield he just feels sad and he was sorry he did it also, You can see this when he talks to the sun reporter or when he talks to Lester.
@@varadsalunkhe9008he only had this “McNulty moment” you mentioned because he was one inch away from being arrested, sent to jail, be r@ped by inmates, ruin his entire life, so that he could prove how he could dupe the system. If he had gotten away, he’d do something stupid again.
Interesting parallels between McNulty and Frank Sobotka. Both were unable to help those around them through proper channels and had to resort to breaking the rules. At least McNulty was protected by bureaucracy and didn't suffer the same fate as Frank.
I love the scene where the profiler sums up the "killer," and he accurately describes McNaulty.
The final few episodes had so many great lines. Rawls just killed me with his opening!
Ill be perfectlt honest; i was expecting another "this are for you McNulty"
+TheJaviferrol Oh, I think we're way past Rawls giddily sodomizing McNulty.
"you're not killing them yourself Mcnulty at least assure me of that" lol
The fact which gave this scene so much tension is SO MANY people have been beaten brutally by police in this room, and I don't think Daniels would stop Rawls from kicking Jimmy within an inch of his life. Hell, he might join in.
When you're berated by Rawls, you better don't talk back. Or Cedric will burn your soul with his stare.
The dynamic between McNulty and Daniels is so interesting. Both have their share of dirt, but theyre like chaotic good vs lawful good. Daniels was insubordinate by being lawful, refusing to juke the stats. McNulty will bend for his idea of the greater good by any means necessary.
What some seem to miss is Daniels holier-than-thou act. He's always about being straight, not overstepping the rules, yet from the beginning his superiors always had leverage over him. So at least he was crooked at some point. Yet he judges others like he got a white and untainted vest.
He was young and it was his entire unit that he was in at the time. The entire unit was skimming drug money and distributing it among the detectives of that unit. It wasn't like he was actively on the take and he regretted it. It also was 20+ years before the first season.
@@johnnydoeing9133 - You're forgetting Daniels getting Prez out of the shit for partially blinding a kid because he felt like it. The perfect bookend to that, is the kid telling Daniels to go fuck himself when Daniels tries to go all mentor on the kid.
There is no pure evil or pure good in the world. That's the main theme of the show.
@@speedyspooley The best part is Daniels getting Prez, Carver, Herc out of the shit, and then later on Carver writing up his subordinate because of his aggression. Shows the change in Carver.
in the history of television I don't think a character has ever done the wrong things for the right reasons to this effect. Not even Breaking Bad.
0:41 McNulty's face LOL
"what the fuck did I do?!"
"You manufactured a serial killer that made national news"
"Oh yeah"
when i watched this, as soon as the door closed in the interrogation room, i went "oh shit mcnulty. those guys do NOT like you."
I love how and where they stand in that room! It's a little thing, but really brings the scene together.
I'd like to think "Oh, it's just Daniels, great, no Rawls even," Then they open the door and there's Rawls and McNulty just goes "oooh, shit".
"Fuckin McNulty's gonna be walking a footpost in the Western." Lololllll