Spear Revenant First Impressions - Guild Wars 2

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @demetriuswilliams4271
    @demetriuswilliams4271 2 месяца назад +23

    First the scepter now the spear 🥲

    • @Erik1495
      @Erik1495 2 месяца назад +1

      Havent played much soto, what's wrong with scepter? It seems cool to me

    • @spudzie9117
      @spudzie9117  2 месяца назад +2

      @@Erik1495only useable as a support in PvE. Ally targeting clunkiness. Skill 2 requires LoS throughout the entire duration. 600 range weapon with a weird radius.

    • @sanguin3
      @sanguin3 2 месяца назад +2

      @@Erik1495 That weapon was very likely designed with Heal Renegade in mind. Beside the tiny amount of barrier, it brings absolutely nothing new to Heal Herald and feels really clunky to use.

    • @xoawolf
      @xoawolf 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@Erik1495There is nothing of significance that it brings to the Rev tool kit. It's another melee support weapon, that is awkward to use. If it was properly ranged instead of giving us yet another sword, then it would have been a good addition. Not to mention the points others have brought up. It's stupid clunky.
      It looks kool tho I guess, thats bout it...

    • @Beldraen
      @Beldraen 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Erik1495 It is very situational as a high-defense weapon. You're only valuable if you're hitting something, which means always being in melee range with a target to hit. Heal vindicator scepter/shield is neigh killable where you're willing to absorb the damage and not be concerned with dealing CC. Pretty much everywhere else staff is straight up better. The linking mechanic is tedious for enemies. It just annoyingly difficult for players. I'd use it more if the link was permanent to a player until I switched it to another or the player got out of range.

  • @angesombre9804
    @angesombre9804 2 месяца назад +9

    You've summed up what I've also said on the ultra-slow weapon forum, even in PvE the mobs have time to circle the map 3 times, the damage doesn't seem to be crazy even on Skill 5 and the others aren't any better either. While the other classes did much more damage in the stream, the revenant didn't exceed 1k, I don't know the stuff, but on the other classes, the damage was much higher. It's still hard to believe that the revenant is only entitled to this.
    And I'm of the same opinion as you for the competitive mode, which will never be played in its current state, even if you're frosted or slowed down, you have time to avoid all the attacks, it's so predictable. I even wondered during the stream if the speed had been reduced.
    The scepter's already a mess, so the spear's a mess now.
    Anyway, thanks for your video :).

  • @TheImmenseFence
    @TheImmenseFence Месяц назад +1

    The animations genuinely look like they're in slow mo. Wouldn't be surprised if the animators animated them at normal speed, and then the balance team came in and tweaked them to fit the cast times. Also watch at 1.5x speed and it looks normal, so 100% they slowed the animations by that amount lol.

  • @forsgn
    @forsgn 2 месяца назад +3

    Sort of expected this to be the 1200 range condi weapon we are missing. I doubt it will happen, but it really does need to go back to the drawing board. Maybe remove the hybrid damage aspect of it, make it 1200 range and add more damaging condis. But then I am not sure how the dash/mine skill fits with that sort of weapon, the dash also needs to be increased in range and maybe space the mines out more if they are going to leave it as is.

    • @manslaughterinc.9135
      @manslaughterinc.9135 2 месяца назад

      Man, if this was 1200 with instant cast ground target, it would basically be necro staff. That would be a nice addition to the rev arsenal.

  • @asatsuki9250
    @asatsuki9250 2 месяца назад +5

    yeah i agree with you, right now i run shortbow with staff, and sit in shortbow the whole time and only switch to staff when i need to stall for energy or cooldowns. if spear could be like the more offensive condi version of staff, that would make me consider it (kinda like sword vs staff for power rev).
    for sure spear 3 would need to have an evade that lasts as long as sword 3 or hammer 3, or at least dash a much further distance. this is me speaking from a pvp or roaming perspective. the way it is now, this weapon is not going to land anything with 600 range and 1 second cast time.
    however as a zerging weapon, which is what i assume it is designed to be, this has potential to be really good. there, shortbow is almost useless because of projectile hate, so you basically have to go power with hammer to do range damage. the current condi meta in zerging is extremely unfun to play around, but probably what the devs want (who i never see roaming, they always do big zerg groups).
    if i were to guess, their intention with spear is to allow rev to join in on this condi meta, and their attempt to balance this is to only have torment as the damaging condi. otherwise the cover condis would turn the toxic zerg condi meta even more toxic.
    the skills being slow would be easily solved by throwing a vindi scavenger burst into the zerg for a long quickness buff. so they probably balanced this around the assumption that you would have quickness

  • @venny1689
    @venny1689 2 месяца назад +3

    Considering it only has one damaging condi, honestly, might as well just remove the torment and make it a pure power weapon. The bread and butter skill being on skill 5 AND ground targetted will also make this incredibly unergonomic to use. Assuming the default controls, which a lot of people use, you most likely have to let go of the D key to reach over to 5, which heavily impairs your movement. Now, normally this isn't much of an issue on other weapons / classes since a quick dip is usually not an issue, but considering the mechanics of this skill, it means your finger is gonna be on that key a lot, severely limiting your ability to strafe correctly. One of the reasons most spammable skills are usually on the 2 and 3 keys is that they're easier to reach with the same finger you use for forward movement, which can be covered by either autorunning or holding both mouse buttons.

  • @SteffenSpanknebel108
    @SteffenSpanknebel108 2 месяца назад +2

    I'm totally with you. Now we have Mace/Axe and Shortbow for condition damage Revenants. Both weaponsets have pure condition damage with 3 damaging conditions, chill or slow and cc. Spear really need to be a weapon with some defense. And definitely faster actions.

  • @xoawolf
    @xoawolf 2 месяца назад +6

    Alot of people including yourself bring up points I agree with: slow, clunky, underwhelming, limited range.
    I really don't get why it's 600 range and not 1200. Revs dont have many ranged options to begin with. And while we don't know the scaling, it should have good power scaling too, to open up options for players.
    Scepter 2.0.

  • @Seishou90
    @Seishou90 2 месяца назад +2

    I watched the stream in 1.25 speed... kind of funny that I didn't notice the slow part because of that😂

  • @Pauete007
    @Pauete007 2 месяца назад +2

    I've got to agree, it's specially weird that spear has only torment. I kind of wish they gave it some bleeding or even confusion to make it a bit more different. Heck, they could even give it random damaging conditions on 5 to increase the number of cover conditions it provides for pvp (if you are able to hit someone)

    • @LocalAnonOnTheInternet
      @LocalAnonOnTheInternet 2 месяца назад +2

      They could give it Trident properties where the conditions are based on your current Legend.

  • @gratad535
    @gratad535 2 месяца назад +2

    My problem with rev spear is that it looks like it will only be usable on pve bosses while you have a team that covers all defense for you. and even then it doesn't give you anything. every spell looks like you either already have a skill that does basically the same (but faster) in a max cdps setup, or you will ignore it because it is not worth using it over better ones.
    skill 1 is just a bad ranged kinda ranged auto attack, but too short range to actually be used for any ranged mechanics
    skill 2 is just a pure damage skill
    skill 3 is similar to Mace 2 in the damaged part and in the only case where i see the weapon as usable the dash into the enemy to deal damage is more of a hindrance than anything else
    skill 4 is Axe 5 but worse
    skill 5 is another pure damage skill with a reset mechanic for some reason (i guess it might be useful to prock Mallyx elite passive but also you already do that with every other skill just fine)
    so the only way how it could be useful is if it deals insane amounts of damage which it doesn't look like either.
    so tl;dr rev spear so far looks like Skills Rev already has but worse and more complicated

  • @DanielSan161
    @DanielSan161 2 месяца назад

    So happy that you did this video. Maybe we have luck and they change something to make it usable. keep going ❤

  • @dakripaez1254
    @dakripaez1254 2 месяца назад

    im sad but agree.. i have almost all legendary armor for my rwevenant, and spar concept is my favourite, i was TOTALLY escited about it, and now im so sad, im even thinking on move to mesmer as main.

  • @jam7661
    @jam7661 Месяц назад

    crazy how the weapons designed 15 years ago function better than the new ones

  • @luca7675
    @luca7675 2 месяца назад +1

    I think it would be cool if the dodge from the staff would be a proper immunity frame. That would really help with a lot of endgame fights as a Utility option. Depending on the dps it could be used instead of mace or shortbow on condi quickness herald.
    Also the animations being slow doesnt matter for pve because bosses dont really move much. The dps just needs to be high enough.

  • @HydlideS
    @HydlideS 2 месяца назад +2

    Really disappointed it's ranged. I know I'm being selfish but I was looking forward to being a "true Dragoon" for my Vindicator. /sigh

  • @user-kg2wn5ji8b
    @user-kg2wn5ji8b 2 месяца назад +4

    So sad, but skill animation is very cool😢

  • @Justaguywithglassesok
    @Justaguywithglassesok 2 месяца назад

    i actually love the damage spear 3 gives,the evade, slow+chill on mines etc ( i did 13k to someone with a well placed spear 3 btw) i mainly use spear 4 for the dark aura leap combo since its stupidly easy to avoid even if you place the circle in the middle of them
    spear 2 is actual horseshit
    spear 5? no way in hell you're gonna get 5 stacks in a roaming scenario, heck even if they made it 3 stacks it would be impossible unless they had a pet and were pretty bad
    they should make spear 5 require 1 hit in pvp/wvw tbh, and make spear 2 be able to be cast with your back turned.

  • @Buran01
    @Buran01 2 месяца назад

    I've used the scepter for like 40 minutes in rhe game since the release. I truly remorse having crafted Metheorologicus, despite the cost was like 250 gold coins given the precursor chest.
    This new "weapon" makes very easy the choice of not purchasing the expansion (SotO was also the first expansion I didn't purchase at release). Congrats to CmC for saving me meney...

  • @MInorek5
    @MInorek5 22 дня назад

    It's literally the best spear class rn

  • @drios8809
    @drios8809 2 месяца назад

    Rev spear has too long cast time on skill 1,2,4,5. It could use more conditions like vulnerability on autos together with the torments each auto. Some weakness conditions + burn conditions on the abilties too.
    And lower energy cost on them all, because skill 5 will be used a lot/draining.
    Longer/further evade on skill 3 giving more orbs then.
    Some larger radius, should atleast be 240 and not 180 on some.
    Idk about 900 range needed if these above all get done. Because then it would already function a lot better and think 900 is unneeded then

  • @exeggcutertimur6091
    @exeggcutertimur6091 2 месяца назад

    Ok, real talk: if it has haymaker level damage, it will AMAZING at targeting people who cant shoot back, like on the ceiling, like grenades or mortars.

  • @coldwind8327
    @coldwind8327 2 месяца назад +1

    This made me sad so much.

  • @spyrelionsol7683
    @spyrelionsol7683 2 месяца назад

    Just make the damn weapon Power based and x2 of speed, it's literally the only thing that Revs need.

  • @renandutra7564
    @renandutra7564 2 месяца назад

    And they didn't fixed the scepter before launch this.

  • @Mallisun
    @Mallisun 2 месяца назад +5

    I KNEW IT....the minute they said it....and watching the video today, I'm sorry I was not impressed, and all I watched was mesmer....very flashy no substance. Thanks Spudsy 🥰

  • @Hasarian-
    @Hasarian- 2 месяца назад

    Well the weapon has identity, clearly it's not the exact same weapon as another.
    It's just trying to squeeze into an already existing niche.
    For the slowness I just don't understand. The weapon has no defensive, no cover condi, and little dash that could very well be covered by swiftness... and the cast time of the 5fth skill is still 5 times to cast of necromancer wells ? More than 2 times the cast time of nigthfall? The damage better be enormous, or I just don't see any reason to play the weapon

  • @YasaiTsume
    @YasaiTsume 2 месяца назад +2

    I'd rather Anet just deleted my class from the game.

  • @vanhohenheim9083
    @vanhohenheim9083 2 месяца назад

    To sum up: the weapon is slow, it has slow animations, it is slow and has slow animations, it only has torment, it is slow, it has slow animations, it animations has slow , has it animations slow, and it also has slow animations because it is slow...
    One accusation repeated for 8 minutes just for monetization to occur? I see no other reason or purpose in this monologue...
    Good, nice but slow animations can be sped up. A small number of conditions can be increased. The time I wasted listening to complaints about slow animations cannot be taken back.

  • @maxu4615
    @maxu4615 2 месяца назад +4

    Anet doesn't have the balls to give rev a good weapon lol

  • @GreyFox474
    @GreyFox474 2 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for this. I saw the trailers and thought maybe its worth installing again, but... no, not yet. Maybe this weapon gets good after a year or two, like the shortbow.

  • @savilene9773
    @savilene9773 2 месяца назад

    Every single ability needs to be like 50% quicker. There shouldn't be anything that takes 1s to go off, especially not the damn autos. Like what even is this? Why do they think this is viable in any way?

  • @nautilaz
    @nautilaz 2 месяца назад

    After playing the beta I think the main problem is the dash skill 3. It's very short, and the mines it leaves behind are too far offset behind, most likely not affecting the enemy you are running through or from. It also lacks a true revenant style, flashing in from the mists, like skill 3 sword. The spear is a good mid range weapon, and has a good synergy with a vindicator, but that's about it. The damage is awful compared to the other 8 spear classes. Though the graphics are ok, its a little heavy handed with the red and black theme, no other weapons have this theme.

  • @bigmike9486
    @bigmike9486 2 месяца назад +1

    Basically it's like a ranged greatsword

  • @virusx6233
    @virusx6233 2 месяца назад

    I send this Video to cmc dont worry bud

    • @synapse913
      @synapse913 2 месяца назад

      Why, so the putz can increase the torment stacks and energy cost?

    • @virusx6233
      @virusx6233 2 месяца назад

      @@synapse913 yes haha

  • @mateusznawrot8941
    @mateusznawrot8941 2 месяца назад +1

    just quit the game bro

  • @cio1789
    @cio1789 2 месяца назад +1

    looks really bad

  • @bw1399
    @bw1399 2 месяца назад +1

    Haha it was a good time to quit the game after all!

  • @tadeasprikryl2407
    @tadeasprikryl2407 Месяц назад

    Too much black... too much useless thing :/ bad

  • @katesmiles4208
    @katesmiles4208 2 месяца назад +3

    Im glad i have left the game. Same rubbish designs just with different graphics.

    • @synapse913
      @synapse913 2 месяца назад +3

      I'm getting really close to quitting as well.
      I quit PVE for good because of SOTO's dogshit design. ANET has learned nothing, and they can't keep me interested in it. All I do now is WvW and Cal and Roy seem bound and determined to kill that game mode.
      If you're a WvW player, land spears are the entire selling point of the expansion and *this* is what they come up with? lol.

    • @spudzie9117
      @spudzie9117  2 месяца назад +6

      @@synapse913 The reason I took a long break recently was because of my disappointment with the scepter, and SoTo as a whole.

    • @mateusznawrot8941
      @mateusznawrot8941 2 месяца назад

      @@synapse913 So just quit.

    • @synapse913
      @synapse913 2 месяца назад

      @@spudzie9117 And that's another thing that concerns me about this spear. They know we hate rev scepter(and plenty have outlined to them why it's a lousy weapon), and it's still pretty much in the state that it was on release.
      I'm holding on to a sliver of hope, but I don't think the spear beta is going to produce improvements to this joke of a weapon.